News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
December 24, 2017
Verse of the Week:
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. Psalm 89:1
Now sing we, now rejoice, Now raise to heaven our voice; He from whom joy streameth Poor in a manger lies; Not so brightly beameth The sun in yonder skies. Thou my Savior art! Thou my Savior art! Come from on high to me; I cannot rise to Thee Cheer my wearied spirit, O pure and holy Child; Through Thy grace and merit, Blest Jesus, Lord most mild, Draw me unto Thee! Draw me unto Thee! Now through His Son doth shine The Father's grace divine. Death o'er us had reigned Through sin and vanity; He for us obtained Eternal joy on high. May we praise Him there! May we praise Him there! Oh, where shall joy be found? Where but on heavenly ground? Where the angels singing With all His saints unite, Sweetest praises bringing In heavenly joy and light. Oh, that we were there! Oh, that we were there!
Christmas Services Christmas Eve Services Sunday, December 24 Sunday morning worship, 9:00 am Candlelight Service, 7:00 pm
Christmas Day Service Monday, December 25, 9:00 am
New Portals of Prayer Available! Be sure to pick up your copy for January – March, 2018 Christmas Prayer from the current edition: Thank you, Lord, for bringing to mind the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. May the celebration of His birth kindle afresh a desire to follow You closely and with great joy. May this one born the Prince of Peace make peace for us for all. You alone are worthy of our praise this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Holiday Schedule for Bible Study and Sunday School There will be no Sunday Morning Bible Study or Sunday School on December 24 or 31. Classes will resume on January 7. (Also, no coffee or donuts on these dates.) Pastor Hahn will lead a Christmas Service at Eagan Pointe on December 26 at 10:00 am, but there will not be a Bible Study. On January 2, Eagan Pointe Bible Study will resume at 9:00 am, and Pastor Hahn will lead worship at 10:00.
A Reminder of Some Preschool Needs Scholarships Needed – As you anticipate the end of the year, we would just like to remind congregational members that the preschool is in need of scholarship monies for families facing financial hardship. If you feel the Lord leading you in this way, we would really appreciate it. Thank you! Preschool Board Members Needed – Our preschool board currently has only one member, our chairman Sandi Hansen. We could really use at least 2 more people who would be willing to serve on this board. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, please contact me at Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Pictures wanted! Do you have any pictures to share of recent special activities at church, especially at Christmas? Please send copies to the church office so we can share them! ( )
Annual Reports needed soon! Annual Reports from Board and Organization Chairpersons should be submitted by January 15. Thanks for your help!
A new flower chart has been posted for 2018. Be sure to sign up to remember a special day or person. Call the church office (651-454-4091) or Mary Lou Adelmann (651-454-1446) if you don’t have a chance to sign up at church.
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.
Our Gifts to the Lord December 16,17 General Fund Dec 11-15 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $4546.25 $1010.00 $5556.25
Advent, December 13 Saturday, December 16 Sunday, December 17 Total (weekend)
50 20 92 112
This is the last Sunday to order these Special Paintings and Prints in honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Gifted CLC member Larry Landis is making two of his art works available, either as a canvas or a print. The proceeds from these sales will be donated to the CLC organ fund. The two paintings available are: “The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ “
There is a full color brochure concerning ordering these art works, with interesting detail about how they were painted and more details about the art work you would be ordering. It is on the table in the narthex or one will be mailed to you if you contact the church office. Below is the cost without shipping: “The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ” Canvas (15” x 21”) $125 Print (10” x 14”) $25 “Gethsemane” Canvas (15” x 18”) $125 Print (12” x 14”) $25 This is a rare opportunity to have some beautiful art work for you or to give as a gift and also support the church.