Feb 12 News and Announcements

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan

February 12, 2017

Verse of the Week:

Seek where you may To find a way That leads to your salvation. My heart is stilled, On Christ I build, He is the one foundation. His Word is sure, His works endure; He overthrows All evil foes; Through Him I more than conquer. Seek whom you may To be your stay, None can redeem his brother. All helpers failed; This man prevailed, The God-man and none other, Our Servant-King Of whom we sing. We’re justified Because He died, The guilty being guiltless. Seek Him alone Who did atone, Who did your souls deliver. O seek Him first, All you who thirst For grace that fails you never. In ev’ry need Seek Him indeed; To ev’ry heart He will impart His blessings without measure. My heart’s delight, My crown most bright, O Christ, my joy forever. Not wealth nor pride Nor fortune’s tide Our bonds of love shall sever. You are my Lord; Your precious Word Shall guide my way And help me stay Forever in Your presence. LSB 557; Text: © 1941 Concordia Publishing House Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

Pastor's Sunday Morning Bible Study - 10:30-11:15 "7 Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible" Based on the Book written by Jonathan Fisk 1. Never follow a rule that follows your liver, your heart, your pancreas, or any other bodily organ that could conceivably have its mind changed by the shifting of the wind. 2. Never follow a rule that wasn't written in stone a very, very long time ago (doubly so if the grass is always greener on the other side because it's made of plastic). 3. Never follow a rule because it makes sense (especially if it promises to work because it makes sense [and especially, especially if it either contains the words "spirit-led" or can be entirely explained by a petri dish full of midi-chlorians]). 4. Never follow a rule because it benefits you now (and if it mentions "abundance," run screaming from the room). 5. Never follow a rule that has to start over (again and again... and again...) again. 6. Never follow a rule that doesn't like rules. 7. Never follow a rule in order to justify yourself. Seriously.

The CLC Youth thank you for your support of their recent “Take and Bake Pizza� Fundraiser. They made over $700 for their summer Servant Event thanks to your participation!

Preschool Accreditation Update: The accreditation process is going well. So far 5 out of the 7 standard committees have met and completed their work. I am working on typing up the comments and finishing collecting the documentation required for each standard. Soon I will begin sending the completed standards to my accreditation coach for final approval. Thank you to everyone who is helping with this process, either through committees and/or prayers. God is good! (Michele Lukanen, Preschool Director)

Eagan Community Connections is Saturday, March 4, from 12-4 pm at the Eagan Community Center. This event is in place of the Streets Alive event that is held everyother-year. Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool will once again have a booth at the event. If you are able and willing to help man the booth that day, please contact Michele Lukanen.

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! MID-WINTER'S RENAISSANCE CONCERT AND FAIRE Sunday, February 12th, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon Music by an accomplished pianist and others CRAFTS: Faux Stained Glass - Candle Dipping - Spinners FOOD: Meat Pies - Fruit Pies - Chicken Legs - Hot Dogs – Funnel Cakes - Caramel Apples GAMES: Chicken Toss (Feed The Dragon) - Ring Toss - Fishing - Pillow Jousting Contestants are needed for The Royal Horse Race! Join the fun of the May Pole Dance! Please come and support the need and have some warm, family bonding, friendship forming, fun and fellowship on a quiet winter Sunday afternoon. Pass the word around! Your attendance is strongly encouraged and appreciated! Bring the family, kids, grandkids, great grandkids, neighbors, nieces, nephews, etc. Have a party!!!

Tickets will be available for pre-sale after the services. $20 packages will include 3 free tickets for games. Tickets will also be available during the event. This is a fundraiser, and all funds will be going to the Organ Fund. Sponsored by Christ Board of Worship

Transportation Needed – A CLC couple needs help getting from Eagan to Farmington and back once a week. A larger car or van is necessary. Please contact the church office if you can help. (651-454-4091)

Our Gifts to the Lord Feb 4/5 General Fund Jan 30-Feb 3 Joyful Response Total

Attendance $4225.50 $ 745.00 $4970.50

Saturday Feb 4, 5:00pm Sunday, Feb 5, 9:00pm Anyuak, 2:00pm Total

24 94 N/A 118

Preschool Open House and Family Fun Night! Wednesday Feb. 15 , 6:00-7:30 pm Games Crafts Activities Stories Refreshments FUN!!

Invite anyone you know who has a preschooler! Learn about the great things happening at CLC Preschool!

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