Feb 26 News & Announcements

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan

February 26, 2017

Verse of the Week: 2 Peter 1:20-21 Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

God has spoken by His prophets, Spoken His unchanging Word; Each from age to age proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord. In the world’s despair and turmoil, One firm anchor holds us fast: God is king, His throne eternal; God the first, and God the last. God has spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ, the everlasting Son, Brightness of the Father’s glory, With the Father ever one; Spoken by the Word Incarnate, God of God, before time was; Light of Light, to earth descending, He reveals our God to us. God is speaking by His Spirit, Speaking to our hearts again, In the ageless Word declaring His own message, now as then. Through the rise and fall of nations One sure faith yet standing fast; God abides, His Word unchanging; God the first, and God the last. LSB 583; Text: © 1953, renewed 1981 The Hymn Society Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578.; admin. Hope Publishing Co. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets Sunday, right after coffee and donuts fellowship, about 10:30. In Exodus 24 God invited Moses and the elders of Israel to climb a mountain. In Matt. 17 Jesus invited Peter, James, and John to climb a mountain. Today we are invited to climb a mountain. Join us in the fellowship hall.

Ash Wednesday Supper before church service on March 1st Time: 5:00 – 6:30pm Menu: Delicious Baked Ziti Freewill offering to cover costs. (Please note that this will be the only Lenten supper we are having this year.) Eagan Community Connections is Saturday, March 4, from 12-4 pm at the Eagan Community Center. This event is in place of the Streets Alive event that is held everyother-year. Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool will once again have a booth at the event. If you are able and willing to help man the booth that day, please contact Michele Lukanen.


Once again, Lutheran Indian Ministries have a great devotional booklet available for the Lenten season. Be sure to pick one up from the table in the Narthex to strengthen your walk with Jesus throughout the 40 days of Lent this year.

Transportation Needed – A CLC couple needs help getting from Eagan to Farmington and back once a week. A larger car or van is necessary. Please contact the church office if you can help. (651-454-4091)

Our Gifts to the Lord Feb 18/19 General Fund Feb 13-16 Joyful Response Total

Attendance $3391.50 $1235.00 $4626.50

Saturday Feb 18, 5:00pm Sunday, Feb 19, 9:00pm Anyuak, 2:00pm Total

20 101 N/A 121

Time to sign up for Easter Flowers!

Lilies $8.00

Tulips $8.00

Chrysanthemums $8.00

Hydrangeas $15.00

See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. Last day to order is April 2.

Special services and events at Christ Lutheran during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Saturday evening non-traditional worship – 5:00 pm Sunday morning traditional worship – 9:00 am Ash Wednesday supper – 5:00-6:30 pm Wednesday Lenten services – 7:00 pm (beginning March 1) Each service in the series reveals in some way how Christ and His cross lead us to decide the path of God’s will in our many crossroads in life. Easter Cantata – Saturday, April 8 – 5:00 pm Palm Sunday breakfast – Sunday, April 9 – 10:00 am Holy Thursday Service – Thursday, April 13 – 7:00 pm Good Friday Service – Friday, April 14 – 7:00 pm Easter Services – Sunday, April 16 – 9:00 am Pick up postcards about these services and events in the narthex to share with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers!

Moving from the mountaintop of Transifiguration to the quiet reflection of Lent is quite a change. As we begin the journey of looking at the crossroads in our lives and how the Lord is with us and leads us, you may find this poem contemplative.

Lenten Poem Lent is a time to take time to let the power of our faith story take hold of us, a time to let the events get up and walk around in us, a time to intensify our living unto Christ, a time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts, a time to place our feet in the streets of Jerusalem or to walk along the sea and listen to his Word, a time to touch his robe and feel the healing surge through us, a time to ponder and a time to wonder…. Lent is a time to allow a fresh new taste of God! Perhaps we’re afraid to have time to think, for thoughts come unbidden. Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future knowing our past. Give us courage, O God, to hear your Word and to read our living into it. Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven and give us the faith to take up our lives and walk. Written by Ann Weems

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