News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
January 15, 2017
Verse of the Week:
Your only Son, no sin to hide, But You have sent Him from Your side To walk upon this guilty sod, And to become the Lamb of God. O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, I love the holy Lamb of God! O wash me in His precious blood, My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. I was so lost, I should have died, But You have brought me to Your side To be led by Your staff and rod, And to be called a lamb of God. O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, I love the holy Lamb of God! O wash me in His precious blood, My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. LSB 550 Text (sts. 1, ref, 2–3) and Music: © 1985 Straightway Music Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578.; admin. EMI Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
CLC Youth Super Bowl “Take & Bake” Pizza Fundraiser! Youth will be handing out order forms on Sunday morning for cheese, pepperoni, sausage – plus apple and blueberry dessert pizzas! Pick-Up on Sunday, February 5th, 12-2pm Profits will be used to help CLC Youth participate in this summer’s Youth Servant Event at Lutheran Island Camp. Annual Voters’ Meeting – Sunday, January 22, at 11:15am (after Bible Class). Officers and Boards will present their annual reports.
Pick up your 2017 Offering Envelopes on the table in the Narthex! You may have a different number this year, so please do not use older envelopes after the New Year.
Today’s Adult Bible Class will look at today's Gospel lesson from John 1. Join us in the Fellowship Hall after coffee & donuts, about 10:30. Our series on "Seven Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible" will resume next Sunday. Phone number correction: The phone number in the 2013 church directory for the Michele Lukanen is incorrect. Her correct number is 651-340-7977. Ring Found: Slightly damaged women’s ring with one opal. Another stone is missing. Please check in the office.
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! We at Christ Lutheran, by the Board of Worship, are planning a miniature Renaissance Concert and Faire on Sunday, February 12 from 2 - 5pm. If you would be interested in volunteering your time for this exciting day, please contact Kelly Callahan at There will be games, crafts, food and entertainment.
FABRIC NEEDED: Bright colored cotton fabrics are needed for a church project. The cloth will be cut into 2-4 inch strips. If you have fabrics simply taking up space in your rooms, consider donating it to the church. Please leave your fabrics in the church office. Thank you!
The New Flower Chart for 2017 has been posted on the bulletin board. Be sure to sign up to remember a special day or event – or just because you like flowers in the church! Thank you to the following who “undecorated” the church and put the lovely Christmas decorations away: Tonia & Tom Gustafson, Don Roemhildt, Ken Ische, Earl Breuer, Mark Bonewell, Renee Eichten, Janet Linkert, and Dave Hogland.
Join the CLC Greeters Team! Share your Smile, Handshake and Good Morning to visitors and members as they enter our doors on Sunday morning or Saturday evening. Greeters are scheduled on a rotating basis, and we are flexible if you can’t make a Sunday or Saturday that you are scheduled. You can serve as a family, couple, or single. If you are READY and WILLING to VOLUNTEER in this VERY IMPORTANT WAY OF SERVICE TO OUR LORD AND OUR CONGREGATION please contact Joyce Swedean either by phone (651-688-8245), email ( ), or at church.
New Church Directory Note from the church office: We would like to print a new church directory without pictures, so we need any updated information and/or corrections from the 2013 Directory. If you have already given this information to the church, we appreciate it, but if you think you might have any changes that we don’t have, please let us know. This includes grown children and others you know who might have moved away from this area. We also would like to get as many emails as possible to expand our list who get News and Announcements in that way. You can send information to Rhoda at or call the office (651-4544091) between 9 and 3 on weekdays. You can also leave a note in the office when you come to church. The directory will only be in print and not online, so your information will not be shared electronically. Hopefully this will help improve communication here at Christ Lutheran. Thanks for your help!
National Lutheran School Accreditation The current issue of Lutherans Engage magazine has a great article about the value of being an accredited Lutheran School. Check it out at . Christ Lutheran Preschool has begun the process of becoming accredited through the LCMS. This will help us to become Parent Aware rated, which is an early childhood rating system that is gaining strength in Minnesota. It is the goal of the Minnesota South District to have all LCMS preschools and schools accredited. We need your help with this process. There are seven standards that must be assessed. It would be best to form seven committees, with each committee only having to focus on one standard. The standards are: -
Statements Administration Teacher/Child Relations Indoor/Outdoor Environment and Health and
- Relationships - Personnel - Curriculum Safety
The time commitment will be minimal. They would get together 1-3 times to go over the standards and make the necessary comments. If a committee is able to complete the work in 1 meeting, great! However, it may take a couple more to finish the work. If you are willing to serve on a committee, or would like to see the work before committing, please contact Michele Lukanen by phone (651-454-4091), email (, or in person. Thank you!
Our Gifts to the Lord Jan 7/8 General Fund Jan 3-6 Joyful Response Total
$3566.50 $ 745.00 $4311.50
Attendance Saturday Jan 7, 5:00pm Sunday, Jan 8, 9:00pm Anyuak, 2:00pm Total
30 106 N/A 136
From the Minnesota South District Office: Night to Shine! There will be a special prom night for people with special needs, ages 14 and up, at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington, on Friday, Feb. 10, from 6-9 pm. If you know of an organization or an individual who would be interested in attending, please share this information with them. “One of our favorite parts of Night to Shine is when our honored guests arrive and begin to experience the royal treatment. From hair and makeup stations, to shoe shines, to walking the red carpet to the cheers of the crowd, the night is all about them.” If you would like to help with this event, there are a variety of needs and ways you can use your specific gifts. Please check out: to register or to sign up a friend with special needs. We especially need someone to work in the respite room (a quiet place). Instructions are provided. Please contact Sue Timmerman at St. Michael’s for more information:
LERT Training at St. Martin's, Winona Disasters throughout our United States and world are escalating each year. More than ever, floods, tornados, and hurricanes are ripping through our communities leaving unprecedented devastation in their wake. Often the church has been the mainstay, a stapled presence of help in these communities even before governmental agencies arrive. St. Martin’s Lutheran Church of Winona, MN. 328 East Broadway (507-452-6928 x 107) is hosting a one-day training seminar to better equip the church in response to these disasters on Saturday, February 25th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in its Church Fellowship Hall. LERT or our LC-MS Lutheran Emergency Response Training team from St. Louis will train and certify all LC-MS participants. We would like to invite people in your congregation to participate. The cost is $10.00 per person for materials. You may bring your own lunch or order a sandwich at the registration table on February 25th from an Erbert’s and Gerbert’s menu. Simply email: or call, 507-452-6928 x 100 to pre-register by February 17th.
LCEF Positions Open The new LCEF Central Region office, located in the Twin Cities metro area, is seeking candidates for the positions of Regional Marketing Manager, and Regional Administrative Coordinator. These are new positions serving in the newly formed Central Region offices of LCEF, and will serve the marketing and administrative needs of multiple LCEF district programs. For more information, see the Minnesota South District website ( ).