News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
January 28, 2017
Verse of the Week:
My soul rejoices, My spirit voices— Sing the greatness of the Lord! For God my Savior Has shown me favor— Sing the greatness of the Lord! With praise and blessing, Join in confessing God, who is solely Mighty and holy— O sing the greatness of God the Lord! His mercy surely Shall rest securely On all who fear Him, Love and revere Him— O sing the greatness of God the Lord! LSB 933: © 1991 Stephen P. Starke; admin. Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100012578.
God commands that we respect our neighbor's things. This coming Sunday the students will meet a man named Achan whom the devil tempts to take what doesn't belong to him. We will once again be reminded that God forgives us when we are tempted to take what is not ours and also strengthens us to respect our neighbor.
Sunday is the Last Day for Orders! CLC Youth Super Bowl “Take & Bake” Pizza Fundraiser It’s that time again! Time to order your pizzas for Super Bowl Sunday, February 4th. You order now, and then pick them up between 12-2 on that date. See the Youth in the Narthex for order forms. These were a big hit last year, so don’t miss out. Deadline to order in January 28th. Pizzas available: Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage, Pepperoni & Sausage, Apple Dessert, Blueberry Dessert Cost: 1 for $12, 2 for $22, 3 for $30. (Checks payable to CLC Youth) Pizzas are 16-inch (Family size)
Meal and Silent Auction! Ash Wednesday, February 14 Menu: Maid Rite Sandwiches, Ambrosia Salad, Potato Chips (Freewill offering) Time: Meal will run from 5:45 to 6:30; Silent Auction will run from 5:30 to 6:45 We will be auctioning off some items from the Emmilee Dennison estate – list to follow in a couple of weeks. These are the nicer items that people may be interested in. All the proceeds will go to the CLC Endowment Fund that is being established. After the service, people will be able to go to the fellowship all to pick up their items that they have won or make arrangements to pick up larger items that will have pictures and descriptions.
Two Lectures at Concordia University! Living as a Christian, Wittenberg Style: Reformation Heritage Lecture The Rev. Dr. Robert Kolb, world-renowned scholar of the Reformation, will discuss one of the most powerful changes rendered during the time of Martin Luther: Redefining what it means to live as a Christian and its impact for today. This lecture will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 8, in the Graebner Memorial Chapel at Concordia University, St. Paul. The event is free and open to the public.
Conversations on Faith and Life: Spring 2018 Hoffmann Lecture Rev. James Wetzstein, LCMS campus pastor at Valparaiso University, will deliver this year’s Hoffmann Lecture, "The Provisional Nature of Truth,� at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20. The event is free and open to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. The event will be held at the Buetow Music Auditorium at Concordia University, St. Paul.
Hymns of Reformation Organ Recital Sunday, February 18, 3:30 pm Concordia University, Buetow Music Center Auditorium Featuring Jacquelyn Magnuson and Sara Sorenson
Our Gifts to the Lord Jan 20,21 General Fund Jan 15-19 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $2577.00 $ 825.00 $3402.00
Saturday, Jan 20 Sunday, Jan 21 Total
14 72 86
Voters Meeting Agenda – January 28, 2018 Call meeting to order Prayer/Devotion Approval of agenda Past Meeting Minutes review and approval Recognition of New Members Staff Reports Pastor Hahn (Pastor’s Report, Youth Update) Wendy Ewald (Preschool Report) Officer Reports President – VACANT Vice President – Karra Hartog Treasurer – Dick Swedean Financial Secretary – Dick Bielenberg Board Reports Old Business Vacant Positions New Business Present Annual Report for review 2018 Synod Convention Nomination and vote for: Pastoral Delegate – Pastor Hahn Lay Delegate – Alternate Lay Delegate – Dick and Joyce Swedean have volunteered; others? Vote for additional board members: Larry Landis – Board of Worship Judy Peters – Preschool Board Vote on adding the amendment setting up an endowment committee for CLC Presentation of language and vote to add an amendment setting up an Endowment Committee for CLC. Discussion regarding where this falls in the Bylaws. Constitution Committee – Present and obtain input regarding proposed flowchart that outlines changes to the bylaws structure. Discussion to include any other possible ideas. Adjourn Lord’s Prayer