News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
January 7, 2017
Verse of the Week:
Rise, shine, you people! Christ the Lord has entered Our human story; God in Him is centered. He comes to us, by death and sin surrounded, With grace unbounded. See how He sends the pow’rs of evil reeling; He brings us freedom, light and life and healing. All men and women, who by guilt are driven, Now are forgiven. Come, celebrate, your banners high unfurling, Your songs and prayers against the darkness hurling. To all the world go out and tell the story Of Jesus’ glory. Tell how the Father sent His Son to save us. Tell of the Son, who life and freedom gave us. Tell how the Spirit calls from ev’ry nation His new creation. LSB 825 © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House; admin. Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100012578.
Ready to play Broom Ball on Ice? All Youth (5th grade and older) are invited to Pastor Hahn’s house (13468 Everest Ave, Apple Valley) this Sunday afternoon (Jan 7) at 2:00 pm to play Broom Ball on the pond behind his house. The conditions are just right, plus there will be hot chocolate! Dress warm and prepare to have lots of fun!
CLC Youth Super Bowl “Take & Bake” Pizza Fundraiser It’s that time again! Time to order your pizzas for Super Bowl Sunday, February 4th. You order now, and then pick them up between 12-2 on that date. See the Youth in the Narthex for order forms. These were a big hit last year, so don’t miss out. Deadline to order in January 28th. Pizzas available: Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage, Pepperoni & Sausage, Apple Dessert, Blueberry Dessert Cost: 1 for $12, 2 for $22, 3 for $30. (Checks payable to CLC Youth) Pizzas are 16-inch (Family size)
Our Schedule Resumes Classes resume this week for Sunday School (Preschool through 5th grade) and Youth (6th Grade through 12th grade). The SS lesson this week focuses on God’s command that we learn His Word as we look at the story of Solomon building and dedicating the Temple. Even though God was/is hidden, we know He resides in the Old Testament temple and also in our churches today. The Youth will focus on the subject of "Free Time" and how youth of God handle this time.
Annual Reports needed soon! Annual Reports from Board and Organization Chairpersons should be submitted by January 15. Thanks for your help!
Sunday Morning Bible Study at CLC The Sunday Morning Bible Study, led by Pastor Hahn, will be meeting every Sunday morning in January from 10:30 - 11:15am. In January we will be finishing up the last two lessons on "The Joy of Being A Church Member," and then we will be moving on to a new study. Bible Study is an important discipline in our walk as followers of Christ Jesus. As we enter into 2018, it is with hope that you will add this wonderful opportunity to grow in your faith to your New Year's Resolution list!
Tuesday Morning Bible Study at Eagan Pointe Senior Living Center Every Tuesday Morning in January at 9:00 am Pastor Hahn will be leading a book study that began in December on Beth Moore and Dale McClesky's book "A Heart Like His: Intimate reflections on the life of David". This is less like a study and more like a group discussion on the book. We meet on the first floor hospitality room. Anyone is welcome to attend, members and friends of Christ Lutheran Church and residents of Eagan Point Senior Living Center. Currently we have a good mixture of both but we are missing you. Come and join us.
And now it’s time to put the decorations away! Help pack up the church Christmas decorations on Saturday, January 13, at 9:00 am. We could really use more people to make the work go faster!
More Readers Needed! Please volunteer to take a turn reading Scripture during worship on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings. Contact Sharonlee Strohkirch to serve in this important ministry. (952-431-1865)
A new Flower Chart has been posted for 2018. Be sure to sign up to remember a special date or person. Call the church office (651-454-4091) or Mary Lou Adelmann (651-454-1446) if you don’t have a chance to sign up at church.
Our Gifts to the Lord December 30-31 General Fund Dec 25-29 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $2705.00 $ 260.00 $2965.00
Saturday, Dec 30 Sunday, Dec 31 Total
9 61 70
January 22 March for Life Concordia University St Paul will host a Chapel service on Monday, Jan. 22, beginning at 10:30am, at Graebner Memorial Chapel. Come to worship the Author and Perfecter of Life and pray that people everywhere will uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and turn their hearts toward the children. After chapel, the group will then travel to the Capitol Mall for the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) March For Life which begins at 12:00pm south of the Capitol building. It will be followed by a brief program on the Capitol steps at 12:30. MCCL will introduce its legislative agenda for the upcoming session during the program. Many pro-life elected officials are expected to attend the March and will be introduced to the crowd For further information on the MCCL March For Life or to download the March flyer visit: or contact Pastor James Kroonblawd, MNS District Life Coordinator, at 651-454-7235.