CHRIST’S MESSENGER Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool, Eagan, MN Church and Preschool
Staff Rev. David Hahn Senior Pastor
Rev. Michael Heggen Visitation Pastor
Alex Mezeritski Director of Music
Michele Lukanen Director of Preschool
Julia Bonewell Preschool Teacher
Judy Kaner Preschool Aide
Rhoda Houge Church Secretary
June – July, 2017
FROM THE PASTOR by Pastor Hahn
Remedy Church Christ Lutheran Church has begun their mission support of Remedy Church in Oakdale, MN. This support is through our giving of $1000 a year for 5 years through the Church Incubator Program in which the MN South District is involved. We get to help a new mission church with their ministry! If you want to know some things about Remedy Church just google search "Remedy Church." Below is some information on the Mission Start Pastor, their Worship Leader, and a little bit about who they are as a church and what they do. Hopefully we will be receiving a newsletter from Remedy that we can place in our newsletter to keep you informed on their progress and what we can be praying for. Andy Audette, Pastor at Remedy Church, was born and raised in the Twin Cities area and completed an undergraduate degree in Christian Education at Concordia University in Saint Paul, MN. There he met his wife Katy and they married in 2010. Together they moved to Saint Louis, Missouri as Andy completed his Masters in Divinity at Concordia Seminary which included extensive assessment, education, and training in the area of starting new churches. They are thrilled to follow God's call back to the Saint Paul area to start a new church that will engage people in the way of Jesus.
Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 1930 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55122 Church: 651-454-4091 Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world.
Stan Thompson, worship leader at Remedy Church, is a Twin Cities native and has a bachelor’s degree in Music/Guitar Performance from Concordia University in Saint Paul with a year of music study at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. He has led worship and performed in many churches, schools and coffee shops around the Twin Cities and across the country. Stan and Bev married in 2003, have two sons and are excited to be part of Remedy and follow God’s leading as a family. Remedy Church wants to be a force for good in their community. They believe this happens through service and outreach. They have been doing this by cleaning up the neighborhood, wearing Remedy Church t-shirts, and telling people that Jesus is the only Remedy for the brokenness in our world. They believe their actions and attitudes in the community are used by God to make an impact in people's lives!
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
(From the Pastor, continued)
What type of God would motivate people to go out and spend significant time, energy, and resources connecting and doing good in the community? Remedy Church hopes people see Jesus as the answer to that when they are with them on Sunday mornings. The radical grace, forgiveness, and meaning that Jesus gives to our lives is intentionally weaved into the lyrics of the songs sung, the prayers prayed, the message shared, and everything that is done on Sunday morning. Plus, as people experience Jesus, we find He compels them outwards to share that same gift with their neighbors and community! God is bringing a revitalization to Christianity in America through planting churches. More people are being impacted in more places, and we are a perfect example of that! A church in Woodbury saw the need in Cottage Grove, which saw the need in Oakdale, so here is Remedy! Remedy Church wants to continue the passion for the Twin Cities by continuing to plant churches as God calls and sends them out.
Youth Servant Event
(June 25th - 30th)
The Youth are getting excited about the Summer Servant Event that is planned for them at Lutheran Island Camp and Christ Serve Ranch in Henning, MN on June 25th - 30th. Some of the projects may be treehouse repairs, gazebo set up, staining or painting, wood chipping trails, boardwalk repair, senior center visits, clean up, plant trees, landscaping, etc. The youth will also take part with some of the activities provided by the camp staff such as devotions and Bible study, campfires, swimming, kayaking, games, and all the meals. The youth will be staying in cabins with other youth from the surrounding Minnesota Area. If you are a youth 12 years of age through High School and want to know more information on how you can be involved with this servant event please call Pastor Hahn Immediately and we may be able to join us. As of right now there are 5 youth attending.
Cottage Meetings @ CLC As part of the Christ Lutheran Church Reconciliation (healing broken relationships) Effort the church will be providing Cottage Meetings. These meetings are to focus upon healing broken relationships, both our relationship with God and our relationship with others. These meeting allow members of the church to get to know each other better, talk and listen to each other and, if in a broken relationship, work toward reconciling with each other, and do a little dreaming together as we move toward a preferred future in the church. These meeting are best done in small groups of 10-12 people. For the sake of order and to stimulate open and honest discussions Pastor Hahn and one or two Elders will be present. These meeting will take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month beginning June 11th and continuing until August 27th at 10:30 am. That is a total of 6 scheduled Cottage Meetings. Please sign up for the date that best works with you. Summer Cottage Meetings Sundays at 10:30am
June 11 & 25th July 9th & 23rd August 13th & 27th
rec·on·cile [ˈrekənˌsīl]
VERB (Google Definition)
restore friendly relations between: "she wanted to be reconciled with her father" · synonyms: settle one's differences · make (one's) peace · make up · bury the hatchet · declare a truce
cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible: synonyms: make compatible · harmonize · square · make congruent · balance · syncretism
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
settle (a disagreement): "advice on how to reconcile the conflict" synonyms: reunite · bring (back) together (again) · restore friendly relations between · make peace between · pacify · appease · placate · mollify · conciliate · settle · resolve · sort out · mend ·
Healthy Peacemaking Responses to Conflict (taken from "The Peacemaker” by Ken Sande)
Overlook Reconciliation
Negotiation Mediation
Arbitration Accountability
Litigation Murder
Non-Healthy Peacemaking Responses to Conflict
Denial Flight
Suicide Assault
Time To Step Forward What we value is what we show in and through our actions. We hear, "the children are the future of the church" and yet we have no one taking action to volunteer to be on the Board of Youth or Education. We hear, "we need to reach out beyond our walls to seek the lost for Jesus" and yet there is no one taking action to volunteer to be on the Board of Evangelism. We hear, "our giving is down both financially and in time and talent giving" and yet there is no one taking action to volunteer to be on the Board of Stewardship. These are four Boards at Christ Lutheran Church that are completely vacant, no one is serving at this time, not to mention the vacant office positions on the council. Do we value our youth? Do we value Christian education? Do we value evangelism? Do we value our stewardship? I really think that we do value all of these areas but the Holy Spirit has not yet convicted the hearts of those who should be serving, in these areas of ministry at Christ Lutheran Church, at this time. I encourage you to keep your eyes focused on the Lord and your ears attentive to His Word, for He may be reaching out to you this very minute. He may be saying that you need to use your God-given talents to help build up the church here at Christ Lutheran. Some of you may be waiting to be asked personally to serve in these areas but no one has ever asked you. Some of you have been asked and you are still unsure that the Lord wants you to be serving at this time. It is difficult for someone to know what gifts and talents have been given to others, but you would know the gifts and talents that God has given you. I strongly encourage you to take it to the Lord in prayer and to step forward and say, "Lord, please use me as I seek to serve You."
Preschool Director/Teacher Search “Welcome to our new Preschool Director/Teacher!” These are words that we hope to be saying very soon. The Interview Committee has had the opportunity to go through numerous applications to narrow the search down to 6 individuals. These six individuals were contacted for interviews of which 4 came in to be interviewed. Of the 4 the committee has narrowed it down to 2 very qualified individuals who will return for a second interview. Upon completion of these interviews a recommendation will be made to the Elders and Council to hire the chosen individual. Sorry, but the June/July Newsletter needs to go to print without knowing who will take the helm of Preschool Director/Teacher at Christ Lutheran Preschool. Watch the weekly announcements and listen to the announcements made at the end of the worship services for up-to-date information. Thank you for all your prayers.
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
LIVING IN FAITH EVERYDAY – L.I.F.E. GROUPS If you haven’t joined a LIFE group as yet, we invite you to at least visit and experience what the LIFE Groups are all about. Group meeting information: Come join us. Monday, 6:30pm Wednesday, 1:00pm Thursday, 6:30pm Saturday, 9am
Men/women Ladies Men/women Men
Eagan Pointe Meet in homes Meet in homes Meet at church
Study John Call Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Study “Divine Divine “ Call Geri 952-891-2853 Study “Not a Fan” Call Deb 651-452-8956 Study “Portals of Prayer” Call Mark 952-891-2853
Studying God’s Word and putting it into action is a wonderful way to draw closer to the Lord!
A special thanks to those who helped with the May 5th Clean Up day at Christ: Glenn Gregory, Mark Bonewell, Dale Vogt, Carl Meyer, Ken Ische, Larry Landis, Ron Roemhildt, and Joe, Michele, & Kristen Lukanen. – Dave Hoglund, Board of Trustees
List of Veterans on the Military Bulletin Board The following names have been added to the list of veterans: Earl Breuer, Armand Krech, and Heinz Rother. And a few more have been added to the list of those who served our country and are now with the Lord: Marvin Bandt and Robert Wilkins. Please let the church office know about any member of Christ who is currently serving in the military, is a veteran, or served and is deceased. Thank you!
THANK YOU FROM MICHELE LUKANEN: Thank you for the wonderful reception on May 21st. Thank you for the cake, the flowers, and the cards. It has been an honor serving as preschool director/teacher for the past eight years. I pray that God will continue to bless the preschool and the supporting congregation.
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
PRESCHOOL NEWS By Michele Lukanen Greetings in the name of our Lord! Another school year has come to a close. We ended the year with 19 children in the Monday/Wednesday/Friday class, with 15 staying all day, and 15 in the Tuesday/ Thursday class. God continues to be good to the preschool. The preschool is raising money for supplies (art, toys, furniture) by putting on an “envelope fundraiser.” There are envelopes available with a dollar amount written on the envelope. Please take one (or two or three if you would like to give a larger amount but only smaller amounts are available) and return the envelope with that amount of money inside. Checks can be made out to CLC. If all of the envelopes are taken and returned, the preschool can raise over $5000. The preschool’s accreditation process is going quite well. I met with our coach earlier this month and she was impressed with everything that we’ve done. Her suggestions were to add a plan of action for items where we did not score high. One of those items was communicating the preschool’s mission and philosophy statements. The following are the statements: Mission: Christ Lutheran Preschool partners with parents in nurturing young children in a Christian environment assisting them to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Philosophy: Each child is created uniquely and lovingly by God. At Christ Lutheran Preschool the whole child: mind, body, and spirit will be nurtured in developmentally appropriate ways. Recognizing that the children are a gift from God to you, it is our goal to support you in your vital role. Parents and teachers work in a partnership of mutual respect. The staff is mindful of parental values and concerns. “Let the little children come to me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) In a very practical sense you and your child will experience the influence of our Savior, Jesus. Jesus time is part of the daily routine, where children gather to learn about Jesus through fingerplays, songs, and stories. Holidays are taught in a Christian manner (Christmas is Jesus’ birthday). Prayer is a part of Jesus time, said before snack, and before the end of the day. Many have noticed that Campbell Soup is no longer putting point values next to their UPCs on the soup cans. The Labels for Education program is going through some changes which includes no longer accepting soup labels. As more information about the new program comes out the preschool will update you. Thank you for all of the support you have given the preschool through Labels for Education! We are still collecting milk labels from Kwik Trip as part of their Milk Moola program. The next preschool board meeting will be Friday, June 2, at 9:30 am. All preschool board meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. We still have openings in the fall program. We have 5 openings in our Monday/Wednesday/Friday class and 11 openings in our Tuesday/Thursday class. Registration forms can be found online at
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
JULY 10-14 We are partnering with Lutheran Church of the Ascension this year and looking forward to working together to make this the BEST WEEK EVER for the children in Preschool through 5th grades. VBS will be held at CLC. Counselors from Camp Omega will once again lead the children in Bible Stories, Songs, and Games. We have begun the registration process, and forms can be found on the bulletin board in the hallway to the Fellowship Hall or at The cost is $20.00 per child for full day and $15 for morning only with a maximum charge of $40.00 per family. Registrations are coming in already! How can YOU help? Be a volunteer during the week – let me know what available time you have during that week, and I will find something for you to do. Be a Prayer Warrior Spread the Word to children in your family and in your neighborhood. Joyce Swedean, VBS Director
PRAYER REQUESTS (Please let Pastor Hahn or the church office know of any additions or changes so we can keep Prayer Requests up to date.) Death of a loved one – Please remember Pat & Lori Dolney and family at the death of Pat's father, Ambrose Dolney. Praise – Jeanette Uecker wishes to thank you for your faithful prayers during her long recovery. We praise God for her improved health! Cancer –Steve Brennan, Joe Connolly, Keith Feickert, Karen Hultquist, Bob Manthei (father of Rebecca Hahn), Lucy Roemhildt, Gary Schleif (nephew of Darlene Lemke), Don Wolf. Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other – Nanu Ajack, Betty Briest, Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Louise Neil, Lee Scott, LaDonne Taylor (Kathy Heggen's aunt). Homebound – Waltraud Bundt, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Marian Neujahr, Florence O’Brien, Heinz & Lore Rother, Lois Scott, Don Stockman, Gladys Wachter, Guy Westphal. Those in the military and their families - SGT Cody Klinksiek and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann (granddaughter of Mary Lou Adelmann), Apilo Ojulu (of our Anyuak community), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church; the Anyuak people in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world, especially the Christians in Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East. Our nation.
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
Eagan Pointe Bible Study and Worship Every Tuesday morning at 9am Pastor Hahn leads a Bible Study at the Eagan Point Senior Living Center. This study is open to all CLC members and all residents of the EPSLC. Please come and joins us for the Bible Study, fellowship, and free coffee. (Currently there are 16 people actively involved in this study.) On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month a Worship Service, led by Pastor Hahn, is held at the Eagan Pointe Senior Living. It begins at 10am on the 2nd floor in the activity room. Anyone is welcome to worship with us.
New Initiative from the Minnesota South District To cultivate a stronger commitment in Christian education, the Minnesota South District is embarking on a special appeal with specific Christian education initiatives in mind. The To All Generations campaign offers a bold plan which can touch every congregation, member, and friend from early childhood to adult. New funds will become available for new and enhanced educational ministries. Rooted in the Scriptures and in our history as a Synod, these initiatives view the future confidently. Rejoice with us and pray as we move forward with these initiatives, seeking to strengthen Christian education across our District and “to all generations.”
Strengthen Education Ministries Funds will provide seed money in the form of grants enhancing the quality of education ministries in the Minnesota South District through innovative processes, leadership development, and collaborative efforts. We want to support ideas utilizing new technology and online networks focused on Christian education. Specifically, grants will be allocated in the following areas: •
Enhancing the Quality of Lutheran schools (birth–high school): Individually and cooperatively, schools can apply for grants that inspire transformative education innovation. Proposals may include, but are not limited to, ideas that expand services, utilize new technologies, or systemically change the way schools operate. Initiatives in Christian Education 4 “Lutheran education has blessed many families like ours over the generations and will continue to bless future generations.”
Encouraging Opportunities in Parish Education: Congregations can create and expand educational opportunities focused on Biblical literacy, catechesis, family ministry, young adults, immigrant populations, home school families, vacation Bible school, or tutoring. We invite all other creative options!
Planting New Schools and Early Childhood Centers: A special funding appeal will provide start-up funds across the district for launching new educational ministries or significantly expanding those which already exist. Just as the Synod rejoices in new school starts in Shanghai and Vietnam, the MN South District will find shared joy in every launch or expansion of a new school or early childhood ministry.
Supporting Educational Leadership: Often a pastor or educator will see an intriguing conference or course of study and not enroll due to lack of funds. Here we will assist in tuition scholarships for our educational leaders seeking continuing education.
Pastor Hahn and Michele Lukanen will be attending a meeting concerning this new campaign on June 6 at the MN South District office. Let’s see how CLC can be involved and move our Christian education forward!
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
June Birthdays 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 15 16 20 22 23 25 27 30
Jessie Chenevert, Denise Marlow, Medi Obang Carey Kieser Shirley Eilola Linda Wolf Blake Kane Iona Kruger Wanwa Omot Christopher Hahn Phyllis Holz, Abigail Johnson, Hunter Nichols Liam Benson, Donna Futhey Debra Gerber Julia Bonewell, Lydia Lukanen Julie Nichols Rose Svoboda Matt Willis Timothy Clawson Delores Aldinger Kathy Anderson
June Wedding Anniversaries 1 4 5 5 7 9 13 13 13 17 19 20 21 24 26 30
James & Kay Hagen Clarence & Ardene Langfield Lee & Lois Scott David & Heather Steffen Dick & Joyce Swedean Darren & Julie Lefebvre Aaron & Claire Haedike David & Ginger Hasche Debra & Kim Morse David & Rebecca Hahn Richard & Carolyn Kothe Jon & Carol Larson Scott & Kelly Callahan Dale & Judy Peters Bob & Kathy Biggs Jerry & Michelle Doffing
43 years 34 years 69 years 13 years 37 years 33 years 8 years 36 years 20 years 22 years 46 years 30 years 31 years 56 years 35 years 27 years
July Birthdays 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 27 28 28 29 30
Julie Digman, Robert (Gene) Jarnagin Betty Briest, Verna Thompson David Kruggel Kalladera Awatt, Erin Benson, Gullit Nyang Mark Bonewell, Janelle Ohmann Ladonna Discher, Richard Heggemeyer Sherrie Groff Nick Aldinger Ella Lange Bonny Jamison Ngadhe Anwey, Steve Nelson David Kaner, Elaine Klamm Omot Ochan Norman Peterson Laura Frantes William Ische Darrin Digman, Wes Isaak, Ross Kaner Anynaya Awatt, David Hoglund Armond Krech, Gail Marstad Judy Peters Gloria Fearing, Marna Nordeen, Sharonlee Strohkirch Kwot Anwey, Joyce Connolly, Echino Okwayoo Jo Ann Vath Jane Del Toro, Akatho Okwayoo, Jillian Treu, Nathan Willis Sandra Krech
July Wedding Anniversaries 1 5 6 8 17 17 24
Thomas & Martha Gustafson Joe & Michele Lukanen Joan & Ken Franklin Shane & Kimberly Hanenberger Lawrence & Janet Linkert Heinz & Lore Rother Stacy & Steven Treu
61 years 14 years 26 years 11 years 52 years 63 years 18 years
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
JUNE 2017 Sunday
Wednesday Thursday 1
Friday 2
Saturday 3 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship
9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship
6 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
8 New Eagan Fire Station Open House 5-8 pm
13 14 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 6:30pm – Vermilion Carriage Board 7pm–Council Meeting
20 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
6pm– Boy Scouts
4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC
2pm– Anyuak Worship 11 TRINITY SUNDAY 12
9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship
6pm—Diffley Commons 7pm– Dakota Ramblers 4H
2pm– Anyuak Worship
18 9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship
2pm– Anyuak Worship
25 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship
4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship
27 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm-Trustees
24 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC
6pm– Boy Scouts
Christ’s Messenger
June – July, 2017
JULY 2017 Sunday 2 9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship
Wednesday Thursday Friday
1/8 4pm– Praise Jam (HC on the 8th) 5pm– Worship
2pm– Anyuak Worship
9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship
9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 6:30pm – Vermilion Carriage Board 7pm–Council Meeting
2pm– Anyuak Worship
16 9am Worship – HC 10:15am-Fellowship
6pm—Diffley Commons 2pm– Anyuak Worship 7pm– Dakota Ramblers 4H
9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
23 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship
25 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm-Trustees
2pm– Anyuak Worship
30 9am Worship – HC 10:15am-Fellowship
4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship
22 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC
6pm– Boy Scouts
29 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC