June11 na

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan

June 11, 2017

Verse of the Week: Matthew 28:20b

Christ is our cornerstone, On Him alone we build; With His true saints alone The courts of heav’n are filled. On His great love Our hopes we place Of present grace And joys above. Here may we gain from heav’n The grace which we implore, And may that grace, once giv’n, Be with us evermore Until that day When all the blest To endless rest Are called away. Oh, then, with hymns of praise These hallowed courts shall ring; Our voices we will raise The Three in One to sing And thus proclaim In joyful song, Both loud and long, That glorious name. LSB 912: Text (sts. 1–3, ) and Music: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

This Sunday we recognize the following CLC High School graduates: Willica Ajack Ellen Hahn Abby Johnson And these CLC University Graduates: Hannah Hartog, Concordia University St. Paul Ryan Maser, Concordia University Nebraska

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VBS during the week of July 10-14 between 9-3 Monday through Thursday and 9-Noon on Friday!! The children are registering, the Camp Omega counselors are preparing, but we still need YOU to be a volunteer! Contact Joyce Swedean ASAP and let her know your availability that week.

Cottage Meetings at CLC As part of the Christ Lutheran Church Reconciliation (healing broken relationships) Effort the church will be providing Cottage Meetings. These meetings are to focus upon healing broken relationships, both our relationship with God and our relationship with others. These meeting allow members of the church to get to know each other better, talk and listen to each other and, if in a broken relationship, work toward reconciling with each other, and do a little dreaming together as we move toward a preferred future in the church. These meeting are best done in small groups of 10-12 people. For the sake of order and to stimulate open and honest discussions, Pastor Hahn and one or two Elders will be present. These meeting will take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month beginning June 11th and continuing until August 27th at 10:30 am. That is a total of 6 scheduled Cottage Meetings. Please sign up for the date that best works with you. There are sheets on the red bulletin board in the narthex.

Summer Cottage Meetings, Sundays at 10:30am   

June 11 & 25th July 9th & 23rd August 13th & 27th

Pastor Heggen is Retiring (again)! On June 30 after church, there will be a special reception for Pastor Heggen who is retiring after faithfully serving as CLC’s Visitation Pastor for 7 years. We thank God for all that Pastor Heggen has done for Christ Lutheran and wish him God’s blessings in the future!

Key Card Updates: The Board of Trustees is updating the card access system. Several cards have been made inactive. If yours does not work, please contact the church office and give your name and the card number so it can be reactivated if you are still using it. The Trustees are trying to find out who has keys and get them under the correct name. If you have a key card and are no longer using it, please turn in it to the office along with your name. Also, please notify the office if there are cards that have been lost. Thank you for your assistance! (Office: 651-454-4091)

EAGAN MARKET FEST Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool will be participating in the Eagan Market Fest on Wednesday, June 21, from 4 – 8pm. We will be sharing a booth with Kick Start Martial Arts (owned by members Paul and Kellie Sisk). We are looking for volunteers to man the booth. Please see Michele Lukanen to volunteer. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Eagan residents and spread the Word of God!

CLC Constitution News A new copy of the CLC constitution is available that includes the bylaws changes that were made in January. The revised version has a blue cover with the LCMS cross. We ask that you return or destroy any old copies to avoid any confusion. If you need one sent to you, please call or email the church office (christlutheraneagan@outlook.com ). Meanwhile, the Constitution Committee is hard at work to streamline the structure of CLC and make it more adaptable to the current needs of the church. You will be hearing more in the future!

Our Gifts to the Lord June 3-4 General Fund May 29-June 2 Joyful Response Total

Attendance $4199.50 $ 600.00 $4799.50

Saturday, June 3 Sunday, June 4 Total

21 95 116

Portals of Prayer Don’t forget to pick up your daily devotional for July-September on the table in the narthex. It’s a great (and quick!) way to be in God’s Word and prayer throughout the summer. Also, Lutherans for Life has a Summer edition of LifeDate available. Keep current on how you can keep this important ministry in your prayers. And Ladies! A new copy of the Lutheran Women’s Quarterly just arrived! Pick up your copy on the LWML table today!

Lutheran Night at the Twins! Lutheran Night at the Twins vs. Brewers is August 8th at 7:10 pm. Plan to join other Lutherans as we cheer the Twins to victory. A special treat will be an appearance of "Marty and Katie" if you arrive before 7:00! Get there early! Designate choir members to join the National Anthem Choir (arrive at 6:00 pm at Gate 6). Groups of 25 or more can contact Landon Oldenburger for tickets - 612-659-3583 or landonoldenburger@twinsbaseball.com Smaller groups can also purchase Lutheran Night discounted tickets through this weblink: www.twinsbaseball.com/lutheran . Let's celebrate the 500 th Anniversary of the Reformation!

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