News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
March 5, 2017
Verse of the Week: Psalm 118:1
How wide the love of Christ! It knows not class or race But holds our one humanity Within its broad embrace. How long the love of Christ! Its patience will not cease Until this broken world is bound In everlasting peace. How high the love of Christ! Beyond all thought it soars, And yet upon our passing lives Unmeasured mercy pours. How deep the love of Christ, Descending to a cross! He bears within His wounded hands All human pain and loss. All praise to You, O Christ, For love whose depth and height, Whose length and breadth fill time and space With endless life and light! LSB 535; Text: Š 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder Š 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Once again, Lutheran Indian Ministries have a great devotional booklet available for the Lenten season. Be sure to pick one up from the table in the Narthex to strengthen your walk with Jesus throughout the 40 days of Lent this year.
Pastor's Sunday Morning Bible Study - 10:30-11:15 "7 Christian Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible" Based on the Book written by Jonathan Fisk 1. Never follow a rule that follows your liver, your heart, your pancreas, or any other bodily organ that could conceivably have its mind changed by the shifting of the wind. 2. Never follow a rule that wasn't written in stone a very, very long time ago (doubly so if the grass is always greener on the other side because it's made of plastic). 3. Never follow a rule because it makes sense (especially if it promises to work because it makes sense [and especially, especially if it either contains the words "spirit-led" or can be entirely explained by a petri dish full of midi-chlorians]). 4. Never follow a rule because it benefits you now (and if it mentions "abundance," run screaming from the room). 5. Never follow a rule that has to start over (again and again... and again...) again. 6. Never follow a rule that doesn't like rules. 7. Never follow a rule in order to justify yourself. Seriously.
LWML Meets Saturday! Come and join us at 9 am on Saturday, March 11, for fellowship, treats, and a Bible Study entitled “He Adores You.” REMEMBER your MITES and BIBLE! June 22-June 25, 2017 will mark the celebration of God’s blessings through the work of the LWML for over 75 years of service (1942-2017). This celebration will commence at the 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, under the theme “Jesus Christ Above All.” More information is available in the Women’s Quarterly on the LWML table in the narthex or by going online to the LWML organization. – Joyce Swedean
and All Boards meet next Tuesday, March 14, at 7pm.
Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time begins next weekend. Set your clocks ahead before you go to bed Saturday night!
Don’t forget to direct Choice Dollars® Grant funding from Thrivent Financial through its Thrivent Choice® program can help support organizations you care about. Don’t let Choice Dollars expire. Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have Choice Dollars available have until March 31, 2017, to direct any remaining 2016 Choice Dollars. Help support Christ Lutheran Church. Go to to learn more. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.
Time to sign up for Easter Flowers!
Lilies $8.00
Tulips $8.00
Chrysanthemums $8.00
Hydrangeas $15.00
See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. Last day to order is April 2.
The Preschool needs Paper Towels and 3 ounce Dixie cups! Please bring them to the church!
Special services and events at Christ Lutheran during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Saturday evening non-traditional worship – 5:00 pm Sunday morning traditional worship – 9:00 am Ash Wednesday supper – 5:00-6:30 pm Wednesday Lenten services – 7:00 pm (beginning March 1) Each service in the series reveals in some way how Christ and His cross lead us to decide the path of God’s will in our many crossroads in life. Easter Cantata – Saturday, April 8 – 5:00 pm Palm Sunday breakfast – Sunday, April 9 – 10:00 am Holy Thursday Service – Thursday, April 13 – 7:00 pm Good Friday Service – Friday, April 14 – 7:00 pm Easter Services – Sunday, April 16 – 9:00 am Pick up postcards about these services and events in the narthex to share with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers!
Easter Cantata Saturday, April 8, at 5:00 pm. The CLC choir will be presenting "Behold the Lamb!" – a musical and narrative journey that underscores the significant price that Jesus paid for our salvation. It recalls Israel's release from Egyptian bondage with the Passover Lamb, a foretelling of God's divine plan to provide the Holy Lamb as the ultimate sacrifice for our spiritual freedom. The despair of Christ's crucifixion eventually gives way to joy in a triumphant celebration of His resurrection!
Our Gifts to the Lord Feb 25/26 General Fund Feb 20-24 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $2793.50 $ 510.00 $3303.50
Saturday Feb 25, 5:00pm Sunday, Feb 26, 9:00pm Anyuak, 2:00pm Total
20 99 N/A 119