News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
November 26, 2017
Verse of the Week: Ezekiel 34:11
Christ, our good and faithful shepherd, Watching all Your lambs and sheep; Christ, the gate that guards the sheepfold, Never-failing vigil keep. When we stray, Good Shepherd, seek us, Find us, lift us, bear us home; Lamb of God, our shepherd, keep us; Let us hear Your voice alone. Christ, the way that leads unfailing To the Father’s home on high, Christ, the truth that frees the captive, Christ, the life that cannot die. Mediator to the Father, Sacrifice and great High Priest: Lead us to Your heav’nly mansions, There to share Your wedding feast. LSB 540, vs. 4, 5; © 2001 Steven P. Mueller Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House
There is no Sunday School or Bible Class this week after church.
New Eagan Pointe Bible Study on Tuesday Morning! The group that meets at Eagan Pointe at 9:00am Tuesday is starting a study of David with the book “A Heart Like His” by Beth Moore. God will never give up on you. Explore how David's life proves this promise to be true. In this examination of the “man after God's own heart,” David will delight and disappoint you. You'll want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others. If you've ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, family problems, or personal inconsistencies, this study is for you! Now it a great time to join this group.
Our thanks to Pastor James Fuchs for leading our worship this weekend. May God bless and keep as you continue to serve Him!
Thanks to our faithful volunteers and donors for your help with our Nov. Blood Drive. While we did not meet our goal, we did collect 38 units of blood and that can help as many as 114 people. May 8, 2018 will be our next drive at Christ Lutheran.
Time to Decorate the Church for Christmas! Saturday, December 2, 9:00 am Come and help the church look beautiful for this special season! ___________________________________________________________________________ All ladies of the congregation are invited to a Holiday Brunch on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at Eileen Gregory’s house, 20908 Glade Ave., Lakeville. Please RSVP by December 3rd by calling Eileen at 952-469-6552 or emailing her at .
Advent and Christmas Services and Fellowship Opportunities Sunday Worship at 9:00 am Saturday Worship at 5:00 pm Special Fellowship – Dec. 2, Pie reception Dec. 9 – Potluck Dinner Dec. 16, Cookie Exchange
Mid-Week Advent Services Wednesday, December 6, 7:00 pm Wednesday, December 13, 7:00 pm Wednesday, December 20, 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Services Sunday, December 24 Sunday morning worship, 9:00 am Candlelight Service, 7:00 pm
Christmas Day Service Monday, December 25, 9:00 am (There are small flyers with our service schedule on the table in the narthex that you can share with friends, neighbors, and co-workers.)
We welcome Richard and Wendy Ewald and their son Tim as new members at Christ Lutheran! We thank the Lord for bringing them all to our church.
Saturday Worship Followed by Fellowship in December! Sponsored by the Board of Worship.
December 2 for worship at 5:00 followed by a time of fellowship with pie.
December 9 for worship at 5:00 followed by a time of fellowship and a Potluck dinner. Please bring something to share. December 16 for worship at 5:00 followed by a time of fellowship with cookies. There will be cookies to enjoy and cookies to exchange. Everyone interested in exchanging cookies should bring 4 dozen cookies. Please package 1 dozen for fellowship and 6 bags of 6 cookies for exchanging. Those people that choose to exchange will then go home with 3 dozen cookies.
LWML Food Drive for the Open Door – Next Sunday is the last Sunday! Please bring food items to the LWML table in the narthex, or you can make a check out to The Open Door and place it in the wooden box marked Food Pantry on the LWML table. Grocery gift cards are also appreciated! Top 5 items needed: Peanut butter canned tuna or chicken 16-48 oz bottles of vegetable oil 64 bottles of 100% fruit juice toilet paper Also needed: • oatmeal • rice: brown or white • pasta: white, whole wheat • dried beans: black, pinto • vegetable and olive oils • cereal • flour: white, wheat, mesa • canned fruit • canned vegetables • diced tomatoes • sugar: brown, white, powdered • pancake mix & syrup • macaroni and cheese • hearty soups• ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, hot sauce • salsa, soy sauce
Glad Tidings of Great Joy – 2017 Concordia Christmas Concert Celebrate Christmas with Concordia St. Paul at the annual Fine & Performing Arts Christmas Concert! ♪ Friday, Dec, 1, 7:30 p.m. ♪ Saturday, Dec. 2, 4:30 p.m. ♪ Sunday, Dec. 3, 3 p.m. Tickets at or 612-343-3390. Adults: $15; Student/Senior: $12 Location: Buetow Music Center Auditorium, 300 Hamline Ave.
Trinity Lutheran Church (600 Walnut Street in Farmington) is hosting a Spaghetti
Saturday, December 9, 5:00-7:00 pm Adults - $10.00, Children (3-12) - $5.00 Proceeds go to support a Mission Trip to Haiti
Headed South for the Winter? Make sure we have your address in case we need to mail you anything. We’ll miss you! (Church office phone 651-454-4091, email )
Don’t miss the Sunday School Christmas Service on Sunday, December 17, at the 9:00 am worship service! Listen to our young people share the story of Jesus’ birth and join them in singing Christmas songs!
Our Gifts to the Lord November 18,19 General Fund Nov 13-17 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $4752.77 $ 875.00 $5627.77
Saturday, November 18 Sunday, November 19 Total
17 95 112