News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
November 6, 2016
Verse of the Week: 1 John 3:1
Father welcomes all His children to His family through His Son. Father giving His salvation, Life forever has been won. Little children, come to me, for My kingdom is of these. Life and love I have to give, Mercy for your sin. In the water, in the Word, in His promise, be assured: Those who are baptized and believe Shall be born again. Let us daily die to sin; Let us daily rise with Him, Walk in the love of Christ our Lord, Live in the peace of God. LSB 605: Š 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder Š 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Feed My Starving Children Project! There will be a DOOR OFFERING THIS SUNDAY to support the food packs that will be packed this week and sent to Haiti. Also, this Sunday is your last chance to sign up on the table in narthex to work this week.
ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets Sundays at 10:15. This Sunday will be a study on the Bible readings that were read in church. Come and get even more from the worship experience! Interested in helping the Altar Guild? They are looking for new members to help with the weekly duties. Come to their meeting this Thursday night at 6:00! For more information, call Janet Linkert at 651-454-2498.
A copy of the Minutes from the last Voter’s Meeting is on the bulletin board for review. There are also some copies to take, if you would like one. HYMNAL ANNIVERSARY This year marks the 75th anniversary of The Lutheran Hymnal. We'll observe this milestone in our worship services Nov. 1920. Saturday's service will include hymns and Vespers in Lutheran Service Book, which follows closely to the Order of Vespers in The Lutheran Hymnal. Sunday's service will follow Setting Three in Lutheran Service Book, which follows very closely to the Order of Holy Communion in The Lutheran Hymnal.
Thank you to all those who helped with the two funerals this past week. We appreciate those who set up, donated, cooked, and helped in other ways as well. The families were very thankful. God bless you!
We apologize for omitting the following names in our list of Veterans in the November Newsletter: Earl Breuer, Armond Krech, Heinz Rother, and Robert Wilkins (with the Lord). They have been added to the list on the bulletin board. Please continue to inform the office of any additions, corrections, or general information we should know concerning any area of ministry. The next Red Cross Blood Drive is coming soon – Thursday, November 10, from 12-6 pm. There will be sign-up sheets at church in the next few weeks. Mark it on your calendar today!
VOTERS’ MEETING Voters’ Assembly will meet on Sunday, November 13th 11:30 a.m. (after Bible Class). This is the finance meeting, and this will be the second time some changes to the Constitution will be presented for discussion. These changes need to be presented two times before we can vote on them. The changes include: - Women to be included for the Officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) - Bylaw, Article III-C – Change “Chairman” to “Chairperson” in the two places where it appears - Bylaw Article IV-B – End the sentence with “twenty-one years of age.” - Bylaw Article VI-A – In paragraphs 1 & 5 change “Chairman” to “Chairperson”
The HUMAN CARE BOARD will be working with other local churches to help support the Holiday Gift Shop again this year. The Holiday Gift Shop provides gifts to families in the Eagan area who qualify for food through the Open Door Pantry. This year instead of a giving tree, the Human Care Board will be collecting gift cards for any dollar amount for Walmart and Target. If you prefer to give cash to support our efforts you may do so. Please put your gift cards or cash in a small envelope, marked “Holiday Gift Shop” and put in the wooden box in the Narthex marked LWML. (Human Care will use this box temporarily.) The cash and gift cards will be used by the Holiday Gift Shop to fill in with gifts in areas that are still needed. We will collect Nov. 5 – Dec. 5. Thank you for your support.
Paint and Praise Night! Join us on Friday, November 18, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, in the church fellowship hall. A qualified and gifted instructor will help you paint a lovely painting to take home. Supplies are furnished. Cost is $35.00 Sign-up will is on the bulletin board in the hall by the kitchen window, where you can see the lovely painting you’ll be doing. This is open to all – bring a friend or two! Also bring a snack to share. Don’t miss this fun activity!
Christmas Tea This year’s Christmas Tea is bringing Christmas back to its Middle-Eastern roots by sharing some wonderful food and supporting an LCMS mission known for their work in the Middle East, POBLO International. (See more information in the November Newsletter.) Please join us on December 10th from 11:00 - 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall for a spectacular meal, engaging conversation, and a wonderful opportunity to help our Middle-Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ, who have literally walked in the footsteps of Jesus. Tickets are $15 each with $10 donated directly to POBLO International. Tickets will be on sale starting November 5th. Only 100 tickets will be sold for this spectacular event. You can reserve your tickets by contacting Gabriel Hartog (email:, Phone: 612-212-8919).
Our Gifts to the Lord Oct 29/30, 2016 General Fund Oct 24-28, 2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need
Attendance $4214.50 $595.00 $4809.50 $6935.00
Saturday Oct 29, 5:00pm Sunday Oct 30, 9:00am Sunday Oct 30, 2:00pm Total
22 125 N/A 147
Help beautify the chancel area by donating a poinsettia! For just $10 you can choose between a red, pink, or white poinsettia to help decorate the church for Christmas. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex near the flower chart. You may specify to give a poinsettia in honor or in memory of a loved one. Please print clearly, and make your checks payable to Christ Lutheran Church – note “Poinsettia” in the memo line. Deadline to order is November 20. Transportation Help Needed! The two families who help transport the Scotts to church every Sunday need a few others to help out. There are three in the family, and two of them use walkers, so your vehicle needs to be able to accommodate them. They live in Eagan, on Balsam Trail. It will only take a few extra minutes, and with enough help, you only have to do it once a month or so. If you can help, please call Sandi Meyer at 651-454-7093 or Don Ohmann at 651-454-8623.
Please join Camp Omega in its Annual Appreciation Event on Sunday, November 20, at the Faribault American Legion. This year's focus of appreciation is on those dedicated volunteers who shared with their congregation members the opportunity to become involved in the Camp Omega Capital Campaign to build an Adult and Family Retreat Center. The result has been a huge boost in the efforts to complete this undertaking which we know will take place in God's time. Arrive at 4:30 for social hour and introductions, followed by a FREE turkey supper and entertainment by the Metro-area barbershop quartet, "Oh, Brother!" A brief update on the campaign will also be shared. Your participation is NOT based on your involvement in the campaign. It will certainly assist in letting these volunteers know how much they are appreciated. RSVP is a MUST! Call Curt at 507-330-5627 or e-mail him at by Monday, November 14 to make reservations.
Thanksgiving is coming soon. Rather than focus on thanking God just one day, here are some Bible readings and prayer suggestions for you to use in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Day
Psalm 8
Thank God for His marvelous creation.
Psalm 9
Thank God for the wonderful things He has done.
Psalm 17
Thank God for taking care of us.
Wednesday Psalm 19
Thank God for His laws that guide us.
Psalm 23
Thank God for being our Good Shepherd
Psalm 25
Thank God for teaching us His ways.
Psalm 27
Thank God for being our Light and Salvation.