News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
October 16, 2016
Verse of the Week:
The strife is o’er, the battle done; Now is the victor’s triumph won; Now be the song of praise begun. Alleluia! Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death’s dread sting Thy servants free That we may live and sing to Thee. Alleluia! LSB 464 Text (sts.1–5) and Music: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
ADULT BIBLE CLASS: We have started start a new series looking at "principles of Biblical stewardship." During October we'll look at our stewardship of our time, talents, and treasure from a Biblical perspective. This week: God's stewards are God's stewards, and God's stewards are managers, not owners. Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 10:15 (after coffee fellowship).
VOTERS’ MEETING Oct. 23 – 11:30am (after Bible Class) This is a very important meeting with election of officers and those serving on the Boards of Christ Lutheran Church. Please look again at the article that was in the October Newsletter about the many opportunities to serve your church. We all need to be part of the church to be effective in moving forward in God’s Kingdom. Please consider how you can use your gifts to help. Contact a member of the Church Council. They will also be contacting many of our members in the next few weeks. In addition to electing officers and approving new members of the Boards and Committees for 2017 at this meeting, some changes to the Constitution will be presented for discussion. These changes need to be presented three times before we can vote on them. The changes include: - Women to be included for the Officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) - Bylaw, Article III-C – Change “Chairman” to “Chairperson” in the two places where it appears - Bylaw Article IV-B – End the sentence with “twenty-one years of age.” - Bylaw Article VI-A – In paragraphs 1 & 5 change “Chairman” to “Chairperson”
November Newsletter articles should be sent to the office by Wednesday, Oct. 19. Thanks!
Eagan Halloween Hodgepodge is coming up on October 30th at the Eagan Community Center. Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool will be handing out candy and information during the event. We need your help. The event runs from 3 pm until 7 pm. Please see Michele Lukanen ( if you would like to volunteer to help for an hour or two. This is a great opportunity to share God's love with the residents of Eagan! The next Red Cross Blood Drive is coming soon – Thursday, November 10, from 12-6 pm. There will be sign-up sheets at church in the next few weeks. Mark it on your calendar today! The 26th Annual Holiday Boutique will be held at Christ Lutheran on Saturday, Nov. 5th 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Please plan to join us for crafts, vendors, bake sale, as well as breakfast and lunch items. Please consider donating to the bake sale. Home canned items, breads, pies, bars, cookies are great items. Pies and breads can be individually wrapped. We will package bars and cookies, as we will sell them in different quantities. Please label your items, such as “Banana Bread.” We will price all items. You can bring your Items to the church Friday afternoon or Saturday morning by 8:45 am. Thank you for supporting our boutique, and we hope to see you there! Also, tables are available for $25.00 by contacting Eileen Gregory at 952-469-6552 or
Paint and Praise Night! Friday, November 18 6:00 – 8:00 pm In the church fellowship hall Take home a finished painting that you have done yourself! Supplies are furnished, and you will be taught how to do it by a qualified and gifted instructor. Cost is $35.00 Open to all – bring a friend or two! Also bring a snack to share. Sign-up will be on the bulletin board after Oct. 28. Don’t miss this fun activity!
Christmas Tea Save the date – December 10! More information coming soon!
Our Gifts to the Lord Oct 8/9, 2016 General Fund Oct 3-7, 2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need
Attendance $2530.30 $ 685.00 $3215.30 $6935.00
Saturday Oct 8, 5:00pm Sunday Oct 9, 9:00am Sunday Oct 9, 2:00pm Total
31 75 N/A 106
Have you thought about signing up for Altar Flowers to beautify the church on Sunday morning? Take a look at the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex or call the church office. One arrangement is $22.00. No one has signed up for the following dates: Oct. 30 (Reformation Sunday), Nov. 6 (All Saints Sunday), Nov. 27th, Dec. 4, and Dec. 11.
Remembering the Reformation On Reformation Sunday, October 30 beginning at 3pm at St. John's Lutheran Church in Norwood-Young America, Region 2 of the Minnesota South District of the LCMS will continue in its celebration and preparation for the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. To mark this occasion, there will be a Hymn Festival hosted by Kantor, Rev. Richard Resch, former Director of Music and Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN; a Reformation Lecture by Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mumme, Associate Professor of Theology at Concordia University Wisconsin and a German meal (freewill donation) with strolling German musicians. Please join us as we mark this memorable milestone in our life of faith as Lutherans.
Feed My Starving Children® is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to our distribution partners. FMSC meals have reached nearly 70 countries around the world in our history.
Woodbury MNS District LCMS MobilePack Your opportunity to help make the Minnesota South District’s goal of 1,000,000 packs! Where: Woodbury Lutheran Church 7380 Afton Rd. Woodbury, MN 55125 When: Friday, November 11, 2016, 1-3 pm Saturday, November 12, 2016, 9-11 am Sign up on one of the tables in the narthex, or contact Sharonlee Strohkirch at 962-341-1865.