Oct 2 na

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota

October 2, 2016

Verse of the Week:

Oh, that I had a thousand voices To praise my God with thousand tongues! My heart, which in the Lord rejoices, Would then proclaim in grateful songs To all, wherever I might be, What great things God has done for me. All creatures that have breath and motion, That throng the earth, the sea, the sky, Come, share with me my heart’s devotion, Help me to sing God’s praises high. My utmost pow’rs can never quite Declare the wonders of His might. Creator, humbly I implore You To listen to my earthly song Until that day when I adore You, Together with the angel throng And learn with choirs of heav’n to sing Eternal anthems to my King. LSB 811, st. 1,4,5 Text: © 1941 Concordia Publishing House Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

Announcements Birthday Wishes go out to Florence O’Brien who is turning 97 on October 7th. Florence has been a member of Christ since birth, and our oldest member! If you would like to send a card, her address is: 85 Imperial Drive, Apt. #107, West St. Paul, MN 55118.

The new Portals of Prayer (October-December) is available at the church. Do you know that this is also available on Kindle, iBook, and online, for both desktop and mobile? For more information, check www.cph.org and find it under Subscriptions.

In our Community A message from the Band Director at Edward Neal and Vista View Elementary... Good news: We have TONS of new ISD 191 students that want to play in band. Bad news: We have more students from families with financial need and cannot afford to buy an instrument. Result: We have MANY students around the district without an instrument to play. Plea: If you have a band instrument at home that you are willing to donate to the school district, please bring it directly to me. I will happily write you an invoice for a tax write-off. Thanks SO MUCH for considering this important donation to our 191 kids If you have an instrument to donate, please contact Karra Hartog. Thank you!

Benefit for local pastor’s wife: The Denise Trittin Benefit is on October 7, 2016 from 5pm-9pm at the Royal Cliff Convention Center in Eagan. This event will include live music, appetizers, silent auction, wine pull, 50/50 raffle, and much more! All the Benefit proceeds will go Denise and her family to assist with medical bills and other costs incurred with Denise’s illness. Her husband Chuck is thepastor at All Saints Lutheran Church in Eagan. On June 19 Denise had a brain aneurism rupture, and she miraculously survived following two months of hospitalizations and acute rehab stays. Please see her website for the entire story: http://denisetrittin.com/ . Details about the Benefit are on the webpage including all the businesses contributing to the Silent Auction event as well as ticket information!

Upcoming Meetings and Events Saturday, October 15, the Trustee’s will be hosting the annual Fall Clean-Up Day. Starting at 9:00am, we’ll be doing miscellaneous jobs to spruce up the church and grounds and get prepared for winter. All are welcome to help out. Lunch will be served. Join us for work, food, and fellowship. If weather is bad on the 15th, we’ll reschedule for the following Saturday, Oct 22nd. The 26th Annual Holiday Boutique will be held at Christ Lutheran on Saturday, Nov. 5th 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Please plan to join us for crafts, vendors, bake sale, as well as breakfast and lunch items. Tables are available for $25.00 by contacting Eileen Gregory at 952-469-6552 or glenn_eileen@frontiernet.net

New Sunday Adult Bible Study in October! We will be emphasizing stewardship and going through some principles of godly stewardship, using your God-given talents, time, and treasures for His glory. Be sure to stay for the Education Hour after church to join us in this important time in God’s Word. SENIOR CHOIR meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. New people are always welcome to our choir. So, if you love to sing, we will be happy to see you on Wednesdays! We believe that your voice will help take our choir to new heights. Please contact Alex Mezeritski at the church office or through his email: alex_mezh@hotmail.com. Share the joy of choral singing with our energetic group of music lovers!

Christmas Tea Save the date – December 10! More information coming soon! Get Involved There are many opportunities to serve as an officer of the congregation or on one of the many Boards. What is your passion or concern at Christ Lutheran? How can you move that forward in a positive way? See the whole list and descriptions in the October Christ’s Messenger. See Jim Struck or any of the Board Chairmen and let them know where your interest lies. Preschool Readers! Here’s a great way to get involved in a small way – read to the preschoolers! Please see the sign-up sheet outside of the preschool room. We are looking for readers on Thursdays and Fridays at 11:45. If that time does not work well for you but you would like to come in another time, please see Julia Bonewell to work out a time. The Anyuak Sunday School, which meets from 2:30-3:30, is in need of teachers. If you are interested in helping with this outreach program, please see Michele Lukanen (michele.clc@live.com)

Our Gifts to the Lord Sept 24/25, 2016 General Fund Sept 10-16,2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need

Attendance $3208.50 $ 535.00 $3743.50 $6935.00

Saturday Sept 24, 5:00pm Sunday Sept 25, 9:00am Sunday Sept 25, 2:00pm Total

29 94 N/A 123

Feed My Starving Children® is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to our distribution partners. FMSC meals have reached nearly 70 countries around the world in our history.

Woodbury MNS District LCMS MobilePack Your opportunity to help make the Minnesota South District’s goal of 1,000,000 packs! Where: Woodbury Lutheran Church 7380 Afton Rd. Woodbury, MN 55125 When: Friday, November 11, 2016, 12-2 pm Saturday, November 12, 2016, 9-11 am Sign Up on the table in the narthex, or contact Sharonlee Strohkirch at 962-341-1865.

The 2016 Lutherans For Life National Conference is coming up in October! This is the National conference, right in our backyard. Here are some reasons you should attend:  

It is a wonderful place to meet new friends and build relationships! You will find many FOR LIFEminded folks from around the United States and Canada—and this year, Latvia. An LFL conference is spiritually uplifting and encouraging. The speakers and worship service focus directly on God’s Word and how it applies to the life issues as found in Ephesians 6:11—“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil”—as demonstrated in our conference theme Here We Stand. Knowledgeable and engaging speakers will address a variety of life issues. Learn about life in ways you may have never thought of before. Read on to find out more. Plus, this year your children can experience a new children's workshop that will help educate and instill in your children a passion For Life.

More information at http://www.lutheransforlife.org/conference/

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