News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota
September 11, 2016
Verse of the Week:
Lord, whose love through humble service Bore the weight of human need, Who upon the cross, forsaken, Offered mercy’s perfect deed, We, Your servants, bring the worship Not of voice alone, but heart, Consecrating to Your purpose Every gift that You impart. Still Your children wander homeless; Still the hungry cry for bread; Still the captives long for freedom; Still in grief we mourn our dead. As, O Lord, Your deep compassion Healed the sick and freed the soul, Use the love Your Spirit kindles Still to save and make us whole. Called by worship to Your service, Forth in Your dear name we go, To the child, the youth, the aged, Love in living deeds to show; Hope and health, goodwill and comfort, Counsel, aid, and peace we give, That Your servants, Lord, in freedom May Your mercy know and live. LSB 848, Text (sts. 1,2,4): © Oxford University Press Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Announcements Sunday School begins today! Sunday school registration forms for this year are located on the bulletin board next to the fellowship hall.
Newsletter Articles are due for the October Christ’s Messenger by September 20. Please email the church office ( ) or drop off any information you have for the newsletter. Also, please let the office know of any meetings or volunteer schedules for October. Thanks! Preschool at Christ Lutheran begins this week! Please keep this ministry to these little ones in your prayers, as well as the teachers! Did you miss Bible Class? Or maybe you want to recap the discussion. “Lead Like JESUS BIBLE Study UPDATES” are available on the church website. Pastor will post a brief synopsis of the lesson for anyone who could not attend. The updates are located under the Adult Education link within the Worship tab on the website navigation bar. From our Preschool:
Upcoming Meetings and Events Today is RALLY DAY! Please join us at 11:15 for a picnic lunch and games to kick off the Sunday School and Bible Class year. Hot dogs and chips will be provided. This fun event is for all of the congregation. See you there! (Yes, we said free hot dogs and lots of desserts! Why would you miss this?)
Confirmation Instruction Orientation for Grades 6-8: This Wednesday at 6:30pm there will be a meeting, with parents and students, to walk through the plans for the year. It will probably be a smaller group than last year so it may be structured a little differently. This year we will be focusing upon the 10 Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. YOUTH BONFIRE! All youth, 6th grade and older, are invited to a Bonfire on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:00 (after confirmation). Meet at CLC, and the bonfire will be outside in our fire pit. Join us for s'mores, stories, and Bible study! SENIOR CHOIR will start its annual musical adventure this Wednesday at 7:00 pm. New people are always welcome to our choir. So, if you love to sing, we will be happy to see you on Wednesdays! We believe that your voice will help take our choir to new heights. Please contact Alex Mezeritski at the church office or through his email: Share the joy of choral singing with our energetic group of music lovers! Constitution Committee: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 20, at 7:00 pm. Be sure to be there! The "Lead Like Jesus" study will continue every Sunday morning. Through this study, we will hopefully experience Jesus in a new and different way, as we grow to trust and follow Him and as we seek to come together and lead others to the Cross. It is my prayer and desire that "Lead Like Jesus" will be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in our journey to becoming effective servant leaders as we gather together to be fed and strengthened through God's Word and teachings.
Get Involved Secretary for the Church Council Needed: We need someone to take minutes at all Church Council and Voters’ meetings and distribute them in a timely manner. Please consider if this is something you can do to help out Christ Lutheran in an important way. It’s not too late! Sunday School Teachers are still needed elementary, middle school, and high school. If you are interested in teaching classes, please see Michele Lukanen or sign up on the board in the fellowship hall hallway.
Ease into cross-cultural activities: The Anyuak Sunday School, which meets from 2:30-3:30, is in need of teachers. If you are interested in helping with this outreach program, please see Michele Lukanen ( Constitution and By-Laws Committee: The Church Council is seeking volunteers to be part of a committee to examine and propose changes to the Constitution and By-Laws. This informal group will report to the Church Council recommendations for changes to both the Constitution and the By-Laws. After Church Council consideration, the changes recommended may proceed through the approval process as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. If you would like to participate on the committee or have suggestions, please contact Kelly Callahan or let Pastor Hahn know.
Our Gifts to the Lord Sept 4, 2016 General Fund August 22-26,2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need
Attendance $3878.01 $ 745.00 $4623.01 $6935.00
Saturday Sept 3, 5:00pm Sunday Sept 4, 9:00am Sunday August 28, 2:00pm Total
17 99 N/A 116
The Rally Day service on Sunday uses many of the parts of Luther’s Small Catechism. How well do you know the explanation of the First Article? Check the bulletin (Creed) for answers! The First Article: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. What does this mean? I believe that God has made me and all ______________________; that He has given me my body and _________, eyes, ears, and all my __________________, my reason and all my __________________, and still takes ____________ of them. He also gives me ____________________ and shoes, _____________ and drink, house and ______________, wife and _______________________, land, animals, and __________ I have. He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to ____________________ this body and life. He defends me against all __________________ and guards and protects me from all _______________. All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and _________________, without any merit or worthiness in me. For all this it is my duty to _______________ and praise, _____________ and obey Him. This is ________________ ____________________________ ________________.
What a wonderful God we serve!