Sept 2017

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CHRIST’S MESSENGER Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool, Eagan MN

September 2017

FROM THE PASTOR by Pastor Hahn Church and Preschool

Staff Rev. David Hahn Senior Pastor

Alex Mezeritski Director of Music

Wendy Ewald Director of Preschool

Judy Kaner Preschool Aide

Rhoda Houge Church Secretary

Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 1930 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 651-454-4091 Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world.

"What You Do and Don't Know About Martin Luther and the Reformation" The first few weeks of Sunday School at Christ Lutheran Church will focus on Martin Luther and The Reformation. As many of you already know this October marks the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. So here at Christ Lutheran Church we will be joining together (adults and children) for a fun filled, lighthearted, entertaining, and yet educational time, focusing upon Martin Luther and the Reformation. The Lesson Titles include: 1) "The Stormy Monk"; 2) "The Protesting Professor"; 3) "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble"; 4) "The Heretic's Trial"; and 5) Luther's Legacy. You will learn something about Martin Luther and the Reformation that you have never heard before and have fun doing it. The first lesson begins Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am.

"The Gift That Keeps On Giving" Stewardship Emphasis Coming Soon! “The Gift that Keeps on Giving.” Beginning next month, Christ Lutheran Church will be implementing a three-week annual giving emphasis titled “The Gift that Keeps on Giving.” Sermons and a special takehome Bible study will be offered to support this effort. It has been said that giving can be called the language of love. Because of God’s continuous love for us in all that He does each and every day, we, through faith, respond to that love out of thankfulness. His love compels us to respond. Next month we will discover once again how our God gives us a gift that never stops giving. He lavishes us with so many blessings, both individually and collectively as a body of believers. More information will be sent to everyone introducing the annual giving emphasis. We look forward to this special opportunity to learn more about our God and giving and invite your participation!

Confirmation on Wednesday Nights 6:30 - 7:15pm The Confirmation Program at Christ Lutheran is designed to encourage our 6 th & 7thth grade youth to grow, mature, and be strengthened in their faith and understanding of the one true, Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), God’s Word (the Holy Bible), and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our goal for the Confirmation Program is to present and teach our youth about God’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ using His Word, Luther’s Small Catechism, and Personal Faith Experiences. It is our desire that the youth of Christ Lutheran grow strong in their relationship in Jesus and are aware of His personal involvement in their daily lives and the lives of others. We will strive to provide a solid foundation for a life-long, in-depth faith journey. Our Confirmation at Christ Lutheran is a two-year program focusing on the 6 Chief Parts of the Christian Faith as found in Luther's Small Catechism and the Holy Bible. This year our emphasis will be the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Holy Communion, and the Office of the Keys and Confession. Our goal is to reach youth and their families for Christ during the exciting, promising, challenging and sometimes rough and rocky teen years. It is to remain dedicated to finding ways to turn parents into the primary teachers of faith in their kid’s lives. The church serves as reinforcement—not replacement—of the parents’ responsibilities. We want church to become the place that lights the spark to get true family ministry started. We want the home to be the place where faith is taught and nurtured. (continued on the next page)

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

(From the Pastor, continued) The 6th and 7th Graders will meet for a 45 minute instruction time with the Pastor which will be followed by a large group gathering of all youth 6th - 12th Grades for fun, food, and fellowship. So Confirmation Class will be from 6:30 - 7:15pm and Youth Group will be from 7:00 - 8:00pm. (Parents may want to participate in the Adult Choir which meets from 7:00 - 8:00pm.) There will be a Parent/Youth Orientation for Confirmation on Wednesday, September 13th @ 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at Christ Lutheran Church. So Parents of 6th and 7th Graders – or any other youth 6th - 12th Grades who have not been confirmed as of yet – and youth, I will see you at the orientation.

Youth Group Fellowship (6th - 12th Grades) on Wednesday Nights 7-8pm This year, on Wednesday Evenings beginning on September 20th, all youth 6th - 12th Grade are encouraged to participate in our New Youth Group Fellowship from 7-8pm. Sharon and Bonny are the new Adult Youth Group Volunteers who will be joining the youth in an hour of fun, food, and fellowship. This fellowship time is all about building relationships with one another and strengthening our relationship with God. It is my prayer that this year be a building up and strengthening of our youth. So 6th - 12th Grade youth, you are the key to the Youth Group Fellowship. Come and join us. (If you are in confirmation you will notice there is an overlap in time. That is not a misprint. There will be a little overlap so that the 8th-12th Grades can get to know each other better.)

Anyuak Ministry One of the big questions being asked is "When is Omot going to Africa to distribute Bibles?" The initial plans were that He was to go over in mid-August but due to the unrest in the area because to the national elections, Omot has delayed his trip until November. More information will follow when the date and time is determined. There has been much discussion between Omot and Pastor Hahn on how we (the Anyuak community and the CLC congregation) can better meet the needs of the transitional Anyuak Refugees who are arriving in the area. Some of these needs include better English Language skills (reading, writing, and speaking), furniture, clothing, food, transportation, schooling for children, etc. There has been discussion with POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran Outreach) Ministry to share the resources that they have to offer at the newly established International Friendship Center (IFC) at Ascension Lutheran Church. We, as a congregation, have several people who have voiced interest in volunteering at this IFC and more are encouraged t do so. If you have some suggestions pertaining to what we can do to help, talk with Omot or Pastor Hahn. Currently the Anyuak community has been meeting at Christ Lutheran Church every Sunday afternoon for Worship, except for the last Sunday of each month when they gather with other Anyuak communities from the Metro area at various locations. The 3rd Sunday of each month Pastor Hahn leads the Worship with Holy Communion. While the Worship Service is going on the Anyuak kids (sometimes about 17 in number) meet to talk and play. Last school year we had volunteers help out with these kids, teaching Bible Stories, crafts, and fun time. As for this school year we have no volunteers as of yet. This year we will be strongly encouraging the Anyuak kids to become a part of the Sunday Morning Education Hour (10:30 - 11:30am). We will also be strongly encouraging the Anyuak Adult members to gather in Worship during the Education Hour or join in the Adult Bible Study. We are also strongly encouraging our Anyuak members to continue their fellowship time but move things up a couple hours to begin at 11:30am rather than 2pm. That way they could eat and fellowship with one another earlier in the day. The Anyuak youth, of confirmation age or those a little older who have not yet been confirmed, will be joining the Wednesday Evening Confirmation Instruction beginning at 6:30pm which is followed by our new Youth Group Fellowship time. All of these things will be a step toward coming together as one congregation. Please keep these efforts in your prayers.

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

Try Something New To Serve at CLC! Opportunities Abound!

So – everyone should know by now that more help is needed to fill Board positions, as well as help with Sunday School, the Stewardship Emphasis program, and the Youth Group. Yet very few have responded to calls for help or recommended others that they think would fit well in any of these positions. What would get you to consider helping out? How about any of these ideas:   

A special retreat for Board members or others who volunteer at a luxury resort. (We have yet to find a donor, but we can dream…) A drawing from the membership roster to see who wins the lottery. The prize will be a position on the Board of your choice! Surprise stickers under the pews to see who wins a door prize – which means you get to serve in the position on the sticker.

Yes, these are meant to be somewhat humorous, and you could probably come up with better ideas, but the point is serious. Your help is needed. Please step up in the area where you think you would fit the best, or talk to others in the church to encourage them to help. Above all, pray that God would bring forward His willing servants to join in the ministry at CLC.

POBLO International is in the process of establishing a 2nd International Friendship Center at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Burnsville. They are looking for a few individuals that would be willing to attend one training seminar and then give one hour a week to help. This is an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone who can use a smile and a welcome. Training meeting for all volunteers interested in helping with POBLO International is Saturday, September 2, 10:00 at Ascension Lutheran Church. It will last approximately 2 hours. ANYONE who would just like to learn more at POBLO is also invited to attend. You DO NOT have to want to volunteer to attend this training. It will be very informative on how to interact with the changing community we live in. There are flyers on the front table in the Narthex – please take one and consider this opportunity. We have some people already interested in helping – please join us! Any questions, please contact Pastor Hahn or Karra Hartog.

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

RALLY DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10th WORSHIP: 9:00 A.M. FELLOWSHIP: Immediately following the service – donuts, coffee, and water served in the Fellowship Hall

EDUCATION HOUR: 10:30-11:30 A.M. Fellowship Hall This is the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation so beginning Rally Day and ending October 29 (no class on October 22nd) we will be doing a 5-week study for all ages (children through adults) entitled “What You Do or Don’t Know About Martin Luther and the Reformation.” You do not want to miss this study!

CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK: 11:45 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall Plates, utensils, beverages, napkins will be provided. We also will have the refrigerator and warming ovens available to keep food cold or warm during the morning. If your last name begins with the letters A-D and R-V please bring a Hot Dish. If your last name begins with the letters E-H and M-Q please bring a Salad, and if you last name begins with the letters I-L and W-Z please bring a Dessert. We hope you will join us for this wonderful day of CELEBRATION and FELLOWSHIP! You might even go home with a prize!

Eagan Pointe Worship On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month a Worship Service, led by Pastor Hahn, is held at the Eagan Pointe Senior Living. It begins at 10am on the 2nd floor in the activity room. Anyone is welcome to worship with us.

Address for Dale Vogt: Dale is at a care facility in West St. Paul. He would appreciate getting cards from CLC members and friends, as well as your prayers. The address is: Dale Vogt Walker Methodist – Westwood Ridge 1– 61 Thompson Ave West West St. Paul, MN 55118

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

The summer is rapidly coming to a close. God has blessed us with some amazing weather to spend outdoors enjoying His creation. Enrollment - The end of summer means the school year is rapidly approaching and we are so excited to get to know these young children and their families! We are blessed to have 20 children on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 13 on Tuesday and Thursday. We still have some space available on Tuesday and Thursday, so please let your friends, neighbors, and relatives know about our Christian preschool! Thank You - I want to express my sincere gratitude to the following ladies for helping me with the toy, shelf, tables, chairs, and equipment washing! We had seven lovely ladies helping me on Monday, August 21: Marlene Burkhalter, Tonia Gustafson, Beverly Hermes, Lois Agrimson, Jeanette Uecker, Joyce Swedean, and Judy Kaner. Your help was so appreciated! Thank you for supporting the preschool with your time and talents! Thank You - I would also like to say a big thank you to all the members of Christ Lutheran who supported the preschool monetarily through the Joe Connolly Memorial Fund. This money will go towards helping to continue the awesome preschool ministry you have all been supporting over the years. To God be the glory! Thank You - Many thanks to the Board of Trustees for your continued work in keeping things running smoothly for the church and child care center! Most recently, Dave and Tom repaired the loft in the preschool room so our “little monkeys” can’t keep throwing toys behind the loft where they can’t be retrieved. Prayers Requested - The preschool has two Parent Orientation meetings coming up the first week in September, and then we begin on Monday, September 11. Your prayers for a successful and Godpleasing start to the new school year are needed and appreciated! Tuesday-Thursday Teacher – I am still waiting for God to send a part-time teacher for our Tuesday-Thursday class. He knows what we need and will supply it in His time. Again, your prayers that God’s will be done are appreciated! Enjoy the last weeks of summer. Fall will be here soon with all the beautiful colors God has given us to enjoy! In His Love and Grace, Wendy Ewald, Director

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017


Here’s an actual conversation at Christ Lutheran: Voice 1: I wish I knew of some good books to read. Voice 2: Why don’t you get some out of Christ Lutheran’s Library? Voice 1: Christ Lutheran has a library? Where? Voice 2: In the old chancel area of the fellowship hall. Voice 1: Really? I’ll have to check that out. Did YOU know that Christ Lutheran has a library? We have quite an assortment of books; Christian Fiction books by Kingsbury, Coble, Snelling, Blackstock, Warren, Henderson, Peterson, Oke, are excellent interesting books to read. Young adults who liked the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew may like to read Carolyn Keene’s The Dana Girls Mystery Stories. Lots of books for young children and preschoolers. Wondering about what that verse in the Bible means? We have commentaries on just about every book in the Bible. We also have devotional books for young children and adults that you can check out for the year. We have joke books, skit books, recipe books and a whole lot more. Come check us out! Wondering what to do with the books you’ve accumulated at home? We appreciate donations If the books are Christian books or books that have “clean” stories or plots. You can bring them to the church office and we will take a look at them. Every month there will be a book review of a couple of books in the library in the monthly newsletter. Be sure to look for that!

LIVING IN FAITH EVERYDAY – L.I.F.E. GROUPS LIFE Groups Starting Up Again in September First – a special presentation on Monday September 11, 2017 at 6:30pm by Judy Slegh at Eagan Pointe. Judy is with Nephros ministries, which is connected with Angel Tree Ministries. She will share with us the need for writing letters to send to prison inmates, including guidelines for how to do this, what is acceptable, and how it works. She will tell us how to get on board if we want to make this a part of our LIFE groups. Anyone not in a LIFE Group may join us. Just let us know so we are prepared for the number attending. Call Sharonlee, 952-431-1865 and leave a message. You will be hearing more about the LIFE groups as to which groups meet where, when, the type of group (women, men and mixed), and their study for the fall in September. We invite anyone who wants to study God’s word, fellowship and pray with us, and serve an amazing Lord to join us.

To God be the Glory!

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

LWML Corner Women of CLC please join us on Saturday September 9th at 9:30 am for Bible Study, short meeting, and fellowship! Mark your calendars for the upcoming Fall Conference Rally Saturday October 28, 2017 at Rose of Sharon Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove. It will begin at 8:30 am with registration, rally beginning at 9 am with a lunch served at Noon. The speaker will be Pastor Chad Cziscke who serves as a chaplain ministering to the men and women in the Armed Services. The Gifts from the Heart will be monetary gifts to the LCMS Ministry to the Office of the Armed Forces. Cost TBA. Remember to pick up copies of the LWML Quarterly (lots of interesting articles for all women) and Women on a Mission newsletter which tells of what is going on in the District LWML. Our Treasurer Linda Wolf indicates that our MITE giving is down so let’s step up and put those MITES in the special box on the LWML table in the narthex or bring them with you in September. Here is a quote from Past National President Ida Mall in her address to the women at the 2017 National LWML Convention: “Wear the CROSS in your heart before you wear it as jewelry.”

New Automatic Door for the Church Entrance Our church entrance now has an added convenience for those who need a handicap accessible door, thanks to the donations and memorials from the Dale Vogt family, Darlene Lemke, Karen Wild, Joyce Connolly, Lenore Hogeland, and Kathy Anderson & Bob Biggs, as well as a considerable discount from Karl Marsden who did the installation. It will only be operational during church services and special events because it requires that the doors be unlocked. Appropriate signage will explain its use, but take note that due to building codes, the automatic doors at the entrance are programmed so that one has to close before the other one opens. Both doors will open after the button is pushed, but you will have to wait for the second one to open. Do not push the button between the doors except in case of emergency.

Pre-Retirement Workshop Registration-September 22, 2017 The Minnesota South District and Concordia Plan Services are offering a pre-retirement workshop to help you as you plan for that very important time in your life: RETIREMENT! Start learning what you need to know about making plans for your future! Click HERE for more info. Please join us on Friday, September 22, 2017 beginning at 9:00 am - 3:00 pm at the District Office. Please register by September 1, 2017 by contacting Gae Ash at or 952-223-2156. Cost is $10 per person. Morning refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

Notes from the Camp Omega VBS Guides

Another grateful note!

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

CHOIR PRACTICE BEGINS SEPTEMBER 13TH! Rejoice! It’s time to come together to sing again! Whether you’ve been in choir before or if you want to join this year, you are welcome to come on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

PRAYER REQUESTS (Please let Pastor Hahn or the church office know of any additions or changes so we can keep Prayer Requests up to date.)

Loss of a Loved One – Remember the family of Gaylord Aldinger, father of Jeff, who passed away on August 20 after battling Alzheimer’s Disease. “Blessed are those who die in the Lord.” Baptism – Emily Ann Haugen, daughter of Joseph and Michelle Haugen, was baptized on August 16. We welcome this new little sister in Christ to God’s family. Cancer –Steve Brennan, Karen Hultquist, Alan Larson (uncle of Pastor Hahn), Clarence Langfield, Judy Lemke-Kline (niece of Darlene Lemke), Lucy Roemhildt, Gary Schleif (nephew of Darlene Lemke), Greg Wills, Don Wolf. Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other –Nanu Ajack, Dick Bielenberg, Betty Briest, Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Louise Neil, Marjwok Ogio, Shirley Schramm, Lee Scott, Gerry Studer, LaDonne Taylor (Kathy Heggen's aunt), Dale Vogt, Don Wolf. Homebound – Waltraud Bundt, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Marian Neujahr, Florence O’Brien, Heinz & Lore Rother, Lois Scott, Don Stockman, Guy Westphal. Those in the military and their families - MSGT Cordt Jamison (member of CLC), SGT Cody Klinksiek and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann (granddaughter of Mary Lou Adelmann), Ajack Ajack (son of Adangy Gwoy), Apilo Ojulu (son of Ariet Ojulu), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church; the Anyuak people in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world, especially the Christians in Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East. Our nation.

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

Get ready to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with these great events at CSP:

A Visit With Katharina Luther Prepare for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by attending "A Visit with Katharina Luther" on Thursday, September 14, in the Black Box Theatre at Concordia University, St. Paul (312 Hamline Ave. N). This one-hour portrayal by Alicia Winget is free and open to the public. Reserve seating is available by contacting Jane at 651-641-8393 or See a preview at

“Luther” – Concordia St. Paul Theatre Production John Osborne’s Luther is an epic retelling of one of the great epochs in Western civilization, this play is an exploration of the larger-than-life personality of the great reformer himself: passionate, fiery, and earthy. At times, this Luther is the quintessential “angry young man,” fighting against all the great powers that govern his life. Then all at once he reveals himself to have the sensitivity of an innocent child desperately in need of love and protection. In writing that is often raw, direct and emotional – much like the legacy of the historical Luther himself – the play presents a vivid portrait of a man whose many contradictions and personal struggles nevertheless led to one of the great spiritual and political revolutions in human history. October 26-29, 7:30 p.m LOCATION: E.M. Pearson Theatre, 312 Hamline Ave N, St. Paul TICKETS: $10 (Discounts available for students/seniors/children under 12) Church groups of 10 or more receive $5 tickets. Tickets available at

Reformation 500 Worship Service October 29 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Reformation 500 weekend will be highlighted by a worship service in the Gangelhoff Center on Sunday, Oct. 29. The worship service will include a sermon from LCMS President Matthew Harrison, performances from mass youth and adult choirs, instrumental ensembles, and more.

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

September Birthdays 3

Barbara Wahl


Darell Grass


Ryan Chenevert, Kristen Lukanen, Eva Treu, Kyle Willis


Leroy Groff


Carol Larson, Joyce Swedean


Steven Gerber


Sonja Momanyi, Matho Ojullu


Lois Agrimson


Sean Switzer


Charles Sisk, Karen Wild


Nathan Haedike


Larry Sullwold


Darcy Barringer


Janelle Bachrodt


Leann Lehmann Dukes, Dorothy Lueck


Roger Wahl

September Wedding Anniversaries 1

Curt & Judy Thompson

(38 years)


Jim & Shirley Eilola Sr.

(50 years)


Patrick & Lori Dolney

(35 years)


Jeff & Delores Aldinger

(25 years)


Douglas & Darcy Barringer

(26 years)


Tom & Tonia Gustafson

(40 years)


Terry & Edna Rodenberg

(51 years)

Christ’s Messenger

September, 2017

SEPTEMBER 2017 Sunday



Wednesday Thursday

Friday 1

Saturday 2 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship

3 9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship

4 Labor Day



6:30pm – Preschool Orientation

6pm– Boy Scouts 2pm– Anyuak Worship

10 Rally Sunday 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Sunday School

11 Preschool Starts

6:30pm – LIFE Groups at 2pm– Anyuak Worship Eagan Pt.



9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Sunday School

6pm—Diffley Commons 7pm– Dakota Ramblers 4H

12 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 6:30pm – Vermilion Carriage Board 7pm–Council Meeting 19 9am – Eagan Pt Bible Study 6pm– Boy Scouts




8 9 9:30am – 9:30am – LWML Preschool Orientation 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC 15

6:30pm – Confirmation Orientation 7:00pm – Youth Group 7:00pm – Choir


16 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship



6:30pm – Confirmation 7:00pm – Youth Group 7:00pm – Choir

22 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC

2pm–Anyuak Worship 24 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship 10:30am – Sunday School


26 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 5:30pm – Preschool Family Potluck 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm – Trustees

27 6:30pm – Confirmation 7:00pm – Youth Group 7:00pm – Choir



30 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship

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