Sept 24 News and Announcements

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News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan Minnesota

September 24, 2016

Verse of the Week:

Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him! Yes, I will laud Him until death; With songs and anthems I come before Him As long as He allows me breath. From Him my life and all things came; Bless, O my soul, His holy name. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise, all you people, the name so holy Of Him who does such wondrous things! All that has being, to praise Him solely, With happy heart its amen sings. Children of God, with angel host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Alleluia, alleluia! LSB 797 Text (sts. 1,5) and Music: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder Š 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

Announcements Did you miss Bible Class? Or maybe you want to recap the discussion. “Lead Like JESUS BIBLE Study UPDATES” are available on the church website. Pastor will post a brief synopsis of the lesson for anyone who could not attend. The updates are located under the Adult Education link within the Worship tab on the website navigation bar. The new Portals of Prayer (October-December) is available at the church. Do you know that this is also available on Kindle, iBook, and online, for both desktop and mobile? For more information, check and find it under Subscriptions.

A message from the Band Director at Edward Neal and Vista View Elementary... Good news: We have TONS of new ISD 191 students that want to play in band. Bad news: We have more students from families with financial need and cannot afford to buy an instrument. Result: We have MANY students around the district without an instrument to play. Plea: If you have a band instrument at home that you are willing to donate to the school district, please bring it directly to me. I will happily write you an invoice for a tax write-off. Thanks SO MUCH for considering this important donation to our 191 kids If you have an instrument to donate, please contact Karra Hartog. Thank you

Upcoming Meetings and Events Saturday, October 15, the Trustee’s will be hosting the annual Fall Clean-Up Day. Starting at 9:00am, we’ll be doing miscellaneous jobs to spruce up the church and grounds and get prepared for winter. All are welcome to help out. Lunch will be served. Join us for work, food, and fellowship. If weather is bad on the 15th, we’ll reschedule for the following Saturday, Oct 22nd. The 26th Annual Holiday Boutique will be held at Christ Lutheran on Saturday, Nov. 5th 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Please plan to join us for crafts, vendors, bake sale, as well as breakfast and lunch items. Tables are available for $25.00 by contacting Eileen Gregory at 952-469-6552 or New Sunday Adult Bible Study in October! We will be emphasizing stewardship and going through some principles of godly stewardship, using your God-given talents, time, and treasures for His glory. Be sure to stay for the Education Hour after church to join us in this important time in God’s Word.

SENIOR CHOIR meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. New people are always welcome to our choir. So, if you love to sing, we will be happy to see you on Wednesdays! We believe that your voice will help take our choir to new heights. Please contact Alex Mezeritski at the church office or through his email: Share the joy of choral singing with our energetic group of music lovers!

Save the date – December 10! More information coming soon!

Get Involved There are many opportunities to serve as an officer of the congregation or on one of the many Boards. What is your passion or concern at Christ Lutheran? How can you move that forward in a positive way? See the whole list and descriptions in the October Christ’s Messenger. See Jim Struck or any of the Board Chairmen and let them know where your interest lies. Preschool Readers! Here’s a great way to get involved in a small way – read to the preschoolers! Please see the sign-up sheet outside of the preschool room. We are looking for readers on Thursdays and Fridays at 11:45. If that time does not work well for you but you would like to come in another time, please see Julia Bonewell to work out a time. Secretary for the Church Council Needed: We need someone to take minutes at all Church Council and Voters’ meetings and distribute them in a timely manner. Please consider if this is something you can do to help out Christ Lutheran in an important way. The Anyuak Sunday School, which meets from 2:30-3:30, is in need of teachers. If you are interested in helping with this outreach program, please see Michele Lukanen (

Our Gifts to the Lord Sept 17/18, 2016 General Fund Sept 10-16,2016 Joyful Response Total Weekly Need

Attendance $4393.50 $ 1260.00 $5653.50 $6935.00

Saturday Sept 17, 5:00pm Sunday Sept 18, 9:00am Sunday Sept 18, 2:00pm Total

31 87 N/A 118

LWML Sunday October 2, 2016 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man (Psalm 66:5). “Come and See” is the theme for LWML Sunday 2016. God calls us to “Come and See” how He brings about His salvation in the most unexpected ways and places, and to the most unlikely people. God invites us to be surprised by His awesome deeds of salvation in Jesus Christ even today, among people whom we might think least likely to receive His blessings. The Lord surprises us. So Come and See! Lutheran women all over the US collect “mites” to support Mission Grants that are voted on every two years at the International LWML convention. Below are the grants that are being supported in the 2015-2017 biennium. The Mission Goal is $2,000,000! Look what mites can do when people work together to support God’s work! Clean Water and Evangelism Ministry — MOST Ministries - $50,000 Disaster Response Trailers — LCMS Disaster Response - $80,000 Cancer Care Packages — Phil's Friends - $50,000 Renovation of JEM Seminary Buildings — Nigeria - $120,000 Redeeming Life Maternity Home — Sanford, Florida - $100,000 Hope and Healing to the Navajo People — Rocky Mountain District - $75,000 Outreach in Refugee Camps — Lebanon - $75,000 Healthy Families — Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska - $60,000 LCMS Global Seminary Initiative — International Student Scholarships - $100,000 Training Teachers and Leaders — Concordia Seminary, St. Louis - $100,000 Opportunities in Uganda — Women of the Pearl and Seminary Completion - $100,000 "In Their Hands and Upon Their Hearts” — Lutheran Bible Translators, Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia - $50,000 "We Are God's Workmanship” — International Student scholarship at St. Paul High School, Concordia, Missouri - $32,000 Bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel — Apple of His Eye Mission Society Israel $100,000 Helping Hands Initiative — LCMS National Housing Support Corporation - $100,000 Deaconess Training — LCMS support for International Partner Churches – $90,000 LCMS Young Adult Corps (formerly LCMS Youth Corps) — Scholarships for Lutheran Mercy Young Adult Corps - $25,000 Providing Hope for Detroit — Acts 2 Enterprise - $100,000 Rosa Young Academies (Partial) — Rosa Young Projects Initiative - $25,000

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