News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
September 3, 2017
Verse of the Week: Romans 12:21
May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfill And do on earth our Father’s will As angels do above; Still walk in Christ, the living way, With all Thy children and obey The law of Christian love. So may we join Thy name to bless, Thy grace adore, Thy pow’r confess, From sin and strife to flee. One is our calling, one our name, The end of all our hopes the same, A crown of life with Thee. Spirit of life, of love and peace, Unite our hearts, our joy increase, Thy gracious help supply. To each of us the blessing give In Christian fellowship to live, In joyful hope to die. LSB 698; Text (sts. 1–3) and Music: Public domain Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Women of Christ Lutheran! Be sure to attend the LWML meeting Saturday, September 9, at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall
RALLY DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10th WORSHIP: 9:00 A.M. FELLOWSHIP: Immediately following the service – donuts, coffee, and water served in the Fellowship Hall
EDUCATION HOUR: 10:30-11:30 A.M. Fellowship Hall (The congregational potluck has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict.)
New! Intergenerational Sunday School! On September 17, we will begin a 5-week Bible Study that will include all ages. Since this year marks the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the topic is:
"What You Do and Don't Know About Martin Luther and the Reformation" We will be joining together (adults and children) for a fun filled, light-hearted, entertaining, and yet educational time, focusing upon Martin Luther and the Reformation. The lesson titles include: 1) "The Stormy Monk" 2) "The Protesting Professor" 3) "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble" 4) "The Heretic's Trial" 5) “Luther's Legacy” You will learn something about Martin Luther and the Reformation that you have never heard before and have fun doing it.
Due to building codes, the automatic doors at the entrance are programmed so that one has to close before the other one opens. Both doors will open after the button is pushed, but you will have to wait for the second one to open. Do not push the button between the doors except in case of emergency. Appropriate signage will soon be up to help with the use of the new doors.
LIFE Groups Starting Up Again in September First – a special presentation on Monday September 11, 2017 at 6:30pm by Judy Slegh at Eagan Pointe. Judy is with Nephros ministries, which is connected with Angel Tree Ministries. She will share with us the need for writing letters to send to prison inmates, including guidelines for how to do this, what is acceptable, and how it works. She will tell us how to get on board if we want to make this a part of our LIFE groups. Anyone not in a LIFE Group may join us. Just let us know so we are prepared for the number attending. Call Sharonlee, 952-431-1865 and leave a message. You will be hearing more about the LIFE groups as to which groups meet where, when, the type of group (women, men and mixed), and their study for the fall in September. We invite anyone who wants to study God’s word, fellowship and pray with us, and serve an amazing Lord to join us. To God be the Glory!
Special Visitor this Sunday! Linda Going Varnes is a returning visitor today, representing the 2018 Lutheran Hour Float. This year's float will feature 2 special Petal Pushers volunteers – a Comfort Dog and his handler. She has brought I Know a Little German (and her name is Katie) and a Beginning German Bible study. These Reformation-related resources are offered for a suggested donation of $5. 100% of these donations will benefit the Comfort Dog training center at Peace Lutheran, Grand Island, NE! Linda will be located at a table near the coffee and would love to greet you. Her display will also include photos of the 2017 Reformation float and vintage float pins. Be sure to pick up the coloring contest sheet for your school-age children! Linda will also share a few minutes during our fellowship time a bit about Luther's wife, children, and family dog!
POBLO International is in the process of establishing a 2nd International Friendship Center at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Burnsville. They are looking for a few individuals that would be willing to attend one training seminar and then give one hour a week to help. This is an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone who can use a smile and a welcome. Training meeting for all volunteers interested in helping with POBLO International is Saturday, September 2, 10:00 at Ascension Lutheran Church. It will last approximately 2 hours. ANYONE who would just like to learn more at POBLO is also invited to attend. You DO NOT have to want to volunteer to attend this training. It will be very informative on how to interact with the changing community we live in. There are flyers on the front table in the Narthex – please take one and consider this opportunity. We have some people already interested in helping – please join us! Any questions, please contact Pastor Hahn or Karra Hartog.
A Visit with Katharina Luther Prepare for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by attending "A Visit with Katharina Luther" on Thursday, September 14, at 10:00 am in the Black Box Theatre at Concordia University, St. Paul (312 Hamline Ave. N). This one-hour portrayal by Alicia Winget is free and open to the public. Reserve seating is available by contacting Jane at 651 -641-8393 or See a preview at
Our Gifts to the Lord August 26/27 General Fund Aug 21-25 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $2427.00 $ 450.00 $2877.00
Saturday, August 26 Sunday, August 27 Total
20 82 102
CHECK OUT OUR LIBRARY! Our church library is in the back of the fellowship hall. We have quite an assortment of books; Christian Fiction books by Kingsbury, Coble, Snelling, Blackstock, Warren, Henderson, Peterson, Oke, and others are excellent books to read. Young adults who liked the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew may like to read Carolyn Keene’s The Dana Girls Mystery Stories. Lots of books for young children and preschoolers. Wondering about what that verse in the Bible means? We have commentaries on just about every book in the Bible. We also have devotional books for young children and adults that you can check out for the year. We have joke books, skit books, recipe books and a whole lot more. Come check us out!
CHOIR PRACTICE BEGINS SEPTEMBER 13TH! Rejoice! It’s time to come together to sing again! Whether you’ve been in choir before or if you want to join this year, you are welcome to come Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. Apologies and Corrections (Let’s hope this isn’t a recurring part of the News and Announcements!)
Sincere apologies to Steve Marstad for not giving him the right name in the list of donors for the new automatic door opener in the September Newsletter. Steve willingly gave of his time and a considerable discount on the equipment to make this happen, and the secretary is sincerely sorry for not getting the name right.
The congregational potluck on September 10 (Rally Day) has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict.
We failed to make a note of the guest pastor last week who was Rev. Dave Larson, currently a chaplain with the Minneapolis police department. This week, our guest pastor is Rev. Larry Wesolik, a retired pastor living in Lakeville. We thank these men for sharing God’s Word with us!