Regardless of what type of map we choose to use, proper directions on any trip keeps us on the right road and out of trouble. Just as every trip necessitates some sort of destination planning, our Christian lives require clear and concise direction as well. So, where About ten years ago, a good brother do we go for guidance as Christians? of mine we affectionately call “Chick- When I asked how he had kept up The answer to that question is the en” decided to ride up to DC from his with his directions in that freaking Holy Bible. monsoon in the middle of the night, home in North Carolina and spend There are those who say the Bible the weekend camping with us at the he shined a flashlight onto the yellow has been translated and retranslated tank of his Harley. Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally. which makes it no longer relevant. “Bro,” He said, “I got an old school We arrived at the campground on Others discard the Bible as archaic GPS!” Wednesday evening, but he would and out of touch with reality. Both What I saw next was nothing short not be able to join us until Friday. of those things are adamantly false. of amazing. Chicken had taken a Chicken and three of his riding partThe Bible is the living and breathing grease pencil and written the direcners left North Carolina at around word of God. 6pm Friday evening and had planned tions from his home in North Carolina Just as being able to look at a few to the campground In Millersville on a four-hour ride to meet up with lines scribbled on a gas tank led us. That would have put them at the Maryland on his gas tank. Chicken and his fellow riders almost “Grease pencils are waterproof bro!” campground around 10pm. to our doorstep, God’s word will lead he announced in that big smile! To say it rained that Friday night us through the trials of life and give would be an understatement! Chick- Chicken and his companions had us clear directions to our safe harbor weathered a torrential storm, horrible en, an old school biker, was not in Heaven. traffic, and low visibility to get where a guy to invest in rain gear as he Without studying God’s word, we will they were going based on a mappedthought it was “sissified” and would surely lose our way. out route written on a gas tank. not be a part of it. While he was riding, the torrential rain was beating These days, there are tons of ways “For the word of God is alive and to plan where we are going. There him in the face, water sprayed up active. Sharper than any doubleare paper maps, on board navigation from the road, and passing vehicles edged sword, it penetrates even to systems, and yes, I suppose there drenched the four motorcycles. dividing soul and spirit, joints and Finally, after taking all they could, the are grease pencils. marrow; it judges the thoughts and For me, paper road maps are almost men hit an exit ramp and looked for attitudes of the heart.” a dry place to give us a call. While he a thing of the past. These days, ~Hebrews 4:12 almost everyone who has a phone had no real idea how close he was has some type of GPS. You can to our location when he called me, Ride on, stay safe! even purchase a motorcycle with an they were less than a mile from the Dennis Reynolds integrated navigation system that will campground. It was nearly 1am. Mideast Regional Elder Now keep in mind, it was dark, there take you wherever you want to go, Bikers For Christ M/M right down to a local restaurant. was a blistering rain, he wore a half helmet, and he had no windshield.
A Biker’s Devotional By Dennis Reynolds