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追忆先人 In Memoriam


In Memorial of Zhifang Wang

文◎Zhi CHEN 陈志 译◎Helene FUNG 冯恺盈

2017年11月12日,著名抗日英烈陈中柱的 遗孀王志芳老夫人与世长辞,享年102岁。陈 中柱将军及王老夫人唯一的儿子,陈志先生特 在此“追忆先人“一栏,分享母亲王志芳的两、 三件事。

母亲王志芳,出身官宦之家。十岁时,从 盐城农村来南京就读黄浦军学校六期的二十 岁穷学生陈中柱,就租住在她家。一天,她看 到陈大哥钻进床下寻找他的最后一个铜板, 生活很不容易,就常常往他的床底就几个铜 板。陈大哥也知道这是大小姐在帮他,觉得这 个小姑娘心真好!

陈中柱毕业后,分派到中央大学当军训 教官。随着年纪的增长,两个年青人的感情越 来越近了。原先王小姐已许配给另一户殷实人 家,当那家人看到身材魁梧、穿军服、别手枪 的陈教官后,只得作罢了。

两人结婚后,十年内书写下可歌可泣、英 雄无比的两人历史,广为人知。母亲的英雄事 迹,在诸多的将军级烈士遗孀中,可算是独一 无二的,这就成全了“烈士义妇”之美名。先父 在中国全国各地共有七处纪念地。

过去,曾有不少人给母亲说媒,我母亲的 一句“我有儿子,我不改嫁,我绝不让儿子做 拖油瓶。”我就冲着母亲的这句话,无怨无悔 地陪伴母亲到她102岁。 Zhifang Wang, the widow of anti-Japanese war hero General Zhongzhu Chen, passed away at the age of 102 on 12 November 2017. Mr Zhi Chen was the only son of General Chen and Mrs Chen, and would like to share a few things about his late mother in this column.

My mother, Zhifang Wang, was born into the family of a government official. When she was 10 years old, a 20-year-old poor student, Zhongzhu Chen, rented a room with her family in Nanjing. Chen came from a rural village in Yancheng and was there to study in Wangpu Military School in its sixth cohort. One day, she saw “Big Brother” Chen looked all over and under his bed for his last coin. She appreciated that life was difficult for him, so she would often throw a few coins under his bed. Chen knew that Miss Wang was helping him and thought that she was a really kind girl.

After Chen graduated, he was allocated to teach military order at Central University. As their age progressed, the two youngsters grew closer. Originally Miss Wang was betrothed to another family member; however when his family saw that she had fallen for such a well-built Mr Chen, looking all sharp in his military uniform with a gun, they gave in.

After the two got married, in 10 years of war, they wrote an unprecedented epic heroic history, which was well-documented. Among the widows of various generals back then, my mother’s courageous deeds were very unique, and earned my parents the fame of “heroic martyr couple”. There were seven memorials dedicated to my late father in different parts of China.

In the past, there was no shortage of matchmakers who approached my mother. My mother’s response was “I have a son; I will not re-marry and won’t drag him into a new family.” For this, I have tirelessly accompanied my mother by her side until she passed away at the age of 102.

Purslowe Funerals and Chipper Funerals come together 两家殡仪服务合并

文◎Chipper Funerals 译◎Abbie Chen 陈薇

There has been an exciting development for Purslowe Funerals and Chipper Funerals which have come together under the brand Purslowe & Chipper Funerals. This brings together more than 235 years of combined experience caring for Perth families. Our people uphold the shared values of family, honour, trust, respect, commitment and loyalty.

Our people are passionate about their role in the community and the important part they play to allay people’s fears and insecurities at a time of great vulnerability. They take a sense of pride and accomplishment in helping create something positive from a difficult time in people’s lives. Families expect a lot more today from funeral services. They know what they want and our people believes their role is to listen and guide the family in the right way to achieve exactly what they want for their loved ones.

Our people support families at the time of their greatest need and also for planning ahead through prepaid funerals. Why do we plan ahead? We do it to reap benefits like peace of mind, security and to protect those we care for so we can enjoy life.

We all plan for life’s major events: our wedding day, buying a home, starting a family, the children’s education, for our career through to retirement. We typically work harder to achieve this, retire later and live longer.

This final event is a celebration of our life and achievements, and we’re able to protect, one last time, those we love from making decisions about our final arrangements, at what unquestionably will be an emotional time.

An increasing number of products exist on the market for funeral planning, including funeral bonds, funeral insurance and prepaid funerals, but not all these products are alike.

A prepaid funeral with Purslowe & Chipper Funerals gives you the opportunity to record your wishes by prearranging and paying a future funeral service at today’s price. You can personalise many aspects of the services to be delivered and it does not adversely affect your personal tax, pension or other entitlements. You can also feel secure in the knowledge that your funds are safely held by the Over 50’s Friendly Society until needed.

Purslowe Funerals 仪服务与 Chipper Funerals殡仪服务目前有了令人欣喜 的发展,即两家殡仪服务现在已经合并称 为Purslowe & Chipper Funerals 殡仪服 务。这意味着我们已经有超过235年的丰富 经验为珀斯的家庭提供关怀与服务。我们 的员工对于家庭,荣誉,信任,尊重,承诺和 忠诚有着共同价值观。

我们的员工对他们在社区中所扮演的角色 充满着能量,角色中尤其重要的部分是他们在 人们处于极度脆弱的时候去减轻他们的恐惧和 不安。他们帮助人们在生命里最困难的时候创 造积极的一面,为此,他们感到自豪和骄傲。当 下,家庭成员对殡仪服务的期望越来越多。他 们知道他们想要什么,而我们的员工相信他们 的角色是以正确的方式倾听和引导家人去实现 他们想要为逝去的亲人所做的事情。

我们的员工在家人最需要帮助的时候提 供支持,并可以通过预先支付葬礼费用的计 划来更好的筹划将来。为什么我们需要提前计 划?我们这样做的益处是为了让家人获得安心 和保障,并保护我们所关心的人,以便更好的 享受生活。

我们一直都在努力计划生活中的大事:结 婚,买房,创建家庭,孩子教育,为我们的事业 奋斗到退休。我们通常要努力地达到这一点, 退休后更长寿。

这个最后的大事是对我们生命与成就的 庆祝,我们能够最后一次保护我们所爱的人, 从而决定我们的最终安排,毫无疑问,这将是 一个感性的时刻。

如今的葬礼市场上出现了越来越多的产 品,包括葬礼保证金,葬礼保险和预付费葬礼 等,但并不是所有这些产品都是一样的。

Purslowe&Chipper Funerals的预付费 葬礼计划通过以今天的价格预先安排和支付 未来的葬礼服务的形式,为您提供完成心愿 的机会。您可以在许多方面实现个性化交付服 务,并且不会对您的个人税,养老金或其他权 利产生不利影响。您也可以为此感到安全,因 为你深知您的资金是由一个超过50年的友好 基金安全地持有,直到您需要。

如果您想了解更多的信息和资讯,请随时 与我们取得联系!

hy do we plan ahead? We do it to reap benefits like peace of mind, security and to protect those we care for so we can enjoy life. We all plan for life’s major events: our wedding day, buying a home, starting a family, the children’s education, for our career through to retirement. We typically work harder to achieve this, retire later and live longer. Some of us are becoming more affluent, enabling us to plan retirements full of the sorts of activities we perhaps didn’t have time for during our working lives. Many of us look to get our affairs in order, enabling retirement to be a time of enjoyment with the family, newly discovered hobbies and rediscovered passions. Apart from writing a will, what else can we do to plan ahead? Traditionally it has been a taboo subject and we’ve had few options, but now that’s changed. Today we’re able to plan ahead for almost anything including our funeral. This final event is a celebration of our life and achievements, and we’re able to protect, one last time, those we love from making decisions about our final arrangements, at what unquestionably will be an emotional time. An increasing number of products exist on the market for funeral planning, including funeral bonds, funeral insurance and prepaid funerals, but not all these products are alike. A prepaid funeral gives you the opportunity to record your wishes by prearranging and paying a future funeral service at today’s price. This offers a number of benefits over other forms of funeral planning. It protects you and your family against inflation. You can personalise many aspects of the services to be delivered and it does not adversely affect your personal tax, pension or other entitlements. You can also feel secure in the knowledge that your funds are safely held by the Over 50’s Friendly Society until needed. A prepaid funeral plan offers more than just a cash payout. It gives you the time you need to make informed decisions about the funeral best suited to you, allows you to incorporate your cultural wishes and beliefs into your service and gives you the security of knowing your family is protected. The selected services are guaranteed. To take the first step in planning for your own funeral or memorial service, please speak to your friends at Chipper Funerals on 08 9330 6344 (Perth South) or 08 9381 5888 (Perth North). And for assistance in your language of origin please ask to speak with Stephen Kum on 0428 765 248.

们为什么要提前计划?我们这样做是为 了获得安心和保障,并且能保护我们所 关心的人,让我们可以享受生活。 我们都会规划人生中重大的事件,例如: 婚礼、买房、组织家庭、孩子的教育、事业和退 休。我们努力地工作去实践了才退休。 我们中的一些人变得越来越富裕,使我 们能够计划退休生活,参与在工作时期没有时 间参与的活动。有许多人期待将事务循序完 成,使退休成为享受家庭的时间,培养新爱好 和重新发觉激情。 除了立遗嘱,还有什么我们可以预先规划 的吗?这传统上是一个忌讳,我们没有多余的 选择。但是随着时代的改变,现在几乎什么都 可以预先规划,包括我们的葬礼。 这人生最后的一个典礼要庆祝我们的人 生和成就。我们能最后一次保护我们所爱的人 在毫无疑问最悲伤的时候还要为我们的丧事 安排做抉择。 殡葬计划市场的产品越来越多,包括殡 葬债券,保险和预付殡葬。但并不是所有的产 品都一样。 预付殡葬让你有机会按你的愿望和现今 的价格来预先安排和支付未来的殡葬服务。 这比其他形式的殡葬计划提供了一些好 处。这计划保护你和你的家人免受通货膨胀。 你可以在不影响你的税金、养老金和其他权 益下,要求多方面的个人化服务。你也可以安 心知道你的资金被Over 50 Friendly Society 安 全持有,直至需要。 预付殡葬计划不仅提供现金支付。它给 你时间去为最适合你的葬礼作出明智的决定。 这计划能配合你的文化背景和宗教信仰来给 你服务,确保你的家人获得保障。你所选的服 务都得会获得保证。 如欲规划你的葬礼和追思会,请致电 Chipper Funerals电话08-93306344(珀斯南部) 或08-9381 5888(珀斯北部)详谈。如果需要以 你的语言交谈,请联系Stephen Kum,手机号码 为0428 765 48。

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