15 minute read
志愿者之谈 Volunteerism
文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
Every dedicated volunteer is a precious resource for a not-for-profit organisation, like Chung Wah Association. The annual large-scale Perth Chinese New Year Fair involves a significant number of volunteers at every stage of the event, from planning to site decoration. Volunteers play a vital role in the sustainability of our community services. Thanks to all the long-standing and committed volunteers who have actively contributed to the services provided by the Chung Wah Community & Aged Care and Chung Wah Chinese Schools. As the Chinese New Year is around the corner, our editorial team has specially interviewed four active volunteers about their volunteering experience and how they celebrate Chinese New Year in Perth. 对于一个非盈利机构而言,最珍贵的资源莫过于是多年来任劳任怨的志愿者。每年的春节活动,从活动策划到场地布 置,基本上每个环节都少不了志愿者的参与。中华社区及长者服务和中华中文学校,一直有一批不离不弃的志愿者在默默 地扶持着这些服务的运作。趁着春节的来临,特此找来四位长期付出的志愿者分享他们的体验和对农历新年的体会。
Beata FUNG李灿薇
Originally from Hong Kong Migrated to Perth at the end of 1992 1992年底和家人从香港移居珀斯
Twenty-four years ago, Beata first joined the Chung Wah as a community visitor under the government-funded Community Visitors Scheme (CVS). She heard about the recruitment of community visitors through the Chung Wah Cantonese radio program broadcasted on the WA Multicultural Radio, 6EBA. The CVS is a program that trains and arranges volunteers to regularly visit socially isolated Asian residents in nursing homes or hostels in Perth, and to provide companionship and friendship.
Beata first visited an elderly female who only spoke a rare Chinese dialect, Taishan. This was the dialect that Beata’s parents used to speak. As her parents passed away at a young age, Beata had a strong feeling of familiarity with this resident and she treated her like her mother.
There is no doubt that Beata is one of the most experienced Chung Wah volunteers. She has been involved in a variety of volunteering roles include visiting elderly residents in nursing home, presenting community news as a Cantonese radio broadcaster, introducing Chinese cultural information to school-visit students, teaching English to seniors attending the Evergreen College of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care, and helping out at Chinese New Year events.
She strongly urges community members who have ample time to contribute their language capabilities and cultural knowledge to help other people in need. Being a volunteer of a big family provides a platform for you to meet other volunteers from a diverse cultural background, as knowing more friends can make your life more satisfying.
二十四年前,李灿薇通过西澳多元文化广播6EBA的中华广东话 广播节目,得知中华会馆的长者服务欲招募社区探访员(CVS),于是 就报名参加。这项社区探访计划(CVS)是让志愿者定期探访养老院 中的亚裔长者,给他们带来友情和陪伴。
Beata到养老院探访的首位老婆婆只能讲台山话,此方言也是 Beata父母的母语。由于父母很早离世,面对这位长者常令她感到份 外亲切,犹如自己的母亲般对待。
Beata是中华会馆资历较 深的志愿者,她所参与过的中 华会馆旗下的义务工作十分广 泛,其中包括了:养老院亚裔 长者探访、广东话广播节目主 持人、给到访中华会馆的学生 介绍中国文化、中华长者服务 长青学院教导英语、中华春节 活动志愿者等等。
她十分鼓励有空闲时间 的社区朋友,可以利用自己的 语言专长、文化知识,多多帮 助社区内需要帮助的人。此 外,也可以认识不同文化背景 的义工,扩大社交圈子,从而 充实自己的生活。
Chew Yien HA姚秋燕
Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1993 migrated to Perth under spouse visa 出生于马来西亚吉隆坡 1993年随夫移居珀斯
For the first fifteen years after settling in Perth, Yien was a full-time housewife, looking after her three sons. Being an overseas Chinese, she always wanted her second generation to learn Chinese language. In 2000, she enrolled her children to learn Chinese language with the Chung Wah Parkwood Chinese School, currently known as Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese School. She started as a school volunteer in 2007, responsible for the supply of canteen food. It was the year her youngest son started to learn Chinese at the school.
Her responsibilities included purchasing appropriate food such as cooked food and snacks, managing the roster for on-duty cashier, bookkeeping, reporting to the school and liaising with suppliers. Yien enjoys playing this role despite its relatively heavy workload. She appreciates the support and understanding from the school management that has enabled her to carry on the role for a decade. In addition, she describes that it is also a learning path for her to learn some tactics in managing a small business.
For full-time mothers who have an intention to seek employment, Yien strongly encourages them to start volunteering in any sector. It gives them an opportunity to reconnect to the working environment and to broaden their social circle, as well as learning new skills and knowledge. After she started volunteering and working part-time, she has found a sense of satisfaction that makes her happier.
移居珀斯的前十五年,秋燕全职在家相 夫教子,是三个儿子的慈母。秋燕一直认为身 为华裔应该让下一代学好中文,大约在2000 年,她给自己的孩子报读当年位于Parkwood 小学的中华中文学校,即现在的中华乐思中文 学校。直到2007年,最小的儿子也开始上中文 学校时,她就接受了负责学校食物供应的义务 工作。
工作范围包括给学校的孩子和家长采购 合适的食物,如:熟食、零食等;安排值班义 工贩卖食物;处理食堂的账务;向校方汇报和 与供应商接洽。虽然工作量不小,但她很享受 执行这些任务。秋燕也很感恩校方很配合且 完全没有带来任何压力,让她不知不觉肩负了 这义务工作将近十年,也从中学习到一些经营 小生意之道。
秋燕鼓励想要重返职场的全职妈妈们, 可以通过当义工慢慢开始与社会接轨。当志 愿者可以开扩自己的社交圈子,学习一些新 技能或知识。秋燕觉得自从她参与志愿者工 作之后,从中得到的满足感让自己的心情更 加开朗。
DeQin WU and BaoZhu SHI 吴德勤 & 史宝珠
Originally from Harbin, China Migrated to Perth in 2010 under parent visa 来自中国哈尔滨 2010年因家庭团聚移居珀斯
Similar to many traditional Chinese parents, Deqin Wu and BaoZhu SHI opted to live with their only son in the same city, which in this case, is Perth. This couple were members of the Tai Chi Association when they were living in Harbin. Their life in Perth was relatively boring in the first two years and their daily activity (outside home) was mainly attending English lessons at TAFE, yet they had only made a few friends.
In 2012, Mr and Mrs Wu signed up as volunteers of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) after they discovered CAC through a health-related event that took place at the Northbridge Piazza. They were amused to see Tai Chi performances and an ancient Chinese sport, “shuttlecock kicking”, at the event. Coincidentally, their tutor
from the English lessons was also a volunteer of the agency. He encouraged and helped them to become volunteers of CAC.
In the last five years, the couple have been Tai Chi instructor at CAC’s Evergreen College for the elderly. They have also performed Tai Chi on various occasions. In addition to the Tai Chi related volunteering roles, this husband and wife team has also helped out in food preparation and event decoration for major events.
Mr and Mrs Wu feel fortunate that they can involve in such a meaningful volunteering work in a foreign land. It is a great feeling to serve the elderly, and they feel touched and satisfied to see their smiling faces after every Tai Chi performance. They love to share their volunteering stories with friends and many of their friends love to be part of it too.
Suardi Sumiati 林温祥 Originally from Medan, Indonesia Migrated to Perth in 1999 来自印尼棉兰 1999年移居珀斯
Suardi first knew of Chung Wah Association in 2012 when he was searching for a Chinese education provider for his pre-primary daughter. Through the recommendation of a friend, he enrolled his daughter with Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School. During the first year at the school, he was approached by the then Chairperson of the School Management Committee (SMC) to join as a volunteer Assistant Treasurer.
With his dedication to the school, he was elected as the Chairman for the school for three consecutive years until 2016. He said that he learned a lot through the volunteering path. It has personally enriched his life in many ways and built a stronger character within him.
如许多传统中国父母一样,吴德勤和史 宝珠选择老来从子,来到独生子生活的城市 定居。原来在哈尔滨长期参加太极协会,刚来 的两年除了学英语,朋友也不多,感觉珀斯生 活比较沉闷。直至2012年,观赏了中华长者服 务在Northbridge Piazza的一场健康养生包 括太极、踢毽子等的活动,再加上TAFE英语班 的导师推荐下,吴德勤夫妇加入了中华社区及 长者服务的志愿者行列。
这五年来,两位曾在中华社区及长者服 务的长青学院教导长者学习太极,以及在不同 的活动中表演太极。 除了太极相关的义务 工作,吴德勤和史宝珠偶尔也会参与长者服 务的厨房工作,以及有大型活动时帮忙布置 会场。
吴德勤夫妇非常庆幸能在异国他乡接 触到这义务工作,能够为老人服务来充实自 己的生活,是一件很美好的事。每当演出完 太极,看见老人脸上绽放的笑脸,心里不禁 感到很满足,很感动。他倆也经常在朋友聚 会中,提及自己做志愿者的体验,常常惹来 大家的羡慕。
The main motivation for him to volunteer with the Leeming SMC was to lead the school to build the best possible cultural learning venue for his daughter and other students. He understands that it is impossible for him as an individual to influence his daughter in learning Chinese language in a western culture-dominated country.
He has always wanted to improve the school environment and contribute “add-on value” as much as possible during his tenure. Some of the highlights during his chairmanship were: enabling the school’s financial reports to be made transparent; additional storage space provided by the leased school management; a new website for Chung Wah Leeming School was developed; and introducing the use of bulk text messaging (SMS) as an immediate communication tool with parents. In addition, for the last three years, he has taken a leading role in one of the most successful cultural events of Chung Wah Chinese school, which is the Mid-Autumn Festival event.
In Suardi’s view, volunteering has not been part of the Asian-culture. It is not something which can be imposed on someone, but comes from within oneself. He believes that raising the awareness of volunteerism within our Chinese community is a continuous and never-ending effort.
2012年,林温祥在给学前班的女儿搜 索中文教育学校的过程中才得知中华会馆 的存在。在朋友的推荐下,给女儿报读了中 华黎明中文学校。在校的第一年,他就被当 年的学校管委会主席游说成为义务的财务 助理。
他为学校任劳任怨地付出,促使他在 2016年的前三年连续委任为该管委会的主 席 。过去这几年,他收获不少新知识,对个 人的成长帮助很大,使他内心变得更强大。
他在黎明中文学校管委会义务工作的 最大动力,是想引领学校创造一个给自己孩 子和其他学生最好的文化学习的园地。他明 白单凭自己个人的能力,是很难让孩子在一 个西方文化为主流的国家学习中文。
他一直尽可能在他的任期期间,不断地 改善学校的环境和提高学校的附加价值。在 三年的任期中,学校的财政报告更透明化, 学校储藏空间增加了,中华黎明中文学校的 网站建成了,并且推介使用了群发短信功能 与家长保持紧密联系。此外,在过去三年中 文学校的最大型文化活动---中秋晚会,林 温祥扮演了重要角色促使这活动的成功。
林温祥认为参与义务工作还未成为亚裔文化的一部分,他觉得当志愿者是发自内心的,并 不是别人所可以主导的。他相信在华人社区推广参与义务工作的意识,是一项永无休止的任务。
对于在珀斯的农历新年庆会,相比1999年来这个城市至今,大大改善了不少。他重点提到过去 几年在北桥区举办珀斯新春年会给他带来过节的浓浓气息。但愿能有更多社区的善长仁翁可以慷 慨解囊资助每年的新春活动,使它可以更加发扬光大,同时也希望可以有更多的义工参与其中。
How do our volunteers celebrate Chinese New Year? 这四位志愿者如何庆祝农历新年?
Beata has celebrated Chinese New Year in Perth for the last twenty-five years. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the Chinese population and the number of Chinese-related societies, groups and associations, which have their own Chinese New Year dinners and events.
The best thing about celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth is that you get to celebrate this occasion based on your personal preferences. For hospitable people, you may invite lots of friends to have a tea party at home or participate in numerous Chinese New Year events. For people who are more introverted, you may choose to have a simple reunion meal with immediate family.
What she misses most about the Chinese New Year celebration in Hong Kong was the flower markets that take place during the festive season.
在珀斯过了二十五个农历新年,近年来 华人人口大幅度增长,各个同乡会举办的春 节联欢宴会也多不胜数。在珀斯过农历新 年的好处就是可以依个人喜好来度过。喜欢 热闹的朋友可以趁春节呼朋唤友品茗,参加 各华人社团办的春节活动。比较低调的朋友 可以只和家人一家团圆共聚吃年饭。 农历新年期间,香港的交通是非常繁 忙的,人山人海处处可见。唯独香港农历新 年逛花市的文化最令Beata怀念。
For the past twenty-four years, Yien has been celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth with her husband and their extended families. As her husband has eight siblings, the lively family atmosphere during Chinese New Year celebrations in Perth is very similar to what she experienced in Malaysia.
In recent years, there is an increasing number of community events held in Perth during the Chinese New Year period. Yien indicated that she can now see lion dance performances in many shopping centres and Chinese restaurants. These days, she can easily buy festive items at any oriental shop, such as Chinese New Year cake which is made from glutinous rice flour. Basically, celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth is no different than in her home country except that it has not been classified as a public holiday.
提及农历新年,过去二十四年来都在珀 斯过春节。由于丈夫有八兄弟姐妹都在同一个 城市,所以他们家族在珀斯过年都好像在马来 西亚般热闹。 她察觉到这几年在珀斯过年,社区活动 非常多,不少的购物中心、餐馆都可以看到舞 狮。许多年货包括年糕很容易就可以在华人店 买到。基本上,在珀斯过春节就只差还未把农 历新年列为公共假期。
DeQin and BaoZhu
In terms of celebrating Chinese New Year, Mr. and Mrs. Wu prefer to spend the festive season in Perth during its hot summer, rather than Harbin which is extremely cold at this time with temperatures dropping to as low as -30 degrees Celsius. Besides the climate factor, this couple has basically retained the same Chinese New Year rituals with the family. They make dumplings for reunion dinner and watch Chinese New Year shows with their family happily.
对于在珀斯过春节,吴德勤和史宝珠更喜 欢在这过个热腾腾的农历新年,毕竟在哈尔滨 的温度是零下二三十度,非常寒冷。除了气候以 外,基本的春节传统风俗还一样保留,除夕晚 也同样一家人开开心心包饺子、看春晚节目。
For the Chinese New Year celebration in Perth, Suardi highlighted the Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge for the past few years, which gave him a strong celebratory feeling of the festival. He hopes that Chinese New Year celebrations in Perth can grow into a larger scale with financial support from the more affluent members of the community, as well as the participation of more volunteers.
What Suardi wants to do most during the Chinese New Year festival is to celebrate with his large extended family in Indonesia and visit his uncle’s and auntie’s families. Hence, he prefers to celebrate the festival back to his home town whenever possible.
对于在珀斯的农历新年庆会,相比1999 年来这个城市至今,大大改善了不少。他重点 提到过去几年在北桥区举办珀斯新春年会给 他带来过节的浓浓气息。但愿能有更多社区 的善长仁翁可以慷慨解囊资助每年的新春活 动,使其可以更加发扬光大,同时也希望更多 的志愿者参与其中。 对于林温祥而言,春节期间可以与自己在 印尼的直属亲戚团圆是他过节的最大意义。因 此,每年春节他都会尽可能与妻女回国过年。
Home and Garden
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秘制食谱 Secret Recipe
ShaihLam Chin has been living in Perth for over 30 years. Besides being a dedicated mother and wife in her family, she also actively volunteers her time for community programs and activities. She is a volunteer of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC), visiting elderly Asian residents in nursing homes on a regular basis. In addition, she is also a volunteer cooking instructor for the community cooking classes of CAC. Below she shares with us the secret recipe of how to make Chinese pork jerky. A popular Chinese delicacy, a must-have food enjoyed during Chinese New Year.
陈夏兰居住在珀斯超过三十年。除了是 家中的贤妻良母,她也积极贡献她的时间从事 社区项目和活动的义务工作。她是中华社区及 长者服务的义工,定期到养老院探访亚裔长 者,同时她也是社区烹饪班的导师。 在此秘制食谱栏目,她准备了华人新年不 可或缺的肉干食谱,与读者分享。
Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa)
• 2kg minced pork
• 450g caster sugar • 150ml fish sauce • 2 tablespoon rose wine • 2 teaspoon five spice powder • 2 teaspoon pepper
1. Mix the minced pork with the seasonings.
Marinade for 30 minutes.
2. Cut 8 to 10 sheets of baking paper, the size of a baking tray. 3. Spread a thin layer of marinated meat mixture on a sheet of baking paper, place another sheet of baking paper over the meat. Using a rolling pin, roll over the meat to smoothen and even out the spread meat. 4. Transfer the sheets of meat to the baking tray and grill in a 150°C oven for 5 minutes until partially cooked.
5. When the nice and dry partially cooked meat is cool enough to handle, trim each sheet into square pieces, the size depends on individual 6. Grill the square pieces in oven at 150°C until golden in colour. Alternatively, you may char grill the partially cooked meat. 7. Remove and cool completely on a wire rack.
• 2公斤猪肉碎 • 450克细砂糖 • 150毫升鱼露 • 2大匙玫瑰露 • 2小匙五香粉 • 2小匙胡椒粉
1. 把肉碎加入搅匀的调味料内拌匀,腌三十 分钟。 2. 准备八至十张烘烤用纸,各剪成烘烤托盘 的尺寸。 3. 把腌好的肉碎铺在烘烤用纸,再铺上一张 烘烤用纸在肉面,将肉碎碾平成薄片。 4. 置入烤箱摄氏150度烤五分钟至半熟,取 出放凉 5. 待肉片不烫后,依个人喜好,修剪成方片 6. 把剪好的肉片置入烤箱摄氏150度烤至金 黄色或用炭烧烧烤炉烤至金黄色 7. 烤后放凉,就可享用
Gladiolus 剑兰
Reference 资料来源◎Better Home & Garden, February 2015 译◎Elvei Yap 叶俐廷
Glamorous Gladdies, the graceful sword lily – or Gladiolus, as we know it best- is a true gift to the summer garden. Red Gladdies are also a popular choice of flower for the Chinese New Year.
How to plant : Plant the corms about 10-15 cm deep with the growing point facing upwards. The plants are best spaced about 8-15 cm apart. After planting the corms, always water in well. To prevent the possibility of stem damage from wind, it’s a good idea to tie plants to stakes as they grow. Position : Sunny positions are essential for strong stems and prolific flowering. Because the flower stems are so tall they are best planted in a spot that is protected from strong winds. Soil : Gladdies don’t like having wet feet for long. Avoid damp spots, and plant into free-draining soils, to which organic matter has been added - well-rotted manure or compost is ideal. Fertiliser : Little fertiliser is needed, as the flowers draw their nutrition from the corm. However, adding a complete fertiliser about a month before flowering will help produce strong and vibrant blooms. While plants are in flower, you can also feed them fortnightly with a soluble fertiliser formulated for flowering plants. Water : Blooming in summer as they do, Gladdies will need watering at least once a week, but be prepared to give them a little extra during a heatwave. A nice deep watering is more effective than a light splash with the hose every night. Care : Traditionally, gardeners are advised to dig up the corms at the end of the season for storage but in mild climates you’ll find you can enjoy years of flowers without any special attention. If you live in a frost-prone region, however, you may get better results by digging up the corms after the leaves have yellowed and died back. Wash, dry and store them in a dry place for replanting the following year. Pests : When the plants are in bloom, thrips can prove a major pest. They will sometimes eat their way into the developing buds and prevent the flower from opening. Keep an eye out for these tiny insects (small brown or black specks about 1mm long) and spray with an insecticide such as Confidor or MaxGuard. Planting pointers : When to plant: Being summer-flowering bulbs, gladioli are planted a littler later than their spring-flowering counterparts, which traditionally go into the ground during autumn. Flowering takes about 90 to 100 days from planting. Gardeners living in temperate frost-free areas can start planting the corms from June to mid-September. In colder frosty areas, it is safer to wait until late August to plant. In tropical zones, corms can be planted year round. 如何种植?将剑兰球茎向上植入10-15 公分深的土壤里。球茎之间最后保持 8-15公分的距离。记住把球茎埋好后, 必须勤加浇水。为免生长出来的枝茎遭 强风破坏,可以考虑轻绑住细长直杆来 支撑剑兰的枝茎。
位置: 剑兰是典型的长日照植物,最好放置在阳光充足的环境。其枝茎 比较长,最好可以种植在遮挡风吹的位置。
土壤: 剑兰不喜欢长期种植在过于湿润的土地,避免潮湿的土地,可种 在土层疏松、肥沃的土壤,最好添加了天然肥料如腐化的粪肥。
肥料: 少量的肥料是必须的,花朵的营养取自球茎。在开花季节的前一 个月最好可以多施肥,有助于花朵盛放。剑兰开花季节时,最好每隔两 周施加给花朵的溶解性肥料。
水分: 属于夏天花朵盛放的植物,剑兰须要至少一周浇一次水。若遇上 旱热的天气,最好能多浇水。浇花时,得确保土壤吸收充足的水分。
护理: 一般上,种植者最好在剑兰凋谢后,将其球茎从泥土取出收藏。 然而,一般在温和的气候下,即使没有特别处理,每年剑兰都会依旧生 长。如果在倾于严寒的地带,最好在枝叶枯萎后,将球茎取出收藏。清 洗,晾干后收藏在干爽的位置,第二年再重新种植。
防治害虫: 当剑兰盛放之际,也许会出现一种称为牧草虫的害虫。它们 会侵袭剑兰的各部分甚至蓓蕾,以致其开不了花。注意观察这种大约 一厘米长的棕色或黑色小斑点般的小害虫。可喷射杀虫剂:Confidor 或 MaxGuard来处理。
种植小指示: 相比其他夏天开花的植物,剑兰的种植时间稍微比较晚。 一般情况下,剑兰是在秋季的时候种入土地里。开花的季节一般是种 植后的90-100天。在冬天凉爽的四季地区,种植者可以在六月至九月中 期间种下球茎。在严寒气候地区,最好等到八月底才开始种。热带地 区,基本上常年任何时间都可以种植剑兰。 颜色瞩目的剑兰,又名 唐菖蒲,是夏天盛放 的植物。红花剑兰,更 是农历新年鲜花摆设 的首选。
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