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Chinese New Year's Feature 农历新年特辑
The Good Customs of Chinese New Year 农历新年的好习俗
文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
First Day of Chinese New Year
On the first day of Chinese New Year, the entire family wakes up early, puts on new clothes, washes up and puts on makeup, prepares New Year dishes, enjoys Nian Gao and extend New Year greetings to one another. This sets the stage for a day of joyous celebrations.
正月初七是“人日”,所谓人日,传说女娲创 造苍生,顺序造出了鸡狗猪羊牛马等动物,并于 第七天造出人来,故此初七为人的生日。
在新加坡、马来西亚,华人盛行在初七“ 捞生”,五颜六色蔬果拔成细丝,和鱼生一起 捞匀来吃,是一道开胃菜,带有吉祥意味,是 祈求来年好运和发财的菜式。春节期间,这道 菜也相当容易可以在中餐馆食用。
大年初一,全家一早起床,穿新衣,梳 洗打扮,煮年菜,吃年糕,拜早年,说吉利 话,拉开了千家万户普天同庆过年的帷幕。
Second Day of Chinese New Year
“Returning to mother’s house” is a traditional custom commonly practiced during the second day of Chinese New Year. On this day, married females will pay a New Year visit to her parent’s home with their husband and children.
农历年初二有“回娘家”的习俗,即出 嫁的女儿这一天要带着女婿和儿女回娘家 拜年。
Third Day of Chinese New Year
This day is known as “Day of the Red Dog”. According to ancient folklore, the Red Dog is the god of fury. Whoever that meets the Red Dog will encounter bad luck, and that is why people stay at home on this day, refrain from visiting others and present offering to the deities and ask for their blessings. 这一天被称为“赤狗日”,赤狗是古代 传说的“怒之神”。如果遇到了赤狗会倒 霉,因此这一天不宜出门、请客,要在这天 祭祖祀神,祈求保佑。
Seventh Day of
Chinese New Year
The seventh day of Chinese New Year is known as “Man’s birthday”. According to legend, the goddess Nuwa created the rooster, dog, pig, goat, cow and horse in sequence, and created humans on the seventh day. This is why “Man’s birthday” is celebrated on this day.
In Singapore and Malaysia, tossing yusheng (raw fish) has become a popular practice during Chinese New Year. Colourful strands of vegetables and fruits are tossed and eaten together with yusheng as an appetizer. This dish signifies good fortune. This dish can easily found in Chinese restaurant in Perth during Chinese New Year period.
Ninth Day of Chinese New Year
On the ninth day of the first month of Lunar calendar, it would be the special celebration known to Chinese Hokkien people as the “Phai Thien Kong” which literally means “praying to the Heaven God”. This day is especially important to Hokkiens because they believe it is the birthday of the Jade Emperor (Thien Kong) who protected the ancestors of Hokkien people from ruthless army in ancient China.
All the Hokkiens start their prayers at 11pm on the eighth day of Chinese New Year. On this night, the Hokkiens set up a table full of Hokkien delicacies for serving the Jade Emperor.
The Hokkiens made piles of folded pieces of gold paper, these papers are hung from the sugarcanes before being burnt as a thanksgiving offering to the Thien Kong. There will be fireworks and firecrackers that mark the beginning of the ninth day as well as the survival of the Hokkien people. 农历大年初九,是福建人拜天公、大过年 的日子,年初八晚上十一点就准备好拜天公仪 式,供品包括福建小吃红龟粿、素果和五牲荤 食等、还有用拜神金纸挂在甘蔗,敬拜天公。 此外还会燃烧金纸鹤燃放烟花、鞭炮以示庆 祝。祭拜仪式过后,大家吃一顿丰富的年餐, 以示团圆、吉祥。
传说明朝时一年的农历新年,福建沿海 一带的乡民遭到迫害,乡民扶老携幼逃命。 乡民在黑夜中逃到一处偏僻郊野时,突然前面 出现一大片蔗林助他们逃过一劫。这天正是 大年初九,逃出生天的乡民都认为这是天公救 命,于是每年的大年初九凌晨便祭拜天公,以 谢救命之恩。
Fifteenth day of Chinese New Year
The fifteen day of the lunar month marks the end of Chinese New Year, and is widely known as Yuan Xiao.
According to Chinese cultural traditions, people need to hang up colourful lanterns on the night of this day against the full moon as a form of celebration. The entire family will gather to admire the full moon, light up lanterns, solve lantern riddles and enjoy a sumptuous meal together.
“Solving Lantern riddles” is an activity that people have long engaged in during Yuan Xiao. The riddles are written on pieces of paper and pasted on colourful lanterns for others to solve.
农历正月十五是春节的最后一 天,也被称为元宵节。按中国民间的传 说,在这天皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点 起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃 灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵、合家团 聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。
“猜灯谜”是元宵节后增的一项 活动,把谜语写在纸条上,贴在五光 十色的彩灯上供人猜。
What Chinese New Year is about?
According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the “Year”. The “Year” looks like an ox with a lion head and inhabits in the sea. At the night of New Year’s Eve, the “Year” will come out to harm people, animals and properties. Later, people found out that the “Year” fears the red colour, fire and loud noises. Therefore, for self-protection, people formed the habit of posting red “Dui Lian” in front of their houses as well as launching fireworks and hanging lanterns at year end.
农历新年,这个传统节日的由来有个民间传说。太古时期,有 一种凶猛的怪兽,人们把它们叫“年”。它的身体长得像公牛,但却 有个狮子的头,住在海里。每到除夕晚,“年”就会出来攻击村民, 看见什么食物就吃。久而久之,村民发现凶猛的“年”最怕三样东 西。那就是,猛红的颜色,火,吵闹声。为了自卫,人们到了年末就开 始在门前挂上红色对联、燃起鞭炮和挂红色灯笼。
资料来源Resource: chinesenewyears.info/chinese-new-year-history.php
2018 Community Chinese New Year Events 社区春节活动
Event 活动 Date日期/ Time时间 Venue地点
2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair Sunday 18 Feb, 12pm – 9pm James Street & Lake Street, Northbridge Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 2018 Longevity Lunch Thursday 22 Feb, 10:30am - 2:30pm Chung Wah Balcatta Centre Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance Saturday 3 Mar, 6pm Chung Wah Balcatta Centre
Subject to ticket availability. 凭票入场 Subject to ticket availability. 凭票入场
The Puppet Show Man, Artist in Residence Yeung Fai (China) Southlands Boulevard Lunar Celebration 2018 Wednesday 28 Feb, 11am Chung Wah Hall
Thursday 22 Feb, 5pm - 9pm Southlands Shopping Centre, Willetton , Level 2
Chinese New Year at Sorrento Quay Boardwalk The China Pop Up Sunday 25 Feb, 1pm – 3pm Sorrento Quay, 58 Southside Dr, Hillarys
Saturday 10 Mar, 10am - 12pm Bibra Lake Regional Playground
2018 Lion Dance & Chinese Dance Performance 舞狮和中国舞蹈春节日程表
Date日期 Time时间 Venue地点 Cultural Performance文化表演
Thursday 15 Feb,
6pm Westfield Carousel Lion Dance (Yao Lin Kung Fu Association) 10pm Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Lion Dance (Yao Lin) Friday 16 Feb, 1pm Watertown Lion Dance (Yao Lin) Saturday 17 Feb, 10am Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Lion Dance (Chung Wah) 10:30am Stockland Riverton Shopping Centre Lion Dance (Yao Lin) 3pm Old Shanghai Food Court Lion Dance (Chow Kwoon Yarn Yee Tong Kung Fu Academy) 5pm Spencer Village Food Hall Lion Dance (Yao Lin) 6pm Cambridge Forum Lion Dance (Chung Wah)
Sunday 18 Feb,
12pm – 9pm 2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair
Lion Dance (Chung Wah, Chinese Community Centre, Yarn Yee Tong, Jimmy Tsui Kung Fu School, Yao Lin) 1 pm Waterford Plaza Lion Dance (Yao Lin) Thursday 22 Feb, 7:15pm - 7:45pm Southlands Shopping Centre Chinese Dance (Chung Wah ) Saturday 24 Feb, 9:30am Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Lion Dance (Chung Wah) 10:30am Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Lion Dance (Chung Wah) 12.30pm Joondalup Shopping Centre Lion Dance (Chung Wah) 2:30pm City of Perth, Murray Street Mall Lion Dance (Chung Wah) Sunday 25 Feb, 1pm Sorrento Quay Boardwalk Lion Dance, Chinese Dance, Orchestra (Chung Wah) Thursday 1 Mar, 7pm Kingsway City Shopping Centre Lion Dance (Yao Lin) Saturday 3 Mar, 6pm Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta Lion Dance, Chinese Dance (Chung Wah) Saturday 10 Mar, 6pm Shire of York, York Centre Lion Dance ( Chung Wah)
Australian Lunar coin series for Year of the DOG 珀斯铸币厂 戊戌狗年纪念币
文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
Neil Vance the Mint’s Group Manager 珀斯铸币厂经理 The Chinese animal zodiac, or shēng xiào, is a repeating cycle of twelve years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. 2018 is the Year of the Dog, dog is the 11th Chinese zodiac sign.
Ever since Perth Mint launched the Australian Lunar coin series back in 1996, it has been a tradition for the company to wish customers and friends Gong Xi Fa Cai.
According to Neil Vance, the Mint’s Group Manager – Minted Products, there are several key reasons for the popularity of Lunar coins.
“There’s a natural fascination with something as unique as the Chinese lunar calendar which dates back for thousands of years,” he said. “It’s based on a 12-year cycle of the moon with each year named after a different animal. Having 12 coins to collect is a very realistic objective for many collectors who enjoy building a complete collection over time.”
This year, an image of a German shepherd featuring a beautiful blue sapphire in its right eye is the new Gemstone Edition from the 2018 Australian Lunar Series to celebrate the Year of the Dog.
Sapphires have mystical associations with truth, sincerity and faithfulness – the latter a strong trait of German shepherds which are well known for their loyalty and obedience. It’s also been claimed sapphires have strong healing powers, especially for sore eyes!
It is known that in Chinese culture, people born under auspices of the dog are honest, friendly and trustworthy. They are protective, generous in their love and have a strong sense of justice.
中国的十二生肖又稱属相或十二年兽, 属相的一轮周期为十二年,每一年有个别的 代表年兽和其对应的属性。2018年是狗年, 狗在十二生肖中排在第十一。
自1996年,珀斯铸币厂开始推介澳大 利亚农历年纪念币以来,每年这家百年历史 的机构都会设计出不同属相的纪念币,来祝 贺客户和朋友。
珀斯铸币厂的经理,Neil Vance道出几 个农历年纪念币广受欢迎的原因。
“有上千年历史的中国农历年有着与 生俱来的吸引力,其依据十二年的周期来定 位,每年以一种动物来命名。每年推出一次 的十二生肖纪念币,可让收集者不难收集全 十二枚金币。”
2018 年戊戌狗年的农历年纪念币新版 宝石币是以德国牧羊犬为图,其右眼上的蓝 宝石是一大特色。蓝宝石让人联想到信任、 诚恳和忠诚;德国牧羊犬则广受认可为一种 贞忠、服从的动物。此外,有一个蓝宝石的 说法是它有着强大的治愈能量,尤其是针 对眼睛不适。
中国传统说法,属狗的朋友,诚实、友 善和可靠,他们很会自我保护、博爱,还有 强烈的正义感。
Biographical summary 简介 Yuqi Zeng曾钰淇:
The Executive Principal of China’s International Education College. She is an expert in applying the Yin-Yang balance principle from “Yijing” to areas such as corporate management, corporate Feng Shui, home environment, naming strategy and personal fortune and life planning.
为中国国际教育学院执行院 长。擅长将易经中的阴阳平衡法则 应用于企业管理、企业风水、家居 环境及姓名策划,个人命理人生策 划等领域之中。
文◎曾钰淇Yuqi Zeng 译◎冯恺盈Helene Fung
2018戊戌狗年旺财,旺运,旺桃花的家居风水布局? What Feng Shui setups at home will be good for fortune, luck and love life in Year of the Dog?
2018年最佳风水布局的日期:2018年的2月4日 进行家居风水布局; • 旺财在东南方位布局; • 旺事业运在正南布局; • 想结婚生子的位置在房子的正中间布局; • 想旺异性姻缘的位置在房子的西北方位进 行布局; The best day in 2018 for making Feng Shui setups at home is on 4 February;
• For fortune, set up at the southeast corner; • For luck at work, set up at the southerly direction; • For those who want to get married or start a family, set up in the middle of the house; • To improve your relationship with the opposite gender, set up at the northwest corner of your house.
2018戊戌狗年 Year of the Dog 十二属相运势 Chinese Zodiac Forecast
1st Place: Rabbit 第一名:生肖兔
出生年份 Birth Year: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
The luckiest winner in the year of the dog; some things will go really smoothly for you, there is also hope of breakthrough developments at work, and help will be at hand when you face problems. Those who are soldiering on alone abroad will be particularly lucky; your previous efforts will be recognised, and those who are able and competent may stand a chance at a promotion and pay rise.
狗年的运势冠军,一些事情顺利,事业上 有望突破,遇到难题也有贵人出手相助。此运 更利于在外孤独打拼之人,过去的努力能有收 获,有实力者升职加薪可期。
2nd Place: Horse 第二名:生肖马
出生年份 Birth Year: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
As we progress into 2018, things will become easier and smoother for you. You can go ahead and actually do what you contemplated last year; you can either clear or get around any obstacles, help will automatically come along. Remember you should do things properly, and the more good deeds you do, the more blessing and luck that will bring.
踏入2018年,正在进行的事情将会越来 越顺利。去年想做的事可以放心去做,路上的 障碍你可清除或者绕开,贵人也会主动来帮 你。切记,行事必走正道,多行善事多积福德 运势才能旺上加旺。
3rd Place: Tiger 第三名:生肖虎
出生年份 Birth Year: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
It’s a comfortable and cruisy year; your sense of purpose drops and you lack motivation. You feel lazy to the bone, but fortunately a little bit of luck follows you. We recommend setting realistic goals for yourself and achieve things step by step.
一个闲适安逸的年份,企图心下降,行动 力不足,骨子里都透出慵懒的情绪来,可喜的 是总有小幸运跟随着你。 建议给自己先定个可以实现的小目标,一 步一步完成。
4th Place: Rat 第四名:生肖鼠
出生年份 Birth Year: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Luck only favours those who are diligent; if you don’t work hard, what’s supposed to be yours might be taken by others who do work hard. Remember to finish what you meant to do today, don’t drag on till the next day. Your efforts will not be wasted. But before you do start, it’s important to set clear targets and select the right direction.
此运只眷顾勤奋努力之人,如果你不思 进取,本该属于你的东西也许就被别人夺去 了。谨记今日事今日毕,千万不要拖到第二天, 总之你的努力不会白费。需要注意的是,努力 之前先明确目标,选择正确方向。
5th Place: Snake 第五名:生肖蛇
出生年份 Birth Year: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
Your luck is fairly flat, it’s difficult to move upwards. There’s no harm in staying away from controversy, at least that ensures peace and safety. You need to control your sense of purpose; don’t try to grasp what shouldn’t belong to you – that only makes things worse. All in all, act carefully this year; if you work hard, you will be rewarded.
运势曲线起伏不大,想上行显得十分 艰难。不妨远离纷争,至少可保得安稳,不 受外界风雨的打扰。需要好好控制自己的 企图心,别强行抓住不属于自己的东西只会 让事情越变越糟糕。总的来说,今年小心 翼翼做人做事,努力也不会没有收获。
1st Place: Dog 第一名:生肖狗
出生年份 Birth Year: 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
For those born in the year of the dog, this year is not going to be a smooth one for you; you'll feel restless and it's easy to experience health problems. 生肖属狗之人本命年伏吟太岁,即本命年值太岁(坐太岁)。本 命年值太岁,表示该年运程有阻滞,心绪不宁,健康容易出问题。
2nd Place: Ox 第二名:生肖牛
出生年份 Birth Year: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937 Oxens' birth year guardian god has a "punishing" side conflict with the Taisui, the new guardian god on duty, and is likely to be harmed/punished; this causes your luck in the year to drop. 属牛之人今年刑太岁,刑有抵触、刑伤的意思。刑太岁,又称偏冲,导致运势差。
3rd Place: Goat 第三名:生肖羊
出生年份 Birth Year: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943 Goats' birth year guardian god has a "broken" conflict with the Taisui, the new guardian god on duty. This means you are prone to sudden damages during the year – in money, properties, relationships, collaboration, health, etc. 属羊之人破刑太岁,破即为损耗。破太岁今年运气易有突然而来的破坏,破财破 损、破坏好友关系、破坏合作、破坏身体(有病)等。属羊之人同时还刑太岁。
4th Place: Dragon 第四名:生肖龙
出生年份 Birth Year: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952,1940 This year will be full of confrontations, fallouts with friends and family, severe sickness and damages, and if you travel, you’re likely to make new enemies during the journey. 属龙之人冲太岁(交战相冲),冲有碰撞冲击、对抗相战之意。今年多冲突,亲友 反目、大病、破败、出门与人结怨等。
5th Place: Rooster 第五名:生肖鸡
出生年份 Birth Year: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957,1945 This year, you’re prone to encounter enemies, being betrayed by friends or framed by people you know; you’re likely to lose money from any collaboration with others. You' re also susceptible to food poisoning and sickness; your friends and family may also get sick. You’re also likely to suffer losses due to being misled, and may receive complaints. 属鸡之人害太岁,害有不和、不合之意。害太岁者:今年易犯小人,朋友出卖、熟 人陷害、合作破财、食物中毒、自身或亲朋有病灾、被误导损失、投诉等。
Two Chinese zodiac populations with mixed luck 综合运势的两个属相:
出生年份 Birth Year: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956,1944 Monkeys have excellent work and money luck this year, and are likely to succeed from both your own intelligence and assistance from elders. Not so lucky in love though, you need to be more proactive to get a loving relationship. Pay attention to ensure you rest and recuperate, to avoid getting sick. 属猴人今年事业财运均属吉运, 容易因为自身的才智和长辈的关照 而获得成功,爱情运势欠佳,需要积 极出动才能获得良缘,平时要注意 休息保养身体,以免出现隐患;
出生年份 Birth Year: 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971,1959, 1947, 1935 Piggies will earn a sufficient salary, but no luck for windfalls. You need to work hard in the right fields to reap the rewards. Try not to get into conflict with either law enforcement authorities or powerful sections of the society, or you may risk physical injury. There is a lucky star improving your luck with the opposite sex; so if you are proactive at this opportune time, you may find love. 属猪人正财有余,偏财无望,需 要自身于正途多加努力才能得到回 报。今年遭遇岁杀,切忌与执法部门 或者其他社会势力起冲突,否则易有 血光之灾。在感情方面遭遇天喜桃 花异性缘较好,可以趁此良机主动出 击觅得良缘。