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封面人物 Cover Story

何常带 Robert HE


Robert has been living in Perth for over thirty years. Throughout these years, he has never stopped enhancing his skills in various Chinese cultural elements such as Taichi, Martial Art, Chinese music, Chinese cuisine. On the other hand, he has continuously contributing these capabilities to the local Chinese community. A strong family orientated person like Robert has made him a great husband, father and grandfather in the family.

Robert He, a renowned Tai Chi master in Perth, is also the Principal of Funei School Li style Tai Chi, the Executive President of Australian Yang style Tai Chi Centre. He is the sixth generation descendant of Yang style Tai Chi and the seventh generation descendant of Funei School.


He has actively participated in local and overseas performances and competitions with his students for the past two years, which has attracted overwhelming response from organisers and spectators.

Resolution in 2018

In 2018, Robert would like to continue promoting Tai Chi to more community members, in order to enable more students to enjoy good health.

何常带 Robert HE 移居珀斯三十年,何常带专 研多项中华文化项目包括太极拳、武术、中国音 乐、中式厨艺。多年来在珀斯华人圈子,不断贡 献自己的才能。此外,以家为本的他一直都是家 人心中的好丈夫、好爸爸、好爷爷。

何常带,这位珀斯太极拳名家,是澳洲府内 派李式太极拳学院院长,府内派太极拳澳洲推 广中心执行主席、杨氏太极拳第六代传人、府内 派第七代传人。


过去两年积极参与国内外太极拳相关汇 演,备受关注。


在每个华人心目中,农历新年的最大意义就是可以阖家团 圆。这个华人传统最为重要的节日,《中华之声》也特别拍摄出一 张封面照片反映出爷孙之间不可磨灭的亲情。

Family reunion has the greatest meaning for Chinese New Year to every Chinese. During this most significant festival of Chinese, the Chung Wah Magazine specially photographed Robert He and his grandchildren that reflects the love of intergeneration.

Achievement in 2016

International Show of Elite Taichi Masters from GuangZhou, HongKong Taiwan and Macau cum The 2nd TaiChi Professionals’ Illustration Convention

Award for

Contributions to the promotion of Martial Arts Outstanding Coach Award Middle-Age

Tai Chi Master Award

Achievement in 2017

Robert He led his team to compete at the Sabah 1st Asia Pacific Wushu- TaiChi Convention. The team had achieved a remarkable result, eleven of them in the team had awarded with twenty-one gold medals, seven silver medals and four bronze medals.

Robert was recruited as the Guangzhou Province Funei School Headquarter Advisor for Tai Chi Coaching, as well as awarded the Best Team Leader.

His students were so grateful for being able to practise TaiChi that make them fit to contribute to the society.


粤港澳台太极拳精英汇演大会暨 第二届太极拳名家演艺大会获颁

中华武术推广贡献奖 优秀教练员奖 中青年太极拳名家

2017 年成绩更上一层楼

何常带带领学员再度出战首届马来 西亚沙巴亚太中华武术-太极精英大汇 演取得骄人成绩,11人参赛取得21面金 牌、7面银牌和4面铜牌的好成绩。 何常带先生获颁优秀领队奖 以及当场受聘为广州府内派太极 拳培训总部顾问。学员们一致表 示好好练太极拳有个好的身体 为社会作贡献。

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