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全城喜庆新春 Festival celebration brings us closer
文◎Abbie Chen 陈薇 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
The Perth Chinese New Year Fair for the seventh year in a row supported by the City of Perth, the Offi ce of Multicultural Interest Western Australia and LotteryWest, seeing the streets of Northbridge transform into a colourful, loud and proud celebration of not just Chinese culture, but of Perth city’s ever expanding cultural diversity. Indeed Chinese New Year is celebrated as a West Australian rather than ethnic Chinese event. 本次2018年珀斯中华新年文化节的成功,都汇聚着大家无私的付出和智慧,充分结合多有文化和族群之间的友爱, 来共同给珀斯人民带来如此精彩的多元饕餮盛宴!公民。

Red and Gold lanterns, Steaming dumplings and steady drum of lion dancers combined to transform Northbridge into an oriental hub of activity at the 2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair as thousands gathered to celebrate Chinese New Year. The growth of the event, and the way that Chinese New Year celebrations are increasingly being enjoyed by Western Australians of all backgrounds, shows the positives and strength of our multicultural society, which benefi ts from diversity and shared cultural traditions. 18th, 2018 in Northbridge. This is the seventh year Chung Wah has organised this signifi cant event that widely open to community at large to celebrate Chinese New Year together. Chinatown in Roe Street and sections of James and Lake Streets were fi lled with entertainment programs that showcase the cultural heritage of the Chinese during the fi rst half of the day.
Before the show start, a huge crowd was already in place around the street areas awaiting for the fi rst lion dance and lighting of fi re crackers. Followed by the multicultural parade that ranged from WA Police Pipe Band, Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe, Chinese Community Centre and a variety of Multicultural groups. There were hourly lion dance and cultural performances on the street and various Chinese cultural demonstrations, Games and Competitions were continuously accessible by visitors of the day between 12pm and 5pm. “God of Fortune” and volunteers dressed in the traditional Chinese costumes thronged the street to entertain and give away lucky red packets to kids as blessings of good luck and wealth.

with an estimated crowd of more than 80,000 people, enjoying a wide variety of performances, activities, and of course, a diverse range of street food. Kids has a great time enjoying themselves on the variety of games and activities around the Kid’s Zone.
The multicultural concert in the evening was again the highlight of the second half of the event. It was obvious that the great reputation of the concert has travelled far and wide, as evidenced by the packed house at the Northbridge Piazza well before the start of the concert. The Piazza hosted the offi cial opening of the event at 7 pm starting with a grand lion dance performance by the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe, and climaxed with a vibrant multicultural concert.
The profi le of this event has clearly gone up by leaps and bounds, judging by the amount of media interests and coverage on the events, as well as the acknowledgement of government bodies and political fi gures. In attendance were, Hon. Mark McGowan ( Premier of WA), Dr. Mike Nahan (Opposition Leader of WA), Mr. Lei Kezhong (Consul-General of Chinese Consulate General in Perth), Mr. Paul Papaliah (Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests in WA), Mr. Bill Johnston ( Minister for Asian Engagement in WA), Mrs. Lisa Scaffi di (Lord Mayor of Perth), Dean Nalder MLA, Tony Krsticevic MLA, Pierre Yang MLC, David Michael MLA, Yaz Murabarakai MLA, and consular offi cials of other Perth based Consulates from Asian countries, senators of the Perth municipal government as well as guests from politics, business, media, community and educational institutions.

Over one hundred VIPs attendance the event and enjoyed the multicultural performance. Our joint venture with the West Australian Newspapers to produce a special Chinese New Year lift out magazine which was distributed with the newspaper a week before the event has further lifted the profi le of the Chinese community in Perth.


2018年2月18日,“珀斯中华新 年文化节”活动在珀斯市北桥James Street隆重举行。“珀斯中华新年文化 节”由西澳中华会馆组织,是西澳州规 模最大、内容最丰富、影响最大的中华 文化品牌活动。本届文化节是中华会馆 举办的第七届文化节,收到了西澳各界 人士的欢迎。文化节当日,珀斯北桥中 国城里挂满大红灯笼,洋溢着新春佳节 的喜庆。中午12点整,西澳上议院议员 杨帅先生到场并点燃鞭炮,劈里啪啦, 鞭炮声声,揭开了本次新年文化节的序 幕;接着,有来自西澳的15个富特色的 多元文化游行方阵参加了游行, 浓墨 重彩的展现了精彩纷呈的中国及多元 文化元素。 文化节从中午12点一直持续到晚上 9点,活动内容包括传统的舞龙 舞狮表演、富有特色的多元文化游行方 阵、各国传统美食和民俗摊位、民乐、 京剧、粤剧、中国传统歌舞表演以及多 元文化文艺演出等项目,积极展示了中 国文化和饮食的魅力,深得当地民众喜 爱。当天,前来参加文化节的游人络绎 不绝,人数多达八万人次。
晚七点整,文化节主会场北桥广 场已经是一片人海,等待精彩节目的开 始。这场由中华会馆财长张娟妮女士 策划并担任舞台总监,多元文化文艺演 出在土着领袖代表吹奏的Welcome to Country中开始,乐声意味着欢迎大家 来到澳洲这个多元文化的大家庭。中华 会馆会长丁少平先生首先上台致欢迎 辞,接着,西澳州州长Mark McGowan 先生,他对中华会馆多年以来对西澳州 多元文化的贡献表示感谢和赞扬。接 着,西澳反对党领袖Mike Nahan博士、 西澳多元文化部部长Paul Papalia先 生、中国驻珀斯总领馆雷克中总领事、 珀斯市市长Lisa Scaffidi女士应邀上台 致辞剪彩并向大家恭贺新年,欢快的 拉开了演出的帷幕。本次文艺演出以歌 舞,乐器,木偶戏,合唱等多元形式展 现在观众面前。受邀出席的嘉宾还有亚 洲事务部部长Bill Johnston先生、珀斯 市市长Lisa Scaffidi女士、州议员Dean Nalder、Tony Krsticevic、Pierre Yang( 杨帅)、David Michael、Yaz Mubarakai, 珀斯市议员、亚洲各国驻珀斯总领事以 及来自西澳州政府、政界、商界、媒体、 社区以及教育机构等人。

Performing groups 个人或团体演出
Red Maple Leaf Chorus Miracle Band Danza Via Taiko On Keszkeno Hungarian Folk Dance Group Yeung Fai The Society Cempakasari Zou Jingrou, Teresa Tan, Rini Teng, Scottish Highland Dance Academy Selendang Sutra Dance Troupe Love Free Dance Studio Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association Black Swan Choir New Voice Choir Perth Happy Choir Yarn Yee Tong Choy Lee Fut Jimmy Tsui’s Kung Fu School Pak Mei Yaolin Kung Fu Association Chinese Community Centre WA Police Pipe Band
Xiao Dong MA, Bright QI, Alan LI, Dan ZHOU 马小东、齐明、黎智威、周丹
Sponsors个人 /赞助商:
City of Perth Offi ce of the Multicultural Interests Lottery West Mirvac Murdoch University Optus Westindo Group ANZ Bank 澳瑞集团 Bill Teh & Shirley Teh