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松柏长青 Community & Aged Care
Evergreen College
Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) Evergreen College has been running for several years, and it is now one of the most engaging and exciting programs at Chung Wah Community & Aged Care. We are proud that members of the community and local service providers are increasingly learning about CAC and its off erings through this fun and unique service model.
文/照片◎Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务
Promoting independence and wellness, the Evergreen College off ers diff erent classes and excursions to satisfy clients’ needs, introduces them to new skills and helps them strive to achieve their goals. Currently, we host classes in physical exercise, cooking, tai chi, English and computer, at the Balcatta and Willetton hubs. For those who don’t attend our centres regularly or clients who only receive in-home support, we also want to bring Evergreen College right to your home, which is one of our working goals in 2018.
Our classes are fl exibly tailored and provide choices to meet the needs of the participants. Speaking of this, it’s hard to ignore one of the highlights of this program - exercise class. This session is conducted each morning and led by CAC support workers, and it is the most popular activity among our clients and the most essential unit to keep our clients active and improve their wellbeing. Our famous “chicken dance”, where everyone moves their body to the beat of the music, and holds each other’s hand towards the end of the song with hearty laughter.
The purpose of the exercise class, or in that sense, the whole idea of Evergreen College, is to encourage clients’ physical, social and mental wellness, and to meet their full capacity. Wellness comes from our motivation and desire to achieve our life goals, and from doing what makes us feel proud about ourselves.
We believe the Minister for Aged Care – the Honorable Ken Wyatt AM, MP, shared the same feeling during his visit to the Balcatta hub on 14 March 2018. Our clients felt his kindness and were happy to talk with him, though they might not even know who he was. After the old folks gathered together and started the exercise, the minister watched them following the instructions with interest, and fi nally decided to join them. He held clients’hands and did the chicken dance together with them. As we can tell, he really enjoyed the music and interacted with clients in a perfect and dynamic way.
Would you like to make new friends with people from your cultural background? Would you like to learn something new to enrich your retirement life? Or would you like to fi nd a way to keep yourself healthy physically and mentally? If the answer is yes, CAC is the solution to all these questions. For more information, please call 08 9328 3988.


为了提高长者们的自理能力和身心健 康,“长青学院”提供了一系列为了满足客人 们服务需求而设立的兴趣班和远足活动,帮 助他们学习新技能和完成生活中的目标。我 们现在在南北两个活动中心都设有晨练、烹 饪班、太极班、英文班和电脑班。对于不经 常参加中华中心活动的社区朋友,亦或是只 有家居服务的客人来说,我们2018年的工作 目标就是把“长青学院”的服务带回您家。 这些兴趣班为了满足参与者的需要, 并为他们提供更多的选择,因此授课时间 和内容十分灵活。说到这里,就不得不提到 这个项目中的一大亮点 – 晨练。这是每天早 上客人们的必修课,全部环节由CAC的照顾 人员带领。它是客人中最受欢迎的项目,而 且作为能帮助客人保持活力和健康的方式, 这是必须的一个环节。我们最出名的“鸡仔 舞”,可以让每个人都跟随着音乐的节奏舞 动身体,他们每次都互相手拉手一直跳到结 束,欢笑声不断。
晨练,甚至是整个“长青学院”成立之 初的目的是为了鼓励长者保持身心健康。说 到身心健康,它与我们希望做什么,做事情 的动机,达成目标的愿望和做什么能让我们 觉得自豪有关。
相信对于这种感觉,3月14日参观了 CAC北部中心的专门负责养老服务的Ken Wyatt部长最感同身受。我们客人虽然不识 眼前人,但是却感受到了来自部长的友善, 并十分乐意与其交流。在长者们聚集在一 起快乐地做运动之后,部长带着强烈的兴 趣观察着老人们的动作,并决定亲身加入。 他与我们的老人家手拉手,并一起跳了鸡 仔舞。如我们所见,他非常喜欢鸡仔舞的旋 律,并且将舞蹈和与老人们的互动完美结合 在了一起。
您想不想同来自相同文化背景的人们 交朋友?您想不想学习新知识来丰富您的退 休生活?或者您是不是想要找到一种可以保 持身心健康的方法?如果您的答案是肯定 的,那中华社区与长者服务便是您的不二选 择。更多信息,请致电08 9328 3988。