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中华文化组新春珀斯大团拜 Chung Wah Cultural Groups Chinese New Year Outreach
文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
One of the key motives for Chinese people to celebrate festivals is a sense of togetherness especially during Chinese New Year. There’s nothing quite like a good celebration to bring people and communities together. The 2018 Chinese New Year period saw many of Perth’s local government recreational places, shopping centres, restaurants, schools and tourist attractions filled with decorations, activities and performances relevant to Chinese New Year. It is a great joy to see more and more people each year from outside the Chinese community take the opportunity to connect, learn and share in Chinese culture. Chung Wah was a hive of activities during Chinese New Year! We endeavoured to organise a range of our events and activities for the local Chinese and for people from diverse backgrounds across the Perth Metropolitan area. Our cultural groups, including the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, the Cultural Chinese Dance Group as well as the Chinese Orchestra group, was busy delivering their cultural performance skills, covering an overwhelming number of invitations and sharing the fun, exciting and vibrant celebration with their localcommunities. 华人庆祝节日尤其农历新年,主要的意 义在于可以相聚一起同欢。要做到整 个社区普天同庆才能算得上成功的庆祝会。 戊戌狗年的农历新年,珀斯的多个当地政府 的休闲场所、购物中心、餐馆、学校、旅游景 点等随处可见春节装饰、农历新年特备节目 和活动。越来越多华人社区以外的民族纷纷 在这佳节期间,用心去接触、理解和同享华 人文化,这是多么让我们振奋的事。
农历新年是中华会馆忙于展现各个节庆 活动的时节,我们承办了多个给大珀斯的华 人和多元文化民族的庆典和活动。我们的文 化组,包括中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈组,以及中 华华乐团,也倾尽全力在西澳州各大大小小 的新春节庆,展示中华文化渊源流传的文化 艺术,给当地社区带来有趣、精彩的演出。
Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华龙狮团
Lion Dance is a quintessential part of Chinese New Year celebrations. It has continued to be a popular performance among celebrations in Western Australia, as it is believed that the lion is an auspicious animal that brings good luck. Accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals and resounding gongs, and performed in a lion costume, the lion dance always draws the attention of the surrounding people to watch the demonstration of lion dance together with martial arts agility. During this festive season, the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe flourished across Perth and performed at 22 celebrations which extended to regional areas such as the Shires of Merredin, York and Katanning. The appearance of the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe brought a joyful day to more than 200 residents at Merredin Recreation and Leisure Centre, that has hardly any access to this popular Chinese folk culture. 舞狮,基本上是农历新年庆祝活动中无 法分割的表演元素。一直以来,舞狮 舞龙在西澳都十分受欢迎,大家都相信狮 是一种吉祥物,可以带来好运。伴随着还有 锣鼓喧天的声音,配合七彩缤纷的舞狮装 扮,有时穿插武术表演,舞狮演出非常容易 直接吸引周边的人群围观。
今年的春节期间,中华龙狮团的演 出覆盖全西澳多达22个庆会,其中还包括 三个偏远地区,分别是Merredin, York 和 Katanning地方政府的庆祝活动。中华龙狮 团给出席Merredin区新春活动的200位以 上的与会人士,带来精彩的舞狮表演。据说 这个区的人士很难才可以有机会亲身目睹 这类中华传统节目。

An appreciation letter was received from Mrs Beverley Flockart, a spectator at the event,

Mr Stephen Kum Chung Wah Association Northbridge WA Dear Stephen, Could you please pass on to your members and performers who entertained the crowd of spectators at the Recreation Ground Community Centre in Merredin last Sunday evening, our thanks and congratulations on such an excellent performance of the Lion Dance and celebrating Chinese New Year. It was so exciting to see and hear the noise of the cymbals and drum and to watch the energy that all the performers displayed for the whole time of the performance. I was in a group of 9 family and friends who all enjoyed the dance as much as I did. And I believe that I can also congratulate you on behalf of all the audience who attended. As an elderly lady, during my whole life, I have never been privileged to actually be present to see and feel the excitement and enthusiasm of a Lion Dance celebrating Chinese New Year. Seeing it on television is no-where near as exciting as actually being at a performance. It was something to remember, with great pleasure, for a very long time. I was impressed by the fi tness of the performers from the little children to the people who assisted the lions. I also appreciated the care that the young men displayed when leading each lion into spaces so that the audience on the far side of the room could see the performance a little closer. I hope you have many successful performances in the future.
亲爱的Stephen先生, 麻烦您向所有在上周日下午出现在Merredin休闲 社区中心,给我们带来精彩舞狮表演的表演者和成员, 表示感谢并祝贺你们的成功演出。 看着所有演出者全程充满活力又生动的演出,加上 响亮的锣鼓声音,不禁令我手舞足蹈。当天我们一组九 人的亲朋戚友,个个都如我一样拍手赞好。相信我也可 以代表现场的其他的观众恭贺你们如此成功的演出。 作为一位年迈的妇女,我这一辈子,在这之前从未 亲身观赏或感受过令人感到振奋和充满热情的舞狮表 演。光是从电视上欣赏的舞狮演出,完全不能与现场体 验所带来的雀跃感相比。这次的亲身体验所带来快乐, 估计会让我回味一段好长时间。 不管是年幼的儿童舞师,或在旁带领舞狮的工作人 员,个个都挺健壮,这点也让我印象深刻。此外,我也要 特别感谢把舞狮带到各个角落的年轻队员,让在不同位 置的观众都可以近距离看到舞狮。 希望你们在未来会有更多的成功演出。 Yours sincerely Beverley I Flockart 9th March 2018

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团
文◎Teresa Tan 王慧兰
During the Chinese New Year (CNY) festival of the Year of the Dog, the
Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra performed in some major CNY events in Perth, particularly the 2018 Perth Chinese New
Year Fair. In addition, the orchestra also performed in several CNY celebrations, such as Gloucester Park, nursing homes and shopping centres. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to bring Chinese music and introduce traditional musical instruments to the local community.
With intensive training and practice, the musicians performed their best in these shows and their eff orts were highly appreciated. 中华会馆华乐团在今年春节期间,参加了多场庆祝农历新年的文化活动,在珀斯中华文 化节、老人院、马埸,商埸等地方演出。把中国音乐带给本地社区,把中国乐器介绍给 澳洲居民,使他们也感受到新春的喜悦。乐团成员用心排练,尽力表演,务必以最佳的表现 演释乐曲,感谢他们的努力。

中华舞蹈团一直以来都有排练多种古典 和现代舞蹈。我们的舞曲种类繁多, 一般都带有中华传统文化曲风。今年,我们 选用了多个较受欢迎的舞蹈在珀斯数个新 春活动演出。几乎春节期间每个周末,我们 的舞蹈组都在河南河北的社区活动,呈献红 巾舞、彩带舞、彝族舞和好几种扇子舞。
虽说每个活动都不一样,不过每场演 出都迎来热烈的喝彩。这些演出,包括在购 物中心的顶楼车场、公园里的青葱草地、阳 光下的印度洋为背景的场地。我们身上的漂 亮衣裳和唯美的舞姿,吸引了观众的目光, 尤其是孩童更觉得有趣。
这些演出当中,中华新春文化节上的 演出无疑是最瞩目的。我们给现场歌手伴 舞,呈献彩带舞、现代扇子舞,还有由舞蹈 家朱敏博士编出的新版古典扇子舞,采用末 代皇帝电影原声为舞曲。另一项亮点,就是 Coogee区音乐节的演出,配合土著音乐家 充满风土文化色彩的原野舞蹈。 Chung Wah Dance practices the many forms of Chinese classical and contemporary dance. Our repertoire is varied and represents our rich Chinese cultural heritage. This year we performed a selection of our favourite and popular dances across Perth. Almost every weekend the red handkerchief dance, ribbon dance, Yi dance and an array of fan dances were performed in community events both north and south of the river.
Although each event was diff erent the appreciation for our dancing was the same. We performed on rooftops of shopping malls, on lawns in local parks, with the setting sun and Indian Ocean as our backdrop and more. Our delightful costumes and beautiful dances wowed our audiences especially the children for whom having our pink ribbons fl y over their heads was a lot of fun.
A highlight performance was undoubtedly the Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge. Our group performed a variation of our ribbon dance to accompany live singers, a contemporary fan dance as well as a new classical Chinese fan dance choreographed by Dr. Min Zhu to the motion soundtrack of the Last Emperor. Another highlight was the Coogee Live Festival where we collaborated with a local Aboriginal artist on the dance of the kangaroo to the calls of a kookaburra and dingo from his didgeridoo.
For more information please visit our Facebook Page 想知道更多有关中华舞蹈的资料,可登录我们的面子书页 https://www.facebook.com/Chung-Wah-Dance-323631243186/
Chung Wah Dance 中华舞蹈团
文◎Quie Ying Morrison 刘桂英 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Embrace Thursdays in Perth City 珀斯市给你不一样的周四晚
文◎City of Perth 珀斯市政府 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷
Everyone knows Thursdays are the new Fridays and aft er a busy week, they provide the best time to wind down.
In Perth, Thursday - the gateway day to the weekend - is fast becoming the most exciting time to head out on the town. As part of Let’s Thursday Like We Friday, a city-wide party featuring specials, off erings and entertainment will take place in 52 venues across East and West Perth, Northbridge and the CBD during April and May. From gastronomical cocktails to intriguing tasting paddles, mid-week eats and live music, Let’s Thursday Like We Friday is a chance to take a diff erent look at Thursdays. So why not gather your family and friends and embrace Thursdays in the city.
众所周知,星期四逐渐被视为忙了一周开始松懈下来的最佳时段。在珀斯,当地人选择在周 四纷纷涌入市中心度过快乐时光, 迅速成为一种趋势。 随着推行“Let’s Thursday Like We Friday”的计划,四、五月份珀斯市中心、北桥区、东珀 斯和西珀斯之间有52个商家,共同给这个城市打造一个欢乐地带,给民众带来促销、礼品和娱乐活 动。 不仅有各种佳肴美食、美酒、可口冰棍,还有现场音乐。“Let’s Thursday Like We Friday” 这项计划,给大家机会在珀斯市体验一个不一样的星期四。 不妨考虑相约亲朋戚友在周四共聚在珀斯市中心。
Here’s our top picks 这里有几处推荐给您
Thursday in the Fromage Vaults 奶酪美酒
Fromage Artisans 酒坊 | From 5pm 起 | Every Thursday 每周四 | Varied prices 价格不定
Gin Tasting Plate 琴酒品尝
Frisk Small Bar 酒吧 | From 5pm起 | Every Thursday每周四 | $20
Bloody Mary and Bao 鸡尾酒和包子
The Standard 餐馆| From 5pm起 | Every Thursday 每周四 | $15
Donut Burger 汉堡
Varnish on King店家| From 5pm 起 | Every Thursday 每周四 | $26