Chung Wah Magazine Issue #35 - AUTUMN 2018

Page 18

Chinese New Year Feature 新春活动报道

Chung Wah Cultural Groups Chinese New Year Outreach



文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

ne of the key motives for Chinese people to celebrate festivals is a sense of togetherness especially during Chinese New Year. There’s nothing quite like a good celebration to bring people and communities together. The 2018 Chinese New Year period saw many of Perth’s local government recreational places, shopping centres, restaurants, schools and tourist attractions filled with decorations, activities and performances relevant to Chinese New Year. It is a great joy to see more and more people each year from outside the Chinese community take the opportunity to connect, learn and share in Chinese culture.

Chung Wah was a hive of activities during

Chinese New Year! We endeavoured

to organise a range of our events and activities for the local Chinese and for people from diverse backgrounds

across the Perth Metropolitan area. Our cultural groups, including the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, the

Cultural Chinese Dance Group as well as

人庆祝节日尤其农历新年,主要的意 义在于可以相聚一起同欢。要做到整


戊戌狗年的农历新年,珀斯的多个当地政府 的休闲场所、购物中心、餐馆、学校、旅游景 点等随处可见春节装饰、农历新年特备节目 和活动。越来越多华人社区以外的民族纷纷

在这佳节期间,用心去接触、理解和同享华 人文化,这是多么让我们振奋的事。


the Chinese Orchestra group, was busy


skills, covering an overwhelming number


delivering their cultural performance of invitations and sharing the fun,

exciting and vibrant celebration with their local communities.

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe


人和多元文化民族的庆典和活动。我们的文 华华乐团,也倾尽全力在西澳州各大大小小 的新春节庆,展示中华文化渊源流传的文化 艺术,给当地社区带来有趣、精彩的演出。

狮,基本上是农历新年庆祝活动中无 法分割的表演元素。一直以来,舞狮



锣鼓喧天的声音,配合七彩缤纷的舞狮装 扮,有时穿插武术表演,舞狮演出非常容易 直接吸引周边的人群围观。

今 年 的 春 节 期 间,中 华 龙 狮 团 的 演

出覆盖全西澳多达22个庆会,其中还包括 三个偏远地区,分别是Merredin, York 和

Katanning地方政府的庆祝活动。中华龙狮 团给出席Merredin区新春活动的200位以

上的与会人士,带来精彩的舞狮表演。据说 这个区的人士很难才可以有机会亲身目睹


ion Dance is a quintessential part of Chinese New Year celebrations. It has continued to be a popular performance among celebrations in Western Australia, as it is believed that the lion is an auspicious animal that brings good luck. Accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals and resounding gongs, and performed in a lion costume, the lion dance always draws the attention of the surrounding people to watch the demonstration of lion dance together with martial arts agility.


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这类中华传统节目。 During this festive season, the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe flourished across Perth and performed at 22 celebrations which extended to regional areas such as the Shires of Merredin, York and Katanning. The appearance of the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe brought a joyful day to more than 200 residents at Merredin Recreation and Leisure Centre, that has hardly any access to this popular Chinese folk culture.

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