French It has been another great academic year for the French Department. We are delighted with how well our students worked, especially during the lockdown period. There have been some amazing essays from our Sixth Formers, as well as some impressive written paragraphs from our strong Fourth and Fifth Years. Hermione, our French assistant, worked extremely hard with the students, and managed to support most of them even from her home in France. She played a huge part in helping them gain confidence in the language. Her fun DIY and entertaining activities during her French Club sessions were thoroughly enjoyed. We said “au revoir” to Hermione and now look forward to welcoming Marina in October. Some of our Second Year students continued exchanging letters with a Collège near Nantes, and we had a successful senior trip to Rouen last October, where 16 GCSE students discovered the beautiful region of Honfleur, and the delights of Rouen’s pretty town centre, whilst having the opportunity to improve their
French during well delivered sessions organised in between visits. Rouen is a beautiful town we hope to return to with more students in the future. The lockdown prevented us from running our trip to the Château de la Baudonnière last Easter, but we are hoping to be able to travel freely by next April and return to this activity centre with First and Second Years in 2021.
The Churcherian 2020
We look forward to new exciting opportunities in the next academic year and I would like to thank each and every one of our French students for their tenacity and humour during lockdown. Let’s look ahead to a fab French future. Mme N Sparks