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Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds has served the Brazilian market of high yield vegetable seeds for 13 years. In 2011, Agrocinco was incorporated into the holding company, Dux Company, which also owns Arion Forests and Research Station. Under this initiative, the Dux group of companies brought together market expertise, sustainable practices, as well as R&D for the business.
production, commercialization and research of new hybrid vegetables. To this end, the Dux Company has been working to provide the best hybrids developed in the world the differential. In recent years, Agrocinco turned to the development of hybrids capable of resisting major diseases in the country. In partnership with the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Hortaliรงas (CNPH) at Embrapa, major tomato hybrids were launched in 2012 for the domestic market, with resistance to TY, N and TSWV.
the amount of fertilizers, saving energy, decreases the amount of pesticides with the utilization of hybrids multi-tolerante to diseases, and further streamlines the use of labor, making the producer more competitive. In turn, society has the opportunity to consume healthier products and enjoy a better quality of life.
focuses on seeking innovative solutions, anticipating market needs.
Summary Tomatoes Salad Saladette Santa Cruz Cherry Carrot Eggplant Courgette Peppers
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Products Catalog
salad BRS Portinari TY + N
F1 long shelf life tomato hybrid with indeterminate growth, high yield, vigorous foliage, and high fruit weight (220g to 240g). Excellent fruit color and good performance under greenhouse and open bacterial spot attack. Disease resistance/tolerance: Verticillium wilt race 1 (Vd 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Leaf mold race 2 (Ff 2), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), root-knot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and bipartite begomovirus, Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables.
Products Catalog
saladette BRS Nagai TY + TSWV
F1 Saladette type tomato hybrid, with indeterminate, vigorous growth and high
against bacterial attack. Excellent option for Disease resistance/tolerance: Verticilium wilt race 1 (Vd 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Tomato mosaic virus and CSNV), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and bipartite begomovirus. Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables
Products Catalog
BRS Montese TSWV + N
F1 Saladette type tomato hybrid with indeterminate growth habit, high
(greenhouse). Disease resistance/tolerance: Verticillium wilt race 1 (Vd 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Leaf mold race 2 (Ff 2), gray leaf spot CSNV), and root-knot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj). Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables.
Products Catalog
santa cruz BRS Kiara N
F1 Santa Cruz/Chonto type tomato hybrid with vigorous indeterminate growth. Rustic plant with excellent foliar coverage and high brilliant red fruits. Excellent option for Disease tolerance/resistance: Verticillium wilt race 1 (Vd 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Leaf mold race 2 (Ff 2), and root-knot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj). Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables
Products Catalog
cherry BRS Couto TY + N
F1 mini-saladette type tomato hybrid with indeterminate growth, excellent leaf coverage. Recommended for cultivation conditions. Deep red fruits, very sweet and rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Fruit weight between 50 to 80gr. Disease resistance/tolerance: Verticilium wilt Vd 1, Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Leaf mold race 2 (Ff 2), root-knot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and bipartite begomovirus. Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliรงas-Vegetables
Products Catalog
BRS Iracema N + Ss
F1 super sweet cherry tomato hybrid with vigorous indeterminate growth. Rustic plant with excellent foliar coverage, indicated to both open brilliant fruits, rich in lycopene and high brix. Fruit weight 15g. Disease resistance/tolerance: Verticillium wilt race 1 (Vd 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol 1 and 2), Leaf mold race 2 (Ff 2), and rootknot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj). Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds and Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables
Products Catalog
BRS Planalto Open pollinated carrot cultivar with high complex caused by Alternaria, Cercospora, and Xanthomonas (Xhc). Field tolerance to root-knot nematodes (Mi and Mj). Deep orange color and cylindrical root shape. Roots with high amounts of carotenoids with nutraceutical value (alpha-carotene and beta-carotene). Superior internal root quality and low green shoulder incidence. Exclusive for cultivation during the summer season.
Products Catalog
Ciça F1 eggplant hybrid with vigorous plants, deep green leaves, low density of spines on the calyx, making the harvest process very easy. The fruits have a dark, brilliant purple color and oblong to elongated shape (22 cm in length and 8 cm in diameter). Disease tolerance/resistance: Phomopsis and Colletotrichum fruit rot. Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables.
Products Catalog
Brasileirinha appealing bicolor (green and yellow) ornamental appearance of the fruits. Fruits with high amounts of carotenoids with nutraceutical value (alphaand crispy texture. This cultivar can be employed as pollinator of Tetsukabuto hybrids. tolerance to distinct powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii) races. Embrapa Hortaliรงas-Vegetables.
Products Catalog
BRS Mari yield (35 ton per ha) under Brazilian conditions. tions. Pungency around 96.000 Scoville Heat Units. Disease tolerance/resistance: Powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica), bacterial spot (Xcc) and Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables.
Products Catalog
BRS Seriema variety, good yield and small fruits, appropriated to process. Plants and fruit The harvesting time could reach more Yield around 15 ton per ha in Brazil. The variety is adapted to high temperatures. Pungency around 90,000 to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units. Disease resistance/tolerance: Root-knot Foto: Leandro Lobo
TCSV). Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables
Products Catalog
BRS Moema Aromatic, non-pungent pepper cultivar excellent color and crispy and tasty fruits. Plants are vigorous with 60cm height and 1m in diameter. BRS Moema is adapted for cultivation under high temperatures. The fruit col or changes from green to orange and then red. The aromatic fruits are suitable for either fresh (in natura) market or for processing. Disease tolerance: Root-knot nematodes (Ma, Mi, and Mj) and Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Embrapa Hortaliças – Vegetables
Products Catalog
Agrocinco Vegetable Seeds/Dux Company Headquarters | (55) 19.3879.6787 Ed. Waldemar Silveira Bellini, Rua Cesรกrio de Paula Penteado, 381, Centro Monte Mor - SP - Brazil | 13.190-000