Martial Science 01 February

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Martial Science



FEB/2014 - Nยบ 01




Presents 4 - Publisher’ s Message 6 - Martial arts movies 8 - News

40 - kyusho, vital point 46-interview : the shihan dana abbott 48-Calendar 2014

10 - meifu shikage ryu. soke otsuka yasuyuki

10 - meifu shikage ryu. soke otsuka yasuyuki 18 - teachings of the budha 20 - the interview with shihan dan tosh 24 - Wushu/technique 26 - universal jeet kune do/technique 28 - hojo jutsu. shihan allen woodman 34 - kajukenbo/technique 36 - sandokan system 2

28 - hojo jutsu. shihan FEBRUARY/2014 3 allen woodman

PUBLISHER´S MESSAGE Many congratulations on this new year 2014, to all the readers of Martial Science. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, from January 31 began to govern the Year of the horse, associated with the element wood and the color green. The horse symbolizes the passion, freedom, strength, travel and the indomitable spirit. The green will give us hope, tranquility, fortune, and growth. I’m not an expert on predictions, but I do believe in that energy follows thought. For this reason I put my mind, my faith and my good energies that this year: the poor, the

dispossessed and needy will be more listened. I am sure that this will be a year of action, healing and well-being for all. I would like sharing with you a simple prayer, but full of wisdom and love. I received it from my Teacher of Hatha Yoga, and big friend, Dr. Vitalia Maria: PRAYER OF THE 5 FINGERS: Thumb: (closer to the heart). We will pray for those we love most, those who do the hardest work, and those who are near you Index finger: We will pray for those who teach, instruct, and heal, they need support and wisdom to lead to others Middle finger: (the highest). We will pray for our leaders, who have authority. They need divine guidance. Ring finger: (the weakest). We will pray for the weak, sick, and the tormented. Little finger: (the smaller). We pray for ourselves.

PUBLISHER/EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Henry Binerfa C. CONTRIBUTORS Soke Otsuka Yasuyuki Shihan Dan Tosh Shihan Dana Abbott Shihan Allen Woodman Les Kiersnoswki Bob Goméz Evan Pantazi Allen Edmon Daoud Yin Zhi Shakya Leonardo Martinez Roberto De Lima TRANSLATIONS Yisel Viamontes Alcides Cervantes

The direction of the magazine does not hold responsible itself with the opinions of the collaborators. The publicity included inside the pages of the magazine is only and exclusive responsibility of the advertisers. Many of the techniques of the martial arts can be dangerous, please training them only under the guide of a professor or expert.





Once Upon a Time in Shanghai ( 2014) Two new movies of Rurouni Kenshin

This year it is expected the film Once Upon a Time in Shanghai. With a great cast composed of Andy On Phillip Ng, and Sammo Hung. This movie is expected to be a great success because it also has the choreographies of the prestigious Yuen Woo Ping.

On August 1st it is released in Japan, Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto-Hen Taika. On September 13 Rurouni Kenshin is released: Saigo not Densetsu-Hen. Completing this way the trilogy of the famous personage Manga del Samurai X of Nobuhiro Watsuki. We still have no information of when it is released in Occident. Both movies treat on the Saga of Kyoto, where Kenshin faces the strongest of the villains Makoto Shishio and the Juponngatana. It is confirmed that the role of Kenshin Himura will be recaptured by actor Takeru Satoh, who is recognized by its role of Kamen Rider Den Or.Meanwhile, Makoto Shishio’s role will be played by actor Tatsuya Fujiwara. Both films will be directed by Keishi Otomo. 6



Mr. Liber de Aguiar. President of the Shin Kansen Ryu Jiu Jitsu Morita Ryu in the US. traveled to Las Vegas, NV for the first examination of this style of jiu-jitsu in the locality. The Dojo in Las Vegas, is directed by Sensei Jose de Carricarte, Vice President of this organization, and black belt 6th Dan





In this historical examination were evaluated the following students: テ]gel Montes of Oca Daniel Camacho Darテュo Camacho Gabriel Rivera Jeff Barton Also attended, Ivan Chuffatt, and the Sensei Jimmy Lockett who kindly provided his Dojo for the realization of this event. 8



Meifu Shinkage Ryu Soke Otsuka Yasuyuki

Someya Sensei was a great investigator and historian of the theme shuriken and worked a lot of techniques and types of shuriken used in other Ryu. Someya Sensei died in June 1999 and it was taken place for Yasuyuki Otsuka Sensei, that he had practiced with him since 1985 and that he has at present around 40 pupils in Japan being this the case the new Soke of this Ryu. 10



Meifu Shinkage Ryu Soke Otsuka Yasuyuki

What is Meifu Shinkage Ryu?

Meifu Shinkage Ryu (MSR) is one of the sects of martial arts in Japan. We practice a small sized arms such as Shuriken and Fundo Kusari etc. Especially Shuriken jutsu is our main technique. MSR was founded by Chikatoshi Someya Sensei of the originator in 1950’s. Which techniques and weapons are being practiced?

Shuriken jutsu and Fundo Kusari jutsu are our main practices. Besides those, there are small carrying arms such as Shoken and Kakute in MSR. In the West it is known that mainly Ninja warriors used shuriken. Did also Samurai people have those weapons in their reservoir?

It is a misunderstanding that Shuriken is Ninja’s arms. Shuriken is not a weapon only for Ninja. Originally, old style Ken jutsu in Japan included Shuriken jutsu in their systematized techniques. Usually, the usage 12

of the sword is two, cut and thrusts. But there are third usage that is throw out the sword to the enemy in the emergency. The technique of throwing the sword was a source of Shuriken jutsu. However, when the sword is thrown out to the enemy, Samurai lose his arms. Then Samurai became to prepare a small arms to throw out beside their sword. At that moment, Shuriken jutsu became independent. What is the difference between throwing stars (shaken) and projectiles (bo-shuriken?

To thrust the target by throwing stars, you need not the difficult skill. However, the shape of throwing star is complex to make and it’s costs are high. It is inconvenient to carry, because the point of the star is in all sides. FEBRUARY/2014


of Katori-shinto ryu since a boy. He was good at not only Shuriken but also Kenjutsu. He was a man of character, and the plaster saint. On the other hand, he was absorbed in Shuriken jutsu and the research of other arms until his last years. He was my irreplaceable teacher. You have been one of his students and are his successor since 1999. When did you meet Someya Sensei?

And Shuriken is oneway weapon, you can’t collect them during the actual battle.

And beside Dan reanking, I set up the 5 of Kyu, for the spread of MSR in foreign countries.

They do not want to lose it by the throwing out. It seems that they used throwing stars in their hand as the arms of the grapple fight mainly.

You have different forms (kata) for the chain (kusari). Are there also forms for the shuriken throwing?

Bo-Shuriken is easy to carry. And the cost is low because their production is easy. But, thrusting it on the target, you need the high technique What ranking system is used in Meifu Shinkage Ryu?

Is it like a traditional menkyo-system or rather a modern kyudan-system?

Various Kata is a means for the student to acquire the correct operation of arms. In Shuriken Jutsu, there are a lot of techniques. Such as “Shomen-uchi” “Gyaku-uchi” “Shitate-uchi,” “Za-uhi,” and “Aruki-uhi” etc. “Shomen-uchi” is a basic way of Shuriken throwing, and students most importantly practice it. Otsuka Sensei, you are presently the head of Meifu Shinkage Ryu. Who was your teacher?

Originally, the rank of MSR is only four stages. It is a very simple system, Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, and Yodan. When Yodan is acquired, the My Shuriken teacher is Chikatoshi Someya student obtaine the license of Shihan (mas- sensei who is founder of MSR. ter). It takes about ten years, for the student to be promoted to Shihan, if everything going Please tell us more about Someya Chikatoshi? well. Over the Shihan, there is only Soke. Someya sensei had been practicing Ken jutsu 14

At what age Meifu Shinkage Ryu should be started?

It was 1960’s. Someya Sensei became independent as a general practitioner in that time, and MSR was originated at the same time. It is difficult to point out an accurate ye Texts and photos courtesy of: Soke Otsuka Yasuyuki

At first, I met his book at the book store in my hometown. I founded his book “Shuriken Jutsu Nyumon” in 1980. His writing was almost the same as Shuriken jutsu that I had been doing in my own style. I was surprised very much, and had admiration in him. There were various circumstances, and I was not good to enter MSR at once. It was 1985, that I finally became the formal student of Someya sensei. What was the training like?

In the first half of the class, we do Shuriken practice. Each one practices Shuriken jutsu toward the target. In Shuriken jutsu, the practice is done by an individual unit. And the latter half of the class we do Fundo Kusari jutsu. That is a training of basic operation of Kusari and doing Kata. Practice of Fundo Kusari is done by all students together. Did you also study other styles?

About Shuriken jutsu, I have had the exchange with some other Shuriken groups or schools. However, I have not entered the Shuriken schools other than MSR. About other Budo than Shuriken jutsu, in high school, I have learned Kendo, and my father teach me old style Karate when I was a boy. But, they are fairly things of the past.









Cuban Self Defense System ShinKaiDo Ryu

reda ccion






Teachings of the Budha The Empty Set and the Empty Cloud Rev. Yin Zhi Shakya

Source: in whichever method he chooses. All those I had studied zen for a long time, but when words were for me ideas that were separate i was ordained in 2001 in the zen buddhist from any practical ideas about functioning order of hsu yun, i began to give particular in the world. And suddenly it came to me! attention to hsu yun’s teachings. “Empty They are the same: perfect demonstrations cloud: the teachings of hsu yun” became of the laws of the universe! the goad that made me want to deepen the search for myself, it impressed me Mathematics is a language, the language so very much. I read the book, over and of number and size. Zen is a language, the over again to understand the meaning of language of reality; a language that has ‘empty’. It was hard for me to comprehend. no words, just ideas, perfect ideas to put How could i be empty and at the same into practice as we put mathematics into time be compassionate? I thought that to practice. be compassionate i had to be filled with feelings of love, of kindness and concern Laying a foundation for technical for everything and everyone. knowledge and assisting in the practical application of knowledge already Over and over again i struggled with possessed, mathematics offers unlimited the same logical thoughts of how this advantages for mental training. could be. Suddenly, after many readings and meditations, after months of being And what about zen? Isn’t true that zen offers puzzled, the answer came to me as a flash. unlimited advantages for mental training? The answer was right there. I had it all If we lay a foundation of knowledge it will along during the years that i had spent assist and offer us unlimited advantages teaching mathematics. and then we can live our life in a perfect and balanced existence in reality. I had been a math teacher for nearly all my life. Not only had i taught math, but Also, arithmetic consists of the operations i also held the view that math and life of addition, subtraction, multiplication and have great similarities. But i never before division of a type of numbers represented put it all together: zen; empty cloud; by the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4… 9. By using the teachings; buddha; amitabha; meditation; above operations or combinations of them, concentration; the law of causality; we are able to solve many problems. the rules of discipline; maintaining an unshakable faith in the existence of the What about zen? Isn’t true that zen buddha self; being determined to succeed consists in operations that lead us to solve


not only many problems but all problems. And what about the digits? What about the zero [0]? What about the empty set? Isn’t it necessary to understand the empty set to then get the concept of other digits: 1, 2, 3, 4… 9?

Rev. Chan zhi shakya wrote me once, “people think that empty means ‘nothing’ but it means everything in a spiritual context. To be empty doesn’t mean to have nothing, it means to be devoid if the identification with ego. So when we empty ourselves, we fill up with the universe ... With everything. We recognize that we are like a hologram in which every point in the universe contains every other point in it - a transcendental experience difficult to convey in words...” Then i understood what he really meant. So it came to my mind... Isn’t that what i was doing all my life with those school children? To make them realize what the empty set is? I knew in that moment the meaning of empty cloud. I knew that we have to be empty to really understand what full is. Empty of hate, empty of love, empty of evil and empty of goodness, empty of attachment and empty of detachment, empty, empty, empty. And then we can be in perfect control and can decide what our life will be. How, when, where… with what are we are going to fill it?… We will be able to understand the law of causality and to do what is correct for us. There won’t be any more wrong consequences; we will live in nirvana. As we can see and understand, the importance of the general number idea cannot be overemphasized. We need to know math to function in the world, but to function in reality, to be in peace, to understand the relationship of man with the universe and of man with other human beings, it is totally necessary to know zen. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of zen. In hsu yun’s words, “the importance of zen cannot be overemphasized!” Wishing you the divine peace,





Black Belt 8º Dan Shorin Ryu When and how did you come to the practice of martial arts? I started studying shorin-ryu karate at the Coffeyville, Kansas Boys Club in 1958 under the direction of Sensei Joe Spriggs. My family was very poor and when my uncle Bill Price took me with him to the YMCA I noticed people working out in one of the rooms. It was Judo. I wanted to do that but couldn’t afford the annual and monthly fees. A family friend said there was something similar at the Boys Club. When I asked how much it cost, I was told $8 per month to join the club and no additional fees for karate. At 5 years old, I persuaded my friend’s father who owned McDonald’s Feed Store across the street from my grandmother’s house to give me a job sewing the burlap bags closed for $.50 per day. I’ve never stopped doing Shorin-ryu since starting in about February or so of 1958.

By: Henry Binerfa Photos: Yisel Viamontes and courtesy of GM. Dan Tosh Revision: Alcidez Cervantes



How did you meet Grandmaster Musashi Miyagi? A friend and I were working out in gym on the base at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station and as we were talking about my style of shorin-ryu, he mentioned that he heard of this guy on the Island that was an Okinawan karate guy, but it was herd he was pretty tough to train with. I found out it was Miyagi Sensei and his first name was Musashi. That was a bit strange, since Musashi is not an Okinawan name. His father was Okinawan and is

mother was Japanese. He was an 8th Dan I believe and he and I became friends and he started training me harder than I’ve ever trained before. Can you tell us how it was training with him? Miyagi’s methods were tough but with a smile in his voice. He would punish anyone would not turn over their hand in a Seikan Punch by striking the back of the hand with a back fist. It was very painful and as I was told more than once, he was too tough to train with. Once he made me stand in a horse stance for 7 hours in the sand, under a tree while looking at the ocean over in Wahiawa. I couldn’t walk correctly for days after that. What is the most important characteristic of learning within the Shorin-Ryu? In the photo of Above we can see Hanshi Dan Tosh next to

Speed and redirection as well as body Matayoshi, Sensei 10th Dan Shorin-ryu. Below we see doing different shifting are key elements taught in Shorintechniques of Tamashiwara (breaks). Ryu and most of this is taught through Kata.

What defines Okinawan Karate? Almost all Okinawan Karate was formulated by the people of Okinawa from those who either visited the Island or brought back by those who went to other places and trained. Shorin-Ryu was based upon “Shaolin Style Wushu” or Kung-Fu as most call it. The stances are higher, faster to be initiated and little movement is wasted.

What can we learn at your Dojo?

must be passed on and when or if you accept the responsibility, you accept the burdens of leadership. I have never asked for respect, it must be earned, and I learn as much about myself by teaching as I do by practicing karate.

Our dojo focuses on strong Kata, speed, body shifting, and redirection as well as personal responsibility and development. What is What is Karate for your life? Karate is my way of life and has allowed me to have the fortitude to finish what I start in life! Thank you very much for your time Grand Master Tosh. This question is free for you to talk about what deemed. I have found that those who train in a traditional form of martial art have a kindness and spirit that is different than those who do not. To be able to balance strength and power with a love for life is to have strength in character. Honor above all else! The GM. Dan Tosh with Sensei Henry Binerfa Director of Martial Science.

This photo was taken in Newport Beach, California after an extraordinary seminar taught by the Hanshi Dan Tosh in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Hall of the Heroes. 2013

When a person reaches the level that Hanshi reached, what do changes within this person? The change takes place long before one reaches the level of Hanshi. Almost all teachers take on much responsibility and it is twofold. On one hand, there is a feeling of value and pride in being allowed to carry this information to the next generation. On the other hand, the burden is immense. You dare not tarnish or impugn the trust that was given, and you always have to behave in a proper manner. I have never been intoxicated; I never speak in a foul or disrespectful way in front of my students, and I have to keep teaching even if the economy is not kind to me and it costs money out of pocket to keep the school moving forward. The knowledge


What is your favorite Kata, and Why? I don’t have a favorite Kata, since I can pull technique from each and I can combine movements from each to form technique. I have done each of the Katas in my system thousands of times and every time I do, I get excited about what I am doing! What do you think of martial arts today? Tradition vs. Modern Times? Who wins? There are no modern times without tradition, without Ying there is no Yang, there’s no light without dark and there is no modern without tradition. Times do change and although the tradition doesn’t change, the uses of the traditional methods do change and adapt. It’s all good!



4-Pu bu dao


5-Xi bu dao

School: The Shade of the Dragon 1-Tsuo pa'am

Sifu Leonardo Martínez Instructor: Roberto De Lima Photos: Adriana Ibañez

2-Pam Ma bu

3-Pu bu

6-Kung bu dao 24




• Sifu Allen Edmon Daoud • Mar Castro


Universal Jeet Kune Do

Universal Jeet Kune Do



3 8







HOJO JUTSU Photos by: Val Mijailovic

The Art of Tying Your Enemy




Shihan Allen Woodman is the current proponent of the traditional Japanese art of Hojojutsu. So much in fact that he has been traveling internationally to teach and share the basic concepts of the system to others. After Choreographing Film and TV fight scenes using scenes with this unique art he released his new book Hojojutsu The Art of Tying Your Enemy. FEBRUARY/2014



ABOUT THE SHIHAN ALLEN WOODMAN Renshi Sensei Allen Woodman has been studying martial arts since the age of 4. As a child he discovered the world of martial arts early on while growing up on a military base outside Tokyo, Japan.

Where most people would be content, Renshi Allen has devoted his life to learning and promoting martial arts as a whole. Arranging and performing martial arts demonstrations, events and classes for the Texas state Library system, California School Allen Woodman had studied the traditional Mar- District, and Instructor to the Bakersfield and tial art of Shotokan Karate directly with Shihan Los Angeles Police department. Sensei Ryuichi Sato, a direct student of Osensei Gichin Funakoshi for more than 15 years. Mr. Wood- Renshi Sensei Allen Woodman has devoted his man received the Honorary title of Renshi Sensei entire life to martial arts, with over 40 years plus 4th Degree Black Belt and master instructor from in training and more than half of that in Asia. He Sensei Makoto Nakamura, Sensei Sato`s Top stu- is one of the most sought after instructors around dent in 1989. Training with his initial instructor today and has accumulated high levels of mastery Shihan Sato, a direct student of the founder of Sho- and certified rank in many different arts. Shihan tokan Karate Gichin Funakoshi Osensei, he even- Woodman has written over 12 books and co authotually earned his rank of 6th degree black belt at the red many more with such great masters and teachers such as Soke Joe Miller, Nidai Soke Micheal Hombu in Japan. DePasquale Jr., Master Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa, and Grandmaster Ramiro Estalilla. HOJO JUTSU Hojōjutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord or rope. Encompassing many different techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojōjutsu is a unique product of Japanese history and culture. It is the beautiful and peculiar art of restraining someone using (often brightly colored) cord. Hojōjutsu techniques and methods are seldom demonstrated outside of Japan, until now!





Generally speaking, Hojōjutsu can be divided into two broad categories. hayanawa or “fast rope”, and torinawa (“capture-rope”) In either form, the Hojōjutsu ties known today display a shrewd understanding of human anatomy through several recurrent themes. The art form that is demonstrated in his text and seminars are the more devised form of self-defense that the Samurai of feudal Japan once used. The techniques found in his book are a few of the myriad of techniques or Waza that make up the portion of the Hojōjutsu art form. In his new manual Hojojutsu the Art of Tying Your Enemy, the reader will find hand to hand techniques that are effective as they are intricate. As an instructor of the art Shihan Allen strongly recommends that safety and a moderate amount of preparation be applied when practicing the techniques or moves As the techniques are taught in this manual you will find that there are unlimited amounts of ways to defend one-self using either rope, twine, a belt or a length of cord. All things that he teaches in his book and upcoming DVD With all of this information outgoing this may certainly be the year of the rope. For more information on his book or upcoming DVD please contact SIDEKICK Publications at





-Bob G贸mez. -Ryan Bumagat.







9 Special thanks to Soke James Neiman for the use of his dojo: Shugyo Aikido Dojo. Photographer, Stanley Fontillas

5 34



SANDOKAN it. There were many schools in Kenpo but only a few that taught Ed Parker’s system. Luckily, I was very fortunate to find one near me so I began my training.

Les Kiersnowski

Fotografía: Heide Clouse

I started my training in the martial arts in 1971 with a traditional Japanese Kyokushin style. When I started I automatically fell in love with the art as well as its traditions, philosophy and conditioning so at that point I knew I was going to dedicate my life to martial arts. I trained in Kyokushin nonstop six or seven days a week until 1979 at which time I moved to the United States and settled in Philadelphia, PA. Upon settling I have extensively searched for Kyokushin dojos – the closest one I could find was 2 hours away in New York City so I began my travels and continued training in Kyokushin. After a while, I met a martial artist from Philadelphia who was a Judo instructor so I suspended my travels to New York and started training in Kodokan Judo. While I was training in Judo and competing nationwide, during my travels I was introduced to Ed Parker’s American Kenpo System. I instantly fell in love with


After a few years of training in Kenpo, at one of the kenpo camps I was introduced to Grandmaster Remy Presas so I began training in Kenpo and Modern Arnis. While training in both of these arts, I was then introduced to the Bando system and its Founder Dr. Gi. So I began training in all three systems at the same time which did not leave me much time for anything else. But as I stated previously, martial arts is my life. While in doing that for many years, I thought I had a full understanding of how each basic move and technique works in all the arts I had been training. But there was still something missing. So I began an eleven year long research study in human anatomy and tried to find the complete understanding of the arts by using science. I discovered that search for full understanding of the human body led me to kinetic energy and kinetic movements so I started researching both anatomy and kinesiology. Understanding and knowing how the human body works pointed me towards physics so I began researching Physics and Newtonian Laws. The missing puzzle pieces that I was looking for were answered by science. So I started developing my own system based on science and I named it Sandokan.

About the Sandokan System The Sandokan system comprises an understanding of martial science, biomechanics, and gravity and how the human body works,

functions and reacts. Sandokan is a result of direct application of research and experience into human sciences of motion, force production, fitness, conditioning, kinesiology, physiology and physics. This system views body movement from a scientific vantage point, and judges whether a technique or method is efficient or inefficient, not based on some category of which is “the best” in any given style. Instead, it is judged in terms of scientific pragmatism, with the knowledge of balance, coordination, and body alignment, so that the student may safely deliver a strike while simultaneously maximizing his or her focus on optimum power. Martial Arts is a physical activity and as a result is governed by the various physical laws and principles that regulate the world of nature, such as the laws found in Newtonian physics. By virtue of this, every individual will become a better martial artist when they learn to train scientifically. This does not require studying different arts, but rather a study of the human sciences of mechanics, dynamics and physiology. Sandokan will provide the practitioner a solid comprehension of all pressure points and joint manipulation of the body. This system employs triangular yet linier footwork to achieve a strong anatomical foundation.

tial science, biomechanics, and gravity and how the human body works, functions and reacts. Sandokan is a result of direct application of research and experience into human sciences of motion, force production, fitness, conditioning, kinesiology, physiology and physics. I was very fortunate to train with a lot of different Grandmasters and became friends with many of them. Through the years, I have also met many martial arts practitioners who have an excellent skill yet some who do not have a full understanding of the science behind the arts. So I have dedicated my life to travelling, propogating and teaching the scientific approach to martial arts as well as my system, Sandokan. Sandokan is now practiced in many schools within the United States, as well as Canada and European countries such as Poland, Germany and Switzerland, just to name a few. For more information about Grandmaster Les Kiersnowski, Sandokan System or to find the weapons which are specifically designed for the Sandokan System, please view the website

To learn this system is to comprehend how the body works offensively and defensively. It is a complete system on its own or a perfect enhancement to any other style or system. This system has its own bladed weapons, designed specifically using the physics of anatomy. The weapons are designed to be Sandokan, The Cutting Edge Martial Arts. an anatomical extension of the practitioner’s hand, maximizing linier positioning. The Sandokan system comprises an understanding of mar-











Kyusho, Vital Point.

head of our opponent: The typical Martial Artist will try to deliver the most powerful blow, with the most conditioned weapon on which they spent countless hours training and conditioning with absolute focus and study, yet when that finely honed weapon is used, the aim is general and with no effort to land on the most efficient target or structure on the head. Without such study on the best places or targets of the head or the ramifications or body reactions to that attack, how can we ever attain our full potential? We must study the anatomy and physiology of the anatomy to complete our training on both the external as well as internal sides. By training only half of the total possibility, we can only ever achieve half of the potential. Now what if we could do all of this without seriously or permanently damaging the other individual, is that not the epitome of a true Artist? No it is not myth, not a dream, not BS, it is real and it is Kyusho.

By: Evan Pantazi Most Martial Artists today spend decades of their life researching and practicing the physiology of a punch, kick, grab or manipulation of the human body, but not the physiology of the body functionality itself. So few seek the ancient knowledge of the vital areas inter-relationships or anatomical structures that most efficiently accomplish these skills, or can in reverse engineering; incapacitate the same functionality of an opponent. These structures or components are one in the same and inseparable, yet most seek just the cause and not the effect or how to cause specific effect. We as serious Martial Artists need to ask why this is so, if we are to fully understand let alone accomplish the total experience. Why would any master, expert or student not want to know the weaker structures of the body and how to affect them more efficiently or strategically, is this not what we do or quest for? Why would some spend more time refuting, denying or ignoring that there are weaker anatomical targets that their


style is based on, as opposed to researching and experiencing this fundamental base? This was the secret all Martial Artist sought, yet now that it was found and presented, it is largely shunned. To properly understand the ancient styles and forms of the Martial Arts, we must understand the totality of the human body. As Martial Artists we live by a code that is a state of constant refinement and quest for efficiency, this is our passion. We constantly work to develop strategy and physical abilities that will overcome an adversary (primarily our own prior limitations), much larger or stronger than ourselves. We constantly work to improve not only our muscle strength, flexibility and endurance, but also that of muscle memory. This is all attained through incalculable repetition at the surface level, but at a mental, spiritual and neurological level at its core. As such we constantly work to refine and develop our neurological motor skills by rewiring our internal

messaging and physical skill to be automatic in response. Yet few will expend the time or effort in targeting these same physiological aspects to inhibit or incapacitate them in an adversary. So again the question arises; why would the perpetual student, master or expert not seek deeper understanding of the nervous, muscle, autonomic and motor systems of the body? Why would they only seek to learn half of the whole? And why would we or anyone dismiss this obvious connection or totality, especially without full effort first? Please understand that these questions are not asked to demean, but rather to hopefully initiate the search for the whole in more participants of the arts‌ no matter what style the individual trains, as it is never the art or style that is the ultimate resource it is always their individual soul.

This raises yet another question; how can we pass on this ancient knowledge and skill prescribed by their styles founder if we do not use all that the founder documented? Now here is a rather harsh reality we must take into account; how can one claim to be a master or expert when we only learn, study and teach half of the totality of the art? And how could we even be considered a student if we ignore, dismiss or condemn without research or experience, is it not the responsibility or calling of a student to seek all aspects of their given field of study? In Shotokan, Funakoshi documented Kyusho (vital point targeting) in his writings, but it is not widely known, trained or revered as part of the style he founded. In Tae Kwon Do, General Choi documented the vital points or Kyusho in his writings as well, yet it is not known, understood or utilized as the founder had intended. In Ninjitsu, Seiko Fujita not only documented the vital points and their effects on the human body, but also that of 15 other styles in his writings.

To explain further if we take a punch to the



Martial Artists in turn help yet more people find this totality.

In Wing Tsun the wooden dummy form and practice was to train the proper way to apply the Dim Mak (deep Kyusho) or the blood/ nerve targets of the body.

More and more the students, not the instructors are searching and finding the truth in studying the arts in their totality, which includes the Kyusho so ignored, refuted or dismissed by instructors. Kyusho has now in modern times has reached critical mass, whereas its truth and the quest by hungry students is self-perpetuating and can no longer be shunned by instructors if they are to retain the student. We can see even the mainstream is picking up on the use of these vital points and using it more and more in movies, books and advertising. A couple of the newer movies (of a long list) were Sherlock Holmes and Jack Reacher. Even Dan Brown author of the DaVinci code is writing about it in his latest best seller Inferno… it is even mentioned in TV ads for mattresses! So why are Martial Artists the last hold outs on this ancient and thriving aspect of the arts?

In Aikido Ueshiba wrote that Aikido was 80% Atemi (point targeting)… So why is this not trained accordingly? Elders of Chinese, Okinawan and Japanese pugilism docu-

Kyusho mented these Kyusho and or Dim Mak targets in so many forms such as the Bubishi, Secret Style Notes, Scrolls and more importantly embedded in the Katas, Forms or Kumites. When we take all of this into account we cannot dismiss that Kyusho is real, that it is not worth the study or effort, because the founders of each art did. It is the truth of the whole picture as opposed to the cover of half that we must seek, realize and build on… especially now that we have the good fortune it has surfaced from the obscurity it was once captive by. We must now keep it alive and help it perpetuate so that we may help our fellow


Kyusho is real and it is very simple when learned and practiced correctly… one strike can end a situation and yes it is street effective if that is the goal. And before the inevitable question arises, it is already being used in the MMA matches. The aim here is not to sway you to a particular group or method, but rather to first inform you of what Kyusho really is, how it works and then how we can all help the Arts and others benefit with it, but more on that later in this series of articles that aim to set the record straight on what Kyusho is and how it can benefit us all in the arts. © Evan Pantazi 2013


In Judo founded by Jigoro Kano, there is documented though rarely taught Atemi Waza.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR - EVAN PANTAZI Health studies began in 1980 with Chi Gong therapy methods, receiving certification as a Chi Gong Therapist 1984. Other studies included Shiatsu, Tui Na (also Certified as a Therapist) and briefly Acupuncture. Combining this with Martial Arts yielded a system of Health and Wellness with more immediacy than prior training and studies could. This was due to the immediacy of the dysfunction inflicted upon training partners and the need for more immediate revival and restorative measure needed. Kyusho (Vital Point) studies evolved into a deep study of the human anatomy and condition with association with Medical Doctors and Universities. The system developed has been proven on thousands of individuals in over 30 Countries around the world as Evan Pantazi has been fortunate enough to have been invited to teach seminars and training functions around the world. For more information or to book a seminar contact Evan Pantazi at: FEBRUARY/2014







Interview to the Shihan


When and how did you come to the practice of martial arts? I first discovered martial arts in 1965 when my older brother took me to Judo classes at UC Berkeley. We practiced falls for a season or two and then stopped due to economics. I did not practice martial arts again until I graduated from Arizona State University in 1978. I then joined a group of 20 at the local Police Athletic League (PAL) in Prescott, Arizona in a weekly ritual of practicing hand and foot techniques known at that time as Korean Karate. What motivated you to practice martial arts? There are many reasons why I wanted to practice the martial arts. Although the main reason was that I enjoyed the physical and mental discipline it offered. Since I also was a hyper active person I could easily put in 1000s of extra punches and kicks without fatigue. The more I practiced the more motivated I became. I would read and re-read Black Belt Magazine and say to myself, “One day…One day.” Why choose the sword as your ultimate weapon? During my training I was able to understand the techniques and perfect them at a faster rate. My instructor recognized my strengths and started me on the various weapons offered at that time. I began with the three sectional staff, then onto the tonfa, sai, kama and staff. Upon gaining an understanding of these weapons I was then introduced to the sword, which fit my hand the best. This is where I became more motivated thus increasing my workout times to about 3 hours a day. When do you decide to go and live in Japan? Several years later in 1984, I developed a sudden urge to take off for Japan and learn the sword from the masters. I was introduced to Nihon Taiiku Daigaku (Sport Science Japan University), known as the West Point of martial arts universities. Its Spartan training was just the medicine I needed. At first, the going was tough since they practiced FEBRUARY/2014


from dawn to dusk six days a week and of course tournaments on Sunday.

The 47th Ronin is a new published e-book which offers the digital approach to get the story to the reader by an easy download regardless of where in the world you are. The 47th Ronin is exclusive to e-books, iBooks and kindle. These adventurous tales of yesteryear fit on today’s electronic screens enabling consumers to view and read through their smart phones or tablets. This unique way to follow a storyline offers the best of all worlds in the digital era. Despite your busy schedule you will want to make time to read these stories in today’s multitasking world.

What did you learn from Japanese lifestyle? I immersed myself into my kendo studies, which is part of the Japanese lifestyle and culture. Since no one spoke English and everyone there were serious kendo students. These students practiced kendo from a very young age. They all started practicing around the age of 5. I immediately came to the conclusion that if I did not learn the lifestyle I would never learn kendo. Thus I did not speak English for almost a decade.

I have written this collection of adventurous stories and spent years of study in Japan to master their language and swordsmanship. Thus, I was able to gain the knowledge to understand how the samurai lived and survived hundreds of years ago.

Can you tell us the difference between the Iaido, Kendo, and Chambara? I could talk about this for years. But to be brief: Iaido is the art of drawing the sword executing a cut and then sheathing the sword. This is where one learns the subtleties and ritual of the steel sword. Kendo is the sport of the sword using bamboo shinai. This is where one learns how to execute technique at full speed and power, which is challenging for most since it requires a lot of energy to practice. Chanbara is a modern version of kendo where instead of wearing kendo armor and striking with a shinai. Chanbara uses synthetic swords that allow you to fight and practice without all the cumbersome armor allowing for a more realistic approach.

sed samurai that dates back hundreds of years; all is learned through kendo and its intense training methods. Kendo makes the man and through kendo the next generation of Japanese children will understand how to live in society as a good and helpful citizen

An honor to let me do this. OSS

Can be adapted to modern life the code of Bushido?

Yes, it can easily be adapted to the code of Bushido. The clothes and fashion of Japan may change from century to century. The ancient code of the Of these three. Which one do you prefer? samurai warrior or the modern code of the Japanese Then you practice all three the choice is difficult. “salaryman” are and have mostly remained the To teach beginning American students, chanbara is same. best. Later then student understands the complexities of sword technique kendo is the best. Although What has it meant for you the way of the sword? when one is practicing Iaido that becomes a very involved art in itself. As a general rule kids in Japan The path one seeks to become a productive member mostly practice kendo and chanbara whereas adults of society and to oneself. It is well documented that are more apt to practice Iaido. For me they are all if one follows the path of the sword will also become self-reliant and not a burden to one’s peers. equal. Besides cutting. What else can be learned in Kendo?

Thank you very much for your time Grandmaster Abbott.This question is free for you to talk about what deemed.


His latest book is called, The 47th Ronin. Can you tell us something about it?

Since it is a way of life to be on the path of the focu 48






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