Martial Science
JUN/2014 - Nยบ 03
Samuel Kwok Collection of DVD’s
For More Information You Can Visit The Online Store Martial Science Magazine. WWW.CIENCIAMARCIAL.COM For orders:
Samuel Kwok - The Keys to Ip Man’s Wing Chun Kung Fu Vol 1 – Siu Lim Tao Vol 2 – Chum Kiu Vol 3 – Biu Gee Vol 4 – Chi Sao Vol 5 – Wooden Dummy Vol 6 – Baat Cham Dao Vol 7 – Lok Dim Boon Kwan
DVD CHI SAO REVEALED PART 1 AND PART 2 Gm. Samuel Kwok GM Samuel Kwok reveals it all. He is not holding back. Learn what to do and what not to do in Chi Sao. This video is like standing next to GM Samuel Kwok when he’s teaching all there is to know about Chi Sao. When you apply everything you learn in Part 1 and Part 2 of Chi Sao Revealed, nobody will be able to hit you again in Chi Sao! This is the way of GGM Ip Man. Learn the principles of Chi Sao. Learn what is important and especially learn what many do but what you absolutely shouldn’t do! This is filmed at the London Seminar in 2012 DVD THE KEYS TO SIU LIM TAO Gm. Samuel Kwok
It’s as if you would be in the class room with GM Samuel Kwok to learn the keys of Siu Lim Tao. Unlock the secrets of Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu.
For orders:
PUBLISHER/EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Henry Binerfa C. CONTRIBUTORS GM. Pablo Rodarte GM. James Neiman Antonio F. Rioja Isao Machii Shihan Allen Woodman Les Kiersnoswki Bob GomĂŠz Art Camacho Sifu Justin Cataldi Yin Zhi Shakya Leonardo Martinez Roberto De Lima TRANSLATIONS Yisel Viamontes Alcides Cervantes Daryanis Tamayo Fuente. The direction of the magazine does not hold responsible itself with the opinions of the collaborators. The publicity included inside the pages of the magazine is only and exclusive responsibility of the advertisers. Many of the techniques of the martial arts can be dangerous, please training them only under the guide of a professor or expert. 4
26-Isao Machii, Modern Samurai
Presents 6 - Publisher’ s Message 8 - Martial arts movies 10 - News 14-Art camach, the master action scenes 22- teachings of the budha 24 - gratitude for Brulee / GM. James Neiman
14 - Art camacho, the master action scenes
26-Isao Machii, Modern Samurai 28-Sambo club berane 30-Nassim Lahrizi, Young dragon 34 - Wushu/technique 31 - Filipino martial arts / sifu justin cataldi 38- flexibility training part 1/ Henry binerfa 44- juan hombre sensei, a story of courage and passion 49-zen nippon toyama ryu iaido kyokai´s
30- Nassim lahrizi JUNE/2014 young dragon5
PUBLISHER´S MESSAGE Kind regards to all Martial Science readers. Today I want to share a fragment published in the introduction of my last book under the following headline:
The Great Book of Rensoku Waza of the ShinKaiDo Ryu It has been a piece of work that points out the continuity of several generations and sets up a striking connection between our ancestors and the present generations. I hope it would be pleasing to you. “By the 1990’s I was a young martial artist, by that time, Taekwondo was my greatest passion. I won many combats in consecutive championships because of my high quality performance during the competitions. Although I moved through different Dojos, I always returned to my primary martial arts school with my prime Sensei Eduardo Nordelo. He holds the degree of Bachelor in Sports and Physical Education. Each Dojo and each master has an outstanding practitioner, who re pre s e nt s him, for Sensei Eduar-
do Nordelo, I had that
rank; it was like the Ushidenshi (intern student). My master previewed the continuity of his teachings on me; so, he trained me not only on the techniques, but also the necessary pedagogical and didactic tools for teaching martial arts. Once, I watched him writing on large folders which were full of columns and numbers; such attitude deeply called my attention, but I considered him so much that I never asked him about it. In another occasion, he commanded me to find some documents from his personal wardrobe, and I saw some folders with those odd numbers once again; judging by the paper’s appearance and odor, they were very old. I was so curious about it that once, as he was painting a mural for the Dojo; in a very keen way I asked Master Eduardo: Master, how about the numbers, what are they, what do they mean? Without a denial, he explained it all to me. 1-1-1 2-1-1 3-1-1 4-1-1 5-1-1 6-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-2 3-1-2 4-1-2 5-1-2 6-1-2 1-1-3 2-1-3 3-1-3 4-1-3 5-1-3 6-1-3 1-1-4 2-1-4 3-1-4 4-1-4 5-1-4 6-1-4 1-1-5 2-1-5 3-1-5 4-1-5 5-1-5 6-1-5 1-1-6 2-1-6 3-1-6 4-1-6 5-1-6 6-1-6 Each number was the key a given technical movement, thus: 1- Stands for Mae Geri, 2- Stands for Kinteki Geri, 3- Stands for Yoko Geri, 4- Stands for Kasumi Geri, 5- Stands for Mawashi Geri, 6- Stands for Ushiro Geri. If we happen to randomly select a combination from the table above, the outcome in a combat
or training would be as follows: Kinteki Geri - Mae Geri - Ushiro Geri. There was so much to be done and there were many ways to move the numbers and leave them fixed, that I became addicted; I started to help my master to make innumerable sheets with different keys and even letters to differentiate the blocking techniques.
Finally, I leave you this humble piece of work in mind. It symbolizes the continuity of the studies of another generation. Practitioners and masters will surely find the benefits of the guide I propose today.
The main advantages of this were that it made easier to combine the techniques without writing the long names of martial arts, on the other hand; there could be a secret code between the master and the practitioner so that none one else could understand their talking, besides it was very useful in combats. Another advantage was that for the first time it was possible to mathematically observe the endless character of martial arts. The addiction for obtaining as many combinations as possible obliged me to deepen on mathematics; there I found the concepts of the combinations and exchange within it to achieve the objective I was looking for (2, 3 and 4 technical elements in a sequence, since a greater number would bring larger outcomes), the multiplication principle and the for mu l a were of a great help.
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Twenty-two years later and after profound changes in my personal and professional life as a martial artist, I have decided to publish all my studies, to show the results gather after many years of patient work, steadiness, dedication and love. This book is part of the work my master began, I continued and my students will go on with. There are not too many photos, drawings or explanations on this book if compared to others on the genus. However, its pages hold the necessary knowledge, which would make possible to write hundreds of business books. Its inside is full of thousands of technical combinations of the ShinKaiDo Ryu, which will undoubtedly serve the objectives of all kind of martial arts, since the techniques are practically the same in all systems. JUNE/2014
Bruce Lee Fight In The UFC
For the first time we can see the icon of martial arts Bruce Lee fight in the UFC, fighting hand to hand with the most famous professional fighters of MMA (Martial Arts Mixed) all thanks to the new edition of the video game EA Sport’s UFC.
Street Fighter: Assassin´s Fist Return the web series Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist (2014), has officially presented the extended trailer over 2 minutes of this long-awaited serie Have a total of 12 episodes, and the story will narrate the past of the characters of Ryu and Ken, their martial arts training with the master and some of their epic battles.
Benny The Je
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sei Henry Seminar Sen KaiDo Ryu Biner fa, Shin
r PhanSeminar Air of Muay thip Master ster Ajarn Thai and Ma Monlit
an Seminar Shih an Allen Woodm
ster Seminar Ma la Eddie Mapu
an Danna Seminar Shih Abbott
Seminar GM. Mark Shuey
Seminar GM. Samuel Kwok
Lu Dwyer and GM. Samael Kwok
Seminar Master Richard Poage
Master Ken and Henry Binerfa
GM. Damian Mohler
Dr. Jim Thomas President U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall Of Fame
Internacional ShinKaiDo Ryu MAESTRO Libros del . HENRY BINERFA
Precios económicos, directos de las manos del autor.
$6.50 usd El Arte de Usar el Cuerpo y la Mente. 120 pág.
Enciclopedia del ShinKaiDo Ryu Tomo I 406 pág.
Enciclopedia del ShinKaiDo Ryu Tomo II 300 pág.
$15.80 usd $12.50 usd $6.50 usd $9.50 usd
CONTACT: CALL: (702) 539 3192
Budismo Zen para tu Alma 154 pág.
El Gran Libro de los Rensoku Waza del ShinKaiDo Ryu 190 pág.
Manejo y envío no incluido en los EEUU. Para los demás países disponible en
precios de los libros. Envíos solo para los
ART CAMACHO the master of the action scenes Fotos cortes铆a del Sr. Art Camacho Entrevista y Correcci贸n: Henry Binerfa
All Beginnings Are Difficult. Art Was Not An Exceptionhe Counts On His Experience With His Own Words. I started to train karate when I was 13th, it did not last long. I was a kid, so to speak… more than fat… I hated everything related to sports. So, to practice sports was temporally for me. I used to practice for at least three months, and then I stopped it. It went like this until I was 16. At this age, I started to train hard and two things happened; first, some gangsters beat me and left me tear to pieces. I still remember the odor and hotness of my blood shed on my face, doctors made 11 sewing stitch to close up the wounds; second, the first movie of BRUCE LEE that I watched, it turned my inspiration. I still remembered the time I was sitting at the movies watching Bruce Lee for the first time. Though he was dead already, his films were still premiere. When I got off the movies, I was so impressed that Bruce Lee’s magic made me vibrate of emotion.
...That Bruce Lee’s Magic Made Me Vibrate Of Emotion.
Those two events motivate me to start training. I have trained under several systems, such as: Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kali, Jeet Kune Do, and Boxing, lately, I trained with Grand Master Eric Lee in Wun Hop Kuen Do. Sifu Eric Lee has not only been my sifu, but my friend and mentor in the choreographies of combats. My first work performance of combats was in Hollywood, it was a movie that my sifu Eric Lee choreographed the name “Ring of Fired”. I have trained with many grand masters from time to time, they have all influenced on me. Hence, even when I am performing a movie, I am learning from them. Recently, Grand master Samuel Kwok started to tech me of art of Wing Chun. To learn from him is a great honor to me. I still consider myself a White Belt and do not want to be disrespectful to all these Grand masters who have taught me a lot.
this chance to enter. I am natural and enjoy it. There were some other small roles and more stunts in movie, then I was asked to become the choreographer of nearly twenty combat movies and I jumped on all two feet. My expertise directing commercials helped a lot, since I usually watch the combat on the screen from a cinematographic angle.
What Is Your Favorite Choreography?
I have choreographed more than 300 combats for film making; most of them are good enough. None of them is my favorite, but some are highlighted by some elements. For instance, in Half Past Dead, we decided to perform the Hong Kong style. I worked with a Chinese choreographer named Xin Xin Xiong, we created scenes using cables Chinese like style combined with the Aikido of Steven Entering To Movie Making Seagal. In The Secuela con Bill Goldber, we went for harder combats under the American I started to work as a walker-on in a publicity style. In films with Don Wilson we used Street agency in Spanish before I turned a movie style combined with kickboxing. star. I began cleaning toilets, and in less than a year I was acting, producing and writing commercials for television in Spanish to my dear mentor Mr. Aaron Berger. I did not know how to enter into movies, so, I did some extra work for about nine months to get some experience about the job. At the same time, I attended auditions for a role form movie making. I was very lucky to get a role as a co-star in the movie “Connexion in Chinatown”, by this time my sifu Eric lee was a movie choreographer and called me to be kicked in one of them, I took advantage of
Suggestions For Choreographers A great combat on the screen depends more upon rhyme, music and dance than upon the combat itself. You are not fighting but you create the illusion of fighting through body expression and emotions. To create a great fight on the screen, some of the most important tips are to understand the effects and function of the camera, the corporal movement, the emotions of the character, and of course the basic abilities of the combat or martial art. It is basically a dance of deadly combat. - Art Camacho
Sifu Eric Lee has not only been my sifu, but my friend and mentor in the choreographies of combats.
In my first movie as a director, I actually wanted to tell a story on each combat as the performer grew more and more in his physical abilities and turned emotionally mature. I have choreographed and worked with Don Wilson more than with any other martial art master and have also directed him in four films, it has made the work enjoyable for we are great friends, too. One of my prime movies with Don Wilson was “Ring of Fire II”. This movie was a great amusement, it turn our homage to Bruce Lee.
Working With Steaven Seagal I was a great admirer of Steven Seagal before I worked with him and it was an honor and a pleasure to have had the chance to coordinate the action on Half Past Dead. He is a master in martial arts, an expert in Aikido and to work with him was undoubtedly a great experience. When we were to perform the action I asked him in what direction he wanted the opponent to enter and been a master of Aikido, Steven Seagal offered a set of various techniques until he spotted the one that best fitted the situation. I have learned a lot from him. Steven Seagal is a very intense and talented person which he proves on his movies.
“...Steven Seagal Offered A Set Of Various Techniques Until He Spotted The One That Best fitted the situation”. 18
Where Can The Art Of Stunt Fighting Be Learned? As far as I know, there are not schools for Stuntfighting in particular, but there are rooms for training the stunts or acrobatics all across the country. Three years ago I used to teach stuntfighting while working on a project for Warner Bros. I worked on a two floor building, there was an office downstairs and upstairs there was the Dojo. I used to work daily and taught the lessons on stuntfighting at nights. Many of my students have had great success in films like: GI Joe, Avengers, Iron Man, etc. I still teach seminars on Stuntfighting when I a not making a film, I taught one in Chiuhahua Mexico another in Tijuana México and some here in the United States. Those seminars are mainly about specific aspects of fighting for movies. As I have directed commercials, musical videos, TV and feature films, I have a different perspective from the stuntfighting. I don’t do this as a martial artist, but as someone w h o sits at a theater and knows nothing about martial arts. Most people think that the dramatic feeling, emotion and narration of a story with kicks and punches is fighting, but actually it is not.
New Projects Currently I am involved in the pre-production phase of a movie entitled Final Payback 2; it is the continuity of a film I recorded some years ago. We are getting into a new trend inspired in the movie “The Mechanic” with Jason Statham and also in the unfold of two vampire movies with Latin stem named “The crossing”, the other comes from a movie I made about twenty years ago entitled “ To Be he Best”. I am the co-writer and co-director in both films, besides; I have been hired to direct other two films. At present, I am teaching seminars on fighting the stunts, always looking for new talents. I have just met a very talented person named Ana Carolina De Fonseca, she a model and an actress, and we discuss about the possibility to develop an action movie.
Finals Tips
The most important thing is to be passionate about this job and at the same time, see it as a business. Learn as much as you can, wherever you can about your art, be it performing, stunts or in direction. Secondly, switch on with as many people as you can on this business and let yourself to be seen by them. Thirdly, make cortos, if you are an actor: act, if you are a director: direct. It does not matter how small or big the project is, just do it! Give the best of you in every project. I have been fortunate in career, even when it has been hard. No one gave a chance, so I made my own chances. Even now, I have started many studies on film making and I still have to fight for each movie. If you are a Latin person it turns more difficult, since no one see Latin men as choreographers or stuntmen, they prefer to hire Asians or Philippians, to perform Latin roles. Besides, many Latin men don’t allow other Latin on their business once they have succeeded, and then you have to fight and believe in your talents. Never accept a ‘No’ as a response and be ready for many. I believe we are not all destine to win, but I am pretty sure we are not destine to lose either, so, go and fight with all your heart, if you happen to win, change the cycle of selfishness on behalf of others. Thank you very much, it was a great honor! 20
Seminar of Art Camacho in Vegas, Nevada. Gym of Muay Thai Master Airr Phantthip.
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Teachings of the Budha Fate Is In Our Hands
n a time long past, there was an old monk who, through diligent practice, had attained a certain degree of spiritual penetration. “He had a young novice who was about eight years old. One day the monk looked at the boy’s face and saw there that he would die within the next few months. Saddened by this, he told the boy to take a long holiday and go and visit his parents. ‘Take your time,’ said the monk. ‘Don’t hurry back.’ For he felt the boy should be with his family when he died. Three months later, to his astonishment, the monk saw the boy walking back up the mountain. When he arrived he looked intently at his face and saw that they boy would now live to a ripe old age. ‘Tell me everything that happened while you were away,’ said the monk. So the boy started to tell of his journey down from the mountain. He told of villages and towns he passed through, of rivers forded and mountains climbed. Then he told how one day he came upon a stream in flood. He noticed, as he tried to pick his way across the flowing stream, that a colony of ants had become trapped on a small island formed by the flooding stream. Moved by compassion for these poor creatures, he took a branch of a tree and laid it across one flow of the stream until it touched the little island. As the ants made their way across, the boy held the branch steady, until he was sure all the ants had escaped to dry land. Then he went on his way. ‘So,’ thought the old monk to himself, ‘that is why the gods have lengthened his days.’ Compassionate acts can alter your fate. Conversely, acts of viciousness can adversely affect your fate.”
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Clases de Wushu INSTRUCTOR:
ROBERTO DE LIMA calle 12 de octubre 2984 gimnasio yaku. Buenos Aires.
Gratitude for Bruce Lee By: Soke James Neiman Illustrations by: Henry Binerfa
hat does a lifetime of training for a serious martial artist entail? Let’s start by examining some of the major phases that span cradle to grave development for a student of an existing art:
(1) Basics (usually confirmed when the black belt is awarded) (2) Serious training expanding knowledge and depth (3) Mastery and Creativity (4) Leadership and Inspiration of the Next Generation (5) Contribution and Refinement of the Art itself. Some people turn pro while still in stage 2 or, at the latest, stage 3, either competing professionally (if applicable) or opening schools within an existing larger organization. However, they are merely operating under someone else’s business paradigm, 24
sometimes sadly falling into the trap of allowing the material success to bolster their egos, and are, in reality, incomplete in their development. Only a rare few of these practitioners, under the guidance of their teachers, remain serious and humble enough to go beyond this stage.
In fact, they always revere their teachers, which is why they were able to continue their development, recognizing that without their teachers they would never have achieved anything. Consider the genius of Funakoshi, Ueshiba, Kano, and the countless ancient and modern masters throughout the world who broke new ground and established entire marThose martial artists who continue pursuing their tial arts systems and organizations. The most nodevelopment are well beyond their competing table modern achievements in this area have been years by the time they get to stage 4, and establish indisputably recognized in the person of Bruce Lee, an international teaching reputation over decades who raced through the 5 stages in his short lifetiby the time they are in stage 5. me, burst through international boundaries of culture, race, and business, and explosively CREATED Even a fully developed and mature martial arts a new martial arts system that has literally changed master absolutely reveres the ones who CREATE a cultures. Bruce Lee arrived at a critical point in history, being the first martial great martial art.
James Neiman, whom his students call “Sensei James�, was born in 1964 and raised in Fremont, California. From the age of 7 he became deeply fascinated with martial arts. His lifelong journey of martial arts training began in 1978 with a serious and long-term study of Tae Kwon Do and several subsequent martial arts, continued with his evolution into a professional martial artist through the study of Aikido that began in 1995, and culminated with the evolution and founding of his own martial art, Shugyo Aikido, in 2013. Grandmaster Neiman was inducted into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2013, in recognition of a lifetime of continuous development, achievement, creativity, and leadership in martial arts. He was also inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame on May 17, 2014, as Original System Founder / Grandmaster of the Year JUNE/2014
Isao Machii MODERN samurai If
I say that there is a man who is capable of cutting a pellet using a sword (Katana) Japanese, the small projectile travels at a speed of 200 miles per hour and is 4000 times smaller than a baseball and fires from just 70 feet away. You may think I’m lying or I’m crazy. But no, that man exists and his name is Isao Machii, and is an expert master Iaijutsu Shuushin Ryu school and owns a Guinness World Record. Pictures are worth a thousand words by which I invite you to enjoy these videos where Isao Machii shows his skills with the sword.
Sambo Club Berane Sambo Club Berane was established in Berane 2010 year in December, Founder of the club is Zarko Jankovic sambo master and martial arts, the club is training 42 students and three coaches within three years of its work the club has become the best club in Montenegro: In 2011, the club won 74 medals. In 2012 the club won 137 medals In 2013, the club has won 189 medals In 2011, the club had nine National Champions 28
In 2012, 14 national champions In 2013, 21 national champions Club in its ranks medal winners in the Balkans, the European and world championships, cups and we have the winners of various tournaments both in our country and throughout Europe and the world, the club in 2011 was the organizer of an open cups of Montenegro in August and organizer of ex Yugoslavia sambo championship in Bijelo Polje November 2013
Club was the organizer of an international memorial tournament Dr. Savka Sabotic. Our club will be in September 2014 to be the organizer of second international memorial tournament Dr Savka Šabotić and organizer of the European mix martial arts (MMA) championship and organizer of fighting for professional European champion in the discipline of MMA and self-defense Zarko Jankovic the professional champion of the Balkans in the discipline combat close martial arts the holder a black belt licensed international trainer of martial arts in September 2014 they will fight for the title of European champion in the professional discipline of MMA. He is the winner of 4 World Cup in martial arts nine times was the state champion in the various martial arts 3 times he won the European championship in martial arts so far he has won 146 gold medals, 25 silver, 7 bronze medals, 23 trophies and a belt of professional champion of the Balkans.
Zarko Jankovic And Don Dragon Wilson World Martial Arts Game Split Croatia 2013
Prominent members of the club are: Vukic Sanja,Culafic Gabrijela, Mihajlovic Stefan,Janic Marko,Komar Djordje,Stijovic Ksenija and many others The club is a member of many federations around the world.
Sanja Vukuc Demonstration Self Defense
Nassim Lahrizi,
Young Dragon
30 Photos: Hamid Lahrizi Text by: Henry Binerfa
“Be prepared... Mentally and Physically to enter the game�
Nassim Young Dragon Faras Lahrizi 9 years old, Jr. Black Belt 5 Time WKC (Kickboxing & Karate) Fighting and Forms World Champion, competitor of the year 2012 and 2013. Award by Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honors.108 titles as a Jr. Black Belt between 2011 & 2014.
n any given day you may find nine-year-old Nassim Faras Lahrizi sketching one of his favorite superheroes from his collection of Marvel Comic books or creating a new character to add to his own assortment of drawings. You may even find him running around the neighborhood playing a detective game or tag with the neighborhood kids. However, there is something that sets this pint-sized powerhouse apart from others. Nassim is a Junior Black Belt World Champion that can also be found training at his father’s (Grand Master Hamid Lahrizi) Martial Arts Academy Nassim has broken the world record for being the youngest black belt to compete in the WKC World Championships in Montreal Canada where he won World Champion in Extreme Forms, a Gold medal in Fighting Kickboxing for the 25 kilo and under division, and the opportunity to perform at the night show. Nassim is also a four time Gold Medalist KRANE RATINGS INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION in all 4 Divisions (fighting-extreme forms-traditional forms-weapon forms) State, Regional & National as well as a three times Gold Medalist KRANE TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION Junior Black Belt.
Nassim follows the steps of his idol Bruce Lee and was recently selected to participate in the film: THE MARTIAL ARTS KID, along with martial arts star Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson, Cynthia “Lady Dragon” Rothrock, Bill “Superfoot” Wallace, Matthew Ziff, TJ Storm, and Jansen Panettiere. Focusing on the pair, who play an aunt an uncle, they take in an unruly and troubled young relative to their Florida beach town after the death of his mother. Soon, in an effort to channel his anger and rage, they begin to teach him martial arts. As we can see with his wonderful technique Nassim and his young age has a great future ahead not only in martial arts but also as a rising star for action movies. The Martial Science team wishes him the best in his career and new successes.
JUNIO/2014 JUNE/2014
WUSHU School: The Shade of the Dragon 3
Sifu Leonardo Martínez Instructor: Roberto De Lima Photos: Adriana Ibañez JUNE/2014
FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS Sifu Justin Cataldi Creative Warrior Academy Of Las Vegas Through the versatility of these teachers he
Sifu Justin Cataldi started training Tibe- was able to train in a variety of arts and also
tan Lama Kung Fu at the age of 13 under Sifu was a tournament fighter who frequently comSteven Greenbaum, who is a Black Sash unpeted in der Sifu Jack Soderberg, who also went on to be the CEO of Postnet and appeared on a Grapplers Quest , the World Martial Arts episode of the TV show the Undercover Boss. Championships & the San Diego Grand Nationals where he was awarded a 1st place gold At age 22 he started training with grappling/ medal, a 3rd place Bronze Medal and a 3rd MMA expert David Howard who went on to be and 4th place trophy. the head Jiu Jitsu Instructor at Fight Capitol in Las vegas, and is a Black Belt under John Sifu Justin now has been teaching marLewis. tial arts for 5 yrs and is a 3rd Degree Blach Sash under Sifu Jack and a Kali/JKD instrucHe was extremely fortunate at age 28 to tor under Guro Rich. He has a true passion start training with Guro Richard Lamoureaux for sharing the arts and helping people try to who is under GM Danny Inosanto , GM Ted better themselves through the arts. His main Lucay Jr. & Paul Vunak to name a few of his focus now is Filipino Martial Arts, Street Self Instructors. Defense and Weapons Training, and wishes to share this rare art with America. At that time Sifu Justin was able to also study Lama Kung Fu, Tai Chi & Kickboxing with Sifu Jack Soderberg who is under GM Wai Lun Choi.
1-This position is commonly known as inside sweep, notice that we hit the hand not the stick. This is to attempt to damage the hand holding the weapon rendering it useless.
2-Now we replace our stick with our checkhand to insure the weapon does not try to continue forward, enabling us to use our weapon freely while controling our opponents weapon.
4 3-Now we are free to strike the arm, body or head of our opponent.In this scenario we will attack the body and arm of our partner for safer practice of our mechanics.
4-After striking the body we will come back to hit the arm/hand .We will continually go back to attacking the weapon hand as we consider it a contstant threat as long as its active.
5 5-This circular motion will continue around to strike the top of our partners arm.
6-Finally we place our checkhand on our partners weapon hand again and stab to the belly.
Flexibility Training Part I
By: Lic. Henry Binerfa
DEFINITION: “Flexibility is the natural biological ability men have to perform full range of motion, due to the mobility to articulate and elasticity of the muscles, ligaments and tendons by itself and under external influences, partially conditioned by coordination”. FORMS OF FLEXIBILITY TRAINING: 1. Passive Flexibility 2. Active Flexibility 3. General Flexibility 4. Specific Flexibility 5. Stretching.
ge of motion about a joint due to the protagonist’s contraction and the antagonist’s stretching. General Flexibility: it is known as the main joint systems’ development (humeral-scapula, femoral-lame, and spinal-cord).
Specific Flexibility: it refers to the development of a specific joint which determines the success Passive Flexibility: it refers to the maximum ran- in a sport modality (E.g. the hurdler with the ge of motion a sportsman develops under exter- femoral-lame joint, the crawlswimmer with the nal strength (partner, additional weight, devices, humeral-scapula). tools, etc.), due to the capacity of stretching or the antagonists’ relaxation. Stretching: it is a tension-relaxation-extension method. Practicing this method helps the body Active Flexibility: it refers to the maximum ran feel its benefits. 38
• It helps to prevent injures (elastic muscle, better carries raised mechanical weight).
• Its betterment, adjusted to the demands of martial arts, brings about a positive action on the de- • It is achieved faster with daily training, velopment of the physical features that control efficiency (strength, velocity, resistance, etc.), • The optimal age goes from 11-14 years then; a and the technical abilities. well-graded training work will be enough to keep the reached level of mobility (Jurgen Wuineck• Itis an essential issue of the training sessions. Optimal training).
• The slow-downs within the practice sessions must be devoted to relaxation.
• Its improvement is kept longer after active practice than after passive flexibility training.
• Extension must reach the maximum limit seve- • To reach the maximum It must be trained: ral times and progressively level, extension must be practiced in several direc• Daily and continually, exceed it. without large scale intetions. • During the specific trarruptions. ining of a given sport, its • To carry out active flexi• After a well-thought improvement turns mo- bility, some weigh exerciwarm up session; never mentary for about 10 mi- ses can be done in the free after a hard practice of ge- nute; after a stretching segment. neral resistance nor under practice session, long term muscle weariness. slow-downs must be avoided. JUNE/2014
Active Flexibility. Exercise Guide
3 Let’s start the exercise with feet together (Photo 1), and we flex the trunk to the front to try to touch the floor with the tips of our fingers (Photo 2), then with our fists (Photo 3) and the palms of the hands (Photo 4). Then, we will do the same to the front (Photo-2-3-4), sides (Photo-5,6-7) and backward (Photo-8,9-10). It is important to note that we should never bend our knees. They can be executed of 15 to 25 repetitions.
Photo -11 We cross legs and we took the ankles. We perform flexion trying to touch our chest with the knee. Can be performed of 15 to 25 repetitions. Then, change the foot that crossed in front and repeat the exercise.
We sit on our heels and grab both ankles, then stretch your legs stuck trying to leave the chest to the thighs. We can perform 5-10 reps.
HENRY BINERFA CASTELLANOS (Camaguey, Cuba, 1981) College degree in Cuba of Physical Culture and Sports, author of several books in spanish most notably, El Arte de Usar el Cuerpo y la Mente, EnciclopedĂa del ShinKaiDo Ryu Tomo I y Tomo II, Budismo Zen para tu Alma, El gran libro de los Renzoku Waza del ShinKaiDo Ryu. Black Belt 1er Dan en TaekwonDo ITF Black Belt 1er Dan en TaekwonDo WTF Black Belt 4to Dan en KaienDo Creator of system ShinKaiDo Ryu, Black Belt 8vo Dan.
Juan Hombre Sensei,
A story of courage and passion By: Antonio FernĂĄndez Rioja
In order to accurately represent Sensei, I will proceed to detail how he appeared in my life. I met Sensei about 20 years ago at a gym in Madrid, Spain. In that time I was training Karate, and following my class, I went to the weight room to lift weights. Soon after, Sensei appeared in his wheelchair (he had recently been in his car accident), and I witnessed in awe how he lifted himself up from the wheelchair and into the leg press. He couldn’t move his lower train, but he would remain there, concentrated as if he was in fact able to move the weights with his legs. Somewhat in shock, I asked him what was that he was doing. With assurance, he looked at me, explained about his car accident and told me that one day he would walk again. By the next day, he had gained a new student in his class. That was me. Unfortunately, I could only train with him for a month before I had to go to the USA for work, losing all contact with him. Fifteen years later, I began having very strong recollections about Sensei and wondering what had become of him. So I began to search the internet. I was stunned to find a lot of negative things about the man, and very few positive. Was it him, the same master I once knew? How could he have changed so much? 44
I decided to write him an email, which he replied to right way. The following weekend, I visited his dojo in the mountains with a couple of friends, and it was a full weekend of very intense training. I got back home so sore from it that I couldn’t even get out of my vehicle. I found, however, a great martial arts master and some marvelous training mates that weekend. Since then, it has been six years of continuous training under Master Hombre. Juan Hombre Sensei was born in Negreira (Galicia) in the year 1956. His trajectory in the martial arts has been vertiginous, since this has been his life. He lives by and for the martial arts. He has studied and practiced various disciplines, but Ninjutsu has always been his greatest passion. In 1987, he experienced a miserable car accident that would drastically change his life, an event of extreme harshness for a person like him. Against all odds, he fought to be able to walk again and cast aside his wheelchair. Little by little, step by step, he returned to the world of martial arts. Since then, Master Hombre’s students have won
more than seventy world martial arts titles and eight hundred titles in Spain. Master Hombre has developed two systems of his own. Each of them with a rich and well-structured learning program: JAPAN NINJUTSU AND TAISHINDO. JAPAN NINJUTSU: Hombre Sensei has been searching the essence of Ninjutsu through various masters in Japan over a span of more than twenty-five years: Hatsumi Sensei, Higuchi Sensei, Yunoki Sensei, Kiyomoto Sensei, Zhenga Sensei, Ukita Sensei, and Kawakami Soke and maintains relationships with other descendant figures of ninja, like those of the Momochi family. In 1999, after a visit of several months in Japan, where he stayed in Kawakami Soke’s residence, Mr. Hombre decided to found JAPAN NINJUTSU, an independent organization for the preservation and re-establishment of traditional Shinobi-jutsu, their way of life, history, culture and tradition. In the year 2005, Hombre Sensei was baptized as ONBURE DONO (Great Warrior of the Spirit), JUNE/2014
and in 2008, Kawakami Soke presented him with the Densho Ten No Maki and ennobled him as Doshi (Fellow On The Path).
su as a path of personal improvement that must be carried out in nature. This makes the training exhausting, but full of excitement.
Juan Hombre Sensei’s Ninjutsu and Bujutsu is distinctly different from what is familiar to most. It is a Bujutsu from the battlefield, very aggressive, dynamic and fast. Japan Ninjutsu’s program is vast and infinite, and you will learn Atemi-Jutsu, Koppo-jutsu, Yawara-Jutsu, Batto-jutsu, Shinobiken-jutsu, and Kaginawa-jutsu (to name a few), as well as Japanese history and culture, strategy, usage of tools, field survival and medicinal plants - for Sensei, Ninjutsu is the art of survival and adaptation.
TAISHINDO® is the other discipline developed by Hombre Sensei. Taishindo is a modern self-defense and combat system that constantly evolves and improves upon itself, yet always stays true to its base program and foundational learning milestones.
Further more, Sensei’s philosophy is something I loved, due to the fact that he understands Ninjut-
Within the TAISHINDO system, there are several specialized programs that offer each collective a highly functional training and learning experience: Taishindo Kenpo, Taishindo Law Enforcement, Military Taishindo. Each strive for a professional system adapted and geared towards different ages, occupations, skill sets, and the challenges of each
The military and law enforcement TAISHINDO® program was developed by Master Juan Hombre in 1995, upon receiving a petition from the Spanish armed forces to prepare a specialized instruction and drilling program for the BRIPAC, the Spanish elite parachute brigade. After the success of this first venture, he received a request to develop an alternate program for the military police and upon its completion, the development of an exclusive program for the penitentiary police force. The three divisions mentioned above formed in these first years (1995-96) a versatile and eclectic tactical system of self-defense geared towards the Spanish ARMED FORCES. They strived for a simple, effective and above all “OPERATIONAL” methodology that was exclusively geared toward the TACTICAL needs of an operative, remaining precise and relevant. The general layout of this technical program is divided around the study of the following disciplines: POLICE INTERVENTION (Dissuasions-Reductions-Control-Extractions) HANDCUFFING-MANEUVERS (Handcuffs-Trifold-Zip ties-Type) KOBUDO TACTICAL (Baton-Kubotan-PR24-Tonfa-Improvised street weapons) FIREARMS (Active shooter-High risk enviroments-Retentions) HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT (Holds-Vital points-Chokes-submmisions-MMA) URBAN COMBAT (CQB-CQC-CSF-CSI) Close Quarter Battle Close Quarter Combat Close Street Combat Close Security Intervention
Por: Antonio Fernández Rioja Cordinador JAPAN NINJUTSU Delegado Natori Ryu JUNE/2014
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ZEN NIPPON TOYAMA RYU IAIDO KYOKAI´S the aforementioned school). requirements this institution This designation is the starting demands. For the first time, Argenti- point in the alignment between na will have its own ZEN NI- Argentinian branch and the JaPPON TOYAMA RYU IAIDO panese headquarters allowing Dinatale Sensei to spread the KYOKAI´s Dôjô, the imperial militia sword voice and put together the pracschool. tice of the Toyama Ryu style in the region. Past June the 14th in the Zen Nippon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Nowadays, the instruction in Kyokai´s So Honbu, Shihan this praxis outside Japan takes Council Table, it was decided, place, closely supervised by after a hidebound selection three Sô Shibuchô, in 15 Dôjôs process, to name Mr. Federico worldwide. Dinatale Sensei was Francisco Dinatale as Sensei chosen by the So Honbu, in JaSô Shibuchô (master and head pan, to be part of this worshipinstructor, in Argentina, for ful group after meeting all the Por: Kyoshi Dinatale
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