Martial Science Magazine 3 June Edition 2015

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Martial Science


JUNE/2015 - Nº 09


Toxic Fighting, Self Defense System


Special Report Munich Hall of Honours 2015





PUBLISHER/EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Henry Binerfa C. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Diosmel AcuĂąa COLUMNISTS Antonio Fernandez Rioja Martin Franshan Jimmy Lockett CONSULTANT Yin Zhi Shakya CONTRIBUTORS Pablo Rodarte GM. Mark Shuey James Wilson Airr Phanthip Samuel Kwok Bob GomĂŠz Sifu Justin Cataldi Master Wong Philip Nearing Master Bernd Hoehle TRANSLATIONS Yisel Viamontes Alcides Cervantes Daryanis Tamayo Fuente.

DISCLAIMER Martial Science Publications LLC as publisher is and advertising platform and does not endorse or make representation, warranty or guarantee concerning the safety or effetiveness of either the products and services advertised in this magazine or the martial arts or other techniques discussed or illustrated in this magazine. The publisher expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to the manufacture, sale or use of such products and services and the application of the techniques discussed or illustrated in this magazine may be ilegal in some areas of the united states or other countries. Therefore, you should check federal, state and local laws prior to your purchase or use of these products, services or techniques in the united states or elsewhere. Because of the nature of some of the products services or techniques advertised or discussed in this magazine, you should consult a physician before using these products or services or applying these techniques.


32- archie brown, young promise of karate

Presents 4 - Publisher’ s Message 6 - news/Special Report. Munich Hall Of honours 2015

32- Special Report. Munich Hall Of honours 2015

16-carl cooper/toxic figthing 26- teachings of the budha 32- archie brown, young promise of karate 38-seven tecniques against knife attack/ Henry binerfa 46-martial arts movies/the french dragon 50 - a travelling ronin/Martin Franshan 54-The Interview / crystal santos 60-Nak muay thai/ techniques 62-martial arts directory

16-carl cooper/ toxic figthing

PUBLISHER´S MESSAGE Hello Friends of Martial Science Magazine. I am pleased to present this new edition of Martial Science that brings new developments. We have received many messages and emails from readers with the suggestion of adding videos to our online edition. For the next edition we say yes to the technology and will include videos, photos and texts within Martial Science Magazine in its online version. I also wanted to invite you to give LIKE to our official Facebook page and you can receive all our updates with the latest news of our magazine, promotions, tournaments, events, photos, videos and more from the world of martial arts. I remind you that you can receive our online magazine directly to your email with SUBSCRIBE only on our website: once you insert your email address you will receive Martial Science Magazine and an email each time we publish a new issue.

Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO Martial Science Publications, LLC

Martial Science Magazine, Volume 3, Number three ISBN-13: 978-1511538244 , is Published Bi-monthl, (February, April, June, August, October, and December) by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071 Email:




Special Report Munich Hall of Honours 2015 How great was that? „The best Munich Hall of Honours so far“ everyone said „Awesome event“ „unbelievable“ was only a few of the compliments that participants of the 2015 Munich Hall of Honours made. „But that was not new, thats what they say every year! „ said Promoter Gregor Huss when asked. But what is it that makes everyone so entusiastic about this event in Munich Germany,where the participation is limited to only 160 People including accompaning persons. When people where asked they like to say:“ the whole event, the people, the atmospere , just everything together.“ Others think its because the event is sold out every year and it is hard to get nominated because of the limited space for the banquett. Many think it is because of the great shows that make this event unique and other again believe it is the fact, that 50 percent of the participants are woman from the martial arts in contrary to other events of the kind, where there is 99,8 % men. The Munich Hall of Honours is a european event but off course participants from all over the world are welcome to it. Martial Arts is one big family believes promoter Gregor Huss and this Year again Martial Artist from more then 19 countries arround the world came to the Capitol of Bavaria to be part of this prestegious extravaganza. 6







Picture 1- Crystal Santos and Carl Van Meter Picture 2- Gregor Huss and Zara Phythian Picture 3- Friday VIP party Picture 4- Agata Dowding and Bianca Huss Picture 5- The girls Picture 6-Gregor Huss and Emma Elmes



Special Report Munich Hall of Honours 2015 On Friday the event started like every year with the welcome party at a bavarian type venue und the celebrities couldnt wait to get their bavarian Dirnd`l outfits for this occation. Unfortunate the weather of Friday was bad, raining all day but saturday made up for it. The seminars started out with Carl Michael Cooper and TOXIC FIGHTING SYSTEM from England and from then there where constantly running four semianrs at the time until the late afternoon. For those that wanted a break there was plenty space on this lift“ was favorite for most of the sunny day at the large beergar- participants and worked them den behind the venue. really hard. Each seminar was a great and paticipants where excited about the variety of styles and self defense systems that where presented, like Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Hapkido, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Judo, JiuJitsu, Fight Back Defense, variouse styles of Karate and Kenpo, Dim Mak, and fitness seminars that could add important new training methods to the fitness training in the martial arts for school owners and instructors. Here, like every year, Agata Dowding „I am a woman and I 8

Highlight off course like every year was Munich Hall of Honours Top Celebritiy Cynthia Rothrocks Seminar, but this year there was many new top Seminar Instructors like UK Star Zara Phythian, Wing Chun Legend Grandmaster Samuel Kwok, Master Carl van Meter from the US, Grandmaster Theo De Gelean,Belium, GM Marco Morabito, Italy and GM Andree Kielholtz, Germany, Master Ado Dulas from Austria as well as GM Carl Cooper GM Bernd Höhle Keynan Dehnad from Switzerland , GM Josè Luis Montes from

Awarded of Munich Hall of Honours 2015

GM Bernd Hรถhle

Emma Elmes

Sifu Serge Seguin

Sensei Zara Phythian

GM Samuel Kwok

Silvio Simac

Cynthia Rothrock

Angelika Anqi NImbach

Agata Dowding

Dr. Keyvan Dehnad

GM Theo De Gelaen

Erwin Pfeiffer

GM Necatin Yilmaz

Hassan Yaakoubd

Billy Martin

Adam Octavian



Spain and Master Vitor Lagarto from Portugal to name a few. Those that where here for the second and third time shared their knowledge with the many students and participants at this day and in some cases allready had their fan group that been asking for them during the year. The list of Instructors of this day: From Switzerland „Hapkido Queen“ Master Sändy Fabian, „Swordmaster“ Stephan Krellmann and Master Dragan Pavkovic from YungSon Akademie Baar, from Germany Kyosi Erwin Pfeiffer from Ulm, Master Jürgen Köhler, Master Peer Kaufmann, Master Gregor J. Huss, from Ireland Master Richard Dawson, Master Martin Zingel from The Netherlands, GM Perry Zmugg from Austria, GM Hassan Yaakoubd from Italy, Grandmaster Teo Radut from Romania and last not least UK Action Star Silvio Simac from the UK. It was a great afternoon again and a fantastic workout for all participants. After a two hours break the evening Gala started at THE WALDHEIM, Munich. 10

Grandmaster Sifu Serge Seguin had studied like every year completely new choreography for his fantastic lions dance performance which started due to chinese habit this 8th Munich Hall of Honours. Then the Waldheim Team opened the buffet`s for the guests. At the Munich Hall of Honors there is always more then one of these buffets to keep the line of hungry martial artists as short as possible. The food at this event in the meantime is famous the world over with martial artists. Everything is gartanteed biological and dishes are made fresh. It is probably the best food served at any Martial Arts Hall of Fame in the world, at least Cynthia Rothrock says and GM Samuel Kwok agrees with it. After to main course the first show part started with the french star flutist Raphèlle Zaneboni from Genoble, then GM Teo Raduts Karate Demo from Romania, followed by „Katana extreme“ with Pablo Camacho and Gema Rodriquez from Barcelona. Then the Wing Chun Legend Grandmaster Samuel Kwok and his mixed Team from Aserbaizan and Germany presented Ip Man Wing Chun for the audience with Chis Sau demonstration and a one inch (punch) spearfinger! End of show part one was a authentic traditional Muay Thai fight Demonstration with Gm Hassan Yaakoubd`s Show Team from Italy and Thai Chi Demonstration by the Team from

Now the awards presentation started with introduction of the board of directors of the 2015 Munich Hall of Honour. Every Year there is a few new members and and some end their membership, because no more then threee year can anyone be member of this prestigious group, to garantee the absolut independence of this gremium from politics whatsoever. So far most of them opened their own Hall of Fame in various countries and cities and help to grow the idea of this kind of gettogether in the big Martial Arts Family because untill only a few years this was absolutly unknown in Europe. The first half of awards where

now being handed over to the Inductees of the 8th Munich Hall of Honours by the honourable members of the board. Then there was a break for delicious desert and after this, the second Show Part started with the spektacular Traditional Taekwon Do Demo from Self Defense Germany Team followed by the Lan Lung Wu Shu Xue Yuan Demo Team, the Shaolin Team from Sifu Christian Kronwinkler with one of the most spektakular Demonstration. Now it was time for the second part of awards presentations and after it was finished, the Band „Party Time“ opened the dance JUNE/2015


Awarded of Munich Hall of Honours 2015

Carl Van Meter

Salvatore Caprino

Asif Sayasov

Martin Zingel


Prof. Teodor Radut

Matt Fiddes

GM Erhard Kellner

Marco Morabito

Benjamin Piwko

Peter Mogridge

Markus Schinhammer

Udo Bayer

Crystal Santos

Ewart Chin

Christian Kronmuller

Nenad Milosavljevic

floor where Cynthia and the girls where rock’in it soon. Another great event had come to a conclusion but many participants allready where making plany for the upcoming event in Innsbruck, Austria, where promoter Grego Huss starts his second event, the INNSBRUCK HALL OF HONOURS, hoping to continue his success.

Time to dance

In the meantime the booking for 2016 in Munich has allready started and more then 25 % is allready booked. So if you want to be part of this fantastic event, become a member of these European Hall of Honours and bring one of the Awards home, better dont procastinate and register soon. If you cant wait till then, come to Innsbruck in Tyrol, Austria on June 20th, 2015.

Manfred Haempel and Anqi Nimbach

Group with GM Bernd HĂśhle

Todd Taganashi



Awarded of Munich Hall of Honours 2015

Stephan Krellmann

Dirk Eiringhaus

Adem Dudas

Dieter Dunzweller


Andre Kielholtz

Albert Navarro

Pavkovic Dragan

Dirk Golstein

Zoran Petkovski

Richard Dawson

Carlos Lewis

Robert Ley

Alberto Marletta

Juan Romero Pons

Sandy Fabian

Alexander Kahler





S S T R A … L s s A e I c T c R u s r u MA o y , y tor

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s r u o y , l o o h c s r u



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Toxic Photos By: Paul Leamon Alison Mackay Jakes Photography



The Reason I Created

In 1999 I found a Krav Maga school, one of only a handful in the country at the time. In Krav Maga I found something that was a lot Toxic Fighting. more suited to what I was after learning. The Since the age of eleven I have studied Mar- approach to learning was more direct and a lot tial Arts of various styles and many of them simpler than anything I had learnt previously. I have really struggled to learn or retain. In And so in 2003 after attending classes for 3 a bid to remember what I was being taught I years I attended and passed the IKMF Krav would often take a pen and note pad with me Maga Instructor Course. to try and make notes straight after the lesson but I was still struggling to remember what I After I passed the course it allowed me the had learnt, even so soon after the lesson had opportunity to set up my own Krav Maga School. finished. In those days there were not the plethora of books or videos, let alone DVDs that there are available today. It was difficult for me to remember what went where, how my body should be positioned etc. Some things were just not making sense and the body positions didn’t feel natural. And in addition many of these Martial Arts were using foreign names for techniques.

The Transition From Krav Maga To Toxic Fighting. The change came about after 8 years of teaching Krav Maga I had noticed that what I was currently teaching was no longer resembling the Krav Maga I had been taught. Over the

years I had slowly been morphing Krav Maga into the Toxic Fighting System. Many of these changes had come about from watching how my students were trying to learn the Krav Maga I was teaching. But also many of the techniques were born from the questions they asked and experiences they had. I now had a wide spectrum of students of different sizes and ages. Some were Police Officers, Doormen and Prison Guards. And some were housewives, accountants and teachers. Some were even disabled and this was making me re-assess the techniques to make sure they would work not only for them but everyone. From the outside I could see things from a completely different perspective than that of when I was the student. From now on I would never see myself as an Instructor but more as a ‘Giver Of Ideas’.

Some Of The Major Changes I had to make changes. Many of my students were only able to attend classes for 1 or 2 hours a week and what I taught them had to be simple and be able to be retained if it was need in a real life situation and under stress. Defence: The Fortress One of the initial changes I made was I designed a defensive system. I called it THE FORTRESS. It was more of a cover rather than blocking technique. It was much safer than blocking as it kept the hands constantly in contact with the head. This allowed a kind of 360 defence for the head. With ‘traditional’ blocking the hands are away from the face and body. This allows a second attacker to come from the side or behind and strike the head. Most blocking techniques are designed to deal with an attacker being in front of you. But if you were confronted with multiple attackers you could be in trouble. As blocking required constant moving to try and keep pace with an attacker who knew where they were going 18

One of the initia designed a defe THE FORTRESS.

al changes I made was I ensive system. I called it



to strike and the defender who had to work out what angle, which hand etc. and then get the arm/ leg there to defend. The student was always going to have to play catch up and to train to be competent and skilled enough would or could take many years to learn. As it takes approximately 0.2 of a second to strike and 0.5 of a second to defend you are fighting a losing battle. The Fortress has one shape and two movements. From that you can defend against Jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts to the head. And this worked pretty much 360 degrees around the head. Even if you forgot the arm movements you were still fairly safe. In addition with very little ‘modification’ I found this defence worked well against Ground and Pound and being kicked in the head whether standing, kneeling or on the ground. It was very adaptable to various scenarios and so easy for my students to learn.


Attacking: Core Striking

These strikes were given names. I called them:

RHINO SHOCKWAVE BOOSTED BLOCK PRINCE CHARMING SLEDGEHAMMER This lead to me developing CORE STRIKING. AXE These core strikes could all be launched from CONFUSED CRAB The Fortress as well as being stand-alone strikes or incorporated into other Martial Arts. None of these strikes use the knuckles of the fist. I have discarded punches as I found 5 The idea being that under stress you could primary reasons that these strikes could have miss the target or you could be unaware how a detrimental affect in defending oneself. many attackers there are but you could be There maybe more reasons but I felt 5 reasons gave me enough cause to drop punches safe as you could be whilst fighting back. from what I teach. Even though other Self Defence systems still include them. Obviously from the defensive position I had to develop some counter striking techniques that were just as defensive but also extremely effective.



Kicking & Grappling Similarly I have restricted kicking and grappling in training. I do still teach many of these techniques as awareness and so that the students can learn to defend against these types of attacks but I make them aware of why many of these techniques should be avoided where possible. Let me explain in a little more detail. We do use kicks but when we are on the ground. From here stability is no a problem. We can still use Hook Kicks, Side Kicks, Axe Kicks and Push Kicks, just from a different angle than you might normally expect to see them. If we were standing we would normally use stomps, if the person were on the ground. Or we would use knees, if we are in close and we can use the surroundings or the other person for stability (if the situation dictates). Or we may use a turning kick to the knee. But that 22

is pretty much our arsenal of kicks that we would use in a standing situation. As with kicking we try to avoid grappling and restraint. We still learn the aspects of grappling and the principles associated with it such as leverage and restraint but we mostly still learn these techniques to aid in the training of escaping bear hugs, headlocks etc. Our biggest problem with grappling is that it ‘ties’ us to the attacker. It can restrict our ability to leave the situation at the easiest opportunity. “The longer a fight continues, the more likely it is that something could go wrong”. In addition it requires using the arms or legs to do so. And this leaves us vulnerable if another person should become involved or if the attacker should produce a weapon that you were not previously aware of. We always work on a +1 theory.

Remember if you can grab an attacker then they can grab you. And they may only need to do so for a second or two, which could allow another person to also join in the attack. One of the other problems with grappling that I always drum into my students, relevant to strangles and arm locks is that you must be very aware that you may apply more force or hold that strangle/ arm locks longer than necessary and even if you think you are within your rights to do so you could be prosecuted either in a criminal or civil court if proven otherwise. In addition especially with strangles you could cause a fatality. It can be very difficult to make rational decisions when faced with confrontation and your heart is racing.





To help students learn quicker I ‘Go Barbarian’ By this I mean I use a lot of techniques that require next to no training. These would include: Biting, Pinching Gouging Screaming & Shouting Pulling (including the hair) Pushing Scratching Running

The fact is that many of these techniques can save you years of training. You should be utilising the techniques you already know. These are just some of the principle of Toxic Fighting that we implement in training. In addition to aid and improve what I teach I have been back to ‘school’ and I have been learning and gaining formal BTEC Level 3 qualifications in:

Many of these ‘techniques’ are inherently Delivery of Conflict Resolution Advanced Control & Restraint known by everyone, trained or untrained. Delivery of Physical Intervention More than half are probably used everyday UK Law in relation to Self Defence by everybody they just need a little refining Psychology & Physiology of Fighting or explanation as to there place within Self Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) 24

AFFILIATION PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP The membership program of Martial science Magzine was created as an option for owners of schools, organizations, institutions, associations or vendors of products related to the sport and martial arts and who need to publish 2 or more publications in the year or marketing campaigns of long duration. Recommended 100% to promote events, tournaments and seminars, to increase the number of students in your school, show your product to thousands of people, promote equipment for sports training or martial arts, supplements vitamin, in short all the related to the martial arts industry and sport.

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Teachings of the Budha Angulimala: A Story of the Power of Compassion (As told by Ven. Walpola Piyananda Thera in Love in Buddhism)


here was once the son of a Brahmin (the highest “priestly” caste in India) in the court of King Pasenadi of Kosala, whose name was Ahimsaka. He was sent to Taxila for his studies. Ahimsaka was intelligent and obedient to this teacher; therefore he was liked by both the teacher and his wife. This made the other pupils jealous of him. So they went to the teacher and falsely accused Ahimsaka of having an immoral relationship with the teacher’s wife. At first, he did not believe them, but after hearing it a number of times, he thought it was true and vowed to have revenge on Ahimsaka. He thought that to kill him would reflect badly on him. His rage prompted him to suggest the unthinkable to the young and innocent Ahimsaka. He told his pupil to kill a thousand human beings and to bring the right thumb of each as payment for teaching him. Of course the youngster would not even think of such a thing, so he was banished from the teacher’s house and returned to his parents. When his father learned why Ahimsaka had been expelled, he became furious with his son, and would hear no reason. On that very day, with the rain pouring down, he ordered Ahimsaka to leave the house. Ahimsaka went to his mother and asked her advice, but she could not go against the will of her husband. Next Ahimsaka went to the house of his betrothed (in accord with the ancient custom in India calling for betrothal of children long before their actual marriage), but when the family learned why Ahimsaka had been turned out of school, they drove him off. The shame, anger, fear, and despair of

Ahimsaka drove him out of his mind. His suffering mind could only recollect the teacher’s order: to collect 1,000 human thumbs. And so he started killing, and as he killed, the thumbs he collected were hung on a tree, but as they were destroyed by crows and vultures, he later wore a garland of the fingers to keep track of the number. Because of this he came to be known as Angulimala (finger garland) and became the terror of the countryside. The king himself heard about the exploits of Angulimala, and he decided to capture him. When Mantani, Ahimsaka’s mother, heard about the king’s intention, she went to the forest in a desperate bid to save her son. By this time, the chain around the neck of Angulimala had 999 fingers in it, just one finger short of 1,000. The Buddha; learned of the mother’s attempt to dissuade her son from, and reflected that if he did not intervene, Angulimala, who was on the lookout for the last person to make up the 1,000, would see his mother and might kill her. In that case, he would have to suffer an even longer period for his evil kamma. Out of compassion, the Buddha left for the forest. Angulimala, after many sleepless days and nights, was very tired and near exhaustion. At the same time, he was very anxious to kill the last person to make up his full quota of 1,000 and so complete his task. He made up his mind to kill the first person he met. As he looked down from his mountain perch, he saw a woman on the road below. He wanted to fulfil his vow to complete the 1,000 thumbs, but as he approached, he saw it was his mother. At the same time, the Buddha was approaching, and Angulimala had just enough presence of mind to decide to kill the wandering monk instead of his mother. He set out after the Blessed One with his knife raised. But the Buddha kept moving ahead of him. Angulimala just could not catch up with him. Finally, he cried out, “O Bhikkhu, stop, stop!” And the Enlightened One replied, “I have stopped. It is you who have not stopped.” Angulimala did not catch the significance of these words, so he asked, “O bhikkhu! Why do you say that you have stopped while I have not?”

The Buddha replied, “I say that I have stopped because I have given up killing all beings. I have given up ill-treating all beings, and have established myself in universal love, patience, and knowledge through reflection. But you have not given up killing or ill treating others and you are not yet established in universal love and patience. Hence, you are the one who has not stopped.” On hearing these words Angulimala was recalled to reality, and thought, these are the words of a wise man. This monk is so very wise and so very brave that he must be the leader of the monks. Indeed, he must be the Enlightened One himself! He must have come here specially to make me see the light. So thinking, he threw away his weapons and asked the Blessed One to admit to the Order of the bhikkhus, which the Buddha did. When the king and his men came to capture Angulimala, they found him at the monastery of the Buddha. Finding that Angulimala had given up his evil ways and become a bhikkhu, the king and his men agreed to leave him alone. During his stay at the monastery, Angulimala ardently practiced meditation. Angulimala had no peace of mind because even in his solitary meditation he used to recall memories of his past and the pathetic cries of his unfortunate victims. As a result of his evil kamma, while seeking alms in the streets he would become a target of stray stones and sticks and he would return to the Jetavana monastery with broken head and blood flowing, cut and bruised, to be reminded by the Buddha: “My son Angulimala. You have done away with evil. Have patience. This is the effect of the evil deeds you have committed in the existence. Your evil kamma would have made you suffer through innumerable existences had I not met you.” One morning while going on an almsround in Savatthi, Angulimala heard someone crying out in pain. When he came to know that a pregnant lady was having labor pains and facing difficulty to deliver the child, he reflected, all worldly beings are subject to suffering. Moved by compassion, he JUNE/2015


reported the suffering of this poor woman to the Buddha who advised him to recite the following words of truth, which later came to be known as Angulimala Paritta. Going to the presence of the suffering woman, he sat on a seat separated from her by a screen, and uttered these words: Sister, since the day I became an arahat I have not consciously destroyed The life of any living beings. By this truth, may you be well And may your unborn child be well. Instantly the woman delivered her child with ease. Both the mother and chid were well and healthy. Even today many resort to this paritta. Angulimala liked living in solitude and in seclusion. Later he passed away peacefully. As an arahant, he attained parinibbana. Other bhikkhus asked the Buddha where Angulimala was reborn, and when the Blessed One replied, my son Angulimala has attained parinibbana, they could hardly believe it. So they asked whether it was possible that such a man who had in fact killed so many people could have attained parinibbana. To this question, the Buddha replied, “Bhikkhus, Angulimala had done much evil because he did not have good friends. But later, he hound good friends and with their help and good advice he became steadfast and mindful in practicing the dhamma and meditation. Thus, his evil deeds have been overwhelmed by good kamma and his mind has been completely rid of all defilements.” The Buddha said of Angulimala “Whose evil deed is obscured by good, he illumines this world like the moon freed from a cloud.” The power of love and compassion are stronger than any evil, and are absolute conditions for awakening.


Sakyamuni Buddha mentioned the fourth wife, who would accompany her husband after his death. What does that mean? The fourth ‘wife’ is our mind [or Alaya consciousness]. When we deeply observe and recognize that our minds are filled with anger, greed, and dissatisfaction, we are having a good look at our lives. The anger, greed, and dissatisfaction are karma, the law of causation. We cannot be separated from our own karma. As the fourth wife told her dying husband, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’”

Fine Art For Your Dojo Limited printing of all works on canvas, plexiglass, and aluminum. Precious works of art to decorate your martial arts school or home. Please send your request at:


O SENSEI MORIHEI UESHIBA Drawn in Corel Paint using a Wacom tablet, and finally retouched in photoshop. By: Henry Binerfa

CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY Each limited edition print is signed and numbered by the artist. The signature and edition number verify the print as an authentic work of art from the artist. The total edition number is final, and once sold out no more will be made or sold. Our serious certificate of authenticity, or provenance, comes with every print and original you buy and verifies the work of art as an original bought from Author. Don’t lose it.



Archie Brown,

Young Promise of Karate Text and Photos By: Henry Binerfa C.


Archie Brown, Young Promise of Karate Archie began goju-ryu karate at a local dojo,

in May 2012, just before his 6th birthday. He was quickly recognised of having a natural talent, which combined with his enthusiasim and dedication has been described as potential world class. After his first 12 months of training, Archie began to compete across the country and with great success. Within 6 months of competing Archie had won several titles with the highlight being the TKF (Traditional Karate Federation) National Kata Champion. At one of these competitions, a GB coach for the JKF (Japanese Karate Federation) GB Squad, asked for Archie to try out for their GB squad. He was successful in his trials and joined the kumite squad in January 2014. Since receiving this high level specialist training, Archie’s kumite has shown significant progression with a specific, long term training plan in place, along with great results at competitions. Blackpool & the Fylde’s local radion station, Radio Wave, awarded him with their ‘Future Sports Star Award’ as recognition of his achievements so far and his potential of the future. On 26th July 2014, Archie represented GB in Japan at the All Japan Goju-Kai Championships. This was an incredible honour for any karate ka but especially for someone so young. More recently Grandmaster Samuel Kwok has started to induce Archie to the wonders of Wing Chun. Archie was asked to demonstrate at the martial arts illustrated hall of fame awards and was presented with by samuel kwok for his dedication to excellence. Last weekend he also demonstrated at the UK martial arts show. Along side such names as Bill Wallace, Scott Adkind, Michael Jai White and Zara Phythian.

He is also the Junior Sports Ambassador for our local district. He trains under Pete Watson Sensei.



In March, Archie traveled to the US to compete in the Junior International Cup at US Open in Las Vegas. Before the competition Archie received help and tutoring of several masters of martial arts. In a special training session were the GM. Samuel Kwok (Wing Chun), Master Airr (Muay Thai), Angel Montes de Oca (Konketsu Do), and Sensei Henry Binerfa (ShinKaiDo Ryu). After that Archie won a silver and a bronze. Archie regularly trains 40+ hours per month and travels to Liverpool 2/3 times per week for high level training and his GB squad training as well as travelling to seminars around the country to train with other high level Sensei’s. He sacrifices a lot of time with friends to pursue his dream of one day becoming a world champion.

Before the competition Archie received help and tutoring of several masters of martial arts. In a special training session were the GM. Samuel Kwok (Wing Chun), Master Airr (Muay Thai), Angel Montes de Oca (Konketsu Do), and Sensei Henry Binerfa (ShinKaiDo Ryu). After that Archie won a silver and a bronze.

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This article is a continuation of the article published in the previous issue of Martial Science Magazine. In the previous article we could see it was more theoretical while this one it is focused on showing some practical applications. It is my duty to tell you that the techniques you see below are examples of some answers to specific attacks knife, and the purpose of this article is to give an idea of how certain techniques could be used. None of these techniques work without proper training and techniques are advanced. Confronting a knife attack is a dangerous high-risk situation. The slightest mistake can result in a fatal end. The intense practice and closer to reality, as well as the internalization of the concepts and psychological training may be the keys to succeed in this kind of clash.

Tactical principles against knife attack 1-Exit Path attack 2-Control hand carrying the knife 3-Making the attacker miss the knife 4-Reduce the aggressor






A A) Initial position


B) -Attack straight to the abdomen -Defend with Taisabaki (footwork the side) blocked with Shuto Uke Tsukami (I grab after blocking)

C-D) move right hand under the hand of the aggressor and execute Tembin Nage


E-F) Taking advantage of the imbalance caused by the pain of the technique (Nage Tembin), under the arm turn, without releasing the grip of the opponent’s hand and ended with Kote Mawashi








A) Initial position

B) -Attack straight to the chest






A) Initial position



B) -Circular attack high Blocked with Shuto Uke TsukaC) -advan mi (grab after blocking) Empi (Cir




A A) Initial position


B) -The attack directed straight down , defend with the lateral footwork and blocking just be- C) -Continued movement w hind the elbow with Ura kote Yoko Empi (Side Elbow strike)




D) -We conclude with, Ude Garami




nce banging, Mawashi rcular elbow strike)


B-C-D) Avoid doing Han Tenkan (torso rotation), and continued with the technique Waki Gatame. Forcing the aggressor fall to the ground


E) -Without undoing the Ebi Garami - hit with Hiza Geri (Knee Kick)

D) -continue a strangulation technique known as Ebi Garami JUNE/2015






A A) Initial position

B) -The attack directed straight down , defend with the lateral footwork and Blocked with Shuto Uke Tsukami (grab after blocking)




A) Initial positi





A A) Initial position


B) -Circular attack high Blocked with Shuto Uke TsukaC) - I advance banging, Ma mi (grab after blocking) Empi (Circular elbow strike

C) -realize quickly Yoko Fumikomi Geri (Stamping kick)to the knee of the adversary






awashi e)



B) -A horizontal attack return, defend with the lateral footwork and Blocked with Shuto Uke Tsukami (grab after blocking) and strike his face with the technique Teisho Uchi C) -I ended fracturing his arm with the technique of Mune Gatame


D) -We conclude with, Ude Kannuki Garami JUNE/2015


Samuel Kwok Collection of DVD’s

For More Information You Can Visit The Online Store Martial Science Magazine. WWW.CIENCIAMARCIAL.COM For orders:

Samuel Kwok - The Keys to Ip Man’s Wing Chun Kung Fu Vol 1 – Siu Lim Tao Vol 2 – Chum Kiu Vol 3 – Biu Gee Vol 4 – Chi Sao Vol 5 – Wooden Dummy Vol 6 – Baat Cham Dao Vol 7 – Lok Dim Boon Kwan


DVD CHI SAO REVEALED PART 1 AND PART 2 Gm. Samuel Kwok GM Samuel Kwok reveals it all. He is not holding back. Learn what to do and what not to do in Chi Sao. This video is like standing next to GM Samuel Kwok when he’s teaching all there is to know about Chi Sao. When you apply everything you learn in Part 1 and Part 2 of Chi Sao Revealed, nobody will be able to hit you again in Chi Sao! This is the way of GGM Ip Man. Learn the principles of Chi Sao. Learn what is important and especially learn what many do but what you absolutely shouldn’t do! This is filmed at the London Seminar in 2012 DVD THE KEYS TO SIU LIM TAO Gm. Samuel Kwok

It’s as if you would be in the class room with GM Samuel Kwok to learn the keys of Siu Lim Tao. Unlock the secrets of Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu.

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The French Dr

“THE FRENCH DRAGON” - A fish out of water action / rom-com about a sweetnatured French stuntman who travels to Toronto for the first time to meet his backpacking Canadian girlfriend, only to find her in serious trouble. This is a fun, Bloodsport-type movie. The film opens in an action packed Bond-style opening as we watch Alan expertly fighting his way through a gauntlet of “bad guys” on the way to saving the beautiful damsel in distress. The crew applauds Alan (nicknamed “The French Dragon”) on his last day of shooting as he readies to leave for Canada to meet with his new girlfriend, Sandra. Alan confesses to his Master how nervous he is, especially his English. His ancient Master assures Alan he was at Carnival (in Quebec - 1978) and everyone spoke French. Alan leaves with renewed confidence on the way to the airport - sending cute love texts. He travels to Toronto as we montage over the upbeat opening credits. Alan even refuses the advances of a sexy stewardess - he’s that in love with Sandra. A lot of fun and action with nice fights like Mixed Martial arts and Kick boxing scene . with some Cameo action stars.. 46

ragon Pictures courtesy of Alexander Kolomietz

I wrote The French Dragon specifically for Alan after working with him on a reality show, not only because of his martial arts skills but because of his amazing personality and dedication. In truth he is the hardest working actor I’ve ever met and it’s because of him that we’ve been able to gain a lot of momentum on the project. We’ve assembled an incredible team in Toronto both in front and behind the camera, giving us access to the latest and best technologies and allowing us to shoot scenes in a way never before possible. Needless to say we are excited, and even have some cameo surprises up our sleeve that will hopefully please any action fan. Chris Power Director


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49 49

A Travelling Ronin Action Martial Arts Convention Review The Great, the Good and the Ugly. By: Martin “Travelling Ronin� Fransham BACKGROUND: The Action Martial Arts Magazine & Hall of Honours Convention is an annual event in Atlantic City. Put together originally by Master Alan Goldberg it now is one of the largest gatherings of Martial Artists around the globe.* Knowing that several of my friends were going to be teaching at the convention I couldn't wait to check it out. The event was a fantastic time which had some solid highlights and good general qualities. However, like any event there were some parts that need improvement. I will cover the great aspects of the conference, the good aspects and the parts my friends and I thought were ugly.

My friend Sifu Tom Lugo drives a punch into my solar plexus. 50

THE GREAT The Seminars: One of the major strengths of this convention was the fact that you had so many Martial Artists getting together and exchanging knowledge. I had the privilege of training with some very well known people like Robert Samuels, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace and Michael Jai White. Certainly star power was on hand giving seminars. However, it wasn't just the star studded seminars that stood out. I attended a great seminar on Knife Defense Instruction with Nik Farooqui and another on Superior Striking with Tom Lugo. In fact all the teachers whose seminars I attended were great. This speaks a great deal to the vetting process that Master Goldberg puts into selecting who will teach. ADAPTIVE MARTIAL ARTS ASSOCIATION: Adaptive Martial Arts blew me away. A huge component of Martial Arts is physical fitness and strengthening your body. Yet, so often we forget that there are people who are challenged mentally and physically but would love to participate in Martial Arts. If Martial Arts is truly for everyone then it actually has to be for everyone which means catering to the deaf and blind, those missing limbs and the autistic.

My wife and I hanging with Bill “Superfoot” Wallace.

Sam and the Damsel in Defense Julie Greene.

This is where Adaptive Martial Arts comes in. Not just showing that anyone can be a Martial Artist but acting as a portal to connect people. On one end Adaptive Martial Arts helps people with challenges find schools that can teach to them. Should an instructor want to help people they may not have the resources to do so despite their desire. Just as Adaptive Martial Arts connects people to each other it also connects instructors to tools on how to teach. I highly recommend you look them up.

AquaBag: Punching bags haven’t changed much since their inception. Virtually every Martial Art has a history of filling sacks with a semi-pliable substance from sand to beans and hitting it. AquaBag moves away from the traditional fillings and created a bag filled with water. The first benefit is weight. Water weighs more per volume than grain or sand which gives you a good target without having an enormous bag. Second, because a bag filled with water is more forgiving you don’t need wraps and wrist injuries are reduced. It really felt good to unload on. (My wife liked it too!)

THE GOOD The Vendors: The convention had numerous vendors, many of whom had amazing products. However, their were some that rose about the rest. Damsels in Defense: If you have ever tried to get a woman into Martial Arts you quickly see that the industry is extremely one sided. There are pages of “Men’s gear” online and “Women’s gear” is typically confined to a single section or tab. Although some people might laugh at Damsels in Defense with their bright pink kubatons and other accessories one cannot deny that in an activity dominated by men this is a company that caters to women. If you are a woman or interested in getting more women into Martial Arts Damsels in Defense is a great place to start.

AquaBags felt seriously good to hit. JiuJitsuThing: I have seen a lot of “Martial Arts shirts” over the years and they are pretty standard. They will have a famous quote from someone like Bruce Lee that the maker found on the internet. JUNE/2015


JuiJitsuThing goes above and beyond by showing they clearly do Martial Arts as well. Their jokes are a subtle blend of geek culture and Martial Arts references that real Martial Artists will get a great laugh out of.

THE EXPERIENCES: There is certainly something to be said about the experiences that you will have at the convention. Just getting the chance to talk to former WBO Boxing legend Ray Mercer was worth gold. Watching his face light up as he talked about knocking out former UFC champion Tim Sylvia and the joy at shutting him up after “all the shit he talked” was amazing. You could see the fire that built a champion Boxer.

Some of the awesome shirts that JiuJitsuThing sells. THE NETWORKING: I would never have met gentlemen like Sifu Paul Cheng or other any of the other fantastic crew at Blue Phoenix Entertainment. There is something to be said about the people that you can meet at the convention. The seminars were a highlight but the downtime that you get to spend just talking with various people is certainly made the trip to the convention worth making. I now have contacts in cities across the country to work with.

Myself, Sam and the awesome Blue Phoenix Entertainment crew. 52

Hanging with Ray Mercer THE UGLY The Organization: There isn’t much bad to say about the overall experience. However, like any event there is room for improvement. Some instructors had their classes mislabelled and the times weren’t always accurate. This led to some confusion as some instructors found out they were teaching seminars on subjects they had no qualifications in. It would also be nice to have an interactive schedule they gave me an instructor bio and their credentials. Otherwise I was forced to pick people by how cool their name sounded. They claim to have five tournaments but I couldn’t find any registration for the “Sticks of Thunder” tournament. It must have been one of the secret tournaments that they have in Martial Arts Movies. The “Main Stage” was similarly hidden so I had a hard time seeing any of the demonstrations. However, with the map being mislabeled it could have been my own lack of literacy that lead me astray.

I also have the privilege of writing for Martial Science Magazine. They have great articles and you should go take a look. Martial Science Magazine on the web:

Jeet Kune Do Instructor NiK Farooqui is promoted to Krav Maga instructor and is giving a 7 hour seminar? CONCLUSION: All in all the Action Martial Arts Convention was a good event. I am not sure I would make it an annual pilgrimage unless the organization improved dramatically. However, to check it off every few years or if you have never been before it is worth it. I will certainly be curious to see what they do next year. Best regards and keep training,

www.cienciamarcial. com/#!english-magazine-/c3uy Martial Science Magazine on Facebook: groups/373149206152604/

Martin “Travelling Ronin” Fransham *I don’t have numbers on other conventions so we will take them at their word. If you are interested in training together I would love to get together with you. Drop me a line on facebook and we can connect. I would love to learn from you. Find me on Facebook for more updates and daily videos: Check out the Travelling Ronin Youtube Channel: JUNE/2015


By: Henry Binerfa




HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN MARTIAL ARTS? I was raised by a boxer and when I was a younger lived in tough neighborhoods. When I went to college I started training in Muay Thai, however, I was naturally aggressive and it was feeding into that aggression. That type aggression is great for competition fighting, however, I was in college and it really didn’t do much for my everyday life. Around that time, I was taking guitar lessons and my instructor recommended his Sifu, Grandmaster Eric Lee and they trained at the local park. Kung Fu was a natural fit for me and gave me the balance I needed, Grandmaster Eric Lee is very much like a father to me and I remain his loyal student/daughter as I continue to learn so much from him. It is through my Sifu Lee that I also met his good friend Grand Master Samuel Kwok who also became my Sifu and I and very much his loyal student/daughter as well. HOW MANY STYLES DO YOU KNOW? I was raised boxing, studied Muay Thai, studied Tae Kwon Do for a bit with GrandMaster Simon Rhee, Studied Grappeling with Grand Master Gene Lebell, spent all of my adulthood learning from my Sifu Grand Master Eric Lee, Shoalin Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Kata and various other styles that my Sifu has learned and continues to learn. Really at this point I should just say I am a lifelong student of the Grand Master Eric Lee style, he is truly amazing. I also currently train in Wing Chun with my Sifu Grand Master Kwok. I absolutely love Wing Chun, it is a very effective style and Great for any situation.



WHICH STYLE IS MY FAVORITE? I personally gravitate and am most happy practicing the Kung Fu styles. They are fluid for me and somehow just connect with my soul naturally. For this reason, the Kung Fu arts are my life path and a journey that I am enjoying and intend to enjoy until my final breath on this earth. However, that being said, I do respect all the various styles and enjoy learning from all the amazing Masters that I am blessed to meet. HOW DO YOU GET TO USE IT IN MOVIES? Actually, I’ve used it in a variety of ways in film and to truthfully, it is why it is good to study a variety of styles and the other actors and stunt people come from different fight backgrounds, it really helps and makes a difference in the Choreography. This is an interesting question because the training is also very different. I have learned to take the practical and train a little differently for film. Example, instead of hitting the bag all the time, I will work on distance control, I will try to come as close as possible without hitting the bag. Recently , my Sifu, Grand Master Samuel Kwok gave me an exercise of punching fast towards a hanging piece of paper, not making it move, and coming as close as possible. This is fantastic for movie work. Most fights in film have little to no contact. The reason, you have to do several takes of the same fight and that can go on for hours, so, if everyone is beat up that makes it impossible. Also, on the physical appearance side of things, if you start off pretty with make up and then you have managed to get a black eye, cut lip, or swollen face, this does no good for the story the director is trying to tell. Whenever, and actor or new stunt

person calls me and says the fights look amazing they were all real and my body is killing me. Truthfully, I shake my head, this is not an advertisement you want out there. As a fighter, we will work with actors who are not real fighters and the last thing any actor wants to hear about their possible co-star or stunt people is that they my injure them or kill them. Also, for insurance reasons and a variety of factors like story telling, you are a liability if you are making full contact and actually fighting, not movie fighting. I always recommend to fighters that if they have an opportunity to take a seminar on fighting for film, they should, it will help your movie career.

“...the Kung Fu arts are my life path and a journey that I am enjoying and intend to enjoy until my final breath on this earth.�

WHAT INSPIRED YOU? In regards to film, I grew up watching action films and when I looked up too and was impressed by Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Wesley Snipes, Jet Li, Cynthia Rothrock, Don Wilson, Art Camacho, and several other martial artists and they all inspire me. And currently, my son inspires me the most, I want him to be proud of my work, me as a person, and hopefully I can raise him by being a positive example, he is the sole reason I do a lot of what I do now. I love being a single mom it’s the most amazing and wonderful experience.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MARTIAL ARTIST FILM ACTOR? Yes, yes I do! Jackie Chan! He is why I focused on infusing the acting/stunts/ martial arts. His timing and talent is amazing…plus he can make his audience laugh and that’s awesome! One day I may get to meet him or work with him… now that would be a dream come true. WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO WOMEN IN THE MARTIAL ARTS? Never stop enjoying what you do. Also, there are so many different styles so keep trying them until you find the one

that you are most comfortable with. Also, I do believe every woman should take Grappling for a bit, even men, after all, all fights end up on the ground. The beautiful thing about Martial Arts, is that you do not need to focus on your gender, it is more than that and women and men will find confidence, discipline, camaraderie and a lot about themselves as human beings. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT MARTIAL ARTS? I love the family. We are very much a family and the people you meet through Martial Arts are amazing!



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y r o t c e r i D s l o Scho f1 o e s t c i r A pr l e a i h t t r x 3 of Ma CONTACT: CALL: (702) 539 3192 PABLO RODARTE MENDOZA Owner / Grandmaster

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Your address here. Email: Tel: (702) 439-9071 Website:

NAKMUAYTHAI USA Master Airr Phanthip

2142 Highland Ave. Las Vegas, NV. 89102 Email: Tel: (702) 372-4898 Website:


15545 Los Gatos Blvd, Suite D Los Gatos, CA 95032 Email: Tel: (408) 358-6042 Website:


All this for only $ 25 And you school will be published in 3 of our issus.


4657 Margery Drive Fremont, Ca. 94538 Email: Tel: 510-213-5131 Website:

SHUGYO AIKIDO DOJO James Neiman Owner / Grandmaster

33511 Western Ave., Union City, Ca 94587 Email: Tel: 510-205-4660 Website:


3460 Oakdale Road Modesto, California, 95355 Suite D Email: Tel: 209-872-5538 Website:

CREATIVE WARRIOR ACADEMY Justin Cataldi Owner Email:

Tel: 702-302-3926 Website:


120 Guthrie Ln Brentwood, California. Tel: 925-240-2990 Ext-307 Website:

UNITED STATES KARATE SYSTEM U.S.K.S. Jim Thomas Owner / Grandmaster

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