Annual Report 2014 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2014

Creative Industries Styria


Contents Editorial / 3

Design – the innovation driver


The Styrian creative economy / 4 Foreword by Dr. Christian Buchmann / 5 The Styrian creative industries / 6

01 Be visible & be connected: Awareness & location


National and international networking / 9 Arch Moscow / 10 Designmonat Graz / 12 Graz as a UNESCO City of Design / 14

EDITORIAL An economy that aims to be dynamic, innovative and fit for the future needs to have location assets that single it out from all the others. Styria has a great many trumps to play – and one of these is the creative economy and the creative, innovation-friendly clima-


Be inspired: Impulse & projects

te linked with it, which the Styrian economy consistently promotes. This is not a resource that is simply degra-


dable or can be recycled, however, and

Designers in Residence / 17 Experience Economy / 18 designforum Styria / 22 Partnerships and cooperations / 26

carefully tended. Creative Industries


Be informed: Network & Service


Membership / 29 Data pool, newsletter and website / 30 Fast Forward for You / 31 FYI – lecture series / 32 Excursions and fact finding missions / 33 Open Office / 34 Press and media work / 35 The UNESCO City of Design network / 36 Preview of dates and future events / 38 Imprint and disclaimer / 39

it must be continuously sustained and Styria has been dedicated to this task since 2007 with the aim of supporting the emergence and establishing a ful­ ly self-assured and highly effective creative economy that will function as a pacemaker for innovation and economic development. Styria has emerged from this as one of the leading creative re­gions of Europe, seeking and finding integrated and sustainable solutions for the current challenges faced in contemporary society and the economy: in the form of innovative products and services, conceived and designed by the best trained experts in all areas of contemporary design.



The Styrian Creative Economy

Design – growth for the future

Design – growth for the future


The number of people employed in

over and 37 % of the gross value added

the Styrian creative economy leapt

of the Styrian creative community.

ahead by ten percent between 2010 and 2012, while the turnover rose by

58 % of Styrian creative enterprises

15.5 percent and is thus significantly

are one person firms. In architecture

ahead of the Austrian average. Aus-

there is a roughly equal balance bet-

tria-wide creative industry employ-

ween the single person and the 2 to

The creative economy is one of the

ment rose by seven percent and tur-

4 employee firms. The share of one

strongest and fastest growing in-

novers rose by 11.4 percent.

person firms is highest in the areas of music, books and artistic activities

dustries in Styria. This emerged very clearly from the sixth Austrian Crea-

Development in the design sector has

(74 %) and design (70 %). The compa-

tive Industries Report published in

been especially successful, with a plus

nies with five and more employees are

May 2015. There are 3,980 creative

of 24.4 % for the companies and a

to be found in particular in the radio

enterprises employing 14,190 peop-

19.8 % growth in jobs, thus achieving

& TV (46 %) and publishing (33 %)

le and achieving an annual turnover

the best overall results. Software and

sectors. Around a fifth of all Styrian

of 1.5 billion euros in the Province of

games have now moved forward into

creative enterprises (18 %) are ma-

Styria. According to all the business

the leading position as the number

naged by women and the proportion

indicators, the Styrian economy is

one creative economy industry. This

of self-employed women is highest in

now performing better than the ave-

sector accounts for 27 % of the com-

the design (28 %), music, book and

rage for the rest of Austria.

panies, 35 % of jobs, 30 % of turn-­ artistic activities sectors (27 %) and


Foreword by Dr. Christian Buchmann

Design – growth for the future


The development of the creative economy in Styria is a true success story. We established Creative Industries Styria in 2007 as a network company for the development and consolidation of the creative economy in the province and to anchor its power in Styrian economic policy. There is every reason to do this: the creative economy is inter-disciplina­ ry by definition, it strengthens the inno­vation capability of companies and they in turn ensure that “made in Styria” innovations have a very high profile. The creative economy has thrust ahead over the past few years to become a major economic factor with a high gro­wth potential. This is all confirmed in the sixth Austrian Creative Industries Report. Some 4,000 Styrian creative

lowest in the radio and TV (0 %) and

enterprises employing 14,000 people

the software and games (7 %) sectors.

cur­rently achieve an annual turnover of around 1.5 billion euros. The creative

Across the rest of Europe too the crea-

scene in Styria is thus developing with

tive economy is now one of the most

a higher dynamism than the average for the rest of Austria.

dynamic of all business fields, with

The creative sectors

a turnover of 650 billion euros in

The creative industry sectors are now

2010 and 2.6 % of the GNP. In Ger-

defined by the Austrian Chamber of

many it is already the third largest

Commerce in its Creative Industries

and this has had national and internati-

industry behind the traditionally

Report as the following:

onal benefits: Graz is a UNESCO City of

Creative Industries Styria is the innovation motor for the entire creative scene

Design, it has been so for the past four

strong mechanical engineering auto-

years and is now a major fixed star in

motive industries, with a gross value


added of some 63 billion euros and a


turnover of around 132 billion euros.

music, books & artistic activities

ence Economy – made in Styria” attracts

The design area alone now employs

radio & tv software & games

many thousands of visitors to Styrian

410,000 people according to the la-


enterprises every year, where the guests

test estimates and they achieve a

video & film

turnover of 36 billion euros annually.

advertising libraries and museums botanical & zoological gardens

the international events calendar, while Styrian successes such as our “Experi-

are given an impressive in­sight into the innovative power of the Styrian economy. Creativity is and will remain a vital factor for strengthening the economic performance of a region.


Creative Industries Styria

Design – growth for the future


Creative Industries Styria operates in the fol-





lowing strategic fields: awareness & location, impulses & projects and also network & service. On the basis of these three focal activity areas, Creative Industries Styria makes provisions and establishes initiatives aimed at boosting inno-

v e

vation and value creation throughout the entire


Province of Styria. It plays its part in creating

le tte

suitable framework conditions that will allow companies to develop faster and better. This ap-

New s

plies not only to the creative economy companies themselves, but to enterprises from all the industries that can benefit from the work inputs from creativity and design as a means of improving their market positions.

networking between classical industrial companies and flourishing new creative enterprises. The business-to-business area in particular has a high demand for these net­working and coordination services. These B2B services are being the membership programme and they are now even more closely tailored to meet the needs and demands of companies in the business location Styria. The membership is organised on 3 levels: “free members” have free access to the services provided by Creative Industries Styria, with no additional charges. These include consulting, an entry in the data pool or information on events, business calls and competitions. “Full members” are provided with additional services extending



extended with the continued development of


programme that actively focusses on improving


Creative Industries Styria set up a membership


lesen + en d n se

Creative Industries Styria

Design – growth for the future

beyond these, including expert presentations, lectures and events free of charge, participation in business calls and competitions and discount prices for network field trips, excursions and conferences. “Premium members” are the mid and long-term strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria, of these receiving an individually compiled premium package of basic and special services. The shareholders in Creative Industries Styria GmbH are Innofinanz – Steiermärkische Forschungs- und Entwicklungs­ förderungsges.m. b.H, the City of Graz and the Styrian Chamber of Commerce. The financing is not only provided by these three partners but now you

also by grants from the Province of Styria (SFG) as well as with funds from project partners, project cooperations and sponsors. The shareholders of Creative Industries Styria GmbH have the following holdings: 80 % Innofinanz (SFG) 10 % City of Graz 10 % Styrian Chamber of Commerce. The core team consists of 10 permanently employed people: they cover the areas of management, management assistance, office management, controlling and 6 project managers.





Awareness & location

Creative work increases the competitiveness of a region. Creative Industries Styria makes the significance of the creative economy for the entire local and regional business environment very clear to the public. ­ he creative economy is T inter-disciplinary by defin­ ition and it penetrates eve-

ry aspect of the economy. Modern business strategies allocate high priority to the creative economy and with very good reason. Because this sector not only has a po­werful positive effect on the traditional creative scene in the urban centres, but it also strengthens regional locations and the rural areas in particular. A third of all

creative economy enterprises in Styria are rurally based. This helps the local authorities and the regions to deal successfully with problems such as population drift from the rural areas and an aging rural population – subject to establishing and further strengthening the awareness of the great potential of creative work.

Only those who are visible exist. In other words: Be visible & be connected!

Untertitel National and international networking

Titel Awareness & location

“Creative Industries Styria’s networking led to us being represented at World Design Capital 2014, Cape Town, in the framework of Austria DesignNet.”

Awareness & location

National and inter­ national networking Creativity is an economic factor suitable for export. It offers companies the opportunity to establish networks worldwide and to find new customers.



Creative Industries Styria represents the (cre­ ative) business location at numerous national and international networking events. Embedded in a network of 69 UNESCO Creative Cities on all 5 continents, a huge range of contact possibilities has opened up that are put to good use for establishing business relations. The 15 UNESCO Cities of Design are especially interesting for Creative Industries Styria and an intensive exchange has opened up as a result. In 2014 Styrian designers and creative enterprises took part in an extensive series of delegation trips calling among others at Nagoya, where the Graz video artist Daniel Bauer was invited to participate as a juror for the International Digital Animation Festival Nagoya 2014. On the in-coming side , representatives of Saint-Etienne, Montréal, Shanghai, Kobe, Essen and an entire delegation from Poland came to Styria as guests, to

develop networks with the local and regional creative scene. The national networks were also supported and developed in the reporting year. In addition to individual events such as Creative Industries Styria and the auto cluster Styria or an open panel discussion on the creative economy in the region held at the Kunsthaus Weiz, contacts were broadened and maintained with a wide range of national network partners, including the design forums in Vienna, Vor­arlberg and Salzburg, CWA – Creative Economy Austria, Design Austria, Departure Vienna Design Week, MAK, AWO and AWZ – the Austrian foreign trade centres, to name only a few.

Karin Polzhofer, marketing and sales director, NWW


ECBN and AustriaDesignNet On a European level, the ECBN-network (European Creative Business Network) promoted the networking of Styria. AustriaDesignNet works on presenting Austrian design and the work of Austrian designers at the international level, thus positioning Austria as a country with a highly interesting and lively design culture.

01 Business promotion delegation from Essen, Germany led by Mayor Reinhard Paß visiting CEO Mike Fuisz, moodley brand identity 02 Matt Clayson, Director of the Creative Corridor Center in Detroit 03 Design Dialog exhibition: Austria – South Africa a part of the World Design Capital Cape Town 04 The CIS management board (Uschi Waltl, Andreas Morianz, Eberhard Schrempf, Ernst Giselbrecht, Karlheinz Kohrgruber) 05 ECBN board meeting with Michal Hladky (Kosice 2013), Leo van Loon (Director ECBN), Mehjabeen Price (Creative England), Callum Lee (ECBN), Bernd Fesel (European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund)





ARCH Moscow

Awareness & location

18 Styrian architects and firms on

20,000 specialist visitors at ARCH Moscow


450 m


ARCH Moscow

Awareness & location

Awareness & location

ARCH Moscow


The work of Austrian architects was presented in the Modern Austrian Timber Architecture exhibition at the Arch Moscow Ar­chitecture Biennial 2014 from 22nd to 24th May 2014.


Russia is one of the most important trading partners of the Styrian economy. Styria exports goods worth some 500 million euros to Russia every year and imports goods worth 260 million euros in return. The demand for modern timber construction linked with attractive architecture and design is currently increasing at a very swift pace in Russia. The great interest among Russians has brought significant new business opportunities for Styrian architects and companies in the timber trade on the Russian market. Following this lead, the Internationalisation Centre Styria (ICS) together with the Wood Cluster Styria, the creative economy network Creative Industries Styria and the architect team from Seewood planned their participation at Arch Moscow. The highlight of this delegation trip was the “Austrian Timber Day”

“Participation at ARCH Moscow was an outstanding opportunity, for presenting Styrian knowhow in timber architecture and industry in a thoroughly interesting market.” Mark Jenewein, architect, partner in LOVE architecture and urbanism

and the specialist exhibition “Austrian Timber Archi­tecture”, where 17 award winning projects from the Graz House of Architecture were ­presented.


The Austrian Timber Day provided an excellent opportunity to establish contacts with Russian architects and engineers. Creative Industries Styria took on the exhibition design; the concept and implementation were by the Graz agency look! (Stefanie Schöffmann and Isabel Toccafondi). A total of 18 Styrian architects and timber industry companies took part in the Arch Moscow event, including Mayr-Melnhof Holz GmbH, Mareiner Holz GmbH, KAPO GmbH, Nussmüller Architekten ZT GmbH, LOVE architecture and urbanism, .tmp architects, Woodero GmbH, Weitzer Parkett GmbH & CO KG, Almholz VertriebsgmbH and ASC performance OG. Arch Moscow is the biggest Russian exhibition for architecture and design and with its show area of 12,000 m² attracts 20,000 visitors.


Designmonat Graz

Awareness & location

Awareness & location

Designmonat Graz


events in Designmonat

The sixth Designmonat Graz was held from 30th April to 1st June 2014 – including 98 separate events and at­ tracting over 64,000 visitors. “Discovering Design” – was the theme of the month long Designmonat Graz 2014, in which creative people from many disciplines were brought in front of the curtain. More than 64,000 visitors attended the exhibitions, festivals, discussions, conferences and activities. This year, the partner city from the UNESCO network of Creative Cities was the UNESCO City of Design Saint-Étienne. In addition to the partnership with SaintÉtienne and the “Saint-Etienne Design meets Graz”, the focal events in 2014 were among others the exhibitions “SELECTED:

64,000 visitors in 32 days


programme partners 12

it’s just design!” bringing together interior design trends from 10 nations, and “100 Best Posters 12” with graphic design from Austria, Switzerland and Germany as well as the Design Festival Assembly. The 100 page Designmonat Magazine provided a clear overview of all the events, supported by a useful pocket guide and the extensive website

Design stimulates the economy Design interacted directly with the local and regional economy in Graz during the entire month of the event. The new promotion event “Design in the City” was launched for the first time in the 2014 programme, giving 30 shops throughout Graz the opportunity to present extraordinary products, collections and creations directly on their premises.

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & location

+13.5 % for overnight stays


national and inter-­ national media reports

The Designmonat was also thoroughly present beyond the Graz city centre in 2014, with events in Raaba and in the Natural Park Centre in Grottenhof bei Leibnitz. This major design event with its established continuity was held for the sixth time in 2014 – and this time broke all previous records and overnight accommodation booking levels: The overnight stays in the city for May 2014 were up 13.5% over the previous year. There was also a 30 % growth rate recorded for each of a whole series of overseas markets attending the event including the USA, France, China and Russia.

Media impact and advertising value Design’s performance profile during the month included 459 media reports. Around two thirds of these were in the regional media, a quarter were in the national media. International media accounted for around an eighth of the media reporting. Online media accounted for over half of this reporting. The advertising value contribution established for all the events in the Designmonat Graz was 940,180 euros.

Compared with the previous year, overnight stays in Graz have risen consistently. The tourism authority in Graz recorded 95,885 accommodation bookings for the month in 2014 compared with 84,484 for May 2013.


participants from 25 nations

Design in the City with a new project to integrate retail trade


Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Awareness & location




“Design is an international language and it must be regarded in global terms. Graz is no longer a secret tip in the design community. How could any­thing better happen to a location”

Awareness & location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design The year 2014 was marked by a wealth of design projects and activities: the City of Graz has emerged as a major rising star and a highly active and im­ pulse-setting partner in the Creative Cities Network. The fourth year as a UNESCO City of Design was ablaze with numerous activities that have marked out Graz as hotspot of the creative economy. One of these was the major development of contact to the partner cities. The first Activity Report for UNESCO was published. In this, Graz presents the balance for its first three years as a City of Design as well as its projects and initiatives.


Martin Lesjak, Anastasia Su, 13&9

ties of Design was held in the scope of the DMY Design Festival Berlin from 28th to 31st May. The General Assembly of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network was held in Chengdu from 25th to 29th with Graz being commissioned by the other Design Cities to design the joint website.

Growth in the network The Cities of Design network is continuing to grow and is boosting the networking opportunities for the City of Graz in the process. During 2014, 5 new Cities of Design were accepted: Bilbao, Curitiba, Dundee, Helsinki and Turin. In addition to this, a further Austrian city has joined the UNESCO network with

Linz as a City of Media Arts. Conferences and meetings The conference “The Creative Economy and Sustainable Cities Development” was held in Paris by UNESCO in cooperation with Shenzhen on 3rd and 4th March 2014. Graz architect Markus Pernthaler gave an impulse presentation at this event on the issue of “Smart City”. A sub-networkmeeting of the UNESCO Ci-

Official address The agendas for the UNESCO City of Design have all been converged directly on the city in 2014: the focal point here is A15 – Department for the Economy and Tourism Development at the Graz Municipal Authority, which is now the official address for the City of Design. The technical and specialist expertise and the

01 UNESCO Cities of Design Subnetwork Meeting at DMY Berlin 02 Competition for the redesign of arts posters: Win­­ning design by Tomislav Bobinec 03 Architect Markus Pernthaler at the UNESCO Conference “The Creative Economy and Sustainable Cities Development” in Paris 04 The opening reception for “Saint-Étienne Design meets Graz” in Saint-Étienne


Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Awareness & location


UNESCO Creative Cities worldwide



international relations agenda remain with Creative Industries Styria, while the political issues will be dealt with by the Creative City Management. In addition a Council for Innovation and the Creative Economy has been set up in the department and in future this will work on providing input, fresh impulses and support for decision making about future location development and will also have the task of ensuring that as many companies and industries as possible will benefit from the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. The “City of My Life” initiative was established in 2014 with the aim of improving both the image and the design of the city. The opening workshop with Mayor Siegfried Nagl was on 30th September 2014. In the course of this event, five fields of action were compiled for the initiative as priority focuses for the future: 1. The impression the city makes on people arriving in Graz, 2. Digital/Analog guidance systems, 3. Modern city image and design, 4. Personal responsibility of citizens, 5. Attractive urban space. The City of Design Board was dis­banded in 2014.

Arts poster boards along the motorway In order to ensure that Graz is recognizable as a UNESCO City of Design even for people only driving through on the motorway, a competition was launched for the re-designing of the large-scale poster boards. The intention is for travellers to be given an intuitive understanding of how Graz puts immense effort into design down to the smallest details and that its information posters and notices are to a higher standard and quality than can be expected elsewhere. The Graz designer Tomislav Bobinec won the competition with his submission.


Delegation visit Delegations from Montréal and Saint-Étienne were guests in Graz during Designmonat. In addition, a 50 member visiting delegation from Shanghai was greeted. In the course of this a B2B Design match-making session was held in Pecha Kucha format in which Styrian and Chinese creative enterprises took part. During the course of the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Shanghai Promo­ tion Center for City of Design and Creative Industries Styria was signed.

05 UNESCO Creative Cities Annual Meeting in Chengdu, China 06 Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding bet­ween the Shanghai Promotion Center and CIS 07 Start of workshop “City of My Life” with Mayor Siegfried Nagl 08 Delegation visit from City of Design Shanghai


16 UNESCO Cities of Design


Impulses & projects

Creative Industries Stria has created real value for the Sty­rian economy through its B2B project of linking classic business with the creative economy. Creative Industries Styria develops provisions and sets initiatives to stimulate and inject innovation and cre­ ativity as the entrepreneuri-

al approach taken by companies – and to inspire them to create new products and services by this means. This creates and assures jobs and makes an important contribution to the creation of value for the region. An important economic policy impulse is provided here by the “Design 2020 – Design Policy Strategy and Policy

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words - be inspired!

Paper for a Styrian Design Policy”, compiled by Creative Industries Styria. The aim of this is to position Styria as a “leading design region”.

Designers in Residence

Impulses & projects



Impulses & projects

Designers in Residence


Designers in Residence is aimed at small and medium sized companies that are in­terested in achieving a stronger focus on design in order to increase their competiti­ veness – 5 projects were launched in 2014. Diamonds in Glass The company Diamonds in Glass in Kalsdorf makes hand blown glass globes with integrated diamonds for the exclusive luxury market. Proprietor Natascha Schenk put out an ideas call for a new glass series aimed at the highend yachting sector and she picked the submission of Graz Designer Tobias Kestel.

New jewelled approaches The biggest jewellery producer in Austria, Feichtiger, had the idea of producing engage­ ment jewellery for same-sex couples. Follo­ wing an ideas call, the Graz company chose the submission of designer Stefanie Hödlmoser, who has already designed a solitaire jewellery series for which she won a license contract.

Furnishing sustainability The Eastern Styrian furniture producer ADA has been working together in the scope of the Designers in Residence project with two Styrian design companies with the aim of placing a special emphasis on sustainability. A result of this are two project designs for seating sets, which have been produced as prototypes and are to be further developed through to series production maturity. The project partners are the design firm (Petrus Gartler, Thomas Perz), and the designer Georg Mähring.

A Graz speciality music box A concept and a design for a music box with a special Graz theme has been produced on the initiative of Manfred Grössler and in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria. The design is by the Graz designer Tomislav Bobinec.

01 Petrus Gartler and Thomas Perz for ADA 02 New design for a Graz music box by Tomislav Bobinec 03 Georg Mähring for ADA 04 & 06 Stefanie Hödlmoser for Feichtinger 05 Tobias Kestel for Diamonds in Glass 03



“Good design is always sustainable. That is why cooperation with designers is especially important for us and we are consciously pushing ahead with this scheme. Design is a chance for more success.” Gerhard Vorraber, Chairman of ADA Möbelwerke


Experience Economy

Impulses & projects

370,000 visitors in 2014


enterprises 足足offer tours


visitors to Experience Economy Day


Experience Economy

Impulses & projects

“As a regional company on an international market we must do everything we possibly can to attract customers and also employees. Experience Economy is part of this work.” Bernd M. Stütz, CEO M&R Automation GmbH

Impulses & projects

Experience Economy

Finding out first-hand how the economy works – this is the aim of the model project “Experience Economy”. Innovative Styrian enterprises have opened their doors to the public. They are providing a remarkable first-hand insight directly on the production site into the incredible diversity of the Styrian economy and have been doing this since 2010. Creative Industries Styria supports companies as they develop experience tours full of interest for visitors, networking creative people and enterprises of all kinds in the creation process. The enterprise tours can be found and booked on the Website of Experience Economy ( The countless bookings clearly show that ever more people are not only curious, but deeply interested in the economy and its workings. At the start in 2010 there were 14 enter­prise

discovery tours with 175,000 visitors, one year later 260,000 streamed into 26 companies and their tours. Growth continued in 2012 with 39 firms now providing 42 enterprise discovery tours attracting 330,000 visitors. In 2013 36 companies were involved in enterprise discovery tours. In 2014 nine new firms joined in and the programme received a seal of quality. As of April 2015 enterprise discovery tours could be booked directly in 45 Styrian companies.

Seal of quality The visible sign of excellence for these tours is the seal of quality they have received. Through these tours, the companies show their willingness to present their goods and services direct to a very broad public. “Experience Economy” is of special interest to young people; students and pupils can find out first-hand about job opportunities and maybe even meet their future boss.


Experience Economy

Impulses & projekts


Impulses & projects

new companies have joined the scheme

Experience Economy

Key events

4 focal tasks

Two key events were on the programme in 2014: Experience Economy day was the first of these on 11th April. The focus of this event was school and family as a target group. The second event in autumn brought Experience Economy to an academic public in the “Experience Economy” Universities Weeks from 17th to 21st November – the aim was to bring students to the companies. The week was held in cooperation with the Take-Tech Action Week. 210 students from University of Graz, Graz University of Technology & University of Applied Sciences took part in eleven tours.

“Experience Economy” fulfils four central tasks: first it makes Styria as a business location familiar to the people taking part; second it gives the enterprises involved an unrivalled opportunity for pre­ senting their products and everything they do to a very broad audience; third “Experience Economy” is a useful recruiting tool and easy to use for finding future employees; fourth “Experience Economy” is an important interface to the creative enterprises of the region so that their servi­ ces can connect and network with classic industrial companies.

“Creativity is the daily bread of the agency. Experience Economy makes the results of our efforts clearly visible and it is a distinction for any creative person to have been a part of this!” Bernd Maier, CEO Rubikon Advertising Agency


Experience Economy

Impulses & projects


tours with 220 university students

Experience Economy Day and University Day as key events


designforum Styria

Impulses & projects

Impulses & projects

design­ forum Styria

State Prize for Design „The designforum Styria has long established itself as a trademark. This is a very good thing because it is especially important for our young designers in particular for them to be able to present their work.”

Making design in all its many facets visible and raising awareness of the value of good design are the main tasks of the designforum Styria that was launched by the Styrian Ministry of the Economy and Creative Industries Styria in 2010.

Michael Lanz, Head of the Industrial Design Department, University of Applied Sciences

9,430 visitors 26 designforum Styria exhibitions covering the entire design field were presented at the Kunsthaus Graz, attracting over 310,000 visitors. Among the subjects presented were the works of Graz designers including Martin Breuer Bono, Hilgarth Design and motion code: blue as well as international stars such as James Dyson. The designforum Styria, which is operated as a sub-trademark of Creative Industries Styria, sees itself as a centre of urban dialogue, competence and mediation, covering and presenting every aspect of design in its most varied forms. Design should not be perceived on a purely aesthetic level, but rather in terms of its comprehensive social and economic relevance. The annual strategy meeting of all the Austrian design forums was held in Salzburg from 11th to 13th July 2014, an event that also marked the opening of the designforum Salzburg.

The Austrian Ministry of the Economy, Family and Youth honours the best product, interior and spatial design achievements every two years with the State Prize for Design. The award winners and other selected designers – including Styrian participants - and their work were presented in the designforum Styria with work year 2013. In addition to the State Prize for Design, a special prize was awarded for “DesignConcepts”. This prize sponsored by the economic promotion organisation impulse/austria wirtschaftsservice through its “evolve” programme is aimed at young designers. Innovative concepts with a high market potential are specifically picked out. The State Prize for Design underlines the importance of creativity and innovation as a means of boosting the competitive advantages of companies and the business location.

26 exhibitions with

310,996 visitors since the opening in 2010


designforum Styria

Impulses & projects

Network & service

13&9 The soul of design

LIN. A concept. A new type of kitchen.

15,350 visitors

1,885 visitors

“The Soul of Design” presented the results and products of 13&9 and its partners. Behind the inter-disciplinary design label 13&9 from Graz are the product and fashion design­er ANASTASIA SU and the architects from the architectural office INNOCAD. Following the success of “Rolling Stones”, the award winning project that achieved broad international acclaim for the renovation design of the Canon Hall in the Graz Armoury, designer Anastasia Sugic and architect Martin Lesjak decided to continue their fruitful design cooperation. Their work is created at the interface between an architecture inspired language of form, fashion design which is constantly re-inventing itself and the variety produced by these contrasts. Functional necessities and innovations are created by 13&9 combining the highest aesthetic aspirations and standards with emotional components, as a means of creating product added value as “the soul” or the core of 13&9 design.

A highly successful cooperation has been main­tained between the Styrian cabinetmaker Prödl from Kirchberg an der Raab with the Polzhofer Design Office, active in Salzburg and Berlin. The latest product to emerge from this cooperation was presented in the designforum Styria: LIN. is a kitchen that is flexibly adaptable to the requirements of the user and the available space. The kitchen was designed by Franz Polzhofer and his team. It is the recipient of numerous international awards including the Red Dot Award and Design for Europe. Polzhofer developed a design concept that supports current tendencies in urban living. The kitchen combines its most basic functions with the needs for more living space and communication.

+32.5% visitors compared with 2013

“The name ‘designforum’ tells you what it is all about: design needs publicity. Put another way: design needs a public and these people are then the customers for us as entrepreneurs!” Josef Prödl, CEO Möbeltischlerei Prödl


designforum Styria

Impulses & projects

Network & service


New G(o)ods – young Czech design

Industrial Design Show 2014

11,740 visitors

13,720 visitors

The travelling exhibition “New G(o)ods” pre­ sented a selection of recent work from the competition of the same name, which is organised by the Design Cabinet CZ Foundation programme. Design has a strong tradition in the Czech Republic and it is taught at 16 universities and polytechnics and also at 60 colleges and middle schools. And it is not only these figures alone that show the priority given to design in our neighbouring country: the National Czech Prize for Student Design: New G(o)ods has already been in existence for a quarter of a century. A number of winners have made their way into the range of major international companies such as IKEA.

Students and graduates of the Bachelor and Master programmes in Industrial Design at the University of Applied Sciences presented their latest project work in the Industrial Design Show at the designforum Styria this year. This exhibition showed design concepts in the form of sketches, models and animations and covered several subject areas. The prestigious Industrial Design Department set fresh innovative impulses in product and transportation de­ sign. The design studies presented were made in cooperation with internationally active com­panies such as BMW, Odörfer or Benelli.

designforum Styria

Impulses Impulse & & Projekte projects “I was very pleased to have my work as a character designer presented in the designforum. But the fact that I work for Walt Disney and Warner Bros. is something not many people in in Graz know about.” Florian Satzinger, Character Designer, Satzinger & Hardenberg

Network & service

Paper­ walker

design8en 2014

14,720 visitors

15,170 visitors

Graz Character Designer Florian Satzinger designs and illustrates cartoon film characters in his Graz office. His custom­ers include Disney (“Donald Duck”), Warner Bros. (“Looney Tunes”) and lately Hermann van Veen (“Alfred Jodokus Kwak”). But he also creates his own characters and fills them with life, such as his adventurous New York duck “John Starduck”. The filming of this feathered astronaut and his doings in space was completed in 2013 in cooperation with the French cartoon film studio Tigobo. Satzinger achieved an international reputation – especially in the USA – after the launch of his Weblog Paperwalker in late 2006, and now has tens of thousands of followers – there have been over 19 million content views since October 2012. A talk with Italian cartoon animator Bruno Bozzetto also took place in the framework of the exhibition, where he talked to Florian Satzinger about his work.

“design8en” – is a combination of design and Christmas – and it once again brought a wealth of gift and decoration ideas for every taste from Austrian designers in 2014. Numerous designers applied for a place at this major Christmas sale exhibition; and around 30 were selected by the jury. The results they produced could then be admired – and bought – in a designforum Styria presenta­ tion at the Kunsthaus Graz.

7 exhibitions with

82,016 visitors in 2014


Partnerships and cooperations

Impulses & projects

Impulses&&Projekte projects Impulse

Partnerships and cooperations

Creative Industries Styria works together with numerous organisations and companies in its role as an active cooperation partner providing important networking and positioning tasks for the Styrian economy.


Creative Industries Styria maintains many long-term partnerships on both a regional and national level. One important partner is the University of Applied Sciences for example, with its design oriented degree courses. But other institutions and organisations such as aws Austria Wirtschaftsservice, Design Austria or creative wirtschaft Austria CWA are also among the important cooperation partners. It is through this that the Styrian creative community is able to position itself even better in the context of the national and international creative economy, deriving added value for Styrian companies in the process.


Intensive partnerships are also required for the development and implementing of the many Creative Industries Styria event types, without which a powerful presentation of the Styrian creative economy would not be possible. The Designmonat Graz alone involved 50 partnerships – some of these with local companies, others with organisations and institutions, which have had a significant effect on the success of this event. These include co­oper­ation projects and partnerships in the scope of the event series “Fast Forward 4 You” or “For your Information” (see also the items on pages 31 and 32).

Highlights 2014 The 2nd Future Conference of the Styrian Economy in which all the clusters and networks are linked and brought together, was held on May 14th. Creative Industries Styria was active here in two fields: first in a cooperation with Tech For Taste on the issue of food design and packaging, and second

01 TEDx Graz 02 Green Panther Gala 03 TEDx Graz 04 World Usability Congress


“TEDx is the symbol of a worldwide community of designers and visionary thinkers of our time. I am convinced that we have something here that can draw a parallel to the Creative Industries Styria members!” Friso Schopper, TEDex Graz



Partnerships and cooperations

Impulses & projects

“The European Youth Award brings the most committed young people to Graz from across Europe, who combine entrepreneurship with digital creativity and social commitment. Graz and Styria become as a result not only an meeting place for young people and excellence in young multimedia design, but also the meeting place for everyone who wants to achieve something with IKT.” Peter Bruck, European Youth Award

with ECO World Styria on the issue of intelligent surfaces.



The international TEDx Conference was held in Graz for the first time on 12th November. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an international and established conference event at which experts from various fields meet to exchange ideas under the motto “ideas worth spreading”. The TEDxGraz theme was “Horizon – there is no such thing” and 15 speakers shared their ideas and thoughts with the audience. The presentations focussed on design-related issues such as design thinking or gamification. An equally valued and long-term partnership is maintained with the European Youth Award, in which young people are invited to develop useful ecological and social projects, taking up the objectives of the Council of Europe and Strategy Europe 2020. The international information and communication

technology elite gathered in Graz during the European Youth Award Festival; the winners came from Armenia, Brazil, China, Columbia, Denmark, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Iran, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Spain, the UK, the USA and Qatar.

Outlook for 2015


Numerous discussions were held during the reporting year for cooperation projects to be launched in 2015. These included a competition call to create a mascot for the Special Olympics that are to be held in Styria in 2017. Preparatory discussions were also held for “C hoch 3 Styria” workshops. Creative enterprises from the fields of design, fashion, architecture, multimedia, software & games, video & film, advertising etc. or selfemployed people in the creative economy can all participate in these workshops. First discussion rounds were held for Green Panther 2015, the Styrian State Prize for Creative Communication.

05 EuropeanYouth Award Gala 06 Future Conference the Styrian economy 07 World Usability Congress 08 + 09 Fesch’Markt




Network & Service

Networking is one of the central tasks undertaken by Creative Industries Styria. Numerous tools, programmes and projects are at its disposal for the achievement of active networking. Creative Industries Styria as­sures the injection of added value for both the classic economy and for the creative

economy through profound industry knowledge, international and regional trend analyses, close contacts to higher education, business and industry and a total proximity to the Styrian creative scene. Creative Industries Styria consistently develops and adapts innovative new methods and approaches in order to provide creative

Information gives you an edge. In other words – be informed!

people in Styria with pinpoint precise service provisions. This results in the competence and the cuttingedge in knowledge that has helped to make the Styrian creative scene such a successful player in national and inter­national markets and stimulated an even stronger demand for Styrian creativity.


Network & Service

4,760 newsletter subscribers

Network & Service



CIS members

With its 3 point membership programme Creative Industries Styria has reacted to the ever-increasing demand for networking, consulting and coordination services in the B2B sector. As a partner for business with a strong record of putting ideas into action, Creative In­dustries Styria has established additional attractive networking provisions through an innovative membership programme that is boosting the productivity and effective­ ness of the whole creative economy. Crea­ tive Industries Styria had 478 members at the end of 2014; of these, 94 are full members (29 corporate memberships, 65 individual members) and 3 premium members. The provisions made for the members are phased: “free members” have access to the services

provided by Creative Industries Styria, with no additional charges. These free provisions include consulting, an entry in the data pool or information on events, business calls and competitions. “Full members” are provided with additional services, including expert presentations, lectures and events free of charge, participation in business calls and competitions and discount prices for network field trips, excursions and conferences. “Premium members” are the mid and long-term strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria, receiving an individually compiled premium package of basic and special services. In 2014 two network meetings were held for members: the Summer Festival (CIS Member Meeting) and the Advent Meeting for full and premium members.

1,417 entries in the creative data pool 29

Data pool, newsletter and website

Network & Service


Network & Service

calls from CIS

Data pool, newsletter and website

The website with the comprehensive Styrian creative economy data pool is the living heart of Creative Industries Styria. 1,417 creative service providers were listed here at the end of 2014. The home page is the door key to the Styrian creative economy. The website hosts not only the data pool with its 1,417 creative addresses in every part of Styria, but it provides comprehensive information about Creative Industries Styria events, provisions and services. The CIS newsletter is published once or twice a week and has a current circulation of 4,760. 79 newsletter editions were published in 2014. The issues covered range from information and event reports through to announcing national and international calls, so that these can spread rapidly through the network. 25 calls were published in the reporting year, 13 of these were Creative Industries Styria projects. The webpage was signifi-

cantly optimised in 2014 to allow even faster and more targeted navigation through all the many offers and provisions. Furthermore, all service relevant content and content for members (calendar, marketplace) have been given full prominence at the start of the website. The menu and menu points have been fully revised and updated. A specific menu item has been created for calls. A news ticker slide display of CIS news has been integrated into the start page. In addition to Creative Industries Styria also maintains the websites and The Creative Industries Styria e-magazine has been expanded with the addition of the “Member Portraits� feature. These portraits that present the capabilities and services of creative companies can be used free of charge by full members for their own marketing. The app has been updated for current iOS/iPad versions (8.1.).


invitations for calls and competitions

79 newsletter editions 30

Fast Forward for You

Network & Service

Network & Service

Fast Forward for You


3 events from the expert workshop se­ries “Fast Forward 4 You” held in cooperation with SFG – were on the programme in 2014. Each had the same aim of making Styrian creative enterprises fit for successful entry into national and international markets.


The workshop started on 24 April with the firm bookamat (Patrick Kranzlmüller and Axel Swoboda) who presented a browser ba­ sed bookkeeping tool, specially designed for the needs of self-employed creative people. th

“Bookkeeping: control instead of chaos” was the name of the event where creative people were introduced to the functionalities and capabilities of this tool: from the turnover tax advance return to the figures for the annual balance, vital statistics and functions are instantly available for firms with a very few mouse clicks.

“Mine, yours or ours?” was the question on 2nd June 2014. The issue was copyright, a perennial burning question for everyone active in creative fields. The event with copyright expert Dr. Rainer Beck provided answers, practical tips and tricks on copyright and usage rights for creative workers, for strengthening awareness about the legal issues involved and for securing the business interests of the companies involved in providing creative services.


The opportunities and risks involved in stri­ king out abroad on the export market were examined in depth at “International presen­ ce” on 13th October 2014. Robert Punkenhofer provided a review of the dynamic creative economy position in an increasingly global context, reporting on both the chances and the risks internationalisation is bringing for creative enterprises. This was followed by a presentation of the activities of the foreign trade promoter AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA given by Reanne Leuning.

01 “Mine, yours or ours?” with Dr. Rainer Beck 02&04 bookamat - “Bookkeeping: control instead of chaos” 03 “International presence” with Robert Punkenhofer



FYI – presentation series

Network & Service





Network & Service

FYI – presentation series “For Your Information” (FYI) means first-hand information. This is a series that has offered a broad spectrum of knowledge with direct relevance for the creative economy in the form of pre­ sentations and workshops since 2009. Five of these events were held in 2014.


“Service design: what design can do” was the FYI presentation on 28th October 2014. Rudolf Greger put forward concepts, models, principles and thinking to explain fully the principle of service design.

ching had the aim of helping members of the creative community to speak their minds and put their views across. Led by Wojciech Czaja and Bettina Wegleiter, the event was held on 4th and 5th April 2014.

The FYI workshop “Write design: typography” provided a thorough account of the use and opportunities of typography as a vital design element on 29th October. Held in cooperation with the design association “Wir gestalten es” and with the support of W.E.I.Z. the event provided valuable tips for practical application.

The FYI impulse presentation “Ideas!Rich” was aimed at small and medium sized businesses, opened up the backing and sponsorship opportunities that exist for good new business ideas. It was held on 17th September 2014 by Michael Kerschbaumer (SFG)

Stefan Kliment and Max Tertinegg were the presenters of “Bitcoin – the digital legal tender of the future?” event on 6th November 2014 which explained the digital means of payment that is now gaining ever more supporters worldwide.

“Ah! Well then …” – The communication coa-

01 Service design: “What design can do” with Rudolf Greger 02 Communications coaching “Ah! Well then ...” with Wojciech Czaja and Bettina Wegleiter 03 Workshop “Write design: typography” in cooperation with “Wir gestalten es” 04 Ideas!Rich in cooperation with SFG 05 Bitcoin - Digital legal tender of the future? In cooperation with Coinfinity.


Excursions and fact finding missions

Network & Service

Network & Service

Excursions and fact finding missions

Networking, exchange of ideas and strengthening the creative community from within – these aims are achieved with the Creative Industries Styria excursions and fact finding missions. Montréal and Langenthal, Switzerland were on the 2014 itinerary.

Montréal 7th to 10th October 2014 The Canadian metropolis has been a UNESCO City of Design since 2006 and it has decades of experience in contemporary design promotion. The programme of this full member included attendance at the conference “Unsitely! Leveraging Design to Improve Urban Construction Sites” plus excursions to the creative services company Sid Lee and also to SAT – Société des Arts Technologiques. A planning meeting was also held for joint projects in the scope of Designmonat Graz 2015, with Montréal as the partner city. In addition to all of this, the Graz architect Markus Pernthaler presented the “Smart City” project in the Montréal Urban Planning Department.

Langenthal, 31st October to 2nd November 2014 Every two years this community in the Canton of Bern becomes the focal point of the international design scene. Designers’ Saturday is far more than a mere presentation of international labels. It makes design visible in the place where it is actually created: at six locations in and around Langenthal, each one of them a design industry workplace, where innovation and the production of design flow into one another. Outstanding design from Austria was the guest here from 31st October to 2nd November 2014 at the 15th Designers’ Saturday. Under the guiding principle “Discover design, découvrir design” the Swiss De­sign Association, the Design Prize Switzerland and designaustria presented the Desig­ners’ Saturday event in the Dachstock im Mühlehof (in the town centre). In cooperation with Creative Industries Styria, design­ austria presented a selection of products that had received the Austrian State Prize for Design together with other major international awards in the previous year.


Open Office

Network & Service



Network & Service

Open Office

“Open Office” gives full members of Creative Industries Styria the opportunity to present their companies and creative services, their teams and provisions directly at the workplace.


Networking is a Creative Industries Styria core competence and with its B2B “Open Office” project, it has opened up the doors to enterprises of the Styrian creative economy, letting in the public and enabling an exchange of ideas. The many synergies this has produced represent a win-win situation for everyone involved: names of companies involved have become more well known, new partnerships have been established and ideas circulate to the benefit of all. In addition to reporting events on site, Creative Industries Styria also provides portraits of the companies on the web­page – continu­ ously establishing a who’s who of the en­tire Styrian creative economy in the process.

In 2014 four creative companies extended an invitation to an Open Office event: The Graz company youspi Consulting, a specialist for usability design, dedicated this “Open Office” event to the topic of design thinking, together with the agency quergedacht. The cardamom agency extended an invitation to an afterwork evening in their office in Weiz, reporting on projects in hand and their interesting approach to design. Schillerstraße 31, which has been used as a studio since 2005, provided an opportunity for the public to peep behind the curtains in the scope of its first “pit stop”. Four creative companies were presented in the “Open Office” framework: EEZA, Ulla Klopf, Pabuku and Projektform AG. The Graz design label ardea luh, consisting of the fashion designers Elke Steffen Kühnl and Babsi Schneider, presented its corporate approach and business model at the company studio on Tummelplatz.

01 ardea luh 02 + 03 cardamom 04 + 05 Schillerstraße 31 06 youspi consulting

“Active networking, being visible and promoting exchanges among ourselves are important activities for successful creative companies. The CIS Open Office drivedoes all of this in a very sympathetic manner” Marie-Theres Zirm, cardamom





Press and media work

Network & Service

Network & Service

Press and media work


national and international media reports

Strategic press and media work are vital for positioning Creative Industries Styria on a regional, national and inter足 national level. Creative Industries Styria has established an outstanding reputation both in Austria and around the world since it was established in 2007. Skill in communication has contributed much to this excellent image, in the continuous publicising and presentation of Creative Industries Styria activities and projects to a broad public. In 2014 Creative Industries Styria was present in 852 media


reports, 784 in Austria and 68 international. Of these. 400 were reports in printed media, 420 in online media and 32 on TV or radio. The Designmonat Graz featured in 459 media reports, 147 media reports were published on the designforum Styria exhibi足tions and 194 items were reports on companies from the Experience Economy. In addition to this, Creative Industries Styria also communicates relevant issues and news from all areas of the Styrian creative economy and through this it provides powerful media support for the entire creative scene.

194 media reports on companies from the Experience Economy

media reports on Designmonat Graz

147 media reports on the exhibitions in designforum Styria


International Partners


Dundee (SCO) City of Design 2014

UNESCO Cities of Design European Creative Business Network


Creative England (GB)

Wired Sussex (GB)

Amsterdam Economic Board (NL) Cultural Factory Svetovar

Technoport Luxemburg (L)

PopVox (NL) City of Rotterdam (NL)

Detroit (USA)

Berlin (D) City of Design

Montréal (CA) City of Design

2005 2006

Serralves Incubator Porto (P) ADDICT (P)

Bilbao (ES) City of Design 2014

Forum d’Avignon (F) Samoa Nantes (F)

Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design 2010

Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design

Curitiba (BRA) City of Design


Creative Industries Styria is part of the following networks: UNESCO Cities of Design


ECCE – European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund (D)


Beijing, China Berlin, Germany Bilbao, Spain Buenos Aires, Argentina Curitiba, Brasil Dundee, Scotland

Graz, Austria Helsinki, Finnland Kobe, Japan Montréal, Canada Nagoya, Japan Saint-Étienne, France

Seoul, South Korea Shenzhen, China Shanghai, China Turin, Italy

International Partners

Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria (A)

Creative Industries Styria (A) Helsinki (FIN) City of Design Graz (A) City of Design


Creative Nodes (S)


Wien (A)

Kosice 2013 – Institute for Creative Economy (SVK)

Seoul (KR) City of Design 2010

Nagoya (JP) City of Design 2008

Kobe (JP) City of Design

Istanbul (TR)


Zagreb (HR) Ljubljana (SLO)

Shenzhen (CN) City of Design

Shanghai (CN) City of Design 2010


Turin (ITA) City of Design 2014

Beijing (CN) City of Design 2012

AustriaDesignNet as founding member

Creative Industries Styria Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria Design Austria designforum Wien Museum fĂźr angewandte Kunst Vienna Design Week

European Creative Business Network as founding member


Events 2015

Events 2015 5th February: EE Music Region Styria, fyi-Event 20th March: look!design, Open Office 20th – 24th April: Experience Economy, university conference 1st – 31st May: Designmonat Graz 2015 20th May – 20th June: [UN]ECHT – original vs. forgery, designforum Styria 20th May – 20th June: Ceramic Re:Visions, designforum Styria 10th June: Right to Copy?, ff4y-Veranstaltung 27th June – 1th August: Industrial Design Show 2015, designforum Styria 10th July: CIS Member Network Meeting 23th September: Wigl Design exhibition opening, designforum Styria 12th – 15th October: Istanbul Design Week 16th October: Ing. Hugo Sampl, opening of the experience tour, Experience Economy, Gußwerk 16th October: 5 years of Experience Economy reception, Experience Economy 19th – 22nd October: Network excursion to Expo Milan



Imprint Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz 0316/890 598,, CEO: Eberhard Schrempf Photos: Page 5: Robert Frankl Page 9: CIS, Lorenz Kunath Page 10, 11: CIS, Cité du design Page 12: Alexander Rauch Photography Page 13: Luca Gatscher, Alexander Rauch Photography Page 14: CIS Page 15: CIS, UNESCO, Robert Frankl Page 17: A lexander Rauch Photography, Tomislav Bobinec, Martin Pabis, Stefanie Hödlmoser, Tobias Kestel Page 18, 19: Pixelworker Page 20: Nicholas Martin, Pixelworker Page 21: Nicholas Martin, Pixelworker Page 22: Geopho, Pia Streicher/designforum Salzburg Page 23: Geopho, Christine Kipper Page 24: Christine Kipper Page 25: CIS, Geopho Page 26: TEDx Graz, Robert Frankl, World Usabilty Congress Page 27: EYA, Geopho, World Usabilty Congress, Katrin Greiner Page 29: Alexander Rauch Photography Page 31: CIS Page 32: CIS Page 33: CIS, Tomislav Bobinec, doppelpunkt Page 34: CIS, cardamom, Oscar Pilinger

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