Guide to IJB Budget - Year 2014 Internal IJB document
Do’s “Training” section. • Each Regional Team knows how much money you have under this section. These money can only be used for “training support” to Junior Branch events. • When funds cover a flight, it can either be that the cost of the flight is fully funded or partially funded.
- Fully funded: The traveller must contact KC Travel to book his/her flight. To do so, he/
she must fill out the “Travel Request Form” to be contacted by Emmanuel Keates, the travel agent. (link:
- Partially funded: The traveller can contact KC travel or not. If the person does contact the travel agency he/she will have to pay the amount for which he is not covered by credit card. If the person does not contact KC Travel he/she will have to pay the entire cost of the ticket and later be reimbursed, by filling an Expenditure Request Form (ERF).
• Regional Teams must send IJRs a list of JBers who will be flying with funds from the IJB Budget as early as possible. Please include name of person, name of event, dates and amount to be covered - otherwise it will be understood you are covering the entire flight of that person. Why? We must approve this names with KC Travel before Emmanuel is able to buy the ticket. For 2015… • From 2015 onwards, financial support for training will not be available in the form it used to be. Regional Teams used to dispose over an amount of money in very flexible manner – it could be used for participation fees, travel expenses or other costs. Budgeting for 2015, we are obliged to ask specific amounts for specific things, for example, “200 for travel’s flight to neighborhood workshops” or “300 for participants’ fees at JB Regional Meeting”. We will discuss more about tho in June when you will have to budget for your region for 2015. • Possible further means for raising funds to cover can include slightly raising participation fees at workshops or asking for NA funds.
! Don’ts • People who’s flight if fully funded with money coming from the IJB Budget cannot buy their tickets on their own. They must contact KC Travel. • Do not overspend on the amount each Regional Team has under the “Training” section.