August in ejb

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August in EJB EJB Team Update 

We are now starting to summarise the minutes of our EJB Team meetings to make them accessible and easy for you to read, you can find the last meetings minutes here: d/1Mj4oznqs8rTJ2juiEWWNZT95pyNK4PifnT3Wff65vnk/edit?usp=drive_web

As you can see ‘Months in EJB’ are back by popular demand! We want to make sure that we reach as many people as we can with all the news from the region, so if you do have anything you would like to share at anytime please let us know!

The blog will be getting a new design: Get excited

Feel free to contact us with any problem:

Wild West Neighbourhood Mediterranean Neighbourhood  IONICO- cooperation between JB Greece and JB Italy, 25-28th October, Greece: https://  Med Nights, 27th-30th December 2013, Croatia

 Wild West Weekend, 6-9 March 2014, join the facebook group! events/309804709156738/?fref=ts

Northern Neighbourhood  NICE - Lithuania, 13-16.2. 2014 https:// 

BALTIC workshop, 22—24th November.

 COOPERATION project between Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland is being worked on, more info soon

Central Eastern Neighbourhood 

Go East will happen in Austria (Vienna), 13th to the 16th of March.

J-01 and J-02 passed! The last AIM in the history was supposed to be full of (e)motions and it definitely was. The number of motions discussed was substantial. One of the motions was specifically tackling with JB matters, so it brought attention of all the JBers present in Brazil. The documents J-01 and J-02 proposed by IJRs, discussed widely by IJB Team and NJRs, passed almost in the same state. J-01 is a basic document about Junior Branch, stating what is is, what are its essentials and goals. It basically gathers information about JB that were in different CISV documents. J-02 on the other hand describes what an IJB Event is and gives the definition of workshop and training. It also constitutes the rule of sending the IJB Event Form to the IJRs prior to any IJB Event. Thanks to that it form both local/national and international level is informed about what is happening in Junior Branch and helps any risk management issues that may occur. So get yourself acquainted with both of these documents! Find them under Resources with this names: Mtn06-AIM13-IJB Adopting Info-File Documents J-01 - Attachment (Amended) PASSED Mtn06-AIM13-IJB Adopting Info-File Documents J-02 - Attachment (Amended) PASSED

Projects and Working Groups International Junior Branch Conference is a platform of exchanging ideas, working on a theme, but also for developing different projects. This year it wasn’t any different. Some old projects got new design and fresh look (JB CPR, MInicampguide), some new projects came up (Branch Out!, Communication Guide). If you are interested in joining any of the IJB Working Groups, check them out and write to the contact people or drop us a line! ( document/ d/1_PUSNPcHKmjXVnh6Z0QUpriKfLx 68crXcQq7L6hLAxI/edit)

New IJR- Anjo (GER) One of the key points of every International Junior Branch Conference is election of the new International Junior Representative, who will commit for the next to years to work for IJB. This year James (GB) finished his term and Anjo (GER) joined Cande for the next year! Thank you James for your hard work in the times of change, a good word for everyone and couple of ‘laughs and jokes around’. We wish Cande and Anjo a fruitful cooperation and internet access wherever they are! You can always check Anjo’s Q&A (Question and Answers session)

Right on #4 If you haven’t heard of Right On, you should definitely go to their facebook page! ( righton2013?fref=ts). It is a set of ready-to-run activities released every two months that are focusing on this year’s educational content area- Human Rights. During IJBC 80 JBers from 31 countries participated in Step #4 of Right On. It was an unofficial release of the activity, we can just give you hints that it dealt with different specific human rights violations and the roots of the problem. Stay tuned for an official publication!

Regional Training Forum: Slovenia From the 30/10—3/11, there will be a Regional Training Forum hosted in Slovenia. Junior Branch will be taking part in this RTF by helping chapter development run their training. Our very own Ola might even be the lucky person to go run the training.

JB SET (new evaluation tool) Exciting times are ahead for JB, not because of the structural changes, but because of our brand new evaluation tool called JB SET. An IJB working group from IJBC 2012 created this new tool for both local and national Junior Branches. It consists of simple questions that will help your JB see how well you are working towards the new JB goals. The results for now are general, but wait for it, in the future you will be able to monitor them from website.

Other trainings that are taking place are:

    

Chapter Development Training Education & Evaluation Training Interchange Training Mosaic Training Train The Trainers (TTT)

For more information send us an email!

EJB Blog

Future Cooperation with our trustees. For the past few months we have been discussing how we can cooperate more with our trustees. Not just by combining our regional meetings, but in general how we can work closer with the trustees. We have prepared a document that anyone can edit and would love to hear your opinions on this matter. Here is the link, please just take 5 minutes to answer the questions.

The European Junior Branch Blog is back in business. We are really trying to use this as a platform to share best practices and success stories from EJB. It has been revamped and looks super sexy now. Check it out: http://

If you have any stories or anything at all you would like to share, please send us the story with a few pictures to and we will upload and promote the post on our blog.

If you have any news you would like to share with us, or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at:

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