Mia Engel, Denmark Contact information Facebook: Mia Engel E-mail: mia.h.engel@gmail.com Skype: mia_h_engel Whatsapp: +4530502787
#1 ‘’By 2030 CISV International wants to reach twice as many people as today.“ This is the new vision of CISV International that was approved by the members. How should Junior Branch contribute to reach this vision and how could we measure the success?
I believe that our strongest asset in Junior Branch is the fact that we are youth – especially in terms of reaching out to a lot people. All of our members are at the time in their life where they have the most friendships, acquaintances and the highest number of social circles that they move in. We are the most proactive part of society and thereby the one most likely to have an impact on our local societies and the people around us – in a CISV context this could be through mosaics, other local projects or collabo-