Name: Najib
Al Awar
You can contact me on: My email: najibossawar@gmail.com My Facebook: Najib Al Awar My Skype: najib.al.awar
#1 ‘’By 2030 CISV International wants to reach twice as many people as today.“ This is the new vision of CISV International that was approved by the members. How should Junior Branch contribute to reach this vision and how could we measure the success?
We cannot deny the fact that Junior Branch is a big promoter of CISV. The simplest example is that JB has had generations of NJRs and JBers for years that have all been in CISV, and this is ongoing. But JB has two powerful traits that will further help achieve CISV’s vision: inspiration and motivation. I believe that JB can have more local projects that involve the small community, and by promoting these events properly, people will want to be involved. They will see how JB works and will get motivated and inspired (just like we were when we first started CISV or JB) to spread the word, help out, or ideally, join CISV and JB. And as EJB Team, we should make sure that the projects are happening and communicate them to the different neighborhoods. As for measuring the success, I see three main points (in ascending order): • Quantity: how many people know about CISV, and this can be measured in the number of camps a year (an increase in camps and events means more people are aware of CISV). • Quality: how productive and creative are the people that know about CISV, and how much are they contributing to the educational purpose of CISV (i.e. better more involving camps).