[IJBC 2013] Infopack 2

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Choose your own adventure

IJBC 2 13 Salvador Brazil


Goals and Indicators Important News

what you’ll find inside

Who’s coming?

Schedule Details of IJBC 2013 topics

IJBC goals and indicators A. Individuals are empowered to contribute to change in Junior Branch and CISV

C. Individuals evaluate and strategise for the future of IJB

A.1 Participants understand changes occurring in Junior Branch

C.1 Participants take an active part in strategising for the

B. Individuals develop skills to improve work within and beyond Junior Branch

D. Challenge! Create! Innovate!

and CISV A.2 Participants feel ownership of decisions made A.3 Participants can explain the importance of self-governance for Junior Branch A.4 Participants are willing to integrate Junior Branch within CISV to achieve its purpose A.5 Participants understand the importance of both autonomy and integration of Junior Branch within CISV

B.1 Participants have learnt new ideas and methods B.2 Participants are able to apply acquired methods and tools B.3 Participants understand IJB tools and their use B.4 Participants apply skills at relevant opportunities

future of Junior Branch C.2 Participants make decisions for the future of IJB C.3 Participants feel ownership of decisions made C.4 Participants strategise based on the outcomes of evaluation

D.1 There is space for creativity D.2 Participants feel they can challenge the status quo D.3 Participants apply new ideas D.4 New ideas contribute to future work in Junior Branch and CISV


http://bit.ly/12iPmrj [THIS APPLIES FOR AJBM, IJBC & AIM.]

MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW NEWS OF THE IJBC ON FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/11X0KnZ And join the event to receive the latest updates: http://on.fb.me/1a4D3SK

Has your JB experienced an amazing moment this year?

Write to us if you would like to present a SUCCESS STORY at IJBC 2013. ijbcplanners@ijb.cisv.org [Presentations can last up to 5 minutes!]

who’s coming?

Find out what everyone else said here: http://bit.ly/19YiC8y


% of participants are new to IJBC.

IJB Tools and Training about JB % matters are the most valued topics.


of participants haven’t yet % read the suggestions made by the TT.*

23 30

would like to see training on % Creative Thinking.

to s r a e p ap d o o f ic to Free t c a t d o be a go ybody in the r get eve ce at the la right p e for a im right t . session

e m i t t s r fi e h t r o f F o y r o t is h e h t in ll i w u r e IJBC, P sented! re p e r e b e, v o r p hare S Im & d an t s r e ds d r o Un w e thre e h ost t e m e ar h t pear p a t nt to a a th w s r JBe t a h w in BC. J I t a do

*come prepared, read about them here.

schedule THURSDAY 1





8.00 - 9.00





9.30 11.00

The history of IJB


Human Rights

IJR Elections

11.30 13.00

Right On #4

How we got here

13.00 - 14.30



14.30 16.00

The J-Section

GB Candidates


Training LUNCH







16.30 18.00


IJB Tools

18.30 19.30


Working with Goals

IJR Candidate Q&A

IJB Year Plan




Project Work


19.30 - 20.30

20.30 21.30

Zoom Out


21.30 - 22.00



JB Today & Tomorrow



Zoom Out

IJB Tools


Zoom Out

Human Rights

Time of Change


Project Work


JB Today and Tomorrow NAME: The History of IJB GOAL: Understand how we’ve been building Junior Branch along the years.

IJBC INDICATORS: A1, A4. TARGET GROUP: Everyone! NAME: The J-Section GOAL: Create a common understanding and a

common language on Junior Branch matters. IJBC INDICATORS: A1, A2, A3, A4, B3. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

NAME: Working with Goals GOAL: Understand and feel comfortable using the Junior Branch goals at all levels in Junior Branch IJBC INDICATORS: A4, A5, B2, C1. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

With this topic, we hope to introduce the past year in IJB, and explain how we have got to where we are today. This is the moment where we wish to present our new Junior Branch goals, and start working with them. We will also explain how we are formalizing this with the new J-section, and celebrating how Junior Branch has reached this stage. We will conclude by creating the ‘IJB Year Plan’ which will incorporate all the outcomes of IJBC and map how we will move forward into the new year.

NAME: IJB Year Plan 2013-2014 GOAL: Come together as a global movement

to build and plan the IJB year plan. IJBC INDICATORS: C1, C2, C3, D1, D3, D4. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

IJB Tools

This Topic offers an opportunity to work more closely with some of the specific tools that IJB has produced recently, in particular the JB Training Curriculum, the new JB Evaluation Tool and the results of the first Evaluation, as well as other existing tools. Participants will also have an opportunity to find out how these tools are relevant for their JBs, and how to use them effectively.

NAME: “Hi, my name is...”: Meeting the JB

NAME: IJB Tools GOAL: Provide a fun, interactive introduction to

the IJB tools and the places where can be found. IJBC INDICATORS: B1, B2, B3, B4. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

NAME: Ready, SET, Go! GOAL: (1) Get to know the new JB evaluation tool and provide feedback for its improvement. (2) Learn how to use it for the benefit of local and national JBs and be able to use its results to strategize for the future. IJBC INDICATORS: B2, B3, C1, C4. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

Training Curriculum. GOAL: Get to know the JB Training Curriculum and understand its use to develop and enrich their JB trainings. IJBC INDICATORS: B1, B2, B4, D3. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

NAME: YOAIJBTO GOAL: (1) Understand how the resources from IJB can be

applied to specific projects. (2) Understand which IJB tools exist for specific purposes (e.g. activity planning, resolving conflicts, communication, others) IJBC INDICATORS: B2, B3, D3. TARGET GROUP: Participants who want to explore the use of specific IJB tools at a local or regional level.

Human Rights

This Topic addresses CISV International’s educational content area for 2013: Human Rights. We will be celebrating the success of Right On by taking part together in the fourth step of the project. We will also dedicate a session to explore how CISV works towards the Human Rights in its own unique ways.

NAME: Right On #4 GOAL: Celebrate the JB project for Human Rights by running step #4!


NAME: Human Rights in Junior Branch GOAL: Explore the many ways JB responds,

contributes and impacts the education of human rights, IJBC INDICATORS: A4, D1, D3. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

Haven’t run steps 1, 2 or 3 yet?! Find the guides here http://righton2013.tumblr.com/ Involve your whole chapter!!

Project Work This Topic will be delivered entirely through parallel sessions. It’s the ‘open space’ of IJBC where we really hand it over to participants to make the most out of what they want to. This is the where IJB Working Groups, the way we make things happen in IJB, will be introduced. This topic will be the space for participants to put into practice the IJB tools they have learnt about and the specific ASKs they acquired during the different trainings offered.

NAME: IJB Working Groups GOAL: Get to know and understand the way we structure projects in International Junior Branch. IJBC INDICATORS: B1. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

NAME: Make It Happen GOAL: (1) Participate in a project. (2) Acquire the necessary tools that will help plan and develop projects. (3) Share best practices and come up with new ideas. IJBC INDICATORS: B1, B2, B3, B4, D1, D2, D3, D4. TARGET GROUP: Anyone who wants quality time to start, follow up or evaluate a specific project.

Time of Change

As everyone should know, CISV International is about to implement some serious changes, some with a huge effect on Junior Branch. These sessions will walk all participants through these changes, explore what decisions need to be made and what the implications of these decisions are. Participants will also have a chance to discuss with each other and feed back to the IJRs their views to take forward into AIM.

NAME: How we got here. GOAL: Understand the changes that have been occurring in CISV.

IJBC INDICATORS: A1, A2, A3. TARGET GROUP: Everyone! (There will be different ways to discover the content of this session, depending on the knowledge you have about the Transition Team’s work).

NAME: Governing Board Elections GOAL: (1) Understand the procedures of the

election for the Governing Board JB-elected member. (2) Get to know all candidates running for Governing Board. IJBC INDICATORS: A1, A5, C3, D4. TARGET GROUP: Everyone!

NAME: Motions discussion GOAL: (1) Explore the content of motions for AIM

2013 and share perspectives. (2) Discuss the future of specific topics related to Junior Branch. IJBC INDICATORS: A1, A2, A4, C1, C2, C3, D2, D4. TARGET GROUP: Participants who are interested in discussing motions and give feedback to IJRs to take forward into AIM.


This is the part where we are pushing the boundaries of IJBC. This Topic will be delivered entirely through parallel sessions. The subject of each session may not necessarily be Junior Branch-based, but will aim instead to offer skills to participants on a subject. People delivering these sessions will be not only from amongst the planning group but also from participants, or outside IJBC.

NAME: Learning Styles / Leadership Skills / Recruitment GOAL: (1) Acquire a general idea on how to recruit (2) Get inspire by focusing on the ‘Why?’ of CISV Junior Branch. (3) Get to know a new tool that will actively engage others in a 30 second time. IJBC INDICATORS: B1, B2, B3. TARGET GROUP: Active chapter members that can contribute to involve ay stranger to CISV Junior Branch.

NAME: “Strategically Speaking” (Strategic Planning 101) GOAL: (All 4 goals of IJB apply here) IJBC INDICATORS: A2, C1, D3, D4. TARGET GROUP: Anyone who has travel thinking long


NAME: Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk GOAL: (1) Develop skills to improve work within and beyond

Junior Branch.

IJBC INDICATORS: B2, B4, D3. TARGET GROUP: Anyone who may have a tough time

confront others.

NAME: “Fly me to the moon” (Motivation) GOAL: (1) Understand one own role as motivator. (2) Be able to evaluate the resources they have to get people motivated.

IJBC INDICATORS: B1, D1, D2, D3, D4. TARGET GROUP: People who are lacking motivation to work or who need to get people motivated to work with them.


• JB Issues / Chapter Development • Leadership/Learning Styles/Promotion • Communication (Walk the Cube) • Communication (Internet Content) • Strategic Planning • Motivation/Inspiration • Regional Cooperation

Your session at IJBC? Got a good idea for a session? We’d love you to share it with IJBC. Tell us at: sessions.ijbc@ijb.cisv.org • • • •

It can be about whatever you want (CISV related or not) Each training will last 1 or 1.5 hours You may specify min. or max. participant numbers One training will be delivered in parallel with others

Join the IJBC Communications Team! Let’s share the great stuff happening at IJBC with JB World! Help the communications team summarise sessions, take photos, sharing on facebook and twitter etc.

Email ijbcplanners@ijb.cisv.org to help out!


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