IJBC 2014 info pack 1

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IJBC 2014 IJBC 2014 !

I n t e r n a t i o n a l J u n i o r! B r a n c h C o n f e r e n c e B ad Glei chenb erg , Austri a | Aug ust 2 -7


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Dear Junior Branch World!
 CISV Austria and the International Junior Branch Representatives (IJRs) are very excited and thrilled to welcome you to IJBC 2014, in a charming little town in Austria.


For four full days we will come together as International Junior Branch, and use the opportunity to share our experiences and ideas globally. We want to encourage high levels of creativity, but also strive for an open and respectful environment where JBers feel comfortable challenging themselves and others.


This Info Pack is only the first introduction to what you can expect at IJBC this year, but our main aim will be to provide a conference which is suited to you! We invite you to get ready for what it will be an amazing conference.


For questions and concerns relating logistics, please contact the Home Staff Team at ijbc2014@at.cisv.org. For other questions please contact IJRs at ijr@cisv.org.


See you in Bad Gleichenberg! Best wishes,


Zita, Walter and Marie & Anjo and Cande Home Staff IJRs

e r a e r Whe o t g n i we go stay?

! We are lucky to have a wonderful place exclusively to ourselves. The newly renovated Tourism School in Bad Gleichenberg offers us many possibilities to hold IJBC 2014 in a comfortable environment.


Here is the link to the website in case you want to have a look:



More information about the camp site will follow in Info Pack 2.

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Address: Lehrlingshaus Bad Gleichenberg Mailandbergstrasse 10 8344 Bad Gleichenberg Austria



By plane You can either fly to Vienna International Airport (VIE) or Graz Airport (GRZ).


By train Graz Main Train Station (“Graz Hauptbahnhof”) By bus You also have the opportunity to arrive by bus, but there won’t be shuttles available at the bus terminals. You will have to go to one of the Shuttle Meeting points. (Vienna International Busterminal - VIB)

e w e r How a t e g o t going there?


By car We have enough parking space at the Camp Site, so you are welcome to come by car as well!


Arriving at and departing from the Camp Site


There will be shuttles available from/to Vienna and Graz. (Details about shuttle times in Info Pack 2)

Vienna - Camp Site ≈ 2h - 40€ one-way | Camp Site - Vienna ≈ 2h - 40€ one-way Graz - Camp Site ≈ 1h - 20€ one-way | Camp Site - Graz ≈ 1h - 20€ one-way


You can also go to the Camp Site by yourself, Bad Gleichenberg has a train station as well. Although if you are planning on going there from Vienna, you first have to take the train to Graz and then go from there - but unfortunately train prices in Austria are way too high. If you are interested you can check out this website (http://www.oebb.at/en/index.jsp), where you can search for all the train connections. We advise you to check out the group tickets, they might be cheaper than single tickets.


If you book your tickets in advance, they might be cheaper as well! Check out the website mentioned before, then go to Traveling in Austria and then to “SparSchiene Österreich”. If you need any assistance booking your ticket, contact Marie from the Staff Team.


Unfortunately, it won’t be possible for people to stay at the Camp Site before or after IJBC. If you need any assistance in finding hostels or accommodation for Pre-IJBC/Post-IJBC contact Marie (marie.schratzer@cisv.at).

Online Application

n o i t a c Appli & Costs

Applications will be registered by filling in the IJBC 2014 Registration Form here: http://tinyurl.com/ijbc2014registration


All application information will be visible for the IJBC Staff, International Junior Representatives and the person in charge at the International Office.


 You must be registered in order to apply. Please claim your participation for this event on MyCISV (http://www.cisv.org)


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Costs There will be two rounds of applications:


Round 1 Applications (also applies for payment): Round 2 (Late Applications - also applies for payment):

February 2014 - 31 March 2014 31 March 2014 - 1 May 2014

- 300€ (full board) - 350€ (full board)

! Applications are starting very soon, so make sure to follow IJBC news (through JB Community and Facebook) to apply on time. ! Payment

Payment must be transferred electronically to the Hosting Chapter’s bank (see next page). Bank charges and exchange fees must be fully paid by the sender/transmitter. We kindly ask you to make payments via your National Association, if possible. Please transfer your payment by the deadlines listed. The relevant date is the day your transaction was submitted. This date must be within the listed deadlines. All transactions must be in Euro (€).


Payment Deadlines depend on the Application Deadlines, which means that everyone who applied in Round 1 will have to transfer their payment by 31 March 2014. Everyone who applied in Round 2 (late applications) will have to transfer their payment by 1 May 2014.

Follow IJBC 2014 on Facebook! · Event http://on.fb.me/1dA1AME · Page http://on.fb.me/19VO7na

Payment information


n o i t a c Appli & Costs


Bank: Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen Aktiengesellschaft Bank Address: Sparkassenplatz 4, 8010 Graz, Austria Bank Account Name: Childrens International Summer Villages Austria CISV Austria Chapter Graz Bank Account Country: Austria Bank Account IBAN: AT27 2081 5002 0073 3293 Bank Account BIC: STSPAT2G

When you transfer, please add “IJBC 2014 + your country + your full name” in the additional text box, so we know for sure from whom we’ve already received payment.


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Please note: Your application is only valid if the transaction of your full payment was made on time.

Visa Information:


Visa & s n o i t a l l e c n a C

Current visa requirement information are available on this website: www.bmeia.gv.at/index.php?id=68107&L=1


Please apply for one in time. Getting a Schengen Visa might take a while. If you need an invitation letter, please contact our National Secretary Walter Ring (austria@cisv.org) for further information.


Force majeur Refunds Those who have been accepted but will fail to come due to force major reasons, i.e. natural disaster, hospitalization, death, etc. will be refunded 85%. 15% will be kept by the Hosting Chapter for processing charges. (You can find the rest of the cancellation deadlines below.)

Applications February

!As the campsite can potentially host up to 300 people, there is no need to be concerned Beginning of Round 1 Applications

about IJBC spots running out. There is no restriction as to the number of participants per NA/PA. 31 Mar 2014

Deadline to send the IJBC Application (Round 1)

01 April 2014

Beginning of Round 2 Applications (Late Applications)

01 May 2014

Deadline to send the IJBC Application (Round 2)

f o w e i v r e v O s e n i l d Dea

Cancellations 01 May 2014

Deadline for Cancellations 50% charge

10 May 2014

Deadline for Cancellations 100% charge

Other Deadlines 15 Apr 2014

Confirmation of participation/registration by the Staff

01 Jul 2014

Deadline to send the IJBC Travel Information (Application)

01 Jul 2014

Deadline to book the Shuttle

Temporary Contact Details Marie (Home Staff) marie.schratzer@cisv.at 路 Walter Ring (Nat. Secretary) austria@cisv.org 路 Zita Maitz (Chapter President of Graz) graz@at.cisv.org 路 Official Home Staff Team: ijbc2014@at.cisv.org

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