Monthly Digest - January 2013

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JAN. e issu

MONTHLYDIGEST a summary of what is happening in the world JB-wise

Call for Candidates new CISV International Governing Board This year CISV International will be electing its very first Governing Board; this is a major change for CISV, as the Governing Board will replace the current international Board and the International Executive Committee. As IJB will be electing one of the members, it’s worth going and checking out the Call for Candidates on the Transition Team page on Resources OrgReview/Recommendations . There will be more information coming out very soon, so keep checking the page, but for now the call for candidates gives you an overview of the new election process and what would be expected of people running for the role of Governing Board member. Transition Team.


IJR Nominations! Remember nominations are now open until the 1st of April 2013! We are sure there are plenty of amazing JBers out there more than capable for the job. If you know any of them don’t hesitate to nominate! Read about the process here...


JB Darmstad [Germany] is challenging you to collect as many old cell phones as possible until March 1st 2013! find out about this great challenge on their facebook event.


a launch date for the new website!

Just when you thought it would never happen – we finally have a launch date for the new website; 27 February 2013. Watch out for updates and reminders on CISV International’s Facebook and Twitter over the next month and make sure you share and retweet, so we really get the word out. Meanwhile, if you have any good stories or photos from your JB that you think would inspire others, please send them in to Denise, you never know, you might appear on the new website! <> --Denise Farrar Communications Officer

IJB Thinks #20 is here! How do we choose our leaders? How do we influence them? What happens when leadership changes? How do leaders have an impact on you? Check out the issue on youtube!


THe LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST... Americas Junior Branch Blog! AJB just created a brand new blog (Cleverly titled AJBB for AJB Blog!) You’ll find information about all neighborhoods, upcoming workshops, collaboration with the other amazing Regional Teams, and a ton of information about AJB!!!!


Did you take the first step? learn more about it in the facebook page... Check out which JB already took the step#1 and do the same!

NaJuWo2012 in Hamburg, Germany was a great success again. Read about how we explored the theme ‘Positive Discrimination’ here: mave1910/docs/najuwo2012_insight. A big Thank you to everybody who contributed to a fantastic weekend. Stay tuned for NaJuWo2013!


Wild West Weekend

Save the date!

Italy 7-10.march 2013. Make sure you get yourself signed up to ensure that you don’t miss out on the Wild West Weekend 2013!

If you also want to make the promotion of your local, national or international event? <email us>

IJBC2013 There is already 75 lucky participants for the next IJBC in Salvador, Brazil! The deadline for premium prices has already passed but YOU can still apply!!! Don’t miss the chance... found more info here!

HELP YOUR CHAPTER GROW! How? training/topics/organizational_ training.html Where to register? http://forms. aspx?ReturnUrl=%2Frtf 3/4

Thank YOU! Former NJRs


your former or new NJR still doesn’t appear there? send us an email!


Monthly digest team


please feel free to email us, share information about your region, projects, event, etc. <> 4/4

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