AUGUST 02, 2013 Today’s sessions: 1 -‐ History of IJB: We reviewed the history of IJB, while discussing and visualizing the accomplishments of their JBs and Junior Branch as a whole. 2 – Right On #4: We partook in this ready-‐made IJB acBvity concerning the 2013 EducaBon Content area of Human Rights. 3 – The J-‐SecBon: We heard from two former JBers and learned about the updated JB Goals and official documents.
5 – Working with the Goals: We brainstormed goals and indicators for improving our JBs at the chapter and regional levels.
4 – IJB Tools: We discussed the biggest issues within our JBs and learned how to apply IJB Tools such as guidebooks and websites.
6 – Parallel sessions: We split into groups and discussed branding, JB issues, and intercultural communicaBon with special guest speaker Tamara Thorpe.
“A world can come together in peace, if even for just one day. CISV is at the heart of that message.” – Jeremy Gilley
This morning, we had the great privilege of Skyping with Peace One Day founder Jeremy Gilley! For more information, visit
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