The World in 2010 Documenting another year from the Junior Branch World Well hello there. This is the second edition of a yearly document that attempts to document International Junior Branch’s work each year. It is meant to be released around the time of the IJRs (International Junior Representatives) Mid-Way Meeting that usually takes place in January. This year (January 2011) the IJRs at the Time (Rowan and Mateo) could not have the Mid-Way Meeting as scheduled in Cairo, due to a revolution that happened in Egypt starting January 25th. A few weeks into the revolution, Senior IJR, Rowan decided to resign from her position as IJR to focus on the Egyptian revolution and Tore Heerup (the Alternate IJR) agreed to take over the remainder of her term, making him now the Junior IJR, and Mateo the Senior IJR. Since Rowan served as IJR for the whole year she is releasing this document along with current IJRs Mateo and Tore. Happy Reading,
Rowan El Shimi | Mateo Velez | Tore Heerup IJR 2009-2011
IJR 2010-2012
IJR 2011
Reach the IJRs at and Rowan at for any clarifications or just for a chat!
How this document was thought out and written Last year, we released this document structured according to what IJB achieved in each of it’s foundational training content, which is the focus areas of IJB training each year. This year, in an attempt to integrate our work into CISV International’s strategic plan, we are dividing the content according to the three strategic priorities of CISV Int.: - Education, Training and Evaluation - Chapters - Profile Raising You will find many of the documents we mention here hyperlinked. The links will take you to either the websites mentioned or to the JB Library where you can access all the documents we produce. (To access the library - username: ijb.guest, password: cisv4all)
Education, Training and Evaluation The Writeshop 2010 started with both current IJRs at the time Rowan El Shimi and Maru Ayam attending the Leadership Training Writeshop. This was a meeting held at the International Office of CISV in Newcastle, UK. The meeting was facilitated by Leadership Training Committee Chair Monica Berrocal and Educational Officer Kiran Hirogani. Each committee in CISV International sent a representative, and for a week with this incredible group we were to evaluate CISV International’s training system and come up with a common view of leadership training that each committee would then take an adapt to it’s program or area. Later on along with the Growth & Development Section in the IJB Team, we came up with IJB’s training goals and indicators derived from the common ones. These goals are to be integrated into IJBC, Regional Meetings and international Junior Branch Trainings across JB. The next phase of this project will be integrating these training goals in the Training Section of the Junior Branch Guide. Global Training Strategy & Global Evaluation After the success of 2009’s Global Evaluation of JB, which entailed each national Junior Branch filling out a JB Equalizer (a self-evaluation tool meant to measure JB’s accomplishment for each of the 5 JB Goals). In 2010, we decided to go deeper by analyzing results of Local JB’s Equalizers as opposed to National ones. This gave us a much deeper look into how JBs are working on the ground. IJR Candidates of 2010, Mateo and Tore, managed to collect 96 local equalizers from 40 different countries.
In another attempt to innovate some of our committee members (Tore Heerup, Paul Hinterberger and Francisco Pavao) had revised the JB questions in the National Report Form sent to each National Association by the IO to measure it’s development. We introduced a new set of questions, meant to help us analyze the data given from the JB Equalizers to more concrete terms. This year we managed to collect data from 58 National JBs which gave interesting insights such as: - Number of Juniors on JB Mailing lists: 3816 (increased by 534 since the previous year) - Number of Juniors who attended national/local trainings: 1413 - Number of local JB activities carried out in 2009: 753 around the world From the data, we addressed global training needs for JBs around the world, that would be the focus of our trainings in 2011, what in IJB we like to call “The Foundations” These were: - Improve Quality of Leadership - Focus on Educational Content - Communication (internally and externally) - Increase JB’s impact
IJB Trainings & Reach In 2010 IJB hosted many trainings on a local, national and international level. The IJB Committee, supports directly all international trainings. In 2010 the following Trainings were held: - International Junior Branch Conference, Berlin, Germany - July This was planned and facilitated by 23 members of the IJB Committee, under the supervision of the IJRs Rowan and Maru. - Three Regional Meetings - America’s Regional Members’ Meeting, Berlin Germany - July - This meeting was facilitated by the ARM Team with the support of the IJRs. It was a successful meeting and the ARM region decided to change the structure of the leadership from electing a facilitator each year and a team based on volunteering to four elected team members with a junior/senior system like both other regions. - European Junior Branch Meeting, Nunspeet, The Netherlands - April - This meeting was facilitated by the EJB team, with the support of junior IJR at the time Rowan. The meeting had almost 100 participants and gave participants a lot of space to plan their own time there.
- Juniors Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam - April - This meeting was facilitated by the APJB team, a core team, with the support of senior IJR at the time, Maru. The meeting saw the finalization of the new system of leadership within APJB as well as a lot of integration with the APRW.
- International JB Development Workshops: - Middle-Eastern Workshop - JB South - Wild West Weekend - Go EAST - Andinos Workshop - WHIP IT! - ANZAC - Iberico We are happy to see an increase in JB Development workshops from 2009 to 2010 with workshops happening in every region of IJB. These workshops were facilitated by Juniors from the regions with the support of the Regional Leadership Teams and the IJRs. Identity & Diversity In IJBC 2009, a new theme was chosen by the IJB Team for 2010 which is derived from the Diversity Content area. We decided to put together the theme packet, activity jar and toolbox based on contribution coming from all over the JB World. The process started in IJBC 2009 where we set a space for people to put forward their ideas and how they will collect ideas from people not present at IJBC. A JBpedia page was put together to collect t on identity like movies, books, documentaries... etc. As well as activities that people can run about Identity. Louise Dane and Mateo Velez, along with with IJRs compiled all of this data as well as other research and put together the packet which was distributed by February 2010. We also took part in deciding in CISV international’s content area yearly rotations. 2010 was decided to be the year of diversity, which was in line with our theme of Identity. Senior IJR Maru took part in the original shaping of how the content area focus would go and in launching the Diversity project. IJB/ISU Youth training Project In 2009 we were approached by the Summer Camp Committee (ISU) to cooperate on a local level on a project. The idea was that since junior branch had developed its training so much in the past years, we would have juniors from each chapter train summer camp participants for the program. In that way juniors interact with prospective programme participants and recruit them for JB, and Summer camp would improve its quality with well-trained participants. In AIM 2010, a group of juniors had a series of meetings with the ISU and the pilot project was launched. We decided to pilot in the Summer Camp hosted in Argentina. NJRs in each of the 9 NAs attending the camp organised the local trainings for the participants. After this first pilot, the working group decided to modify the structure of the project and the tools in order to make these more user friendly and applicable across different NAs and JBs
worldwide. The project was presented at the Regional Training Forum (RTF) in Lithuania, 2011 were it was well received and relevant feedback was given which will be taking into consideration at AIM in August 2011 were both committees will reconvene and plan for the future and hopefully release the final guide, tools and resources.
Chapters The Organisational Development Department Meeting At the Annual International Meeting in Berlin (2010) the Board approved the restructure of the former Organizational Development Committee (ODC) into a new department within CISV international, the Organizational Development Department -ODD. The new department is made up of the following: -Growth Promotion & Sustainability Committee (GPS) -Resources Training Development Committee (RDT) -The Administration Officer (at the International Office, IO - Bebbe Hron). The Growth and Development (G&D) section of the IJB team has been an active contributor of the growth and promotion at the chapter level within CISV International, often its work overlapped with the former ODC’s reason why we decided to be involved in the process of rethinking ODD and find new structures of cooperation and share best practices. Cooperation with ReCos (GPS) This committee provides direct support and mentoring to CISV NAs and PAs, Regional Coordination including the coordination of the Global Hosting Plan and overall evaluation of the health of associations and chapters. The key players here are the Regional Teams of all 3 regions within IJB, who liaise with the respective Regional Coordinator from GPS. They help developing JBs to grow, through similar activities such as promotional visits, and allocating places and funds to developing JBs. Action plan: -Paramount importance is the communication between ReCos and Regional Teams. (Status, challenges and needs of PAs and NAs) -Develop a reporting template for JB development WS and means to share minutes/reports of regional meetings. Cooperation with RDT This Committee is in charge of developing the guidelines and resources for organizational development at the chapter level, share best practices and deliver training at RTFs. IJB
contributed on the design of the foundational content, and training elements for these particular trainings. We hope to co-deliver RDT Trainings at Regional Training Forums - First pilot in Austria, October 2011. Finally, RDT is in the process of creating and implementing a Chapter SelfEvaluation Tool, similar to our JB Equalizers, the idea is to encourage JBs to engage with their chapter in discussing and completing the tool jointly.
Profile Raising Peace One Day Cooperation - One Day, One Goal IJB has been encouraging holding Peace Day events for years and years. This year we decided to take it to the next level, in line with the strategic priorities of CISV International of working with Like Minded Organisations (LMO). Communications Officer Denise and Educational Officer Kiran at the CISV International Office in Newcastle had been in touch with the organisers at Peace One Day organisation to see how we can cooperate on a more official level. They wanted to have more initiaitves and activities for their One Day, One Goal event. We had a network of 200 local Junior Branches. And a cooperation was born. Peace One Day offered to make us a video about CISV’s involvement with Peace Day that we can use for profile raising in return for us helping raise awareness about Peace Day. We launched the cooperation during IJBC 2010 in Berlin. We had the traditional Europe Vs. The Rest of the World game, but with a twist. We introduced the idea of the Peace One Day cooperation and got everyone excited. We also attempted to get in the Guinness book of world records as the football game with the most number of nationalities. We had a moment where everyone shouted their nationalities and we discovered that we had 19 nationalities on each team. During AIM we also showed a video made by Jermey Gilley, Founder of Peace One Day, wishing CISV a happy 60th birthday. A group of juniors from the IJB team later organised the initiative making a cool flyer on how to hold the match, a JB Pedia Page and encrouraged everyone who held events to take photos and videos and send it to Peace One Day. JBs around the world successfully held, and a few months later they made the short video for us, as well as mentioned us on their website. IJB Thinks IJB thinks is a publication that is edited and put together by one of the IJRs. In 2009/2010 Rou was the editor of the publication during her junior year as IJR. We released 4 issues. Two of those in particular we believe had a role to play in raising profile of CISV. The January issue was revolving around politics and issues of the world. We covered many issues and the edition got a wide readership.
The next issue had the theme of Diversity in line with the focus on the whole organisation on this content area for 2010. We aimed with these two issues to use IJB thinks as a portal not only for juniors to read by for the rest of CISV as well as external audiences. Work with LMOs on a local level For the past 3 years we have had a strong focus in IJB on collaborating with other NGOs on projects. We have had it as a priority in all trainings and dedicated a foundational content for it. In 2010 all regional meetings, IJBC and some JB development workshops has had sessions with trainings on how to work with NGOs. We’ve also been in close contact with the Organisational Relations Committee and widely distributed their Guide on working with NGOs to juniors. According to the National Report form, 14 national junior branches have cooperated with NGOs and around 500 have received training on why and how to cooperate with them.
Other Stuff Changing of O-15A Motion Ever since IJBC 2008, we opened a disucssion with everyone present (and not present via online platforms) about our IJR election method. We changed many of our IJR election procedues (that did not require changing any governing documents) such as having IJR candidates less involved in planning and running IJBC, giving them other tasks during their candidacy like a project and treating them as IJRs in Training. A team on people from the IJB Committee got together and started also taking other needs that juniors expressed that needed to be changed in the O-15A Document, which is the document we use to elect IJRs and contains the terms of reference of their work. To change this we needed to draft a motion to present at AIM 2010. During the process at IJBC, and prior to the voting at AIM, a few NJRs felt they wanted to edit some elements of the motion. The IJRs Maru and Rou made the decision however, that the motion was done after careful research online, and in regional meetings and workshops for two years and had been up for feedback and editing for months. We decided to take it as is to plenary for voting without amendments. It passed almost unanimously. As of IJR elections 2011, the changes were: - Shortening the candidacy period - Holding elections in IJBC instead of AIM - Allowing Promotional Associations categories D & E to nominate and vote, not just NAs. - One nomination is required to run instead of two - Removing the phrase “An IJR has to be a responsible and mature person
- Any eventuality not covered by infoflile O-15A, a proposal is to be put forward to the board of NJRs, elaborated by the IJRs, IEC and Election Chair. We recommend checking the motion highlighted above for rationales and details on the changes. IJB and IEC Elections 2010 was the year of IEC elections that take place every 3 years. It was particularly exciting for IJB since many of the IEC Candidates had previous strong JB involvement. A particularly exciting fact was that senior IJR Maru was running for the position of Executive Trustee. Even though she didn’t make it on the IEC this year, we thank her so much for running and juniors were very proud to see a young, smart and capable junior running for top leadership of the organisation. Prior to IJBC, we decided to dedicate an issue of IJB Thinks to the elections asking each candidate to write an article answering the following questions: - There are many NGOs, international organisations and governmental organisations that like CISV operate on a local and international level. What is it that makes CISV stand out? - What is the contribution that CISV makes in the global society? - What is CISV's impact in your opinion? - What direction should CISV go to take that contribution even further? - How can we develop our organisation to better reach our goals? We managed to get articles from every candidate and presented an alternative and interesting way for people to get to know the IEC candidates.