The World in 2013 Documenting another year in Junior Branch World
Welcome! !
Keeping the tradition alive, and because not all reports have to be about events happening in the international sphere of Junior Branch, we bring to you today The World in 2013. The purpose of this lovely document is to inform all of CISV – all 212 local Chapters and Junior Branches, all 70 countries – of what and how Junior Branch has developed in the past year. Moreover, it shows a quick overview of what the IJB Team is currently cooking up in order to help you contribute to Junior Branch in 2014 and beyond.
We are all part of the Global Movement of CISV and these pages intend to walk you through some of the achievements we have had as such. Read through this brief report to find out more on initiatives and projects.
How this document is structured. It is brought to you by the three people who were CISV’s International Junior Representatives in 2013. In an attempt to innovate and move away from text, we made a brief leaflet, hopefully it will provide enough information to show the impact of Junior Branch in 2013. While this timeline does not come close to covering the activities of IJB in 2013, he hope it provides some insight. You can browse the JB Library for more in-depth documentation ( | username: ijb.guest | password: cisv4all). The moving forward section is specifically dedicated to all members of other CISV International Committees to see ways in which we can collaborate within our organisation.
These our are ideas on how IJB developed throughout the year. If you have more, you know where to find us.
James Pattinson
Cande Lucero Dente
Anjo Peez-Zvetina˝
IJR 2011-2013
IJR 2012-2014
IJR 2013-2015
!CISV Baguio Yard Sale for relief - CISV Philippines !Campaign to show different ways to help the disaster relief in the Photo credits (above)
Philippines - CISV USA
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Peace One Day Festival - CISV Egypt NaJuWo 2013 - CISV Germany Local Junior Representative’s Training - CISV Italy
Right On, a human rights project, kicked off with the first of six steps.
Juniors Asia Pacific Annual Regional Conference (JASPARC) is held in Lucknow, India, with 47 JBers participating.
Throughout the whole year, people from 57 countries participated in our activities – from entire chapters and JB workshops to schools!
The CAM Workshop was hosted by JB El Salvador, alongside the Americas Regional Conference (Trustees gathering)
! FEBRUARY The International Junior Representatives (James & Cande) meet in London, England. The JBs of Central Eastern Europe hosted Go East!, an annual workshop which, this year, used the theme “Fortress Europe?” to discuss minorities in the region.
Americas’ Junior Branch Meeting (AJBM) was hosted in Salvador, Brazil, with 36 JBers.
!We skyped with Jeremy Gilley, founder of Peace One Day!
DECEMBER ANZAC JB training takes place between JBers from NZ, Australia and Israel! The International Junior Representatives (Anjo & Cande) meet in Frankfurt, Germany.
IJB Events
The JB Self-Evaluation Tool (JB SET) is completed by 36 national JBs and 81 chapters.
93 JBers from 30+ JBs gather in Brazil for the International Junior Branch Conference (IJBC).
NaJuWo – an international JB workshop hosted by JB Germany in Hamburg – focuses on with 84 participants. MedNights, the regional workshop for EJB’s Mediterranean neighborhood is hosted for the very first time with 47 participants.
European Junior Branch Meeting (EJBM) was hosted in Warsaw, Poland, with 107 participants. Andinos is hosted by JB Colombia!
Anjo Peez-Zvetina is elected as International Junior Representative 2013-2015 A new IJB Team is selected!
! !Info Files J-01 and J-02 are approved by the CISV Int. Board at AIM 2013.
NOVEMBER Anjo represents CISV International at the European Youth Forum’s Council of Members Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Baltic Workshop takes place in Lithuania.
We hosted more than 30 Peace Day celebrations o r g a n i z e d b y Ju n i o r Branches.
SEPTEMBER IONICO and BeNeLux, two European event were hosted in Greece and Belgium respectively! Teamwork from East Asia held its annual training! We co-delivered the Chapter Development Training in Slovenia.
International Junior Branch
Projects & Tools
moving forward | projects & tools Global Training Strategy 2014. In order to re-launch a training strategy and annual training focuses we worked on implementing it at the regional level in 2013. We made sure it was used to plan all three Regional Meetings and with the feedback we will improve the tool and take it to the National and Local level in 2015.
JB Self-Evaluation Tool. We are looking for different ways to use the data provided in the improved evaluation tool. Do you have any ideas? Have you used the data already? When was the last time your Junior Branch self-evaluated?
IJB Events.
In order to better introduce risk management in all our international trainings, we’re developing different strategies to keep everything regulated and well planed. You will hear about the IJB-Legal Information Form soon!
moving forward | IJB Events International Junior Branch Conference 2014 With the end of CISV’s Annual International Meeting (AIM), for the first time in many years IJBC will be hosted as a single event in August. Expect an event which will focus on educational content, decision-making spaces and (you)th!
Americas’ Junior Branch Meeting and Americas Regional Conference 2014
The JBers from the Americas have decided to host their annual regional meeting together with the regional meeting of the NAs/PAs. We hope this will foster further collaboration and integration.
New events at the regional level More and more diverse workshops and trainings are being
planned by JB neighborhoods. We are excited to support these initiatives at which JBers can come together and explore different themes and training elements.
moving forward | International Junior Branch JB Review
A mixed group of eight CISVers are working to lead a thorough review of Junior Branch’s culture, structure and meetings. As approved at AIM 2013, this team will present their findings and recommendations at the first Global Conference in 2015. Hopefully Junior Branch and CISV will keep improving thanks to this evaluation.
IJB Team structure
We are currently working based on the new structure proposed by the CISV Transition Team and approved by the CISV Int. Board at AIM 2013. It has proven to give good results specially as we are more connected with the rest of the international structure, projects and initiatives.
What are you doing that can contribute to these?
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