Editorial Report 2021
MAURO MIGLIORINI the President of Cittaslow International, the Mayor of Asolo
After 23 years of activity, it is time to introduce moments and tools that can, on the one hand, clearly capture the progress we are making in Cittaslow, and on the other hand, help us identify and solve problems and let us all improve in favor of the planet. Promoting ideas and projects is key, communicating the wonderful initiatives that Cittaslow proposes in such a prescient and advanced way is also fundamental, but above all, we need to act: the concreteness of the facts “for good living” without elites is one of the characteristics of the “slow” Mayor, as our founder, Paolo Saturnini, has taught us. To sum up, this is the intention of Cittaslow’s annual digital and paper report, which from 2022 onward will record the experiences of our association every year. On this occasion, I thank all my fellow Mayors, delegates, citizens of the global Cittaslow for the commitment, creativity and dedication they put into carrying forward Cittaslow.