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Planning Ecological Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Development in Sparsely Populated Areas in Luleå

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta

TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

stakeholders analysis - built up area analysis - local centers analysis - industrial and commercial landuse analysis - environmental and culture theme analysis - green and blue infrastructure analysis - network of cycling paths analysis - soft mobility during the seasons analysis - network of city buses analysis - main roads analysis - regional transport SWOT I SWOT II green, white and blue vision for LuleĂĽ 2060 goal - improving bus and pedestrian connectivity goal - preserving the culture and nature identity goal - integrating housing with nature goal - enhancing sustainable ecosystem services gaps and capabilities - transportation gaps and capabilities - social infrastructures gaps and capabilities - environmental gaps and capabilities - economy summer conclusion winter conclusion area renewal summer use winter use actions required and operational implications phasing




scale 1:35 000 source :

LEGEND housing non-housing

BUILT UP AREAS Some parts of the city are divided by fragmented landscape. There is a lack of affordable housing as well as student housing. Some of the housing areas are close to the water which makes them more attractive.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND local centers

LOCAL CENTERS There are some small local retail centers in the suburbs of Luleå. The majority of these only have a local supermarket and a pharamcy.

The small centers does fufill the local needs of the habitants in Luleå. However, these could be improved to create a better flow in the neighborhoods.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND industry research and development retail

INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL LANDUSE Some of industry blocks were meant to be on the periphery but now they are actually near to the city center and divide parts of the city, preventing some areas to be expanded. For future development the location of the industries should be evaluated, as this can reduce the urban sprawl. Luleå is a city of technology and industry. That involves future development for the city, income of students and young population as well as specialists from all the world. In north-western part of the city there is a lot of commercial buildings accessable easily by public transport. In the city center- specially in the street Storgatan is a lot of life between buildings.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000 source :

LEGEND city park culture nature reserve (protected)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL THEME There is a lack of culture in the city. Nature reserves are protected areas and there is therefore no possibility of expanding the city in these areas. Some culture areas are separated from the vicinity of the city center. There is a lack of city parks. Luleå is missing green infrastructure and green areas for the citizens. There are nature reserves surrounding the city which makes it easy for people to use.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND forest low vegetation

GREEN AND BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE The city is surrounded by both forest and lakes. This makes for an interesting landscape as well as a barrier. Some parts of the city are close to each other but water surface and protected areas as well make a barrier for pedestrian to shortcut between them. Luleå is a city close to nature. This means that there are good opportunities for recreation.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000 source :

LEGEND main cycling path

NETWORK OF CYCLING PATHS The bicycle network is not completed. There are only a few cycling paths which are all disconnected by roads. There are lot of options how to get from city center to outskirts by bike on cycling paths. The problem is that they are not very developed. Most of the paths are missing scenery even though they are close to both water and green areas.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta



scale 1:35 000 source :

LEGEND bus stop network of city buses

NETWORK OF CITY BUSES Some areas are geographically close to each other but there is no viable public network connection between them without travelling through the main hub. Easy access to the airport, university and main train station. The bus network is focused on one main bus stop in the city center. This in addition to the grid structure makes it easy to orientate in the city center.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


source :

The majority of these roads are crossing the city centre which creates barriers for pedestrians. Storgatan, which is the main street for shopping and restaurants is an important pedestrian path and does not allow car traffic. Luleå is well connected by main roads. This enables good connection between different neighborhoods.


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND harbour ferry harbour local bus station regional bus station main trainstation trainstation airport Kallax road 97 road E4 train road

REGIONAL TRANSPORT Luleå airport is situated close to the city, and could therefore offer short travel routes. However, the air traffic bothers citizens living nearby. Luleå is well connected regional. There is a train station as well as a regional bus station in the centre of Luleå. The train covers regional routes as well as routes over the norwegian border. Luleå airport offers regional transportation as well as some global flights.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


2060 LULEÅ VISION An attractive, growing, green winter city where there is space for a sustainable quality of urban life in proximity with nature. A place where the green, white and blue converge and enhance regional growth and urban resilience. Luleå is a role model for sustainability and cultural identity. A northern light, a focal point, a lighthouse for the future in the north.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


IMPROVING BUS AND PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY Promoting accessibility, connection and comfort of public transport in a contemporary city equipped for change, where eco awareness is the future. Going from a tradition of excessive car usage to a more modern urban state of mind where cars are not a necessity. Stimulate pedestrians and bicyclists with a well-connected, high quality and interlinked network of direct, safe and nice paths in closeness with green, white and blue infrastructure. Motivating inhabitants to go out and exercise promoting well-being and health.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


PRESERVING THE CULTURE AND NATURE IDENTITY Support cultural heritages while preserving the existing framework and enrichened layers of history that remain in the North. Creating and sustaining a multitude of spaces that nourishes an intricate, endemic and complex ecosystem. Promote and preserve nature reserves and the biological diversity that exist there within. Sustain the interconnected areas of biotopes, the lungs of the city, providing benefits for people and wildlife, reducing the ecological footprint.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


INTEGRATING HOUSING WITH NATURE Spatial planning should be assessed on tangible values with social, ecological and economic aspects, promoting an integrated and sustainable land management. Where social interaction and informal passive use of quality spaces spread throughout Luleå brings a harmonious and dynamic environment to the life between buildings. A vibrant city where greenery being an attractive aspect that increases property values, making people want to invest. Where a holistic approach to building and redevelopment is embraced. Open spaces being important and small spaces requiring maximization of functions. A dense, growing city using innovation and ingenuity to create a multitude of new unique and multifunctional spaces.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


ENHANCING SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Increasing quality of life by promoting easy accessiblility and proximity to nature, increasing social values. Sustain and retain a usage of natural functions within the urban environment, stimulating ingenuity within storm water management. Build upon cost-effective, functional green space and ecosystem services that increase the resilience of the urban environment to mitigate complications with climate change. Promoting green, white and blue structures for the well-being of the citizens, increasing air quality, reducing noise, stimulate recuperation and interaction outside of the home.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


TRANSPORTATION GAPS Lack of connection between neighborhoods. Limited public knowledge of public transports, transitions and cycling and pedestrian paths. Infrastructure promotes the usage of cars. Wide and heavily trafficked roads act as barriers to soft mobility.

CAPABILITIES A new transport hub to provide shorter travelling distances and lighten the traffic load on the city center. Expansion of the local and regional transport network in order to increase access, frequency and usage. Extension of the ice road in favor of the soft mobility network during winter.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURES GAPS Long housing ques and a housing shortage that drives up property prices. Cultural and recreational places of interest are widely spread out, hard to reach and are not connected to one another. Sections of walking and bicycle paths are surrounded by noise, lack green structures and pollution from traffic.

CAPABILITIES Meet housing demands by regeneration of redundant industrial areas into mixed used ones. Highlight and promote cultural places of interest by creating activities and events. Enhance public life by connecting city parks and harbours, strengthen the life between buildings and the proximity of nature.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


ENVIRONMENTAL GAPS The geographic location resluts in few sun hours and low temperatures during the winter. Huge resources needed for snow maintinance and removal. Delays and accidents in traffic due to heavy snowfall. High energy consumption as a consequense of heating. The old housing stock is not energy efficient.

CAPABILITIES Adaptability to the climate so that public services can be provided regardless the seasonal conditions. Using snow as an asset for recreation and free cooling (snow storage). Renewable energy sources such as wind plants, sun power during the summer season, boreholes and district heating.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


ECONOMY GAPS Large scale industries and retail are located in central parts of the city. Low number of local centres that results in poor accessibility to daily necessities and services for the citizens that live in some residential areas.

CAPABILITIES Increasing development in technology, LTU. Increasing development in a more industrial environment leading to new employment opportunities. Regeneration of residential areas. Mixed use will provide shorter distances and contribute to more movement.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in LuleĂĽ group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, KĂŠvin, Linn, MarkĂŠta


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND existing recreation paths green connections strengthen bus connection improve aestetics and green connection

SUMMER CONCLUSION Luleå has the potential to offer unique opportunities for a thriving outdoor experiences. Unfortunately, the great proximity to the water and green area are not used to is full potential today. This map is showing some strategical improvements to provide an aesthetic and well connected city.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


scale 1:35 000

LEGEND existing winter recreation paths white connections winter tracks strengthen bus connection improve aestetics and ice connection

WINTER CONCLUSION Because of its arctic climate and coastal placement Luleå has unique recreation opportunities. This is mainly showcased by its ice road which surrounds the central part of Luleå. This map is showing some opportunities for expanding and creating new routes.

LP1 2016

C7002B - Sustainable Urban Development

supervisor: Agatino Rizzo

planning ecological infrastructures in Luleå group members: Anna, Bernadett, Jonathan, Kévin, Linn, Markéta


LEGEND existing buildings new housing new buildings, mixed use new bus hub existing paths new paths improved paths

AREA RENEWAL Redevelopment of the industry area to increase quality of life between buildings and increase the social values to attract people. Providing a variation of housing and mixed use buildings for a more diverse and dynamic environment.


LEGEND existing buildings new housing new buildings, mixed use new bus hub existing paths new paths improved paths

Stimulate pedestrians and bicyclists with a well-connected network of nice paths in proximity with green and blue infrastructure.


LEGEND existing buildings new housing new buildings, mixed use new bus hub existing paths new paths improved paths

Using snow and ice as an asset to stimulate inhabitants to indulge in winter activities such as ice-skating, hockey and cross country skiing.





involve citizens provide light temporary structures promote events and new connections

encourage an active lifestyle healthier population less usage of cars social meeting places quality of life

invest in maintenance and future developments involve citizens connect green recreational areas

day and storm water management creative and recreational snow storage better lungs of the city increased biodiversity

create new paths differentiate between recreation and transportation safer crossings, traffic calming measurements involve local government change bus networks prioritize bus lanes in future development evaluate the needs strategic relocation of the current industry and retail attract investors involve local government and other stakeholders

creation of more public meeting places increased well being and health of citizens reduced pollution, noise

GOALS improving connectivity and preserving identity

integrating housing with nature and enhancing sustainable ecosystem services as well as pedestrian connectivity

improving pedestrian connectivity and providing some enhancement to eco system services

provide efficient transport conections for the whole city reduced traffic load on Smedjegatan and the city center

improving bus connectivity

reduced sprawl integration of mixed use areas and green and blue structure reduced cost due to housing shortages move movement shorter travelling distances

integrating housing with nature


ICE ROADS -promotion -extension -temporary structures -light installations -activities and shelter



-expansion -traffic calming i measures -light installations -rebuild bridges

-relocate industries -investors -engage citizens


NEW BUS HUB -increase access and i frequency -transfer to Notviken i trainstation

GREEN AREAS -pocket parks -green corridors -light installations -activities and shelter -maintinance and i management

LULEÅ 2060

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