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Urban Sustainable Development C7002B 2016

greblleHMadeleine nossnoJPeter nótnoMSonia frodnegerBSøren mörtsoBVictor

TABLE OF CONTENTS URBAN SITUATION PROFILE Greatest features Infrastructure Built environment Land-use Education Local bus network Transport modes Street widths & Velocities Cycling & Walking Green & Blue Protected nature White Stakeholder Analysis SWOT Analysis Conclusion VISION & OBJECTIVES Vision & Goals Letting go of The making of The utilization of Prioritization of goals

1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

STRATEGY Action Plan Bodenvägen Creating hubs Cultural hub Transport hub Green corridors Cycling & Walking Local bus network Conclusion Timeline

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

GREATEST FEATURES The map shows the greatest features in Luleå, to emphasise all the well functioning and thriving areas and buildings. These features represents a combination of: Culture - Norrbotten Theatre, The House of Culture Recreation - Gültzauudden, Ormberget, Mjölkuddsberget, North Harbour, The Archipelago Cultural interests - Gammelstad Church Town, Svartöstaden Commercial - Storgatan Sport events - Coop Arena Education - Luleå University of Technology Transportation - Luleå Airport with domestic and international departures 1:100 000 1 000 m

Great features

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+ There are several small satellite centers in Luleå that provide supermarkets and medical centers + The distance to those centers are relatively short - The local centers are small in comparison with the city center - Many of the residential areas are not very densely built Conclusion The main urban fabric is located along the main infrastructure, creating a sort of finger plan with the index finger along Bodenvägen towards Gammelstad and Boden. A natural development due to the previous location of Luleå, where Gammelstad was the city center. The importance of the church back in the days made the expansion along that finger natural.


With new development means projects that the municipality is already working on, either in discussion, in the planning process or almost in the building process. Today Kronandalen is the most known project, at least among the architecture students, and it is considered to be a successful and sustainable project. Therefore this and the other projects will be considered off limits when it comes to selecting areas to develop or improve any further.

1:50 000 1 000 m

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Buildings Centers Planned development


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

SĂśren B Victor B


+ The main industrial areas are located alongside the railroad + Most business are located in the city center - As the city has expanded many of the industrial areas remain inside the city instead of at its borders - One of the most important business zones, Storheden, is completely disconnected from the rest of the city - Because of industry and water some residential areas are disconnected As the city has grown bigger during the years many of the industrial areas, earlier located around the boundary of the city, have a need for a new location to give the expansion of residential/business areas more space. The connection with Storheden has to be improved. As the most important Centre in Luleü is the Centre on the city peninsula, due to both its location and the less importance of the satellite Centre’s, is under a great deal of stress.The business is located either in the city Centre or at the city boundary in Storheden, completely disconnected from the rest of the city enhancing the use of cars. The industrial areas ones located in the periphery of the city is today completely enclosed of it, using a great deal of land that could be used to house new citizens.

1:50 000 1 000 m

Commercial Industrial Mixed-use Other & non-categorized uses Residential

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URBAN SITUATION PROFILE INFRASTRUCTURE EDUCATION According to the municipality kids that live further away than 2 kilometers from their assigned preschool have the right to free school ride. The municipality use a GIS system to measure the closest distance from their home to the preschool by pedestrian paths. The maps to the left are measured by 2 kilometer radiuses, and are therefore not completely accurate. But the radiuses cover eachother and give an overall look on the situation. The small gap in the middle might be explained by the school reformation. There are already plans for a new and bigger school in that area. High shool kids that live further away than 6 kilometers from the high school have the right to free buss card, but the city is pretty good covered. The education system or infrastructure is considered to be good as it is, and has not been developed further in this project.zzz

1:50 000 1 000 m

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Preschool, P Preschool radius P - 6th P - 9th High school High school radius


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B


+ The “fingers” are well connected to the city center + They are on time and well-working - There is a lack of connection between the fingers - Because every bus either start/stop or go through the city center, it raises the level of traffic stress - Lack of evening buses in the weekdays and night buses all week Conclusion: The connectivity/connection between the fingers has to be strengthened. The public transportation network needs to be improved in order to ease the use of public transport. In many cases you have to travel to the city center to change bus line. Connecting the fingers will make the transportation less time consuming, makes it more efficient to travel by public transport and reduce the travel in a v-shape instead of a more straight line.

1:50 000 1 000 m

Bus connections Bus stations

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+ The transport network is built by some primary roads that are supported by a network of secondary roads + Only a few really big roads that support the city + The connection to train near the city center - The primary roads carries a lot (most) of the traffic through the city center. - The railway track cuts like a knife through the city and divide it in a a east and a western partz - Almost the whole city center is accessible by car Conclusion The road hierarchy is enhancing the car traffic through the city center and by its important creating a unhealthy load of load oftraffic concentrated on only a few roads.

1:50 000 1 000 m

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Airport, bus & train station Ferry Railroad Roads, primary Roads, secondary


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B



Velocity + Low speed in the city center + Fast and easy to travel by vehicle - The most dominated velocity in the urban fabric is 70 km/h - Velocities 70 km/h or higher affects the surrounding areas, noise pollution

<3 lanes >3 lanes

The analysed roads are considered as the main road network for motor vehicles. The analysis shows that Luleå is mainly dominated by roads allowing the speed of 70 km/h. The velocity in the core of the city center is 50 km/h or lower, which indicates an area that is more pleasant for pedestrians and cyclists.Velocities of 50 km/h or lower helps to create and strengthen the experience of a safer and more equally shared traffic environment. Road width + Wide roads, a lot of space for vehicle traffic + Fast and easy to travel - Creates barriers, if dominated by vehicles - Car-dominated wide roads with 4 lanes, for example Bodenvägen, encourages high speed due to little conflict with other transportation modes

30 km/h 40 km/h 50 km/h 70 km/h 90 km/h 110 km/h 1:50 000 1 000 m

Many roads has more than 2 lanes and are very car-dominated, and creates barriers in the urban fabric.The city center is close connected to some of these roads, which has negative effects on the “city-feeling”. High speed and wide car-dominated roads, such as Bodenvägen, should be transformed into a more soft mobility friendly environment.

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URBAN SITUATION PROFILE INFRASTRUCTURE CYCLING & WALKING + There are around 150 km of paths for cycling and walking in LuleĂĽ. + It is quite easy to commute by bike from the nearest local centers. + Many of the paths are located along the shoreline in beautiful surrounding and environment. + There is a lot of paths that are connected to recreational areas. - There is quite a few place where the bicyclist has to share space with other kinds of traffic. - Many of the paths are not the fastest track from point A to B. - The security level of the roads could be improved. - In some of the paths you feel like you are the only human in the world, and you do not feel safe, especially women. Conclusion In and around LuleĂĽ there is a lot of walking and bicycling roads but they are not connected all the way from point A to B. Many of the paths has a beautiful location along the shoreline but does not feel safe to travel (lonely) on and are not the most direct way to go between point A to B.

1:50 000 1 000 m

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Bicycle/walking Main Secondary Disconnected Walking paths


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B


+ In Luleå you are always close to nature, both green and blue. + Great nature preservation areas, natura 2000 and nature reserves. + Miles and miles of waterfront locations - Accessibility to the waterfront could be improved. - Accessibility to the green areas and the nature reserves could be improved. - The distance to high quality public green and blue areas. - Strengthen and connect the paths along the waterfront and in the recreational areas. Conclusion Even though Luleå is located in a coastal region with closeness to both the wild nature (forest) and the waterfront there are room for improvement. In the wintertime the connection between the local Centres are improved because the possibility to use the ice to move, that aspect is something that is good and but could still be improved.

1:50 000 1 000 m

Broadleaf trees Coniferous trees Farmland / sparse vegetation Forest / dense vegetation Water

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URBAN SITUATION PROFILE INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTED NATURE In Figure 7 an overview of the environment that is protected in any form are shown. One of the most striking things about Figure 7 is that the urban fabric has grown between protected wedges making connections between the fingers in the city a bit harder to achieve. Figure 7: The different areas that are protected for different reasons combined with the zoning of the urban fabric + Closeness to important nature + The possibility to discover the untouched nature - The growth of the urban fabric is locked to fixed corridors, closed in either by water or important nature - Limits the possibilities for land use close to the city center - Makes connection between the fingers harder, increasing the stress on the city center - More things to consider when expanding close to protected nature Conclusion Even if many things get harder by developing a city close and around protected nature areas the positive things takes over hand.The citizens have the chance to discover the real wildlife and access the important things in the nature. It is a great opportunity to involve the important nature areas in the life of the city without compromising the wildlife that got the area to be protected.

1:50 000 1 000 m

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Nature reserves etc Water protection area


C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sรถren B Victor B


+ Lots of outdoor activities + Snow brightens up when there is barely any sunlight + The frozen river provides shortcuts upstreams + The frozen sea provides a huge recreation area - Excessive amounts of snow affects accessibility - Low temperatures prevent outdoor activities - The city looks abandoned

1:50 000 1 000 m

Ice hockey Ice road Rails Skiing

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URBAN SITUATION PROFILE STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS When planning urban development several stakeholders have to be considered, recognized, engaged or directly involved. Stakeholders in group 1 are external stakeholders and will be affected by the project, and possibly engaged to participate in the project, but they will not affect the project without being traced. Although external stakeholders are not important to the project, it is important to assess how they are affected, both from an ethical perspective, and as an assessment of a possible resource/contribute. Group 2 are stakeholders who can choose to influence process but has other interests. They can be crucial to realizing a project, as their contributions can allow the agendas that exist among the stakeholders in group 2, but they can also prevent projects from realization, as they have wider interests other than the projects and the process. Stakeholders located in group 3 are requiring special protection of their interests. Stakeholders in group 4 are the most important stakeholders in the process and their commitment and participation must drive process. In Group 4 are the most important drivers in the process and the only group that can be expected to make important changes for the planning process by them self. Citizens in Luleü are in group 4, but none of the citizen’s sub groups are.This means that the only stakeholder in group 4 that is not only mainly driven by economical gain is the municipality, unless all sub groups of citizens unite. The municipality the is the only main driver for the ecological and social aspects of the planning process.

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C7002B Sustainable Urban Development

Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sรถren B Victor B

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URBAN SITUATION PROFILE CONCLUSION There are several stakeholders with the ability to influence and encourage new developments. The most important stakeholder in Luleå should/ is be the citizens for which the municipality is ultimately working. Since the municipalities in Sweden have a monopoly of the detailed planning they are the most important player due to development of the urban fabric. The main urban fabric in Luleå is located along the main transportation infrastructure, creating a sort of “finger plan” with the index finger along Bodenvägen, 97th, towards Gammelstad and Boden. A natural development due to the previous location of the city center, in Gammelstad, and the importance of the church back in the days. Today many of the local centers that contains basic service for the citizens are small and not densely built in comparison with the actual city center, creating a need for movement that is not the most sustainable.

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As the city has grown bigger during the years many of the industrial areas, earlier located in the periphery of the city, have a need for new locations to make room for the city to grow in a compact way with more mixed use areas.

For the green transportation modes, such as cycling and walking, there is a lack of consistent. There are around 150 km of different paths for biking and walking but the connectivity is lacking because some routes have to be shared with motor vehicles. Many paths are located in beautiful environments along the shoreline or in other recreational areas. Paths should be further implemented in close connection to green, blue and residential infrastructure. The overall security level of these paths should be improved and the efficiency, especially for cyclists, could be further improved by decreasing conflict with other transportation modes.

Luleå has great transport possibilities according to the close connection to major roads, airport with domestic and international departures, trail and port traffic. The railroad cuts like a knife through the area and is a strong barrier. The city is supported by only a few major roads which all are passing through the city center. This makes the city center very car-dominated, creates a lot of stress on the transport infrastructure, velocity and width of the major roads also makes the barrier Almost in every place of the municipality the closeness to nature is a reality, both green and bigger than necessarily. blue. There are great nature preservation areas The public transport connectivity is working well in the municipality and miles of waterfront lobetween the city center and each “finger”, but cations. The accessibility to these areas could be not so well between the “fingers”. In order to re- improved and strengthened so that it is easier to duce stress in the city center and create more ef- access for the citizens. Even if the municipality is ficient transportation, connectivity between the surrounded by high quality nature could the dis“fingers” should be implemented. The number of tance to maintained high quality green and blue departures especially by night and during week- areas can be improved for the people. ends should be increased to generate a more susOne of Luleå’s greatest features is the closeness tainable travel pattern. to nature, both green and blue. There are great protected nature areas and miles of waterfront locations. However, the accessibility to these areas are ought to be improved and strengthened. Even though the city is surrounded by high quality nature it is equally important to consider accessibility to maintained high quality green and blue areas.

The locations of the different nature protection areas are limiting the growth of the city to the existing “fingers”, but provides the opportunity to experience the wild and rich nature close by. The location of the high school on the city peninsula is a well-functioning solution, with both the most suitable facilities and well-connected public transport. It is important to raise the importance of the local centers to be able to keep a high concentration of preschools in the municipality. Since Luleå is located in the north of Sweden the seasonal changes are inevitable. The ice road around the city peninsula is a great way of experiencing the white season. They could also be improved and implemented in other areas as well, both for recreation and transportation during the winter.

C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

VISION “The aim is to become an international role model for sustainability. By improving the quality of the city, and creating the possibilities for a modern and healthy lifestyle, both socially, economically and echologically, Luleå will continue to improve the life quality, for its citizens now and in the future.” GOALS

By maintaining the countryside and the rich nature in the summer and winter, and densifying the city from the inside and out, while securing a well connected city, everyone can live in a mordern city comfort combined with rich nature. - The making of a compact city - Letting go the dream of car ownership - The nature in and around the city should be viewed as the city’s greatest resource and utilized as such

Abstract scheme of the current situation (green) of Luleå city and future development (grey).

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VISION & OBJECTIVES LETTING GO OF The city grid today...

and tomorrow!

Car domination Pedestrian domination

- the dream of car ownership LuleĂĽ is totally dominated by cars. It is the most used form of transportation, but also in the sense that all urban spaces are accommodated to the car. Even though it is possible to live in LuleĂĽ without a car. It is still the preferred mean of transportation by the absolute majority of the population. This is not a sustainable attitude for a city and the perception of the car must be changed from trendsetter to something that have to be tolerated.

- Transform the car domination of the city to pedestrian

The bicycle network today...

and tomorrow!

Disconnected Connected

domination within the city center and public transport and bicycle domination of the connections to and from the city center - Reduce the accessibility for cars within the city center by for example implementing speed bumps, shared spaces and trees and houses closer to the street - Using the public transport should be at least as efficient as taking the car - Riding the bicycle should be the most efficient mode of transport, during spring, summer and fall

These illustrations are inspired by the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the European Green Capital of 2012.

- Reduce the maximum speed limit to 50 km/h at the entrances of the city - Green corridors along the traffic grid should be implemented, to make the bicycle and public transport rides more pleasant

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C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

THE MAKING OF - a compact city from the inside and out Luleå is growing and will continue to do so. This means that the city will have to house more and more people. Instead of stretching the city out, and bring further stress to the transportation grid while removing nature, Luleå must try to grow within the current urban fabric. In addition, Luleå will attract more activity and growth will happen in close connection with the current citizens. - Letting the city population grow, without comprimizing the green and blue areas - Allow the city to be more compact and house more people from the city center and out in the existing fingers - Make room for high quality urban spaces to promote a rich lifestyle both for cultural activities and for human interactions - Forming associations and providing services in proximity with the masses - Same level of lifestyle opportunities as in other big cities (business, culture, food, hobbies, shopping)

Conceptual drawing of how the city will densify and expand from the inside and out.

1:50 000 1 000 m

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VISION & OBJECTIVES THE UTILIZATION OF - the city nature The nature in and around the city, is LuleĂĽ greatest and most attractive feature. This is an opportunity for LuleĂĽ to improve life quality for its citizens, but it is also a threat for the growing city, where new development can compromise the reason people have chosen to live in the city. LuleĂĽ will have to balance between protecting and exploiting the natural resource, to secure that the current citizens will have the best opportunities to use the nature to improve their life quality, without compromising future generations opportunities to do the same. - Give or encourage the citizens the opportunity to healthy lifestyles, both mentally and physically - Green and blue areas should be used to increase the land value, attracting both businesses and individuals - Improve the access to both green and blue areas - Increase the amount of high quality green areas in the urban fabric - Preserve and protect the natural environment in and around the city

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C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sรถren B Victor B

Preserve and protect the natural environment International role model for sustainability The making of a compact city

Letting go of the dream of car ownership

Allow the city to be more compact and house more people from the city center and out in the existing fingers

Green corridors should be implemented

Bicycle possibilities has to be improved

Make room for high quality urban spaces to promote a rich lifestyle for human interactions and cultural activities

Create the opportunities for a big city lifestyle, cultural, shopping, activities and recreational

The utilization of the city nature

Public transport has to be improved

Using the public transport should be as efficient as taking the car. Favorising public transport

The bicycle should be the most efficient transport mode

Green and blue areas should be used to increase land value. Attracting both businesses and induviduals

Access to both green and blue areas has to be improved

Increase the amount of high quality green areas within the urban fabric

Green corridors along traffic grid should be implemented to make the bicycle ride more pleasant

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Different steps in the strategy: • Redesign Bodenvägen as a pedestrian orientated urban space as part of a green corridor • Implement hubs to utilize Bodenvägen’s potential • Cultural hub • Transport hub • Make an efficient grid of biking roads

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The strategy to transform Luleå into an interna- Better connectivity, green corridors and urban spaces will not be the only implementations in tional role model sustainability the transformation the area along Bodenvägen. In In order to achieve the goals sat for Luleå, the each end, special interests areas will give Luleå’s municipality will have to take several steps. It will citizens reasons to further use the city to imbe necessary to solve the transport issues, and prove their life quality. The special areas will be make a completely connected city. This connec- in form of two hubs. One cultural hub located tivity will be implemented in the transport grid, around Coop arena, and one transport hub locatby new bike paths in an efficient grid, combined ed around Notviken station. with a new bus line that connects from finger to finger- instead of only from center to finger. The cultural hub will give Luleå’s citezens a rallyThere will also be a specific focus on connecting ing point, promote a rich lifestyle both for culturgreen areas.This will be realized by implementing al activities and for human interactions and bring activities and people to the otherwise lightly popgreen corridors along selected roads. ulated area. Along Bodenvägen a special green corridor will be implemented, and the road will be redesigned. The transport hub will be a connection where all This will change the street into a pedestrian ori- kinds of commuting transports meet (cars, bikes, entated area, and a public space. By changing by buses, trains), and will be a key connection point orientation of the area, a natural development will between all key figures in the city, and also imtake place and change the land use along the road, prove the accessibility between Luleå, the suronto more pedestrian friendly businesses and on a rounding regions and the rest of Sweden. long term, the area can be converted into mixed On a long-term scale this transformation of the area along Bodenvägen will naturally also change use- allowing the city to expand from within. the neighboring areas by empowering densification of the residential area to the south (Notviken and Mjölkudden), and densification north 500 m of Bodenvägen by a natural change into a mixed used area. • Connect green areas to each other by implementing green corridors to selected parts of the traffic grid • Connect the key points in the city by a directly to each other by a bus line • Encourage the natural area change in land use

C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

BODENVÄGEN -These actions are to accommodate the goal of letting of the dream of car ownership. The redesign however, is not only meant for the transport considerations. The green corridor on the residential side, are an important tool in connecting the green areas in Luleå and will in itself be a high quality green area with in the city, while improving access to other green areas. Therefore, the redesign of the road will contribute to the The new design heavily favor pedestrians, bikes goal of utilizing the city’s nature. The redesign of and busses over cars.The side of the road that runs the road will also be an important step to reach along the residential area will be a green corridor the goal of a compact city. where it will be possible to travel by bike or foot in a green environment. The side located along The change from a car orientated transit road to the business area will have a bike lane and a very a pedestrian orientated public space, will start a wide sidewalk, which are to function as an urban chain reaction among the businesses located at space. This pedestrian orientated road will give the street today. Over time, the businesses will the people a chance to have a pleasant walk, in naturally change into pedestrian orientated trades the urban fabric.The four car lanes are changes so and use the public space to engage their customcars only are allowed to travel in the middle lane, ers. Over even more time it will be possible to change the area in to mixed use with businesses changing the outer lanes to bus lanes. (shops, offices, hospitality sector ect.) and housing to accommodate more citizens within the city. The first step in the strategy is to redesign Bodenvägen.The redesign of the road is a process to that aim towards facilitating all the goals sat for Luleå. By changing the design of a road, one of the immediate effects will be a chance in transport. The old design heavily favor the car and have very bad opportunities to bike or walk, and during rush hour, the busses will be delayed by traffic.


Section A-A


500 m

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STRATEGY CREATING HUBS The city is growing in population and will also need to grow in function and service offers. The city center is nearly fully build, and the cultural and natural rallying point for citizens will have to grow. The area between Bodenvägen and the railroad are mainly underutilized areas and space demanding industry. The area is also connected to the city center. Bodenvängen will provide the city’s longest urban space and it will be natural to let the cultural function of the city center grow along this urban space. To kick start this growth a cultural hub will be establish in the area in close connection with the city center. To utilize the cultural resources in the area, this hub will be placed around Coop Arena.

500 m

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To give everyone access to the new cultural space along Bodenvängen, and to give the area a point to natural grow and connect to, a transport hub is placed in the other end of the area. To utilize the connectivity possibilities in the area, this hub will be placed at Notviken train station. The placement at the train station will secure that the transport hub will not only improve transport connectivity within the city, but also the regional. By establishing the two hubs, the natural change Bodenvägen will bring to the area will be sped up. It will be even more attractive for existing businesses to change.The function of the hub will not only be to make the city more attractive and well connected. The function is also to enable future densification of the city.This will be a natural change that are to happen over a long time. On an even longer timescale the same change will happen in the neighboring areas. Over time the area will be considered an extension of the city center, and a trademark for Luleå.

C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

CULTURAL HUB The Cultural hub will be located around Coop Arena. The area have been selected to utilize the arena as a cultural institution and a natural rallying point for the citizens. Today there is a big area of under utilized areas. The parking lot in frontv of the arena consists of mud and gravel. It is only filled to its capacity during hockey matches, and when the circus is in town. If the area were used to build a parking structure inspired by the city mountain in Piteå, the parking area could be utilized as an urban space with cultural activities.

The city mountain in Piteå features a skiing hill when there is snow. If the parking structure in Luleå were built with a similar ski hill but with fiber mats (artificial snow), the area could be used by the city’s winter sportsmen during the summer. It is however important that the parking structure will be built with consideration for the arena, and its accessibility. Access by regional and local buses should be prioritized in the design, and all visitors must feel secure and comfortable in the urban space. The neighborhood today is only visited by citizens going to the arena and the super market ICA Kvantum. The empty parking lots of the neighboring industries make them look unused. By utilizing the area’s cultural potential, the area can become an extension of the cultural function of the city center, and connect and kick start the cultural change and development along Bodenvägen to the cultural functions of the city.

500 m

500 m (1:20 000 A3)

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STRATEGY TRANSPORT HUB The transport hub will be located where the existing train platform is today. This area have been selected for the possibilities of connecting all transport forms – cars, bicycles, busses and trains. The location is furthermore at a natural entrance to the city, and can be used as a connection key point both in terms of within the city and regional transport. The transport hub will be built with a parking structure making it possible for people commuting to Luleå by car from other regions, to park at the city entrance and the use public transport within the city. By adding city bikes to the transport hub, regional commuters will even have the chance to use the favored means of transport –the bike.

The transport hub will bring a lot more people through an area that is currently very lightly populated. This will mean that the area around the hub will naturally change and shop will target the people flow. This will help to kick start the change in the area between the hub, and on the long term enable densification by changing area to mixed use.

The transport hub will be connected to the green corridors combining allowing the entire city to use the public transport to access green areas.This is with special consideration for walking impaired and otherwise immobile citizens, which might have difficulties accessing their local green area. By connecting handicap friendly access to both The area is centrally located between Storheden, urban spaces and green areas to the transport hub, the university, the cultural hub and the city center. everyone will have access to the city’s public spacThe distance to the airport is the same whether es, no matter what level of mobility. the bus route goes through the city center or by the E4. This means that the transport hub have both possibilities for connection to the airport by express routes, and a central route through the city.

500 m

500 m (1:20 000 A3)

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C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B

GREEN CORRIDORS Implementing green corridors in the traffic grid, The new main corridor will be Bodenvangen, to connect green areas another redesigned road will be Spandtgaten connecting Notviken and Porsön and ensures Luleå are naturally divided by green and blues connection to the green grid from the transport corridors, which is a trademark for the city and hub. Other roads will be giving tree lines that can part of the city’s identity. However, these areas are support biking and walking paths. very poorly connected, and cannot be used for recreational use without travelling through indus- This network will not only lead to a more attries or otherwise unattractive areas. Even though tractive city in terms of natural beauty, but also in there is many green areas and there is less than terms of better connectivity, a raise in land value 1000 meters between Mjölkuddberget and the and make it more attractive to travel by bicycle or natural reserve north of Notviken, it is not pos- as a pedestrian. sible to travel from the city to the nature reserve By using the road network there is no conflict without being interrupted by unattractive areas. with private own land, However, in order to connect Notviken to Bodenvägen 2-4 private owned To utilize all these green areas, they will need to houses along Notviksvägen will have to give up be connected by green corridors. It can be a chal- their land. Since there will be a slow implementalenge to find available space for new corridors tion of the green network and there is several difand to make them as accessible, in order to solve ferent options to connect through Notvikvägen, this challenge the new corridors will be imple- this conflict won’t prevent the implementation of the grid. mented in the existing traffic grid.




Section B-B


1:50 000 500 m

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STRATEGY CYCLING & WALKING The bike net today is poorly structured. There is one main bike path in each finger but the connection of the bike paths in the city center are interrupted and car dominated. There are no main bike paths from finger to finger, it is however, possible to bike there. Most of the bike paths are located directly next to roads, giving cyclists an unpleasant ride in a grey environment.

Bicycle paths

New bicycle paths

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Disconnected area

1:50 000 500 m

The connection to the green corridors also makes sure that it will be possible to have a pleasant ride all the way to the destination, even though it is not directly connected to the super bike paths since the travel can completed trough the green corridor.

The creation of super bike paths will not only make the bicycle an attractive choice when choosTo make bike travel an attractive choice for com- ing between commuting by bike or car. The bike muting and leisure activities, the bike work will will be an attractive alternative to the dream of be improved and made into a grid of super bike car ownership. paths.This grid will be implemented as part of the new green corridors, meaning that the biking en- The city center will require a redesign. This is to vironment will be more pleasant and the cyclists remove car domination from the center, by closfeeling of security will rise, due to change from ing streets and parts of streets for traffic (see concar dominated space to bike dominated space. ceptual drawing below).This will both enable the The feeling of security is also raised by placing super bike paths to be connected properly, and the super bike paths in close connection with is an opportunity to create an attractive public the public transport grid, to let the cyclist know, space. The city center will not be closed for cars, that in terms of mechanical problems of weather but the main domination will be changed to pechange, the travel can be completed by bus. destrian and bicycle.

C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sören B Victor B




Proposed route/connection

1:50 000 500 m

The public transport system within the city consists of buses. The limited size of Luleå makes the busses an appropriate public transform form, and buses will continue to make out the public system grid of Luleå in the future. The structure of the grid needs to be improved. All the main fingers are connected to the city center by main lines, this will continue. There are no connection between the fingers, this will be changed.

To make bus travel more attractive and pleasant, the frequency of busses will have to increase. The timed use to travel by bus today is highly dependent on how long the traveler will wait for the bus. Furthermore will the uncertainty of whether or not there is busses driving when the traveler wants to return, an aspect that makes bus travel unattractive. By raising the frequency and run time, the busses will be more attractive.

To improve the connection between the fingers a ring route will be establish along Bodenvängen and around Björkskatafjärden. This route will connect the transport hub, the cultural hub, the university (Porsön) and Björkskatan. This route will remove stress from the city center and lower the travel distance between key points. Bodenvängen and Spandtgaten hav been shown as examples on roads that are changes to favor bus travel over the car, by implementing bus lanes. This favoritism for busses are to speed up to busses to lower travel time making them the more attractive choice.

The financial aspect of raising the frequency and run time, is an issue since it can be considered unsustainable to operate with higher capacity than actual passengers. This is a mean to an end. Since the raised frequency and run time will make the bus attractive more people will use, when this is combined with the goals of a denser city even more people will take the bus, since they more people will live in close connection. And combined with the goal of having people choose the bicycle over the car, more people will use the bus, as a supplement to the bike.

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STRATEGY CONCLUSION The strategy for the future development in Luleå, is to construct the possibilities for a natural change of the city’s land use to more sustainable structure, with dense mixed use zone within the city, in close connection with the city’s great featuressuch as green and blue areas, public urban spaces and cultural sites. The change will be encouraged to start, by change the orientation of a main area in the city – Bodenvägen- from car dominated to pedestrian and bicycle dominated. The domination of Bodenvängen does not change simply because its physical structure is changed. Commuting by bike has to be more attractive, and pedestrian need a reason to walk along the street. These issues will be dealt with by constructing super bicycle paths and improve attractiveness of the street. Express bicycle paths cannot be implemented without making an entire network. It is a goal in itself to get citizens to choose the bike, and Bodenvägen will be part of a network of super bike paths. To make the street more attractive for both bicycles and pedestrians, green corridors will be implemented as part of the traffic grid and connecting to the city’s green areas. This will give commuters an attractive travel, and give better access to for everyone to green areas. Simultaneously will the green areas make the areas more attractive raising the land value and make more give people a reason to visit them. Since both the green corridors and the bike paths will connect the same key points and compliment eachother, the will be implemented together in a combination.

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Since this action can be implemented now, and the further development depends on it, there is no reason to delay. To remove car domination, bikes cannot be the only option. It will be combined with the improvements of the current system by raising the frequency and run time for busses. In order to improve the connection between area along Bodenvägen and the rest of the city, connecting with transport and green corridors is not enough. It will also be necessary to connect to the functions people actually uses. This connection will be made by the cultural hub around Coop Arena. The hub will allow the functions of the city center to spread up to Bodenvägen.

It is estimated that it will take another 10 years before any parts of the area will chance into mixed use areas (2035). When a changing of the area is taken place, and dense housing are starting to be established the car domains in the city center can be addressed by closing roads turning them into urban spaces, now letting the urban functions of Bodenvägen grow into the city center, this is estimated to happen 25 years from now (2040). With this chance it is realistic that soft transportation will be dominating the city. In 35 years (2050) it is estimated that the area along Bodenvägen between the hubs is a regular dense neighborhood, with both business and housing. The transport hub will be a transit keyThe first step the action plan will be to: Start the point both regional and national. change of Bodenvägen, start the implementation of green corridors and express bicycle paths, im- It is estimated that the transformation of Bodenprove the current public transport system and to vägen will spread to the neighboring areas Ytterstart the construction of the cultural hubs. viken and Mjölkudden will see dense developThe cultural hub can be implemented relatively ment in 40-40 years. quickly, since the main chance is the establish- The transformation of the city are started by simple ment of a parking structure.With the cultural hub measures of implementing sustainable transport establish the production of the transport hub can opportunities and utilizing the potential within begin. It is estimated that the transport hub can the city. The transformation of Bodenvägen will be taken into use in 2025. At this point it is also not only accommodate the city growth, but also estimated that the redesign of Bodenvägen can be make the city more attractive for both citizens finished, as well as the express bike paths and the and businesses, and demonstrate that sustainability green corridors containing the bike paths. The is a possibility be simple means.The development increased people flow and the establishment of of Luleå does not end with this strategy, it builds the transporthub, requires that the new bus route a sustainable foundation for further development. will start. These implemented improvements of the area will start natural change in land use along Bodenvägen between the hubs, and it is expected that 10 years from now (2025), the business along Bodenvägen slowly will begin to change into pedestrian orientated trades.

The strategy fulfill each goal. The compact city goal is the reach by the transformation of the areas along Bodenvägen. The change of the area will end up in densification- allowing the city population to grow without compromising the green and blue areas. The city can expand from within instead of expanding outwards. The dense area can be provided with high quality urban spaces and easy access to green areas from housing and provide the same level of lifestyle opportunities as other big cities. The nature goal is also achieved through the transformation towards densification, since this will move new development to already built areas instead of removing natural environment by chancing it to build areas. Furthermore the nature goal is reach through the green corridors, which will not only improve access to green and blue areas, but even create new high quality green areas. Utilizing Luleå’s natural resource, by using green areas to raise land value and provide a driver towards a sustainable community. The transport goal is achieved through the chance in transport domination. The strategy improves the possibilities for biking and public transform, making it the more attractive and efficient choice. By following the proposed strategy Luleå will become an international role model for sustainability. By improving the quality of the city, and creating the possibilities for a modern and healthy lifestyle, both socially, economically and ecologically, Luleå will continue to improve the life quality, for its citizens now and in the future.”

C7002B Sustainable Urban Development


Madeleine H

Peter J

Sonya M

Sรถren B Victor B


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