Citylife magazine April 2017

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HO N G KO N G ’ S PRE MI E R D E S TI NAT ION M AGA Z INE 香港優 質 旅 遊 指 南



Tips for Travellers 出入須知



We talked to Alicia Too, General Manager of Lanson Place Hotel 逸蘭酒店總經理陶詠詩 與《東方之珠》愉快閒談






Fantastic Fans 扇風飄逸



Explore Hong Kong's Great Outdoors! 香港戶外活動好去處

10 12



Landmarks of Hong Kong's Development 香港歷史發展地標



Hong Kong: A Diverse Repository of Stylish Dining Delights 香港:時尚餐飲大都會



A P R I L 2 017年4月



Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association

香 港 戶 外 活 動 好 去 處 FEATURE Landmarks of Hong Kong’s Development 香港歷史發展地標

SHOPPING Fresh air and natty garbs! 裝備齊全,來運動吧!

131 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong 香港中环皇后大道中131号地铺 Telephone: +852 2542 0000

COVER_Apr2017.indd 1

HOT TABLES Hong Kong: a diverse repository of stylish dining delights APRIL 2017

Art galleries, Exhibitions, Antique Dealers, and Fascinating Museums 畫廊展覽資訊、古董店尋寶、博物館探知


VOL. 16 NO.4



香 港 旅 遊 指 南



Fresh Air and Natty Garbs! 裝備齊全,來運動吧!





Pubs and Clubs to hit for your nighttime adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒




12 This month's events and the city's biggest occasions 本月精彩節目及城中盛事



The Best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝


24/3/2017 ��8:27

Publisher and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung

Associate Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang

Chinese Writer Wing Yu

Sub-Editor Martin Turner

Senior Designer Timmon Ching

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e welcome you to Hong Kong and to CityLife, the monthly magazine for visitors to Asia’s World City. This month, the highly anticipated 2017 Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Tournament takes centre stage. Now in its 42nd year, the Hong Kong Sevens is unquestionably the crown jewel in the ever more popular HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series circuit. Of course, the three-day event is much more than non-stop, exciting and entertaining rugby play. The jubilant fans, bedecked in outrageous costumes, celebrating and partying in the stands, also account for much of the event’s mystique and popularity. There are other rugby events organised around the Rugby Week as well, plus concerts and fan-support events. And the bars and restaurants will be packed as the city turns into a giant party town. While the event is long sold out, as it is every year, you should still find tickets available on the secondary market. In any case, you can still revel in the atmosphere by taking in other events and hanging out at the popular party areas. Ask for a copy of CityLife’s Rugby Week Official Visitors’ Guide from your concierge for all the highlights. April is also a gorgeous time to take in all the outdoor activities that Hong Kong has to offer. Despite its high population density and serried ranks of skyscrapers, the city is a green metropolis, with 70 percent of our home made up of islands, mountains, beaches and wetland areas. Please go to our cover story on page 12 for recommendations of outdoor activities you can explore, many only minutes away from the city centre. Anyone interested in Hong Kong’s fascinating development from a sleepy fishing village to one of the world’s global cities in less than two hundred years should turn to our feature story on page 18 for a checklist of historical landmarks and places denoting the city’s progress. We are sure you’ll be even more impressed with our city and the colourful niche in history it has carved out. This month, the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring edition), one of the largest electronic trade shows in Asia, will again be held. Over 2,800 exhibitors from around the globe will showcase the latest next-gen electronics products from virtual reality devices to smart, home appliances and more. And there is plenty of culture on offer. The Hong Kong Phil will be performing Tchaikovsky’s First Symphony – “Winter Dreams” under the baton of conductor Lawrence Foster and featuring violinist Akiko Suwanai. April will be a busy month for our city. Between rugby action, street partying, trade fairs, outdoor adventure and historical exploration, the city does offer the best of everything for visitors. So be sure to join in the fun as all of us at CityLife wish you a funfilled visit to Hong Kong.

歡迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹 香港這個亞洲國際大都會。 本月萬眾期待的 2017 國泰航空 / 匯豐香港國際 七人欖球賽即將華麗登場。香港國際七人欖球賽已 踏入第 42 個年頭,一直是大受歡迎的匯豐世界七人 欖球系列賽重點賽事。為期三天的賽事除了精彩刺 激的比賽,球迷們還會穿上誇張怪異的服飾,在看 台上歡呼慶祝,為比賽增添色彩。在欖球周期間, 還會舉行一系列相關活動、音樂會以及球迷活動。 酒吧和餐廳將擠滿了顧客,整個城市變成一個大型 派對。一如以往,雖然門票已經全部售罄,您可以 在二手市場碰碰運氣。無論您有沒有門票,不妨積 極參與其他欖球活動,和三五知己相約狂歡。您可 向酒店禮賓部索取《東方之珠》欖球周官方遊客指 南,了解賽事及活動亮點。 四月到戶外探索是最適合不過了。雖然香港人 口稠密,到處都是高樓大廈,但它仍然是一個綠色 大都會,超過 70% 的面積是島嶼、青山、海灘和濕 地。詳情請參閱本刊第 12 頁的戶外活動推介,其中 許多戶外熱點與市中心僅一步之遙。 香港在兩百年間從一個寧靜的漁村發展為一個世 界級城市,不少遊客對這段發展史十分感興趣,不 妨閱讀本刊第 18 頁的“專題故事”,了解一系列見 證香港發展的歷史地標。我們保證遊歷過後,您一 定會被香港的光輝歷史吸引,對這個城市的印象更 加深刻。 本月,亞洲最大型的電子產品展之一—香港春季 電子產品展再度歸來。超過 2800 家來自世界各地的 參展商將展出最新電子產品,從虛擬現實裝置,以 至智能家居用品,包羅萬有。 文化節目同樣豐富精彩。指揮家佛斯特將帶領港 樂和小提琴家諏訪內晶子演奏柴可夫斯基第一交響 曲“冬之夢”。 四月的香港將會十分熱鬧,欖球賽、街頭派對、 商貿展覽、戶外活動、歷史地標探索等一系列精彩 活動等待著遊客們的到來。我謹代表香港酒店業協 會,祝您在香港擁有一趟難忘的旅程。

Shaun Campbell 甘贝賢

Chairman, Hong Kong Hotels Association 香港酒店業協會主席

APRIL 2017





What's on


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu


Sat 1






























17 MAR Ambiguously Yours: Gender in Hong Kong Popular Culture 21 MAY This exhibition will explore the representations

of gender ambiguity and androgyny from the 1980s to today through the work of influential artists such as Leslie Cheung, Denise Ho and Anthony Wong to propose a dynamic dialogue between popular media and the fields of art, design, and moving image.


展覽借由展出多件橫跨上世紀 80 年代至今,涵蓋張國榮、 何韻詩及黃耀明等著名藝人的電影、音樂、時裝、攝影等作 品,探討香港流行文化中的性別演繹,開啟大眾媒介與藝 術、設計等領域之間的互動。

M+ Pavilion, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區M+ 展亭;11am to 6pm, Wednesday to Sunday and public holidays 星期三至日及公眾假期早上11:00至下午 6:00;Free Admission 免費入場;2200 0000;

7-8 APR

HK Phil: Swire Maestro Series: Winter Dreams

Experience the magic, melancholy, and mystery of Tchaikovsky’s First Symphony— “Winter Dreams”—as you travel through a snowy Russian landscape. Lawrence Foster also leads the HK Phil and violinist Akiko Suwanai, the youngest-ever winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition, in Walton’s concerto—evoking his love for Italy in the lyricism of the solo violin and the shimmering, sensual sonorities of the orchestral accompaniment. In the intriguingly titled opener, Hong Kong-born composer Raymond Yiu portrays vibrant London through a series of colourful orchestral tableaux.


柴可夫斯基音樂散發著一種叫人著迷的抑鬱及神秘 感,指揮家佛斯特將帶領港樂演奏其第一交響曲「冬 之夢」,把俄羅斯皚皚雪山帶到文化中心的舞台上。同 場,史上最年輕的柴可夫斯基國際音樂比賽優勝者諏訪 內晶子將演譯華爾頓小提琴協奏曲,以充滿抒情的小提 琴獨奏及醇厚的樂團伴奏勾劃作曲家對意大利的激情。 這一晚美樂將由香港作曲家姚恩豪的作品作序曲,以斑 斕的樂韻帶領觀眾觀看倫敦都市異常的一面。

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 香港文化中心音樂廳;HK$180-480;8pm;2721 2332;

7-9 APR

LCSD: Room X by Y-Space

It is a multimedia dance theatre performance in a combination of dance, theatre, video projection and more. Audiences can observe or actively participate in the performance. Joining hands with everyone in the room, the production explores the life and psyche of Hong Kong people as the HKSAR celebrates its 20th anniversary. Audiences can also join in the performance, becoming part of the creation.


一個觀衆參與的多媒體舞蹈劇場,觀眾可以透過旁觀或窺探方式參與演出,作品結合 舞蹈、劇場及錄像投影等,與觀眾一同探索香港人在回歸二十年後的生活與內心世 界。觀眾有機會成為演出的一部份,你的參與將成為「多空間」的創作。

Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 梳士巴利道10號香港文化中心劇場;Various times 不同時間;HK$220;2268 7323;

4 | APRIL 2017


Songkran Hong Kong 2017

The world-famous Thai New Year (Songkran), celebrated every year by Thais residing in town with locals, is back in Kowloon City, also known as Hong Kong’s ‘mini Thailand’, again this April. Indulge in Thai hospitality in the form of water splashing.


在「小泰國」九龍城,參與一年一度的泰國潑水節 活動,體驗異域文化色彩。

Carpenter Road Playground, Kowloon City 九龍城 賈炳達道公園;12nn-6pm;Free Admission 免費 入場;

14-16 APR

The Hong Kong Jockey Club: Riding High Together Festival 2017

This year, the Riding High Together Festival is celebrating arts and culture, with over 70 games and activities to enjoy. So why not join the crowd and spark your creativity by looking at things from a different perspective!


一年一度的馬會「同心同步同樂日」今年將以藝術文化為主題,設有超過70項遊戲及活動,讓大家以 多角度觀賞事物,啟發豐富創意!

Sha Tin Racecourse & Penfold Park 沙田馬場及彭福公園;Please refer to the performance schedule for details 詳情請瀏覽節目時間表;HK$60 (includes Festival entry for one person and five game coupons 包括入場費及遊戲券五張);

29 APR

Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Ramón Ortega Quero Plays Richard Strauss Oboe Concerto

Winner of the First Prize at the ARD International Music Competition in 2007 and two ECHO KLASSIK Awards, Ramón Ortega Quero is recognized around the world as one of the most promising musicians of his generation. In this concert, Ramón will be performing Richard Strauss' Oboe Concerto in D under the baton of HKS Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen. The programme also includes Schubert's Symphony No 9 in C, "The Great", and the world premiere of James Cuddeford’s "Triptych I": Chorale Prelude (for Christoph Poppen).


歐迪加.凱羅現時為巴伐利亞電台交響樂團雙簧管首席,同時亦以獨奏家身份穿梭世界各地演出,其從容不 迫、細膩又醇厚的演奏,贏盡好評。這次他與香港小交響樂團所演奏的李察.史特勞斯雙簧管協奏曲,被演奏 家公認為高難度曲目,當中的樂段幾乎從無間斷,展現獨奏者表現驚人的呼吸控制能力,同時亦要表達當中豐 富的情感及動人旋律,是繼莫扎特的雙簧管協奏曲之外,另一首必聽雙簧管作品。

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central 中環愛丁堡廣場5號香港大會堂音樂廳;8pm; HK$160-420; 2836 3336;

Chau Bun Festival 30 APR Cheung Every year, the people of Cheung Chau get busy 4 MAY making papier-mâché effigies of deities, preparing

costumes, baking buns and building a bamboo tower. They’re preparing for the thousands of people that will soon descend upon their tiny island for what deemed one of the world's 'Top 10 Quirky Local Festivals'.


長洲太平清醮是香港獨有的民間節慶,歡騰又富道地色彩。節慶期 間,島上居民全情參與,舞龍舞獅鑼鼓喧天,其中「搶包山」比賽和 飄色會景巡遊是必看亮點。

Take the ferry from Central Pier 5 在中環5號碼頭搭乘渡輪至長洲;

APRIL 2017





7-9 APR

Hong Kong Sevens 2017

Since its humble kick-off in 1976 as a vehicle to boost rugby's presence in Asia, the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens has grown into one of the biggest rugby events on the international sporting calendar. Teams from the world's top rugby nations compete in lightning-fast 14-minute matches in front of 40,000 spectators. And the action at Hong Kong Stadium is merely the epicentre of what morphs into a three-day carnival infecting the whole city.


始於1976年,香港國際七人欖球賽已成為一項享譽國際的體育盛事。 每年,來自世界各地的頂尖橄欖球隊以及逾四萬名球迷濟濟一堂,於為 期三天的熱鬧派對盡情狂歡!

Hong Kong Stadium, 55 Eastern Hospital Road, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣掃桿埔東院道55號香港大球場;Various times 不同時間; Please refer to the event website for admission fee information 票價請瀏覽盛事網站;2504 8311;

12-16 APR

13-16 APR

HKTDC: Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition)

The fair features over 2,800 exhibitors from around the globe, offering buyers direct access to the latest next-gen electronics products. From virtual reality devices to smart appliances at home and much more, join this world-class technological showcase to discover the future today!

2017 UCI Track Cycling World Championships The championships return to Asia for the second time since 1990. More than 300 top riders from 40 national and regional teams will compete at Hong Kong Velodrome, so get ready for the action!


場地單車世界錦標賽首次登陸香港!賽事期間,來自約40個國家及地區 的300多位單車精英,將於香港單車館角逐「彩虹戰衣」。

Hong Kong Velodrome, 105-107 Po Hong Road, Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳寶康路105-107號香港單車館;Various times and prices 不同時間、票價;2504 8184;

6 | APRIL 2017


是次展覽讓全球買家飽覽最新電子產品,從虛擬現實裝置,以至智能 家居用品,包羅萬有。春季電子展規模傲視亞洲,匯聚超過 2,800家 參展商。趕快參與這項世界級電子盛會吧!

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong ( Harbour Road Entrance) 香港灣仔博覽道一號香港 會議展覽中心 (港灣道入口);Various times 不同時間;Admission fee HK$100 入場費港幣100元;

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Retail Shop (Sunday-Friday):

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專賣店: 香港中環皇后大道中131 號地鋪 (星期日至星期五) NEW YORK HONG KONG MIAMI WWW.GADDIAMONDS.COM

Telephone: +852 2542 0000


Office (Appointment only):

18/F, V. Heun Building, 138 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

辦公室: 香港中環皇后大道中138 號威享大廈18 樓 (只接受預約) Telephone: +852 2544 0002


APRIL 2017




The Hong Kong Sevens

takes centre stage as the city celebrates its biggest party of the year!

香港國際七人欖球賽 開幕,


The Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, the crown jewel of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series competition, returns for its 2017 edition as eagerly anticipated as ever. In the afterglow of a successful Olympic debut, this non-stop, fast-scoring sport is becoming ever more popular. 國泰航空 /匯豐香港國際七人欖球賽是匯豐世界七人欖球系列賽的重點賽 事,這項萬眾期待的賽事在 2017 年再度歸來。七人欖球賽成為奧運項目之 後,這項緊張刺激、快速得分的運動越來越受歡迎。


whole week of high-octane tournaments is slated, led by the 16-team Sevens Series core competition. Other contests will be equally riveting. The Men’s Qualifier competition will be held in Hong Kong once again, with the host team having a real shot at winning a spot on next year’s Series. At the same time, Hong Kong will host the World Rugby Women's Sevens Series Qualifier. The stakes are high and expect fierce competition among the qualifying national teams, including Hong Kong. Even if you don’t have a ticket to the main event, you can still join in the fun and revel in the excitement as several high-profile entertainment and fan events amp up the party atmosphere: The HKSEVENS Kick-off Concert, which was a smashing success last year, this time features Madness and From The Jam; Chater Garden in Central turns into a week-long party ground with live broadcast, music, food and performance through the day and evening; while the new Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens FanWalk at Lee Gardens, Causeway Bay offers fans and public a raft of rugby-themed entertainment and eats. For a rundown of all the activities and also what to do while you are in the city, pick up a copy of CityLife‘s HKSEVENS Rugby Week Official Visitors Guide in your hotel room, Visitors Centres of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, or at the Hong Kong Stadium and other event venues. Enjoy the party!

16支隊伍參加的世界系列賽主賽事。其他比賽同樣 一系列精彩賽事將在這一周上演,其中重頭戲是有 令人期待。男子外圍賽將再次在香港舉行,東道主香港隊很有可能為下一年的系列賽爭得一席位。同

時,香港也將主辦世界女子七人欖球系列賽外圍賽。這場比賽至關重要,香港將和其他隊伍一起上演激烈 的爭奪戰。 即使沒有主賽事的門票,您還是可以和球迷們一起狂歡慶祝,備受矚目的娛樂和球迷活動輪番上演, 將派對氣氛推至最高峰:前奏音樂會去年大獲成功,今年則邀請到 Madness 和 From The Jam 為觀眾呈 獻精彩演出。一連七天,中環遮打花園將變身「迷你香港大球場」,一系列現場直播、音樂、美食和表演 讓您應接不暇。全新 HKSEVENS FanWalk 將在銅鑼灣利園一期商場上演,為您帶來豐富的欖球相關娛 樂節目和美酒佳餚。 欲了解所有活動詳情和更多吃喝玩樂資訊,您可在酒店房間、香港旅遊發展局旅客咨詢中心、香港大 球場或其他七人欖球賽活動地點索取《東方之珠》香港國際七人欖球賽官方遊客指南。 好好享受這個派對吧!


8 | APRIL 2017

Remarks: Schedule subject to late changes by organizers. 註:賽事日期和時間以主辦機構之最新公佈為準。

Rugby Week

Activities & Schedule




香港國際七人欖球賽 「欖球週」時間表

Event 活動

Date 日期

Time 時間

Venue 地點

Kowloon RugbyFest 2017 九龍欖球嘉年華 2017

5 April 4月5日

8:30 onward 8:30 開始

King's Park, 11 Wylie Path, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon 何文田京士柏衛理徑 11 號京士柏公園

GFI HKFC Tens 2017 GFI 香港足球會十人欖球賽 2017

5-6 April 4 月 5-6 日


Hong Kong Football Club, 3 Sports Road, Hong Kong 跑馬地體育路 3 號香港足球會

Standard Chartered International Youth Tournament 2017 渣打國際青少年欖球錦標賽 2017

6 April 4月6日


King's Park Sports Ground, 11 Wylie Path, Ho Man Tin 何文田京士柏衛理徑 11 號京士柏公園

6 Apr | 4 月 6 日 9:30-17:00 7 Apr | 4 月 7 日 8:30-11:00

So Kon Po Recreation Ground, 55 Caroline Hill Road, So Kon Po, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay; MTR Causeway Bay (Exit F) 銅鑼灣掃桿埔加路連山道 55 號掃桿埔運動場(港鐵銅鑼灣站 F 出口)

7 Apr | 4 月 7 日 14:00-18:00

Hong Kong Stadium (matches played as part of main event) 香港大球場(此比賽為主賽事之一)

7 Apr | 4 月 7 日 10:00-21:15 8 Apr | 4 月 8 日 7:00-20:00 9 Apr | 4 月 9 日 7:00-19:30

Hong Kong Stadium, 55 Eastern Hospital Road, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay; MTR Causeway Bay (Exit F) 銅鑼灣掃桿埔東院道 55 號香港大球場(港鐵銅鑼灣站 F 出口)

World Rugby Women's Sevens Series Qualifier 2017 世界女子七人欖球系列賽外圍賽 2017

Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2017 國泰航空 / 滙豐 香港國際七人欖球賽 2017

6-7 April 4 月 6-7 日

7-9 April 4 月 7-9 日


國泰航空 / 滙豐 香港國際七人欖球賽娛樂節目

Event 活動

Date 日期

Time 時間

Venue 地點

HKSEVENS Kick-off Concert 香港國際七人欖球賽「前奏音樂會」 - Madness - From The Jam

6 April 4月6日

18:30 - 23:00

The Sevens Village, across from the Hong Kong Stadium 七人欖球村,香港大球場對面

HKSEVENS Central 七欖中環

3-9 April 4 月 3-9 日

3 Apr | 4 月 3 日 18:00-21:30 4-9 Apr | 4 月 4-9 日 10:00-16:00 ; 18:00-21:30

Chater Garden, Central 中環遮打花園

Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens FanWalk

7-9 April 4 月 7-9 日

7 Apr | 4 月 7 日 12:00-20:00 8-9 Apr | 4 月 8-9 日 10:00-20:00

Lee Garden One on Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣希慎道利園一期

- Opening Ceremony 開幕儀式

7 April 4月7日


- March Past / performance: Madness 球隊巡遊 / 表演:Madness

8 April 4月8日


- Performance: From The Jam 表演:From The Jam

9 April 4月9日


In-stadium entertainment 場內活動


Hong Kong Stadium 香港大球場


APRIL 2017





No doubt primitive man picked up a handy leaf to fan himself and ease the burning heat of the sun. Although many people used fans it was the Chinese who took the concept to the peak of perfection. 古人為了消暑,會隨手撿起一片樹葉扇風。雖然 很多人都曾使用扇子,但將扇子的概念和使用發 揮至極致的是中國人。 1

Fantastic Fans




or the perspiring lower classes, fans made from plant leaves were a cheap solution that can still be found in use today. However, the upper classes wanted something more sophisticated to display their status. Fans were an important accessory for the Chinese for thousands of years. The earliest, recorded as far back as the Shang dynasty (c1600-c1100 BC), were made of pheasant or peacock feathers. Rigid round or oval fans called pien mien were popular in the Tang dynasty (618-906) made of bamboo or ivory with silk stretched across the frame and embroidered or painted. This type continued to be carried through to the end of the nineteenth century, and the illustration shows three young Chinese girls holding circular pien mien. Men also used them and the portrait of a scholar has him holding one with a calligraphy design; probably a poem. During the Song dynasty folding fans made of horn, bone, ivory and sandalwood were introduced into China from Japan, via Korea, and by the early fifteenth century had become very fashionable for their convenience in carrying. The number of ribs varied from around ten to thirty. The material used covered a wide range so that all pockets could be catered for. Obviously materials such as ivory and mother of pearl were more

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expensive and it was on these that some of the highest workmanship was lavished to produce works of art. Other types of folding fan were made in Guangzhou during the 18th and 19th centuries solely for export to the west. Most were brise fans made of bone, ivory or mother of pearl, but paper fans, so called ‘mandarin fans’, were popular, which had figures of mandarins dressed in tiny scraps of silk, with painted ivory faces. The sticks of these fans were often decorated with gold-on-black lacquer designs. A fan was carried not just to cool the bearer, but also to gesticulate and make a point. They were frequently used by the literati as a means of artistic expression and were inscribed with calligraphy and paintings. A scholar holding a folding painted paper fan is illustrated. Many famous Chinese artists painted landscapes, flowers, birds or insects on paper to be made into fans. Such was the value placed on these paintings that some were never made up into fans but just preserved as works of art. Paper fans had sticks made of thin slivers of bamboo or scented woods such as camphor, cedar or sandalwood to sweeten the air. Illustrated is a sandalwood and feather fan with 20 pierced sticks and a decorative patter n. The label on the box says it

下層社會的人使用的扇子是用植物的葉子製成 的,價格十分便宜,如今依然能看到它的身

影。然而,上層社會的人喜歡用複雜精美的用品 彰顯他們的地位。幾千年以來,扇子對於中國人來 說都是一種重要的配飾。最早的扇子可追溯至商朝 (公元前1600年至公元前1100年)這種扇子是用 野雞和孔雀的羽毛製成的。唐朝時,堅硬的圓形或 橢圓形扇子十分受歡迎,這種扇子又稱為便面,它 是用竹子和象牙製成的,扇骨用絲綢包裹著,上面 有刺繡或繪畫。這種扇子一直沿用至19世紀末期, 照片 2 中展示了三位年輕的中國女子手持圓形便 面。男士也會使用扇子,照片3中的學者手上拿著 一把扇子,扇面上有題字,可能是一首詩。

宋朝期間,用動物的角、骨頭、象牙和檀香木 製成的摺扇由日本經韓國傳入中國。到 15 世紀早 期,由於方便攜帶,這種扇子變得非常流行。扇骨 的數量從 10 到 30 根不等,製作扇子的材料種類十 分廣泛,因此所有人都能找到適合自己的扇子。像 象牙、珍珠母這些材質的扇子明顯要昂貴得多,這 些扇子是工匠運用高超的工藝製作出來的藝術品。 其他種類的摺扇是 18 世紀和 19 世紀時在廣州製造 的,只供出口至西方。這些扇子大多數是用骨頭、 象牙或珍珠母製成的摺扇,但紙扇,也就是所謂的 官扇更為受歡迎,扇面上有穿著絲綢衣服的官員肖 像,扇骨上通常是以金色點綴黑漆的設計。 扇子除了用來扇風,還可用來做手勢或表明自 己的看法。文人學士經常使用扇子,扇面上會有題 字和繪畫,因此它也是一種藝術表現形式。圖片中 描繪了一位手持紙扇的學者。很多著名中國藝術家 會在紙上描繪風景、花朵、鳥和昆蟲,然後製成扇

came from Cheong Kee Sang, a Canton (Guangzhou) dealer in “Folding fans of Sandal Wood Ivory Bone Lacquered Gilt embroidered painted with pictures of the Fans of Silk and Feather of the best quality Price Moderate”. Another example is a tortoiseshell brise fan made for an official that has 21 sticks. According to the tiny engraved inscription, it was presented "from your humble concubine with best wishes" to her husband Mou Jia Wei, in the thirtieth year of the reign of Guangxu, in the ninth month (1904). Four larger characters denote "In the quiet of the hermitage, one feels pure pleasure". Rigid feather fans in an elongated oval shape were popular at the end of the nineteenth century, and some older men still carry them today. A variety of feathers were used which were inserted into an ivory handle. Ones made for women often had softer feathers and could also include extra silk decoration on the handle.

the top of his boots, while a coolie would keep it in his stocking top, or down the back of the neck of his jacket. Folding fans were carried in narrow tapering cases suspended by a cord from the girdle. These cases were elaborately embroidered in silk, often with characters recording the occasion on which they were presented. The fan case illustrated is decorated en suite with a draw string purse and a spectacle case. As mentioned above, fans were exported to Europe and ladies in fine dresses at balls could use them to hide their blushes when being admired by the beaus of the day. They gradually fell out of fashion but in the heat of southern China fans can still be seen in daily life. Today the age of technology has caught up with the fashion and you can see people with small battery driven fans trying to keeping cool in the summer heat. Global warming might even see the habit return to Europe. ■

面。這些畫有一定的價值,因此有些不會被製成扇 面,而是作為藝術創作保存下來。紙扇的扇骨通常 用薄竹片或樟木、松木和檀香木等香木製成,扇風 時空氣中瀰漫著陣陣香氣。 圖片 6 中展示的是以檀香木和羽毛製成的扇 子,有20根帶鏤空裝飾的扇骨。盒子上的標籤寫著 它是來自廣東的商戶祥記生。相片7中展示的是一 把為官員定制的龜甲摺扇,有21根扇骨。根據扇上 的小字,這把扇子是1904年9月,即光緒30年時, 一位妾侍送給名為Mou Jia Wei的丈夫的。

19世紀末期,細長橢圓形的堅硬羽毛扇很受歡 迎,如今仍有一些老人家在使用這種扇子。扇柄是 象牙製的,扇面使用了多種羽毛。女士用的扇子羽 毛較軟,扇柄上有時會有絲質的裝飾。 富人會將扇子放在小盒子中,然後掛在腰間, 或是放進靴子裡面。而苦力則會將扇子掛在襪子上 方或外衣後面。人們通常將摺扇放在上窄下寬的盒 子裡,並用繩子懸掛在腰間。這些盒子通常以絲綢 裝飾,上面通常有文字,記錄了人們使用這些扇子 時的情景。圖片8中的扇盒還有可配套的錢包和眼 鏡盒作裝飾。 之前提到一些扇子會出口到歐洲,參加舞會的 女士們遇到心儀的男士時會用這些扇子掩蓋臉上的 紅暈。隨著社會發展,扇子已逐漸退出潮流的舞 台,但在炎熱的華南地區,扇子仍是日常使用的消 暑工具之一。如今科技發達,人們常用以電池驅動 的小風扇消暑。由於全球暖化,這種習慣更有可能 傳到歐洲。 ■

A wealthy man would carry his fan in a case attached to his girdle or tucked into

Richard Garrett has lived in Hong Kong for more than forty years and is the author of numerous articles on people and places in Hong Kong, Macau and China.

Richard Garrett 居於香港超過40年,擁有多本著作,並撰有大量文章, 描寫香港、澳門及中國的人物地貌。




1. 2. 3. 4.


Palm leaf fan 棕櫚葉扇子 Three girls with circular fans 三位手持圓形扇子的女士 Portrait of a scholar with a fan 手持扇子的學者肖像 Typical export fan with gold lacquer sticks 出口到外國的扇子,扇骨以漆金點綴

5. Photograph of a scholar with a folding fan 手持摺扇的學者相片 6. A sandalwood and feather fan with its labelled box 檀香木及羽毛製的扇子以及扇盒

7. Tortoiseshell fan with a loving inscription 上面寫有表達愛的字句的龜甲扇子



8. A set of a fan case, a purse and a spectacle case embroidered with bats; a sign of good fortune 扇盒、錢包及眼鏡盒組合,上面有蝙蝠圖案,是好運的象征

APRIL 2017





香 港 戶 外 活 動 好 去 處 The many surprising and relaxing activities on offer beyond the city streets 跟隨《東方之珠》的腳步,一起探索香港 各種有趣、輕鬆的戶外活動吧!

s one of Asia’s elite global cities and major financial hub, Hong Kong conjures up images of skyscrapers and dense developments, busy streets, crowded shopping malls, and the teeming hustle and bustle of humanity everywhere. So it may come as a surprise to visitors, especially those here for the first time, that Hong Kong is also an emerald metropolis with 70 percent of its landmass is green, including 40 percent designated as protected country parks, providing a stunning and diverse geography for the curious traveller, right on your doorstep. And there is no better time to explore Hong Kong’s outdoors than April, when temperatures are still mild and the weather is mostly fair. Better yet, the diverse array of outdoor activities accessible for visitors is simply astounding. We have selected ten for you to consider. Take a walk on the wild side with as many as you can fit in. We guarantee you’ll go home with a greener image of Hong Kong than you arrived with, and that you will want to come back for more.

作為亞洲的國際大都會和金融中心之一,香港給人的 印象總離不開雄偉的摩天大廈、密集的建築物、繁 忙的街道、人山人海的購物商場和川流不息的行人。然 而香港同時也是一個草地覆蓋面積達70%,其中40%是 郊野公園的綠色城市,勇敢的探索者們可欣賞到香港美 麗的景色和多樣的地理環境,這對於遊客特別是首次訪 港的遊客來說應該是意料之外的。 四月的香港大多天氣晴朗,溫度適宜,是戶外活動的 最佳時節。而且這裡戶外活動的種類之多令人驚訝。我 們精選了10種不同類型的戶外活動供您參考。不妨逐一 嘗試,親身感受。我們保證當您離港時滿腦子都是綠油 油的香港,絕對令你意猶未盡。


Hiking: Dragon’s Back 遠足:龍脊

Hong Kong is cross-crossed by hiking trails, most of which are located in country parks. One of the best-known and probably the most scenic is the Dragon’s Back – a series of mountain ridges in south-eastern Hong Kong Island, stretching from Chai Wan to the Shek O and Big Wave beaches. The hike is quite moderate and suitable for most abilities, and once you reach the ridge after a level hike and short ascent, the spectacular views of the South China Sea on either side and the green hills beyond await. An afternoon here never disappoints. Take Bus number 9 from Shau Kei Wan and get off at the Cape Collinson stop near Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution and walk up a short distance to the connecting Hong Kong Trail. You can choose to descend either to Big Wave Bay, popular with surfers, or the beach hamlet of Shek O, where there is food and refreshment.

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香港有許多遠足徑,大多數位於郊野公園內, 其中最著名、景色最美的大概要數港島東南部從 柴灣到石澳和大浪灣海灘的龍脊了。這條遠足徑方 便易走,適合任何級別的行山人士。經過一段比較 平坦的山路,你就可到達山脊處,壯闊的南中國海 和連綿青山映入眼簾,這裡的景色絕對不會令你失 望。在筲箕灣乘坐 9 號巴士,在大潭峽懲教所 附近的歌連臣角站下車,稍稍走一 段路即可到達港島徑。你可以 選擇往下走到衝浪愛好者的聖 地大浪灣或到石澳泳灘購買食 物和飲品。


Island Hopping: Lamma Island 離島遊:南丫島

Hong Kong has many outlying islands that are conveniently accessible for visitors. One of the more idyllic is Lamma Island, located just west of Hong Kong Island. Take a ferry from Central to Yung Shue Wan, stroll along the cosy footpaths and explore the local village, then take the trail that leads to Sok Kwu Wan at the other end of the island. The 50-minute hike is moderate and you will pass a beach and small hills that afford stunning vistas along the way. End your trip at Sok Kwu Wan with a fresh seafood meal at one of its renowned waterfront restaurants. Ferries return directly to Central from just alongside.


香港擁有很多適合遊客前往的離島。其中南丫島就 是風景最美麗的離島之一。南丫島位於香港島西部,從中環 乘坐渡輪至榕樹灣,一邊漫步一邊探索村莊,然後走到位於島的另 一頭的索罟灣。這段50分鐘的路程方便易走,途中您會經過一個海灘和 一些小山,沿路可欣賞美麗的景色。乘坐渡輪離開之前,不妨在索罟灣 的海鮮餐廳裡享用一頓海鮮大餐。到海鮮餐廳旁乘坐渡輪可直達中環。

Beaches and promenade 沙灘和長廊


The beaches of Repulse Bay and Deep Water Bay located on the south side of Hong Kong Island have long charmed visitors and locals alike. Connecting them is a delightful and oft-missed 1.5-kilometre-long waterfront promenade. The walk is both scenic and relaxing with yachts large and small moored in front of the promenade where you mingle with locals out jogging and walking the dog. It’s the perfect tranquil respite, only 15 minutes away from the city centre. Many buses stop at both beaches. Start from either beach and walk to the other along the promenade.

淺水灣和深水灣位於香港島南部, 吸引了不少本地人和遊客慕名前往。很 多人可能不會留意到連接兩個沙灘的全 場1.5公里的長廊。漫步於此,您可看到 停泊在海邊的帆船,風景秀麗,心情輕 鬆愉悅。還會碰到很多本地人在此散步 和遛狗。這裡距離市中心只有15分鐘路 程,是休閒放鬆的好去處。很多巴士都 可到達淺水灣和深水灣,不妨隨意選擇 一個沙灘前往,然後沿著長廊漫步至另 一個沙灘吧。

Harbourfront promenade 海濱長廊

The Central Harbourfront located in Central is easily accessible and provides a panoramic view of the harbour and the surrounding skyscrapers. Another hidden gem especially for visitors is the waterfront promenade on the eastern part of Hong Kong Island from Sai Wan Ho to Quarry Bay. The walkway runs close to the water’s edge, and you get a quieter, but equally enchanting view of the harbour, with the hills of Kowloon more prominently featured. A former fireboat, the Alexander Grantham, is installed along the promenade and free to visit; a pet area further along is full of canine vitality. Take the MTR to Sai Wan Ho station and follow directions for the promenade.

中環海濱交通方便,可欣賞維港全景和周 圍的摩天大廈。而位於港島東部從西灣河至鰂 魚涌的海濱長廊則可能沒有太多遊客知道。行 人通道就在海邊,您可欣賞到九龍半島連綿起 伏的山巒,感受維港的另一種風情。沿著海濱 長廊漫步,您還可免費參觀「葛量洪號」滅火 輪。不遠處的寵物公園更能為您的漫步旅程增 添趣味。乘坐港鐵至西灣河站,跟隨指示步行 至海濱長廊。

APRIL 2017





Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港濕地公園

This pristine nature reserve of marshes and wetlands located in the northwest New Territories near the satellite town of Tin Shui Wai is the perfect haven to be at one with nature and well worth visiting for adults and kids alike. The park offers guided tours and educational activities throughout the year. It's a birdwatcher’s heaven, and April is not too late to watch migratory birds making their way north from their equatorial winter haunts. The park is also a paradise for amateur and serious photographers alike.

這片純淨的沼澤和濕地自然保護區,位於新界西北 部的衛星城市天水圍附近,是熱愛大自然的人的好去 處,大人和小孩都值得一遊。公園全年提供導賞團和教 育活動。喜歡觀鳥的朋友有福了,四月您仍可在此看到 季候鳥遷徙至北部的景象。除此之外,濕地公園還是攝 影愛好者的天堂。


Ocean Park 海洋公園

Hong Kong’s premier amusement park sits spectacularly along the ridge of a steep mountain overlooking the glimmering South China Sea. The famous cable ride from its entrance to the main attractions on the other side of the mountain is worth the price of admission alone, before even reaching all the activities and fun rides the park has to offer. In April, Ocean Park is celebrating a culinary and entertainment promotion that will sate your appetite in more ways than one. A new MTR line has just opened to take visitors directly to the park from Admiralty Station.


海洋公園是香港最有代表性的主題公園之一,可俯瞰此起彼伏的山巒和波 光粼粼的南中國海。光是乘坐這裡著名的纜車已值回票價,更不用說各種活動 和遊戲項目了。海洋公園的纜車位於門口處,乘坐纜車可到達山的另一邊,主 要遊戲項目均位於此。海洋公園四月正推出新的美食娛樂優惠活動,定能令您 大呼滿足。不妨乘坐新的港鐵路線,可從金鐘站乘地鐵直接到達海洋公園。

Urban Parks 市區公園

Even in the heart of the city, amid the concrete jungle of buildings, a visitor can find respite in the urban oases of the many urban parks. The most famous are Hong Kong Park, located above Admiralty, and Kowloon Park in Tsim Sha Tsui, on Nathan Road. Both are beautifully landscaped and highly recommended. Hong Kong Park has a large aviary for bird lovers and the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware is just next door. The Kowloon Park has a flamingo pond as well as the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, which is well worth visiting.

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即便是在處處都是鋼筋水 泥的市中心,遊客也可在眾多 市區公園內休閒放鬆,這些市 區公園就像城市綠洲一樣。其 中最有名的是位於金鐘的香港 公園和尖沙咀彌敦道的九龍公 園。這兩個公園景色優美,是 遊客的首選。香港公園常常吸 引許多鳥類愛好者前往,茶具 文物館正位於公園內。而九龍 公園內的紅鸛池塘和香港文物 探知館同樣值得一遊。

APRIL 2017





Hong Kong Geopark 香港地質公園

Recognised by the United Nations as a unique geological site, the Hong Kong Geopark, located on the relatively remote Sai Kung Peninsula, is for most people a wholly unexpected facet of Hong Kong. The park includes fascinating geological formations along the coast formed by millions of years of wave-driven rock erosion. Take a bus to Sai Kung Public pier and pick up a boat tour to the locations.

香港聯合國教科文組 織世界地質公園位於西貢 半島,很少遊客會想到來 這裡遊覽。在地質公園裡 您可看到由數百萬年來海 浪及岩石侵蝕形成的地質 面貌。乘坐巴士至西貢公 眾碼頭,可乘船跟隨導賞 團到達指定景點。


Cycling from Shatin to Tai Po 沙田至大埔單車遊

Despite Hong Kong’s hilly terrain, bicycling is becoming increasingly popular as recreation and among locals in town too. The best-known dedicated bike path follows the coast from Shatin to Tai Po in the New Territories. Bikes can be easily rented from either place and the 10km ride along the scenic Tolo Harbour is flat, relaxing and safe. Fun for one or the whole family, the more ambitious can extend the ride out to Tai Mei Tuk, capped by a ride along the Plover Cove Dam.

雖然香港屬於多山城市,騎車 卻是十分受歡迎的休閒活動。最有 名的單車徑位於新界區的沙田至大 埔。您可以在沙田或大埔租用單 車,沿著平坦、舒適、安全的單車 徑欣賞吐露港迷人景致。這是適合 全家老少的單車徑,想向難度挑戰 的話可一直騎至大美督,沿着船灣 淡水湖堤壩騎行。


Reservoir – Pok Fu Lam 薄扶林水塘

Hong Kong’s many reservoirs are close to the city and great for an instant rural getaway. They usually offer hiking trails, vantage points and cookout facilities available to the public at no charge. Pok Fu Lam Reservoir in western Hong Kong Island is a just a short hop from Central by bus or taxi. Talk a walk around the reservoir and then you may wish to hike up the trail that leads to the Peak, which takes only 45 minutes, where the spectacular panorama of Victoria harbour awaits. Take Bus 71 from Central and get off at Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Road.

16 | APRIL 2017

香港的許多水塘均位於市中心附近,是假日休閒的好去 處。這些水塘通常都會免費提供遠足徑、觀景台和野炊用具。 薄扶林水塘位於香港島西部,從中環乘巴士或的士即可到達。 不妨環繞水塘逛逛,沿著登山徑走到山頂大概只需45分鐘,登 頂後您即可欣賞到維多利亞港的壯麗景色。在中環乘坐71號巴 士,在薄扶林水塘道下車。

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APRIL 2017 | W:



Landmarks of Hong Kong’s

Development 香港歷史發展地標

Embark on a fun and fascinating tour of Hong Kong sites that shine a light on the city’s unique history. 跟隨《東方之珠》精心設計的香港地標遊, 見證這個城市獨特的歷史軌跡。


ong Kong’s spectacular development from a handful of fishing villages into a global city – this frenetic melting pot where East meets West – fascinates visitors and locals alike. The territory’s British governance fruitfully combined with the indomitable spirit, resourcefulness and hard work of Hong Kong people through the ages to create the stunning success we see today. Amid the hustle and bustle, it can be quite a challenge for visitors to systematically explore the city for markers and remnants of this illustrious history, hidden beneath layers of regeneration. Fear not! We have put together this quick guide to delineate Hong Kong’s development periods, identify interesting landmarks to explore, and combine them with other sightseeing activities so you can enjoy discovering our proud history.

香港由一個偏遠的漁村發展為一個國際大都市和東西方文化匯聚的熔爐,這段精彩的 歷史令不少遊客和本地人被深深吸引。其中香港作為殖民地的這段歷史見證了香港 人的不屈不撓,足智多謀和辛勤勞動,與如今這個城市的繁榮昌盛密不可分。 香港總是車水馬龍,熱鬧非凡,探索香港的歷史軌跡對遊客來說實在是一個挑戰。 不用害怕!我們寫了一篇簡易的指南,讓您了解香港歷史發展的不同階段,為您介紹值 得一遊的有趣地標及其他觀光活動。

18 | APRIL 2017

Pre-colonial development 殖民地時期前的發展

Before the arrival of the British during the Opium War (1839-1842), Hong Kong consisted of just a few remote fishing villages and rural hamlets, though with a settlement history of over 2000 years, having flourished during the Tang Dynasty in the 7th Century as a trading port before the coastal retreat policy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties vacated the area. Thankfully, vestiges of this pre-colonial heritage still exist, consisting mostly of temples and old villages, and all are worth visiting. One such is Song Wong Toi (Terrace of Song emperors), originally a large boulder engraved to commemorate the exile presence of two boy emperors of the Song Dynasty in the 12th century. Part of the boulder with the original inscription survived and was placed in a memorial park adjacent to the former Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon City. You may also wish to visit the nearby Kowloon Walled City Park which recalls another colourful chapter of the city’s history from the late 1800s on until the 1980s.

Tai Miu, Tin Hau Temple in Joss House Bay, located on the south side of Clearwater Bay Peninsula in Fat Tong Mun, is the oldest Tin Hau Temple in Hong Kong, dating back to 1266 AD. A stone inscription dated 1274 commemorates its completion. The tranquil temple is large and stately and sits right by the waterfront. You can reach it via a short walk from the entrance of Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club, which is accessible by public transport.

英軍在鴉片戰爭( 1839 年 -1842 年)期間登陸香港,在此之前,香港 只是個由幾個偏遠的漁村和農戶組成 的地方,這些漁村和農戶兩千多年前 就已經存在了。到了七世紀的唐朝期 間,香港蓬勃發展,成為了一個貿易 港。但隨後明朝和清朝的閉關鎖國政 策令這個貿易港回歸寂靜。 幸好有一些殖民地時期前的遺跡 被保留了下來,主要是寺廟和舊漁 村,不妨前往一遊。宋王臺 原本是一 塊巨大的石頭,用來紀念十二世紀時 的兩位宋室遺裔。石頭的一部分被保 留了下來,上面還有字,放置在九龍 城舊啟德機場附近的一個紀念公園 裡。您還可以順便遊覽附近的九龍寨 城公園 ,緬懷1800年代後期至1980年 代的老香港風貌。

大廟灣天后廟(俗稱 大廟) 位於清水灣半島南 部,建於 1266 年,是香港 最古老的天后廟。大廟灣 刻石刻於1274年,記錄 了大廟的建成。這個寧靜 的廟宇位於海邊,面積寬 敞,莊嚴肅穆。您可以乘 搭公共交通工具到達清水 灣鄉村俱樂部入口處,再 步行一小段距離即可到達 大廟。

Tai O fishing village , a favourite tourist destination on Lantau Island where locals, mainly fishermen, still live on stilted houses over the water, as they have for centuries. Make the visit a day tour of Lantau along with the Big Buddha, Ngong Ping Village, and the beaches on south Lantau.

大澳漁村 位於大嶼山,是大 受歡迎的旅遊熱點之一,本地人 大多是漁民,數百年來,他們一 直住在建於水上的棚屋中。不妨 安排一天的行程前往大嶼山,遊 覽天壇大佛、昂坪市集和南大嶼 山的海灘。

E v e n b e f o re t h e B r i t i s h arrived, European ships would stop by Hong Kong Island for the sailors to replenish their freshwater supply from a small waterfall in w h a t i s n o w c a l l e d Wa t e r f a l l Bay, next to Cyberport on the southwest of Hong Kong Island. It’s an enchanting walk to this hidden gem, just behind the public housing estate of Wah Fu. 在英國人登陸香港之前,歐洲 的船隻會偶爾停泊在香港島,海員們會在 如今的瀑布灣 補給飲用水。瀑布灣位於香港島西南面的數碼港旁邊, 與著名的公共屋邨華富邨只有一步之遙。 APRIL 2017




Arrival of the British 英軍登陸香港

當英國人首次登陸香 港,他們的營地位於如今的 荷李活道公園 ,而通往營地 的路被命名為水坑口街,而 他們登陸的地點則被稱作水 坑口 。現在水坑口街已沒有 任何相關歷史標記,但其所 在的上環區已成為時尚酒吧和餐廳聚集地,許多外 國人居住於此,古董店和畫廊林立。

When the British fleet first landed in Hong Kong, the road leading to its camp (now Hollywood Road Park) was named Possession Street and the landing point Possession Point. Today there remain no identifiable traces of the street, but the immediate locality, now called Sheung Wan, has turned into a tony neighbourhood of trendy bars and restaurants, where expatriate neighbourhoods mingle with antique shops and art galleries.

Much of Hong Kong Island’s natural coastline was defined by steep hillsides that cut almost directly into the sea. The flat land that today forms the beating heart of the city – other than Happy Valley – has been reclaimed in multiple phases over the intervening years. You can catch glimpses of the original coastline along Queen Road’s East and Queen Road’s Central. At the Former French Mission Building, next to Cheung Kong Centre in Central, the impressive original sea wall still supports the building; everything from there to the harbourfront is man-made!

港島區海岸線 蜿蜒曲折,除了跑 馬地以外,島上幾 乎所有平地都是由 一系列填海工程造 出來的。您仍可以 在皇后大道東和 皇后大道中看到 原始海岸線。在 中環長江中心附 近的前法國外方傳道會大樓 ,您仍 然可以看到支撐該建築的原始海堤,從那裡到 海濱的一切都是人造的!

Building a civil society 建立文明社會

A vital but less heralded aspect of Hong Kong’s development is the emergence of civil society: churches, schools, hospitals, charities, banks, courts, police and jails to uphold the rule of law; and of course roads and transport. There is no better place to get a feel for this infrastructure than Central and Sheung Wan.

香港的發展史就是 一個文明社會建立的 歷史:這裡有教堂、學 校、醫院、慈善組織、 銀行、法庭、警察和監 獄,用來確保法律的順 利執行。當然,還有道 路和交通。中上環是最 適合見證這一切的地 方。

Names of roads 道路的命名 Thanks to the fondness of the British for celebrating their empire, most early roads built were named after royals or government officials. Queen’s Road (East, West, and Central) – stretching from Wanchai to Kennedy Town – is perhaps the best-known. In case you wonder, Queen’s Road was named not for Queen Elizabeth II, but for Queen Victoria, whose reign (1837-1901) encompassed the rise of the ‘Pearl of the Orient’. She lives on also in the formal names of the harbour and the Peak. More features that commemorate the colony’s governors and other notables include Nathan Road, Kowloon’s main thoroughfare; Pottinger Street, for the first governor, Des Voeux Road; Hennessy Road; Robinson Road and many more. The Cantonese phoneticisation of these English names can be challenging tongue twisters for local people. Street names were all retained after the Handover, helping to preserve a distinctive aspect of Hong Kong’s past.

20 | APRIL 2017

由於英國人喜歡歌頌他們的國家,大多數早期的 道路是以王室成員或政府官員命名的。由灣仔延伸至 堅尼地城的皇后大道(東,西,中)可說是最有名 的。皇后大道 並不是以女王伊麗莎白二世的名字命名 的,而是見證着“東方之珠”的升起的女王維多利亞 (統治時期:1837-1901年),維多利亞港和太平山 頂 (Victoria Peak) 也是如此。還有很多紀念殖民地官 員和政要的道路,包括九龍的主要道路彌敦道 、以第 一任港督命名的砵典乍街 ,還有德輔道 、軒尼詩 道 、羅便臣道 等。這些名字被直接音譯成 中文,用廣東話來念實在有點拗口。 香港回歸之後繼續沿用這些道路 名字,保留了香港獨特的歷 史回憶。

APRIL 2017




Institutions 機構 Wherever the British established a colony, churches were soon erected. St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican) in Central is one of the first places of worship built in the Territory, while the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Caine Road is now home to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Both are historical landmarks worth visiting. Education was another immediate need, and many of Hong Kong’s earliest schools were run by missionaries. The Hong Kong University in Pok Fu Lam, which opened its doors in 1912, is now a historical landmark and well worth a visit.

進入殖民地時期不久, 教堂就已經出現了。位於中 環的聖約翰座堂是最早建立 的教堂之一。位於堅道的聖 母無原罪主教座堂是天主教 香港教區的主教座堂,這兩間教堂都是值得一去的地標。教 育是另一個急需解決的問題。香港早期很多學校都是教會學 校。位於薄扶林的香港大學 在1912年正式辦學,如今已成 為地標之一,不妨前往一遊。

Establishing the rule of law was key to Hong Kong’s development. Visit the Police Museum on Stubbs Road above Wanchai for a fascinating journey through Hong Kong’s battle to establish law and order. The result: Hong Kong is now one of the safest cities in the world. Charity is foundational to a civil society and a visit to the Causeway Bay headquarters of Po Leung Kuk reveals one of the longest-standing charities in the city. Sport helps to bind a community and the establishment of Happy Valley Racecourse in 1845 launched Hong Kong’s passion for the popular British pastime of horseracing. Be sure to visit the Hong Kong Jockey Club at one of its two racecourses – Happy Valley or Shatin – for an exciting day or evening out to catch the fever.

法治的建立是香港發展的關鍵。參觀灣 仔司徒拔道的警隊博物館 ,了解香港建立法 治和秩序的過程。香港現在是世界上最安全 的城市之一。慈善是文明社會的基礎。保良 局 是歷史最悠久的慈善機構之一,不妨到位 於銅鑼灣的總部參觀。體育運動有助於令社 會聯繫更緊密,賽馬在香港歷史悠久,跑馬 地馬場於 1845 年落成,如今很多香港人仍 熱衷於這項運動。記得到跑馬地和沙田兩個 賽馬場的香港賽馬會 看看,體驗精彩刺激的 賽馬比賽。

Transport 交通 Early public transport services were the tram and the ferry, both of which are still with us today. Not so long-lived were the rickshaws and junks, but they remain resonant symbols of Hong Kong. Be sure to hop on a tram on Hong Kong Island and enjoy the hum of the city streets from this classic vantage point. A trip across the harbour on the iconic Star Ferry is also a must.

電車和渡輪是香港早期的交通工 具,而且如今仍在使用。黃包車和舢 板也是香港的特色交通工具,但兩者 均已退出歷史舞台。遊覽港島時不妨 試試乘搭電車 ,看看街道上車水馬龍 的景象。維多利亞港的天星小輪 也是 不可錯過的項目之一。

The great expansion 高速發展時期

Hong Kong’s population multiplied with the deluge of refugees that fled China during and after the Communist revolution in 1949. The influx dramatically transformed the city: wealthy financiers and industrialists, mostly from Shanghai, brought capital and entrepreneurial know-how, while the many refugees were the adaptable workforce. The factories that popped up in the 50s and 60s pumped out toys, garments, electronics products and more, unknowingly building the “Made in Hong Kong” brand that became globally familiar. The rapid expansion created severe space shortages in both housing and factories, forcing Hong Kong to adapt. Public housing estates were created, including flatted factories estates built to accommodate the mom-and-pop sweatshops. Visit Shek Kip Mei, site of the first public housing estate and tour Mei Ho House, one of the original buildings preserved and converted into a youth hostel, and the nearby Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, converted from a flatted factory building.

22 | APRIL 2017

1949年國共內戰期間, 大量難民從內地逃到香港, 香港的人口數目大幅膨脹。 大量湧入的人口令這個城市 發生天翻地覆的變化:大多 數富有的金融家和企業家來 自上海,他們為香港帶來了 資本和創業的知識和經驗。大量的難民則為社 會提供了勞動力。許多工廠在 50 年代和 60 年 代出現。當時“香港製造”的商品,特別是玩 具、服裝和電子產品,出售至世界各地,享有 盛譽。人口暴增令房屋和工廠嚴重缺乏空間。 政府因此建立了公共房屋,包括為家庭式工廠 而建立的工廠大廈。您可到石硤尾 參觀第一個 公屋屋邨,遊覽如今已活化為青年旅社的美荷 樓 ,以及附近同樣是由工廠大廈改建而成的賽 馬會創意藝術中心 。

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A high-end American steakhouse and a contemporary French Bistro highlight our culinary quest this month.

M7 tomahawk Rib Eye Chop M7帶骨肉眼扒

本月《東方之珠》為您精選一間高級 美式扒房及一間現代法國菜餐廳。

Hong Kong: A Diverse Repository of Stylish Dining Delights 香港:時尚餐飲大都會

D Grand Hyatt Steakhouse 灣仔港灣道1號君悅酒店1樓 1/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai

2584 7722

Steakhouse Salad Bar 自助沙律吧

24 | APRIL 2017

efine the quintessential American meal and the honour likely goes to a perfectly grilled steak at an elegant American steak house. That certainly is the case with our gastronomic sojourn at the Grand Hyatt Steakhouse, without doubt one of the city’s finest steak houses. Located at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Wanchai North, part of the renowned Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre complex, the spacious steakhouse, which seats 135 guests comfortably, is steeped in classic steakhouse décor: deep and lush carpets, luxuriant red leather chairs and dining booths, dark curtains, and wall coverings and furnishings that ooze quality. The attentive and knowledgeable staff made sure our dining experience was nothing but superb. The restaurant serves more than just steaks, with an impressive Seafood and Oyster Bar and a sumptuous Salad Bar. As to the beef, besides USDA Prime Beef, the restaurant also features quality Canadian Angus Beef and Japanese Kumamoto Wagyu Beef, manna from heaven for steak lovers, for sure. Our meal started with the Steakhouse Salad Bar ($320 per guest), which is one of the best we’ve frequented in the city. The large plate holds its share of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and vegetables, but still allows topping off with a mound of fresh cocktail shrimp, home-smoked salmon, cured ham, plus a great selection of fine, aged cheeses. It’s a delicious meal in itself, so rationing one's intake is highly prudent. We also sampled the restaurant’s signature appetiser, the Maryland Crab Cakes ($320) to share. The crabmeat is tender and

succulent, and each cake bulging with meat, fried lightly to bring out the aroma and the flavour. For the choice of our eagerly anticipated steak, we went to the max: a 38oz M7 tomahawk Rib Eye Chop ($1,850) on the bone, to share amongst us. As the Wagyu beef is more marbled than a regular rib eye, and the cut is mouthwateringly thick, the steak is best grilled medium instead of the usual medium rare, as we were expertly advised. The large steak is sliced into manageable but still large pieces and served with Thrice Cooked Duck Fat Potato Fries ($85) and Green Asparagus tomato salsa ($85) as side orders, together with a full complement of mustards and steaks sauces. The taste? Just what we have come to expect: juicy and tender, with just the right amount of marbled fat to enhance the flavour. If sharing is your thing, this rib-eye is the perfect choice, good for up to four or even five people. Our sommelier recommended an American red wine, a Syrah from Santa Maria in California, to go with the steak, which certainly enhanced the experience for our palates. The dessert is another signature dish, a huge Chocolate Mud Pie with homemade Vanilla Ice Cream ($160) to share, and we shared liberally – the pie is truly delicious and a fitting way to end a most satisfying meal. A world-class steak palace in the heart of Hong Kong – that’s the beauty of the city, and what better way to cap your experience here than a truly memorable meal at the Grand Hyatt Steak House. ■

Chocolate Mud Pie with homemade Vanilla Ice Cream 朱古力蛋糕配自家製雲呢拿雪糕

Maryland Crab Cakes 馬里蘭蟹肉餅

Thrice Cooked Duck Fat Potato Fries 鴨油薯條

提到美式大餐,很多人都會想到在高級美式扒房享用美味烤 牛扒的情景。這次我們來到Grand Hyatt Steakhouse,親 身感受地道美式餐飲體驗。Grand Hyatt Steakhouse位於灣仔 北的君悅酒店內,連接著名的香港會議展覽中心,是城中最優 秀的扒房之一。餐廳寬敞舒適,可容納135位顧客,裝潢優雅華 麗:高級厚絨地毯、紅色皮革座椅和卡座、深色的窗簾、牆紙 和室內陳設,更突顯出高級餐廳的優雅格調。餐廳為我們安排 了一位細心的侍應,他對餐廳的美酒佳餚十分了解,為我們提 供完美的餐飲體驗。 除了扒類之外,餐廳更設有一個海鮮生蠔吧,以及選擇繽 紛的沙律吧。除了美國農業部認證的頂級牛扒,這裡還主打優 質加拿大安格斯牛扒和日本熊本縣和牛,簡直是牛扒愛好者的 天堂。 我們首先品嚐了自助沙律吧的美食($320/位)不得不 說,這簡直是城中最好的沙律吧之一。新鮮生菜、番茄和其他 蔬菜,再加上鮮美大蝦、自家製煙三文魚、醃火腿,還有一系 列優質熟成芝士。雖然沙律吧的美食已經令人欲罷不能,記得 不要吃太多哦。我們還品嚐了餐廳的招牌前菜馬里蘭蟹肉餅 ($320)蟹肉鮮嫩多汁,每件蟹餅都充滿了新鮮美味的蟹肉, 然後稍稍煎香,帶出誘人的香氣。 至於令人期待的牛扒,我們選擇了38安士的M7帶骨肉眼扒 ($1,850)和牛的脂肪比一般的肉眼扒多,我們的牛扒屬於厚 切,令人垂涎欲滴。侍應告訴我們最好選擇半熟而不是平常的 三四分熟。廚師將牛扒切成幾大塊,伴有鴨油薯條($85)和 蘆筍配番茄莎莎($85)更提供多種芥末醬和牛扒醬汁。味道 如我們所料,鮮嫩多汁,油花的數量適中,更提升了牛扒的味 道。如果您喜歡和朋友們一起分著吃,這道肉眼扒絕對是最佳 選擇,適合四至五人分享。 吃牛扒怎可沒有美酒?酒侍為我們推介了一款來自美國加 州聖瑪麗亞的西拉葡萄酒,令我們胃口大開。最後出場的是分 量十足的招牌甜品朱古力蛋糕配自家製雲呢拿雪糕($160)朱 古力蛋糕十分美味,為這一頓美妙的晚餐畫上完滿的句號。 在城市中心擁有一間世界級標準的扒房,這就是香港的魅 力。到Grand Hyatt Steakhouse品嚐美酒佳餚,定能給您一次 難忘的用餐體驗。■

APRIL 2017




The Nordic Prawns and Seared Scallops served with Saffron Aioli, Salmon Caviar and Dried Fruit Toasts 北歐炸蝦燒帶子配藏紅花香蒜沙拉醬、 三文魚籽和水果吐司

T French Window Brasserie and Bar 中環港景街1號 國際金融中心商場3樓3101號舖 Shop 3101, 3/F, IFC, 1 Harbour View Street, Central

2393 3812

26 | APRIL 2017

he French Window Brasserie and Bar, located on the third floor of the prestigious ifc Mall, commands a picturesque view of Victoria Harbour and West Kowloon where the ICC building, Hong Kong’s tallest skyscraper, looms. The French Window serves contemporary French cuisine with a touch of fusion, especially with some of its ingredients; its décor is fully in keeping with its theme: tall ceilings, a contemporary setting, and most importantly large generous windows that provide unimpeded views of the harbour. A long entryway that can seat tables for drinks leads to the main dining room, which has an open airy feel that contrasts nicely with the foyer and entrance. Evocative French tunes of the 50s and 60s sung by the likes of Edith Piaf complete this relaxed setting. Our dinner began with three starters, each offering a different palate pleasure. The Carpaccio Plate with Black Truffle Slices ($360) comes with a combination of seafood offerings: Hokkaido scallops, yellow tail kingfish, sea urchin, prawn tartare and crab Tarawa, all of which are lightly seasoned so the freshness of the seafood can be savoured. The Nordic Prawns and Seared Scallops served with Saffron Aioli, Salmon Caviar and Dried Fruit Toasts ($160), in which the prawns are lightly battered and quickly deep fried and the scallops flamed grilled, has a richer texture but still subtle taste, nicely set off by the accompanying white wine. The last starter was Seared Foie Gras with Red Currant Jam ($220) served with Toasted Brioche and Sauterne Sauce. The taste is recognisably more French: the pleasant sweetness of the jam deftly complements the rich and succulent foie gras. For good measure, we finish our starters with a rich Traditional Onion

Soup Gratinated with Comte Cheese ($140) which was just cheesy enough for our palate. For our main dishes we ordered three meat and seafood dishes that came highly recommended. First was The French Window Signature Grilled Seafood with Parsley and Lemon Zest ($360) served with clarified butter and steamed potatoes. We chose the lobster for our seafood, forgoing King Crab Legs, Tuna Steak and Abalone. The lobster turned out to be a good choice – a good portion, tender meat and fresh taste. For us, a dab of mustard really helps bring out the flavour. Second came the Yamato Pork Chop ($420) with Roquette and Roasted Whole Candied Garlic. The meat is indeed tender and flavourful, and cooked just so it’s still juicy. We certainly appreciate the quality of the ingredientds used to create this fine dish. The third main was the Grilled US Prime Ribeye ($480) with roasted tomato, shallots and confit garlic, with a choice of sauces, which in our case was green peppercorn. One can seldom go wrong with quality US beef grilled medium rare, and that certainly is the case here – the meat was juicy, tender and flavourful – and a good size portion, and it went perfectly with the Bordeaux Medoc that we ordered. The desserts we sampled came from more familiar terrain: Mini Baba au Rhum, Creme Patisserie, Mix Berries and Baileys Ice-cream ($100), Apple Tartine with Toffee Sauce and Vanilla Ice-cream ($90), and Cheese Platter served with Dried Fruits and Toasts ($130), all are timeless favourites and none disappointed. After a busy day of sightseeing or meetings, The French Window offers a highly enjoyable dining experience with your friends or loved ones. ■

Seared Foie Gras with Red Currant Jam 煎鵝肝配紅加侖子醬 Mini Baba au Rhum, Creme Patisserie, Mix Berries and Baileys Ice-cream 巴巴蘭姆酒蛋糕配法式奶醬及雜莓百利甜酒雪糕

Apple Tartine with Toffee Sauce and Vanilla Ice-cream 蘋果法式多士三文治配拖肥醬 和香草雪糕

The French Window Signature Grilled Seafood with Parsley and Lemon Zest 西芹檸檬皮烤海鮮


rench Window Brasserie and Bar位於國際金融中心商場三樓, 坐擁維港迷人景致,更可觀賞到香港最高的摩天大樓—環球貿易 廣場所在的西九龍的美麗景色。French Window Brasserie and Bar 誠意為食客烹調出色的現代法國菜,更融合多國食材,炮製出極具特 色的融合菜。餐廳裝潢充滿現代法式風情,高天花配合時尚現代的設 計,巨大的落地玻璃窗讓顧客盡享維港壯闊景色。一入門口,一條長 長的通道帶您進入用餐區,通道一旁擺放著餐桌、椅子和一系列美 酒。進入用餐區後,寬敞開揚的感覺與狹長的入口通道形成鮮明對 比。餐廳內播放著50-60年代由Edith Piaf等演唱的經典法文歌,為顧 客營造了輕鬆的氛圍。 為這頓晚餐揭開帷幕的是三道前菜,每一道都為味蕾提供不一樣 的享受。黑松露刺身拼盤($360)匯聚多款海鮮,北海道帶子、油 甘魚、海膽、生蝦和蟹肉等經過簡單調味,最大程度上保留了海鮮的 鮮味。第二道前菜是北歐炸蝦燒帶子配藏紅花香蒜沙拉醬、三文魚籽 和水果吐司($160)蝦的外層裹上薄薄的麵粉,然後快速油炸。帶 子煎至金黃色,口感豐富,味道鮮美。餐廳經理為我們精心挑選了 白酒,與這道前菜相得益彰。最後一道前菜是煎鵝肝配紅加侖子醬 ($220)配奶油蛋卷和白葡萄酒汁。這道菜屬地道法國口味,我們 很喜歡醬汁的甜味,與鮮美多汁的鵝肝配合得天衣無縫。最後我們還 叫了法式芝士麵包洋蔥湯($140)濃濃的芝士味令我們胃口大開。 我們選了三道大受歡迎的肉類和海鮮菜式作為主菜。首先是招牌 西芹檸檬皮烤海鮮($360)配淨化牛油和蒸馬鈴薯。海鮮方面我們 選擇了龍蝦,您還可以選擇帝王蟹蟹腳、吞拿魚扒和鮑魚。結果我們 選對了,龍蝦分量十足,肉質嫩滑,味道鮮甜,蘸了芥末醬之後味道 更加突出。第二道主菜是日本大和豬扒($420)配火箭菜及原個烤 甜蒜。豬扒肉質嫩滑美味,火候控制得恰到好處,因此肉汁十分豐 富。我們對這道菜使用的優質食材感到十分滿意。第三道主菜是烤美 國優質肉眼扒($480)配烤番茄、青蔥和糖漬蒜,我們在多款醬汁 中選擇了綠胡椒醬。選擇三成熟的美國優質烤牛扒總是不會錯的,這 裡的牛扒肉汁豐富、嫩滑美味,分量也絕對足夠,配上波爾多梅多克 葡萄酒簡直是一大享受。 最後我們選擇了大家比較熟悉的三款甜品。巴巴蘭姆酒蛋糕配法 式奶醬及雜莓百利甜酒雪糕($100)、蘋果法式多士三文治配拖肥 醬和香草雪糕($90)以及芝士拼盤配乾果及餅乾($130)這三款甜 品向來是食客的熱門選擇,絕對不會令您失望。 旅遊觀光或繁忙的會議過後,不妨帶上親朋好友來 French Window Brasserie and Bar享受不一樣的用餐體驗。■

APRIL 2017






Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant. 歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。

$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$

<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700

Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。

Palm Court 廷廊 To welcome the arrival of spring, Executive Pastry Chef of The Langham, Hong Kong Matthieu Godard and his team introduce Blooming Afternoon Tea, a most relaxing way to spend a spring afternoon. The tea set menu offers your choice of quality teas plus five exquisite pastries and a savoury item. The pastries are Jasmine; a pistachio and white chocolate macaron filled with a dash of jasmine tea-flavoured cream; Rose: a decadent vanilla panna cotta with luscious rose and strawberry mousse, topped with a thin chocolate rose petal; Viola, a playful arrangement of a bite-sized chocolate flower pot planted with Gianduja cream rich in hazelnut, and viola flowers. Marigold: a fruity dome incorporating yuzu mousse, apricot jam and lemon biscuit; and Daisy: a buttery base of sablé breton with raspberry mousse and Chantilly cream. The savoury item is the “pseudo” tomato patch with fillings of smoked salmon and cream cheese, chicken with Dijon mustard, and green pea hummus with sesame paste. The Artesian bar presents the refreshing Garden Globe cocktail sheltered within an ice sphere. The Blooming Art Afternoon Tea is available from 21 March to 31 May 2017 and is priced at HK$348 for one person and HK$598 for two persons, subject to 10% service charge.

Hong Kong 香港島

Central 中環 Il Moro ($$)

Il Moro is a small Il Moro Italian eatery tucked away in a quiet area of S h e u n g Wa n . I f you want the feel and taste of homemade Italian food and some lively conversation, you should definitely give it a shot. Come and explore this hidden gem! Compliementary antipasto dish for CityLife readers upon presentation of this advertisement. Shop D, G/F, 8 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan. 2547 2898. Il Moro是位於上環幽靜處的意大利小餐館,如果您喜 歡家常意大利菜的感覺和味道,也喜歡和大廚談天說 地,這是您的必到之處。快來這間隱世小店品嚐正宗意 式美食吧!《東方之珠》讀者只需出示此廣告,即可 免費享用一款意式前菜。上環普慶坊8號地下D號舖。 2547 2898。

28 | APRIL 2017

踏入四月,春天悄然來臨,香港朗廷酒店行政糕餅總廚 Matthieu Godard和他的團隊設計了一場花藝盛宴 ─ 「花開綻放 下午茶」,並以五款花卉命名甜點,令人沉浸在芳香甜蜜之中。 茉莉以開心果與白巧克力口味小圓餅配搭茉莉內餡,蘊含一抹 舒暢清香。玫瑰是雲尼拿意式奶凍,在奶凍倒上一層嬌艷欲滴的玫 瑰和草莓慕斯,最後輕放一片巧克力玫瑰花瓣點出甜美主題。香 堇花栽種於用巧克力製作的迷你花盆中,並以吉安地哈榛果巧克力 忌廉灌溉,外形充滿玩味。萬壽菊是包含柚子慕斯、杏桃果醬和檸 檬餅乾的圓拱形小蛋糕,味道層次豐富。雛菊以富牛油香的布列塔 尼奶油酥餅為基底,鋪上紅桑子慕斯及鮮忌廉。惟妙惟肖的鹹點 “pseudo” tomato番茄園地分別有煙三文魚配忌廉芝士、芥末 籽煙燻雞肉及綠豆泥芝麻醬汁。Artesian酒吧更推出口味清新的雞 尾酒“繁花之城”。 「花開綻放下午茶」於2017年3月21日至5月31日供應,定價 每位港幣348元,兩位港幣598元,另收加一服務費。

Lobby level, The Langham Hong Kong, 8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀北京道8號香港朗廷酒店大堂;2132 7898

Jimmy's Kitchen 占美廚房 ($$$$)

Jimmy's Kitchen Central is an institution that has been serving international food since 1928 and is an oasis of continuity and service.. The menu offers a full array of Jimmy's Kitchen international dishes 占美廚房 ranging from English bangers and mash to Chinese fried rice to Indian curries. G/F South China Building, 1-3 Wyndham Street, Central. 2526 5293 中環占美廚房自1928年開業以來一直供應各類國際美 食,在飲食界享譽盛名。餐廳供應多國菜式,從英式 腸仔薯蓉、中式炒飯至印度咖哩也應有盡有。中環雲 咸街1-3號南華大廈地下。2526 5293

The Peak 山頂 Lú Feng 爐峰 ($$)

Taking its cue from the old Hong Kong teahouse concept, the latest restaurant atop the peak, Lú Feng, takes visitors on a journey through time by flawlessly showcasing the transition of Hong

Kong’s culinary culture. Shop 3A-B, Level 2 &3, The Peak Tower, Central. 2886 8680

以香港舊式茶居為藍本,爐峰酒家於已正式落戶山頂 凌宵閣。酒家承傳了古老香江風格,揉合現代新穎元 素,巧妙地將香港飲食文化以嶄新方式呈現出來。山 頂凌霄閣 2&3樓3A-B號舖. 2886 8680

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 ($$$)

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is an all-embracing family dining experience themed on Forrest Gump’s Bubba Gump life, philosophy Shrimp Co. and love of shrimp. 阿甘蝦餐廳 The restaurant has been an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867 阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題 概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲 理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影般好 評如潮。山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖。 2849 2867。

Hong Kong 香港島

Admiralty 金鐘 Ruth's Chris Steak House 茹絲葵牛排餐廳 ($$$$)

Five cuts of beef served up sizzling on a garlic-buttered platter presented with friendly, American-style service. G/F, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty. 2522 9090; 108-110, Level 1, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Ruth's Chris Steak House East, Kowloon. 2366 6000. 茹絲葵牛排餐廳 提供各式牛扒,在熱騰騰的碟子 裡嘶嘶作響,美國式的友善服務 令人感覺賓至如歸。金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心地下, 2522 9090;九龍尖沙 咀東部麼地道66號尖沙咀中心1樓108-110號鋪,2366 6000。

Shiro白鮨 (Pacific Place 太古广場 ) ($$$)

Shiro, meaning white in Japanese, reflects elegant Zen simplicity – the essence of Japanese dining. A central feature is the Y-shaped ‘kaiten’ sushi bar. Level LG1, Two Pacific Place, Queensway. 2117 9481. Shiro的室內設計反映出餐廳名字在日語中的意思——白色,展露禪意簡約的 風格,演繹出日本飲食文化的精粹。回轉壽司吧以“Y” 字型設計,為日式 設計之首創。香港金鐘道88號太古廣場2座地庫,2117 9481。

Yè Shanghai 夜上海 ($$$)

Savour high-end Shanghainese cuisine in a chic environment inspired by the elegance of old Shanghai. 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 9833; 6/F, The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, 3 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. Yè Shanghai 2376 3322. 夜上海 在時髦別緻的環境下,品嚐高級 的上海佳餚;餐廳的設計靈感來 自昔日的上海,別有一番韻味。金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場3樓,2918 9833; 尖沙咀廣東道3號馬哥孛羅香港酒店6樓,2376 3322。

蘭桂坊、荷南美食區 Bombay Dreams ($$)

Food lovers return time after time for the authentic Indian cuisine at Bombay Dreams. The lunch buffet is a favourite among professionals. 4/F, 77 Wyndham St, Central. 2971 0001 . 一間甚具品質的正宗印度餐廳,擁有一批忠心的食客定期捧場;當中以自助 午餐最受歡迎。中環雲咸街77號4樓, 2971 0001 。

Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse ($$$)

Braza features an all-youcan-eat continuous tableside service with a wide variety of different cuts of meat, chicken and seafood in succession. Enjoy a trip to Brazil without leaving Hong Kong! 3rd Floor, Braza Churrascaria Grand Progress Building, 15Brazilian Steakhouse 16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 2890 9268 Braza主打巴西風味的半自助餐,各種美味肉類和海鮮隨叫隨切,讓您在香 港也能盡享巴西風情!中環蘭桂坊15-16號協興大廈3樓。2890 9268。

Chilli Fagara 麻辣燙 ($$)

This cosy boutique restaurant specializes in fiery Sichuan dishes and personalized service. Shop E, G/F, 51A Graham Street, Central. 2893 3330 . 這家精緻的餐廳環境舒適,服務周到,提供香辣可口的四川特色菜。中 環嘉咸街51A地下E鋪,2893 3330。

APRIL 2017





Lotus Courtyard Restaurant 荷華庭園景餐廳 The idyllic village of Lam Tsuen, located on the outskirts of Tai Po in the New Territories, is famous for its Wishing Tree, which receives thousands of visitors all year around and especially during the Chinese New Year. Besides the Wishing Tree there is an old Tin Hau temple and market stalls selling interesting local eats and craft items. A hidden gem tucked behind the temple is Lotus Courtyard Restaurant, serving up tasty western and Thai cuisines in its nicely landscaped grounds. The restaurant, in elegant European style, occupies two village houses plus a large and colourfully decorated open courtyard where you can dine either at the open tables or private pagoda-like private rooms. For our lunch, we shared a combination of western and Thai dishes including Lobster Bisque in Puff Pastry ($88), French Wild Mushroom Cream Soup ($80), Chicken with Satay ($88), Grilled Angus Ribeye Steak ($290), Roasted Rack of Lamb with Provencale Sauce ($430), Roasted US Kurobuta Pork Chop with Black Truffle Sauce ($298) and Red Curry Tiger Prawn ($168). A full variety of desserts awaits to complete the meals; we chose a ginger flavour Soufflé ($48) plus the house special Wine Jelly with Fruits($48). The prices are eminently reasonable as is the overall quality of the food. It’s no surprise this hidden gem is getting increasing public attention. If you should visit Lam Tsuen and make your wishes come true – and we highly suggest that you do - be sure to stop by Lotus Courtyard Restaurant for a delicious and relaxing meal as a bonus highlight. 風景優美的林村位於新界大埔郊區,林村的許願樹每年吸引大量本地人和遊客前來祈福,於農曆新年時尤 其熱鬧。除了許願樹之外,這裡還有一座天后古廟和售賣地道小食和手工製品的攤檔。主打西餐和泰國菜的 荷華庭園景餐廳正是位於天后廟後面。餐廳選用雅緻的歐陸式裝潢,除了兩幢小木屋之外,還有五光十色的 寬敞庭院,您可以選擇露天或室內私人用餐區。 我們的午餐選擇了西餐和泰國菜的組合,其中包括酥皮焗龍蝦湯($88)法式野菌忌廉湯($80)串燒沙 嗲雞($88)燒美國安格斯肉眼扒($290)燒紐西蘭羊鞍($430)美國無菌黑豚豬配黑松露汁($298)以及 紅咖喱大虎蝦($168)此外,還有一系列美味甜品任君選擇。我們選擇了薑味梳乎厘($48)和這裡的招牌 甜品白酒啫喱($48)荷華庭園景餐廳的食物質素均在水準之上,價格相宜,難怪越來越多食客慕名而來。 不妨到林村許願樹一遊,許下您的願望,然後到荷華庭園景餐廳享用一頓美味而舒適的盛宴。

G/F, 43 Fong Ma Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Tai Po 大埔林村放馬莆43號地下;2653 1313

Anchor's Seafood and Beer House As Asia’s culinary capital where quality restaurants abound, Hong Kong has many “hidden gems” waiting to be recognised, especially for visitors. One such is Anchor’s Seafood and Beer House at the Bay Bridge Hotel, a quiet and spacious waterfront hotel-cum-serviced-apartment located on the outskirts of Tsuen Wan, one of the city’s thriving satellite towns in the western New Territories. A favourite of the locals, Anchor’s specialises in brunch and dinner buffets featuring seafood and grill items, and best of all, unlimited fresh, raw oysters. The Dinner Buffet, which is attractively priced at $298.5 (Mondays to Thursdays) and $328.5 for Fridays to Sundays, offers a smorgasbord of chilled seafood delicacies including two types of raw French oysters in season, prawns, crab legs, jade whelks, and blue mussels. A good mix of grilled meats including rib-eye roast, pork and lamb together with soup noodles and congees, and a large selection of desserts and fruits, round out the buffet menu. Anchor’s also offers a complimentary drink (beer, wine or soft drink) for dinner guests. The restaurant, which is right on the waterfront, sports a panoramic view of Tsuen Wan Harbour and one of Hong Kong’s iconic bridges beyond. For a relaxed meal in a less-visited corner of Hong Kong, make your way to Anchor’s for an evening of good food and happy drinks!

香港是著名的亞洲美食都會,各國美食紛呈,但這裡尚有不少鮮為人知的優秀 餐廳等待遊客發掘。位於汀蘭居的Anchor's Seafood and Beer House正是隱世美 食的代表之一。汀蘭居位於新界西高速發展中的衛星城市荃灣的海旁,是一間寬敞 寧靜的酒店及服務式公寓。Anchor's Seafood and Beer House是本地人最喜愛的 餐廳之一,提供以海鮮和各式肉類為主打的早午餐和自助晚餐,更有無限量新鮮生 蠔供應,絕對不容錯過。 自助晚餐的價格十分吸引,成人每位港幣298.5(星期一至四)星期五至日亦只 需港幣328.5。餐廳每晚推出多款冰鎮海鮮,包括兩款最新鮮的法國生蠔、大蝦、 長腳蟹、翡翠螺和藍青口等。除此之外,餐廳更提供多款肉類,包括烤肉眼扒、 豬肉和羊肉,還有湯麵、粥和一系列甜品和水果。每位顧客更可免費獲贈一杯飲品 (啤酒、餐酒或汽水)。 餐廳位於海邊,食客可欣賞到荃灣海港迷人景致以及香港最有代表性的大橋。 快來Anchor's Seafood and Beer House享用一頓舒適美味的晚餐吧!

G/F, Bay Bridge Hong Kong by Hotel G, 123 Castle Peak Road, Yau Kom Tau, Tsuen Wan 荃灣油柑頭青山公路汀九段123號汀蘭居地下; 2945 1138 / 2945 1139

30 | APRIL 2017

Kowloon 九龍

Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 Aqua ($$$$)

A penthouse with breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, this uber-cool restaurant presents two distinct culinary styles – Aqua Roma (Italian) and Aqua Tokyo (Japanese). 29-30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3427 2288. 位於高層閣樓,維港風光盡收眼底。這家別具風格的前衛餐廳,提供Aqua Roma(意大利菜)和Aqua Tokyo(日本菜)兩種迥然而異的風味選擇。尖沙咀北 京道1號29及30樓, 3427 2288。

China Tang 唐人館 ($$$$)

Chinese cuisine in an China Tang 唐人館 elegant setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises of elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the best and delicious cocktails with the offer of dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港城九龍旗艦店坐擁維港海景,特設中西合壁 的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美景。酒吧區每 天供應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套餐等。尖沙咀廣東道 17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號舖,2157 3148。

London House ($$$)

The two-storey London House in Alfresco Lane by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creates a strong English pub-like ambiance. Its signature dish Shepherd’s Pie is a must-try and its traditional dessert Bread and Butter Pudding is also fantastic. G5, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3650 3333 位於尖東美食里的兩層餐 廳 London House 由名廚 Gordon Ramsay主理,走英 式酒吧路線,英倫味甚重。 菜式首推羊肉批,傳統甜點 奶油麵包布丁味道一流。尖 London House 沙咀麼地道66號尖沙咀中心 G5號舖。3650 3333

Osteria 意大利餐廳 ($$$)

Combining both old and new styles, Osteria Ristorante Italiano serves mouthwatering traditional Italian dishes, tableside cooking, authentic Italian pizzas, fresh homemade pasta and gelato. Mezzanine Floor, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2315 1010 Osteria意大利餐廳融合傳統與創新的意大利烹調手法,製作出一系列正宗意 大利美饌、意大利薄餅、自製意大利面和意式雪糕。尖沙嘴彌敦道50號金域 假日酒店閣樓;2315 1010

Playa de Papagayo ($$)

Situated in the heart of the bar district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12noon to 5pm. Open daily 12noon-2am, G / F, S h o p N o . 2 , Papagayo 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的 Papagayo提供獨特而豐富的 西班牙菜餚,特調雞尾酒及 桑格利亞汽酒也是好選擇。 逢周六日中午 12 時至下午 5 時,正價餐牌菜式可享七折 優惠。中午12時至凌晨2時; 九龍尖沙咀天文台道8號地下 2號舖;2323 1379。

APRIL 2017





Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。

Hong Kong 香港島



Fish Bar 魚吧

Club @28

This chic rooftop indoor/outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲, 更可俯瞰都市景色。營業時間︰下午 5 時至凌晨 1 時 (週末至凌晨 2 時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道 8 號銅鑼灣皇冠 假日酒店頂層,3980 3300。

Dickens Bar 雙城吧

This lively sports bar has good pub grub and large-screen TVs perfect for sport-watching. Open daily 12pm-1am (2am on Fri, Sat & P.H.) Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. 2837 6782. 一所充滿生命力的酒吧,提供英式美食、飲品及運 動賽事觀賞等,洋溢著一片英國氣氛。營業時間: 中午 12 時至凌晨 1 時(星期五、六及公眾假期至凌 晨 2 時)。銅鑼灣告士打道 281 號香港怡東酒店, 2837 6782 。 Hooray

A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery of scenic mountain views and overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy specially-crafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色, 讓客人於輕松悠閑的環境中,享受特選雞尾酒、是 日精選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下 午 12 時至 10 時半;香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場香港 JW萬豪酒店7樓;2810 8366。

CENTRAL 中環 Armani/Privé

A favourite for chic after-work cocktails, Armani/ Privé is an upbeat lounge and a chill-out rooftop terrace with skyscraper city views. 2F Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Road. 3583 2828. ARMANI/ PRIVE由氛圍輕鬆愉悅的酒廊及愜意悠閒 的頂層平臺組成,平臺將中環摩天大廈的壯觀景色盡 收眼底,讓人切身感受到香港璀璨繁華的躍動脈搏。 中環幹諾道中8號置地遮打大廈2樓,3583 2828。



A secret you might want to keep to yourself lest it becomes overrun, Hooray offers stunning views from its harbourside terrace. Bar snacks such as yakitori and barbecued items are offered alongside an excellent wine and cocktail list. Open daily 12pm-12am (2am on Sat) P502, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. 2895 0885. 酒吧位於銅鑼灣,靠近港灣附近的露天平臺,賓客於 此可將香港秀麗的景致盡收眼底。不但供應各式串燒 和燒烤等小食,此外,餐廳還提供多款上乘的葡萄酒 和雞尾酒。營業時間:中午12時至凌晨12時(星期六 至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心P502 號鋪,2895 0885 。

Inn Side Out/East End Brewery

A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, South China Athletic Association, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流, 是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營業時間:中午11:30至凌晨 2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山道 88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。

32 | APRIL 2017

Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957. 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大 批 捧場客前來享受晚間的愉快時光。24小時營業。 蘭桂芳德己立街38號,2525 0957。


A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for afterwork happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最 適宜下班後前去喝一杯。中環雲咸街43-45號地下D 及E舖,2116 8055。

WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧

Art Deco themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pretheatre drinks and late night rendezvous. MonSun 5pm-2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加 入現場琴師和法籍歌手的醉人旋律,是人們小聚和 深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名 於其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一 系列享負盛名的精品香檳,包括︰ Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa

- Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款 香檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝選擇。營業時間:星期一至 日,下午 5 時至凌晨 2 時。灣仔港灣道 1 號香港君悅 酒店大堂層,2584 7722。



Seat yourself on the infamous reclining dentist's chair at this Mexican bar and restaurant and get Triple Sec and tequila poured down your throat direct from the bartender's bottles. Open daily noon-2am. 114-120 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2861 2221. 這是一家富有特色的墨西哥酒吧和餐廳,你可以躺在 彷如牙醫診所那款傾斜的靠椅上,侍應會把你的雞尾 酒直接從調酒師處送到你跟前。營業時間:中午12時 至凌晨2時;灣仔駱克道114-120號,2861 2221。

Ophelia 鳥語花香

Hong Kong’s newest nightlife destination at The Avenue in Wan Chai brings sophistication, intriguing cocktails and tantalising entertainment to Hong Kong in a one-of-a-kind space. TueThu 6pm to 2am, Fri-Sat 6pm to 4am, Sun-Mon closed. Shop 41A, 1/F The Avenue, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. 2520 1117. 香港全新飲食娛樂熱點已於灣仔利東街正式開業, 絕對會為客人帶來驚豔的體驗,當中精緻迷人的雞 尾酒和誘人的娛樂表演,必定能刺激客人的各個感 官,讓人樂而忘返。營業時間:星期二至四下午6時 至深夜 2 時,星期五、六下午 6 時至深夜 4 時,星期 日及星期一暫不營業。灣仔皇后大道東 200 號利東 街囍匯1樓39A至41A店鋪,2520 1117。

The Wanch

An unpretentious and fun bar offering live music seven nights a week with different performers every night. Mon-Sat 5pm till late; Sun 4pm till late. 54 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. 2861 1621. 不虛裝門面的酒吧,一星期七天均有現場音樂助 興,而且表演者每晚不同,保持新鮮感。營業時 間:星期一至六,下午5時至深夜;星期日,下午4 時至深夜。灣仔謝斐道54號,2861 1621。

The White Stag

Watch the live TV sports coverage of your favourite teams in this open-fronted and laid back pub. Open daily; Quiz Night every Sun & Mon from 7:30pm. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2866 4244. 這間悠閒舒適的酒吧提供體育賽事的直播,因此經常 傳出陣陣喝彩聲。每日營業:星期日及一的問答之夜 從7時30分開始。灣仔駱克道54-62號,2866 4244。


Trafalgar serves fine and traditional British food such as Fish & Chips, Yorkshire Pudding and other authentic fares. Crafted drinks include a great selection of premium beers and ales. Open daily 11am-3:30am. 5/F, 54-62 Lockhart Road, The Broadway, Wan Chai. Shop 10, 1/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; 2110 1535 / 3102 9438. Trafalgar 餐廳為客人提供一系列美味的傳統英式食物,例如炸魚薯條、約克郡布丁 等。Trafalgar 更精心為客人調配各種精選飲品,包括啤酒和麥芽啤酒。營業時間: 上午11時至凌晨3時半。香港灣仔駱克道54-62號博匯大廈5樓;香港灣仔港灣道 28號灣景中心1樓10號舖;2110 1535 / 3102 9438。


Party with the younger expat crowd and exchange students at this fun nautical-themed pub, which sometimes gets so crowded that people spill out onto the street. Open daily 8pm-10am; Ladies night every Wednesday. 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2527 2077. 年輕的外籍人士以及留學生常常聚集在這家以航海為主題的酒吧中大玩瘋狂派對, 擁擠時人們甚至站在酒吧外的街道上暢飲。營業時間:每日晚上8時至上午10時; 星期三為女士之夜。灣仔駱克道37-39號,2527 2077。

Kowloon 九龍 Reservation 订座热线

2110 1535

3102 9438

Drinking Establishment

in Wan Chai

Purchase a selected Whiskey get a 10% discount on Cigar 饮用威士忌可9折购买雪茄


A place for guests to look out over the spectacular Victoria Harbour, with exotic drink in hand and seafood from the South China Sea. Open 11:30am till late. 30/F, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2487 3988. Eyebar 讓賓客親身體會維多利亞港的懾人魅力,在欣賞美景的同時輕嚐醇釀美 酒,品味南中國海的海鮮美食。營業時間:中午11:30至深夜。尖沙咀彌敦道63號 iSQUARE國際廣場30樓,2487 3988。

Hari’s at Golden Mile

Live entertainment and nightly happy hour from 5pm-9pm. Open Daily 5pm2am. Mezzanine, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2369 3111. 提供現場表演,另外每晚更設歡樂時光。營業時間:下午5時至凌晨2時;歡樂時 光︰下午5時至晚上9時。尖沙咀 彌敦道50號香港金域假日酒店閣 Lulu 樓,2369 3111。


The Southeast Asian style bar makes it a perfect place to relax after a busy shopping day. It offers a delectable selection of Asian dishes and drinks for guests to indulge in some regional flavours. Open daily 3pm-2am; Shop 2, Podium Plaza, No. 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2312 0468. Shop 5&6, G/ F, 3 Granville Circuit, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2369 3803. 忙碌的血拼之後不妨前往東南亞風格酒吧Lulu小酌一番,放鬆心情。美味的亞洲佳 餚及各類飲品都令人沉醉。下午3時至凌晨2時;九龍尖沙咀河內道5號普基商業中 心地下2號鋪;2312 0468。尖沙咀嘉蘭圍3號地下5-6號舖;2369 3803。

During Happy Hour 1500 - 2000 Purchase A La Crate Burger / Fish & Chips Free 1 Bottle of British Pale Ale / Bitter

欢乐时光下午三点到晚上八点 购买巨型汉堡或英式炸鱼柳 奉上一瓶英国精酿啤酒

Salon de Ning 玲瓏酒廊

Inspired by Madame Ning: Shanghai socialite, world traveller, and fabulous hostess. As you enter this sexy venue, you feel transported to another time and place. Mon-Sat 6pm-1.30am from. Basement, The Peninsula Hong Kong, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2315 3355. 玲瓏酒廊是以三十年代上海名媛「玲瓏女士」(Madame Ning) 的優雅華宅為藍本, 她酷愛周遊天下並且是位出色的主持人,玲瓏酒廊的室內設計,活現一幕幕她的動 人逸事。營業時間:星期一至六,下午6時至凌晨1:30;星期日休息。尖沙咀梳士 巴厘道香港半島酒店地下層, 2315 3355。

Square 12

A new concept Korean BBQ style bar and restaurant is the latest offering for trendy gatherings. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Square 12 provides a large public area as well as VIP rooms plus a open terrace for BBQ. Its "all you can eat and drink" buffet includes innovative Korean and local items, various cocktails, bar drinks and Korean Jinro. Daily, 7pm to 4am; 12/F, Universal Commercial Building, 65-69 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 6553 6553. 位於尖沙咀市中心,設有寬敞大廳、貴賓房及開揚BBQ大露台,屬尖沙咀首創的韓 式BBQ酒吧。特別推出任吃任喝韓國燒烤及地道風味小食,飲品包括各款雞尾酒、 洋酒以及韓國真露等。營業時間:晚上7:00至凌晨4:00;尖沙咀北京道65-69號環 球商業大廈12/F全層;6553 6553。

Sport Live, 100 types of different British Beers Terrace / Smoking Area 我们提供室外抽烟座位 5/F, The Broadway, 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 湾仔区骆克道 54-62 号博汇大厦 5 楼 Shop 10, 1/f, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 湾仔区海湾道 28 号湾景中心 1 楼平台 10 号铺 Shop D, G/F Lisa House, 12-14A Yim Po Fong Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon 九龍旺角染布房街 至 14A 依利大廈地下 D 舖 | APRIL 2017 12





Black Diamond Black Diamond Distance Carbon Z Trekking Poles (Pair)-Carbon-100 cm 三折式行山杖(一對,100厘米)

Fresh air 裝備齊全,



Natty garbs!


Need just the right attire to explore Hong Kong's great outdoors? Check out our great selection of outdoor gear and clothing and set out on a fun journey! 想立即到戶外探索香港卻沒有適合的裝備? 我們為您精選了一系列運動用品, 準備出發吧!





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34 | APRIL 2017


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SHOP LIST AIGLE Shop 09, Level 2, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘又一城 L2 層 09 號舖 2265 8098 ASICS Shop No G36, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館地下G36號舖 2739 9633 Black Diamond RacingThePlanet 極地長征 22/F, Nam Wo Hong Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan 上環永樂街148號南和行大廈22樓 8102 8113 Canterbury Escapade 1/F, Yee Hing Building, 19 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣禮頓道19號怡興大廈1樓 2891 1855 Nike Nike Lab PS7 7 Pak Sha Road Causeway Bay 香港銅鑼灣白沙道7號地下 2577 0703 Onitsuka Tiger Shop G09 on Upper Ground Floor, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心UG層G09號舖 2205 0322 PRADA Available at ISA Optical LG/F, China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀廣東道中港城地庫全層 2366 5820

APRIL 2017






Hong Kong 香港島

ADMIRALTY 金鐘 Pacific Place 太古廣場

88 Queensway (Map T6) . Classy and spacious four-level shopping centre with natural lighting. Perched on top of the MTR station, surrounded by three five-star hotels and the greenery of Hong Kong Park. 2844 8900. 金鐘道 88 號(地圖 T6 ) ,高尚寬敞的四層購物中心位於港鐵金鐘站上蓋,吸引大量 海外遊客。2844 8900 。

Central 中環 ifc Mall 國際金融中心商場

8 Finance Street (Map R4) . Shop at one of the most photogenic skyscrapers of Hong Kong; top brand-name shops, restaurants and a cinema. Links to the MTR station, Central ferry piers, and the Airport Express. 2295 3308. 金融街8號(地圖R4) ,購物商場內有不少名牌商店及餐廳,並設電影院,可乘搭港鐵 及機場快線直達。2295 3308 。

The Peak 山頂

REGIONAL MALLS tmtplaza 屯門市廣場

地區購物商場 tmtplaza 屯門市廣場

The largest regional mall in northwest New territories, this mall has a full and diverse mix of retails shops, food outlets and a cinema complex. It’s close to Shenzhen and easily accessed vis cross b o rd e r b u s e s f ro m Shenzhen Bay. 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun. 屯門市廣場是新界西北部最大的地區性購物商場,設有眾多零售商舖、餐廳 及一間電影院,集吃喝玩樂於一身。商場鄰近深圳,每天有大量過境巴士來 往深圳灣口岸,交通十分方便。屯門屯順街1號。


This mall just off the Kwun Tong MTR in Kowloon is becoming a urban renewal landmark in this former industrial area. Its vibrancy is palpable at all hours as its extended opening hours draws millennials late in the night. 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong. 觀塘以前是一個工業區, apm 商場鄰近港鐵觀塘站,如今已成為這一區的 潮流地標。營業時間較一般購物商場長,吸引眾多充滿活力的年輕人前來血 拼。觀塘道418號。

The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場

118 Peak Road (Map W8) . Offering international cuisines and an array of shops selling gifts and locally designed products. Visitors can also take in amazing views from the top level’s Green Terrace Observation Deck. 2849 4113 . 山頂道118號(地圖W8) 。旅客可於山頂廣場品嚐各國佳餚美饌及搜購本地創作之特 色精品,更可前往頂層綠茵平台,飽覽醉人景緻。2849 4113 。

Kowloon 九龍

Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀


Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉

China Hong Kong City 中港城

China Hong Kong City 中港城

A real gem offering trendy and branded products including jewelry, sportswear, fashions, electronics, etc. Part of the China Hong Kong Ferry terminal complex and located on the famed Canton Road shopping district. 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 3119 0288. 商場吸引眾多潮流品牌進駐,包括珠寶、體育用品、時尚服飾、電子產品等。中港城位 於著名的購物熱點廣東道上,中國客運碼頭提供方便快捷的客輪服務。九龍尖沙咀廣東 道33號。3119 0288。

Harbour City 海港城

Canton Road (Map L3) . So popular you’ll see queues at the flagship stores of the biggest fashion brands. Located at the southern end of Canton Road. Ocean Terminal entrance near the Star Ferry Terminal. 2118 8666 . 位於廣東道北面(地圖L3) ,有各種類型的商店和餐廳,行人通道接連其他購物中心及 酒店,海運大廈入口設於近天星碼頭。2118 8666 。

The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心

The Grand Plaza Good mix of diverse dining and 雅蘭中心 shopping choices in the heart of Mongkok, Kowloon, right next to a MTR exit. Over 20 gourmet dining venues ,watch and jewelry shops, concept stores and life style labels round out the complement. 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. 位於九龍區的旺角市中心,港鐵 旺角站出口旁邊,商場內餐飲及購物選擇繁多,匯聚超過20間食肆、鐘錶珠寶品牌、概 念商店以及多間時尚服飾品牌店舖。旺角彌敦道625及639號。



Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉

Hong Kong's most well-known outlet mall and also its largest. Located in Tung Chung next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the mall has over 80 outlets featuring well known fashion and sportswear brands. Place to be for quality products at bargain prices. 51 Man Tung Road, Tung Chung. 位於東涌的東薈城是香港最著名和最大型的特賣場,鄰近香港國際機場,商 場內有超過80個著名時尚及運動品牌以優惠價格出售商品,讓您以誘人的折 扣價瘋狂血拼。東涌文東路51號。

E-Max WearHouse

E-Max WearHouse

This new outlet at the Kowloon Bay I n t e r n t a i o n a l Tr a d e and Exhibition Centre (KITEC) promises to be a hit with locals and tourists alike. First phase (50,000 square feet) features international brands and trendy apparel and lifestyle products. 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay. 這個位於九龍灣國際展貿中心的新特賣場定會成為本地人和遊客的休閒熱 點。一期佔地五萬平方呎,主打國際品牌、時尚服飾和潮流生活用品。九龍 灣展貿徑1號。

Horizon Plaza 新海怡廣場

This well-known outlet mall in Ap Lei Chau just off Aberdeen on the south side of Hong Kong Island is a favourite with locals and expats. The former warehouse building is chockful of big name brands. 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau. 這座位於港島南區鴨脷洲的著名特賣場前身是工業大廈,現有眾多著名品牌 進駐,深受本地人歡迎。鴨脷洲利榮街2號。



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APRIL 2017




A round-up of Hong Kong’s quality spas, beauty rooms and massage centres. 齊集全港優質美容中心、按摩中心和水療中心。

The Spa at Four Seasons 四季酒店

Hong Kong 香港島

CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Life of Life Healing Spa

The spa features a state-of-the-art biopulsar machine that they say checks the physical and mental status of clients in order to tailor-make treatments. 10/F & 11/F Continental Diamond Plaza, 525 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay. 2838 1661. 水療中心設有先進的健康測試儀器,只需把手放在 感應器上便可檢查客人的健康狀況,計算出合適的 療程。銅鑼灣軒尼詩道525號恆和鑽石大廈10樓及11 樓, 2838 1661 。


Contemporary and chic, this brand uses customised flower and plant extracts in its treatments. 16/F, Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell Street, Causeway Bay. 2923 7888 . 這裡時髦又現代化,採用的鮮花和植物精華全為顧 客量身訂造。銅鑼灣羅素街 38 號金朝陽中心 16 樓, 2923 7888 。

This spa has it all: views across the harbour, the very latest relaxation methods, and 22,000 sq ft of luxurious space comprising treatment rooms and state-of-the art hydrotherapy facilities. Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central. 3196 8900. 位於港島臨海,備有先進的美容和休閒設備。面積達 22,000平方呎,裝潢豪華,具有多個水療室,設備優 良。中環金融街8號四季酒店,3196 8900 。 Iyara day spa, a favourite among Central’s young female professionals, has three locations offering facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, waxing, body scrubs, and wraps in a relaxing Thai-inspired atmosphere. Central 2545 8638, Mid-Levels 2530 1666, Wan Chai 2545 8637. 體驗優質的美容水療呵護以及享受洗滌心靈的泰式水 療,你可以選擇各項皮膚護理、美甲、按摩,或者是 蜜蠟脫毛護理、身體磨砂及體膜護理等,以及數小時 的半天 SPA組合。中環: 2545 8638,半山: 2530 1666,灣仔:2545 8637,

BIO Beauty Spa 純一堂

Bio Beauty Spa 純一堂

Elemis Day Spa

One of the city's first independent luxury spas; the facility spreads out over 4,000 sq ft and offers an extensive range of body treatments. 9/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2521 6660 . 這是香港一流的水療中心,佔地超過4,000平方呎, 洋溢一片「禪」風,設備豐富多種療程可供選擇。蘭 桂坊德己立街1號世紀廣場9樓, 2521 6660。

38 | APRIL 2017

造私密憩靜的私人空間。專業美容師為客人提供各項 獲獎及效果顯著的護理。灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒 店11樓,2584 7688 。


CENTRAL 中環 Step into the safe haven of Bio Beauty Spa and refresh yourself with a relaxing body massage or facial. The spa offers a range of treatments to suit your needs, from basic nourishing facials to state-of-the-art laser and TriLipo treatments for skin tightening and refining. The spa offers personalized experiences with private rooms and highly trained professionals. Room 201, 2/F, 29 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central. 2489 0222.; www.biobeautyspa. com 這所半醫學美容水療中心環境優雅,美容師及治療師 都具備高度職業水準;一系列高質激光護理和三極射 頻膠原自生養護療程,能有效緊緻肌膚,恢復細胞活 力;更有按摩及改善體形等療程,令你的身體和容 顏皆保持最好狀態,重新尋回青春。中環擺花街 29 號2樓201室;2489 0222.;

private rooms with en-suite bathrooms. 11/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7688 . 靜水沁園水療中心位於香港君悅酒店11樓,為客人打


The Day Spa at Seasons

Seasons makes a smooth transition from fitness to relaxation at The Day Spa, offering a great range of treatments for members and nonmembers alike. Featuring a new male spa, professionally trained therapists, and treatment rooms overlooking Hong Kong Park. 3/F, ICBC Tower, No.3 Garden Road, Central. 2878 6211 . The Day Spa at Seasons Fitness是脫離城市生活忙碌和 熙來攘往的理想地方,提供一系列的治療和一個豪華、 輕鬆和無壓力的環境。我們的治療房間是一個平靜的避 風港,舒適的氣氛,讓您的頭腦、身體和靈魂放鬆。中 環花園道中國工商銀行大廈3字樓,2878 6211 。

The Oriental Spa at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental 置地文華東方酒店的東方水療中心

Located in the heart of Central, this centre offers the ultimate spa experience with a comprehensive range of wellness facilities and signature spa treatments created exclusively for the Mandarin Oriental. 5/F-6/F, 15 Queen's Road, Central. 2132 0011. 位於中環黃金地段的置地文華東方酒店之內,專為賓 客提供各款尊貴的美容、按摩及獨家精選的水療療 法。中環皇后大道中15號5樓及6樓, 2132 0011 。

WAN CHAI 灣仔 Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心

Plateau Spa, located on the 11th floor of the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, offers privacy and an escape from the world. Award-winning, resultoriented treatments are conducted in luxurious

Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心

Sunny Paradise 新瀛閣

Established almost 20 years ago, this spa is a popular, cheap and cheerful option where the wear and tear is part of the charm. The most popular treatment is the traditional Chinese body massage. 341 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2831 0123 . 擁有約20年歷史,收費合理相宜,歲月的痕跡為中心 增添魅力。傳統中式全身按摩廣受歡迎,由專業水療 師親自主理。灣仔駱克道341號,2831 0123 。

Kowloon 九龍


I-Spa incorporates the 4,000-year-old Chinese philosophy of feng shui. Beauty treatments include Ancient Rituals of the Orient – a fusion of different Asian therapies designed to balance the body's yin and yang. 3/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2313 2306 . 水療中心融入中國4,000年歷史的風水元素,提供糅 合東方古法療程的美容服務,融會亞洲各式療法,以 平衡身體的陰陽。尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港洲際酒 店3樓,2313 2306 。

Mu Lan Spa 沐蘭水療中心

This oasis of tranquillity combines contemporary Oriental design with commodious treatment rooms and an array of men's and ladies' services to melt away stress. Shop 411-3, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3107 2028; 2/F, Club Lusitano, Duddell Street, Central. 3102 0208 . 繁囂都市中的一片綠洲,充滿現代東方韻味的設計, 舒適寬敞的房間,提供優質水療服務。尖沙咀海港城 海洋中心411-3號鋪,3107 2028;中環都爹利街西 洋會大廈2樓,3102 0208 。

The Peninsula Spa by ESPA

The spa offers a personalised experience in a setting sculpted to perfection. Private rooms, large massage beds and top-of-the-line treatments and products. The Peninsula Hotel, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2315 3322 . 與眾不同的格調,打造奢華完美的水療體驗,中心 設有私人護理室、舒適寬敞的按摩床及優質完善的 護理療程和產品。尖沙咀梳士巴利道半島酒店, 2315 3322 。

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APRIL 2017






The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions

Siah Armajani

Arch Angel Gallery

Established in 2001 by Dutchman Koos Groot, Arch Angel Art specialises in contemporary Southeast Asian work featuring an outstanding collection of Vietnamese oils as well as other Southeast Asian master paintings, many from the owners’ private collections, built up over decades. Mon-Sat, 9.30am6.30pm. Sun/PH 10.00am-6.00pm. 30 Peel Street (corner Hollywood Road), Central. 2851 6882.

Work of Siah Armajani at Rossi & Rossi

18 Feb-15 Apr. Rossi & Rossi Hong Kong will mount an extensive exhibition on the career and work of Iranian-born American artist Siah Armajani. Works on view spanning his seven decades of output and demonstrating mastery in artistic achievement will include early drawings on paper and fabric, ideational architectural models, large-scale sculpture and recent works on paper. Tue-Sat 11 am6pm. Unit 3C, Yally Industrial Building, 6 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang. 3575 9417.

Hsiao Chin's Important Works in the 1960s Salon Show at 3812 Gallery

1 Feb-30 Apr. This exhibition promises to be a unique opportunity for collectors and art lovers to collect and appreciate the artist’s important works from the 1960s, including those on canvas and on paper. Hsiao’s works from the 60s show the rhythms of light through curved or straight bold lines and shapes, and reveal Oriental spirituality through abstract symbolism and leaving blankness on canvas. Mon-Fri 10:30am-7:30pm, Sat-Sun 11am-5pm. G/F, 118 Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun. 2153 3812.

Jiang Pengyi ‘Away from Disgrace’ at Blindspot Gallery

18 Mar-6 May. The exhibition will showcase Jiang Pengyi’s newest works from three series which involve diverse experimentation in photographic materials, underscoring Jiang’s persistence to constantly investigate and innovate with the boundlessly generative potentialities of the medium. Tue–Sat, 10am - 6pm. 15/F, Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang. 2517 6238.

Mel Bochner: Blah Blah Blah at Simon Lee Gallery

21 Mar – 22 Apr. For some 50 years, Mel Bochner has explored the intersections of linguistic and visual representation. As a leading figure of conceptual and post-minimal art movements during the 1960s, Bochner experimented in complicating the interface between reading and seeing. Emerging at a time when painting was increasingly discussed as outmoded, Bochner became part of a generation of artists, including Eva Hesse, Donald Judd, and Robert Smithson, who were looking at ways of breaking with abstract expressionism and traditional compositional devices. Tue-Sat, 11am-7pm. 304, 3/F Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central. 2801 6252.

40 | APRIL 2017


The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶

Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂

Altfield Gallery

Chinese Arts & Crafts is a renowned luxury brand established in Hong Kong since 1959. It offers many ranges of prestigious products including exquisite and legendary arts & crafts that feature oriental culture, natural Fei Cui jewellery and elegant Chinese apparel, aiming to promote and popularize traditional Chinese culture. 10:30am8:30pm; Pacific Place Branch -- Shop 220,The Mall, Phase 2, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway; 2523 3933; 中藝品牌自 1959 年在香港創立至今已有五十七年歷 史,經營具有濃厚東方文化和傳奇色彩、技藝精湛的 天然翡翠首飾、高檔工藝品、高貴端莊的華服系列 等。中藝為推廣中國傳統文化藝術精粹不遺餘力,成 績超然,商譽卓著。營業時間:上午10:30至下午 8:30;金鐘太古廣場分公司—金鐘道88號太古廣場2 期220號;2523 3933;

A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗

From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The familyrun business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩 店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高古 青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可 的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨脷洲倉 庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。

Arch Angel Galerie V

Warring States period 475 BC to 221 BC pottery jars at Arch Angel Antiques 戰國時代陶罐

Arch Angel Antiques

This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 25 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 53-55 Hollywood Road (corner Peel Street), Central. 2851 6848. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過25年, 收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物館水 準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一 系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的青瓷;並 擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘 情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀的古傢俱均經 過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見 石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖鑑,當然還少不了 赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有 珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包裝,並可託付船運, 無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上 6時30分,假期照常營業。中環荷李活道53-55號(卑 利街交界);2851 6848。

This large gallery is a must for collectors and connoisseurs interested in early stone sculpture and 16th-18th century Chinese furniture. The gallery owner has been collecting and restoring Chinese furniture since 1985, having them exquisitely reconditioned by an expert furniture specialist. All items come with certification and unconditional guarantees. Open daily 10am-6pm. 70 Hollywood Road (corner Elgin Street), Central. 2851 6828. 寬敞的店鋪是愛好收藏和鑒賞的朋友非去不可之處。 那裡有早期的石刻雕塑和 16 至 18 世紀的中式古董傢 具,以原裝版本呈現精緻細節,並由傢具專家小心謹 慎地修復。店主在收藏和修復中式傢俱的經驗可追溯 至1985年,所有珍品均附帶證書及無條件保證其真確 度。營業時間︰上午10時至晚上6時。中環荷李活道 70號(伊利近街交界);2851 6828。

Tang dynasty 618 to 906 AD pottery standing soldiers at Arch Angel Galerie V 唐朝彩陶武士俑

Qing dynasty zitan and Huanghuali root stands and a set of four Song mythical ceramic figures 清朝紫檀、黃花梨根雕座及宋朝影青瓷小件

Traditional Chinese scholars were accomplished in painting, poetry, chess and qin. They would enrich their study rooms with a range of objects important to the pursuit of these activities. These objects embodied the highest degree of technical precision and finely honed aesthetic sensibilities. Scholars also believed in the power of nature to inspire their creativity for music, painting or calligraphy, and thus displayed objects of natural stone or natural wood in their study. This month, Oi Ling Antiques presents two unique natural root stands of zitan and huanghuali wood. The stands were used to display various types of potted plants that are more commonly known in the west as bonsai following the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese characters 盆 栽 . Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm, Sun 1pm-6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. www. 中國古代文人大多善於琴、棋、書、畫。在其書房中 均放置一系列的文房雜項器物,如文房四寶、茶和香 等等相關器具雜項。這些文房器物反映出古代文人的 審美觀和工匠大師的精湛技藝。 另外,他們也相信大自然的力量,天然的奇 石和樹根激發了他們在音樂和書畫方面的創作, 所以古代文人雅士也會在書房擺放天然奇石或根 雕座。本期燕譽堂介紹的清朝紫檀和黃花梨根雕 座十分獨特罕有,可用來展示各種各樣的盆栽, 希望藉此讓觀賞者體驗中國古代文人學者的生活 方式。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上 10:00 至下午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72號地下;2815 9422;

APRIL 2017






See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊




Hong Kong Museum of History

The Legend of Hong Kong Toys

2 March-15 May 2017

By showcasing around 2,000 (sets of) toys familiar to Hong Kong people or made locally, the exhibition explores the evolution of toys in the past century and the way shrewd industrialists transformed Hong Kong into a toy kingdom. Moreover, the exhibition illustrates functions of toys beyond fun and play, and the way toys adapted to changing times. The exhibition venue features a play area that will surely encourage children to immerse in play and at the same time ponder the meaning of toys. Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui East. Mon, Wed to Sun standard admission fee HK$10. 2724 9042.

Hong Kong 香港島 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館

The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其 革命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期 展覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參 展。除展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。開放 時間:平日上午10時至下午6時(逢星期四休館); 星期六、日及公眾假期至晚上7時。免費入場。中環 衛城道7號, 2367 6373 。

Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware 茶具文物館

Originally the home of the commander-inchief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住 宅,現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、 茶杯、茶碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶 藝館,長期展出宋明朝陶器和印章。開放時間: 平日 上午 10 時至下午 6 時(逢星期二休館,公眾假期除

42 | APRIL 2017

透過展示約二千件(組)香港人熟 悉或香港製造的玩具,探索不同玩 具近百年的轉變,以及本地工業家 如何以敏銳的觸覺,將香港打造成 為玩具王國。此外,展覽同時闡釋 玩具除了玩樂以外的功能,以及玩 具如何適應時代的變遷。展覽場地 還設有玩樂區,讓孩子玩得忘形之 余,亦可思考玩具的意義。尖沙咀 東部漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物 館專題展覽廳。逢星期一、三至日 標準票價港幣 10 元。 2724 9042.

外)。免費入場。港鐵金鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10 號香港公園, 2869 0690。

Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館

A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. MonFri, 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品 包括船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李 箱等等;設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用1950年 代的航海設施模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。開放時 間:星期一至五上午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期 六及日上午10時至下午7時。入場費HK$30。香港中 環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 香港海防博物館

Formerly known as the Lei Yue Mun Fort, the site occupies a strategic position guarding against enemy incursions into Victoria Harbour during the colonial era. It has now been redeveloped to allow the public to appreciate the history and artifacts from those times. Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am – 6pm (March through September), 10am – 5pm (October through February). Free. 15-minute walk from Shau Kei Wan MTR Station, Exit B2; 175 Tung Hei Road. Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong . 前身是舊鯉魚門炮台,佔據戰略位置,可監視接近 維港的敵船,在殖民地時代有重要作用。炮台改建 後已對公眾開放,保存和展示香港六百年的海防歷

史。週一至週三,週五至週日: 10am – 6pm ( 3 月至9月),10am – 5pm(10月至2月)。免費入 場。港鐵筲箕灣站B2出口步行15分鐘;香港筲箕灣 東喜道175号

Kowloon 九龍 Hong Kong Museum of History 香港歷史博物館

At the heart of this museum is the “Hong Kong Story”, a showcase of the territory's complete history. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays) 10am6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2724 9042. “香港故事”主題展覽是這棟博物館的心臟部份, 細說香港歷史發展點滴。開放時間:平日上午 10 時 至下午6時(逢星期二休館);星期六、日及公眾假 期至晚上 7 時。免費入場。尖沙咀漆咸道南 100 號, 2724 9042。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。

Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館

The museum combines education with fun. It houses Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個 豐富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。 開放時間:平日上午 10 時至下午 7 時(逢星期四休 息);星期六丶日及公 假期至晚上9時。成人入場 費HK$20,逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2 號, 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。

Hong Kong Heritage Museum

Bruce Lee:Kung Fu.Art.Life

Until 20 July 2018

Bruce Lee’s dynamism as a film star and his achievements in the field of martial arts took the world by storm, making him an international icon. In collaboration with the Bruce Lee Foundation of the US, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum has gathered more than 600 items of Bruce Lee memorabilia from local and overseas collectors to create an exhibition that looks at Bruce Lee not only as a film star and martial artist, but also as a cultural phenomenon. Hong Kong Heritage Museum Thematic Gallery 6, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, New Territories. Weekdays 10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Sat-Sun & PH 10am-7pm. Free.


武.藝.人生 ─ 李小龍


李小龍的武術造詣及明星風采令其蜚聲中外。香港文化博物館與 美國李小龍基金會合作,與海內外收藏家和團體商借,為大家帶 來超過六百多件珍貴的李小龍文物;希望大家瞭解他的成就和貢 獻,及其在普及文化方面的意義,重新認識李小龍的傳奇人生! 新界沙田文林路一號 香港文化博物館 專題展覽館(六);週一 至週五 10am-6pm ( 逢週二閉館 ) 。週六、日及公眾假期 10am7pm;免費入場;

Documentary Film: The Brilliant Life of Bruce Lee

(Duration 75 minutes, with traditional Chinese/ English subtitles)

The documentary features many precious film clips and interviews with people closely associated with Bruce Lee, giving audiences an overview of Bruce Lee's short yet fruitful life. Screening at Theatre (1/F of the Museum). Limited seats on a firstcome-first-served basis.

Screening time

Note: The documentary will not be put on show on Saturdays, when the theatre is reserved for Cantonese opera performances. Those who have purchased admission tickets for Saturdays will be entitled to view the documentary on any other day with their purchased tickets.


(繁體中文 / 英文字幕,片長約75分鐘) 紀錄片輯錄不少李小龍主演的電影片段,並訪問了多位與李小龍關係 密切的人物,把李小龍雖短暫卻豐盛的一生呈現在觀眾面前。 於一樓劇院放映,座位有限,先到先得。


請注意︰ 由於逢星期六劇院須用作粵劇演出,《李小龍風采一生》紀 錄片不作上映,購買星期六門票之觀眾,可憑票於其他日期到博物館 免費觀賞該影片。

APRIL 2017




Star Ferry

Big Bus Tours

sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck

The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。

Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。

Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。


Ferries leave from Central Pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.50 – $3.40.

2723 2108

$168 (Adult 成人) $118 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888

Disney and Marvel Theme Magical World

Ocean Park

The Peak Tram and The Peak Tower

A cavalcade of famous Disney cartoon characters will greet you here at Magical World! Special sound, smell and lighting effects create a whole new experience. The Luminous Disney Zone is one of the highlights of the exhibition. It takes you into the fantastic luminous Disney World for surprises galore! 迪士尼著名卡通人物雲集,以不同的立體造型和大家見 面,為了令大家能親臨其境,特別加入聲效、光效及 氣味,是全新視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺的感官新體驗。 重點推介迪士尼夜光畫區,在漆黑中為你帶來無窮的驚 喜,帶你進入奇幻不可思議的迪士尼夜光世界!

Ocean Park Hong Kong is a marine-life theme park featuring animals, thrill rides and shows. The two major attractions areas, the Waterfront and the Summit, are connected by the Cable Car and Ocean Express funicular train. In Aqua City, you can watch Symbio, a multi-sensory show featuring the world’s first 360-degree water screen. 海洋公園是一個世界級海洋動物主題樂園,分「海 濱樂園」及「高峰樂園」兩個景區,由架空纜車及 海洋列車連接。夢幻水都主題區有全球首創的360 度水幕表演「雙龍奇緣」,為您帶來連場聲光交匯 的視聽震撼。

Dating back to 1888, The Peak Tram is a steep funicular railway that allows passengers to enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong. At the top, The Peak Tower is an attraction in itself, with fun shopping, dining, and entertainment. 山頂纜車自1888年開始行駛至今,接載乘客往返 陡峭的山坡,俯視香港壯觀迷人的景色。山頂凌霄 閣是集購物、飲食及娛樂於一身的著名旅遊景點。

迪士尼及漫威主題 4D 奇幻館

$168 (Adult成人) $120 (Child aged 3-11;3歲至11歲小童) $120 (Senior aged 65 or above;65歲或以上長者) 1F Hilton Place 96 Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui East 尖沙咀東加連威老道32-40號希爾頓大廈1樓 2721 9318


Premium Tour 豪華套票 HK$450 (Adult 成人) HK$400 (Child 小童)

天際100香港觀景台 | APRIL 2017


$438 (Adult 成人), $219 (Child 小童). MTR Ocean Park Station Exit B 港鐵海洋公園站B出口 3923 2323


The Peak Tram departs every 10-15 min from the Peak Tram Station, Garden Road, Central. Board the Peak Tram shuttle bus No. 15C at the Central (Near Star Ferry Pier 8) Bus Terminus. 山頂纜車每10-15 分鐘由中環花園道纜車總站 開出,可由中環乘坐15C(天星碼頭8號碼頭附 近)穿梭巴士前往花園道山頂纜車站。 One-way 單程: $32 (Adult 成人), $12 (children and seniors 小童及長者); Return 來回: $45 (Adult 成人), $20 (children and seniors 小童及長者).

Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港濕地公園

Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism park that's a fantastic spot to enjoy some of Hong Kong’s unique flora and fauna. The park is also home to an impressive cast of wildlife, including birds, butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and fish. 香港濕地公園是一個世界級的生態旅遊設施,園 內有品種繁多的動物,包括雀鳥、蝴蝶、蜻蜓、 兩棲和爬行類及魚類等。

$30 (Adult 成人) $15 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) 10am-5pm, closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) 星期二休息(公眾假期除外) Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍濕地公園路 3152 2666

Noah's Ark Hong Kong 香港挪亞方舟

It really is like gazing upon the ark itself, which is why the world's only full-size replica of Noah's Ark is popular with both international and local visitors. Noah’s Ark Hong Kong is a wonderful place for parents and children to bond in a comfortable, natural environment, where entertainment and education are combined in diverse activities that promote life, family, the earth and positive values. 全球唯一根據遠古所載,以一比一的比例大小建造 的香港挪亞方舟。這個主題景點適合一家大小同 遊,您可以在方舟內參加益智好玩的活動,更可到 古樸的馬灣村,緬懷昔日漁村風。

$168 (Adult 成人) $138 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) Ferry from Central Pier 2 (access via MTR Hong Kong Station Exit E pass through ifc mall) to Park Island (the journey takes about 20 minutes). Walk to the Pak Lai Road then turn left to Pak Lam Road. 從中環出發:從港鐵香港站E1出口,穿過國際 金融中心商場,於中環2號碼頭搭乘渡輪前往珀 麗灣碼頭,船程約20分鐘。下船後一直走到珀 麗路,然後再左轉至珀林路。 3411 8888

Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong 香港特麗愛3D美術館

The world-class 3D museum originally from South Korea has descended upon the Peak Galleria Mall, featuring more than 70 brand new 3D art pieces that are tailor-made for Hong Kong branch. Visitors are encouraged to touch, climb onto and interact with the amazing exhibits. 來自韓國原創,享譽國際的人氣3D館強勢登陸太平山頂廣 場!多達70幅全新3D立體畫作,只屬香港館限定,給愛拍 照的您帶來驚喜體驗!

HK$150 (Adult 成人), HK$100 (Child小童/Senior長者) 10:00-22:00 Shop No. 1, Level 3, The Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Road, The Peak 香港山頂道118號山頂廣場3樓 2813 1686

Where to find out more 更多資訊

CityLife readers can enjoy a special offer of 20% discount off regular ticket price. Look for the discount coupon in CityLife’s magazine or the bilingual Hong Kong Street map. Ask your hotel concierge for a copy. 《東方之珠》讀者可享正價八折優惠,優惠 券附於《東方之珠》雜誌及雙語版香港街道 圖上,請向酒店禮賓司索取。

Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯意 見。此外,請瀏覽www.hkcitylife.com查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。

APRIL 2017




Airport Express 機場快線

MTR 港鐵

Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務

The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$100 (HK$50, child). Round-trip: HK$180. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車 從中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場 需時約 24 分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來 回票價成人每位收費$100(3至11歲小童每位收費 $50),雙程車票$180(有效期為一個月)。

The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。

2881 8888 2881 8888

Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Initial stored value cost per card varies: Child (HK$20), Adult (HK$100), and Elder (HK$20). Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. Airport Express Travel Pass cards are $250 for a single Airport Express journey plus three days' unlimited travel on the MTR, or pay $350 for two Airport Express trips plus three days' MTR travel. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客 服中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了卡成本。首次儲值額分別為小童卡HK$20、成人卡 HK$100、長者卡HK$20。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動從卡內的儲值額中扣除。機場快線旅遊 票包括HK$250的單程票及HK$350的雙程票,兩者均可連續三天無限次搭乘港鐵線。

2266 2222

Taxi 出租車

(自 2017 年 4 月 9 日起生效)下旗起計首 2 公里收 費 $19-$24 ,其后每 200 米跳表收費 $1.2-$1.7 , 詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之「出租車收費表」 上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本車費,并以港幣支 付車資,附加費包括隧道費、橋樑費、司機回程 費和行李載運費,可要求車費收據。香港法例規 定,如出租車內裝有安全帶,乘客必須佩帶。

2804 2600

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To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。

Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務

To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。

Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜

For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。 •Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國

2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011

To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。

For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length of the 15-kilometre track at $2.30 per adult, $1.20 per child and $1.10 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。成人每位收費$2.3,小童每位收費$1.2, 長者每位收費$1.1,可遊畢長達15公里的車程。乘 客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費於下車時繳付,可 使用八達通卡。

2548 7102

Airport Connection 聯絡機場

Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線

Trams 電車

(Effective from 9 April 2017) Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$19-24, with incremental charges of HK$1.2-1.7 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.

Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。

International Calls 長途電話

To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1

APRIL 2017






GENERAL MANAGER Alicia Too, General Manager of Lanson Place Hotel, shares her thoughts on her hotel and the hospitality industry 逸蘭酒店總經理陶詠詩與我們分享她對逸蘭酒店和酒店業的看法。

Alicia Too 陶詠詩


I grew up in Macau and was working for a bank after school but found it boring. A friend took me to the Mandarin Oriental hotel and I was quite taken in with the building and everything. So I went to work at the Mandarin Oriental in Macau, first in sales then moving on to operations and pretty much all over the place since. My hotel career took me from Macau to Hong Kong, then Guangzhou, all with the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group. Then I wanted to come back to Hong Kong and manage a boutique hotel for a change of pace. And I was very fortunate to be appointed hotel manager for this hotel here – it’s perfect for me! We are a luxury boutique hotel, the first one in Hong Kong as member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the world. We offer personalised service, privacy and tranquillity – our lounge is for guests only, and nice, spacious rooms. We create a very strong bond with our guests which is one reason our guest retention rate is so high. Our location in Causeway Bay is excellent as we are close to famed shopping destinations and all kinds of restaurants. This also means that, aside from offering breakfast, we can partner with many quality dining outlets to provide our guests with a wide selection of room service options. We are often called a “hidden gem” as – unlike most – our building is tucked away on a quieter street. My favourite part of the job is to meet people, especially our guests, and get to engage them and make sure they are satisfied. Being able to satisfy my guests and other stakeholders, including my colleagues and owner, is what motivates me. To be a good general manager, you need to have a clear vision, the big picture, so to speak, of what you want to achieve with the hotel. That is followed up by having a good plan that you can take ownership of, and make sure the team develop the skills to execute it, and an open mind to respond to change. Naturally the hotel industry here in Hong Kong has changed a lot over the years: we have more hotels, more competition, higher and more differentiated service standards, and the need to respond faster. Social media has played a huge role in that – we are much more responsive to guest feedback than ever before. My favourite things about the city are our dining scene – we have so many new restaurants and bars opening up all the time; the older side of Hong Kong, like in Yau Ma Tei’s older area and there is this old cha chaan teng, Mido, selling traditional Hong Kong eats, and then you can wander around our colourful street markets, like Ladies Market, or shop for buy local stuff; and the outdoors and hiking like the Dragon’s Back or Lantau, which are always a pleasant surprise to our guests. Those would be my recommendations to tourists as well.

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我在澳門長大,畢業後在銀行工作,但很快我就覺得這樣的 生活過於沉悶。當時一個朋友帶我到文華東方酒店,我被那 棟建築物和酒店內的一切吸引住了。因此我進入了澳門文華 東方酒店工作,先是在銷售部,後來加入了營運,之後我幾 乎在所有部門都工作過。 我從澳門轉到香港和廣州的文華東方酒店,之後我想回到香 港管理精品酒店,調整自己的步伐。我非常幸運地加入了逸 蘭酒店並擔任總經理,這對我來說簡直是最好的選擇! 逸蘭酒店是香港第一間奢華精品酒店,也是全球奢華精品酒 店成員之一。我們為顧客提供個人化的服務、足夠的隱私 度和一片寧靜的空間。酒店大堂只供顧客使用,客房時尚典 雅,面積寬敞。我們與顧客的關係十分密切,因此酒店的客 戶保留率十分高。 酒店位於銅鑼灣,地理位置相當優越。逸蘭酒店鄰近著名購 物店和各式各樣的餐廳。因此除了酒店提供的早餐,我們 還和許多高質素餐廳合作,為顧客們提供選擇多樣的房間服 務。逸蘭酒店是隱藏在鬧市中的寧靜綠洲,這是我們的獨特 之處。 這份工作中我最喜歡的就是可以認識不同的人,特別是我們 的顧客,要讓他們覺得賓至如歸。令顧客和其他相關利益者 包括我的同事和酒店老闆都感到滿意是我最大的動力。 要成為一名出色的酒店總經理,你必須有一個清晰的遠見, 也就是明確的酒店發展規劃。然後你要有一個自己全權負責 的詳盡計劃,確保你的團隊擁有執行所需的技能以及面對變 化快速反應的開放心態。 近年來香港的酒店業發生了很多變化。酒店的數量更多了, 競爭越來越大,服務標準更高和更多元化,酒店應對變化 的反應速度也要更快。由於如今社交媒體扮演著很重要的角 色,我們對顧客反饋的應對速度也更快了。 我最喜歡香港豐富多元的飲食文化。這裡每天都有新餐廳和 酒吧出現,舊香港也同樣充滿魅力,例如油麻地的舊區和美 都餐室這種舊式茶餐廳,提供香港傳統美食。你還可以到熱 鬧的市集如女人街等或其他小店購買本地商品。我們的顧客 總是對這裡的戶外活動例如到龍脊或大嶼山遠足等十分感興 趣,這些都是我給旅客的建議。








APRIL 2017



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