香 港 旅 遊 指 南 DECEMBER 2016年12月
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
Painted silk textile with dragon image Qing dynasty 清描金龍紋絹
72 hollywood road • central • hong kong 香港中環荷里活道72號 T +852 2815 9422 E W
Christmas Shopping Spree 聖誕瘋狂購物月
HO N G KO N G ’ S P RE MI E R D E S TI NAT IO N M AGAZ INE 香港 優 質 旅 遊 指 南
The Best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝
Tips for Travellers 出入須知
COVER STORY | Christmas Extravaganza 聖誕狂想曲
04 10
The Orient Express 東方美食快車
Pubs and Clubs to hit for your nighttime adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒
Antique Dealers 古董店尋寶
Christmas Shopping & Dining Picks 聖誕購物餐飲精選
VOL. 15 NO.12
香 港 旅 遊 指 南 DECEMBER 2016年12月
Hong Kong's Amazing Country Parks 戶外香港 無限野趣
10 This month's events and the city's biggest occasions 本月精彩節目及城中盛事
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
Publisher and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung
Associate Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang
Chinese Writer Wing Yu
Sub-Editor Martin Turner
Senior Designer Gary Luk
Ad Placement Enquiries Hotline: 3102 8700
Unit 2301, 23/F, Nam Wo Hong Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 3102 8700 Fax: (852) 3102 9010
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e welcome you to Hong Kong and to CityLife , the monthly magazine for visitors to Asia’s World
December in Hong Kong is colourfully festive as the city dons its best look to celebrate Christmas and welcome in another year. The Hong Kong Winterfest takes centre stage as a multitude of events and attractions mark the holiday season, including the Pulse 3D Light Show and the Statue Square Christmas Tree. Shopping malls are decked out as they bid to outdo each other in decorations, performances, and shopping offers. Commerce aside, the city celebrates Christmas’s spiritually as well, with churches open for mass and Christmas services, not to mention hundreds of carolling groups belting out Christmas hymns all over the city. Check out our cover story on page 10 for all the highlights. Christmas is when the Hong Kong Ballet presents its annual performance of The Nutcracker, that beloved ballet for children and adults alike retelling the timeless tale of Clara and Fritz as they get swept up in a fantastic Christmas Eve journey. Don’t miss it if you happen to be in town. From arts to sports, golf fans won’t want to miss seeing top golfers from around the world in action at the Hong Kong Open 2016. First held in 1959, the Open is Hong Kong’s oldest professional sporting event and is considered one of Asian golf’s crown jewels. And if enjoying the outdoors is your thing, you must not miss visiting one of Hong Kong’s many country parks, which together occupy over 40 percent of the city’s territory. Please see page 20 for our story on country parks to visit. Horse racing is one of Hong Kong’s largest spectator sports and an integral part of Hong Kong’s unique culture. Two major races will take place this month: The International Jockeys’ Championship, and the Hong Kong International Races, on possibly the biggest day in Hong Kong’s racing calendar. Come and rub shoulders with punters, try your luck on the horses, and watch the crowd cheer on their betting favourites as well. A longstanding fair worth attending is the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo, now in its 51st year. One of the largest in Hong Kong, this expo showcases renowned brands and quality products from all over the world – a real shopper’s treat. While a white Christmas may elude Hong Kong, the city more than makes up with a full calendar of festive activities. And there are still so much more to do, outdoors or otherwise. You can’t find a better place to celebrate Christmas or just enjoy the city in its own winter wonderland. On behalf of us all, we wish you a most enjoyable stay in Hong Kong.
歡迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹香 港這個亞洲國際大都會。
12 月的香港充滿多姿多彩的活動,全城都沉浸 在歡慶聖誕和新年的氣氛中。“香港繽紛冬日節”的 無數精彩活動將輪番登場,“閃躍維港” 3D 光雕彙 演、皇後像廣場聖誕樹等節目都將把節日的氣氛推向 高潮。各大商場將使出渾身解數打扮自己,以美輪美 奐的裝飾、扣人心弦的表演和誘人心動的折扣招徠顧 客。商業之外,香港的教堂也將舉辦大量聖誕特別活 動,其中就有上百支唱詩班在全城歌頌耶穌誕辰。本 刊第10頁將有節慶活動詳細介紹。 每年聖誕,香港芭蕾舞團都將為觀眾呈獻膾炙人 口的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》,為大朋友小朋友講述小 嘉麗和哥哥費殊的神奇平安夜之旅。如果你恰好在演 出期間來到香港,萬勿錯過這場經典演出。 除了藝術表演,體育賽事同樣精彩。高爾夫球迷 們也不能錯過2016香港高爾夫球公開賽,全世界的頂 尖球手將齊聚香港比試技藝。香港高爾夫球公開賽始 於1959年,是香港體壇歷史最悠久的賽事,也是亞洲 頂級的職業高爾夫球賽事之一。 如果你熱愛戶外運動,那就不能錯過占香港總面 積40%的眾多郊野公園。欲知郊野公園的詳細信息, 請參閱本刊第20頁。 賽馬是香港最大眾化的體育賽事,賽馬文化深深 植根於這座城市的獨特印記之中。本月將有兩項大型 賽事上演:國際騎師錦標賽和香港國際賽事,這都是 舉世矚目的馬壇盛會。快來與馬迷們肩並肩觀看群馬 奔騰,感受全場喝彩的熱烈氣氛,也可以親自下注一 試運氣。 香港工展會是一場歷史悠久而值得參與的戶外展 銷會,至今已是第51屆。工展會是香港最大的展會之 一,來自全球各地的知名品牌和優質產品都將在此展 銷,滿足你的購物欲。 雖然香港的聖誕不下雪,但卻因這些豐富的活動 而顯得色彩繽紛,除了上述節目以外,還有更多精彩 等你發掘,只需要來到這座冬日的奇跡之城,盡情投 入到聖誕的節慶氣氛中。我謹代表香港酒店業協會, 祝你在香港擁有一趟難忘的旅程。
Victor Chan 陳覺威 Chairman, Hong Kong Hotels Association 香港酒店業協會主席
What's on
7 Dec
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
International Jockeys’ Championship
The International Jockeys' Championship features a truly star-studded line-up of 12 leading Hong Kong-based and visiting riders competing across four thrilling races. Come and see this epic tussle among the world’s top jockeys!
第19屆國際騎師錦標賽雲集12 位世界級騎師,於四場賽事中盡顯鞍上實力,為殊榮展開激烈比拼!
Happy Valley Racecourse 跑馬地馬場;5:15pm-11pm;Public admission: HK$10 公眾席入場費: 港幣$10;1817;
8-11 DEC
UBS Hong Kong Open 2016 (Golf Tournament)
First contested in 1959, the Open is Hong Kong's oldest professional sporting event and is considered one of the jewels in the crown of Asian golf. Participating players this year include current US Masters champion Danny Willett and defending Hong Kong champion Justin Rose, as well as recent Ryder Cup stars Patrick Reed and Rafa Cabrera-Bello. Live music daytime and evening.
香港高爾夫球公開賽始於 1959 年,是香港體壇歷史最悠久 的賽事,也是亞洲頂級的職業高爾夫球賽事之一。 今年的參賽選手包括美國名人賽冠軍威爾利 特( Danny Willett )、香港衛冕冠軍羅斯 ( Justin Rose )以及近期的萊德杯明星裡 德(Patrick Reed)和貝羅(Rafa CabreraBello)。高手過招,精彩不容錯過!
The Hong Kong Golf Club, Fanling 新界粉嶺香港哥爾夫球會;Various times 不同時間; Various prices inc. free access for all on 8 and 9 Dec;票價不等,12月8日-9日賽事免費向公眾開放;
4 | DECEMBER 2016
8 Dec 16 22 Jan 17
Wicked has captivated 50 million theatre-goers of all ages, and is already one of Broadway and the West End’s most celebrated, spectacular and successful musicals of all time. Don't miss this incredible original production!
《綠野仙蹤女巫前傳》是風靡全球半億不 同年齡層觀眾的音樂劇,2016年底至2017 年初,這部百老滙及倫敦城西最著名、最 賣座音樂劇之一的經典作品,將首次在香 港和觀眾見面!
Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院歌劇 院; Various times 不同時間; Various prices 不同票價; 2542 2600 ; www.
11 DEC
The 51st Hong Kong
10 Dec 16 Brands and Products Expo 2 Jan 17 One of the largest outdoor expos in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo is chock-full of renowned brands and quality products from home and away to seduce dedicated shopaholics. Make sure you catch the Miss Exhibition Pageant, booth design competition and heaps of giveaways.
在這個大型戶外展銷會,您可以買到食品、廚 具、電器等中外品牌的產品,不少攤位更提供 折扣優惠!同場還將進行工展小姐選舉。
Victoria Park 香港維多利亞公園; Various times 不同時間; HK$10 ; 3421 2012 ;
Hong Kong International Races (Horseracing)
This is quite possibly the biggest day in the Hong Kong racing calendar! Held at Sha Tin, the Hong Kong International Races comprises four International Group One races, including the Hong Kong Cup, the Hong Kong Mile, the Hong Kong Vase and the Hong Kong Sprint, attracting the world's leading horses, jockeys, trainers and owners.
香港國際賽事 (賽馬)
舉世矚目的馬壇盛會!香港國際賽事吸引世界 各地佳駟、頂尖練馬師及騎師齊聚沙田馬場, 競逐香港盃、香港一哩錦標、香港瓶及香港短 途錦標。
Sha Tin Racecourse 沙田馬場; Noon to 6pm (Gates open at 10:25am) 中午12:00 至下午6:00 (於上午10:25 開始進場); Public enclosure HK$10; Tourist Badge HK$190 (with presentation of valid travel documents) 公眾席港幣 $10; 遊客入場證 章港幣 $190 ( 請攜同有效旅遊證明文件 ) ; 1817;
The Great European
16 Dec 16 Carnival 12 FEB 17 Running for
59 days over Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year, the carnival includes rides, games, attractions and entertainment, all in front of one of the most iconic skylines in the world. A dynamic European theme will be captured with elements representing different countries in Europe, ending with a dramatic shift into a Chinese New Year theme.
16-18 20-25 Dec
The Nutcracker by Hong Kong Ballet
Join Clara and Fritz as they get swept up in a fantastic Christmas Eve journey in an astonishing world filled with a mischievous army of rats and a host of colourful, magical characters. Graceful snowflakes and playful dolls come to life performing in some memorable scenes. Can they help the heroic Nutcracker defeat the villainous Rat King and reunite with his beautiful Ballerina?reunite with his beautiful Ballerina?
這個聖誕,全家一起欣賞經典芭蕾舞劇《胡桃鉗》(港譯:胡桃夾子)!故事發生在一個下雪的平安 夜,小嘉麗和哥哥費殊闖進了木偶的童話世界,與英勇的胡桃鉗大戰老鼠軍團,更漫遊糖果王國,展開 奇妙旅程!
為期59天的歐陸嘉年華橫跨聖誕節、新年和春 節假期。快和您的家人朋友一起,大玩刺激的 機動遊戲、在富歐陸色彩情懷的佈景前拍照留 念,歡度熱鬧喜慶的假日!
Central Harbourfront Event Space中環海濱 活動空間;11 am-11 pm;Adult: HK$125 (inclusive of 10 tokens) ; Child: HK$90 (inclusive of 7 tokens)成人港幣$125 (包括 十個代幣 ) ;小童港幣 $90 ( 包括七個代幣 ) ; 2524 6433;
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre香港文化中心大劇院; Various times不同時間;HK$180-HK$1,000;2105 9724;
24-28 Dec
Hong Kong Food Festival 2016
This year, the Hong Kong Food Festival is in its 14th edition and will open for five sumptuous days. This year, eight popular theme zones will delight you with flavours from around the world!
香港冬日美食節 2016
第 14 屆香港冬日美食節將一連五日於會展中 心舉行,今年將設八大展區,讓美食愛好者們 品嚐環球美饌!
Hall 3, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心 3 號館; Various times 不同時間; 2591 9823 ;
6 | DECEMBER 2016
Kong Pulse 3D Light Show 25 Nov Hong Enjoy truly magical moments in the form of a spectacular 3D 28 Dec light show with great music and dazzling illuminations. This
exhilarating show will coincide with Hong Kong WinterFest, with festive images that add to the enchantment of holiday celebrations. The WinterFest edition will see the anticipated return of the beloved Hong Kong Christmas Elves. Come and enjoy the endearing adventures of the unlikely hero ‘Eddie the elf’ who wins the heart of other elves and Santa with his brilliant audition performance. Don't miss the chance for a selfie with them all.
光影與節奏的雙重震撼,繽紛的視聽新體驗!一起來觀賞這個結合3D投影技 術、音樂與燈光效果,以夢幻聖誕為主題的多媒體匯演!今年冬天的匯演,小 精靈Eddie再度登場,展開一場奇妙而溫馨的旅程,並憑着美妙動人的歌聲, 贏得聖誕老人的讚賞!此外,故事的主角還會不時現身文化中心露天廣場,和 現場的觀眾大玩自拍!
Open Piazza, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀香港文化中心露天廣場; 8:20pm, 8:45pm, 9:15pm and 9:45pm (nightly 每晚);
31 DEC
Hong Kong New Year Countdown Celebrations
Welcome 2017 with a blast! Join the first celebration of the year as a spectacular pyromusical brings unstoppable sparkles of beautiful lights to the city’s skyline. Grab a spot early on either side of the harbour on New Year’s Eve for this memorable moment.
一起吶喊倒數,迎接燦爛的2017!伴隨新年鐘聲的响 起,絢爛的煙火劃向天際,擦亮廣闊的夜空。元旦前夕 提前到維港兩岸,投入這場熱鬧難忘的跨年派對。
Vantage points available at various locations 多處觀賞 地點;Midnight 午夜;Free 免費觀賞;
8 | DECEMBER 2016
2 DEC16 1 Jan17
The Statue Square Christmas Tree
This winter, you will find a bright little star shining in a forest of glittering skyscrapers. A classic Christmas tree will spread the love and joy of the season from the heart of the city in Statue Square. Hang ‘Love Locks’ on railings to seal your romance with your loved one, enjoy the joyous festival with Santa Claus and his friends during their appearances at Statue Square; and indulge in an array of classic carols performed by a lovely Christmas choir.
冬日暖意,彌漫在中環皇後像廣場。在摩天大樓之間,五光十色的聖誕 樹滿載祝福,為佳節添上幸福與快樂。卿卿我我的情侶,攜手將“愛情 鎖”掛在欄杆上,鎖住浪漫一刻;喜氣洋洋的一家,和驚喜現身的聖誕 老人合影,留住歡笑一刻。還有小小詩歌班帶來充滿童趣的表演,為現 場再添節日氣氛!
North Statue Square, Central, Hong Kong Island (Adjacent to Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong) 香港島中環皇後像廣場北(鄰近香港文華東方酒店);
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hristmas in Hong Kong is unlike anywhere else in Asia. The city’s substantial Christian community – both Catholic and Protestant, a legacy of its colonial history – and its pervasive shopping culture befitting its moniker as a retail Mecca, mean that Christmas crosses boundaries and ethnic lines in Hong Kong and the city goes all out to celebrate the festival, spiritually and commercially. The result: a winter wonderland of its own with high-rise buildings draped in colourful lights; shopping malls bidding to outdo each other in their Christmas décor and nativity scenes, events, performances and sale promotions; restaurants offering creative Christmas gastronomy; carolling groups out and about singing all your Christmas favourites; and legions of Santa Clauses, stout and otherwise, infecting everyone around them with joy and happiness. You’ve come to the perfect place to celebrate Christmas – there is so much to choose from. So, join in the yuletide spirit and have a Merry Christmas!
10 | DECEMBER 2016
香港的聖誕與亞洲別處的聖誕不同。香港的殖民地歷 史為其留下了龐大的天主教和新教等基督教社群,
無處不在的購物文化也呼應著香港“購物天堂”的美 譽,這都說明了一點——聖誕節跨越了種族和國籍,令 這座城市在精神和商業兩方面都為其歡慶。於是,冬日 的香港就化身為奇跡之城,摩天大樓換上了繽紛的霓虹 外衣;各大商場以聖誕裝置爭奇鬥艷,紛紛推出聖誕演 出、活動和折扣招徠顧客;餐廳呈獻各式聖誕佳肴;唱 詩班在全城唱響悅耳動聽的聖誕頌歌;憨實的聖誕老人 穿梭於城中,為訪港的你帶來節日的歡喜。 歡度聖誕的旅游地太多,選擇了香港就是選擇完 美。快來投入這一場歡慶,共度美好的聖誕佳節!
In a city already famous for its neon light billboards and light displays on high-rise buildings, Christmas period transforms the city even more into a gigantic lighting extravaganza. 香港本就以其五光十色的霓虹燈牌聞名於世,而自摩天大樓上煥發的聖誕燈光秀則更將這 座城市改造為盛大的舞台,光影舞動,令人目眩神迷。
Tsim Sha Tsui East Christmas Lighting Decorations 閃爍尖東耀香江
Hong Kong 3D Pulse Light Show
"閃躍維港" 3D光雕彙演
Statue Square, Central 中環皇後像廣場
This dazzling waterfront 3D light show at Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s Open Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui will see the return of the beloved Christmas Elves.
Transformed into a lighting wonderland every Christmas, be sure to take plenty of pictures in front of the Statue Square Christmas Tree and its other Christmas displays.
位於維港海濱尖沙咀香港文化中心露天廣 場,聖誕小精靈帶你展開一場奇妙旅程。
廣場每逢聖誕都會成為一片燈海,記得在滿 載祝福的聖誕樹和其他展覽前合影留念。
Every year, the buildings on Tsim Sha Tsui East facing the harbour, headlined by Tsim Sha Tsui Centre and Empire Building, are lit up with colourful Christmas lighting displays visible from all around the harbour. Head to the waterfront promenade right in front of them for a close-up view and be dazzled by their intricacy. And drop into Alfresco Lane for its “Snow Flake” lighting decoration between buildings. 尖東海濱的尖沙咀中心、帝國中心等大廈每年 都會舉辦絢爛的燈飾展覽,璀璨的燈飾將建築 裝點得格外醒目。前往尖東海濱長廊,近距離 體會這種令人目眩的美,再順便逛逛尖東美食 裡,欣賞兩座大廈間懸掛的雪花燈飾。
The city’s top amusement parks and attractions a l l f e a t u re C h r i s t m a s - t h e m e d e v e n t s a n d performances. Ocean Park has its Christmas Sensation 2016, with its highlight “Cyber Illusion Spectacular”, running through December. The AIA European Carnival will again visit Hong Kong’s Central Harbourfront – always a hit with the whole family. And Disneyland celebrates “A Sparkling Christmas” with Goofy Santa, as the park is decked out in Christmas garb! 香港最棒的游樂園和景點都將以聖誕主題活動和表演迎 接你的光臨。海洋公園2016“聖誕全城HO HO HO” 將在12月呈獻“超時空魔幻彙演”。AIA歐陸嘉年華將 再度降臨中環海濱,為全家老小帶來歡樂。迪士尼則預 備了“雪亮聖誕”,高菲狗化身聖誕老人,帶來不一樣 的聖誕驚喜。年將以迪士尼公主為主題,必將吸引小朋 友們的目光。
12 | DECEMBER 2016
AIA Carnival AIA歐陸嘉年華
Ocean Park "Cyber Illusion Spectacular" 海羊公園 "超時空魔幻彙演"
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It’s always fun to explore Christmas markets and fairs and find interesting gifts and knick-knacks for loved ones. Luckily, as one of Asia’s international cities with a large Western expatriate community, Hong Kong has plenty of such homely events, organised by community groups and churches, often for good causes. While many take place in November, there are still quite a few happening in December. Stop by one or two and experience Hong Kong’s civic spirit. 在節日氣氛中探索聖誕市集,淘幾樣有趣的小禮物、小擺設,總能令人心頭一喜。香港作為亞洲國際 大都會,僑居著無數西方人,這些外國社群和教會組織經常在11和12月舉行慈善義賣活動。不妨在義 賣攤前稍作停留,感受香港的市民精神。
Holiday Bazaar at Fringe Club, 1 and 2 December, 12 noon to 7pm. The Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central. Pick up interesting international gifts and visit Shopping Hong Kong’s annual bazaar. Hullett House Christmas Market, 2-4 December, times vary, Hullett House, 1881 Heritage, 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. A Nordic-theme Christmas market at the historic Hullett House. Italian Christmas Market, 10 and 11 December, 11am-7pm, PMQ, 2 Aberdeen Street, Central. Italian wines, foods and other delights. Christmas Gift Festival, 14 December, 10am-8pm, Grand Ballroom, Conrad Hotel, Admiralty. All your Christmas needs under one roof, and your last chance to buy some extra-stylish gifts.
Hullet House Christmas Market 海利公館聖誕市集
藝穗會聖誕市集:12月1-2日,中午12時-下午7時,中環 下亞釐畢道2號。在這個一年一度的市集盡情搜尋心儀的 禮物吧! 海利公館聖誕市集:12月2-4日,時間不定,尖沙咀廣東 道2A號1881海利公館。在這座古跡酒店細細品味北歐聖 誕。 意大利聖誕市場:12月10-11日,上午11時-下午7時,中 環鴨巴甸街2號PMQ元創方。來自意大利的美酒美食,帶 給你無限樂趣。 聖誕禮物節:12月14日上午10時-下午8時,金鐘港麗酒店 Grand Ballroom。各式聖誕禮物盡列於此,盡情選購吧!
Festival Walk 又一城
Almost all shopping malls in Hong Kong are decked out in their Christmas best, some more lavishly than others. Collectively, they’ve become the focal point of Hong Kongers’ Christmas activities, be that shopping, taking in the decorations and performances, or just spending half a day soaking up the atmosphere. Among too many shopping malls to note, Harbour City in Tsim Sha Tsui, Times Square in Causeway Bay, Pacific Place in Admiralty, Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong, and The Landmark in Central always put on a good show, as do many of the super-regional malls. For example, tmtplaza in Tuen Mun in northwest New Territories is featuring a Disney Princess theme promotion this year – a sure-fire winner for children of all ages.
Pacific Place 太古廣場
14 | DECEMBER 2016
Landmark 置場廣場
幾乎所有的商場都會換上聖誕新裝,爭 奇鬥艷,奢華無限。逛街,購物,欣賞 聖誕裝置和表演,或僅僅花上半天感受 聖誕氣氛,都是香港人慶祝聖誕的焦點 活動。香港的商場多不勝數,如尖沙咀 的海港城、銅鑼灣的時代廣場、金鐘的 太古廣場、九龍塘的又一城等都是老牌 血拼勝地;而中環的置地廣場等大型購 物中心則總是上演精彩的表演。位於新 界西北的屯門市廣場今年將以迪士尼公 主為主題,必將吸引小朋友們的目光。
Undoubtedly, Christmas is the peak shopping season in Hong Kong as retailers go all out to bring in eager shoppers. Expect merchants to offer Christmas sale promotions of all kinds across the city. Shrewd shoppers will be able to pick up some real bargains. Do expect large crowds everywhere, especially in shopping malls. But there are plenty of good bargains offered by watch and jewellery shops, boutique stores, and specialty shops such as ISA, a well-known luxury brand specialty chain store. In Hong Kong, shopping options are never the constraint. 聖誕無疑是香港零售業的旺季,所有商家都使盡渾身解數吸引顧客光臨,你也可以放 心期待全城各式各樣的聖誕優惠活動。擦亮眼睛,精挑細選。商場裡必將人山人海, 但鐘表珠寶時裝店內可以淘到不少好貨,尤其是在ISA等著名奢侈品連鎖專賣店。在香 港,購物的選擇無處不在。
Eat, drink, and be merry! Expect the city to indulge in a non-stop gastronomic pig-out during the Christmas period. Between office Christmas lunches, Christmas parties and balls, social lunches and dinners, it’s hard to keep the waistline from ballooning. Almost every restaurant will put on some sort of Christmas promotion. For quality Christmas buffets and dinners, the city’s high-end hotels remain your best bet, although trendier Western-style restaurants run them close. Explore our dining suggestions and take full advantage of the rich selection on offer. 食不厭精,膾不厭細,聖誕必定如意!聖誕期間,全城都將沉浸在美 酒佳肴的狂歡中。聖誕午餐會、聖誕派對與舞會、聖誕午宴和晚宴輪 番來襲,要小心腰圍胖一圈。幾乎所有的餐廳都將提供聖誕特別優 惠。城中的高端酒店是享受聖誕自助餐和晚宴的絕好選擇,而更多時 尚西餐廳也在餐飲市場上風頭正勁。可以參考我們的美食指南,別在 琳琅滿目的餐廳當中挑花了眼。
CAROLLING AND CHRISTMAS SONGS 聖誕頌歌 Christmas is not complete without singing along to your favourite Christmas songs – whether humming quietly to yourself or belting them out with a crowd. Most shopping malls organise choir groups from schools and churches to perform. And the Hong Kong–based Welsh Men’s Choir are particularly popular with their idiosyncratic performances. With popular tunes like Jingle Bells and Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer intermingled with the more solemn hymns like Silent Night and O Holy Night, you’ll soon be right into the Christmas spirit. 不管是低吟淺唱還是引吭高歌,缺了你最喜歡的聖誕頌歌,這 個節日就不算完滿。許多商場都會組織學校或教會的唱詩班進 行歌唱表演。香港威爾斯男聲歌詠團以其獨具一格的表演廣受 市民歡迎,《鈴兒響叮當》《紅鼻子馴鹿魯道夫》《平安夜》 《聖善夜》等著名唱段和贊美詩都將帶你的心靈進入恬靜美好 的聖境。
16 | DECEMBER 2016
Saving the most important for last – if you are looking for somewhere to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Hong Kong’s many churches welcome you with open arms. St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican) and St. Joseph’s Church (Catholic), both in Central, offer many services. Other Protestant denominations also hold various kinds of services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Christmas is also a time for giving, so please share whatever you can, for the needy of Hong Kong and around the world. 我們把重要的放在最後講——如果你想找個地方慶祝 耶穌誕辰,香港的教堂永遠對你敞開大門。聖公會的聖 約翰座堂和天主教的聖若瑟堂都位於中環,將於聖誕期間 舉行許多彌撒。其他新教教派也將在平安夜和聖誕節當日舉 行禮拜。聖誕也是施舍贈與的節日,不管是在教堂或是別處,都可 以盡己所能向有需要的人群捐贈錢物。
Hong Kong's Amazing
Country Parks 戶外香港 無限野趣
Explore and enjoy Hong Kong's many country parks, a hop and a skip from the city!
1 5
暫時逃離城市, 探索香港的眾多郊野公園!
ost visitors’ first impression of Hong Kong is just how crowded it is: the overwhelming density of high rise buildings, the bustling crowds and public transport, and the cacophony of noise on the streets. And that impression would be entirely correct! At approximately 6,500 people per square kilometre, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Yet, paradoxically, Hong Kong is also one of the greenest global cities. In fact, of just over 1100 square kilometres, 75 percent of Hong Kong’s territory is green. Taking urban parks and open spaces and roads out of the remaining, this means more than 7 million people are squeezed into approximately 15 percent of Hong Kong’s landmass, making it incredibly compact. However, a visitor who ventures outside the urban jungle discovers a dramatically
different Hong Kong: one of sandy beaches, rocky shores, green valleys, magnificent islands, verdant forests, and steep mountains, often all within sight of each other and the urban centres. The key to preserving Hong Kong’s green space is the network of country parks set up by the Hong Kong Government in the 1970s. Astoundingly, the 24 designated country parks plus eleven outlying areas account for 40 percent of Hong Kong’s total area, with the other 35 percent being agricultural and semi-rural land use. The importance of these country parks to Hong Kong’s well-being cannot be overstated. Collectively, they serve as Hong Kong “lungs” both physically and psychologically. In Hong Kong’s common backyard, residents can take respite from the stress of the city with a visit to these peaceful
green areas. What really sets Hong Kong country parks apart though is their easy accessibility. A visitor can be in a country park in as little as 15 minutes from the city, in a world far from the madding crowd. And the parks are well maintained with a full range of facilities and crisscrossed by scores of clearly-marked hiking trails, allowing hikers ready access to all these natural areas have to offer. And oh, they are incredibly safe, of course, just like the rest of Hong Kong. So, be sure to spend a half-day or more in the country side, whether to enjoy a vigorous walk, admire the stunning vistas, or just be at one with nature – you’ll come back re-invigorated, for sure! Here is CityLife’s pick of country parks to visit. Consult your concierge or go to www. for more details.
大部分游客來到香港,第一印像總覺得這裡擁 擠不堪,高樓大廈林立,人群往來不歇,街
林,還有陡峭山道,各色自然景觀,無不令人心 曠神怡,且身置其中任何一處,往往其他美景亦 可盡收眼底。 而由香港政府建設的郊野公園是保存香港郊 野自然的關鍵所在。目前,全港共劃定 24 個郊 野公園,加上 11 個特別地區,約占了香港總面 積的40%,而剩下35%的面積則主要為農業地 區。 這些郊野公園對於香港的生態環境至關重 要,堪稱香港之“肺”,是香港的公共後花園; 居民們可以前往這些郊野公園徹底放松身心,暫 時擺脫城市生活的重壓。 但香港郊野公園的與眾不同之處在於,前往
其中任何一個都十分便利。身處市區的游客往往 可以在 15 分鐘內便抵達一個郊野公園,遠離喧 囂,置身完全不同的世界。而這些公園都設施齊 全,其間的郊野徑沿途標示明確,使得游客們可 以輕松找到地方。且所有郊野公園都和香港城中 其他地方一樣治安良好,絕對安全。 所以,一定要抽出一天半天時間去探訪下這 些郊野公園,隨意漫步,欣賞令人贊嘆的景致, 或僅僅是前去親近下大自然。你一定會因此倍感 放松,再次充滿活力。 以下,《東方之珠》為您介紹最受游客歡迎 的幾處郊野公園。更多詳情請詢問酒店禮賓司或 登錄政府網站 。
道喧嘩嘈雜,令人應接不暇。 他們的這一印像或許完全沒錯!香港的確是 世界上人口密度最高的城市之一,每平方公裡約 有6500人之多。但有意思的是,香港竟然也是全 球綠化率最高的城市之一,總面積逾1100平方公 裡中,有75%為郊野綠地所占據。在都市公園和 郊野地區之外,剩余15%的面積中卻要擠入700 多萬人,當然將這座城市變得擁擠不堪。 然而,如果游客們願意移步,跨出都市的鋼 筋叢林,就會見到一個完全不一樣的香港:碧海 沙灘、岩石海岸、幽綠山谷、蒼翠小島、蔥郁叢
20 | DECEMBER 2016
1 Pok Fu Lam Country Park 薄扶林郊野公園 What’s there: Literally a short bus ride from the city, and you encounter nature: lush trees, shaded trails (mostly paved), sounds of birds and streams instead of automobiles. It is a sylvan sanctuary! Take the trail adjacent the reservoir which goes around the catchment area and back to the reservoir. Or you can hike up The Peak to enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong harbour and beyond – perfect for those short of time.
How to get there: Take a taxi or a bus to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Road just off Pok Fu Lam Road. Any of Citybus routes 7, 71 and 970X will do. 特色:從市區乘搭巴士短程即可到達,瞬間便可置身大自然中;這裡綠林茂密,樹蔭蔽天,鳥 鳴啾啾,已完全不聞城市公路的汽車聲。沿林蔭道緩緩步行,都市喧囂完全拋諸腦後。你可以 選一條鄰近水塘的路徑,沿整個水塘區繞行一圈。你也可以一路走向山頂,俯瞰維港兩岸壯麗 的海港全景。時間不夠充裕的游客來此尤其適合。 如何前往: 乘坐的士前往薄扶林道邊的薄扶林水塘;或搭乘城巴7路、71路或970X路均可達。
2 Tai Tam
Country Park 大潭郊野公園 Occupying a fifth of Hong Kong Island, Tai Tam Country Park, together with its Quarry Bay extension, is one of the most scenic parks in the territory, with fantastic views of the city and the South China Sea. There are hiking trails galore throughout the park. Several intersect near the Hong Kong Parkview, a luxury residential estate at the Wong Nai Chung Gap. For sheer diversity, we recommend you hike up Jardine’s Lookout (Hong Kong Trail Stage 5) for unparalleled views of the city. The trail then descends past an abandoned quarry before going back up to Mount Butler with a gorgeous view of Tai Tam Valley and its reservoirs. After another quick decent to a rest area, you can hike back to Parkview along the trail past the reservoirs or take the Quarry Bay Jogging Trail back to the city.
How to get there: Take the No. 6 Citybus from Central and get off at the top of Wong Nai Chun Gap Road. Then walk ten minutes up the road to Parkview and to access the various trails. 特色:大潭郊野公園及其鰂魚湧擴建部分占據了香港島總面積的五分之一,是這一地區景色最 優美的公園,能夠享城市和中國南海的壯麗美景。公園中有多條郊游徑,其中幾條在陽明山莊 (黃泥湧峽頂端的豪宅區)附近交彙。我們建議你登上渣甸山(港島徑第五段),俯瞰獨一無 二的維港美景,隨後落坡沿山脊經過一處廢棄石礦場,再攀上畢拿山,在這裡欣賞大潭谷和大 潭水塘難得的山水風光。之後沿山坡往下經過一處休息區,你可以沿著通往水塘的路回到陽明 山莊,或者沿鰂魚湧緩跑徑回到市區。
Country Park 香港仔郊野公園 Another park just minutes from the city, this one is contiguous to Pok Fu Lam Country Park but larger. The two Aberdeen Reservoirs (Upper and Lower) serve as focal points. There is a large BBQ area with access for all, including users of mobility aids, and a fitness trail that winds around the reservoirs. The intrepid may wish to hike to Wanchai Gap, a moderately strenuous walk that takes you right into the heart of the city, in Wanchai, with stunning vistas along the way. How to get there: Take Citybus No. 7 from Central to Shek Pai Wan and get off before the end at Hoy Au Lau on Yue Kwong Road; it’s just a short uphill walk to the park entrance. 特色:鄰近薄扶林郊野公園,同樣離市區很 近,但占地面積更大。整個公園環繞著香港 仔上下水塘,還有一個面積很大的BBQ燒烤 區。香港仔郊野公園同時是港島唯一一個有 傷健樂園的郊野公園,設方便傷健人士的輪 椅徑和道行徑。體力好的游客可以從公園一 路走到灣仔峽,整條路徑難度中等,稍費腳 力,但能夠直接走到中心城區灣仔,沿途風 光迤邐,令人贊嘆。 如何前往: 從中環乘搭城巴7路至石排灣,在 漁光道海鷗樓下,走幾步上山路即可到達公 園入口。
如何前往: 從中環乘坐城巴6路在黃泥湧峽道尾端下車,再往前走十分鐘左右到達陽明山莊,即 可見到多條郊游徑。 DECEMBER 2016
4Kam Shan
Country Park 金山郊野公園 Another one close to the city, this park offers something different: monkeys! Dubbed Monkey Hill, it is located in western Sha Tin District north of urban Kowloon, and is set around four reservoirs, with the Kowloon Reservoir the largest. Popular with locals and visitors alike, the park is a sanctuary for macaque monkeys, with hundreds roaming around. Besides watching monkeys, the park is rich in flora. A number of moderately easy trails provide vistas of the reservoirs and nearby mountains – but it’s the monkeys that grab the headlines, and anything else they can reach. How to get there: Take Kowloon Motor Bus 81 from Jordan and get off at the Kowloon Reservoir bus stop on Tai Po Road. 金山郊野公園是另一座鄰近市區的公園,位於九龍以北,沙田區內,其 獨特之處在於這裡蹤跡遍及整個公園的猴子,因此又被稱為馬騮山(馬 騮在粵語中意為猴子),是獼猴們的天堂。公園內共有四個水塘,其中 最大的是九龍接收水塘。除猴子之外,金山郊野公園亦以豐富的植物資 源聞名。公園中有幾條易行的郊游徑能讓游客欣賞到水塘及周邊群山景 致——但最奪人眼球的往往還是那些猴子們。 如何前往: 從佐敦乘坐九巴81路,在大埔公路上的九龍水塘下車。
Lantau South
Country Park 南大嶼郊野公園
If you can spend a whole day at a country park – head out to Lantau! You’ll be rewarded with the spectacular beauty of Hong Kong’s great outdoors. South Lantau Country Park, which encircles Lantau Peak and Sunset Peak, two of Hong Kong’s tallest mountains, provides something for everybody: beaches, steep hillsides, streams and waterfalls, villages, flora and wildlife, and of course, scenic views all around. The spine of the park is the 12-stage, 70 km Lantau Trail. You may want to start in Mui Wo or Tung Chung and prepare for an adventurous day in the outdoors. How to get there: Take the ferry from Central (Pier 6) to Mui Wo and take Bus 1 to one of Lantau Trail’s staging points; or take the MTR to Tung Chung then bus to Ngong Ping to explore around that area. 如果你有一整天的時間可以游玩郊野公園,千萬記得前往!香港 壯闊的郊野景致絕對不會讓你失望。南大嶼郊野公園環繞著香港 兩座最高的山,鳳凰山和大東山,公園內沙灘、峭壁、溪流、瀑 布、村莊、植被、野生動物等一樣不缺,每一處都景致懾人。貫 穿公園的鳳凰徑全長70公裡,共分12段。你可以以梅窩或東湧為 起點,展開充滿驚喜的郊野一日游。 如何前往: 從中環6號碼頭乘坐渡輪前往梅窩,再乘搭嶼巴1號線 前往鳳凰徑任一中間站;或乘坐港鐵至東湧站,再換巴士前往昂 坪,探索周邊區域。
22 | DECEMBER 2016
6Sai Kung East Country Park 西貢東郊野公園 Arguably Hong Kong’s best outdoor area, the Sai Kung Peninsula, most of which lies within Sai Kung East and West Country Parks, will awe and inspire you: fabulous hiking trails, stunning views of reservoirs, unique geological formations, unspoiled white sandy beaches. A day at one of the Sai Kung country parks will make you forget you are in one of the busiest cities in the world. One suggestion is to hike the end of Maclehose Trail Stage 1 then Stage 2 from the East Dam of the High Island Reservoir, ending at Wong Shek Pier. You will pass beautiful beaches including Long Kee and Tai Long Wan and stunning scenic views along the way. How to get there: Take Kowloon Motor Bus 92 from Diamond Hill Kowloon to Sai Kung Town Centre then take KMB bus 94 to Sai Kung East Country Park at Pak Tam Chung. Either take a taxi to the East Dam or hike around 10 km along Maclehose Trail Stage 1, if you are hardy. Take Bus 94 back to Sai Kung from Wong Shek Pier. 西貢半島無疑是香港最佳郊游地,而西貢東和西郊野公園涵 蓋了其大部分的面積;這裡的自然景觀絕對會讓你嘆為觀 止:風景秀麗的遠足徑、氣魄無限的水庫、奇岩怪石和細白 沙灘。在西貢東西任一郊野公園度過一天,絕對會讓你忘了 自己正身處世上最繁忙的城市之一。我們建議你可以從萬宜 水庫東壩開始行程,先走一下麥理浩徑第一段的尾部,再沿 第二段一路步行到黃石碼頭。沿途山色,風光無限,更能欣 賞到浪茄灣和大浪灣等海灘美景。 如何前往: 從鑽石山乘坐九巴92路前往西貢市中心,換乘 九巴94路前往西貢西郊野公園(在北潭湧下車)。可坐出租 車抵達東壩,或者沿麥理浩徑第一段遠足10公裡左右。最後 可在黃石碼頭乘坐九巴94路回到西貢。
Join us for a journey between two classic restaurants – one from the West, one from the East. 乘搭《東方之珠》美食快車, 踏上東西方經典美食之旅。
The Orient Express 東方美食快車 Nicholini's 意寧谷 Level 8, Conrad Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港港 麗酒店8樓 2822 8801 Executive Chef 行政總廚 Luca De Berardinis
talian food is highly popular in Hong Kong, and the city offers myriad Italian cuisines with a price range to match. For elegant, fine Italian dining, Nicholini’s at the Conrad Hotel – billed one of the ten best Italian restaurants outside of Italy – is one of our favourites. We chose dinner for our tasting occasion – a tough decision as Nicholini’s famous appetiser lunch buffet, widely recognized as one of the best in the city, would have been a fabulous choice also. But we were not complaining, especially as the dinner would be paired with an excellent selection of Italian wines. Nicholini’s décor is opulent but classical, with a spacious table arrangement to enhance the exclusive dining ambience. The service, as expected, is impeccably attentive and helpful. Executive Chef, Luca De Berardinis, who hails from the Abruzzo region of Italy, has created a brandnew menu using fresh, quality ingredients from Italy with all the dishes prepared the authentic traditional manner. Chef Luca, who grew up in rural Italy and was exposed to the rich farm products from his region, believes strongly in “paying homage to traditional cooking” and chooses only the finest ingredients from Italy, a philosophy that is readily apparent in all his dishes. We chose courses from the tasting menu, which are priced $850 and $1138 for a four- and a six-course dinner respectively. Our welcome starter was Scrambled Eggs White Truffle, which is light | DECEMBER 2016
and aromatic – it certainly helped set the stage for a sumptuous meal. The Duck Liver, Caramelized, Smoked Eel, Green Apple Stock came next. The creative combination of ingredients used makes for a light and sweet-tasting liver that is refreshing, with the lightly pan-fried liver contrasting nicely with the smoked eel. Next was one of Nicholini’s signature dishes – the Angel Hair, Boston Lobster, Tomato Sauce, Basil – which is always eagerly anticipated. The pasta was cooked just right, and the tender but firm lobster meat in tomato sauce quickly consumed with the pasta – truly a dish to be savoured. The meat entrée was the Wagyu Beef, Loin, Cheek, Potato Puree, Barolo Sauce and another interesting mix of food elements. We ordered the loin medium rare, as it should be to highlight the meat flavour and texture. The cheek is well cooked and provides an entirely different taste and texture, a sort of crusted end cut. We liked the combination, and the Barolo wine sauce brings out the meat flavour wonderfully. We were smart enough to save gustatorial space for the dessert – the classic Tiramisu, White Chocolate, Hazelnuts Ice Cream. Equally delightful is the Italian Cheese Platter with an array of excellent fine Italian cheeses. Together, they make a fitting end to a most enjoyable and delicious dinner, and adds another memorable dining experience in Asia’s culinary capital. ■
Angel Hair, Boston Lobster, Tomato Sauce, Basil 天使麵,波士頓龍蝦, 蕃茄汁,香草
Duck Liver, Caramelized, Smoked Eel, Green Apple Stock 焦糖鴨肝,煙燻鱔,青蘋果汁
意大利菜在香港向來受歡迎,城中不同檔次的意大利餐 廳比比皆是。若你想享用一頓優雅、高級的意大利
菜,位於港麗酒店內的意寧谷被譽為“海外最出色的意大 利餐廳之一”,絕對是你的不二之選。 我們選擇了在意寧谷享用晚餐,但其實這裡的自助午 餐被譽為城中最好的自助午餐之一,因此這對我們來說實 在是一個艱難的決定。餐廳特意為我們準備了一系列搭配 晚餐的意大利酒,彌補了不能一嚐意寧谷午餐的遺憾。 意寧谷的裝潢華麗而典雅,餐桌之間相隔較遠,營造 出獨立、私人化的用餐氛圍,服務更無可挑剔。行政總廚 Luca De Berardinis出身於意大利中部阿布魯佐地區,他採 用新鮮、高質素的意大利食材及最傳統、正宗的意大利菜 做法,創作出一款全新菜單。Luca在意大利鄉村長大,自 幼已接觸不同食材,Luca認為必須對傳統烹調手法抱尊重 態度,他堅持採用來自意大利的優質食材,其烹飪哲學也 充分體現在他製作的菜式中。 我們從嚐味菜單中選擇了幾款菜式,價格為四道菜 HK$850,六道菜HK$1,138。前菜是白松露炒蛋,味道清 淡,散發出白松露獨有的香氣,讓我們胃口大開。下一道 菜是焦糖鴨肝,煙燻鱔,青蘋果汁,食材搭配別出心裁, 鴨肝帶淡淡甜味,口感清新,稍稍煎香的外皮和煙燻鱔形 成絕妙對比。 接下來的是意寧谷的招牌菜式天使麵,波士頓龍蝦, 蕃茄汁,香草,這道菜向來深受食客歡迎,天使麵軟硬適 中,鮮嫩結實的龍蝦肉配上美味的蕃茄汁,讓我們根本停 不下來,絕對是這裡的必試菜式。 肉類方面我們選擇了配搭同樣出色的和牛,巴魯魯紅 酒汁。我們選擇了三四成熟的腰脊肉,充分品嚐其肉味和 質感,而全熟的牛頰肉則提供了另一種截然不同的味道和 口感,我們很喜歡這種配搭。巴魯魯紅酒汁更將牛肉的味 道提升了一個層次。 我們特地留著肚子等待最後的甜品——意寧谷意大利 芝士蛋糕。芝士拼盤則提供一系列頂級意大利芝士,同樣 美味。令人無比享受的晚餐終於來到尾聲,這是在香港這 個亞洲美食之都的又一次難忘的用餐體驗。■ DECEMBER 2016
Double-boiled Soup with Pig's Lung, Fish Maw & Almond 杏汁花膠燉白肺湯
F Lú Fēng 爐峰 Shop 3 A-B, Level 2&3, the Peak Tower, Central, Hong Kong 山頂凌霄閣2及3樓3A-B號鋪 2886 8680
Baked Fish Intestine with Egg in Clay Bowl 缽仔焗魚腸
26 | DECEMBER 2016
or some, a traditional Hong Kong tea house evokes the famous shooting scene from John Woo’s iconic movie, Hard Boiled. For most, it is simply a delightful and nostalgic reminder of classic Cantonese dining – dim sum, BBQ meats and wok-fried dishes, with patrons sipping tea at their leisure and partaking of the delicacies. The newly opened Lú Fēng, located at the Peak, arguably Hong Kong’s major tourist destination, has managed to recreate the look and feel of the tea house, albeit with a touch of modern décor. More importantly, it has reinvigorated many of the classic dishes and delicacies. Coupled that with stunning views of Victoria Harbour from the twostorey restaurant perched atop of the landmark building Peak Tower, and you have a gastronomic winner in the making. For this special occasion, our lunch started off with some time-honoured dim sum: three styles of Siew Mai ($45), Har Gaw Shrimp Dumpling ($48), Deep Fried Taro Dumpling ($36) and Chicken Fillet, Ham Mushroom Wrapped in Yam ($48). You could tell from the dim sum served that considerable effort by Executive Chef Harry Hung went into ensuring these dishes are prepared the traditional manner. Next is the esteemed Double-boiled Soup with Pig’s Lung, Fish Maw & Almond ($188 for 2). Don’t let the ingredients put you off. The soup is velvety smooth and highly tasty, and heathy for your body, especially the respiratory system. The next culinary surprise is Baked Fish Intestine with Egg in Clay Bowl ($98), a dish from the past for sure, but oh so yummy. The stewed egg and intestine are nicely flavoured and
Sweet and Sour Pork 懷舊咕嚕肉
smooth, with a pleasant lingering taste on the palate. The gastronomic journey continues with Sweet and Sour Pork ($128), one of the most popular Chinese dishes worldwide, easy to make but hard to excel at. Lú Fēng passes the test with aplomb, as the specially made sauce is pleasing but not too sweet, and the pork is fried to perfection – crispy when bitten and the tender meat melting in your mouth. The Honey Glazed BBQ Layers of Chicken Liver, Pork & Lard ($98) is next, another dish from a bygone era. Somehow, all that combination of ingredients and seasoning manages to produce an interesting dish: strong flavours, tender meats, and complementary tastes. A succession of dishes follow to end our sumptuous meal: Pan-fried Boneless Chicken with Ginger & Honey in Soy Sauce ($198), Stirfried Gai Lan in Ginger Sauce ($88), and Yin Yang Fried Rice in Cream Sauce and Tomato Sauce ($158). All three taste light and fresh, a characteristic of Cantonese cooking. The fried rice with cream and tomato sauces reflects the influence of western cooking on Hong Kong cuisine, one of its British colonial legacies. We happily finished our meal with Chilled Mango Pudding ($88), another Hong Kong classic that seldom disappoints; this one certainly doesn’t. So, when you visit the Peak – as you must – be sure to make a booking for lunch or dinner at Lú Fēng so you can revel in Hong Kong’s glorious culinary heritage and admire its ultra-modern skyline, all in a wonderful setting. ■
Dim Sum 點心
香港舊式茶樓總能令一些影迷想起著名導演吳宇森的代表作 《辣手神探》裡的槍戰戲。而對大部分人來說,舊式茶樓則 約等於燒味和炒菜等傳統廣式點心,客人愜意地啜飲香茗,分享 美味佳肴。位於香港最主要的旅游景點——山頂凌霄閣的爐峰新 近開張,不僅形神兼備地重現了香港舊式茶樓,更展現了一絲摩 登氣息。更重要的是,爐峰再現了許多經典菜肴。高居於山頂地 標凌霄閣之上,從兩層樓的餐廳向外望去,必將生出一覽眾山小 之感。 當日我們的午餐從幾道經典點心開始:三星燒賣($45)、筍 尖蝦餃($48)、蜂巢炸芋角($36)及淮山滑雞札($48)。品 味這些獨具傳統特色的點心,必能感受到餐廳主廚的匠心。 接下來就是用料十足的杏汁花膠燉白肺湯($188/ 二人份)。 別小看了這些食材,湯頭濃郁順滑,回味無窮,更對人體尤其是 呼吸系統大有裨益。 下一個驚喜是缽仔焗魚腸($98),這無疑是一道懷舊的菜 式,口感十分驚艷。焗蛋和魚腸的風味相輔相成,入口即化,一 口下肚,鮮味猶在舌尖游走。 美食之旅還在繼續,下一道是懷舊咕嚕肉($128),這是流 傳最廣的中菜之一,烹飪方式很簡單卻不易做好。爐峰的大廚輕 松通過了測試,特制的醬汁甜而不膩,豬肉炸得恰到好處,入口 香脆而柔嫩。 古法金錢雞($98)也是一道向過去致敬的菜肴。食材和調料 的結合創造出了這道美妙的菜式:風味濃郁,肉汁柔嫩,整體味 道融合得十分完美。 豐盛的午餐還包括如下美味:蜜糖生抽子姜雞($198)、姜 汁炒芥蘭($88)以及太極鴛鴦飯($158)。這三道菜都以清淡 鮮美為主,充分展示了粵菜的精髓。忌廉醬和番茄醬調味的炒飯 充分反映了西餐對香港美食的影響,這也是英國殖民地風格遺存 的寫照。 午餐以凍香芒布甸($180)為結尾,這也是一道雖然常見卻 很難做好的甜品。 如果來到山頂觀光,不妨預訂爐峰的午餐或晚餐,在此你不 僅可以享受到香港的懷舊菜肴,更可以在高處欣賞香港的摩登天 際線。■
8 Izakaya Yakitori 八居酒屋 Newly opened 8 Izakaya Yakitori, located right in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui’s dining district, offers an authentic Japanese yakitori dine-and-wine experience with its fine fresh ingredients and collection of quality sake wines and cocktails. Featured dishes include Premium Thick Sliced Ox-Tongue, “Sendai” Style ($128), salted or miso flavoured, a special treat that the chef learned from the Sendai area. The Grilled Angus Ribeye Steak ($138) is another juicy treat, as is the Giant Tiger Prawn with Sea Urchin Sauce ($128/ per) with the tender prawn flavour imbuing the thick urchin sauce. Other dishes include Hokkaido Scallop with Marinated Butter ($128/per), Chicken Minced Stick ($38), and Quail Eggs Shoyuzuki ($68). For sake, we recommend Shigemasu Daiginjo Hakoirimusume ($638/720ml) which is smooth and fruity, and Miinokotobuki Junmai Ginjo Sakemirai ($398/720 ml), an aromatic wine made to a method handed down through 14 generations. 新開業的八居酒屋位於美食新熱點尖沙咀天文臺道,餐廳採用西式木紋牆 身,裝潢簡潔舒適。八居酒屋以爐端燒的烹調方法為主,配上多款日本清酒 和自家製清酒雞尾酒,為客人打造正宗日本居酒屋體驗。 主打菜式包括仙台牛舌厚燒 ($128) 可選擇鹽味或味噌,是廚師從仙台 學藝回來的得意之作。網燒安格斯肉眼 ($138) 肉汁豐富,牛肉嫩滑,配上 黑醋汁沙律菜,令人回味無窮。大虎蝦伴海膽醬 ($128/隻) 在鮮嫩的虎蝦上 塗滿濃厚的海膽醬,獨特的香味縈繞口腔。其他推薦菜式包括北海道帆立貝 牛油燒 ($128/隻)、免治雞肉串 ($38) 和鵪鶉蛋醬油漬 ($68)。 清酒方面我們推介「繁桝大吟釀 箱入娘」($638/720mL) 酒體絲滑圓潤, 帶蘋果、青瓜和白米香氣。「三井の壽 純米吟釀 酒未來」($398/720mL) 以 「十四代」研發的酒米——酒未來釀製,酒體圓滑,帶具層次感的米香、果 香。
Shop 1, G/F, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀天文臺道8號地下1號舖;2377 0118
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 Fans of "Forest Gump", one of the most iconic Hollywood movies of all time, will have a blast at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, the world-famous themed restaurant named from the film and it has 44 restaurants primarily in touristoriented, highly desirable locations. The décor is all Gump, all the time, and shrimp is prominently featured. Don’t let the setting distract you: the food is deliciously good and generously portioned. Our favourite dishes include the Pear and Berry Shrimp Salad ($145), the Steamed Clams and Mussels ($170) which is steamed in wine and garlic and dipped with French garlic bread. A signature Bubba Gump dish is the Shrimper’s Net Catch in Beer ($156), which comes in two versions: with Bubba’s Garlic Spice or its secret recipe Cajun Spice; both are finger-licking good. The entrees include “Bucket of Boat Trash” ($228) a mixed seafood dish with flash fried shrimp, fish with Cajun spices and steamed snow crab, served with fries, Dixie Style Baby Back Ribs ($228), and Jambalaya ($188), a real Louisiana treat. And the drinks are fabulous too: the hand-shaken Medal Margarita ($90), the cool Coronarita ($139), a mix of Corona and margarita, and Benjamin Buford “Blue”berry Smoothie ($58). And don’t forget to pick up various Forest Gump– related paraphernalia as souvenirs to complete a most enjoyable and hearty meal. 阿甘蝦餐廳在全球最炙手可熱的旅遊勝地開設了44間分店,香港店選址於旅遊熱點太 平山頂凌霄閣,以電影《阿甘正傳》為主題,提供一系列以蝦為特色的菜式。 開胃菜我們選擇了啤梨鮮莓燒蝦沙律 ($145) 新鮮啤梨、草莓和紅桑子味道十分 清新,配上香噴噴的燒蝦和菲達芝士碎,為這道前菜增添美味。白酒香草牛油煮蜆及 青口 ($170) 同樣出色,廚師貼心地準備了法式麵包和特製醬汁,令人回味無窮。啤 酒灼鮮蝦桶 ($156) 分別有蒜蓉汁和卡真香料粉兩種口味,各有特色。主菜漁夫海鮮 桶 ($228) 內有卡真香辣炸蝦、琵琶蝦尾及馬凱魚塊等。美式秘製豬仔骨配特色醬汁 ($228) 和南美特色辣味什錦炒飯 ($188) 令人一試難忘。 除了各款美食,還有多款招牌飲品如Medal Margarita ($90), 有Corona 啤酒的 Coronanita ($139), 和Benjmin Buford “Blue”berry Smoothie ($58) 等。餐廳更出售 T恤、帽子、特許餐碟等商品,值得電影迷珍藏。
Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak 山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖;2849 2867
28 | DECEMBER 2016
Hong Kong 香港島
Central 中環 Il Moro
Il Moro is a small Italian eatery Il Moro tucked away in a quiet area of Sheung Wan. It you want the feel and taste of homemade Italian food and a lively conversation, you should definitely give it a shot. Come and explore this hidden gem! Complementary antipasto dish for CityLife readers upon presentation of this advertisement. Shop D, G/F, 8 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan. 2547 2898. Il Moro是位於上環幽靜處的意大利小餐館,如果您喜歡家常意大利菜的感覺 和味道,也喜歡和大廚談天說地,這是您的必到之處。快來這間隱世小店品 嚐正宗意式美食吧!《東方之珠》讀者只需出示此廣告,即可免費享用一款 意式前菜。上環普慶坊8號地下D號舖。2547 2898。
The Peak 山頂 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is an all-embracing family dining experience chain themed on Forrest Gump’s life, philosophy and love of shrimp. The restaurant has been an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867 阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳 集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影 般好評如潮。山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖。2849 2867。
Kowloon 九龍
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀
China Tang 唐人館
China Tang 唐人館
Chinese cuisine in an elegant setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises of elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the best and delicious cocktails with the offer of dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港城九龍旗艦店坐擁維港海景,特設中西合壁 的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美景。酒吧區每 天供應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套餐等。尖沙咀廣東道 17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號舖,2157 3148。
Playa de Papagayo
Papagayo Situated in the heart of the bar district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12noon to 5pm. Open daily 12noon-2am, G/F, Shop No.2, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的Papagayo提供獨特而豐富的西班牙菜餚,特 調雞尾酒及桑格利亞汽酒也是好選擇。逢周六日中午12時至下午5時,正價 餐牌菜式可享七折優惠。中午12時至凌晨2時;九龍尖沙咀天文台道8號地 下2號舖;2323 1379 。 DECEMBER 2016
Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of three areas: Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下三處好介紹:中環,灣仔及尖沙咀。
DJAPA Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside of the country itself and its food culture is deeply influenced by Japan. As Hong Kong’s first Nipo-Brasileiro restaurant and whisky bar, DJAPA houses over 300 types of exclusive Japanese whiskies, craft beers and a selection of Brazilian wines. Signature dishes include The Tropical Camarao ($98), featuring fresh Japanese tomatoes and squash, as well as fresh green papaya and mango, smothered in a tangy sweet and sour sauce. Coconut Beef Dashi ($128) draws inspiration from shabu shabu, allowing for an interactive experience of cooking the Kobe ribeye slices on the heat of the stone over the bubbling broth. The Suntanned Crabs (HK$98) is delicious and visually playful. A Japanese river crab is spiced with homemade citrus salt served on a ‘sand’ of Farofa. Don’t forget to try the DJAPA Refresher (HK$98), which is a concoction of Twin Alps blended whisky, Liqueur Shrubb, five different citrus juices, maple, and lemon thyme soda, making for a zesty and mellow drink. 巴西是海外日僑最多的國家,飲食文化深受日本影響。本地首間巴西日系餐 廳DJAPA日前舉行了盛大的開幕派對,主打新派巴西和食及串燒,店內供應 逾300款日本威士忌、手工啤酒及巴西葡萄酒。 招牌菜式包括巴西甘蔗酒煮蝦配南瓜蓉 ($98) 將蒜、洋蔥、三色椒炒香, 加入南瓜、蝦湯及木薯粉煮成南瓜蓉,滋味十足。熱石燒和牛配椰奶高湯 ($128) 參考了日本火鍋涮和牛的做法,讓客人按脂肪及厚薄程度挑選和牛, 享受不同滋味。更有創意十足的日本澤蟹配炒巴西木薯粉、自家製芒果蛋黃 醬 ($98) 利用木薯粉模仿沙粒,賣相就如爬在沙灘上的蟹。飲品方面不妨嘗 試DJAPA Refresher ($98) 結合了巴西果味雞尾酒與日本威士忌的元素,口 味清新。
Shop G18-20 & F18A, G/F, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai 灣仔皇后大道東200號利東街地下G18-20 及 F18A號舖;2617 2900
Hong Kong 香港島
CENTRAL 中環 Armani/Privé A favourite for chic after-work cocktails, Armani/Privé is an upbeat lounge and a chill-out rooftop terrace with skyscraper city views. 2F Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Road. 3583 2828. ARMANI/ PRIVE由氛圍輕鬆愉悅的酒廊及愜意悠閒的 頂層平臺組成,平臺將中環摩天大廈的壯觀景色盡收眼 底,讓人切身感受到香港璀璨繁華的躍動脈搏。中環幹 諾道中8號置地遮打大廈2樓,3583 2828。
檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝選擇。營業時間:星期一至日, 下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒店大 堂層,2584 7722 。
Square 12
Kowloon 九龍
Square 12
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧
Art Deco themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late-night rendezvous. Mon-Sun 5pm2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加 入現場琴師和法籍歌手的醉人旋律,是人們小聚和 深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名於 其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系 列享負盛名的精品香檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香
30 | DECEMBER 2016
醉。下午3時至凌晨2時;九龍尖沙咀河內道5號普基 商業中心地下2號鋪;2312 0468。尖沙咀嘉蘭圍3號 地下5-6號舖;2369 3803。
The Southeast Asian style bar makes a perfect place to relax after a busy shopping day. It offers a delectable selection of Asian dishes and drinks for guests to indulge in some regional flavours. Open daily 3pm-2am; Shop 2, Podium Plaza, No. 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2312 0468. Shop 5&6, G/ F, 3 Granville Circuit, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2369 3803. 忙碌的血拼之後不妨前往東南亞風格酒吧Lulu小酌一 番,放鬆心情。美味的亞洲佳餚及各類飲品都令人沉
A new concept Korean BBQ style bar and restaurant is the latest offering for trendy gatherings. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Square 12 provides a large public area as well as VIP rooms plus a open terrace for BBQ. Its "all you can eat and drink" buffet includes innovative Korean and local items, various cocktails, bar drinks and Korean Jinro. Daily, 7pm to 4am; 12/ F, Universal Commercial Building, 65-69 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 6553 6553. 位於尖沙咀市中心,設有寬敞大廳、貴賓房及開揚 BBQ大露台,屬尖沙咀首創的韓式BBQ酒吧。特別 推出任吃任喝韓國燒烤及地道風味小食,飲品包括各 款雞尾酒、洋酒以及韓國真露等。營業時間:晚上 7:00至凌晨4:00;尖沙咀北京道65-69號環球商業大 廈12/F全層;6553 6553。
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The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶
Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂
Altfield Gallery
Chinese Arts & Crafts is a renowned luxury brand established in Hong Kong since 1959. It offers different types of prestigious products including exquisite and legendary arts & crafts that feature oriental culture, natural Fei Cui jewelry and elegant Chinese apparel, aiming to promote and popularize the Chinese traditional culture. 10:30am-8:30pm; Pacific Place Branch -- Shop 220,The Mall, Phase 2, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway; 2523 3933; 中藝品牌自 1959 年在香港創立至今已有五十七年歷 史,經營具有濃厚東方文化和傳奇色彩、技藝精湛的 天然翡翠首飾、高檔工藝品、高貴端莊的華服系列 等。中藝為推廣中國傳統文化藝術精粹不遺餘力,成 績超然,商譽卓著。 營業時間:上午10:30至下午 8:30;金鐘太古廣場分公司—金鐘道88號太古廣場 2期220號;2523 3933;
A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗
From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The familyrun business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩 店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高古 青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可 的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨脷洲倉 庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。
Arch Angel Galerie V
Warring States period 475 BC to 221 BC pottery jars at Arch Angel Antiques 戰國時代陶罐
Arch Angel Antiques
This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 25 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 53-55 Hollywood Road (corner Peel Street), Central. 2851 6848. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過25年, 收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物館水 準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一 系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的青瓷;並 擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘 情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀的古傢俱均經 過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見 石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖鑑,當然還少不了 赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有 珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包裝,並可託付船運, 無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6 時30分,假期照常營業。中環荷李活道53-55號(卑 利街交界);2851 6848。
32 | DECEMBER 2016
This large gallery is a must for collectors and connoisseurs interested in early stone sculpture and 16th-18th century Chinese furniture. The gallery owner has been collecting and restoring Chinese furniture since 1985, having them exquisitely reconditioned by an expert furniture specialist. All items come with certification and unconditional guarantees. Open daily 10am-6pm. 70 Hollywood Road (corner Elgin Street), Central. 2851 6828. 寬敞的店鋪是愛好收藏和鑒賞的朋友非去不可之處。 那裡有早期的石刻雕塑和 16 至 18 世紀的中式古董傢 具,以原裝版本呈現精緻細節,並由傢具專家小心謹 慎地修復。店主在收藏和修復中式傢俱的經驗可追溯 至1985年,所有珍品均附帶證書及無條件保證其真確 度。營業時間︰上午10時至晚上6時。中環荷李活道 70號(伊利近街交界);2851 6828。
Tang dynasty 618 to 906 AD pottery standing soldiers at Arch Angel Galerie V 唐朝彩陶武士俑
A pair of Huanghuali scholar's boxes, Qing Dynasty 清朝一對書箱
Traditional Chinese scholars were accomplished in painting, poetry, chess and qin. They would enrich their study rooms with a range of objects important to the pursuit of these activities. These objects embodied the highest degree of technical precision and finely honed aesthetic sensibilities. Scholars of old particularly favoured items made of precious huanghuali and zitan woods crafted by renowned artisans. Such scholar items included huanghuali seal chests, used to store various seals and trinkets; zitan book chests to store rare and valuable books; and huanghuali or zitan brush pots, chess boxes, and tea trays. The rare material, refined elegance and practical value of these articles continues to attract the attention of collectors today. This month, Oi Ling Antiques presents this special pair of Qing dynasty book chests, offering a glimpse of the literati experience. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm, Sun 1pm-6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. 中國古代文人大多善於琴、棋、書、畫。在其書房中 均放置一系列的文房雜項器物,如文房四寶、茶和香 等等相關器具雜項。這些文房器物反映出古代文人的 審美觀和工匠大師的精湛技藝。 古代文人尤其喜愛用珍貴的木材,如黃花梨及紫 檀,再由當時的出色的工匠大師,創作製造文房用品 的器物 , 。例如用黃花梨製的官皮箱,用以儲存不同 類型的印章;紫壇製的書箱,用以存放古藉善本; 黃花梨或紫檀製作的筆筒、筆山、棋盒、文房托盤或 茶盤等等。除了材質珍貴外,清雅線條和實用價值亦 吸引當今藏家收藏選購。 今期燕譽堂希望透過這獨特罕有的文房器物, “清朝一對書箱”,讓各位能夠體驗中國古代文人的 生活方式。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上10:00至下 午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72號地下;2815 9422 ;
Shopping & Dining
聖誕購物餐飲精選 There is just so much to do in Hong Kong at Christmas, from making the most of all the festive shopping promotions to family entertainment and a limitless choice of dining. The team at CityLife have picked some great places for you to visit during your stay. Season’s greetings, and enjoy the ride! 香港的聖誕活動精彩紛呈,購物血拼、合家聚會、餐飲美食、 節日特惠,總有一款合你心意。 《東方之珠》精選城中熱點,助你盡情享受這冬日的狂歡氛圍!
Christmas Citygate Outlets Shopping at
東薈城名店倉 聖誕甜蜜禮遇 A
ll the Christmas shopping for friends and family can easily put a big dent in one’s wallet. Which is why keen-eyed shoppers are increasingly turning to outlets to purchase popular branded products over the Christmas period. In Hong Kong, the top destination is unquestionably Citygate Outlets, the largest and best-known high-end outlet mall, located in the heart of Tung Chung near the Hong Kong International Airport and gateway to some of the city’s top attractions including the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car, the Big Buddha, and the quint fishing village Tai O. Citygate Outlets is home to over 90 international brands, most offering year-round, attractive discounts ranging from 30% to 70% on quality products. International brands such as adidas, Armani, Bally, Burberry, Coach, Furla, Hugo Boss, I.T, kate spade, Max Mara, Michael Kors, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Sandro, Snidel and Tumi are represented in the 43,000-square-metre indoor, air-conditioned mall.
聖誕佳節臨近,又是時候為親朋好友們選購各式禮品。近年來越來越多人喜歡在聖誕節期 間到名店折扣商場購物,瘋狂血拼同時盡享各種優惠折扣。在香港,名店折扣商場首選
當然是東薈城名店倉。東薈城名店倉位於東涌市中心,香港國際機場附近,昂坪360、天壇 大佛和大澳漁村等人氣景點近在咫尺,是香港最大型及著名的名店折扣商場。 東薈城名店倉佔地43,000平方米,雲集超過 90 個國際品牌,全年提供最少三至七折 折扣優惠。國際品牌包括adidas, Armani, Bally, Burberry, Coach, Furla, Hugo Boss, I.T, kate spade, Max Mara, Michael Kors, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Sandro, Snidel和Tumi等。
34 | DECEMBER 2016
JUICY COUTURE (Shop.202) Floral Jacquard Jacket 花卉圖案外套 HK$3,090 Now HK$1,236 (60%off 四折)
FURLA (Shop. 230) ELLE Leather Tote ELLE 皮革手提袋 HK$4,290 Now HK$2,145 (50%off 半價)
It’s the Season for Treats
Shopping Rewards +
This Christmas, shopping at Citygate Outlets will be sweeter than ever as its themed promotion “It’s the Season for Treats” gets underway. From 2 December 2016 till 2 January 2017, the mall will treat holiday shoppers to a delicious world of candied decorations, joyful performances and a generous programme of Christmas Shopping Rewards. Immerse yourself among twirling candy ornaments, larger-thanlife cotton candy trees, and festive LED light features that sparkle and shine across the mall as Citygate Outlets is transformed into a winter wonderland of sweetness and joy. Don’t miss the candyfloss (cotton candy) cart with sweets to share upon social media activation on Level 2 and be sure to catch the “Sweetmas Angels” touring the mall with a candy trike. And more treats are in store for holiday shoppers - be sure to check out the special candy-coloured merchandises at attractive prices offered by selected retailers to help celebrate the special occasion.
聖誕甜蜜禮遇 +
During the promotional period, shoppers can earn exclusive Christmas gifts by spending a designated minimum amount by electronic payment in a single day at Citygate Outlets. 於活動推廣期間,顧客只需於東薈城名店倉以電子貨幣同日消費滿指定 金額,即可獲贈一系列時尚名牌的限量版聖誕甜蜜禮遇。
HK$5,000 – HK$9,799 Limited Edition Candy Cane Pendant with Necklace (Made with Swarovski Crystal) 限量版聖誕手杖糖吊墜連頸鍊 (採用施華洛世奇水晶)
這個聖誕節,甜蜜蜜的節日氣息將遍佈東薈城名店倉。為迎接聖誕佳節 的來臨,東薈城名店倉特別於 2016 年 12 月 2 日至 2017 年 1 月 2 日 期間,引領顧客走進色彩繽紛的糖果世界,欣賞特色聖誕表演,以及尊 享獨家購物獎賞,讓顧客盡享購物樂趣。 耀目的波板糖裝飾、超大型的棉花糖樹以及充滿節日氣氛的 LED 燈 閃閃發亮,為東薈城名店倉綻放璀璨的冬日光芒。顧客只需於商場二樓 尋找夢幻棉花糖車,並將精彩時刻上載到社交平台,即可獲享甜美棉花 糖乙份;「聖誕甜蜜大使」將會連同糖果車漫遊東薈城名店倉,為顧客 送上聖誕糖果,分享節日祝福。 聖誕期間,部分商戶將推出糖果色系列折扣商品,切勿錯過!
HK$9,800 - HK$14,999 Shanghai Tang Leather Card Case 上海灘真皮卡片套
>HK$15,000 American Tourister Arona Candy Colour Luggage (55 cm) S.T. DUPONT (Shop. 116) MiniJet Lighter MiniJet 打火機 HK$1,380 Now HK$690 (50%off 半價)
American Tourister Arona 55 厘米糖果色行李箱 + Notes: 1) Terms and conditions apply and +
MICHAEL KORS (Shop. 233) MICHAEL Michael Kors Peach Zip Around Travel Continental MICHAEL Michael Kors 桃粉色拉鏈長銀包 HK$2,300 Now HK$1,610 (30%off 七折)
2) Offers valid while stocks last. 註: 須受條款及細則約束。 數量有限,送完即止。
Fun and Games 參與互動遊戲
Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉
Follow Citygate Outlets on social media for the chance to win a pack of Christmas candies* from the Giant Candy machine on Level B1. Get a chance to take home an unexpected prize* including Shanghai Tang Lattice Medium Tote Bag and kate spade Clutch and more by playing the “Shake N’ Win” WeChat game. So get a sweet start to your Christmas by visiting Citygate Outlets - where it is the season for treats! 顧客可於社交平台關注東薈城名店倉,隨時有機會在設於 B1 樓層的巨型糖果機贏取聖誕糖果*乙包。
Scan here to follow us on WeChat 掃瞄此二維碼以立即關注 東薈城名店倉微信帳戶
20 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau (MTR Tung Chung Station Exit C) 大嶼山東涌達東路20號 (港鐵東涌站C出口) +852 2109 2933 Opening Hour 營業時間:10am-10pm Citygate Outlets
Scan here for more event details 請掃描此處查閱更多活動詳情
聖誕推廣活動期間,東薈城名店倉的微信公眾帳號將推出「甜心搖一搖幸運抽獎」,為粉絲送上意 想不到的聖誕驚喜,當中包括上海灘格子系列中號手提包、kate spade 手提袋等等豐富禮品*。
* Terms and conditions apply 活動須受有關條款及細則約束 DECEMBER 2016
a z a l p tmt
Schedule 活动一覽
Disney Fairytales at tmtplaza
夢幻迪士尼聖誕 盡在屯門市廣場
mtplaza, located in Tuen Mun and one of Hong Kong’ s largest and most diverse regional shopping malls in Hong Kong, is promoting a Disney Princesses extravaganza during the Christmas period. Six beloved Disney princesses, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Rapunzel, characters from classic Disney films, will be the key attractions as tmtpalza presents Disney’s “Dream Big, Princess” promotion. tmtplaza is transformed into a fairy castle with the princesses in their famous sets, highlighted by an eight-meter tall Christmas tree, twinkling with ornaments representing the six Disney Princess stories. And the Princesses will meet and greet shoppers on designated dates. Children can play Fairytale Interactive Games with their favourite princesses such as Running Cinderella or Rapunzel Wishing Making Lantern, and can purchase limited fashion princess premiums at the Pop-up store. So, what better way to spend a fairy tale Christmas and get all your shopping done than at tmtplaza!
屯門市廣場坐落於新界屯門,是香港面積最 大,商品種類最豐富的地區商場之一。今年聖誕 期間,屯門市廣場以“Dream Big, Princess夢想 無限”為主題,為顧客打造夢幻國度。白雪公主 (Snow White)、灰姑娘(Cinderella)、愛麗 兒(Ariel)、睡美人(Aurora)、貝兒(Belle) 以及長發公主(Rapunzel)這六位迪士尼動畫中 家喻戶曉的公主們已高貴典雅地於商場現身。 屯門市廣場的聖誕布置以六位公主的經典故 事場景為主,幻化成一座華麗的城堡。場內設8米 高的聖誕樹,配以象征每位公主的閃耀掛飾。而 六位公主也會於指定日子現身見面會,與一眾粉 絲拍照留念! 孩子們可與他們所愛的公主們一起互動游 戲,參與諸如“奔跑吧!灰姑娘”及“長發公主 天燈許願城堡互動游戲”等活動,也可在“期間 限定店”購買六位公主的限量版精品。
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Interactive Games: Daily till 2 January 2017. 12 noon- 8pm (weekdays), and 11 am- 9pm (weekends) Disney Princess Meet and Greet: December 11, 18, and 25 and January 1, 2017. Donate $50 to Operation Santa Claus or spend $1000 by electronic payment at any two shops to redeem your entry tickets to meet and take photos with the princesses. Ticket redemption: From 1 December 2016, 1pm- 10 pm, first come, first served. Disney Stories Sharing: December 3, 17, and 26, 2016, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm. (20 minutes per session) 互動游戲: 即日起至2017年1月2日; 中午12時至晚上8時(平日)/ 早上11時至晚上9時(周末) 公主見面會: 12月11、18、25日及2017年1月1日; 捐款港幣50元予“愛心聖誕大行動”或 於商場內任何兩間不同商鋪以電子貨幣 消費滿港幣1000元,即可換領見面會入 場券,與公主們合照留念。換領時間: 12 月1日至換完即止;下午 1 時至晚上 10時,先到先得。 迪士尼故事分享時段: 2016年12月3日、17日和26日; 下午2時、3時、4時(每節約20分鐘)
tmtplaza 屯門市廣場 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun 屯門屯順街1號 T: 2450 7782
Festive Christmas Shopping at China
Hong Kong City
聖誕血拼 盡在中港城! Special Promotion
hina Hong Kong City Ferry Terminal has long been Hong Kong’s ferry hub to China’s Pearl River Delta region and Macau as dozens of sleek and fast ferries zip in and out throughout the day. Situated at the end of Canton Road’s world famous shopping corridor in the Tsim Sha Tsui District of Kowloon, China Hong Kong City is also a commercial and ground transport hub in its own right, encompassing a luxury hotel, a sleek modern shopping mall, and a transport terminus for buses, taxis, light buses, plus ample parking. The retail mall attracts an eclectic and trendy group of retail clients including jewelry, fashion and sporty clothing, as well as Chinese medicine stores. It is a perfect destination for one-stop shopping before your ferries depart.
Pierside Bar & Restaurant
Flame at Towngas Avenue
位於中港城的中國客運碼頭提 供方便快捷的高速客輪服 務,來往中國珠三角地區及澳門 各大港口。中港城座落於九龍尖 沙咀名店林立的廣東道,是獨立 的商業及交通中心,設有一間豪 華酒店、一棟潮流購物商場,更 有巴士、的士、小巴總站以及大 量停車場設施。 商場吸引了眾多潮流品牌進 駐,包括珠寶、時裝、運動服裝及 藥材店等,是離港前進行一站式 購物的最佳選擇。
From now until 4 January 2017, China Hong Kong City welcomes shoppers with its special Christmas redemption promotion. Customers spending $1500 or more by electronic payment will receive a bottle of red wine, and those spending $3000 or more can take home a special gift pack. Limited quantities; first come, first served, while supplies last. Check with the Concierge or official leaflet for detailed terms and conditions. 從現在起至 2017 年 1 月 4 日,中 港城將以購物禮遇回饋廣大顧 客。顧客於中港城憑電子消費 滿港幣1500元即可獲贈紅酒一 瓶,累計消費滿港幣3000元即 可獲贈尊貴禮包一份。數量有 限,先到先得,送完即止。優惠 受條款及細則約束,詳情請查閱 場內宣傳單張或到禮賓部咨詢。
Sino Group Christmas Lucky Draw 信和集團聖誕大抽獎 Win great prizes by trying your luck in the “Sino Group Christmas Lucky Draw” sponsored jointly by Sino Group’s 11 shopping malls. From 2 December 2016 to 4 January 2017, customers can enter the lucky draw by spending (on a single day) a total of $300 or more, through electronic payment, at a maximum of two stores. 500 prizes valued at $720,000 will be given out, including the Grand Prize, a Citroen C4 Cattus Diesel SUV; Korea Taegeuk Ginseng; Black Smith Optical sunglasses; and more. Check with the Concierge or official leaflet for more details. Trade Promotion Competition Licence No. 048048-49 信和集團旗下十一大商場將於今年聖誕聯合呈獻“信和集團聖誕大抽 獎”,快來試試自己的運氣吧!由 2016 年 12 月 2 日至 2017 年 1 月 4 日,只需在最多兩家不同商店憑電子消費累計滿港幣300元即可參與 抽獎。500份獎品總價值約72萬元,大獎包括雪鐵龍C4 Cattus柴油 SUV、韓國高麗太極參、精選太陽鏡等。詳情請查閱場內宣傳單張 或到禮賓部咨詢。推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼No. 048048-49
China Hong Kong City 中港城 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀廣東道33號 T: 3119 0288 chinahkcity 香港中港城
Bustling Mongkok celebrates Christmas in style with dazzling Joy of Light festivities at the Grand Plaza and Gala Place! Joy of Light聖誕樂力型聚將在雅蘭中心及家樂坊閃 亮登場!為熙熙攘攘的香港旺角增添聖誕節慶氣氛。
ongkok, a must-see destination for visitors to Hong Kong, becomes that much more vibrant and colourful during the Christmas period, with the area draped in festive lights and decorations. And Grand Plaza, a large shopping complex located in the heart of Mongkok right next to the MTR Mongkok Station Exit, is ground zero for all the happenings as it celebrates the Joy of Lights promotion. The main feature is a large eight-meter tall Scandinavianstyle real timber Christmas tree at Gala Place, complete with reindeers and a special light installation. Shop to your heart’s content and dine at Grand Plaza’s quality international cuisine outlets and win shopping prizes as well. Here are our picks of restaurants and their signature dishes for the special dining occasion.
香港旺角是每個來港游客的必游之地。聖誕期間,節日彩燈 飾品將旺角裝點一新,使旺角更繽紛斑斕,活力四射。坐
落於旺角中心的雅蘭中心毗鄰旺角地鐵站出口,交通便利。雅 蘭購物中心在聖誕期間舉辦Joy of Light聖誕樂力型聚。屆時, 八米高以真木制成的聖誕樹設於家樂坊,配上雪鹿奔馳之主題 及數百個閃亮奪目的燈泡,勢必成為萬眾矚目的焦點。 來雅蘭中心暢快購物,享受國際頂級美食。這裡我們為您 介紹精美餐廳及特色菜品,絕對適合特別的你。
at Grand
Plaza & Gala Place
Paradise Dynasty 樂天皇朝
This quality Chinese restaurant serves primarily both northern and southern Chinese cuisine and dim sum. Paradise’s Xiao Long Bao with eight favours is their signature dish. The Steamed Sliced Fish with Pickled Chili ($108), a Hunanese dish of tender fish slices, sour pickled cabbage, and minced chili peppers steamed and served in a bamboo urn, is perfect for a cool winter’s meal.
This Japanese restaurant with a Mediterranean touch offers innovative and tasty dishes. The Spanish Seafood Paella ($98, half portion) features fresh mussels, shrimp, and squid rings cooked in Japanese rice and mixed with seasonable vegetables- a real Christmas treat indeed.
這家優質南北中式料理餐廳主要提供川滬菜及點心,以八色皇朝小籠包見稱。此 外,餐廳的竹筒剁椒魚片($108)源自湖南風味,精選鮮嫩魚片、酸菜以及剁紅 椒蒸制而成,盛載於精巧的竹筒之中,十分適宜冬日享用。
這家日本食肆富有濃郁的地中海風味,以美味創新菜式聞名。 餐廳招牌菜西班牙風海鮮飯($98 /半份)在日本米飯中添加了 青口、海蝦和魷魚圈,再伴以時令蔬菜,實在是一道聖誕大餐 經典菜式。
Shop 203 & 205 Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心203及205號鋪;T: 2177 3456
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Shop 208 Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心208號鋪;T:2511 1937
YamatoN 大和豚総本店
This popular casual dining joint specialises in creating a mixed variety of Japanese Hotpot, Cutlet & Sushi. Japanese and Korean crossover kimchi-based hotpot (268) filled with juicy pork slices, assorted vegetables and Korean rice cake is perfect for a warm gathering with your loved ones.
Nabe Urawa 牛気
Treat your friends and family to a hearty meal at this Japanese restaurant. The Supreme Beef and Seafood Buffet (268) is a hotpot dinner to be savoured, featuring a Japanese soup base mixed with fresh wasabi. Top quality USA beef, New Zealand mussels, Norwegian Salmon, Japanese squid eaten piping hot is what makes this a hotpot extravaganza.
這間超高人氣的休閒餐廳以各款日本火鍋、豚肉和壽司為主打,融合日 本和韓國美食,配上韓式部隊鍋($268),鮮嫩多汁的豚肉、什錦野菜 和韓式年糕,令人回味無窮,讓你與摯愛度過一個溫馨甜蜜的聖誕節。
邀上親朋好友享受一頓心儀的日式大餐。極上牛肩肉+海鮮自助放題 ($268)是別具風味的火鍋大餐,采用調以新鮮芥末的日式湯底。優 質的嚴選美國牛肩肉、新西蘭青口、挪威三文魚和日本魷魚在翻滾的 湯底中燙煮,帶來無以倫比的味覺盛宴。
Shop 101-102, Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心101-102號舖;T: 2391 2112
Shop 118, Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心118號舖;T: 2866 8876
Udon Gozen Imazuke
今助烏冬御膳 This cozy Japanese restaurants serves tasty udon and other set meals. The Imasuke Pork Cutlet Combo ($100) is a favourite with diners. The thick and tender pork cutlet, golden crispy fried, is mouth-watering, and the rice, miso soup and sashimi accompaniments make for a satisfying meal. 這裡有美味的烏冬面和套餐。今助日式炸豬扒定食($100)是店內人氣招牌菜: 令人垂涎欲滴的日式厚切炸豬扒,金黃酥脆,肉質軟嫩,令人胃口大開。豐富的 珍珠飯、味增湯及刺身佐餐,帶來無盡滿足。
La’taste Vietnamese Cuisine 品越越式料理
Taste authentic Vietnamese dishes right in the heart of Mongkok with a collection of Vietnamese delights. The Seared Tuna with Green Mango and green Papaya Salad ($88) is refreshingly healthy and zesty, with the fresh, seared tuna accented nicely by with the sweet and sour sauce. 這是旺角鬧市暢享正宗越式料理的絕佳去處。吞拿魚伴青芒果青木瓜 沙律($88)中新鮮的炙燒吞拿魚配以酸甜醬汁,彰顯新鮮與健康。
Shop 116 Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心116號; T:2997 1038
Shop 202 Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心202號鋪; T: 2465 4387
Fantastic prizes and rewards
Where Trends Meet 型 • 聚旺角 International flagships keep burgeoning on 4 bustling streets in Mongkok, where the Grand Plaza, Hollywood Plaza and Gala Place are the breeding ground,transforming shopping experience to one of flagship-hopping. Friends gather together for international fare… It is the place Where Trends Meet. 潮流版圖,分佈旺角四大繁華街道。 Grand Plaza(雅蘭中心)、Hollywood Plaza (荷李活商業中心)及Gala Place(家樂坊)網羅國際旗艦、潮流品牌及人氣特色 美饌,讓你遊歷時尚,與三五知己共聚,樂享佳餚,締造歡聚好時光。 潮人潮物,從此型 • 聚旺角。
Until January 2, 2017, customers spending $300 or more at Grand Plaza, Hollywood Plaza and Gala Place by electronic payment, can win one of 1500 exciting prizes valued over $100,000 total by entering into the "Joyful Tree-Shooting Star" virtual reality game and collect the designated number of stars. Prizes include branded handbags, sunglasses, instant cameras, hair products and Grand Plaza dining coupons.
2017年1月2日前,凡於雅蘭中心、家樂坊、荷李活商業中心以電子支付 消費滿300元的顧客可參與“Joyful Tree-Shooting Star”擴增實境游 戲,獲得指定星星數量的顧客即有機會贏取大獎。獎品總價值10萬港 幣,共設1500個名額。獎品豐富多樣,涵蓋名牌手袋、太陽眼鏡、 即影即有相機、美發用品及雅蘭中心商戶餐飲禮券等。
Hong Kong 香港島
ADMIRALTY 金鐘 Pacific Place 太古廣場
88 Queensway (Map T6) . Classy and spacious four-level shopping centre with natural lighting. Perched on top of the MTR station, surrounded by three five-star hotels and the greenery of Hong Kong Park. 2844 8900. 金鐘道 88 號(地圖 T6 ) ,高尚寬敞的四層購物中心位於港鐵金鐘站上蓋,吸引大量 海外遊客。2844 8900 。
Central 中環 8 Finance Street (Map R4) . Shop at one of the most photogenic skyscrapers of Hong Kong; top brand-name shops, restaurants and a cinema. Links to the MTR station, Central ferry piers, and the Airport Express. 2295 3308. 金融街8號(地圖R4) ,購物商場內有不少名牌商店及餐廳,並設電影院,可乘搭港鐵 及機場快線直達。2295 3308 。
The Peak 山頂 The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場
118 Peak Road (Map W8) . Offering international cuisines and an array of shops selling gifts and locally designed products. Visitors can also take in amazing views from the top level’s Green Terrace Observation Deck. 2849 4113 . 山頂道118號(地圖W8) 。旅客可於山頂廣場品嚐各國佳餚美饌及搜購本地創作之特 色精品,更可前往頂層綠茵平台,飽覽醉人景緻。2849 4113 。
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀
China Hong Kong City 中港城
China Hong Kong City 中港城
A real gem offering trendy and branded products including jewelry, sportswear, fashions, electronics, etc. Part of the China Hong Kong Ferry terminal complex and located on the famed Canton Road shopping district. 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 3119 0288. 商場吸引眾多潮流品牌進駐,包括珠寶、體育用品、時尚服飾、電子產品等。中港城位 於著名的購物熱點廣東道上,中國客運碼頭提供方便快捷的客輪服務。九龍尖沙咀廣東 道33號。3119 0288。
Harbour City 海港城
Canton Road (Map L3) . So popular you’ll see queues at the flagship stores of the biggest fashion brands. Located at the northern end of Canton Road. Ocean Terminal entrance near the Star Ferry Terminal. 2118 8666 . 位於廣東道北面(地圖L3) ,有各種類型的商店和餐廳,行人通道接連其他購物中心及 酒店,海運大廈入口設於近天星碼頭。2118 8666 。
The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心
The Grand Plaza Good mix of diverse dining and 雅蘭中心 shopping choices in the heart of Mongkok, Kowloon, right next to a MTR exit. Over 20 gourmet dining venues ,watch and jewelry shops, concept stores and life style labels round out the complement. 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. 位於九龍區的旺角市中心,港鐵 旺角站出口旁邊,商場內餐飲及購物選擇繁多,匯聚超過20間食肆、鐘錶珠寶品牌、概 念商店以及多間時尚服飾品牌店舖。旺角彌敦道625及639號。
tmtplaza 屯門市廣場
tmtplaza 屯門市廣場
The largest regional mall in northwest New territories, this mall has a full and diverse mix of retails shops, food outlets and a cinema complex. It’s close to Shenzhen and easily accessed vis cross b o rd e r b u s e s f ro m Shenzhen Bay. 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun. 屯門市廣場是新界西北部最大的地區性購物商場,設有眾多零售商舖、餐廳 及一間電影院,集吃喝玩樂於一身。商場鄰近深圳,每天有大量過境巴士來 往深圳灣口岸,交通十分方便。屯門屯順街1號。
ifc Mall 國際金融中心商場
Kowloon 九龍
地區購物商場 | DECEMBER 2016
This mall just off the Kwun Tong MTR in Kowloon is becoming a urban renewal landmark in this former industrial area. Its vibrancy is palpable at all hours as its extended opening hours draws millennials late in the night. 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong. 觀塘以前是一個工業區, apm 商場鄰近港鐵觀塘站,如今已成為這一區的 潮流地標。營業時間較一般購物商場長,吸引眾多充滿活力的年輕人前來血 拼。觀塘道418號。
OUTLET 特賣場 Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉
Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉
Hong Kong's most well-known outlet mall and also its largest. Located in Tung Chung next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the mall has over 80 outlets featuring well known fashion and sportswear brands. Place to be for quality products at bargain prices. 51 Man Tung Road, Tung Chung. 位於東涌的東薈城是香港最著名和最大型的特賣場,鄰近香港國際機場,商 場內有超過80個著名時尚及運動品牌以優惠價格出售商品,讓您以誘人的折 扣價瘋狂血拼。東涌文東路51號。
E-Max WearHouse
E-Max WearHouse
This new outlet at the Kowloon Bay I n t e r n t a i o n a l Tr a d e and Exhibition Centre (KITEC) promises to be a hit with locals and tourists alike. First phase (50,000 square feet) features international brands and trendy apparel and lifestyle products. 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay. 這個位於九龍灣國際展貿中心的新特賣場定會成為本地人和遊客的休閒熱 點。一期佔地五萬平方呎,主打國際品牌、時尚服飾和潮流生活用品。九龍 灣展貿徑1號。
Horizon Plaza 新海怡廣場
This well-known outlet mall in Ap Lei Chau just off Aberdeen on the south side of Hong Kong Island is a favourite with locals and expats. The former warehouse building is chockful of big name brands. 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau. 這座位於港島南區鴨脷洲的著名特賣場前身是工業大廈,現有眾多著名品牌 進駐,深受本地人歡迎。鴨脷洲利榮街2號。
SHOP LIST HONG KONG STORES 香港分店 Causeway Bay Flagship Store G/F & 1/F, Sino Plaza, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣旗艦店 信和廣場地下及一樓 +852 2366 5828 Kowloon Flagship Store G/F & 1/F, Hankow Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍旗艦店 尖沙咀漢口中心地下及一樓 +852 2366 5808 China Hong Kong City Store LG/F, China Hong kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 中港城分店 尖沙咀廣東道中港城低層地下 +852 2366 5820 Kowloon Hotel Store G/F & B1/F, The Kowloon Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍酒店分店 尖沙咀九龍酒店地下及低層 +852 2366 5810
ISA Christmas
Nathan Road Store G/F & 1/F, 29 Nathan Road, Alpha House, Tsim Sha Tsui 彌敦道分店 尖沙咀彌敦道29號地下及一樓 +852 2366 5890
SA is arguably Hong Kong’s largest and best-known specialty chain store for branded luxury products, offering a wide selection of product categories and international designer brands at highly attractive and competitive prices.
Silvercord Store Shop no. LG73, Silvercord, Tsim Sha Tsui 新港中心分店 尖沙咀新港中心低層LG73舖 +852 2366 6308
ISA’s wide range of products include handbags, fashion, watches and jewellery, designer glasses, perfume and cosmetics, providing customers a convenient onestop shopping location for their luxury needs. ISA is entering into the Christmas spirit with a fantastic promotion: “VIP Pre-Sale” during the holiday period. Customers can purchase designated branded products at substantial discounts, including Kate Spade, KENZO, Victorinox (suitcase), Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Burberry. ISA boasts an impressive network of 12 stores in Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Its Hong Kong stores are primarily located in the shopping districts of Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui, including its 60,000 square-foot store in the China Hong Kong City Terminal complex, where the generous space allows ISA to offer its customers an exceptionally wide range of products and attentive prices.
ISA Outlet Flagship Store Shop No.2, 2/F, China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 奧特萊斯旗艦店 尖沙咀中港城2樓2號舖 +852 2366 5023 MACAU STORES 澳門分店
Alexander Mcqueen Dress
Fendi Leather Bag
SA 無疑是香港規模最大且最知名的精品連鎖店,彙 聚一眾國際奢華名品,顧客可選擇的商品品類繁多, 品牌豐富,價格卻十分優惠。 ISA的眾多產品涵括服飾皮包、珠寶首飾、眼鏡鐘表
Versace Sweatershirt
Givenchy Backpack Fendi Shoes
EA7 Jacket
Canton Road Store 1/F, Imperial Building, Tsim Sha Tsui 廣東道分店 尖沙咀廣東道帝國大廈一樓全層 +852 2366 5880
和香水護膚品等,為顧客提供一站式便捷購物的平台。 這個寒冬聖誕,ISA更推出超值折扣,VIP Pre-Sale ( VIP 預售)活動讓你度過一個溫暖的聖誕節!即日起 在 ISA 購買指定產品,即可享有特價優惠,活動品牌包 括Kate Spade, KENZO, Victorinox (suitcase), Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo 和 Burberry。 ISA在港澳、廣州和深圳共開設12間分店。其香港分 店大多坐落於如銅鑼灣和尖沙咀這樣的購物熱地,包括 占地6萬平方英尺(約5600平方米)的中港城奧特萊斯分 店;店內寬敞舒適,產品款式多樣,價格極具吸引力。
Macau Flagship Store LG/F, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre 澳門旗艦店 旅遊塔娛樂中心地庫全層 +853 2896 7880 Macau Largo Do Senado Store G/F- 3/F, 18-20A Largo Do Senado, Macau 澳門分店 議事亭前地18-20號地下至三樓 +853 2832 2663 MAINLAND CHINA STORES 中國內地分店 Shenzhen Qianhai Store Shop No.103 & 203, Level 1-2, Hoko Mall, Qianhai 深圳分店 深圳市前海周大福全球商品購物中心 1-2層103&203號舖 +86-755 8898 1088 Guangzhou Nansha Store G/F, N2, Puzhou Hi-tech Development Park, No.121, Guangqian S Ave, Nansha 廣州南沙分店 廣州南沙港前大道南121號 蒲州高新技術開發園N2棟首層 +86-020 3900 2503
ISA offers online shopping with delivery. Go to Also, download the official ISA App and enjoy rewards and privileges including free Wifi at all ISA stores and earn 10,000 points ($50 value) after signing up for a VIP membership. Ask store sales staff for more details. Also check out ISA’s Facebook page and Wechat account, ISA_Boutique, for the latest offerings. 瀏覽ISA線上購物網站,請登錄;隨時購物,送貨上門。即日起下載ISA官方App, 注冊登記會員,便可於ISA所有分店享用免費wifi,同時可獲得10,000積分(等同於$50現金價值)。 更多優惠詳情可向ISA店員詢問。趕緊關注ISA微信號“ISA_Boutique”和官方微博“ISA世界名牌精品 店”,第一時間知曉優惠活動,捕獲最新潮流資訊。 Apple Store ID:ISA
Googleplay ID:ISA
下載 Android App
聖誕 瘋狂購物月
Here’s the holiday season. Get into the Christmas spirit with our selected gifts from skincare, perfume to Christmas outfits. 佳節臨近,《東方之珠》為您精選了一系列 護膚、香水套裝及聖誕服飾,好好享受這個 瘋狂購物月吧!
I.T - MM6 HK$4,499
Supia Supia Christmas Gift Set 尚妍芳聖誕精選禮盒 • Supia Black Pitera Essence Serum Supia (50ml) 黑酵母精華液 (50ml) • Supia Black Pitera Mask, 7 pieces Supia 黑酵母面膜(1盒 7 片)每片 20g
Jo Jo Malone Malone London London Mimosa Mimosa && Cardamom Cardamom Collection Collection 含羞草與小豆蔻香氛系列 含羞草與小豆蔻香氛系列 ••Mimosa Mimosa&&Cardamom CardamomCologne Cologne含羞草與小荳蔻古龍水 含羞草與小荳蔻古龍水(30ml) (30ml) ••Mimosa Mimosa&&Cardamom CardamomBody Body&&Hand HandWash Wash含羞草與小荳蔻身體及潔手液 含羞草與小荳蔻身體及潔手液(100ml) (100ml) 含羞草與小荳蔻潤膚乳霜(50ml) (50ml) ••Mimosa Mimosa&&Cardamom CardamomBody BodyCrème Crème含羞草與小荳蔻潤膚乳霜
HK$3,920 HK$1,050
Rodial Bee Venom 24 Carat Gold Collection 24K金尊尚抗皺套裝 • Bee Venom 24 Carat Gold Super Essence 蜂毒活膚 24K 金特效精華素 - 30ml • Bee Venom 24 Carat Gold Body Soufflé 蜂毒活膚 24K 金特效身體乳霜 - 200ml
42 | DECEMBER 2016
Origins 品木宣言 Plantscription™ All Stars Anti-Agers 悅肌再生皇牌套裝 • Plantscription™ Anti-aging Cleanser 悅肌再生潔面乳 (50ml) • Plantscription™ Anti-aging Treatment Lotion 悅肌再生活膚水 (50ml) • Plantscription™ Anti-aging Serum 悅肌再生逆齡抗皺精華 (30ml) • Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Cream 悅肌再生眼霜 (15ml) • Plantscription™ Anti-aging Face Cream 悅肌再生面霜 (30ml)
SHOP LIST L'Occitane 歐舒丹 3515 4022 L2-30, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊2樓30號舖 Supia 尚妍芳 9667 1019 Counter 14, G/F, Wing On Plus, No. 345 Nathan Road, Jordan 佐敦彌敦道 345 號 永安百貨地面14號櫃檯 Jo Malone London 2918 4865 Shop 137, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場137店 Origins 2265 7278 Shop 01, UG Level, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘又一城UG層01號舖
Natura Bissé Diamond Extreme Anti-Aging Treatment Set 鑽石極緻美肌套裝 • Diamond Cream鑽石極緻修護乳霜 (50ml) • Diamond Extreme Eye鑽石極致緊緻眼霜(25ml)
Rodial 3798 0171 Joyce Beauty, Lane Crawford, Times Square, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣時代廣場 連卡佛 Joyce Beauty 專櫃
Natura Bissé 2918 1583 Shop 153,Beauty Gallery, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty 金鐘金鐘道88號 太古廣場Beauty Gallery 153號舖 I.T 2265 7110 Shop LG2-02, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘又一城 LG2-02 舖
I.T - Tsumori Chisato HK$17,599
L'Occitane 歐舒丹 Immortelle Precious 蠟菊珍貴修護套裝 • Immortelle Precious Eye Balm 蠟菊珍貴修護眼霜15ml • Immortelle Precious Cream 蠟菊珍貴活顏霜50ml • Immortelle Precious Night Cream 蠟菊珍貴活顏晚霜50ml • Immortelle Precious Serum 蠟菊珍貴再生精華素30ml
Star Ferry
Big Bus Tours
sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。
Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。
Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。
Ferries leave from Central pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.50 – $3.40.
2723 2108
$168 (Adult 成人) $118 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888
Disney and Marvel Theme Magical World
Ocean Park
The Peak Tram and The Peak Tower
Different famous Disney cartoon characters will greet you here at Magical World! There are special sound, smell and lighting effects to create a whole new experience. The Luminous Disney Zone is one of the highlight of the exhibition. It brings you into the fantasy and incredible luminous Disney World with endless surprises! 迪士尼著名卡通人物雲集,以不同的立體造型和大家見 面,為了令大家能親臨其境,特別加入聲效、光效及 氣味,是全新視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺的感官新體驗。 重點推介迪士尼夜光畫區,在漆黑中為你帶來無窮的驚 喜,帶你進入奇幻不可思議的迪士尼夜光世界!
Walk through the impressive Aqua City’s Grand Aquarium with up to 5,000 kinds of tropical fish and sea creatures, visit giant pandas or board Hong Kong's best roller coasters. 海洋公園呈獻全新主題區夢幻水都,讓你參觀令人 驚嘆的海洋奇觀,探訪超過5,000條魚類,包括熱 帶魚和各種海洋生物。另外,還可以親親大熊貓及 欣賞各種海洋動物的精彩表演。
Dating back to 1888, The Peak Tram is a steep funicular railway that allows passengers to enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong. At the top, The Peak Tower is an attraction in itself, with fun shopping, dining, and entertainment. 山頂纜車自1888年開始行駛至今,接載乘客往返 陡峭的山坡,俯視香港壯觀迷人的景色。山頂凌霄 閣是集購物、飲食及娛樂於一身的著名旅遊景點。
$168 (Adult成人) $120 (Child aged 3-11;3歲至11歲小童) $120 (Senior aged 65 or above;65歲或以上長者) 1F Hilton Place 96 Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui East 尖沙咀東加連威老道32-40號希爾頓大廈1樓 2721 9318
$385 (Adult 成人), $193 (Child 小童). Take special bus 629 from Central Pier 7 or from Admiralty MTR, exit B. 於中環近大會堂或港鐵金鐘站B出口乘坐629專 線巴士。 3923 2323
The Peak Tram departs every 10-15 min from the Peak Tram Station, Garden Road, Central. Board the Peak Tram shuttle bus No. 15C at the Central (Near Star Ferry Pier 8) Bus Terminus. 山頂纜車每10-15 分鐘由中環花園道纜車總站 開出,可由中環乘坐15C(天星碼頭8號碼頭附 近)穿梭巴士前往花園道山頂纜車站。 One-way 單程: $32 (Adult 成人), $12 (children and seniors 小童及長者); Return 來回: $45 (Adult 成人), $20 (children and seniors 小童及長者).
迪士尼及漫威主題 4D 奇幻館
Premium Tour 豪華套票 HK$450 (Adult 成人) HK$400 (Child 小童)
天際100香港觀景台 | DECEMBER 2016
Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港濕地公園
Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism park that's a fantastic spot to enjoy some of Hong Kong’s unique flora and fauna. The park is also home to an impressive cast of wildlife, including birds, butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and fish.. 香港濕地公園是一個世界級的生態旅遊設施,園 內有品種繁多的動物,包括雀鳥、蝴蝶、蜻蜓、 兩棲和爬行類及魚類等。
$30 (Adult 成人) $15 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) 10am-5pm, closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) 星期二休息(公眾假期除外) Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍濕地公園路 3152 2666
Ngong Ping 昂坪之旅
The 25-minute cable car ride shows visitors breathtaking views of Lantau Island and the South China Sea. At the top of the ride is Ngong Ping themed village which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment outlets. 昂坪纜車服務讓旅客享受大嶼山及南中國海風光明 媚的景色,纜車全程約 25 分鐘。登山後,更可到 結合飲食、購物及娛樂於一身的昂坪市集遊覽。
Tung Chung MTR. 港鐵︰東涌站。
Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong 香港特麗愛3D美術館
The world-class 3D museum originally from South Korea has descended upon the Peak Galleria Mall, featuring more than 70 brand new 3D art pieces that are tailor-made for Hong Kong branch. Visitors are encouraged to touch, climb onto and interact with the amazing exhibits. 來自韓國原創,享譽國際的人氣3D館強勢登陸太平山頂廣 場!多達70幅全新3D立體畫作,只屬香港館限定,給愛拍 照的您帶來驚喜體驗!
HK$150 (Adult 成人), HK$100 (Child小童/Senior長者) 10:00-22:00 Shop No. 1, Level 3, The Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Road, The Peak 香港山頂道118號山頂廣場3樓 2813 1686
Where to find out more 更多資訊
CityLife readers can enjoy a special offer of 20% discount off regular ticket price. Look for the discount coupon in CityLife's bi-lingual Hong Kong Street map. Ask your hotel concierge for a copy. 《東方之珠》讀者可享正價八折優惠,優惠 券附於《東方之珠》雙語版香港街道圖上, 請向酒店禮賓司索取。
Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯意 見。此外,請瀏覽www.hkcitylife.com查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。
Airport Express 機場快線
MTR 港鐵
Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務
The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$100 (HK$50, child). Round-trip: HK$180. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車 從中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場 需時約 24 分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來 回票價成人每位收費$100(3至11歲小童每位收費 $50),雙程車票$180(有效期為一個月)。
The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。
2881 8888 2881 8888
Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Initial stored value cost per card varies: Child (HK$20), Adult (HK$100), and Elder (HK$20). Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. Airport Express Travel Pass cards are $250 for a single Airport Express journey plus three days' unlimited travel on the MTR, or pay $350 for two Airport Express trips plus three days' MTR travel. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客 服中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了卡成本。首次儲值額分別為小童卡HK$20、成人卡 HK$100、長者卡HK$20。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動從卡內的儲值額中扣除。機場快線旅遊 票包括HK$250的單程票及HK$350的雙程票,兩者均可連續三天無限次搭乘港鐵線。
2266 2222
Taxi 出租車
下旗起計首 2 公里收費 $17-$22 ,其后每 200 米跳 表收費 $1-$1.6 ,詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之 「出租車收費表」上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本 車費,并以港幣支付車資,附加費包括隧道費、 橋樑費、司機回程費和行李載運費,可要求車費 收據。香港法例規定,如出租車內裝有安全帶, 乘客必須佩帶。
2804 2600
48 | DECEMBER 2016
To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。
Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務
To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。
Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜
For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。 •Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國
2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011
To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。
For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length of the 15-kilometre track at $2.30 per adult, $1.20 per child and $1.10 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。成人每位收費$2.3,小童每位收費$1.2, 長者每位收費$1.1,可遊畢長達15公里的車程。乘 客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費於下車時繳付,可 使用八達通卡。
2548 7102
Airport Connection 聯絡機場
Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線
Trams 電車
Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$17-22, with incremental charges of HK$11.6 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.
Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。
International Calls 長途電話
To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1