香 港 旅 遊 指 南 OCTOBER 2016 年 10月
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
Painted silk textile with dragon image Qing dynasty 清描金龍紋絹
72 hollywood road • central • hong kong 香港中環荷里活道72號 T +852 2815 9422 E W
Art galleries, exhibitions, antique dealers, and fascinating museums 畫廊展覽資訊、古董店尋寶、博物館探知
Check into W Hong Kong, where Chooi Li Loo holds the keys 本月,我們來到香港W酒店—— Chooi Li Loo為我們作專業導向
The best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝
Tips for travellers 出入須知
This month's events and the city's biggest occasions 本月精彩節目及城中盛事
Sir Catchick Paul Chater 吉席.保羅.遮打爵士
CCB(Asia) Wine & Dine Festival 建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮
08 12
Best of Hong Kong's Street Food 香港街頭嚐味之旅
Gastronomical Treats in Contrast! 美食之都,百花齊放
46 48
22 32
39 OCTOBER 2016
Indulge and revitalise at the city’ s renowned spas 水療享受煥發神采
VOL. 15 NO.10
香 港 旅 遊 指 南 OCTOBER 2016 年 10月
Golden Moments for Golden Week 黃金週好去處
Pubs and clubs to hit for your nighttime adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒
We talked to Jenny Chan, General Manager of The Royal Garden 帝苑酒店酒店總經理陳淑貞 與《東方之珠》愉快閒談
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
Publisher and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung
Associate Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang
Chinese Writer Wing Yu
Sub-Editor Martin Turner
Senior Designer Gary Luk
Ad Placement Enquiries Hotline: 3102 8700
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e welcome you to Hong Kong and to CityLife , the monthly magazine for visitors to Asia’s World City. October generally brings glorious weather to Hong Kong: mild, sunny, and dry, which makes it the perfect time to do pretty much everything. And the city has lined up a busy and exciting October for locals and visitors alike, starting with the inaugural Formula E motorsport event, which takes place along the Central Harbourfront over the weekend of 8-9 October. It may come as a surprise that a fully fledged motor race can be hosted in the heart of the city, but the organisers of this highly anticipated event have created a course that zig-zags around Central Harbourfront, passing some of Hong Kong’s most iconic landmark buildings with the stunning harbour as the backdrop. It is an event not to be missed. Other sporting events vie for attention through October. The Hong Kong Tennis Open 2016 returns to Victoria Park in Causeway Bay with more than 50 of the world’s top women players expecting to compete in the tournament from 8 to 16 October. The 2016 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup will feature some of the strongest triathletes from around the world, with various event categories covering different distances. And boxing comes to Hong Kong in the Battle of Victors as 14 world-class boxers duke it out, including the main event featuring Hong Kong’s very own Rex “The Wonder Kid” Tso in his WBO International Junior Bantamweight title bout. Finally, 3,000 brave souls will participate in the Cross Harbour Race on 16 October to swim 1.5 km across the iconic Victoria Harbour. Sport is not the only thing on Hong Kong’s mind; the 8th edition of the CCB (Asia) Wine and Dine Festival, one of the largest such events in Asia, runs from 28 to 30 October. The world’s who’s who in wine and dine will descend on Hong Kong, as will over 140,000 people eager to satiate their palates. This event, which has grown in prestige every year, further confirms Hong Kong’s reputation as Asia’s Culinary Capital and one of the world’s top wine hubs. And let’s not forget Halloween, the American celebration of harvest that has been heartily embraced by the city. Both Ocean Park and Disneyland will feature special programmes, and partygoers will flood the streets of Lan Kwai Fong for its annual street party on Halloween night. As if that is not enough, lovers of a certain classic sound can reminisce at a performance by the Platters – featuring Sonny Turner. This alltime favourite vocal group from the 1950s and 60s will charm the crowd with hits like “Only You” and “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes”. Sports, music, and much, much more, October is a great month to visit Hong Kong, and we hope you take full advantage of all the city has to offer. We wish you a most enjoyable stay in Hong Kong.
歡迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹香 港這個亞洲國際大都會。
踏入十月,香港氣候溫和,天氣晴朗乾燥,適合 開展各種各樣的活動。城中各項盛事接踵而來,為遊 客和本地人帶來一個忙碌而興奮的十月。打響頭炮的 是首屆香港電動大獎賽,賽事將於10月8日至9日在中 環海濱區舉行。令人意想不到的是,這樣一項高標準 的專業賽車錦標賽將在熱鬧的市中心舉行,賽事主辦 方圍繞中環海濱設計了一條賽道,在維多利亞港和中 環半山的醉人景致襯托下,沿途經過一系列香港標誌 性建築物,絕對是不容錯過的盛事! 十月還有不少其它精彩體育賽事。 10 月 8 日至 16 日,香港網球公開賽2016重回銅鑼灣維多利亞公園, 超過 50 位國際級女子網壇名將將再次競逐「網球皇 后」的寶座。2016 香港ASTC 三項鐵人亞洲盃即將開 鑼,各國精英運動員齊集香港,在不同組別中展開耐 力大比拼。除此之外,14位來自不同國家的拳擊選手 將在擂台上演激烈對決,香港拳擊之星,享有「神奇 小子」稱號的曹星如,將會爭奪WBO國際超蠅量級金 腰帶。最後, 3,000 名勇敢的游泳健將將於 10 月 16 日 在維多利亞港展開全長1.5公里的維港泳競賽。 除了體育賽事,當然還有其它精彩活動。10月28 日至30日,第八屆建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮揭 開帷幕,這是亞洲同類活動中首屈一指的盛事。世界 各地的餐飲界名人將聚集香港,逾 140,000 名入場人 士將踏上一趟精彩的味蕾之旅。這項年度盛事享負盛 名,進一步鞏固了香港作為亞洲美食之都及世界頂級 美酒樞紐之一的地位。 別忘記驚險刺激的萬聖節!這個美國人慶祝豐收 的節日在香港大受歡迎,海洋公園和迪士尼樂園都將 推出特別節目,狂歡的人群將湧至蘭桂坊參加這每年 一度的萬聖節街頭派對。 仍感覺意猶未盡?喜愛經典樂曲的您不可錯過The Platters香港演唱會。這個50至60年代的傳奇樂隊將 演繹‘Only You’ 和‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’ 等多首傳世名曲。 一系列體育和音樂盛事即將火熱開展,十月正是 訪港好時候。我僅代表香港,祝各位有一趟難忘的旅 程。
Victor Chan 陳覺威 Chairman, Hong Kong Hotels Association 香港酒店業協會主席
What's on
2-5 Oct
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
Sat 1
7-9 Oct
Fine Art Asia 2016
The fair showcases a wide range of fine art from Asia and beyond by 100 prestigious international galleries. From antique Buddhist sculptures to innovative works by contemporary artists, the museumquality works of art attract sophisticated art dealers, collectors and art lovers from around the globe.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Royal New Zealand Ballet
Be transported to a magical world of dazzling dance, music and enchantment! The Royal New Zealand Ballet vividly retells Shakespeare’s classic tale with sparkling steps and Mendelssohn’s famous score.
新西蘭皇家芭蕾舞團《仲夏夜之 夢》
跟隨新西蘭皇家芭蕾舞團,走進充滿精彩 舞蹈、動聽音樂的奇幻世界,看他們如何 將莎士比亞的經典作品,用美妙肢體語言 娓娓道來。
典亞藝博是亞洲舉足輕重的年度國際藝術品 博覽會,來自世界各地,約百家頂尖藝廊將 展出古今中外藝術精品,吸引來自各地的藝 術收藏家、鑑賞家及藝術愛好者共襄義舉。
Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall, 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin 沙田源禾路1號沙田大會堂 演奏廳; Various times 不同時間;HK$160HK$420; 2268 7323;
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai灣仔博覽道1 號香港會議展覽中心; HK$200 (admits 2可供 二人進場); 3107 0681;
Battle of Victors (Boxing)
Fourteen renowned boxers from around the world will thrill the crowd in seven exciting bouts! Hong Kong boxer Rex ‘The Wonder Kid’ Tso will fight to extend his perfect record to 20 wins, 0 losses in a bout for the prestigious World Boxing Organization (WBO) International Junior Bantamweight title. Don’t miss this world-class professional fight event!
14位來自不同國家的拳擊選手將在擂台上演七場激烈對決!其中香港拳擊之星,享有 「神奇小子」稱號的曹星如,將會爭奪WBO國際超蠅量級金腰帶,同時挑戰20連勝 的個人紀錄。
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai灣仔博覽道1 號香港會議展覽中心; 7 pm; HK$380-HK$1,880; 2840 0182;
4 | OCTOBER 2016
8-16 Oct
Hong Kong Tennis Open 2016
Get ready for this prestigious tournament, with more than 50 of the world’s top female tennis players competing to be the queen of the court at the iconic Victoria Park Tennis Stadium in the heart of Hong Kong. This is a must-attend event for tennis fans.
國際級女子網壇名將,在維多利亞公園運動場角逐「網球皇后」的寶座! 一起投身這項引人注目的體育盛事,享受網球狂熱吧!
Victoria Park Tennis Stadium維多利亞公園網球場;Various times and prices不同時間及價格;2504 8592;
13 Oct The 10th Annual Hong Kong International Comedy 5 Nov Festival Laugh to your heart's content at one of the largest comedy festivals in Asia, featuring international comedian Paul Ogata. Expect an edgy take on the human condition that will leave you in stitches! And don’t miss the comedy competition, with a first prize of HK$40,000 and a comedy tour to the US!
13-16 Oct
Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition)
如果您喜愛喜劇,就千萬別錯過本屆喜劇節的「即 興」演出!遠道而來的Paul Ogatei,以及雲集全球 各地參賽者的中、英文獨角喜劇比賽,定會令您捧 腹大笑、盡興而歸!
The annual HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) and electronicAsia will be held concurrently. The two fairs will bring together more than 4,100 exhibitors from across the globe, in the world’s largest electronics marketplace, showcasing a wide variety of intelligent products, innovative technology and electronic components.
Various times, venues and prices不同時間、地點 及票價; 6220 4436;
16 Oct
Harbour Race 2016
全球矚目的世界級電子盛會「香港貿發局香港秋季電子產品 展」和「國際電子組件及生產技術展」即將同期舉行。兩項展 會將雲集逾4,100家環球參展商,組成全球最大的電子產品商 貿平台,向來自世界各地的買家展示各類智能產品、創意科 技、尖端電子組件及技術。
The Cross Harbour Race sees about 3,000 contestants swim 1.5 km across the iconic Victoria Harbour. The event was held annually from 1906 to 1979, when it was suspended. It was resumed in 2011, bringing back many happy memories for locals while promoting the sport of swimming.
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai (Harbour Road Entrance)灣仔博覽道1號香港會議展 覽中心(港灣道入口);Various times不同時間;HK$100; 1830 668;
全長1.5公里,以天然海港為賽道的維港泳始於1906年,歷史悠久。雖曾於1979年停 辦,但2011年復辦後,每年吸引數以千計的游泳健將在維多利亞港展開激烈競賽。
Victoria Harbour (from Lei Yue Mun Sam Ka Tsuen Public Pier to Quarry Bay Park Public Pier) 維多利亞港 (鯉魚門三家村公眾碼頭至鰂魚涌公園公眾碼頭) ; 8:30 am; Free viewing免費觀賞; 2572 8594;
15-16 Oct
Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup
Some of the finest triathletes from around the world are coming to Hong Kong for a competition that will test all their physical and mental strength. The event includes triathlon events for different categories and race distances, including the international Elite Open, Age Group, Paratriathlon, Relay Races, Schools and TriKids categories.
2016 香港ASTC 三項鐵人亞洲盃
各國精英運動員齊集香港,在亞洲首屈一指的三項鐵人賽事中 展開耐力大比拼!
Sunny Bay, Lantau Island大嶼山欣澳;6:45 am - 1pm; Free viewing along the route沿途免費觀賞;2504 8282;
8 Oct
The Platters – Featuring Sonny Turner Live in Hong Kong 2016
The Platters, one of the most successful vocal groups of all time are coming to Hong Kong to perform live! The Platters have sold over 50 million records and are unique for their signature blend of orchestral arrangement showcasing distinctive rhythm-and-blues harmonies. Their popular hits include ‘Only You’ and ‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’.
The Platters 2016香港演唱會
1-31 Oct
Hong Kong Halloween Treats
Hong Kong is a great Halloween destination with raucous street parties and celebrations every year. Dress up and enjoy a terrific make-up service at Lan Kwai Fong Halloween Street Party 2016, one of Hong Kong’s largest outdoor hot spots for Halloween celebration. Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2016 is an annual bash excitedly anticipated by scare-seekers and is geared up to make you scream, laugh and scream again! Don’t miss Hong Kong Disneyland’s ‘Disney Halloween Time—And It’s Wicked Fun For Everyone’! Infamous Disney villains will crash the party and take over the park.
每年萬聖節,香港都會舉辦盛大多樣的萬聖節派對及活動,為喜愛冒險的人們送上驚悚刺激的體 驗。您可以打扮得鬼模鬼樣,到蘭桂坊參加盛大的萬聖節街頭派對;或者在「海洋公園哈囉喂全日 祭」挑戰您的膽量!此外,別錯過「香港迪士尼樂園Disney Halloween Time——反轉迪士尼」, 迪士尼惡人們紛紛「驚」世現身,隨時嚇您一跳!
Various times and venues不同時間、地點; See details on 詳情請參閱;2508 1234
27-30 Oct
CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival
Every autumn, Hong Kong celebrates the world’s finest flavours at the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival! With hundreds of stalls set against the stunning backdrop of Victoria Harbour, you will be spoilt for choice with fine wine and spirits from around the globe as well as award-winning bites. From fine wines to complex whiskies, from cooking classes to street snacks, this will be a night for your taste buds to remember.
一連四天,以維港美景相伴,在海風的吹拂下,盡情享用世 界級醇酒佳餚。今年的“建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮” 規模空前,逾 410 個攤位裡,頂尖葡萄酒、威士忌、手工啤 酒及香港特色雞尾酒築成“品酒天堂”;名廚的創意美食、 酒店招牌菜、港式街頭風味,滿眼盡是讓您難以忘懷的味覺 驚喜。現場還有音樂表演、工作坊等精彩活動,豐富您的味 蕾之旅。
Central Harbourfront Event Space, Hong Kong Island 香港島中環海濱活動空間;Various times 不同時間; 活動及訂票詳情,請瀏覽 Visit for details and ticketing
6 | OCTOBER 2016
被譽為美國國寶級組合The Platters即將來港舉 行演唱會!The Platters唱片的銷量超過五千萬 張,其獨特的節奏布魯斯風格深受樂迷喜愛, 傳世名曲包括 ‘ Only You’ 和 ‘ Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’。
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai 灣仔博覽 道 1 號香港會議展覽中心; 8pm; HK$480HK$1,280; 2266 8133;
8-9 Oct
Formula E to electrify the streets of Hong Kong 香港電動大獎賽 ─ 驅動香港,驅動未來 In a first-of-its-kind event, Asia’s World City is set to open the third season of motorsport’s most exciting new variant – all-electric Formula E. The FIA Formula E HKT Hong Kong ePrix takes place over the weekend of 8-9 October on the Central Harbourfront, weaving its way through an urban circuit approximately 1.8 kilometres in length, featuring long straights, hairpin bends, and stunning views of the harbour and Hong Kong’s iconic skyline. Grandstands along the track’s 555-metre main straight offer unrivalled views of the world’s newest – and arguably most iconic – motorsport circuit, while a specially established eVillage is where fans get to meet the drivers, try their hand on a Formula E racing simulator, see displays of all-electric technology, sustainability advances, and of course enjoy plenty of food and drink. Uniquely in international sport, fans get the chance to influence the outcome of the race. The ‘FanBoost’ initiative allows anyone to vote to give their favourite driver an additional 100kJ of energy, allowing perhaps a daring overtaking move or super-quick pull-away. Voting is through the official Formula E website, apps or social media. Ahead of Sunday’s main racing action, a series of auto and celebrity events on Saturday will provide plenty to watch and enjoy, including the FRD e-Touring Car Challenge, supercar parade, demonstration of the new Detroit Electric race car Tickets for the HKT Hong Kong ePrix were all-but sold out as we went to press, but surrounding the weekend itself are a number of associated events, including world championship boxing, as Hong Kong's own Rex Tso tops the bill in the “Battle of Victors”, taking on Ryuto Maekawa at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.
8 | OCTOBER 2016
2016年10月8日至9日,香港將迎來全球首個全電驅賽事——2016 國際汽聯香港電訊電動方程式賽車錦標賽,這是第三個賽季的其中 一站,賽事將於中環海濱區隆重舉行。約1.8公里的賽道包括一條大 直路和兩個髮夾彎,在維港迷人景色和香港標誌性的天際線的襯托 下顯得尤為壯觀。 555 米的大直路賽道旁特設主看台,讓觀眾飽覽賽道景觀,多 角度觀賞賽車飛馳。觀眾更可在 eVillage 與冠軍車手親身見面,模 擬賽車比賽,觀看電動車展覽,透過互動科技認識可持續發展概 念,場內更準備了各式美饌佳餚,任你品嚐。 本次賽事的亮點之一是車迷有機會影響賽事結果,這在國際體 育賽事上屬新嘗試。車迷可以通過在電動方程式官網、應用程式或 社交媒體平台進行投票,為他們最喜愛的車手製造加速的機會。得 到最多票數的三位車手將會在比賽後半段獲得1次100千瓦的額外能 量。 在周日的主賽事開始前,一系列賽事和名人活動為主賽事加 溫!其中包括方程式賽車發展有限公司主辦的電動房車挑戰賽、超 級跑車巡遊及新底特律電動賽車展示。 2016 國際汽聯香港電訊電動方程式賽車錦標賽的門票已基本售 罄,但周末仍有不少精彩賽事等待著您。其中包括有“神奇小子” 曹星如參加的拳擊比賽「勇者對決」,他將在賽事中挑戰日本拳手 前川龍斗,賽事將於香港會議展覽中心舉行。
Sir Catchick Paul Chater
Chater is a name seen all over Hong Kong: Chater Road, Chater Building, Chater Garden, Chater Hall. All are named after Sir Catchick Paul Chater, a boy from a modest family who became one of Hong Kong’s greatest landowners and generous benefactors. 遮打在香港是一個很常見的名字,例如遮打道、遮打大廈、遮打花園、遮 打堂,這些名字都是以吉席·保羅·遮打爵士的名字命名的。遮打出生在一 個普通家庭,後來成為了香港最偉大的地產商和公益捐助者之一。
hater was born in Kolkota (Calcutta) on 8th September 1846 to Armenian parents: his father employed by the Indian government, his mother a housewife. In a family of 13, he was one of the youngest. After being orphaned at age nine, the following year he entered La Martiniere School in Kolkota where he was a diligent student and known for his love of cricket. In 1864, at the age of 18, he came to Hong Kong to join his sister and her husband. He started work as a clerk in the Bank of Hindustan, China and Japan, but soon branched out on his own as an exchange and bullion broker with a Parsee partner, H.N. Mody, whom he had met at the bank. He later became a business associate of Jewish merchants, the Sassoons. Chater was instrumental in the establishment of numerous companies, many of which remain
10 | OCTOBER 2016
preeminent, including the HK Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Dairy Farm, Star Ferry, the Peak Tram, Hong Kong Tramways, and Hong Kong Electric Company. He was also a pioneer in the Praya Reclamation scheme in Central District, which included Des Voeux Road and Connaught Road, begun in 1890 and completed in 1904. He and James Keswick, in a forerunner of the Hong Kong Land Company, purchased sites on the reclamation. This is now one of the most valuable areas of land in the world, and Chater was accorded the honour of having one of its roads named after him. There is also Catchick Street in Kennedy Town where some of his smaller godowns were located. As a self-made man with considerable foresight he became a public benefactor and patron of the arts, while his energy, integrity,
打於1846 年9月8日出生於英屬印度加爾各 遮答,他的父母是亞美尼亞人,父親在印度 任職公務員,母親是一名家庭主婦,在 13 個兄 弟姐妹中,遮打是年紀最小的。遮打九歲就成了 孤兒,十歲入讀加爾各答有名的馬帝尼耶書院, 他打學習用功,熱愛木球運動。遮打於 1864 年 前往香港,與姐姐及姐夫一起生活,當時遮打 18歲。 遮打一開始受聘於印度斯坦、中國及日本銀 行,他在銀行工作時亦認識了巴斯搭檔麼地, 很快便與他一起另闢蹊徑成為金銀經紀。後來 遮打與猶太商人沙宣家族成為了商業夥伴。他幫 助生意搭檔成立了許多公司,其中包括大量地產 項目,例如香港九龍碼頭貨倉有限公司、香港上 海大酒店、牛奶公司、天星小輪、山頂纜車、香 港電車、香港電燈等。他還大力提倡並落實了中 環海旁填海計劃,包括德輔道及干諾道,工程由 1890年開始,於1904年完成。遮打與詹姆士·約 翰斯東 · 凱瑟克共同成立香港置地,並在中環一 帶購買了多項物業,這一帶如今已成為世界上最 昂貴的土地之一,現時中環的遮打道正是以他的 名字命名。堅尼地城的吉席街亦是以他的名字命 名,因為遮打曾在那裡擁有一些小倉庫。 白手起家的遮打有著過人的前瞻性,後來他 成為了一名公益捐助者和藝術品捐贈者。遮打充 滿活力、正直及謙恭的性格令他贏得了大眾的尊 敬和喜愛。遮打為這個城市創造了巨額財富,對 殖民地貢獻良多,1897年,他代表香港出任維多 利亞女皇登基鑽禧紀念委員會主席,1902年獲加 封為爵士。遮打曾任立法局和行政局非官守議員 以及共濟會會長。1905年,遮打爵士捐款興建九 龍聖安德烈堂,他每個星期日都會到那裡參加禮 拜。遮打爵士熱愛賽馬,其後更成為了香港賽馬
and courteous manner meant he was admired and liked by all. Few men have created so much wealth for the city and contributed as much to the Colony as he did. He represented Hong Kong at Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1897 and was knighted in 1902. He was an Unofficial Member of Legco and Exco and a prominent Freemason. Sir Paul gave the funds for the building of St Andrew’s Church in 1905 in Kowloon where he attended service every Sunday. He liked horse racing and became Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, where of one of the most prestigious races is the Champions & Chater Cup. Sir Paul married in London in 1910 and built Marble Hall at 1 Conduit Road in Mid Levels, the most opulent home in Hong Kong, where the couple entertained lavishly. After his death in May 1926 his will stipulated the house be left to the Hong Kong Government upon the death of his wife, Lady Maria Christina Chater. After she died in 1935 it became the Admiralty’s headquarters until World War 2 when the Japanese took it over. In May 1946 Marble Hall caught fire and was completely wrecked. It stood empty and forlorn until it was demolished in 1952. An apartment block, Chater Hall, now stands on the site. Sir Paul also bequeathed his collection of over 400 historical oil paintings, watercolours, sketches, prints and photographs, and his Bizen ware (pottery) collection to the Hong Kong Government. The Chater Collection of
works by 18th and 19th century painters of Hong Kong, Macau and Canton, including many by well-known artist George Chinnery, was documented by James Orange in 1926. As the collection was so large, the works of art were split up and hung in Government House and other government offices. At the start of Japanese occupation in 1941 the government planned to put some paintings in storage in the basement of Government House. Subsequently these items were moved and possibly buried in the grounds and tunnels under the house. In 1942 a Chinese contractor engaged to renovate Government House for the Japanese found 23 works on a rubbish dump, and risked his life to save them. Later, a Portuguese art lover living in Hong Kong found some in an antique shop in Central. Others occasionally come to light from various sources, but today only 94 works remain. Despite much searching of the garden of Government House, the paintings have never been found. The 980 pieces of pottery from Sir Paul’s Bizen ware collection was sent by the Japanese to Tokyo in 1942 but the ship sank somewhere north of Hong Kong and the collection was lost. Although these collections are largely lost it is Sir Paul’s charity bequests that many remember and continue to benefit from. In 2005 the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth in Kolkata arranged a pilgrimage to Hong Kong to honour his name. They dubbed him a Magnificent Man of all Seasons. His memory will surely endure for generations more. ■
會的主席,其中最著名的賽事是香港冠軍暨遮打 盃。 遮打爵士於1910年在倫敦結婚,並在半山干 德道 1 號興建了被認為是香港最豪華的房屋的雲 石堂,夫妻二人在雲石堂過著富裕奢華的生活。 遮打於1926年5月去世,他的遺囑規定遮打爵士 夫人去世後,雲石堂將捐贈給香港政府。 1935 年,遮打爵士夫人去世,雲石堂被用作駐港英軍 海軍總司令官邸,直到第二次世界大戰時被日軍 佔用。1946年5月,雲石堂被大火焚毀,其後一 直空置,直至1953年被重建成為如今的遮打堂。 除此之外,遮打爵士還給香港政府捐贈了超 過400幅油畫、水彩、掃描、版畫及攝影以及瓷 器。遮打爵士藏品包括很多 18 世紀和 19 世紀有 關香港、澳門和廣東的畫作,其中還有很多著 名藝術家喬治·錢納利的作品。1926年,James Orange 將遮打的藏品整理記錄,由於數量眾 多,藏品被分開收藏,掛於港督府和其他政府辦 公室。 1941年日佔初期,政府計劃將部分畫作放到 港督府地下室匿藏,後來畫作被移至別處,很可 能是被埋在港督府地下及地道裡。1942年,一名 參與改建港督府的本地工程判頭在垃圾堆中發現 23幅畫作,他冒險將畫作保存了下來。其後一名 在香港居住的葡萄牙藝術愛好者在中環一間古董 店也發現了一些畫作,還有一些畫作通過其他渠 道偶有發現,但如今只保留了94件。雖然政府已 對港督府花園進行徹底搜尋,仍未能尋回名畫。 1942年,980件遮打爵士收藏瓷器被日本人運送 至東京,但船隻在香港北部的某處沉沒,藏品就 此丟失。 雖然藏品大部分已遺失,但遮打爵士的慈善 精神繼續造福世人,亦將被世人銘記。2005年, 位於加爾各答的亞美尼亞教堂安排了一次前往香 港的朝拜,以紀念遮打爵士,並將他形容為“永 遠的偉人”。關於遮打爵士的回憶將永遠流傳下 去。■
Richard Garrett has lived in Hong Kong for more than forty years and is the author of numerous articles on people and places in Hong Kong, Macau and China.
Richard Garrett 居於香港超過40年,擁有多本著作,並撰有大量文章, 描寫香港、澳門及中國的人物地貌。
2 1. Paul Chater with his wife and friends at Repulse Bay 遮打爵士與妻子及朋友在淺水灣合照
2. Chater's Home, Marble House 遮打的住處——雲石堂
3. St. Andrews Church 聖安德烈堂
4. Sir Paul Chater with his medals 佩戴著勛章的遮打爵士
5. The Praya Reclamation 填海工程
Foodies and Wine Lovers 美酒佳餚愛好者的天堂
CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival World-class Wines, Gastronomic Delights! 建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮 環球醇酒美饌,誠邀共享!
he late Autumn weather in Hong Kong is mild, sunny, and dry, perfect for attending outdoor events and festivals. And none is bigger than the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival, which will play host to all the who’s who in the world of wine and dine as they descend upon Hong Kong for this hugely successful event, certainly one of the largest of its kind in Asia. Organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the eighth edition of this highly popular event promises to offer an exceptional tasting experience as more than 410 booths are included in the spectacular venue at the Central Harbourfront Event Space on Hong Kong Island from October 27 to October 30.
香港的深秋氣候溫和,天氣晴朗乾燥,最適合參加戶外活動。今秋最大型的 盛事一定要數在亞洲同類活動中首屈一指的“建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚
巡禮”。由香港旅遊發展局主辦的美酒佳餚巡禮至今已是第八屆,每年為美酒 佳餚愛好者營造難以忘懷的味覺驚喜。10月27日至30日,香港島中環海濱活 動空間設有逾410個攤位,趕快踏上味蕾之旅,享用世界級醇酒佳餚。
For details and ticketing, please visit 活動及訂票詳情,請瀏覽 #DiscoverHongKong
12 | OCTOBER 2016
Festival Info 活動資訊 27 October 7:30pm-11:30pm 28-29 October Noon-11:30pm 30 October Noon-10pm
10月27日 晚上7:30至11:30 10月28-29日 中午12:00至晚上11:30 10月30日 中午12:00至晚上10:00
Ticket sales and admission will be closed 30 minutes before the festival closing time. 最後入場及售票時間:活動結束前半小時。
Central Harbourfront Event Space, Hong Kong Island 香港島中環海濱活動空間 Admission HK$30^ per person (HK$15 for seniors aged 65 or above, children aged 3-12, full-time students and people with disabilities. Free for children under 3.) 成人入場費港幣$30^(65歲或以上長者、3至12歲兒童、全日制學生及 殘疾人士港幣$15;3歲以下兒童免費。) 10-minute walk from MTR Admiralty Station (Exit A) 20-minute walk from MTR Central Station (Exit A) or MTR Hong Kong Station (Exit A2) 从港铁金鐘站A出口步行約10分鐘钟 从港铁中環站A出口或香港站A2出口步行約20分鐘钟 ^ Admission fee is waived for advance purchases of wine passes and tickets for Tasting Room programmes made on or before 26 October. 由即日起至10月26日,預購任何品酒證或“品味館”活動入場券,可免費入場。 Wine-tasting participants must be aged 18 years or above. 品酒人士必須年滿18週歲。
Theme Zones & Festival Map 主題區及活動地圖
The event venue is divided into pavilions and zones. You’ll not want to miss any of them; you just need to ration yourself along the way. 活動場地被劃分為多個展區,不妨逐一遊覽,沿路細味各款美酒佳餚。
Everyday Cheering Zone Celebrate with sparkling wines and street eats.
暢飲派對 盡情享用派對美酒與街頭小吃。
The Hong Kong Observation Wheel Enjoy a 30% discount on a ride for a unique perspective on Hong Kong’s world-class harbour.
香港摩天輪 以七折的專享優惠價搭乘香港摩天輪,從高處俯瞰維港美景。
Country Pavilion Wineries from Bordeaux and other regions. Grand Pavilion (For Grand Wine Pass holders only) Sit back and unwind with premium wines and signature dishes. Wine Expert Zone Enjoy professional wine selection and services provided by wine experts. Riedel Tasting Theatre Learn from renowned wine and culinary masters.
國家展區 品嚐來自法國波爾多及世界各地的美酒。 尊尚區 (只限“尊尚品酒證”持有人) 在寬敞舒適的環境裡,享受頂級醇酒及星級美食。 專業美酒區 酒商提供專業知識及服務。 Riedel工作坊 專業品酒師的葡萄酒講座及美食示範,必定令您眼界大開。
Discovery Zone Taste Hong Kong Mix cocktails, craft beers, sake and whiskies.
美酒佳餚新發現區 匯聚“Hong Kong Mix”主題的獨家雞尾酒、手工啤酒、 日本清酒及威士忌。
Tasting Room (For ticket holders of Tasting Room programmes only) An exquisite dining experience with fine delicacies.
品味館 (只限“品味館”活動入場券持有人) 盡情享受名廚主理的美酒佳餚饗宴。
Tasting Room 品味館
This stylishly decorated dining area will be one of the highlights of the festival. International chefs and local talents will collaborate on an array of meals at this platform for prestigious culinary events including the following. 在裝潢雅致的“品味館”,有名廚主理的美酒佳餚饗宴,今年的亮點活動包括:
Dessert Garden 甜品花園
Master Chef Dinner 名廚美酒佳餚晚宴 Taste the culinary creations on a crossover menu paired with fine wines by culinary stars including Gaggan from Thailand, which is ranked at the top of ‘Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants’ in 2015 and 2016, and some of Hong Kong’s top hotels, including three-Michelin-starred Tang Court, two-Michelin-starred Ming Court, one-Michelinstarred Mandarin Grill + Bar from Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong, and Best of the Best Culinary Gold with Distinction Award winner, Yee Tung Heen. 曾於2015及2016年兩度獲封“亞洲50間最佳餐廳”第一名 的泰國星級餐廳Gaggan、摘下米其林三星的香港朗庭酒店 唐閣、二星的香港康得思酒店明閣、一星的香港文華東方酒店文華扒房及 酒吧,以及“2016年美食之最大賞”至高榮譽金獎得主香港怡東酒店怡東軒的頂尖大廚 強強聯手,烹調創意佳餚,再配以名貴佳釀,這場美味盛宴,您又怎麼能錯過?
29 October 7–10pm HK$1,688
Created by Executive Pastry Chef Yves Matthey and his team, the whimsical Dessert Garden features treats including the much-loved 1963 Mandarin Cheesecake, mini scones with clotted cream and their signature rose petal jam, mini cupcake lollipops, coffee éclair, seasonal fresh fruit tart and cassis cake. Enjoy a great variety of flavours and freeflow champagne, and get ready for photos of the beautifully presented food! 由行政糕餅總廚Yves Matthey及其團隊精心設計的“甜 品花園”網羅冷熱小吃及逾八款精緻甜品,當中包括深 受歡迎的1963文華芝士蛋糕、英式松餅配馳名玫瑰花辮 果醬及奶油、迷你蛋糕棒棒等。此外,您還可以無限暢 飲香檳。盡情品嘗精美甜品前,記得先拿起相機,拍下 一張張令人垂涎的美食照。
29 October 1:30–3pm; 3:30–5pm HK$688
10月29日 下午1:30至3:00; 下午3:30至下午5:00 港幣$688
10月29日 晚上7:00-10:00 港幣$1,688
World Class 'Street Food Jam' Moet Hennessy Diageo and World Class Cocktail are partnering to bring the Street Food Jam to the festival. Some of Hong Kong’s best bars and bartenders will be serving up eight cocktails representing the city and pairing these with eight incredible dishes. Sample creations by Antonio Lai of Origin, Arkadiusz Rybak of Zuma, Kervin Unido of Mr & Mrs Fox, Victoria Chow of The Woods and more. Each of these bars will have food expertly prepared by their executive chefs including Samuel Wilkes of Zuma, Mutaro Balde of Bibo and Joey Sergentakis of Mr & Mrs Fox.
Moet Hennessy Diageo 與World Class邀請香港頂尖酒吧和調酒師,由他們創出八種代表香 港的雞尾酒,並搭配八種別出心裁的美食。 參與的調酒師包括:Origin的Antonio Lai、Zuma的Arkadiusz Rybak、Mr & Mrs Fox的 Kervin Unido及The Woods的Victoria Chow。其他參與的酒吧包括:Bibo、Bao Bei、 Brickhouse 及 Jerry Maguire 。菜式均由酒吧的行政總廚精心烹調,廚師包括: Zuma 的 Samuel Wilkes、Bibo的Mutaro Balde,以及Mr & Mrs Fox的Joey Sergentakis。 30 October 2–5pm; 6:30–9:30pm HK$700
10月30日 下午2:00至5:00;下午6:30至晚上9:30 港幣$700
Tickets for Tasting Room programmes can be purchased online via the Cityline website at on or before 26 October and at cashiers on site. 即日起至10月26日,“品味館”活動入場券可於“購票通”網站www.cityline.com預購;或於活動現場購買。
14 | OCTOBER 2016
Ticketing 活動票務
Taste away with ease with electronic tokens conveniently stored in a smart card! With one swipe of the pass, you can taste wines and spirits throughout the entire festival. Don’t worry about running out of tokens — there are multiple spots for topping up inside the venue. 品嚐美酒前,須先購買品酒証。品酒券已儲存在電子品酒證內,您每次品酒時只需輕觸攤位的 感應區,並可以隨時在場內多個儲值站儲值,方便快捷。各類型的品酒證包括:
Classic Wine Pass Lite 入門品酒證
For use at Classic Booths (Not applicable to Grand Pavilion) 適用於所有標準攤位(進入“尊尚區”須另外購買尊尚品酒證 ) 5 Classic Wine Tokens 1 plastic glass Top-up: HK$20 per Classic Wine Token
五張標準品酒券 塑料杯一隻 增值:每張標準品酒券港幣$20
Classic Wine Pass 標準品酒證
For use at Classic Booths (Not applicable to Grand Pavilion) 適用於所有標準攤位(進入“尊尚區”須另外購買尊尚品酒證 ) 8 Classic Wine Tokens 1 Stölzle wine glass Top-up: HK$20 per Classic Wine Token
八張標準品酒券 Stölzle 酒杯一隻 增值:每張標準品酒券港幣$20
Grand Wine Pass 尊尚品酒證
For Wine and Food Tasting at Grand Pavilion (Not applicable to Classic Booths) 適用於“尊尚區”的所有品酒及美食攤位(於指定日期使用,不適用於標準攤位) 8 Grand Wine Tokens 1 Riedel wine glass Top-up: HK$50 per Grand Wine Token
八張尊尚品酒券 Riedel 酒杯一隻 增值:每張尊尚品酒券港幣$50
Ticketing Channels 購票日期及地點 From now on to 26 October Cityline website*: 14 October to noon of 30 October Gray Line Tours of Hong Kong Ltd.* (cash only) 2368 7114 Splendid Tours of Travel Ltd.* (cash only) 2316 2151 21 October to noon of 30 October Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Centre*, Star Ferry Concourse, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Cash, Visa or MasterCard credit card only) 2508 1234 27–30 October Cashiers at the venue #
* Classic Wine Pass & Grand Wine Pass only # The Classic Wine Pass Lite can only be purchased at cashiers on site 即日起至10月26日 “購票通”網站*
10月14至30日中午12:00前 錦倫旅運有限公司*(只接受現金) 2368 7114 繽紛行有限公司*(只接受現金) 2316 2151 10月21至30日中午12:00前 香港旅遊發展局九龍旅客咨詢中心* (尖沙咀天星碼頭) (只接受現金、Visa及萬事達卡信用卡) 2508 1234 10月27至30日 現場售票處 # * 只限“標準品酒證”及“尊尚品酒證” #“入門品酒證”僅限於活動現場購買
Free Token Packs for Visitors
Visitors can get a free Token Pack that includes event admission, two Classic Wine Tokens, and a plastic cup for tastings at the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival. Register online or pick up a voucher and present valid travel documents to redeem yours at the festival's Tourist Counter. Please see details at Terms and conditions apply. 旅客可憑“旅客專享禮包”免費入場,感受“建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳肴巡禮”的醉人氣氛! 禮包內包含兩張標准品酒券及一只塑料酒杯。 請瀏覽, 了解索取“旅客專享禮包”的詳情。 優惠受條款及細則約束。 Organiser 主辦機構
Co-organiser 協辦機構
Airline Sponsor 航空贊助機構
Title Sponsor 冠名贊助機構
Major Sponsors 主要贊助機構
f o t s Be Hong Kong’s Street Food 香港街頭嚐味之旅
Eat like the locals: cheap, fast and yummy!
ong Kong is undoubtedly a paradise for foodies, well deserving its “Culinary Capital of Asia” moniker. With over 11,000 restaurants in the city, the diversity and quality of cuisines on offer is simply astounding. Amidst all the choices, Hong Kong’s own local food proudly holds its own against culinary all-comers – with Hong Kong street food providing the more colourful and adventurous eating experience. Whether it’s a snack, dessert, or even a quick meal, the city is full of hole-in-the wall places offering the most delicious items. Here are our top ten picks for Hong Kong’s finest street food.
Before we start this culinary journey, some clarifications on the nomenclature. Strictly speaking, street food as served in street stalls or push carts outdoors has become a vanishing breed ever since the Hong Kong Government relocated many of these “Dai Pai Dong” outlets to “cooked food centres”, located in the city’s many wet markets. In their place, many shops have popped up in alleyways with tiny shop spaces, and utilizing whatever street space they can get away with. But thankfully, the food tastes as great as ever, and the hygiene is generally good. So get on your walking shoes and go on a gastronomical treasure hunt.
香港是名副其實的美食天堂,享有“亞洲美食之都”的美譽,市內匯 聚了逾11,000間食肆,食物種類的多元化和高質素令人驚嘆。在
開始這趟美食之旅之前,先為您簡單介紹香港街頭小吃的背景。嚴 格來說,街頭小吃原本是以街頭小攤檔或推車的形式經營,但自從香港 政府將大排檔轉型為位於香港各區街市內的熟食中心,如今這些傳統小 攤檔和推車已幾乎消失殆盡,變成巷子兩旁的一間間小店,店主想盡辦 法利用每一寸土地,但幸好這些小店的食物味道依然出色,衛生情況總 體上還算不錯。趕快穿上舒適的鞋子,踏遍大街小巷尋找隱世美食吧。
琳瑯滿目的美食當中,本地街頭小吃以五花八門的種類及新奇有趣的體 驗吸引了不少美食愛好者。這個城市有許多不起眼的小店,提供地道美 味的小吃、甜品和快餐。本期《東方之珠》為您精選十間香港街頭小吃 店,讓您嚐出香港情懷。
16 | OCTOBER 2016
LEi Keung Kee
Griddled egg waffles
FEi Jie
利強記 雞蛋仔
Chiu Chow marinated meats, OCTOPUSES & Intestines
This outlet in North Point sells various types of egg waffles – all piping hot, toasty on the outside and oh so tender and slightly moist inside. A real local favourite, it’s the ultimate impulse eat.
利強記位於北角,有多種口味的雞蛋仔可供選擇。新鮮出爐的 雞蛋仔熱氣騰騰,外層香脆,內餡鬆軟。地道本土風味,滿足 您挑剔的味蕾。
This famous shop in Mongkok is always packed – expect a queue. The intestine is crunchy and easy to bite. The octopus is refreshingly tender. Mustard or Cantonese chili sauce goes well with the food.
492 King's Road, North Point 北角英皇道492號
這間位於旺角的小店顧客絡繹不絕,請做好排隊的準備。生腸 爽脆,墨魚軟滑,搭配芥末醬和粵式辣醬是最佳選擇。
Shop 4A, 55 Dundas Street, Mong Kok 旺角登打士街55號4A舖
Sing Heung Yuen 勝香園
One of the few remaining genuine dai pai dongs, this place is famous for its Tomato Beef Soup Noodles as a quick meal. The “Silk stocking milk tea” is also not to be missed as is its “Toasted buns with condensed milk”. Also expect a long wait sometimes – but you can sit down and eat at its shared tables. 其中一間僅存的大排檔,蕃茄鮮牛肉麵是這裡的招牌美食,絲 襪奶茶和奶油脆脆同樣不容錯過。這裡有時也會大排長龍,但 您願意拼桌的話,很快就可以享用美食。
2 Mei Lun Street, Central 中環美輪街2號排檔
Car Noodle’s FAMILY 車仔麵之家
CHUEN CHEONG FOODS stinky tofu 泉昌美食 臭豆腐
It is getting harder and harder to find this treat – deep fried pungent tofu. Don’t be put off by the stinky smell of the tofu. Eat it right away, out of the paper bag, while it’s hot. Once you bite into it – you’ll be addicted: soft tofu with a toasted skin. You can add either chili paste or a sweet plum sauce. Connoisseurs of tofu can simply follow the stinky smell, which will often travel a block or two, like a pilgrim in search of a shrine.
You’ll need a bit of coordination to enjoy this shop’s famous cart noodles since you’ll have to stand and eat a bowl of noodles at the same time – and with chopsticks no less. Cart noodles sprang from the days when hawkers pushed a cart offering different types of noodles and 20-odd choices of condiments from meats to vegetables, on different soup base flavours – it’s Hong Kong’s version of a la carte – be sure to decide your selection before you reach the front of the queue to order to avoid annoyed looks from the proprietor. 在這間有名的小店進食您要有很好的協調能力,因為這裡不設 座位,您需要站著用筷子吃麵。車仔麵起源於過往香港有不少 小販推著木頭車到街上擺賣麵條,麵條品種多樣,有超過20種 肉類和蔬菜作為配料,還有不同湯底可供選擇。不想看到店家 的臭臉的話,排隊前就要想好您要的麵條、配料和湯底哦。
Shop A, 1 Anton Street, Wan Chai 灣仔晏頓街1號A
如今已經越來越難找到臭豆腐的蹤影了,不要被它難聞的氣味 嚇到。臭豆腐通常是用紙袋裝著的,最好趁熱吃,只要嚐一 口,立馬會被它的外脆內軟所征服,您還可以自行添加辣椒醬 或甜醬。臭豆腐濃郁的氣味可蔓延數個街口,吸引眾多食客循 著味道前往小店大快朵頤。
Shop D, 150 Wanchai Road, Wan Chai 灣仔灣仔道150號D舖
Hop Yik Tai 合益泰小食
For visitors wanting to experience authentic Hong Kong culture, Sham Shui Po is a popular place to visit not only for the famed Ap Liu Street flea market and computer stores, but also for its local eats. Hop Yik Tia fits the bill perfectly, its “rice roll” ('cheung fun') attracts customers from near and far. Rice roll is a Cantonese specialty that comes either with filling such as shrimp, beef or cha siu, or without. It’s long been a staple of a dim sum meal. Hop Yik Tai’s rice roll is well known for its smoothness and the special secret sauce that you pour over it. 想體驗地道的香港文化,深水埗是您不可錯過的好 去處,除了有名的電子用品街鴨寮街之外,這裡 的地道美食同樣名不虛傳。合益泰小食正是必吃的 深水埗美食之一,這裡的腸粉吸引不少遠道而來的 食客。腸粉是廣東特色美食,常見的有蝦腸、牛肉 腸、叉燒腸或齋腸,是最受歡迎的點心之一。合益泰 小食以香滑的腸粉和特製美味醬汁享負盛名。
G/F, 121 Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po 深水埗桂林街121號地下
18 | OCTOBER 2016
Kai Kai
Kung Wo TOFU 公和荳品廠
Hong Kongers have a craving for dessert just as much as everywhere else, but perhaps less towards cake or heavy doughy offerings in favour of lighter but equally delicious ones. Kai Kai offers some of the more popular local favourites including sweet rice dumplings, sweet potato soup and black sesame seed paste. 和很多地方的人一樣,香港人向來喜歡吃甜食,但本地人更偏 愛清淡美味的甜品,較少吃蛋糕或甜膩濃稠的食物。佳佳甜品 主打深受本地人喜愛的甜湯圓、蕃薯糖水和芝麻糊等。
Tofu, made of soybeans, is one of the most versatile Chinese foods, as it comes in a variety of forms and can be used in numerous ways, including dessert. This wellknown shop is all about tofu. The shop uses old fashioned handgrinders to grind the soybeans, which gives the tofu an extra smooth texture. The sweet tofu curd is a must; you may also want to try the stuffed tofu with minced meat. 由大豆製成的豆腐是最常見的中式食品之一,豆腐可製成多種 不同的菜式和甜品。這間著名的荳品廠專營各類豆製品,以傳 統石磨人手製作,製成的豆腐特別香滑,豆腐花和煎釀豆腐是 這裡的招牌食品。
G/F, 118 Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po 深水埗北河街118號地下
G/F, 29 Ning Po St, Jordan 佐敦寧波街29號地舖
Block 18 Doggie’s Noodle 十八座狗仔粉 Doggies’ noodles comes from Shun Tak, a city near Guangzhou in mainland C h i n a . T h e n o o d l e s a re m a d e o f glutinous rice and are short and stubby, like a dog’s tail, and hence the name. There is a wide selection of condiments to add to the soup-based noodles. 狗仔粉是廣州附近的順德市的傳統小吃,以糯米粉搓成長圓形 的粉條,形狀就像狗尾巴,因而得名。十八座狗仔粉有多款配 料選擇,搭配美味湯底,令人食指大動。
G/F, 27A Ning Po Street, Jordan 佐敦寧波街27A地下
20 | OCTOBER 2016
Super bowl King Traditional Snack 砵仔王 This shop’s signature dish, “Bu Zai Go”, a glutinous rice pudding baked in a bowl, is a highly popular dessert which was once widely sold in carts. The pudding or cake is mixed with brown sugar with red beans added in. It’s sweet, but not overly, and the smooth and slightly sticky texture is a real treat. 砵仔王主打招牌砵仔糕。砵仔糕 是用糯米粉製成的布丁,放在小 瓷碗裡蒸熟,往時通常放在手推車 上售賣,是十分受歡迎的甜品。通 常會加入黃糖和紅豆,微甜軟滑,加 上黏黏的口感,令人回味無窮。
Man Wa Lane, Sheung Wan 上環文華里
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This month we showcase Hong Kong's culinary riches with traditional Cantonese seafood and Italian fine dining. 本月《東方之珠》帶您到 一間傳統粵式海鮮飯店及 一間意大利高級餐廳品嚐 不同風格的環球美食。
Baked Lobster with Butter and Cheese 芝士牛油焗龍蝦
Gastronomical Treats in Contrast!
Chuk Yuen Sea Food Chinese Restaurant 竹園海鮮飯店 G/F, HK Pacific Centre (South Wing), 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀漢口道28號 亞太中心南翼地庫 2722 0633
Braised Fish Maw (or Fa Gao) with Shrimps Roe in Supreme Sauce 蝦籽陳年花膠
ong Kong’s dizzying array of culinary options notwithstanding, a sumptuous, hearty Cantonese seafood dinner is always near the top of any visitor’s dining wish list. Chuk Yuen, a household name for its quality traditional seafood at reasonable prices, is high on our to-go list. Having kept the same premises in Happy Valley and Tsim Sha Tsui for almost thirty years – a rarity these days given the skyrocketing rents but also a testament to Chuk Yuen’s staying power – the restaurant remains highly popular with locals as well as tourists from Japan, Mainland China, and Southeast Asia. We were warmly welcomed by the friendly and attentive staff at its Tsim Sha Tsui outlet, a spacious venue that is functionally laid out and comfortably decorated. Our dinner was an all seafood affair and includes most of the restaurant’s signature dishes. We started right away with Braised Shark's Fin Soup (Chiu Chow Style) (HK$218/person), a house specialty. Chiu Chow is a regional cuisine style, which in this case means the soup base contains more ingredients, takes longer to prepare, and tastes richer – a pleasant variation to the usual clear soup. Best of all, the portions are generous, and we licked every last drop of it. Our second dish was the Deep-fried Mantis Shrimp with Garlic and Chili (HK$780/kg), which was simply delicious. The crayfish they serve is quite large which ensures there is plenty of meat to eat after deshelling; its meat was firm and tender, and the fried garlic smells so aromatic and tastes so crunchy it becomes a treat by itself. Next came the highly prized Braised Fish Maw | OCTOBER 2016
(or Fa Gao) with Shrimps Roe in Supreme Sauce (HK$2,380/piece; HK$1200/half piece), a real delicacy and the highlight of our meal. Fish Maw is fish stomach, extracted usually from sturgeon or croakers and then sun dried and treated, allowing it to be kept for years – the longer the better for thick, quality fish maw. Quality fish maw that are 15, 20 or more years old can fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars per kilogram – worth more even than fine wines. To be ready to eat, the fish maw is rehydrated over a few days before it is cooked, either in soup or braised. Our fish maw was thick and nicely chewy, the pleasant sticky taste staying with us even after our meal. Two clam dishes followed, the first a Steamed Clam with Mashed Garlic (HK$50/piece), and the second the Sauteed Clam with Fermented Black Bean (HK$50/piece). Both cooking styles helpfully bring out the flavour of the clam and the meat bites nicely without being too much work. Our finale was the Baked Lobster with Butter and Cheese (HK$780/kg) served with French bread on the side. The lobsters are from the Philippines and chosen for their flavour and tenderness. The cheese works well with the fresh sweet taste of the lobster meat, and tastes yummy with the dipped French bread – a real treat indeed. We ended our protein turbo-charged meal with a trio of popular local mango-based desserts and a fruit plate, a refreshing wrap to this delightful meal. You should definitely include a quality seafood meal in your itinerary and Chuk Yuen provides a topclass option that is value for money indeed. ■
Steamed Clam with Mashed Garlic 蒜蓉蒸貴妃蚌
Braised Shark's Fin Soup (Chiu Chow Style) 潮州翅
香港是著名的美食之都,儘管這裡中西美食薈萃,精心 製作的粵式海鮮大餐仍然是遊客們的熱門選擇。竹園
向來以提供價格合理的高質素傳統海鮮聞名,因此這一頓午 餐我們期待已久。如今香港租金猛漲,竹園在跑馬地和尖沙 咀的分店已有近30年歷史,這是十分難得的,也充分印證 了這間老牌海鮮飯店的雄厚實力。竹園一直以來大受本地人 歡迎,更有大批來自日本、內地及東南亞的捧場客。 來到尖沙咀分店,熱情細心的餐廳職員接待了我們。 這裡面積寬敞,分區明確,裝潢舒適。廚師為我們準備了 一頓海鮮盛宴,囊括了餐廳大部分的招牌菜式。首先登場 的是潮州翅 (HK$218/位) 潮州菜是地方菜式,潮州翅的湯 底由多種食材熬製而成,烹調時間較長,湯底比平常的清 湯底濃稠。竹園的潮州翅份量十足,我們很快把湯底喝得 一滴不剩。 下一道菜是美味的椒鹽海檀蝦(HK$780/公斤)瀨尿蝦的 體積較大,拆開蝦殼後盡是豐富的蝦肉,肉質結實嫩滑, 光是那香脆的炸蒜已令人欲罷不能。 接下來是蝦籽陳年花膠(HK$2,380/隻,HK$1,200/半 隻)這是這頓飯最大的亮點。花膠實際上是魚鰾,通常是從 鱘魚或石首魚身上來的,經過日曬和適當的處理,可以保 存數年之久,時間越長,花膠的質素越好。15至20年或更 久的高質素陳年花膠價格可達數十萬港幣一公斤,比很多 名酒還要貴。花膠烹調前需經過數天的脫水過程,然後用 湯煮或燉。我們品嚐的花膠質地厚實,很有嚼勁,即便吃 完後嘴裡還是黏黏的。 緊接著的兩道蚌的菜式同樣吸引。蒜蓉蒸貴妃蚌 (HK$50/隻)和來自紐西蘭的豉椒炒刀蚌(HK$50/隻)悉數登 場。兩種烹調風格都突出了蚌的鮮味。肉質爽脆新鮮,不 會過軟。 壓軸的是芝士牛油焗龍蝦(HK$780/公斤),餐廳還為我 們提供了法式麵包。來自菲律賓的龍蝦味道鮮美,肉質嫩 滑,芝士和龍蝦肉的鮮甜味配合得恰到好處,用來塗麵包 更是美味。 攝入大量的蛋白質後,是時候用甜品平衡一下。三道 以芒果製成的甜品和一碟精美水果盤為我們帶來清新的口 感,為這頓午餐飯畫上圓滿的句號。 不妨在你的訪港日程中加上竹園這一站,品嚐物超所 值的高質素海鮮大餐。■ OCTOBER 2016
Scampi 小龍蝦他他伴檸檬忌廉及青瓜醬
Quaglia 烤鵪鶉伴鴨肝慕絲,紅蔥及櫻桃果醬
The Drawing Room Shop H701-H708, 7/F, Hollywood, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central 中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ元創方B座Hollywood 7樓H701-H708號舖 2156 0888
Limonecello Baba With Lemon Ice Cream 檸檬巴巴伴檸檬雪糕
MQ, the former Police Married Quarters buildings, converted into a chic design and event space, has become a popular landmark with locals and tourists alike. Located on Hollywood Road between the Soho area and Upper Sheung Wan, PMQ blends period architecture with trendy design shops, the courtyard serving as a popular event space. Consistent with the whole Soho area, PMQ also provides interesting dining spaces for a number of concept restaurants, including the highly touted and recently opened Drawing Room, with its own take on fine modern Italian cuisine. The restaurant cleverly takes advantage of the linearity of the building – it was, after all, formerly a dormitory – with paired rows tables and a seating arrangement that is partially partitioned, creating a sense of privacy and spaciousness. The décor is elegant and stately, as the name suggests, and evokes a real sense of anticipation for the special meal to come. We choose for our dinner items selected from the seasonal and regular tasting menus to sample as many dishes as possible. Both tasting menus are priced at $798 for four courses or $998 for five courses, with supplemental charges required for some items. In any case, All dishes can be ordered and are priced a la carte. Our appetizers were Quaglia (HK$240), a grilled quail with foie gras mousse, shallots & red sherry marmalade, and Scampi (HK$320), a langoustine tartare with amalfi lemon and cucumber mayonnaise, both elegantly presented and tasting delightful, we were off to a good start. Our second course is the Astice (HK$310), a | OCTOBER 2016
fricassee of blue lobster with spicy tomato pulp and olives. We enjoy the zesty combination of ingredients that manage to still bring out the tender flavour of the lobster meat. The pastas come next: first the homemade Tagliolini (HK$360) with black truffle generously sprinkled onto the pasta, the unmistakable and addictive flavour of the truffle providing a real accent to the dish; second Italian Red Prawn Linguine (HK$340) with Fresh Tomato and Chili, which is basic but absolutely appetising as we are partial to southern Italian tomato sauce– based pastas. We managed to ration ourselves ahead of the main courses, which are the Manzo (HK$360), a roasted black angus tenderloin with ox tongue, potato puree and mustard sauce, and Orata (HK$290), a roasted sea bream with cauliflower puree and caper salad. The beef is tender in both dishes and we also like the texture of the fish which is firm and moist. The cooking styles and seasonings provide an interesting contrast to their respective tastes and flavours, and both dishes were consumed eagerly. An elegant dinner can only conclude with some fine cheeses, the Formaggi (HK$150) – we had the Taleggio, Parmesan, and Peccoricho, which, together with the Gelato (HK$90), a vanilla ice cream with truffle, plus the Limonecello Baba with Lemon Ice Cream (HK$90) deftly complete the wonderful dinner. We have no doubt the Drawing Room is destined to be the next talking point for fine Italian dining, and little wonder given its iconic location, its ambience and of course its innovative dishes. We were impressed and so will you be. ■
Manzo 烤安格斯牛柳及燴牛舌
MQ元創方前身是已婚警察宿舍,如今被活化成新潮創意設計和 活動的舞台,成為大受本地人和旅客歡迎的地標之一。PMQ元 創方位於荷里活道的SoHo荷南美食區和上環半山之間,融合建築 藝術和新潮時尚的店舖,更可利用平台舉辦各種活動。與SoHo荷 南美食區一樣,PMQ元創方也吸引了許多獨特的概念餐廳進駐,包 括最近才開業的高級意大利餐廳The Drawing Room。 畢竟這裡以前是宿舍,餐廳巧妙地利用大廈的結構,擺放了兩 行桌子和部分分隔的座位,營造出私人化、寬敞的感覺。餐廳裝潢 高貴典雅,就像它的名字一樣,可預知這定必是一頓特別的晚餐。 為了品嚐到盡量多的菜式,我們選擇了經典嚐味套餐和時令嚐 味套餐,備有四道主菜(HK$798)或五道主菜(HK$998)可供選擇, 所有菜式都可單點並附有獨立的價格,部分菜式需額外加收費用。 頭盤是烤鵪鶉伴鴨肝慕斯,紅蔥及櫻桃果醬(HK$240)及小龍蝦 他他伴檸檬忌廉及青瓜醬(HK$320)賣相十分精緻,味道一流,兩道 頭盤已先聲奪人。 第二道菜是辣鮮茄燉藍龍蝦(HK$310)我們很喜歡這道菜的食 材搭配,突出了龍蝦肉的鮮甜味。下一道菜是黑松露意大利扁麵 (HK$360)黑松露那令人無法抗拒的標誌性香氣將意大利麵的味道再 提升了一個層次。接下來的紅蝦扁麵伴鮮茄及辣椒(HK$340)是一道 常見菜式,但我們特別喜歡南部意大利蕃茄醬的味道,令我們胃口 大開。 我們盡量留著肚子品嚐主菜。烤安格斯牛柳及燴牛舌(HK$360) 和烤鯛魚伴椰菜蓉及酸豆沙律(HK$290)隆重登場。牛柳十分嫩滑, 魚肉口感結實,肉汁豐富。廚師的烹調方式和調味料的運用讓這兩 道菜的味道形成有趣的對比,我們很快便將兩碟主菜一掃而光。 一頓完美的晚餐當然要以頂級芝士作結。芝士拼盤 (HK$150) 中包括意大利牛奶芝士、巴馬臣芝士和羊奶芝士,加上雲尼拿雪糕 伴黑松露(HK$90)及檸檬巴巴伴檸檬雪糕(HK$90),讓我們大呼過 癮。 The Drawing Room擁有優越的地理位置、舒適的用餐環境以 及創意十足的菜式,我們相信這裡很快便會成為高級意大利菜的熱 門選擇之一。來The Drawing Room享用一頓晚餐,定必能讓您度 過一個愉悅難忘的夜晚。■
PRICE GUIDE 價格指南 $ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$
Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant.
<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700
Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。
歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。
Café Malacca Good news for Malaysian and Singaporean food lovers! Café Malacca, located at Hotel Jen in the Western District, and arguably the best Malaysian restaurant in Hong Kong, is creating an “All Under One Roof“ dining concept whereby popular dishes from Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore are prominently featured. Known for its authenticity in cooking styles and ingredients used, Café Malacca’s new concept follows the same philosophy. We recommend guests try at least one dish from each cuisine to explore for themselves the flavourful differences – the combination of geographical and ethnic influences should excite the most discerning foodies. Recommended options include the Hainanese Chicken Rice (Singaporean) and the Singapore Laksa. The Penang Assam Laksa is also delicious, as are the Satay, Klang Bakut Teh and Nasi Lemak, all favourites from Kuala Lumpur. And for lovers of Ipoh beansprouts, be sure to include them in your order. 喜歡吃馬來西亞菜和新加坡菜的朋友們有福了!位於西環今旅酒店的馬 來一菜館向來被不少饕客認為是香港最好的馬來西亞菜餐廳,餐廳現正 推廣「星馬美食薈萃」,推出一系列來自吉隆坡、檳城和新加坡的特色 美食。馬來一菜館以正宗的烹調手法和食材享負盛名,這次全新推廣的 菜式亦不例外。我們推薦旅客至少品嚐每個地區一道的菜式,受地理和 民族文化的影響,不同地區的菜式各有風味,定能吸引不少挑剔的美食 愛好者。 不妨嘗試來自新加坡的海南雞飯或喇沙,檳城的亞參叻沙、沙爹、肉 骨茶和椰漿飯,以及一系列吉隆坡美食。喜歡怡保豆芽的朋友也可以叫 上一碟慢慢品嚐。
Level 2, Hotel Jen Hong Kong, 508 Queen's Road West, Western District, Hong Kong (HKU MTR Station Exit B) 西環皇后大道西508號香港今旅酒店2樓(港鐵香港大學站B2出口) 2213 6613
Hong Kong 香港島
Admiralty 金鐘
食文化的精粹。回轉壽司吧以“Y” 字型設計,為日 式設計之首創。香港金鐘道88號太古廣場2座地庫, 2117 9481。
Ruth's Chris Steak House ($$$$)
Yè Shanghai 夜上海 ($$$)
Five cuts of beef served up sizzling on a garlicbuttered platter presented with friendly, Americanstyle service. G/F, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty. 2522 9090; 108-110, Level 1, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. 2366 6000. 提供各式牛扒,在熱騰騰的碟子裡嘶嘶作響,美國式 的友善服務令人感覺賓至如歸。金鐘金鐘道89號力寶 中心地下, 2522 9090;九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道66號 尖沙咀中心1樓108-110號鋪,2366 6000。
Shiro白鮨 (Pacific Place太古广場 ) ($$$)
Shiro, meaning white in Japanese, reflects elegant Zen simplicity – the essence of Japanese dining. A central feature is the Y-shaped ‘kaiten’ sushi bar. Level LG1, Two Pacific Place, Queensway. 2117 9481. S h i ro 的 室 內 設 計 反 映 出 餐 廳 名 字 在 日 語 中 的 意 思——白色,展露禪意簡約的風格,演繹出日本飲
26 | OCTOBER 2016
Savour high-end Shanghainese cuisine in a chic environment inspired by the elegance of old Shanghai. 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 9833; 6/F, The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, 3 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2376 3322. 在時髦別緻的環境下,品嚐高級的上海佳餚;餐廳的 設計靈感來自昔日的上海,別有一番韻味。金鐘金鐘 道88號太古廣場3樓, 2918 9833;尖沙咀廣東道3 號馬哥孛羅香港酒店6樓, 2376 3322。
buffet is a favourite among professionals. 4/F, 77 Wyndham St, Central. 2971 0001 .
一間甚具品質的正宗印度餐廳,擁有一批忠心的食客 定期捧場;當中以自助午餐最受歡迎。中環雲咸街77 號4樓, 2971 0001 。
Mayta ($$$$)
Lan Kwai Fong, SoHo
This Peruvian kitchen and Pisco bar features a selection of small and large plates designed for sharing. Go for the appetizers, especially the Empanadas and Beef Anticuchos. 12nn-11pm. 3/ F, Grand Progress Building, 15 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 2790 0928. 秘魯餐廳,設計獨特的大大小小菜式是其特色。試 試開胃菜,特別是 Empanadas (一種混合油醃土 豆、玉米和秘魯辣椒滷汁的西班牙炸餃),以及Beef Anticuchos(秘魯牛肉串燒)。中環蘭桂坊15號協興大 廈3樓,2790 0928。
Prego ($$)
Bombay Dreams ($$)
Food lovers return time after time for the authentic Indian cuisine at Bombay Dreams. The lunch
Experience Italian home-style cooking straight from Mamma’s kitchen in a relaxed, laid-back setting in the heart of the Soho dining district. 43 Elgin Street, Soho, Central, 2651 5700.
位於 Soho 荷南美食區的意式家常菜館,為你帶來如 家般自在溫馨的感受。中環蘇豪伊利近街43號地下, 2651 5700。
Shui Hu Ju 水滸居 ($$)
Charmingly decorated with chunky wood tables and lamps, this hidey-hole restaurant has a spicy selection of northern-style Chinese food. 68 Peel Street, Central. 2869 6927 . 使用傳統的木桌子和燈飾,裝潢討人喜歡,有多款香辣的 北方菜可供選擇。中環卑利街68號,2869 6927 。
Zafran ($$$)
A tapas bar, Spanish restaurant, and late-night drinking DJ lounge, Zafran serves a mixture of traditional Spanish tapas and contemporary recipes. Basement, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8855. Zafran 不僅是一個小吃吧,還是西班牙餐廳,夜飲 酒吧及 DJ 休閒室。 Zafran 提供傳統的西班牙小吃和 不同種類的菜餚。中環雲咸街 43-55 號地庫, 2116 8855。
Central 中環 Cecconi's Italian ($$)
Blending traditional Italian favourites with modern and delightfully innovative dishes, Cecconi’s Italian presents a distinctively stylish dining experience in Central. 2/F, 77 Wyndham Street, Central. 2565 5300. 將傳統意大利風味與現代創新菜式相結合,打造獨一無二的 新派餐飲體驗。中環雲咸街77號2樓,2565 5300。
Lung King Heen 龍景軒 ($$$$)
Beautiful views and sumptuous Cantonese cuisine at a Michelin three-star restaurant. Need we say more? 4/F, Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central. 3196 8880 . 這間三星米芝蓮餐廳,擁有美麗的景觀,加上雍容華 貴的粵式佳餚。中環金融街 8 號四季酒店 4 樓, 3196 8880 。
Yum Cha 飲茶 ($$)
As one of the hippest dim sum places in Central district, Yum Cha serves up authentic flavours accompanied by playful names and presentations. 2/F, Nan Fung Place, 173 Des Voeux Road Central, Central. 3708 8081. 「飲茶」現已成為中環最熱門的點心好去處,點心口味 正宗,菜名及賣相均走新派玩味路線。中環德輔道中 173號南豐大廈2樓,3708 8081。
Wan Chai 灣仔 Bo Innovation ($$$$$)
This restaurant started as a private kitchen operating out of the chef’s home, serving creative Asian fusion cuisine (think Chinese sausage ice cream). 2/F, 60 Johnston Road, Wan Chai. 2850 8371 . 餐廳儼如主廚家裡的私人廚房,帶來創新獨特的亞洲滋 味(試想像臘腸味道的冰淇淋)。灣仔莊士敦道60號2 樓, 2850 8371 。
Quemo ($$$)
Quemo (“burning” in Spanish) heats things up as one of Hong Kong’s newest restaurants, featuring paellas and barbacoa, a style of Spanish barbecue. 5/F, QRE Plaza, 202 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai. 2836 0699 . Quemo ,西班牙語解作「熱燙的」,這家主打西班牙 海鮮飯及西班牙燒烤的餐廳如火一樣充滿活力。灣仔 皇后大道東202號QRE Plaza 5樓, 2836 0699 。
Table 餐桌 Table, a cosy and relaxed outlet tucked away on the 23rd floor of the foodie building Pemberton in Sheung Wan, is our latest pleasant dining discovery. The force behind Table is the vivacious owner/chef Sandy Keung, an investment banker–turned-restaurateur, whose is passionately committed to creating innovative dishes from environmentally clean and quality ingredients – ingredient-based cooking, if you will, but with flexible cooking styles and cuisines as inspired by the ingredients themselves. The other distinction is that the seafood is properly “depurated” via a specialty tank to cleanse of its wastes that are accumulated from transporting from its origination, thus giving the seafood a fresher taste. Signature dishes include Soy Marinated Crab Sashimi Mud Cake ($HK268), Pan Fried Abalone, Lardo Crudo, Citrus Salad (from HK$98 to HK$150), Spanish Red Prawn, 9 Year Old Aged Risotto (HK$288), 1++ Korean Ribeye (HK$90/oz), and 63 Degree egg, Lobster Foam, Hokkaido Uni (HK$228) and more, including a delightful selection of desserts. The ingredients selected clearly demonstrate Chef Sandy’s commitment to his establishment’s culinary raison d’etre. 本期《東方之珠》來到小有名氣的淨化活海鮮餐廳「餐桌」,「餐桌」位於美 食匯聚的上環柏廷坊23樓,餐廳環境優雅舒適。店主兼行政總廚Sandy之前從 事金融業,如今致力於採用優質、環保的食材以及靈活多樣的烹調手法,創作 以食材為本的菜式。餐廳的另一特色是採用「淨化海鮮系統」技術,讓外地空 運到港的海鮮排出體內積聚的不潔物,回復到最新鮮的狀態,味道更加鮮甜。 「餐桌」的招牌菜式包括醬油蟹刺身 (HK$268) 、香煎鮮鮑仔配柑橘 沙律 (HK$98-HK$150) 、陳年九載舊米意式燉飯配西班牙紅蝦北海道海膽 (HK$288)、韓國1++ 肉眼扒 ($90/1oz)、63˚溫泉蛋配龍蝦汁泡沫及北海道海膽 ($228)等等。此外,更有一系列精美甜品任君選擇。「餐桌」的高質素食材充 分反映了大廚Sandy對其餐飲哲學的堅持。
8/F, The Pemberton ,22-26 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan 上環文咸東街22-26號柏廷坊8樓; 2815 2367;
Victoria City Restaurant 海都 ($$$)
Serving authentic and upscale Cantonese cuisine, Victoria City Restaurant enjoys a truly international reputation as one of the finest Chinese restaurants in the world. 2/F, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai. 2827 9938 海都酒家以正宗高級粵菜蜚聲國際,是您品嚐粵 式美饌的不二之選。灣仔港灣道 30 號新鴻基中心 2 樓, 2827 9938
Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867
阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題 概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲 理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影般好評 如潮。山頂山頂道 128 號凌霄閣 3 層 304-305 號舖。 2849 2867。
港海景,特設中西合壁的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓 食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美景。酒吧區每天供 應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套 餐等。尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號 舖,2157 3148。
Kowloon 九龍
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀
The Peak 山頂
Aqua ($$$$)
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳
A penthouse with breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, this uber-cool restaurant presents two distinct cuisine styles – Aqua Roma (Italian) and Aqua Tokyo (Japanese). 29-30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3427 2288 . 位於高層閣樓,維港風光盡收眼底。這家別具風格 的前衛餐廳,提供 Aqua Roma( 意大利菜 ) 和 Aqua Tokyo(日本菜)兩種迥然而異的風味選擇。尖沙咀北京 道1號29及30樓, 3427 2288 。
China Tang 唐人館 ($$$)
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 ($$$) Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is a casual family restaurant chain themed on Forrest Gump’s life, philosophy and love of shrimp. The restaurant was an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128
28 | OCTOBER 2016
Chinese cuisine in an elegant setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises of elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the best and delicious cocktails with the offer of dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港城九龍旗艦店坐擁維
China Tang 唐人館
Chuk Yuen Seafood Restaurant 竹園海鮮飯店 ($$$$)
Specialises in Hong Kong’s favourite seafood dishes: baked lobster with cheese, steamed garoupa and drunken shrimp. Basement, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2722 0633; 35 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3106 5868; 9 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley. 2893 8293 . 精於主理香港廣受歡迎的海鮮菜餚,包括芝士牛油焗 龍蝦、清蒸海石斑和醉蝦。尖沙咀漢口道28號亞太中 心地下, 2722 0633;尖沙咀金巴利道35號, 3106 5868;跑馬地黃泥涌道9號, 2893 829
Playa de Papagayo
Situated in the heart of the bar district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12noon to 5pm. Open daily 12noon-2am, G/F, Shop No.2, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的Papagayo提供獨特而豐 富的西班牙菜餚,特調雞尾酒及桑格利亞汽酒也是好選 擇。逢周六日中午12時至下午5時,正價餐牌菜式可享 七折優惠。中午12時至凌晨2時;九龍尖沙咀天文台道 8號地下2號舖;2323 1379 。
Hugo's 希戈餐廳 ($$$$)
A classic Western fine dining restaurant focusing on authentic recipes, fine ingredients, and their hallmark tableside cooking. Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3721 7733. 提供傳統歐陸菜式的高級食府,廚師精選各種上乘食 材,並配合傳統的烹調技巧炮製出經典歐陸菜。席前烹 調是餐廳的特色之一。尖沙咀河內道18號香港尖沙咀凱 悅酒店大堂樓層, 3721 7733。
Oyster and Wine Bar 蠔酒吧 ($$$$$)
Enjoy panoramic views of the harbour while feasting on house specialities such as crab cakes, French duckling, and warm chocolate pudding. 18/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, 20 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2369 1111 ext 3145. 在維港的醉人美景前品嚐餐廳精選佳餚,如蟹肉煎餅、海 鮮拼盤、法式鴨肉和暖心巧克力甜點。九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 20號香港喜來登酒店18樓,2369 1111 內線3145
Hung Hom 紅磡 Palette
Palette ($$$) Satisfy your taste buds with creative delicacies using the freshest seasonal and organic ingredients in a stylish and colourful setting. 1/F, Hotel sáv Hong Kong, 83 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom. 2275 8778. 以創意手法烹調時令新鮮有機食材,配以充滿色彩及型 格的環境,定能滿足你的味蕾。紅磡蕪湖街83號逸.酒 店1樓。2275 8778。
Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。
Hong Kong 香港島
Fish Bar 魚吧
Club @28
This chic rooftop indoor/outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲,更 可俯瞰都市景色。營業時間︰下午5時至凌晨1時(週 末至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒 店頂層,3980 3300 。
Dickens Bar 雙城吧
This lively sports bar has good pub grub and largescreen TVs perfect for sport-watching. Open daily 12pm-1am (2am on Fri, Sat & P.H.) Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. 2837 678 2. 一所充滿生命力的酒吧,提供英式美食、飲品及運 動賽事觀賞等,洋溢著一片英國氣氛。營業時間: 中午 12 時至凌晨 1 時(星期五、六及公眾假期至凌 晨 2 時)。銅鑼灣告士打道 281 號香港怡東酒店, 2837 6782 。 Hooray
A secret you might want to keep to yourself lest it becomes overrun, Hooray offers stunning views from its harbourside terrace. Bar snacks such as yakitori and barbecued items are offered alongside an excellent wine and cocktail list. Open daily 12pm12am (2am on Sat) P502, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. 2895 0885 . 酒吧位於銅鑼灣,靠近港灣附近的露天平臺,賓客於 此可將香港秀麗的景致盡收眼底。不但供應各式串燒 和燒烤等小食,此外,餐廳還提供多款上乘的葡萄酒 和雞尾酒。營業時間:中午12時至凌晨12時(星期六 至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心P502 號鋪,2895 0885 。
Inn Side Out/East End Brewery
A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流, 是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營業時間:中午11:30至凌晨 2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山道 88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。
30 | OCTOBER 2016
A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery of scenic mountain views and overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy specially-crafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色,讓 客人於輕松悠閑的環境中,享受特選雞尾酒、是日精 選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下午12時 至10時半;香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港JW萬豪酒 店7樓;2810 8366。
CENTRAL 中環 Armani/Privé
Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香 檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝選擇。營業時間:星期一至日, 下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒店大 堂層,2584 7722 。
Ophelia 鳥語花香
Hong Kong’s newest nightlife destination at The Avenue in Wan Chai brings sophistication, intriguing cocktails and tantalising entertainment to Hong Kong in a one-of-a-kind space. Tue-Thu 6pm to 2am, Fri-Sat 6pm to 4am, Sun-Mon closed. Shop 41A, 1/F The Avenue, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. 2520 1117. 香港全新飲食娛樂熱點已於灣仔利東街正式開業,絕 對會為客人帶來驚豔的體驗,當中精緻迷人的雞尾酒 和誘人的娛樂表演,必定能刺激客人的各個感官,讓 人樂而忘返。營業時間:星期二至四下午6時至深夜 2時,星期五、六下午6時至深夜4時,星期日及星期 一暫不營業。灣仔皇后大道東 200 號利東街囍匯 1 樓 39A至41A店鋪,2520 1117。
The Wanch
A favourite for chic after-work cocktails, Armani/Privé is an upbeat lounge and a chill-out rooftop terrace with skyscraper city views. 2F Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Road. 3583 2828. ARMANI/ PRIVE由氛圍輕鬆愉悅的酒廊及愜意悠閒的 頂層平臺組成,平臺將中環摩天大廈的壯觀景色盡收眼 底,讓人切身感受到香港璀璨繁華的躍動脈搏。中環幹 諾道中8號置地遮打大廈2樓,3583 2828。
An unpretentious and fun bar offering live music seven nights a week with different performers every night. Mon-Sat 5pm till late; Sun 4pm till late. 54 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. 2861 1621 . 不虛裝門面的酒吧,一星期七天均有現場音樂助興, 而且表演者每晚不同,保持新鮮感。營業時間:星期 一至六,下午5時至深夜;星期日,下午4時至深夜。 灣仔謝斐道54號,2861 1621 。
The White Stag
Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957 . 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大批 捧場客前來享受晚間的愉快時光。24小時營業。蘭桂 芳德己立街38號,2525 0957 。
Watch the live TV sports coverage of your favourite teams in this open-fronted and laid back pub. Open daily; Quiz Night every Sun & Mon from 7:30pm. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2866 4244 . 這間悠閒舒適的酒吧提供體育賽事的直播,因此經常 傳出陣陣喝彩聲。每日營業:星期日及一的問答之夜 從7時30分開始。灣仔駱克道54-62號,2866 4244 。
A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for afterwork happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最適 宜下班後前去喝一杯。中環雲咸街43-45號地下D及E 舖,2116 8055。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧
Art Deco themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late night rendezvous. Mon-Sun 5pm2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加 入現場琴師和法籍歌手的醉人旋律,是人們小聚和 深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名於 其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系 列享負盛名的精品香檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa -
Party with the younger expat crowd and exchange students at this fun nautical-themed pub, which sometimes gets so crowded that people spill out onto the street. Open daily 8pm-10am; Ladies night every Wednesday. 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2527 2077 . 年輕的外籍人士以及留學生常常聚集在這家以航海為 主題的酒吧中大玩瘋狂派對,擁擠時人們甚至站在 酒吧外的街道上暢飲。營業時間:每日晚上8時至上 午10時;星期三為女士之夜。灣仔駱克道37-39號, 2527 2077 。
Kowloon 九龍
TSIM SHA TSUI 尖沙咀 Hari’s at Golden Mile
Live entertainment and nightly happy hour from 5pm-9pm. Open Daily 5pm-2am. Mezzanine, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2369 3111 . 提供現場表演,另外每晚更設歡樂時光。營業時
間:下午5時至凌晨2時;歡樂時光︰下午5時至晚上 9 時。尖沙咀彌敦道 50 號香港金域假日酒店閣樓, 2369 3111 。 Lulu
this sexy venue, you feel transported to another time and place. Mon-Sat 6pm-1.30am from. Basement, The Peninsula Hong Kong, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2315 3355. 玲瓏酒廊是以三十年代上海名媛「玲瓏女士」 (Madame Ning) 的優雅華宅為藍本,她酷愛周遊天下 並且是位出色的主持人,玲瓏酒廊的室內設計,活現 一幕幕她的動人逸事。營業時間:星期一至六,下午 6時至凌晨1:30;星期日休息。尖沙咀梳士巴厘道香 港半島酒店地下層, 2315 3355。 Square 12
Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 6553 6553.
位於尖沙咀市中心,設有寬敞大廳、貴賓房及開揚 BBQ大露台,屬尖沙咀首創的韓式BBQ酒吧。特別 推出任吃任喝韓國燒烤及地道風味小食,飲品包括各 款雞尾酒、洋酒以及韓國真露等。營業時間:晚上 7:00至凌晨4:00;尖沙咀北京道65-69號環球商業大 廈12/F全層;6553 6553。
HUNG HOM 紅磡 Amplitude
The Southeast Asian style bar makes it a perfect place to relax after a busy shopping day. It offers a delectable selection of Asian dishes and drinks for guests to indulge in some regional flavours. Open daily 3pm-2am; Shop 2, Podium Plaza, No. 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2312 0468. Shop 5&6, G/ F, 3 Granville Circuit, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2369 3803. 忙碌的血拼之後不妨前往東南亞風格酒吧Lulu小酌一 番,放鬆心情。美味的亞洲佳餚及各類飲品都令人沉 醉。下午3時至凌晨2時;九龍尖沙咀河內道5號普基 商業中心地下2號鋪;2312 0468。尖沙咀嘉蘭圍3號 地下5-6號舖;2369 3803。
Salon de Ning 玲瓏酒廊
Inspired by Madame Ning: Shanghai socialite, world traveller, and fabulous hostess. As you enter
Square 12
A new concept Korean BBQ style bar and restaurant is the latest offering for trendy gatherings. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Square 12 provides a large public area as well as VIP rooms plus a open terrace for BBQ. Its "all you can eat and drink" buffet includes innovative Korean and local items, various cocktails, bar drinks and Korean Jinro. Daily, 7pm to 4am; 12/ F, Universal Commercial Building, 65-69 Peking
Relax in an upscale lounge overlooking the lively, buzzing streets of Hung Hom. Their signature colourful cocktails are sure to brighten up your day. 1/F, Hotel sáv Hong Kong, 83 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom. 2275 8778. 來到這間高尚酒吧,居高臨下坐享紅磡地道色彩。特 調逸. 色彩雞尾酒,點亮你的一天。 紅磡蕪湖街83號 逸.酒店1樓。2275 8778。
We know you’ve got all the bases covered (more or less) when it comes to shopping and dining in Hong Kong. But the city is constantly changing and you never know what you’re going to get each time you pop in. experience 3 golden moments for your golden week. 來港旅遊前,想必您或多或少都已做了些功課—— 無論是關於購物還是餐飲。但這座城市的變化日新月異,您永 遠無法預知每次到來會有什麼新發現。 國慶黃金周將至, 我們為您精選了三個旅遊熱點。
Golden Moments
for golden week
黃 金 週 好 去 處
Hong Kong Observation Wheel 香港中環海濱摩天輪
The Observation Wheel has become the new landmark at the Central Harbourfront. It stands 60 metres tall with 42 gondolas offering 20-minute rides to passengers keen to take in the sparkling views from Central’s waterfront. New Central Harbourfront between Piers 9 & 10; 10am-11pm; HK$50-HK$100
香港中環海濱摩天輪已成為中環的新地標。摩天 輪高60米,共有42個車廂,全程約坐20分鐘;期 間,遊客可盡情享受維港兩岸美景。 中環新海濱9號和10號碼頭間;10am-11pm; HK$50-HK$100
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Sai Yeung Choi Street 西洋菜街
You’ll find all sorts of street entertainment on this partly pedestrianised street from aspiring artists to charming magicians to middle-aged buskers playing Cantonese Pop classics. Get there: Mongkok MTR Station Exit D3
半行車半行人的西洋菜街上,藝術家在此售賣自 己精心製作的藝術品,神秘的魔術師在此展示絕 活,中年賣藝人則在此深情演唱粵語金曲。 如何前往:港鐵旺角站D3出口
Man Mo Temple 文武廟
Located on the famed Hollywood Road, this sacred establishment has been frequented by worshippers of the God of Literature (Man) and God of War (Mo) since 1847. 124-126 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island; 2540 0350 Get there: MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A2 and walk along Hillier Street to Queen's Road Central. Then proceed up Ladder Street (next to Lok Ku Road) to Hollywood Road
位於荷李活道的文武廟建於 1847 年,供奉着奉 職司文學和官祿的文帝,以及代表忠義武略的武 帝,至今香火旺盛。 港島上環荷里活道124-126號;2540 0350 如何前往:港鐵上環站A2出口,沿禧利街行至皇后大道中, 再在樓梯街(近樂古道)拾級而上來到荷李活道
SHOP LIST HONG KONG STORES 香港分店 Causeway Bay Flagship store G/F & 1/F, Sino Plaza, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣旗艦店 信和廣場地下及一樓 +852 2366 5828 Kowloon Flagship store G/F & 1/F, Hankow Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍旗艦店 尖沙咀漢口中心地下及一樓 +852 2366 5808 China Hong Kong City Store LG/F, China Hong kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 中港城分店 尖沙咀廣東道中港城低層地下 +852 2366 5820 Kowloon Hotel Store G/F & B1/F, The Kowloon Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍酒店分店 尖沙咀九龍酒店地下及低層 +852 2366 5810 Nathan Road Store G/F & 1/F, 29 Nathan Road, Alpha House, Tsim Sha Tsui 彌敦道分店 尖沙咀彌敦道29號地下及一樓 +852 2366 5890
Indulge in a Golden Week shopping spree at ISA, your one-stop shop for all things luxurious! 國慶黃金周在即,不妨到一站式奢華品牌精品連鎖店 ISA(義莎時裝國際有限公司)瘋狂血拼一番!
hat better place to shop during the Golden Week than at ISA, arguably Hong Kong’s largest and best-known specialty chain store for branded luxury products, which offers a wide selection of product categories and international designer brands at highly attractive and competitive prices. ISA boasts an impressive network of 12 stores in Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Its Hong Kong stores are located primarily in the shopping districts of Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui, including its latest 60,000-square-foot store in the China Hong Kong City Ferry Terminal complex. The generous store spaces allow ISA to offer its customers a wide range of products and attentive personalised service. ISA’s team of buying specialists travel to Europe’s fashion capitals in search of latest designer products. The prestigious brands selected include Prada, Saint Laurent, Gucci, BV, Dolce and Gabbana, Giorgio Amani as well as more hip and youthful brands such as MiuMiu, Philip Plein, Valentino, KENZO, and MSGM. ISA’s wide range of products include handbags, fashion, watches and jewellery, designer glasses, perfumes and cosmetics. Aside from enjoying the convenience of one-stop shopping, ISA’s customers are able to mix and match the different products, brands, colours and styles in pursuit of the “complete look”
SA是香港知名的大型奢華品牌精品連鎖店, 以極具吸引力的價格出售時尚服飾及一系列 國際名牌產品。 ISA 在港澳、深圳及廣州共開設 12 間分 店,香港實體店位於旅客人氣鼎盛的尖沙咀和 銅鑼灣。2015年中港城分店擴充至六萬呎。店 舖面積寬敞,貨品齊全,方便職員為顧客提供 個人化服務。 ISA的每件精品均由公司采購團隊親赴歐 洲名牌重地精心挑選,為顧客搜羅最新潮的名 牌產品。分銷品牌包括Prada, Saint Laurent, Gucci, BV, Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgio Armani 等一線品牌,ISA更根據流行趨勢引進更多年 輕品牌,包括Miu Miu, Philip Plein, Valentino, KENZO和MSGM等。 ISA出售的貨品包括手袋、服裝、鐘錶首 飾、名牌眼鏡、香水及護膚品等,顧客可以享 受到一站式快捷便利的購物樂趣。更有意思的 是,您可以在其中發揮獨一無二的搭配審美, 各種品牌、風格、材質、顏色任君選擇,別具 穿衣風格的時尚人士更可在這裡配搭出一身型 格裝備。
Silvercord Store Shop no. LG73, Silvercord, Tsim Sha Tsui 新港中心分店 尖沙咀新港中心低層LG73舖 +852 2366 6308 Canton Road Store 1/F, Imperial Building, Tsim Sha Tsui 廣東道分店 尖沙咀廣東道帝國大廈一樓全層 +852 2366 5880 ISA Outlet flagship store Shop No.2, 2/F, China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 奧特萊斯旗艦店 尖沙咀中港城2樓2號舖 +852 2366 5023 MACAU STORES 澳門分店 Macau Flagship Store LG/F, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre 澳門旗艦店 旅遊塔娛樂中心地庫全層 +853 2896 7880 Macau Largo Do Senado Store G/F- 3/F, 18-20A Largo Do Senado, Macau 澳門分店 議事亭前地18-20號地下至三樓 +853 2832 2663 MAINLAND CHINA STORES 中國內地分店 Shenzhen Qianhai Store Shop No.103 & 203, Level 1-2, Hoko Mall, Qianhai 深圳分店 深圳市前海周大福全球商品購物中心 1-2層103&203號舖 +86-755 8898 1088 Guangzhou Nansha store G/F, N2, Puzhou Hi-tech Development Park, No.121, Guangqian S Ave, Nansha 廣州南沙分店 廣州南沙港前大道南121號 蒲州高新技術開發園N2棟首層 +86-020 3900 2503
To make your shopping even more convenient, go to www. or download ISA’s mobile app, ISA Boutique App, where you can enjoy a discount coupon and earn redeemable rewards points. Also check out the ISA Facebook page and its Wechat account for the latest offerings. 想 要 更 快 捷 便 利 地 買 買 買 ? 登 錄 I S A 購 物 網 站 : w w w. 隨心所欲拿下本季流行款。下載 ISA Boutique App 既可以享用線上網購優惠現金券,還能夠獲得 上萬贈送積分(可兌換現金券使用);關註ISA Facebook和 微信頻道捕獲最新潮流資訊,激發你無限的穿搭靈感。
羅素街38號(地圖T13) ,金朝陽中心是美容纖體集中 地,集合超過 50 家商戶提供优質服務,包括美容護 膚、纖體排毒、香薰水療、瑜珈保健。港鐵銅鑼灣站 A出口。2970 2698 。
Times Square 時代廣場
1 Matheson Street (Map T13) . A great place to satisfy all your shopping needs under one roof with stores strategically located at different levels. Connected directly to the MTR. 2118 8900 . 勿地臣街1號(地圖T13) ,這個商場應有盡有,每 層售賣不同類別的商品,方便顧客選購。可乘搭港鐵 直達。 2118 8900 。
Pacific Place 太古廣場
Central 中環
88 Queensway (Map T6) . Classy and spacious four-level shopping centre with natural lighting. Perched on top of the MTR station, surrounded by three five-star hotels and the greenery of Hong Kong Park. 2844 8900. 金鐘道88號(地圖T6) ,高尚寬敞的四層購物
Kowloon 九龍
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 China Hong Kong City 中港城
A re a l g e m o ff e r i n g t re n d y a n d b r a n d e d products including jewelry, sportswear, fashions, electronics, etc. Part of the China Hong Kong Ferry terminal complex and located on the famed Canton Road shopping district. 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 3119 0288. 商場吸引眾多潮流品牌進駐,包括珠寶、體育用品、 時尚服飾、電子產品等。中港城位於著名的購物熱點 廣東道上,中國客運碼頭提供方便快捷的客輪服務。 九龍尖沙咀廣東道33號。3119 0288。
Harbour City 海港城
Canton Road (Map L3) . So popular you’ll see queues at the flagship stores of the biggest fashion brands. Located at the northern end of Canton Road. Ocean Terminal entrance near the Star Ferry Terminal. 2118 8666 . 位於廣東道北面(地圖 L3 ) ,有各種類型的商店和
餐廳,行人通道接連其他購物中心及酒店,海運大廈 入口設於近天星碼頭。2118 8666 。
2844 8900 。
Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 名店坊
Paterson Street, Cleveland Street, Kingston Street, Gloucester Road (Map S14) . Covering several blocks in Causeway Bay, Fashion Walk offers a blend of indoor and street-level shopping of the latest must-have items from top international brands. 2890 3016. 百德新街/加寧街/京士頓街/告士打道(地圖S14) , 要搜購潮流必備服飾,不妨前往名店坊;其室內購物 商場及臨街店舖巧妙融合,吸引國際時尚品牌開設雙 層特色商店及旗艦店。2890 3016 。
Island Beverly 金百利商場
1 Great George Street (Map S14) . A big, trendy shopping centre for the young and hip. Shops carry the latest styles from local designers including clothes, bags and accessories. 2890 6823 . 記利佐治街1號(地圖S14) ,金佰利商場是港島的潮流 特區,標誌著時髦年輕人對流行服飾的品味。可看到 本地年輕設計師的個人系列,在服裝、手袋、珠寶首 飾上發揮個人風格。2890 6823 。
Lee Gardens One and Lee Gardens Two 利園一、二期
33 Hysan Avenue; 28 Yun Ping Road (Map T14) . Home to high-end fashion brands as well as sophisticated food outlets. Lee Gardens Two has a special children’s shopping area. 2907 5227. 希慎道33號,恩平道28號(地圖T14) ,頂級時尚品 牌薈萃之地,多家極具特色的主題餐廳食肆林立。利 園二期更特設兒童用品區。2907 5227 。
Soundwill Plaza 金朝陽中心
38 Russell Street (Map T13) . A health and beauty centre with over 50 tenants ranging from renowned beauty centres and spas to salons and yoga studios. 2970 2698 .
34 | OCTOBER 2016
Landmark 置地廣場
12-16 Des Voeux Road Central (Map S4) . Landmark is the brand that represents the most luxurious shopping haven in Central. More than 200 first-class shopping and dining outlets linked by gleaming glass-walled pedestrian bridges. 2500 0555 . 中環德輔道中12-16號 。置地廣場是中環最高端的購 物天堂。四座由落地玻璃行人天橋相連的著名商場, 當中集合了208家頂級商舖和食肆,從名牌時裝到國 際美食等應有盡有,定能為您帶來前所未有的購物體 驗與生活享受。2500 0555 。
ifc Mall 國際金融中心商場
8 Finance Street (Map R4) . Shop at one of the most photogenic skyscrapers of Hong Kong; top brand-name shops, restaurants and a cinema. Links to the MTR station, Central ferry piers, and the Airport Express. 2295 3308. 金融街8號(地圖R4) ,購物商場內有不少名牌商店
K11 購物藝術館
18 Hanoi Road (Map L4). In addition to more than 100 shops, the world’s first “art mall” features art exhibitions from local artists and an open-air piazza. 3118 8070 . 河內道 18 號(地圖 L4 ) ;全球首個購物藝術館,除
了有多間商店進駐,更帶來本地藝術創作及寬敞的露 天廣場。3118 8070 。
2295 3308 。
The Peak 山頂 The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場
118 Peak Road (Map W8) . Offering international cuisines and an array of shops selling gifts and locally designed products. Visitors can also take in amazing views from the top level’s Green Terrace Observation Deck. 2849 4113 . 山頂道 118 號(地圖 W8 ) 。旅客可於山頂廣場品嚐
各國佳餚美饌及搜購本地創作之特色精品,更可前往 頂層綠茵平台,飽覽醉人景緻。2849 4113 。
1881 Heritage
Canton Road (Map L3) . The former Marine Police Headquarters, this beautiful colonial building has been turned into a luxury shopping landmark. 2926 8000 . 香港尖沙咀廣東道(地圖L3) ;這間前水警總 部已經被重新塑造成奢華購物、消閒的新地標。
2926 8000 。
China Hong Kong City 中港城
Cool Autumn Shopping at China Hong Kong City
hina Hong Kong City Ferry Terminal has long been Hong Kong’s ferry hub to China’s Pearl River Delta region and Macau as dozens of sleek and fast ferries zip in and out throughout the day. Situated at the end of Canton Road’s world famous shopping corridor in the Tsim Sha Tsui District of Kowloon, China Hong Kong City is also a commercial and ground transport hub in its own right, encompassing a luxury hotel, a sleek modern shopping mall, and a transport terminus for buses, taxis, light buses, plus ample parking. The retail mall attracts an eclectic and trendy group of retail clients including jewelry, fashion and sporty clothing, as well as Chinese medicine stores. It is a perfect destination for one-stop shopping before your ferries depart. Flame at Towngas Avenue
Special Promotion
Pierside Bar & Restaurant
位於中港城的中國客運碼頭 提供方便快捷的高速客輪
服務,來往中國珠三角地區及澳 門各大港口。中港城座落於九龍 尖沙咀名店林立的廣東道,是獨 立的商業及交通中心,設有一間 豪華酒店、一棟潮流購物商場, 更有巴士、的士、小巴總站以及 大量停車場設施。 商場吸引了眾多潮流品牌進 駐,包括珠寶、時裝、運動服裝 及藥材店等,是離港前進行一站 式購物的最佳選擇。
From now until 31 October, China Hong Kong City welcomes the cooling autumn with its own cool gifts redemption campaign. Shoppers can earn attractive prizes upon spending specified minimum levels. Please refer to China Hong Kong City’s Facebook page or official leaflets for details. Limited quantities; first come, first served, while supplies last. China Hong Kong City reserves the right of final decision in all cases. 在這清爽的秋季,中港城精心準 備了各款秋日優惠和禮品換領活 動。由即日起至 10 月 31 日購物滿 指定金額,有機會換領滋補湯包壹 個,詳情條約及細則請參閱中港城 Facebook或官方宣傳單張。數量 有限,先到先得,換完即止,中港 城保留最終決定權。
The mall is offering a special gift for tourists. Visitors to Hong Kong can redeem a gift by simply presenting a valid travel document at the Concierge Desk on Upper Ground floor. Limited quantities; first come fist serve and offer valid till supplies last. So whether you are en route to one of the ferry destination cities or staying in Hong Kong, include China Hong Kong City as part of your shopping journey. 中港城現正舉行旅客優惠,旅客只要出示有效旅遊證件,就可以於高層地 下禮賓處換領中港城商戶送出的禮品一份!數量有限,先到先得,換完 即止! 無論您是否即將離港,都不妨前來中港城展開您的購物之旅。
China Hong Kong City 中港城
33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀廣東道33號 T: 3119 0288 chinahkcity
Prime yourself for the upcoming autumn with our selected fashion items, accessories, skincare products and fragrance. Our handy guide has something for every type.
Gear up for the
秋意濃濃,《東方之珠》為您搜羅一系列秋季潮流新品,衣 服、配飾、護膚品和香水,應有盡有,助你輕鬆覓得心頭好。
amazing AUTUMN 秋季潮流新品
Jimmy Choo Feather On Kid Leather Heels with Tassel 羽毛皮革高跟鞋 HK$12,500
FW16 Sports Line Collection
BoLC A+ Serum & Cream BoLC A+精華與面霜
HK$1,888 | OCTOBER 2016
(BoLC A+ Facial Cream 30g and Facial Serum 5mL x 5) (BoLC A+面霜一瓶30克及精華5毫升x 5支)
L’OCCITANE Divine Harmony Serum 金鑽蠟菊海洋 活肌精華霜 HK$1,600/30ml
Girard-Perregaux Cat's Eye Water Lily Diamonds and pink sapphires Cat's Eye Water Lily 鑽石粉紅寶石 HK$389,000
Links of London Signature Necklace Signature 系列頸鏈 HK$3,650
Jo Malone London Geranium & Walnut Hand Cream 天竺葵與核桃護手霜 HK$335/50ml
SHOP LIST BoLC A+ 3590 9080 L'OCCITANE Shop 1090, Podium Level 1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 中環國際金融中心商場1090舖 2234 7198 LA MER Lane Crawford, 3 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀廣東道3號連卡佛專櫃 2111 0813 ASH Shop 309, Ocean Terminal, 3-27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海運大廈309號舖 2118 2450 Jimmy Choo Shop G8, G/F, Landmark Atrium, 15 Queen's Road Central, Central 中環皇后大道中15號置地廣場中庭G/F, G8號舖 2525 6068
LA MER The Soft Fluid Long Wear Foundation 柔潤持久修護粉底液SPF20
Dolce & Gabbana Shop G2 & 101B, G/F & 1/F, Landmark Alexandra, 15 Queen's Road Central, Central 中環皇后大道中15號置地歷山G/F & 1/F, G2 & 101B號舖 2877 5558
Links of London Shop M33-M35, MOKO, Mong Kok 旺角新世紀廣場M33-M35號舖
Dolce & Gabbana LUCIA shoulder bag with carriage print and embellishments LUCIA馬車圖案 印花綴金屬裝飾肩包 HK$30,500
Eau Thermale Avène Aqua cream-in-gel 高效保濕水漾乳霜 HK$220/50ml
Girard-Perregaux 芝柏表 Elegant Watch & Jewellery, Shop 801, Times Square, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣時代廣場801號鋪三寶鐘錶珠寶 2111 9128 Jo Malone London Shop 137, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場137號舖 2918 4865 Eau Thermale Avène Selected Mannings & Watson's outlets 指定萬寧及屈臣氏有售
全球唯一擁有肉毒桿菌專利配方的抗衰老護膚聖品 The World’s First and Only Botulinum-derived ingredient (patented) skincare products
Serum & Cream 臨床證實的專利成分肉毒桿菌 多肽-1,有效改善各種皺紋 腺苷:韓國食藥處(KFDA) 認證的強力抗皺紋成分 不含防腐劑、苯氧乙醇、 礦物質油、人工色素等5種 有害成分,適合敏感肌膚
Botulinum Polypeptide-1: a patented ingredient that is clinically proven to dramatically improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Adenosine: a KFDA (Korea Food and Drug Administration) accredited anti-wrinkle ingredient. No preservatives and harmful ingredients: free from parabens, phenoxyenthanol, artificial colours, triethanolamine and mineral oil – suitable for sensitive skin.
女性試用後 皺紋明顯改善
of woman see dramatic improvements in minimizing wrinkle
易於上妝** blends well with other cosmetic/skincare product**
皮膚變得非常柔嫩** Skin feels softer **
皮膚感到非常有彈力** improvement in skin elasticity**
BoLC A+ Facial Cream 面霜1瓶 (30g克) BoLC A+ Facial Serum 精華 (5mL毫升 x 5)
《東方之珠》讀者現貨預訂 額外享九折優惠 Extra 10% Off for CityLife Readers
皮膚變得非常光滑** Skin feels smoother **
24 hours hotel delivery (except Sunday) with credit card purchase or cash on delivery (COD). Delivery to outlying islands may require more than 1 business day
《東方之珠》讀者現貨預訂更可享九折優惠 (HK$1,699), 優惠至2016年12月31日 Additional promotional 10% Citylife Readers discount Coupon code 優惠券代碼: available while stock lasts (HK$1,699), valid till 31 December 2016
查詢及訂購熱線 Order Hotline: 3590 9080 E: W: | OCTOBER 2016 38
* 測試機關:I.E.C. Korea(國際臨床研究專業企業法國I.E.C.Korea集團的隸屬機構) Testing institute: I.E.C. Korea (Subsidiary company of French-based global clinical research institution) ** 以上測試以22名30歲-59歲的成年女性為對象, 是對使用BoLC A+產品四周後的功效測評結果(2015年3月6日-4月3日) The result is based on clinical trial of 22 women aged 30-59 in four weeks (6 March – 3 April 2015)
A round-up of Hong Kong’s quality spas, beauty rooms and massage centres. 齊集全港優質美容中心、按摩中心和水療中心。
Hong Kong 香港島
CENTRAL 中環 Elemis Day Spa
One of the city's first independent luxury spas; the facility spreads out over 4,000 sq ft and offers an extensive range of body treatments. 9/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2521 6660 . 這是香港一流的水療中心,佔地超過4,000平方呎, 洋溢一片「禪」風,設備豐富多種療程可供選擇。蘭 桂坊德己立街1號世紀廣場9樓, 2521 6660。
The Spa at Four Seasons 四季酒店
This spa has it all: views across the harbour, the very latest relaxation methods, and 22,000 sq ft of luxurious space comprising treatment rooms and state-of-the art hydrotherapy facilities. Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central. 3196 8900. 位於港島臨海,備有先進的美容和休閒設備。面積達 22,000平方呎,裝潢豪華,具有多個水療室,設備優 良。中環金融街8號四季酒店,3196 8900 。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Sunny Paradise 新瀛閣
Established almost 20 years ago, this spa is a
popular, cheap and cheerful option where the wear and tear is part of the charm. The most popular treatment is the traditional Chinese body massage. 341 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2831 0123 . 擁有約20年歷史,收費合理相宜,歲月的痕跡為中心 增添魅力。傳統中式全身按摩廣受歡迎,由專業水療 師親自主理。灣仔駱克道341號,2831 0123 。
Vassar Healthcare 華夏保健
This colossal clinic with years of experience and an affordable price list specialises in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). 1/F, Everwin Mansion, 18 Johnston Road, Wan Chai. 2970 3228 . 擁有豐富經驗的大型保健中心,提供融合傳統中 醫技術的療程。灣仔莊士敦道 18 號嘉寧大廈 1 樓, 2970 3228 。
Kowloon 九龍
I-Spa incorporates the 4,000-year-old Chinese philosophy of feng shui. Beauty treatments include Ancient Rituals of the Orient – a fusion of different Asian therapies designed to balance the body's yin and yang. 3/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
2313 2306 . 水療中心融入中國4,000年歷史的風水元素,提供糅 合東方古法療程的美容服務,融會亞洲各式療法,以 平衡身體的陰陽。尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港洲際酒 店3樓,2313 2306 。
Mu Lan Spa 沐蘭水療中心
This oasis of tranquillity combines contemporary Oriental design with commodious treatment rooms and an array of men's and ladies' services to melt away stress. Shop 411-3, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3107 2028; 2/F, Club Lusitano, Duddell Street, Central. 3102 0208 . 繁囂都市中的一片綠洲,充滿現代東方韻味的設計, 舒適寬敞的房間,提供優質水療服務。尖沙咀海港城 海洋中心411-3號鋪,3107 2028;中環都爹利街西 洋會大廈2樓,3102 0208 。
The Peninsula Spa by ESPA
The spa offers a personalised experience in a setting sculpted to perfection. Private rooms, large massage beds and top-of-the-line treatments and products. The Peninsula Hotel, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2315 3322 . 與眾不同的格調,打造奢華完美的水療體驗,中心 設有私人護理室、舒適寬敞的按摩床及優質完善的 護理療程和產品。尖沙咀梳士巴利道半島酒店, 2315 3322 。
The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions
Arch Angel Gallery
Established in 2001 by Dutchman Koos Groot, Arch Angel Art specialises in contemporary Southeast Asian work featuring an outstanding collection of Vietnamese oils as well as other Southeast Asian master paintings, many from the owners’ private collections, built up over decades. Mon-Sat, 9.30am-6.30pm. Sun/PH 10.00am6.00pm. 30 Peel Street (corner Hollywood Road), Central. 2851 6882.
David Salle solo exhibition at Lehmann Maupin
8 Sep-12 Nov. Lehmann Maupin presents a solo exhibition of new work by David Salle, the American artist who has long been regarded as a leader in the return to figurative painting in the 1980s. By combining figuration with a varied pictorial language, Salle creates complex visual narratives that draw inspiration from art history, advertising, design, and American culture. Tue-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 11am-7pm. 407 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street. 2530 0025. www.
limited edition | édition limitée at Fabrik Gallery
Oct 06 - Nov 30. The exhibition showcases limited edition prints from some of the contemporary art world’s most successful and recognised artists: Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst and Marc Quinn. Distinct in character, style and artistic medium, the artists exhibited at “limited edition | édition limitée” reflect individuals whose evolution from humble artist to internationally recognised figure in the art world recounts a larger story of art as an identifiable and accessible brand. MonFri, 9am-7pm. 1102 Nam Wo Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan. 2525 4911.
Huang Yuxing "AND NE FORHTEDON NÁ" at Galerie Perrotin
1 Sep-15 Oct. This is the first solo show of the young Chinese artist HUANG Yuxing with the gallery. Showcasing about 12 pieces, the exhibition gives an in-depth view of the artist’s recent works. The sentence“And ne forhtedon ná” comes from the epitaph of the 20th-century Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. Originating in the Anglo-Saxon poem The Battle of Maldon, it has much obsessed Huang in his recent creative work. “And ne forhtedon ná” is not only the writer’s ultimate answer to his own dreams; it is also the creative and meditative source for Huang as an expressionist painter. Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm. 1102 Nam Wo Hong Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan. 2525 4911.
40 | OCTOBER 2016
Tsherin Sherpa 'Beautiful Decay' at ROSSI & ROSSI
24 Sep-5 Nov. A stunning array of new paintings, sculptures and installations by Tibetan-Nepalese artist Tsherin Sherpa will be presented in the solo exhibition Beautiful Decay at Rossi & Rossi Hong Kong this fall. Inspired by the 2015 earthquake in Nepal and its aftermath, the artist’s powerful fresh works navigate the dichotomy between the classical and the contemporary, the spiritual and the mundane, by reinterpreting traditional Tibetan, Nepalese and Buddhist iconography. Tue-Sat, 11am-6pm. Unit 3C, Yally Industrial Building, 6 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang. 3575 9417.
The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶
Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂
Altfield Gallery
Chinese Arts & Crafts is a renowned luxury brand established in Hong Kong since 1959. It offers different types of prestigious products including exquisite and legendary arts & crafts that feature oriental culture, natural Fei Cui jewelry and elegant Chinese apparel, aiming to promote and popularize the Chinese traditional culture. 10:30am-8:30pm; Pacific Place Branch -- Shop 220,The Mall, Phase 2, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway; 2523 3933; 中藝品牌自 1959 年在香港創立至今已有五十七年歷 史,經營具有濃厚東方文化和傳奇色彩、技藝精湛的 天然翡翠首飾、高檔工藝品、高貴端莊的華服系列 等。中藝為推廣中國傳統文化藝術精粹不遺餘力,成 績超然,商譽卓著。 營業時間:上午10:30至下午 8:30;金鐘太古廣場分公司—金鐘道88號太古廣場 2期220號;2523 3933;
A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗
From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The familyrun business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩 店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高古 青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可 的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨脷洲倉 庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。
Arch Angel Galerie V
Warring States period 475 BC to 221 BC pottery jars at Arch Angel Antiques 戰國時代陶罐
Arch Angel Antiques
This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 25 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 53-55 Hollywood Road (corner Peel Street), Central. 2851 6848. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過25年, 收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物館水 準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一 系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的青瓷;並 擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘 情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀的古傢俱均經 過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見 石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖鑑,當然還少不了 赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有 珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包裝,並可託付船運, 無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6 時30分,假期照常營業。中環荷李活道53-55號(卑 利街交界);2851 6848。
This large gallery is a must for collectors and connoisseurs interested in early stone sculpture and 16th-18th century Chinese furniture. The gallery owner has been collecting and restoring Chinese furniture since 1985, having them exquisitely reconditioned by an expert furniture specialist. All items come with certification and unconditional guarantees. Open daily 10am-6pm. 70 Hollywood Road (corner Elgin Street), Central. 2851 6828. 寬敞的店鋪是愛好收藏和鑒賞的朋友非去不可之處。 那裡有早期的石刻雕塑和 16 至 18 世紀的中式古董傢 具,以原裝版本呈現精緻細節,並由傢具專家小心謹 慎地修復。店主在收藏和修復中式傢俱的經驗可追溯 至1985年,所有珍品均附帶證書及無條件保證其真確 度。營業時間︰上午10時至晚上6時。中環荷李活道 70號(伊利近街交界);2851 6828。
Tang dynasty 618 to 906 AD pottery standing soldiers at Arch Angel Galerie V 唐朝彩陶武士俑
A pair of Huanghuali scholar's boxes, Qing Dynasty 清朝一對書箱
Traditional Chinese scholars were accomplished in painting, poetry, chess and qin. They would enrich their study rooms with a range of objects important to the pursuit of these activities. These objects embodied the highest degree of technical precision and finely honed aesthetic sensibilities. Scholars of old particularly favoured items made of precious huanghuali and zitan woods crafted by renowned artisans. Such scholar items included huanghuali seal chests, used to store various seals and trinkets; zitan book chests to store rare and valuable books; and huanghuali or zitan brush pots, chess boxes, and tea trays. The rare material, refined elegance and practical value of these articles continues to attract the attention of collectors today. This month, Oi Ling Antiques presents this special pair of Qing dynasty book chests, offering a glimpse of the literati experience. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm, Sun 1pm-6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. 中國古代文人大多善於琴、棋、書、畫。在其書房中 均放置一系列的文房雜項器物,如文房四寶、茶和香 等等相關器具雜項。這些文房器物反映出古代文人的 審美觀和工匠大師的精湛技藝。 古代文人尤其喜愛用珍貴的木材,如黃花梨及紫 檀,再由當時的出色的工匠大師,創作製造文房用品 的器物 , 。例如用黃花梨製的官皮箱,用以儲存不同 類型的印章;紫壇製的書箱,用以存放古藉善本; 黃花梨或紫檀製作的筆筒、筆山、棋盒、文房托盤或 茶盤等等。除了材質珍貴外,清雅線條和實用價值亦 吸引當今藏家收藏選購。 今期燕譽堂希望透過這獨特罕有的文房器物, “清朝一對書箱”,讓各位能夠體驗中國古代文人的 生活方式。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上10:00至下 午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72號地下;2815 9422 ;
See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊
Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Bruce Lee:Kung Fu.Art.Life
Until 20 July 2018
Bruce Lee’s dynamism as a film star and his achievements in the field of martial arts took the world by storm, making him an international icon. In collaboration with the Bruce Lee Foundation of the US, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum has gathered more than 600 items of Bruce Lee memorabilia from local and overseas collectors to create an exhibition that looks at Bruce Lee not only as a film star and martial artist, but also as a cultural phenomenon. Hong Kong Heritage Museum Thematic Gallery 6, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, New Territories. Weekdays 10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Sat-Sun & PH 10am-7pm. Free.
武.藝.人生 ─ 李小龍
李小龍的武術造詣及明星風采令其蜚聲中外。香港文化博物館與美國李小龍 基金會合作,與海內外收藏家和團體商借,為大家帶來超過六百多件珍貴的 李小龍文物;希望大家瞭解他的成就和貢獻,及其在普及文化方面的意義, 重新認識李小龍的傳奇人生!新界沙田文林路一號 香港文化博物館 專題展覽 館(六);週一至週五 10am-6pm (逢週二閉館). 週六、日及公眾假期10am7pm;免費入場;
Hong Kong 香港島 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館
The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其 革命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期 展覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參 展。除展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。開放 時間:平日上午10時至下午6時(逢星期四休館); 星期六、日及公眾假期至晚上7時。免費入場。中環 衛城道7號, 2367 6373 。
Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware 茶具文物館
Originally the home of the commander-inchief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住 宅,現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、 茶杯、茶碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶 藝館,長期展出宋明朝陶器和印章。開放時間: 平日 上午 10 時至下午 6 時(逢星期二休館,公眾假期除
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外)。免費入場。港鐵金鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10 號香港公園, 2869 0690。
Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館
A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. MonFri, 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品 包括船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李 箱等等;設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用1950年 代的航海設施模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。開放時 間:星期一至五上午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期 六及日上午10時至下午7時。入場費HK$30。香港中 環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 香港海防博物館
Formerly known as the Lei Yue Mun Fort, the site occupies a strategic position guarding against enemy incursions into Victoria Harbour during the colonial era. It has now been redeveloped to allow the public to appreciate the history and artifacts from those times. Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am – 6pm (March through September), 10am – 5pm (October through February). Free. 15-minute walk from Shau Kei Wan MTR Station, Exit B2; 175 Tung Hei Road. Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong . 前身是舊鯉魚門炮台,佔據戰略位置,可監視接近 維港的敵船,在殖民地時代有重要作用。炮台改建 後已對公眾開放,保存和展示香港六百年的海防歷
史。週一至週三,週五至週日: 10am – 6pm ( 3 月至9月),10am – 5pm(10月至2月)。免費入 場。港鐵筲箕灣站B2出口步行15分鐘;香港筲箕灣 東喜道175号
Kowloon 九龍 Hong Kong Museum of History 香港歷史博物館
At the heart of this museum is the “Hong Kong Story”, a showcase of the territory's complete history. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays) 10am6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2724 9042. “香港故事”主題展覽是這棟博物館的心臟部份,細 說香港歷史發展點滴。開放時間:平日上午10時至下 午6時(逢星期二休館);星期六、日及公眾假期至 晚上7時。免費入場。尖沙咀漆咸道南100號,2724 9042。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。
Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館
The museum combines education with fun. It houses Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個 豐富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。 開放時間:平日上午 10 時至下午 7 時(逢星期四休 息);星期六丶日及公 假期至晚上9時。成人入場 費HK$20,逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2 號, 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。
Chooi Li Loo, Hotel Manager at W Hong Kong, shares with us her experience in the hospitality industry
Chooi Li Loo
香港W酒店酒店經理 Chooi Li Loo與我們分享 她在酒店業的經歷。
CityLife: Can you tell us how you got started in the hotel industry? Chooi Li: I loved hotels when I was young. My parents would take me to the top hotels in Kuala Lumpur where I grew up to eat or just to visit – I thought it was a big deal. So when I was deciding on universities, I went to an education fair, and one school in Sydney was offering a hotel school programme that trained you in a real hotel environment. So I enrolled and I’ve stayed in the hotel industry ever since.
Favourite local Hong Kong food: All my friends want to eat Char Siu Bao (roasted pork bun) when they come to Hong Kong. I particularly like the Baked Char Siu Bao. And roast goose is another dish that Hong Kong is famous for; I like to get mine from Kam’s Kitchen in Wanchai.
CL: What is your favourite part of the job and why? Chooi Li: It’s hard to say since everything just gels together. I guess in the end it’s the sense of belonging to the place and connecting with the guests, which makes it feel like a family. CL: Have you observed any changes in guests’ service needs? Chooi Li: Guests want to feel looked after; they want more than the basics. So we are always thinking how to make our guests feel more at 東方之珠:可以跟我們說說你是如何進入酒店行 業的嗎? Chooi Li:我從小就很喜歡去酒店,小時候父母 會帶我去吉隆坡的頂級酒店吃飯和玩耍,給我留 下了深刻的印象。我選擇大學的時候參加了一個 教育展覽,當時一間在悉尼的學校提供一個酒店 學課程,在真實的酒店環境下培訓,我就這樣進 入了這間學校,從此就進入了酒店行業。 東方之珠:你最喜歡禮賓司工作的哪一部分?為 什麼? Chooi Li:很難說喜歡哪一部分,因為所有事情 都是聯繫在一起的。我覺得可能是對酒店的歸屬 感以及和顧客的聯繫令我如此喜歡這份工作,這 些都讓我感覺到我們就像是家人。 東方之珠:你認為最近幾年顧客對服務的要求有 什麼變化嗎? Chooi Li:顧客渴望得到無微不至的照顧,他們 要的不只是基本的服務,因此我們總是在設法
home. Our slogan is “Whatever, Whenever”, reflecting our service mindset. CL: Any memorable requests from guests that you can share with us? Chooi Li: Sure. One time a guest planned to propose to his girlfriend and he asked us to help. So we closed the wet deck after hours and decorated it with balloons and brought out the champagne. He took her up and it was private and romantic; she accepted his proposition, of course. How could a girl say no! Another time, one guest was having his 100th stay with us, and we knew he liked James Bond movies. So we decorated his suite in a “Casino Royale” theme, with board games, and a few of his favourite hotel staff and some of his friends waited for him. Needless to say he was gobsmacked. CL: What do you do to relax after work? Chooi Li: I mostly relax and rest, like strolling in the park near the hotel` or swimming in the evening when the weather permits. ■ 讓顧客感到賓至如歸。我們的口號是“隨時 / 隨 需”,這反映了我們的服務宗旨。 東方之珠:顧客曾提出什麼讓你覺得很難忘的要 求嗎? Chooi Li:當然有,有一次一位顧客計劃向女朋友 求婚,他向我們尋求幫助。我們關閉了池畔餐廳 WET DECK,用氣球裝飾餐廳並準備了香檳,他 帶著女朋友上來,整個場地都是為他們而設,浪漫 而溫馨。他的女朋友最終接受了求婚,當然了,哪 一位女士則能拒絕如此浪漫的求婚呢?還有一次, 一位顧客第100次下榻我們酒店,我們知道他喜歡 James Bond的電影,因此我們把他的房間裝飾成 皇家賭場的樣子,準備了一些桌面遊戲,他最喜歡 的酒店職員和朋友們都在等待著他,給了他一個很 大的驚喜。 東方之珠:工作之余,你最喜歡去哪裡休閒放鬆? Chooi Li:天氣好的話,我喜歡在公園散步,或 是夜晚去游泳。■
Chooi Li 誠意推薦
Itinerary for visitors: Most people have some ideas about what to do when they come to Hong Kong as tourists. For our guests I would recommend they start their day with either an all-you-can-eat dim sum buffet or a filled up breakfast, depending on whether it's the weekend or a weekday. I recommend the street markets like the Goldfish and Flower markets in Mongkok. The Peak is a must and do try the Peak Tram. The Aqua Luna is nice for a dinner cruise around the harbour. And hiking is something that many of our guests like to do – there are so many good trails. 最愛的香港食物: 我的朋友們來港時都喜歡吃叉燒包,我 則特別喜歡焗叉燒包。燒鵝也是另一道 香港有名的美食,我最喜歡灣仔的甘飯 館的燒鵝。 給旅客的訪港行程建議: 大多數旅客訪港前已制定好出行計 劃,視乎當天是平日或周末,我會建 議酒店顧客先到餐廳享用點心自助餐 或一頓豐盛的早餐。我推薦旅客到旺 角的金魚街或花墟等市集逛逛。太平 山頂是必到之處,還可試試乘坐山頂 纜車。遊客還可乘坐張保仔帆船暢遊 維港。很多遊客喜歡去行山,香港也 有許多不錯的行山徑。
Star Ferry
Big Bus Tours
sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。
Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。
Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。
Ferries leave from Central pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.50 – $3.40.
2723 2108
$168 (Adult 成人) $118 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888
Disney and Marvel Theme Magical World
Ocean Park
The Peak Tram and The Peak Tower
Different famous Disney cartoon characters will greet you here at Magical World! There are special sound, smell and lighting effects to create a whole new experience. The Luminous Disney Zone is one of the highlight of the exhibition. It brings you into the fantasy and incredible luminous Disney World with endless surprises! 迪士尼著名卡通人物雲集,以不同的立體造型和大家見 面,為了令大家能親臨其境,特別加入聲效、光效及 氣味,是全新視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺的感官新體驗。 重點推介迪士尼夜光畫區,在漆黑中為你帶來無窮的驚 喜,帶你進入奇幻不可思議的迪士尼夜光世界!
Walk through the impressive Aqua City’s Grand Aquarium with up to 5,000 kinds of tropical fish and sea creatures, visit giant pandas or board Hong Kong's best roller coasters. 海洋公園呈獻全新主題區夢幻水都,讓你參觀令人 驚嘆的海洋奇觀,探訪超過5,000條魚類,包括熱 帶魚和各種海洋生物。另外,還可以親親大熊貓及 欣賞各種海洋動物的精彩表演。
Dating back to 1888, The Peak Tram is a steep funicular railway that allows passengers to enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong. At the top, The Peak Tower is an attraction in itself, with fun shopping, dining, and entertainment. 山頂纜車自1888年開始行駛至今,接載乘客往返 陡峭的山坡,俯視香港壯觀迷人的景色。山頂凌霄 閣是集購物、飲食及娛樂於一身的著名旅遊景點。
$168 (Adult成人) $120 (Child aged 3-11;3歲至11歲小童) $120 (Senior aged 65 or above;65歲或以上長者) 1F Hilton Place 96 Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui East 尖沙咀東加連威老道32-40號希爾頓大廈1樓 2721 9318
$385 (Adult 成人), $193 (Child 小童). Take special bus 629 from Central Pier 7 or from Admiralty MTR, exit B. 於中環近大會堂或港鐵金鐘站B出口乘坐629專 線巴士。 3923 2323
The Peak Tram departs every 10-15 min from the Peak Tram Station, Garden Road, Central. Board the Peak Tram shuttle bus No. 15C at the Central (Near Star Ferry Pier 8) Bus Terminus. 山頂纜車每10-15 分鐘由中環花園道纜車總站 開出,可由中環乘坐15C(天星碼頭8號碼頭附 近)穿梭巴士前往花園道山頂纜車站。 One-way 單程: $32 (Adult 成人), $12 (children and seniors 小童及長者); Return 來回: $45 (Adult 成人), $20 (children and seniors 小童及長者).
迪士尼及漫威主題 4D 奇幻館
Premium Tour 豪華套票 HK$450 (Adult 成人) HK$400 (Child 小童)
天際100香港觀景台 | OCTOBER 2016
Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港濕地公園
Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism park that's a fantastic spot to enjoy some of Hong Kong’s unique flora and fauna. The park is also home to an impressive cast of wildlife, including birds, butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and fish.. 香港濕地公園是一個世界級的生態旅遊設施,園 內有品種繁多的動物,包括雀鳥、蝴蝶、蜻蜓、 兩棲和爬行類及魚類等。
$30 (Adult 成人) $15 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) 10am-5pm, closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) 星期二休息(公眾假期除外) Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍濕地公園路 3152 2666
Ngong Ping 昂坪之旅
The 25-minute cable car ride shows visitors breathtaking views of Lantau Island and the South China Sea. At the top of the ride is Ngong Ping themed village which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment outlets. 昂坪纜車服務讓旅客享受大嶼山及南中國海風光明 媚的景色,纜車全程約 25 分鐘。登山後,更可到 結合飲食、購物及娛樂於一身的昂坪市集遊覽。
Tung Chung MTR. 港鐵︰東涌站。
Trick Eye Museum Hong Kong
The world-class 3D museum originally from South Korea has descended upon the Peak Galleria Mall, featuring more than 70 brand new 3D art pieces that are tailor-made for Hong Kong branch. Visitors are encouraged to touch, climb onto and interact with the amazing exhibits. 來自韓國原創,享譽國際的人氣3D館強勢登陸太平山頂廣 場!多達70幅全新3D立體畫作,只屬香港館限定,給愛拍 照的您帶來驚喜體驗!
HK$150 (Adult 成人), HK$100 (Child小童/Senior長者) 10:00-22:00 Shop No. 1, Level 3, The Peak Galleria, 118 Peak Road, The Peak 香港山頂道118號山頂廣場3樓 2813 1686
Where to find out more 更多資訊
CityLife readers can enjoy a special offer of 20% discount off regular ticket price. Look for the discount coupon in CityLife's bi-lingual Hong Kong Street map. Ask your hotel concierge for a copy. 《東方之珠》讀者可享正價八折優惠,優惠 券附於《東方之珠》雙語版香港街道圖上, 請向酒店禮賓司索取。
Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯意 見。此外,請瀏覽www.hkcitylife.com查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。
Airport Express 機場快線
MTR 港鐵
Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務
The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$100 (HK$50, child). Round-trip: HK$180. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車 從中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場 需時約 24 分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來 回票價成人每位收費$100(3至11歲小童每位收費 $50),雙程車票$180(有效期為一個月)。
The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。
2881 8888 2881 8888
Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Initial stored value cost per card varies: Child (HK$20), Adult (HK$100), and Elder (HK$20). Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. Airport Express Travel Pass cards are $250 for a single Airport Express journey plus three days' unlimited travel on the MTR, or pay $350 for two Airport Express trips plus three days' MTR travel. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客 服中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了卡成本。首次儲值額分別為小童卡HK$20、成人卡 HK$100、長者卡HK$20。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動從卡內的儲值額中扣除。機場快線旅遊 票包括HK$250的單程票及HK$350的雙程票,兩者均可連續三天無限次搭乘港鐵線。
2266 2222
Taxi 出租車
下旗起計首 2 公里收費 $17-$22 ,其后每 200 米跳 表收費 $1-$1.6 ,詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之 「出租車收費表」上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本 車費,并以港幣支付車資,附加費包括隧道費、 橋樑費、司機回程費和行李載運費,可要求車費 收據。香港法例規定,如出租車內裝有安全帶, 乘客必須佩帶。
2804 2600
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To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。
Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務
To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。
Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜
For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。 •Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國
2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011
To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。
For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length of the 15-kilometre track at $2.30 per adult, $1.20 per child and $1.10 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。成人每位收費$2.3,小童每位收費$1.2, 長者每位收費$1.1,可遊畢長達15公里的車程。乘 客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費於下車時繳付,可 使用八達通卡。
2548 7102
Airport Connection 聯絡機場
Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線
Trams 電車
Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$17-22, with incremental charges of HK$11.6 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.
Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。
International Calls 長途電話
To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1
GENERAL MANAGER Jenny Chan, Hotel Manager at The Royal Garden, shares her experience in the hospitality industry 帝苑酒店酒店經理陳淑貞與我們分享她在酒店業的經歷。
Once when I was young, I was taken to dinner at a five-star hotel; the experience dazzled me – the whole thing seemed so glamorous and professional. So I always thought it would be fashionable to work in a hotel, which I did when I graduated from school. My first position was in front office guest relations with a 5-star hotel. Then I went to another hotel and then was fortunate to join Royal Garden in 1995 in sales and marketing initially and then moving to different positions as I progressed. We are a locally owned and managed hotel, so we do compete differently than international hotels. We have excellent hardware – our atrium is quite unique in Hong Kong; we have seven restaurants, our rooftop Mediterranean-style swimming pool is one of the city’s best, and our location is excellent. Besides marketing the hotel through direct selling and referrals we work hard to leverage social media and our website. Above all, we really try to deliver a personalised service to make all our guests feel like they are at home – and our very low staff turnover rate certainly helps there. That’s why we have a lot of repeat guests.
Jenny Chan 陳淑貞
年輕時去五星級酒店用餐的經歷給我留下深刻印象。那種奢華的環境和專業 的服務令我覺得能在酒店工作是一件很時髦的事,於是畢業後我就進入了酒 店行業。我的第一份工作是在一間五星級酒店的前線部門處理客戶關係。之 後我轉到了另一間酒店,到了1995年,我很幸運地加入了帝苑酒店的銷售 和市場部,之後也在不同部門擔任其它職位。 我們是一間本地營運和管理的酒店,因此我們的經營策略和國際酒店是不一 樣的。我們有出色的硬件設施,帝苑酒店的中庭設計是香港獨一無二的,我 們酒店有七間餐廳,樓頂的地中海風格游泳池是城中最好的泳池之一,酒店 的地理位置十分優越。除了直接銷售和客人介紹之外,我們還致力於管理社 交媒體和網站。最重要的是,我們努力為顧客提供個人化服務,讓他們有賓 至如歸的感覺。極低的員工流失率也起到了很大的幫助,這正是我們有很多 老顧客的原因。 我們酒店最近擴建了三層的天際客房,新的酒店房間基本都是套房,還有一 個設備完善的水療中心——Sky Club,顧客可欣賞到維港壯闊全景。我們 認為這有助於提升酒店的定位,顧客的反饋都不錯。
We are very proud of the latest addition to our hotel – the Sky Tower, which extends the hotel three more floors. The new rooms are basically all suites, we have a beautiful spa – the Sky Club, and the floors enjoy panoramic views of the harbour. We think it really helps to upgrade our positioning of the hotel, and the reaction from our guests has been great.
我最喜歡這份工作可以讓我跟顧客和同事每天交流互動。這個行業是對變化 反應最快的行業,如今世界瞬息萬變,多和其他人交流可以讓你更快地發現 變化和作出應對。一名好的酒店經理應該讓員工時刻充滿動力,感受到自己 是團隊的一份子。如果每個員工都能把酒店當作自己的家,他們一定會盡全 力為顧客提供最好的服務。
My favourite part of the job is interacting with both our guests and co-workers each day. Our industry is always one of the first to feel the impact of any change, and the world is changing rapidly. So talking with people helps me monitor and react to those changes faster. A good hotel manager needs to motivate the team and keep them engaged. If everybody treats this place as home then you know they’ll do their best to serve our guests.
如今管理一間酒店比以前更困難了,行業競爭大,人力資源短缺,社交媒體 的要求更高,顧客的知識更豐富了,需求也越來越多樣化。因此你需要有更 寬闊的知識面和技能,這也是這份工作的有趣之處。
It’s harder to manage a hotel these days: more competition, harder to find people, the demands of social media reactions, more informed guests with more varied needs – you need a bigger skill set to do the job, but that makes my life more interesting. My top recommendation for visitors: The Peak: the panoramic views of the city and the harbour are always mesmerising, even for locals. Visit a local Hong Kong–style restaurant – a Cha Chaan Teng – which best represents local Hong Kong food. And go to places where Hong Kong’s unique East- West culture are best showcased, like Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan and Western District – all currently undergoing lots of interesting changes, Temple Street for its night market, and Tai O, the old fishing village. ■
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我給旅客的建議:到太平山頂飽覽城市全景和維多利亞港的迷人景色,即便 是本地人也會陶醉其中。到充滿地道香港風味的餐廳品嚐美食,茶餐廳是香 港地道美食的代表。還可以去一些中西文化薈萃的地方,例如荷李活道、上 環和西區等,這些地方正經歷一些有趣的變化,更可到廟街夜市和大澳漁村 逛逛。■