Until 12 APR
Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call to see whether the below events are affected. 注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電詢問以下劇場/音樂廳是否開放。
The 45th Hong Kong International Film Festival
The Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) is one of Asia’s oldest and most distinguished platforms for filmmakers, film professionals and filmgoers from all over the world. This year the festival offers a mélange of in-theatre and online screenings. Audiences can enjoy watching new works and experience outstanding films as they choose. HKIFF45 honours Stanley Kwan as this year’s Filmmaker-in-Focus. Kwan has crafted numerous classics and is best known for making films with feminine sensibilities. To celebrate his remarkable career, the festival will showcase 13 of Kwan’s seminal works.
第四十五屆香港國際電影節 香港國際電影節是亞洲享負盛名的電影交流平台之一,同時也是香港大型的文化 活動。本屆活動首度以實體與網上混合模式舉行,展示新片之餘亦欣賞佳作,部 分節目亦會在網上平台同期進行。 本屆電影節的焦點影人關錦鵬導演,以細膩的情感觸覺呈現立體女性形象見稱, 為華語電影史創造無數經典作品。電影節回顧關錦鵬執導的13部佳作,分享他的 光影之路。
Various venue, times and prices 不同地點、時間及票價; 2970 3300; www.hkiff.org.hk
Until 12 APR
Entertainment Expo Hong Kong 2021
Asia's multimedia extravaganza, Entertainment Expo Hong Kong (EE) makes a return in 2021. The Expo again amalgamates film, TV, digital entertainment and music under one roof. It brings spectacular events both online and offline, including the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum, Digital Entertainment Summit and more.
香港影視娛樂博覽 2021 亞洲多媒體娛樂盛事「香港影視娛樂博覽」載譽歸來,於2021年再次集電 影、電視、數碼娛樂及音樂活動於一身,線上及線下同時帶來多項精采活 動。焦點活動包括香港國際影視展、香港國際電影節、香港亞洲電影投資 會、及數碼娛樂論壇等。
Various venue, times and prices 不同地點、時間及票價; 1830 668; eexpohk.hktdc.com/en
Until 19 APR
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 2021
LCSD has set up exquisite garden plots and a Theme Flower Display and Tulip Display at designated parks across 18 districts to virtually present the Hong Kong Flower Show 2021 (Online Flower Show). The Online Flower Show is being held from March 19 to April 19 on the Hong Kong Flower Show dedicated website. Returning with the overall theme "City of Flowers, City of Love", the event features the rhododendron, considered a great beauty of the flower kingdom, as the theme flower. The public will surely enjoy this new experience from the Online Flower Show. During the Online Flower Show period, the Hong Kong Science Museum will present a special exhibition, "Exploring Flowers with Five Senses", to let visitors explore the wonderful world of flowers with their senses. In addition, book displays on flowers and plants will be specially set up in the Hong Kong Central Library and the City Hall Public Library.
香港花卉展覽 2021 將在十八區選定公園設置精緻園圃、主題花花圃及鬱金香花圃,並透過網上形式呈現不一樣的網 上花展。移師至互聯網的花展定於二零二一年三月十九日至四月十九日透過香港花卉展覽專題網 頁進行,以素有「花中西施」雅號的杜鵑花為主題花,並以「全城花.傳承愛」為主題。屆時可 在線上感受嶄新體驗。 網上花展期間,香港科學館會特別安排「花花世界感官遊」展覽,讓您利用五感去探索繽紛的花 花世界;香港中央圖書館及大會堂公共圖書館屆時亦會特設與園藝花卉相關的書籍展覽。
Various venue, times and free admission 不同地點、時間及免費入場; 2970 3300; www.hkiff.org.hk
www.hkcitylife.com | APRIL 2021