Creating Community
June 2021
Mary Ann Young Center 9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55434
Contact MAYC Staff 763-786-9375 Monday - Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM
Mission Statement To enrich the lives of older adults by providing educational, recreation, nutritional, social, informational, and volunteer opportunities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
Stay Connected Are you on our email and phone list? Call 763-786-9375 to make sure MAYC staff have your most recent contact information. Follow or like BlaineParksMN on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Welcome Back to the Mary Ann Young Center In Person Meals Along with Cards and Games are Returning With recent changes in the executive orders, staff are pleased to announce the return of more programs and in person meals. The MAYC kitchen will soon be busy again, with food deliveries coming in from the Volunteers of America Senior Nutrition Program. Once a new VOA food handler is hired and trained, in person meals will return. At this time we are planning to offer both in person and curbside meals in June. All meals must be ordered in advance by calling MAYC staff. In person meals will have a limited capacity. Face masks are no longer required at MAYC for fully vaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue to wear a face mask. For now we plan to continue to offer social distancing when feasible to provide safest environment possible for all to enjoy. Cards and games are back too. Enjoy some of your favorite games with friends at the Mary Ann Young Center. Pre-registration is required. Tuesdays: 1PM-500 Cards Wednesdays: 1PM-Hand & Foot, Mah Jongg Thursdays: 9:30AM-Bridge Fridays: 1PM-Cribbage, Scrabble
Address Service Requested
Mary Ann Young Center 9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine MN 55434
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Look for more programs on page two and on the calendar. For more information and to register, visit to call 763-786-9375.
MAYC Bus Service to Return Round Trip Charge, $1.50 Mary Ann Young Center volunteer drivers are gearing up to once again provide bus service to local residents needing a ride to and from the MAYC for meals and/or activity programs. Call at least 24 hours in advance to request a ride. Pick up times vary depending on your location of residence. Bus capacity will be limited for safety and all riders must wear a face mask. Drivers begin routes at varied times after 9AM each day. Return routes are offered in the afternoon following program conclusion. Current cost for riding the bus is $1.50 round trip. Staff are grateful for the return of most of our former drivers, and the addition of a new driver. Once drivers have renewed their certificates, bus service will begin. Tentative start date: June 7. Anyone interested in being a volunteer driver should call staff at 763-786-9375 for details. It is a great service provided to the older adult community, and days of service are flexible. For additional information and to sign up, call MAYC staff at 763-786-9375.
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In Person Programs Available in June
Creative Corner Thursdays Starting June 3 Tired of working alone or being alone? Lost your inspiration to create? Looking to be creative again? Perhaps this new group is for you. For the past year, many older adults have been isolated from people due to COVID-19. Many have experienced a lack of motivation, inspiration, and companionship. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Changes are on the horizon. The Mary Ann Young Center (MAYC) has a place for you to gather with others to begin or resume arts/crafts project. Your creative outlet may be painting, knitting, crocheting, woodcarving, or other activities. This is your chance for new scenery, adjusting to or creating a new schedule, and a place to get your creative groove back. Nancy, a MAYC volunteer, art teacher, and card player, will be on site for this weekly gathering of artisans and crafters. Nancy will be painting her own projects but will also be available for guidance and assistance. This is a gathering place for creativity, not a teaching class. Participants must register in advance each week. To register or ask questions call 763-786-9375 or visit
Friday, 9 or 10am MAYC Senior Lounge
2nd Monday each month, 10:30-11:30am North Lawn facing the patio
Invite a friend to play pool. One-hour time slots are available to play billiards on Friday mornings. Choose a 9AM or a 10AM start time. Bring your own pool stick or use one from the rack at MAYC. Participants will need to remain at opposite sides of the pool table during play. Call 763-786-9375 to register for a time slot.
Pianist Ardy Vos will be playing the piano on the patio, facing the singers. Bring a lawn chair. Music sheets will be available for each household in a bin. If the temperature is below 65 degrees or there is bad weather, the program will held indoors and available to the first 20 registrants.
Walking Group
Mondays, 1pm (New Time) Tom Ryan B Room
Mondays at 9AM, Meet outside the Entrance of the MAYC
Bingo cards will once again be available to select for yourself. Nickel bingo will be played. Pay one nickel per card per round. Up to 8 card limit per person per game. Coverall: one dime per card or three cards for 25 cents.
Movie Day
Caravan weekly to a designated park. Expect a walking distance of up to three miles. Incentives will be given by staff for milestones of logged walks. Get fit and stay healthy by joining Blaine Trailblazers walking group. For more information, contact Beverly Kronstedt at 763-571-7502.
Wednesday, June 16, 1-3:30pm “The War with Grandpa” “The War with Grandpa” features a star-studded cast including Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Cheech Marin, Jane Seymour, Christopher Walken, and more. Young Peter is not too pleased when his mom makes him give up his room to accommodate Grandpa. All-out war is waged with all sorts of wild and funny schemes to make Grandpa give up the room, but Grandpa and his allies fight back. Rated PG-Comedy. Registration limited to 50.
North Country Jamboree Wednesdays, June 9 & 30, 2:30-3:30pm North Lawn facing the patio The Jamboree band will perform on the patio facing the crowd. The lawn will have a grid prepared for each household to sit within. Bring a lawn chair. Registration limited. If the temperature is below 65 degrees or there is bad weather, the program will be held indoors and available to the first 50 registrants.
Novel Nook (Book Club) Specified Friday each month, 11am -12pm, Oak Room
Wednesdays, 1-3pm Oak Room Bring your own tools, supplies, and projects. No sharing of items. Great conversation is always happening in this group. Limit of 15 participants.
Nintendo Wii Bowling Tuesdays, 9-11am Tom Ryan B Room Get your competitive juices flowing with a fun and friendly game of Wii Bowling. Limit of 16 participants.
Ukulele Group Fridays, 10-11:15am Maple A & B Rooms Bring own music, instrument, and stand. Playing a musical instrument can be very therapeutic. Newcomers are welcome. Limit of 20 participants.
For more information about these programs and to register, contact the MAYC at 763-786-9375 or visit
A novel of the month will be distributed by the library leader, then returned for a new novel the following month. A fun, interactive session discussing the finer points of each novel. Limit: 15 people. June date will be on the third Friday due to the Blaine Festival.
Wheel of Friendship Interactive Educational Session, Tuesday, June 15, 10am
Chaplin and Keaton The Silent Comedians Tuesday, June 15, 7pm
This engaging and interactive presentation offers an opportunity to hit the pause button and reflect on the power, importance, and joy of friendship. At the same time learn some creative resources aimed at ways we can forge meaningful connections with others, even during a pandemic. Spin the Wheel of Friendship, meet Ireland’s answer to Vanna White, and chat about why finding creative ways to engage with others is so crucial to our well-being. Come connect with us and share some laughter, hope, and joy. Together, we will harness the power of friendship and remind ourselves why being there for each other is what matters most. Registration required. This program is limited to the first 25 registrants. For additional information and to register, call MAYC staff at 763-786-9375 or visit
Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton were the premier pioneers of screen comedy. Appearing in dozens of silent films each, the two legends blazed a trail of hilarity that still tickles our funny bones today. In this great class from Movie Man Eric Houston, you will learn about all of the trials, tribulations, joys, and laughter that made the Little Tramp and the Great Stone Face immortal superstars.
The Anoka County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program will offer limited appointments by phone, beginning July 7. Senior citizens and people with disabilities who qualify for a Minnesota property tax refund will be able to book an appointment. Volunteer tax preparers will answer your property tax questions and assist you in filling out your M1PR form, which you will then mail to the MN Department of Revenue.
To watch, visit
For more information, please call 763-324-1480 or visit
Property Tax Refund Assistance M1PR, Minnesota Property Tax Refund
June 2021
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Resources See Calendar for Dates/Times
1:1 Tech Help In person appointments are available at the MAYC. ACCAP Chores and More Help with minor home repairs, housekeeping, and seasonal chores such as spring clean-up. Contact Fred at 763-783-4767, or email, or visit
In Person Programs Started in May Great to See People Back at the MAYC Several in person programs began in May and are off to a good start. We started by offering a mix of outside and inside programs at limited capacities. These programs included walking group, bingo, singalong, a North Country Jamboree concert, ukulele, woodcarving, and book club. For additional information and to register, call MAYC staff at 763-786-9375 or visit
Jewelry Donations Requested for Annual Sale Donations are now being accepted for all types of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. One person’s discards are another person’s treasure. Plans are in the making to resume hosting the jewelry sale in the fall. Call staff at 763-786-9375 to make arrangements to drop off your jewelry donations.
Father's Day Poem By Shelley Johnson, Senior Center Director Fathers are a precious wonder of the world. They come in all shapes and sizes and some will sport a beard. Many enjoy the great outdoors like fishing, hunting, and boating. Others prefer the quiet life of tinkering, reading, or writing. Pride may be a common trait as well as honesty. Love, patience, and kindness are the undisputed key. Sometimes special cars and trucks will really catch their eye. So much so that they can’t resist to make an offer to buy. Children are the pride and joy of all beloved dads. Kids turn to them for a great big hug when boo boos make them sad. A candy treat or shiny coin from his pocket may often land. In the sweet, gentle palm of a child’s outstretched hand. Yes, daddies like to spoil some but mom will not be mad. She knows his heart is good and that the child is oh so glad. So give a shout to those tender guys who sometimes can be shy about taking credit for the smiles of his children passing by. Let us raise a glass to dad today and give a little toast. To a very special man who deserves a great big boast!
Thinking of You On the Mend We wish you the best in your recovery. • Mary Juneau Sympathy Our sympathy goes out to the following families who recently experienced the loss of a loved one. • Mary Lou Beecher, age 87, survived by loving sister and brother-in-law, Shirley and Gail Tilton. • Lily Homan, age 71, survived by loving brother, Dick Edwards. • Elaine Neuberger, age 91, survived by loving sister, Ardyce Edwards.
ACCAP Senior Outreach Worker Available For assistance, contact Lisa 763-783-4741 ext. 3, or email, or visit Computer Usage Computers are available for use at the MAYC by appointment on Fridays, 2-4PM. Call to register. Family Caregiver Connection Virtual and phone programs include Caregiver Support Group, Memory Cafe, and Respite. For more information, contact Jill at 763-324-1831. Foot Care Appointments available at the MAYC. Fees are subject to change. Bring a towel. Face masks are required. See calendar for dates and times. Call 763-786-9375 or visit Home Movie Transfer Blaine residents can drop off VHS tapes, 8mm and 16mm film reels, or slides of personal home movies/ photos at MAYC. North Metro TV will transfer the content to a DVD and return everything to MAYC for pickup about one month later. See dates on the calendar and call 763-786-9375 or visit BlaineMN. gov/ByAppointment to set up an appointment to drop off materials. Live 2B Healthy Senior Fitness Virtual and in person classes offered Mon., Tues, and Thurs. Free to Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit members. Other insurance providers may offer discounts. Call Greg at 612-481-7274. Mid-MN Legal Aid Call MAYC at 763-786-9375 to set up a phone appointment. Appointments must be made at least 72 hours in advance. MN Highway Safety & Research Center Online classes available at MN State Services for the Blind Call Paul at 651-539-2328 or Ed at 651-539-2324. Senior Companion Phone reassurance (companion visits) or virtual visits offered by Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. Contact Terry Hollingsworth at 651-310-9459 or email Terry.Hollingsworth@ Senior Linkage Line A link to a local aging expert by calling 1-800-333-2433 or 763-324-1480.
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June Activities Calendar Monday
8am-4pm Movie Drop Off 9-11am Wii Bowling 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Caregiver Group - Phone 11-1pm Legal Aid - Phone 1pm 500 Cards 1-2pm Fitness On-Site
Apricot Chicken, Peas & Carrots, Red Potatoes, Roll, Strudel Bites
9am Walking Group 10am Virtual Fitness 11am-12pm Virtual Respite 1pm Nickel Bingo 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2-4pm Virtual Caregiver Support
Meatballs/Gravy, Egg Noodles, Carrot Coins, Roll, Fruit, Cookie
9-11am Wii Bowling 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Caregiver Group - Phone 1pm 500 Cards 1-2pm Fitness On-Site
Chicken Kiev, Orzo Florentine, Green Beans/Red Peppers, Fruit, Pudding
9-11am Wii Bowling 10am Wheel of Friendship 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Caregiver Group - Phone 1pm 500 Cards 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 7pm Virtual Chaplin and Keaton: Silent Comedians
Quarter Chicken, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Corn, Roll, Cookie
Pulled Pork on Bun, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Fruit ALT: Pulled Chicken
Shepard’s Pie, Green Beans, Biscuit, Orange Jell-O, Mandarin Oranges
9am Walking Group 10am Virtual Fitness 11am-12pm Virtual Respite 1pm Nickel Bingo 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2-4pm Virtual Caregiver Support Sloppy Joe on Bun, Tator Tots, Coleslaw, Fruit, Cookie
9-11am Wii Bowling 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Caregiver Group - Phone 1pm 500 Cards 1-2pm Fitness On-Site
Spaghetti & Meatballs in Marinara Sauce, Italian Veggies, Breadstick, Fruit
9-11am Wii Bowling 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Caregiver Group - Phone 1pm 500 Cards 1-2pm Fitness On-Site
Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, Veggies, Fruit, Strudel Bites
8am-4pm Movie Drop Off 10am-12pm Virtual Memory Café 10:30am-1:15pm 1:1 Tech Help 1pm Woodcarving 1pm Hand & Foot/ Mah Jongg
Beef Stew, Green Beans, Fruit, Cornbread, Cookie
9am Walking Group 10am Virtual Fitness 10:30am Sing-a-long 11am-12pm Virtual Respite 1pm Nickel Bingo 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2-4pm Virtual Caregiver Support
9am Walking Group 10am Virtual Fitness 11am-12pm Virtual Respite 1pm Nickel Bingo 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2-4pm Virtual Caregiver Support
10am News & Views 10am-12pm Virtual Memory Café 1pm Woodcarving 1pm Hand & Foot/ Mah Jongg 2:15-4:15pm Creative Corner 2:30pm Jamboree North Lawn
Beef Lasagna, Mixed Salad Greens, Ranch Dressing, Corn, Roll, Cookie
10am News & Views 10am-12pm Virtual Memory Café
8am-4pm Foot Care 9:30am Bridge Cards 9:30am-4pm Library 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Virtual Caregiver Group 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2:15-4pm Creative Corner
Chicken Caesar Salad, Grapes, Breadstick, Lemon Bar
Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Rice, Broccoli, Fruit, Apple Crisp ALT: Chicken Breast
10am-12pm Virtual Memory Café 1pm Woodcarving 1pm Hand & Foot/ Mah Jongg 1-3:30pm Movie Day
8am Defensive Driving 9:30am Bridge Cards 9:30am-4pm Library 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Virtual Caregiver Group 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2:15-4pm Creative Corner
Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Peas, Roll, Pudding ALT: Chicken Breast
8am Defensive Driving 8am-4pm Foot Care 9:30am Bridge Cards 9:30am-4pm Library 10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Virtual Caregiver Group 1-2pm Fitness On-Site 2:15-4pm Creative Corner
Beef Hot Dog on Bun, Potato Wedges, Raw Carrots/Ranch Dip, Pudding
Blaine Festival
10am Virtual Fitness 10am-12pm Virtual Caregiver Group 1-2pm Fitness On-Site (use West Entrance
Hamburger on Bun, Toppings, Fries, Baked Beans, Pineapples, Cookie
10am-12pm Virtual Memory Café 1pm Woodcarving 1pm Hand & Foot/ Mah Jongg 2:15-4:15pm Creative Corner 2:30pm Jamboree North Lawn
Beef Pot Roast, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Roll, Cake/Frosting
Potato Crusted Fish, Rice Pilaf, Carrots, Bread, Cookie, Fruit ALT: Chicken Breast
9-11am Billiards 10-11am Virtual Respite 10am Ukulele 1pm Cribbage & Scrabble 2-4pm Computer Use
Fish Sandwich on Bun, Mac & Cheese, Veggies, Fruit,Brownie ALT: Chicken Patty
9-11am Billiards 10-11am Virtual Respite 10am Ukulele 1pm Cribbage & Scrabble 2-4pm Computer Use
Turkey/Egg Chef Salad Toppings, Ranch Dressing, Mandarin Oranges, French Bread, Cookie
9-11am Billiards 10-11am Virtual Respite 10am Ukulele 11am Novel Nook 1pm Cribbage & Scrabble 2-4pm Computer Use
Salisbury Steak/Gravy, Sweet Potatoes, Veggies, Roll, Brownie
Blaine Festival
10-11am Virtual Respite
Turkey Cranberry Salad, Pickled Beets, Roll, Fruit, Pudding
Activities Schedule Dining Menu provided by VOA MAYC Programming Preregistration is required, Call 763-786-9375 or visit Provider Programming See resources and articles for how to register. Programs not held at MAYC.
Full Activities Calendar -